They do Things Differently Revisited
By Steam Train
Based on the story They Do Things Differently by Hooked6

copyright 2007 by Steam Train, all rights reserved

This story is authorised for publication by Hooked6 the original author of the story this fantasy is based upon, They Do Things Differently, a story which I greatly enjoyed reading. It explores my ideas on some loose ends that were left unanswered in the original story.

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * *

Mrs. Miller said to the whole room, "If my boys or ANY of you try this stunt again you'll find yourself going without clothes all summer and subject to all the rules of the town council! Do I make myself clear?"

Mrs. Miller didn't notice it, but the Mayor gave a thoughtful look when she said this and stroked his chin with his left forefinger and thumb as though deeply considering her statement.

All the kids present replied, "YES MA'AM!"

"I have half a mind to keep my boys naked anyway just to teach them a lesson. They deserve it after all!" Mrs. Miller said with an evil grin. At hearing her words Paul Miller turned white as a ghost! He knew full well that his mum would do it too if she had a mind to.

Mandy Johnson and Nikki Prescott stood stark naked next to Paul and Sam Miller while Mrs. Miller spoke. When she was through talking, Mandy then whispered through her tears, "Paul, I'll get even with you for

this if it's the LAST thing I do!!"

As Mandy spoke the sound of a car driving quickly up the drive to the Miller residence and skidding to a sudden urgent halt could be heard. All attention was diverted from the four naked miscreants as a raised female voice could be heard calling out instructions. This gave Paul the chance to respond to Mandy's threat.

"Having seen you naked Mandy, you have no chance at getting even, everyone here has seen your flat chest and hairless slit, and soon everyone in Oakwood will know" Paul replied, "Nothing you can do to me will get even for your secret being revealed.

Mandy blushed so profusely she was glad all attention had diverted to the noises coming from outside.

On hearing the car approaching Billy Templeton followed Mrs. Miller onto the front porch to get a look, as did many of the other children in the room, leaving the adults standing alone to watch the four naked children.

"Hurry up boys, don't dawdle, we are late to meet the new neighbors a harassed looking mother was instructing the occupants of the back seats of her van. Another lady was exiting from the passengers' side door and looked equally annoyed that they were late and gave similar orders to others in the van.

Four boys and two girls quickly disembarked from the back section of the van and were ushered up to the Miller house by both ladies.

"I'm sorry we are so late Erica" the driver of the van Mrs. Carol Dubois apologised to Mrs. Miller who had come out to greet them. "It's too long a story to repeat in full but we were running late as it was then Shirley Edwards rang me on the cell to say her junior in the dress shop was off sick and she couldn't get away and could I pick up Sarah from the shop to represent her at the welcoming. Then the van had a flat battery outside the shop and we had to wait for the AAA to come and replace it. What a morning, I do hope we haven't missed everything!"

"Hello Carol, hello Marjorie" Mrs. Miller responded. "I was wondering where you had all got to! You have missed quite a bit of the action but now the four boys and the two girls are here there is plenty more we can go on with.

Billy Templeton recognized the oldest boy as being Jimmy Dubois the boy whose 14th birthday party he had attended yesterday. The way Jimmy had acted at his party it was clear he was fully aware of Paul &Sam Miller's acts of deception just like Nikki Prescott and Mandy Johnson. Two of the younger boys who had alighted were James's younger brothers, Thomas Dubois aged 12 and Mathew Dubois aged 11 both of whom Billy had met at the party.

Billy also recognized the two girls; one was Jenny Brown the 14 year old girl who Billy had also met at the birthday party and like Jimmy had obviously been in on the Miller boys prank. The second girl was attractive 13 year old Sarah Edwards who had not been at the party but who Billy had met the day before when driving the mule to the Edwards house to get some mayonnaise. She too had also been in on the plot because she had threatened to report him to the town council for popping a boner in front of her.

The other boy who alighted from the van was Jenny Brown's younger brother, 12 year old Zac, who Jenny had embarrassingly compared Billy too when she had whispered in his ear at the party, "Don't be embarrassed about not having hair yet. When you get to be 12 it'll start to grow. My brother's did." Like the other boys, Billy had also met him at Jimmy's party.

Billy had wondered why Jimmy, Jenny and Sarah in particular had not been at Mrs. Miller's get-together welcoming and been punished along with Paul, Sam, Nikki and Mandy for he had told Mrs. Miller all about their involvement in the scheme.

Mind you Billy had never expected Mrs. Miller to go as far as actually stripping anyone naked as part of that punishment, but he was well pleased with the revenge Mrs. Miller had created for him on the perpetrators of his humiliation. Was he ever glad he was now fully clothed as his penis was still erect from the sight of

the four naked teenagers and his arousal was at least partially hidden.

Another disturbing thing he was glad was hidden was that he had erected as soon as Paul and Sam had begun to strip. Seeing the boys naked had aroused him well before his penis started throbbing and almost ejaculating at the sight of Nikki's ample breasts and a full but untrimmed scraggly bush and Mandy's humiliating revelation when her padding was removed that she was no better developed than he was with her tiny flat tits and totally hairless genital area.

Mrs. Miller winked at Billy as she passed and went back into the living area of her house.

"Hi Billy, all dressed for a special occasion I see", Jenny Brown said with a smirk as she walked past him as he held the screen door open.

"Yeah a very special surprise occasion' he replied with a huge smile but by then Jenny had passed him.

Sarah just smiled as she passed him. Jimmy slapped him on the shoulder and said "How ya going Billy BOY".

The way Jimmy inflected the word BOY he knew Jimmy was having a shot at his hairless genitals.

The two younger Dubois boys plus Zac Brown followed inside nodding their acknowledgement as they passed followed finally by Mrs. Dubois and Mrs. Brown.

When Billy entered the living room he was greeted by the six newly arrived children lined up, mouths agape with stunned looks on their faces as they stared at the four naked miscreants still standing in the middle of the room.

"Mum their naked" Mathew Dubois spurted out, stating the obvious.

"Yes they are son" Mrs. Dubois responded, taking in the sight of the four naked children and particularly the very well developed bodies of Paul and Sam Miller who she was surprised to see looked much older than their tender 13 years.

Jenny was the first to realise the significance of who was naked before them and guessed why. She turned ready to make a quick escape but her mother's fingers gripped her arm, "Going somewhere Jenny?" Mrs. Brown asked.

On seeing this Jimmy panicked and made a move too, but his mum too stopped his escape before it had even begun.

"Mandy, you ain't got no hair and what happened to your boobs, they were never as big as mine but they sure were bigger than that pancake chest your showing off" Sarah Edwards asked teasingly, then laughed as she pointed at Mandy's tiny almost non existent swell of breast and totally hairless genital area. The consequences of the events unfolding around her had yet to ring alarm bells in her consciousness.

Ignoring Sarah's comment Mrs. Miller said, "It is a pity you were all late, you missed the punishing of my two boys and these two girls for the humiliating stunt they pulled on poor Billy Templeton. As I said earlier before you came, everyone has secrets that they wish to hide from others. What all six of you did along with aided and abetted was help to expose Billy's secrets to the very people he was trying to warm up to, being a newcomer in our town. Well, the secrets of these four are now out in the open like Billy's and with your parent's permission the six of you plus the other seven who attended Jimmy's birthday party are about to join them for your parts in going along with the scheme Mrs. Miller informed the aghast children.

At this news the smirks that had reappeared on the faces of Amy Patterson and Mary Adams, Paul and Sam's girlfriends instantly disappeared. They had sensed that more stripping's were about to take place and were becoming aroused again little realising that they were going to be part of the show.

The thought of possibly seeing Jimmy Dubois who had just turned 14, naked, had appealed to them for mistakenly like Jenny Brown before them, the two girls had thought that Billy was only aged 11 or 12 not nearly 14, when they had seen him naked at the party. They had therefore believed that Paul and Sam were the

first two teenage boys they had ever seen naked. The thought of adding 14 year old Jimmy Dubois to that list had excited them greatly till they heard Mrs. Miller state that they too would be punished because they had attended the birthday party.

"Edgar and Kim Preston, Amy Patterson, Mary Adams, Mary Beth O'Connor, Caitlin Donnelly and Terri-Jean Watson come and stand out here and join Thomas, Mathew and Zac. All ten of you may not have actually told lies and goaded poor Billy into my son's scheme but you went along with it. You allowed Billy to suffer the humiliation of being naked in front of all of you at Jimmy's birthday party without saying a word or objecting. Now you don't deserve the spanking Jimmy, Sarah and Jenny are going to get, just like Paul, Sam, Nikki and Mandy received before, but you do deserve to show everyone your secrets too. So the rest of you who attended the party will be stripping naked for us as your punishment for acquiescing to the scheme to trick Billy."

There were giggles from the boys and girls in the audience unaffected by the new edict. For the terrified children whose names had been called, fear sank through them and their faces turned white as they slowly made their way into the centre of the room or were pushed there by their parents or other adults if reluctant to move.

Sarah Edwards who was always opinionated and outspoken protested, "You can't spank me, my mum isn't here to approve."

"Oh she knows what is planned here today, I rang her last night after I discovered this despicable scheme and we discussed your punishment in detail. When she heard what I planned for my boys she quickly decided you deserved the same" Mrs. Miller informed the now white with fear Sarah.

Mind you Jenny and Jimmy were looking none the better.

To create space in the centre of the living room Mrs. Miller moved Paul, Sam, Nikki and Mandy over to stand next to the side wall but facing into the room, ordering them to keep their hands behind their backs

so everyone would continue to get an uninterrupted view of their naked bodies.

Mrs. Miller with the help of Mrs Brown and Mrs. Johnson moved the group of three miscreants consisting of 14 year olds Jimmy Dubois and Jenny Brown along with 13 year old Sarah Edwards over near the four naked children and then ordered the second group contained the remaining attendees at the birthday party, 13 year olds Edgar Preston, Amy Patterson, Mary Adams, Terri-Jean Watson and Caitlin Donnelly along with 12 year olds Thomas Dubois, Zac Brown, Mary Beth O'Connor and 11 year olds Mathew Dubois and Kim Preston to strip.

"Start undressing all of you" Mrs. Miller commanded, "Well and truly time all of you feel what it's like to stand naked in front of your classmates and peers like you made Billy do all week."

"No one's making me naked, no way," shouted Edgar Preston, protesting much like Nikki and Mandy had earlier.

"Yeah, no way," echoed Mary Adams in defiance

"Oh, yes they are," said Mr. Preston and Mrs. Adams almost simultaneously.

"Now strip all of you and no covering up when you're undressed!" Mrs. Miller ordered again.

One look by Edgar at his fathers face told him not to protest any more no matter how badly he wanted to keep his secrets secret.

Very reluctantly and not without threats of further punishment from parents, a variety of shirts, blouses, tops, trousers, shorts and skirts were removed followed by undershirts, boxers, briefs and bras. Finally four more blushing boys and six more blushing girls stood naked in the center of the room complimenting the four already naked children as everyone got their first looks at the newly revealed bodies and what a wide cacophony of naked bodies was revealed to the staring audience.

All the boys despite the humiliation of their predicament were fully erect. They had been so since spying the naked bodies of Nikki and Mandy.

11 year old Mathew Dubois was just on 5 feet tall and had blonde curly hair, blue-eyes and a clear complexion. He was a strong looking farm boy, with an athletic build. He had a hairless but very prominent 4 ( inch circumcised penis much to his oldest brother Jimmy's chagrin when he saw it. They had separate bedrooms at home and the three Dubois boys kept their body secrets just that, secret!

The other Dubois brother, 12 ( year old Thomas Dubois was 5 feet 5 inches tall and like his younger brother was blond headed and well build from working the farm. He had just begun puberty. Already his shoe size was bigger than his older brothers and like his younger brother he was well endowered in the genital department. His 4 ( inch circumcised erection was only just bigger than his younger brothers but his scrotum hung lower displaying his plump testicles unlike his younger brothers still tight but plump ball sack. Also unlike his younger brother and to the amazement of his older brother, Jimmy, the base of Thomas's penis was topped by a small thin semi circular covering of downy light brown pubic hair.

The class jock, five foot seven inch tall Edgar Preston lived up to his reputation when stripped naked. He was a well hung 13 year old like Paul and Sam. The already considerable length of his tightly circumcised 5 ( inch penis compared to his still developing body made him appear even more endowered. His body was tight, lean and supple with the developing lines of hard muscles just beginning to form. His already thick bush of pubic hair above his penis was fine, almost silk like, instead of the coarser hair of Paul and Sam. Edgar's low hanging scrotum was still hairless as was his chest and stomach but wisps of pit hair could be seen sticking out from his arm pits.

Despite her humiliating situation Nikki's nipples were erect and she could feel her juices embarrassingly moistening between her legs as she viewed the naked body of Edgar Preston. He might be two years younger

than her but it was now totally obvious why Edgar was his classes' jock.

The final naked boy was 5 foot 3 inches tall 12 years old, Zac Brown, Jenny's younger brother. Zac was slightly stocky of build but by no means fat. As Jenny had asserted at the birthday party to Billy, Zac had started puberty and did have some pubic hair, but now revealed naked before the assembled crowd it was plain to see he had only just started!

He had only a thin smattering of short black pubic hairs that had begun to grow between his scrotum and penis, plus a little patch of hair on each side of his penis but none above it. Billy thought it looked a bit weird with it growing like that but at least Zac had pubic hair whereas Billy had none! Zac's testicles were bigger than Billy's too about the size of large olives; his scrotum had not yet dropped but its plump state clearly displayed his maturing testicles. His penis had yet to grow with the onset of puberty and was fully erect at 3 ( inches.

The girls who had been forced to strip along with the boys also presented a wide variety of contrasts in body shape and development.

Five foot three inch tall 13 year old Amy Patterson blushed profusely as everyone present but especially her boyfriend ogled her naked body. She had small 'A' cup breasts but they were already firm and shapely, capped with sharp, pink nipples. Nestled between her slender thighs she had a soft but thick, pale brown bush of pubic hair that totally covered her female secrets.

Paul Miller was franticly trying to control his body urges as he watched his girlfriend slowly and hesitantly undress. His penis was erect and throbbing as Amy stripped down to her pure white bra and panties. When her fingers unhooked her bra strap and she slipped it from her shoulders revealing her firm shapely breasts, Paul moaned so load from his efforts of trying to contain himself that all eyes turned momentarily to him just as Amy lowered her panties. The sight of Amy's thick, pale brown bush of pubic hair was the final catalyst and unaided his penis

spasamed and semen began to shoot out over the floor in front of him. Momentarily Paul forgot where he was and who was watching him and for an instant just enjoyed the feeling.

The audience especially the other girls present watched fascinated, or disgusted, or both at Paul's humiliating action. Until that day some had never seen a penis, now they had not just seen a number of penises but had watched a boy actually shoot his load without even masturbating himself. Paul's ecstasy was short lived as his mother threatened another spanking and then ordered him to go to the kitchen, get some paper towel and clean up the mess as the other children continued to undress.

Sam Miller didn't know where to look. He was fascinated by his brother's public ejaculation but also couldn't break his eyes away from his girlfriend who like Amy was undressing before his very eyes. Truth be told Sam was a little disappointed when he saw his girlfriend 13 year old Mary Adams naked. An inch shorter than Amy she didn't have anywhere near as much in the way of breasts as her best friend, just gentle 'AA' swellings, caped with perky nipples that were a dark pink, almost brown in colour; her areolas were slightly lighter and swollen. Down below unlike Amy she only had a few wisps of dark brown hair that obviously had only recently started to grow, fringing but not yet hiding her still immature slit and a very sparse scattering of short wispy hair just beginning to grow on her pubic triangle.

The two girls from Paul and Sam's class who had been standing next Amy earlier were still standing next to her in the middle of the room, for they had also attended the birthday party.

The first of these girls, 13 year old Caitlin Donnelly had the added humiliation that her brother 15 year old Charlie was standing almost directly in front of her alongside Mrs. Donnelly goggle eyed and with not just a smirk but a huge smile on his face. Caitlin was sure that Charlie had been trying to spy on her lately when she was in the bathroom or changing in her room and had therefore been extra careful since her breasts began to bud and her pubic hair appeared to make sure

her perverted brother didn't get a look.

Now Charlie's secret desire to see his sister naked had been presented to him on a plate. Before him and the assembled crown Caitlin was forced to reveal her well developing 'B' cup breasts, which were firm and round, and topped by pale pink little nipples. Between her flaring hips her crotch was partially covered with a small sparse triangle of auburn pubic hair that flowed down fringing but not yet fully covering her developing and already prominent pink lips.

The second girl, 13 year old Terri-Jean Watson had small rounded 'A' cup breasts with light pink nipples. The smallest growth of wispy brown pubic hair fringed Terri's pink slit and then formed a small tight pubic triangle above that was nearly thick enough to begin hiding most of her female secrets.

12 year old Mary Beth O'Connor also had cute little 'A' cup breasts, which were firm and pointed with prominent, dark pink nipples. Being a year younger than Caitlin and Terri-Jean she had less pubic hair than them between her thighs. Around her only slightly pronounced vertical slit which showed just a hint of pink pussy lips was a fine fringe of curly pubic hair.

11 year old Kim Preston's crotch was totally bald; her exposed slit was still girl like, being unpronounced and tight. Her breasts however were showing the first signs of developing, with budding light brown cone-shaped nipples on a very gentle swell of flesh.

Standing totally naked and exposed over on the side of the room, disgusted by Paul's gross behaviour next to her, Mandy Johnson was disappointed and extremely embarrassed that none of the other girls her age were as poorly developed as she was. Even Mary Adams who she had tormented in class for being flat chested compared to Mandy's secretly padded boobs, in reality had with her tiny 'AA' cups more tits than Mandy had and Mary at least had some pubic hair, whereas everyone now knew she was still totally bald!

Once everyone was undressed and their naked bodies exposed to the peering eyes of the children and adults present in the room Mrs. Millers moved proceedings

along, directing the newly naked children to go stand next to the other already naked children. Glad to be away if ever so slightly from the centre of attention they readily complied.

"Right now you three" addressing Jenny Brown, Sarah Edwards and Jimmy Dubois, "Time to join the others in revealing your secrets, before your spankings. Strip!!!!!' Mrs. Miller ordered.

Sarah Edwards was still defiant. "No I won't!" she shouted back at once.

"Your last warning girl" Mrs. Miller warned waving her finger at the insolent girl, not used to being defied.

"No, you can't make me" Sarah continued to protest.

"Yes I can," a very angry Mrs. Miller informed Sarah.

"You have already earned yourselves a spanking for what you did to poor Billy but it can be far worse if you don't co-operate missy."

I am not doing this, I am not a little girl, I'm the Captain of the Oakwood School Intermediate Cheer Squad, I won't be treated like this, you can't make me" Sarah continued to protest.

"Start stripping now or I will personally remove all your clothes" shouted a now very furious Mrs. Miller as she began to move toward Sarah, at the same time signaling for Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Preston to give her a hand.

If Sarah had started to get the message that she was about to be stripped naked she didn't show it.

Paul was hoping Sarah would back down at this point because he had never seen his mum so furious and from his personal experience. He knew that his mum would readily do what she was threatening.

"No I wont" Sarah haughtily declared, "I'm out of here, this is child abuse."

Gasps of amazement and surprise could be heard from

the audience at her defiance.

Seeing the adults moving towards her Sarah quickly made a dash for the front door, but before she took more than four steps Mr. Preston grabbed her and despite her struggles Mr. Preston with the assistance from Mrs. Johnson held her tight as Mrs. Miller, began stripping the clothes off her, her joggers and socks, her jeans and blouse. Sarah was rapidly heading to be as naked as the others.

The franticly struggling red faced Sarah was now down to her bra and panties. In keeping with Sarah's image as the captain of the intermediate cheer squad her panties were a red super brief thong, though her bra didn't continue the image as it was a rather old fashioned solid white affair.

Despite Sarah's frantic struggle to free herself from her captors Mrs. Miller moved around to Sarah's back and unhooked her bra letting it dangle in front of her for a few seconds keeping her secrets covered whilst Mrs. Miller moved back to the front and grabbing the red thong pulled it down around her ankles before reaching back up and removing the loose hanging bra.

Sarah screamed "Noooooooo" and blushed profusely.

Sarah franticly tried to cover up, but her hands were still being held away from her body, revealing her naked body to everyone present.

There were gasps of surprise then bursts of laughter at what was revealed. Even though Sarah Edwards was like Billy, only a few months shy of being fourteen, Sarah was still totally hairless between her legs, exposing her smooth undeveloped furrow which ran down the middle of the lily white triangle of skin between her legs, before disappearing from view between her legs! But that wasn't the biggest surprise. The biggest surprise was that her breasts were almost non existent; all she had were tiny cone-shaped brown nipples that stuck out straight and firm from her otherwise flat chest. The old fashioned white bra had had a definite purpose, it was heavily padded to produce her 'cheer leader sized boobs' that she paraded at every opportunity especially out in front

of the crowds at the school sporting events.

"Well, well," said Mrs. Johnson, "Looks like Sarah's been pretending to be a young lady when in truth she is no more than a little girl, just like my daughter!"

The other two miscreants waiting their stripping needed no further convincing as to what they had to do and as soon as all the action with Sarah had concluded. It only took a short command of, "Well what are you two waiting for?" from Mrs. Miller to make Jimmy and Jenny strip off all their clothing.

Dark haired 14 year old Jenny Brown was of medium height around 5 feet 4 inches tall. Her breasts were well developed and firm, making them stick out straight from her chest even minus her bra. Her belly was smooth and flat, leading to her pubic area, crowned by her inner puckering navel. Her female sex was hidden by a thick tuft of dark pubic hair, a small triangular patch that hadn't yet overtaken her entire crotch. Unlike some of the younger girls present, her slit was hidden from view by a thick growth of straight pubic hair that fringed its sides. She was however still very much a young woman, for her hips were still almost straight and her bottom and thighs were still skinny.

Newly turned 14 year old Jimmy Dubois had blond hair like his younger brothers. He stood 5 foot 5 ( inches tall, only half an inch taller than his brother Thomas. Though well built from working the farm he was forced to reveal to all present but especially his brothers and Billy, that like Billy, Mandy and Sarah he was a late developer. Like all the other boys he was fully erect displaying his pencil thin circumcised penis which only erected to 4 inches, shorter and thinner than both his younger brothers. His testicles showed some signs of developing as his scrotum was beginning to hang down just a little bit, though it hung no where near as much as the ball sack of his 12 year old brother Thomas.

At 14 years of age Jimmy was like Billy, still a totally hairless little boy! When the youngest brother Mathew who was standing naked over to the side of the room noticed his eldest brothers genital size Mathew

lost all shame and a smug grin spread across his face. He knew he really had his big brother on this score. Jimmy was blushing profusely very conscious of his newly revealed hairless state, which he knew was emphasised by the growth of pubic hair on his brother Thomas' body.

When all three were totally naked and all their previously hidden secrets had been thoroughly viewed by all present Mrs. Miller said, "The penalty for sporting a hard-on in front of girls, which all the naked boys here including you Jimmy, currently have and I suspect many of the dressed boys have too was decreed to Billy to be fifty whacks with a cane."

This comment wiped the smirks from the faces of most dressed boys in the room and instead bought blushes and shy looks from them. Mrs. Miller noticed that a few fathers were blushing too!

"The other naked boys" Mrs. Miller continued, "I am excusing from this spanking but not you Jimmy because you played a major part in my son's deception of Billy. And don't you two girls think your getting out of this either, we parents have already decided as Nikki and Mandy can testify that a girl who purposefully teases a boy with her body so that he ends up with a boner are equal to boys in every way and so deserves the same punishment as the boys!"

"Mrs. Miller you can't give me 50 whacks, that's way too much' Jimmy pleadingly asserted.

"Oh I won't be Jimmy. the Mayor will be," Mrs. Miller answered confidently. "Your Honor, are you still happy to administer these well deserved punishments?"

"Yes, yes of course, gladly my dear, gladly!" the Mayor replied.

"Please mum, stop this, please!" Jimmy begged his mother.

Before his mum could reply the Mayor grabbed Jimmy and pushed him over so that his hands rested on his knees.

"Grab your knees please son." The Mayor said politely.

"That will steady you and before you know it this will all be over."

The Mayor may have been a short man, but he was of strong farming stock. WHACK! The first blow landed on Jimmy's naked bottom.

"Owwwww!!" Jimmy cried out. He had been spanked before though not in the last few years since he was a teenager. This was far more painful than any spanking he had ever experienced. His father and mother usually spanked through his clothing with their hands, the Mayor was using a cane on his bare buttocks.

"Oh please mummy, please stop him!!!!!" Jimmy said already openly sobbing as his classmates and peers giggled at his distress.

WHACK! The second blow found Jimmy's backside resulting in more tears before the mayor began to methodically cover every part of Jimmy's bottom with hard whacks just like he had done to the four previous miscreants. He was very careful to get the most sensitive crease at the bottom of Jimmy's buttocks where it becomes thigh. These whacks provoked Jimmy into extra loud cries. Even though Jimmy was a fourteen year old teenager, in pretty good shape, he was soon bawling, just like a eight year old, totally out of control much to the amusement of the audience, especially his two younger brothers. Jimmy knew that each spank and each cry lowered his status with his peers but the pain was such that he could do nothing about it!

At last the Mayor stopped punishing Jimmy's bottom and told him to stand up. As soon as he did the pain in his buttocks was such that Jimmy immediately began to dance around the room in front of all the assembled guests, rubbing his very red bottom as his penis flipped in every direction whilst he howled loudly in his own very personal interpretation of the dance of the spanked.

The Mayor beckoned to Sarah next. Sarah had begun quietly sobbing whilst jimmy's punishment was being inflicted and now the sobbing crescendoed but unlike her undressing she did as she was told this time and

went to the Mayor without a struggle, her resolve totally broken and shattered by her stripping and the revelation of her little girl like body to everyone present. Once she was in position she heard giggles from behind her and realized that her bald feminine charms were in plain view of those behind her.

The Mayor then raised the cane and gave Sarah a hard whack right in the middle of her immature adolescent bottom. Sarah howled!

Mandy grinned like the Cheshire cat!

What a fall from power Sarah was experiencing from hottest most sought after cheer leader to immature little girl. The best part though Mandy was going to be that attention would be diverted from her equally immature body state, once word of Sarah's deception and immature body got about the community and the school. Finally someone worse off than her in the development stakes with more to loose had been revealed.

The Mayor spanked Sarah's ever reddening bottom with the cane a lot more. In just a few minutes her lily white buttocks were bright red and at the other end Sarah was not just sobbing but bawling uncontrollably.

As soon as the mayor let Sarah stand up, she like Jimmy started hopping up and down rubbing her tender red bottom. Like Jimmy she put on quite a show for the appreciative audience.

Soon Jenny was positioned bending over, face down, bottom up, like the others before her.

The Mayor raised the cane with his right hand and started spanking Jenny. She started shrieking after the first whack and kept it up as the Mayor alternated bum cheeks. She was kicking out her legs and bucking her bottom around but maintained her stance with great effort, fearing even more whacks if she broke position.

The Mayor kept up the tempo of the spanking right through the 50 whacks and by the end Jenny's buttocks were a deep cherry red. When the Mayor finally

released her from her position of punishment any thoughts of her modesty were forgotten as Jenny too did the dance of the spanked, hopping up and down and running around, rubbing her red, burning posterior as her breasts bobbed up and down.

Billy felt totally satisfied and revenged that everyone who had tricked his mother into exposing his naked body had been well and truly punished and humiliated but Mrs. Miller had one last surprise up her sleeve.

"I have threatened to keep my boys naked at least for today and maybe for longer just to teach them a lesson. A lesson they justly deserve after all!" Mrs. Miller said with an evil grin. "However by their rampant erections despite being punished for sporting a hard-on in front of females they don't seem to have learnt their lesson very well. In fact Paul was so aroused at seeing Amy Patterson naked that he ejaculated and Sam was not much better, dribbling pre cum all over my floor."

"When Mrs. Johnson commented on how well developed my two boys were and after seeing how poorly some others are developed I have decided that if I left my two boys naked for a week or so they would after getting over their initial embarrassment soon start parading their manly assets about and cause even more problems so I have come up with a way of putting both my boys well and truly in their place. I have decided they shall go without pubic hair as long as they are kept naked, after all you can't claim to be a man or woman if you don't look like one" Mrs. Miller announced.

The announcement bought gasps from the audience and a renewed blush to the faces of Billy, Jimmy, Mandy and Sarah but it was even more upsetting for Paul and Sam. They were very proud of their thick manly pubic bushes, hairy plump balls and hairy arm pits, now they would be as bald as a ten-year-old making their 6" erections and plump low hanging ball sacks look ridiculous.

Still standing next to Paul, Mandy Johnson whispered again in Paul's ear, "Told you I'll get even with you for today if it's the LAST thing I do, well it looks

like your mum's going to do that for me!!".

Paul blushed the deepest shade of crimson Mandy had seen on his body all day and he had certainly blushed a lot already. She knew she had hit the mark big time with her comment.

"Billy seeing you were the target of my son's prank I would like to ask you to come forward and shave both Paul and Sam bald like little boys" Mrs. Miller said smiling at Billy.

Billy stepped forward nervous but thinking that he had died and gone to heaven. He had never though he would ever get the chance to reduce Paul and Sam back to looking like little boys as bald as he was. He was also hoping that no one was looking too closely at his shorts as his penis was quickly responding to this pleasurable task.

On instructions from Mrs. Miller, Billy first moved Paul so that he lay down on the floor on his back. Mrs. Miller then disappeared and returned with the shaving utensils before telling Billy, "Please, clip Paul's pubes." as she handed the nervous Billy a pair of scissors. Aware of what was about to happen Paul started to object again to his mother, but his she just told him to shut up and stop whining like a crybaby.

Billy did his task thoroughly and with nervous enthusiasm and it took just a few minutes to reduce Paul's thick lush bush to mere stubble.

"Done, Mrs. Miller" said Billy excitedly as he surveyed his handy work. Some of the children in the audience even applauded his comments.

"Good, now shave him." Mrs. Miller said as she handed Billy a water bottle, razor and shaving cream.

Billy squirted some water on Alex and covered him with the shaving cream and then he took the razor and shaved off Paul's pubic stubble until his groin was totally smooth. On Mrs. Miller's instructions he even shaved off the hairs that were growing on Paul's scrotum and under his arm pits along with the peach

fuzz that was growing up to his navel before turning him over and shaving off the few hairs growing around his anus.

Then he rinsed and dried Paul as if he was a baby, even lifting his legs so that he could dry between them. When he did this there were giggles from behind him as those standing there along with Billy saw those parts of Paul where the sun never shines and no one ever normally sees!

With Paul reduced to a hairless boy, Sam was next to be laid on the floor and the procedure repeated.

Once the shaving was completed Mrs. Miller invited everyone present including the 17 naked children to partake in refreshments. The main topic of conversation was how effective the punishment sessions had been in improving the behaviour levels of the children stripped naked and especially those that the Mayor had thrashed and Mrs. Miller had shaved.

Ominous for even those children present who were dressed was the Mayor's statement that he saw a lot of potential in Mrs. Miller's naked punishment initiative. The county had a juvenile delinquency problem over the long summer holidays and as morally questionable, silly and absurd, Paul Millers scheme that all boys under 15 had to be naked during summer may have seemed at first, the results the Mayor had seen on the behaviour of the boys and girls stripped naked and especially those spanked with the cane had him seriously thinking of setting up a county ordinance to that effect during the summer holidays.

As conversation raged in the living room the heat of the summer's day rose as the time approached late morning and with so many bodies crammed into one area the temperature in the room became unbearable.

"Children, children!!!" Mrs. Miller called out, "It's getting to hot in here, take what food and drinks you want and go outside so we adults can talk in a bit more comfort here in the house."

Mrs. Miller reminded her two boys that they were to stay naked and when a number of the other naked

children went to collect their clothes they were told by their parent to go outside as they were. Mrs. Johnson summing up the feeling of most when she said, "I see no reason for my daughter to have different rules to your boys. They are all tarred with the same brush."

As the again blushing cohort of 17 naked boys and girls exited the front door for the yard accompanied by at least the same number of dressed children aged from 6 to 16 snickers and giggles could be heard from the dressed children who were lauding their dressed status over their naked peers. Billy was enjoying being one of the ones dressed whilst all those who had seen him naked were now naked themselves.

His reverie however was to be short lived.

With a big smirk on his face Caitlin Donnelly's older brother 15 year old Charlie said to Edgar Preston, "Man that must be so embarrassing having to go outside naked and stand around, I would never let anyone make me do that, not even as a punishment."

Unfortunately for Charlie his mother was standing talking to Mrs. Templeton and Mrs. Johnson near the front door and heard his comment as he walked out.

Mrs. Johnson looked at Mrs. Donnelly and a wicked smile crept across both ladies faces.

"Charlie Donnelly, I heard that comment" Mrs. Donnelly called out. "Before you step off the front porch take off all your clothes and leave them neatly in a pile till we are ready to leave, you can join the others in this new experiment!"

Instantly all noise and conversation dropped, you could hear the birds chirping in the trees outside. In particular Charlie's younger sister Caitlin who was about to step outside, stopped and came and stood close by her brother, revenge for having to strip naked in front of him earlier, paramount in her mind.

"What? You can't mean everything off! I haven't done anything wrong. Charlie protested.

"Oh I mean it son and as for your statement that 'you would never let anyone make you strip naked' well just try defying me! If you don't undress straight away Charlie, you will find that there is any number of adults willing to help you undress just like Sarah Edwards discovered earlier."

Charlie blushed then went out onto the porch and began undressing. His bluff had been called and he knew his mother would win out. To make matters worse his sister was staring at him just like he had stared at her earlier. Edgar Preston came and stood beside him watching Charlie undress, a smirk on his face. "Yep your right Charlie it is so embarrassing having to go outside naked and stand around, but as for never letting anyone make you naked, well sometimes it's just better not to open your mouth."

Slowly the humiliated and embarrassed Charlie stripped naked revealing a well developed body with a smooth and skinny chest, an uncut penis which erect was an impressive six inches long. Charlie had a lot of crotch and scrotum hair and a cute thick happy trail running up to his innie navel.

Mrs. Templeton looked at the well developed teenage body of Charlie and realised that over the last days since she had made Billy strip naked she had grown used to enjoying the visual splendor of Billy's youthful and hairless form with his still small and somewhat under-developed 3 inch erect penis and developing olive sized testicles which to Billy's great humiliation and embarrassment he had proven on a number of occasions recently were quite capable of producing ejaculate even if he looked totally pre pubescent.

For Mrs. Templeton therefore, it didn't take any more than Mrs. Donnelly's actions to make her decide that Billy and his younger brother Timmy should be naked too. If for no other reason she rationalized the lack of washing this last week had been a god send to her.

Even though Billy had spent days naked, being told to undress again with all the adults standing around looking at him along with a whole heap of extra children who had not seen him naked made him hesitate

momentarily. Mrs. Templeton was patient and did not rush her son, realising it was not an easy thing for him to do. His 6 year old brother Timmy had no such hesitations and was soon naked and running off to play outside. Billy knew just like Charlie that he had no real choice and began removing his clothing. Being the new kid in town most of the other kids stopped and watched as he stripped.

To Billy's surprise Jimmy Dubois came over to him and between rubbing his still throbbing bottom, helped fold up Billy's clothing as he undressed.

"Want to join my team in a game of baseball. I think we baldies need to stick together and show everyone that the size of our dicks or our lack of body hair has nothing to do with what type of person we are!"

Billy smiled and said, "Thanks Jimmy BOY, I sure would."

Jimmy chuckled through his pain, "I deserved that I guess" I was really caught out wasn't I"

"Yep, big time" Billy replied.

Billy didn't have long feeling uncomfortable whilst naked in front of all the other dressed children. The actions of Mrs. Donnelly's and Billy's mum were the catalyst for many other parents, encouraged by the Mayor's support, to issue similar orders.

To the horror of all the other dressed children, one by one their parents followed the lead set and ordered their children to undress on the porch and join the ever increasing naked throng of children out in the yard.

A wide variety of different shaped and developed bodies continued to be revealed from 16 year old females with near perfect natural pear-shaped breasts and males with impressive well hung genitals and rampant body hair to flat chested nymphs and prepubescent hairless little boys.

Even parents who were very prudish and didn't really approve of this extreme measure felt peer pressure and

gave in. The last of the dressed children to be ordered to strip naked were Pastor Roberts's two children, 13 year old Mathew and 11 year old Lucy.

Mathew was tall for his age with a thick set body and dark hair. He squirmed with embarrassment as he stripped naked revealing that his body was at the earlier stages of puberty. He had a small cute patch of dark pubic hair above his penis which had lengthened considerably of late and was now erect at near 5 inches. His hairless scrotum was plump and well developed though it was still tucked up tight and did not hang down like some of the other naked boys his age.

His sister Lucy like Kim Preston had just the bumpy beginnings of breasts on her chest. Nonetheless, she was old enough not to want to show these in public and was blushing profusely as she was forced to strip naked in front of her peers. Also like Kim there was not much to see between her thighs, just a slightly bulging, bald vulva.

By the time the Mayor left the Miller residence he had convinced Mrs. Miller that her son's idea with some variations had great merit as a juvenile social mechanism and when all the other adults present also affirmed their support, Paul Millers scheme to trick Billy looked like it was set to come back to haunt him big time.

All the children present were looking very worried and nervous because they now knew that the Mayor was seriously considering proposing to Council that they declare an official county ordinance that made it compulsory for all boys and girls aged 3 to 16 to be nude at all times during the summer school holidays. Continued Juvenile misbehavior would be dealt with firmly by the use of the cane and shaving would be allowed as a humiliation tool to effect behavioral change. Combined the Mayor hoped these changes would allow the excessive modesty and bad behavior tendencies of the juveniles of his county over the summer holidays to disappear just like all their clothing had done today!

The gates to the new world of well-behaved, naked spanked children now lay open before the juvenile population of Oakwood, and to their horror and consternation, all they could do was walk in, pushed along if they even hesitated by their enthusiastic parents!

The End.