A Series Of Most Unexpected Humiliations Chapter 2
by Steam Train

copyright 2007 by Steam Train, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 2: Peeping Tom.

"Ok quickly guys into Rowena's wardrobe before the girls come up" Tom Forest instructed his buddies Brady Carrington and Billy Hazelton.

Brady was almost jumping with excitement at the prospect of what they were about to attempt, but Billy looked more scared than anything.

The three boys had been playing hide and seek upstairs out of the way of Tom's older sister Rowena and her friends who had had a sleepover last night and were currently spread out over the living room floor gossiping.

It was whilst hiding from Billy who was 'In' that Tom hid in his sisters wardrobe and realised that he could see out into the brighter bedroom real easily through the louver slats on the doors but that he remained well hidden in the darkness of the wardrobe. Whilst hiding the idea of sneaking into the wardrobe and waiting till the girls all came up to change before going into his family's swimming pool came into his devious 12 year old mind.

Tom didn't know how long they would have to wait, but as far as he was concerned any wait would be worth it. Since 'Taking Back Control' had come into force Tom's parents had insisted that he be naked in their house and back yard at all times. Brady and Billy had fared no better. Worse still his older sister Rowena had been exempted from the rule. Tom's mother Margaret saying that girls required modesty whereas boys did not and were in fact much too modest and needed to spend time naked so they overcame their modesty.

So from the inception of 'Taking Back Control' Rowena Forest, Tom's sister had seen him and his friends naked on numerous occasions. In fact Rowena often baby sat Brady or Billy or both when their parents were out.

Tom had felt so humiliated the first time he had been made to strip naked before his parents and sister once "Taking Back Control" had been implemented. During the weeks proceeding the implementation of 'Taking Back Control" Tom had began to get more and more nervous once he had found out what his parents had planned for him when the date of implementation arrived.

He knew that at 12 years of age he didn't have any pubic hair unlike a couple of boys in his grade. He hated the thought that his parents and his older sister were going to see him naked and discover just how far away from grown up he really was.

When he had protested about the new rules and how unfair it was that he was going to be made naked in the house and his sister was not, his mother had replied, "Tom, as your father has already explained to you, it is important for boys to learn to become less modest, whereas girls need to have some modesty about their bodies. So when the time comes you're going to be taking off all those clothes of yours that you have been used to wearing."

When the day did arrive Tom had hoped to delay the inevitable and buy himself some more time, maybe even wiggle out of participating in the Forest household 'Taking Back Control' scheme altogether, but that did not happen.

"No dawdling Tom. Get those clothes off now mister," his father instructed as the family gathered in their living room at the appointed hour on the appointed day for the big event.

"I don't want to do this. Don't make me do this!" Tom had begged.

His mother quickly dashed any hopes he may have had left when she replied, "You are doing it, and any more complaints and I will call the community guardians!" Then pointing her finger at him menacingly his mum had said, "Get to it Tom."

"NO!" Tom protested defiantly, the thought of being stark naked bolstering his courage in front of his parents.

"I've had enough of this backtalk" his father said. "You've just proved to me Tom that you need to be treated like a child just as 'Taking Back Control' recommends for boys your age. Your attitude and behaviour has just earned you a spanking."

Mr. Forest then pulled Tom towards him and over his lap and began spanking his bottom! Tom was so taken aback by the indignity of this unexpected spanking and the ever mounting pain in his bottom that he didn't notice the smirk on his sister Rowena's face!

Soon to his shame he was crying out "Owww!!! Stop!!!" Please!!! Please stop!!! Before long his pleas totally ignored he began to cry.

"I will not tolerate backchat or disobedience. When I tell you to do something I expect you to do it! Remember who is now in control in this household" Mr. Forest said emphatically between blows.

By the time his fathers spanking was over Tom knew that his father and mother were obviously very serious about the 'Taking Back Control' initiative and that he had better get used to the idea of being naked at home real quick.

Suitably chastened, Tom slowly began taking his clothes off starting with his shirt, then his shoes and socks. He then proceeded to remove his jeans and gave the discarded clothing to his sister who folded them into a neat pile. Tom after his spanking knew exactly what was expected of him, but as he reached for the waste band of his undies and pulled them down and completely off he was still very embarrassed by the thought that he was now completely naked before his father, mother and sister.

His father and mother just looked at him for a long while whilst he stood there completely naked. His sister also looked at him for quite a while, taking in all of his nakedness, a smile growing ever larger across her face as she studied his youthful and hairless genitals with his small and under-developed penis and balls that looked more like they belonged on a boy of 9 than one 12 years of age.

"Tom," Mrs. Forest said encouragingly, "You look very nice naked. You certainly have nothing to be modest about and now that I have seen you naked you are certainly not too old to be going around this house naked. In no time at all you will become less modest and come to realise that the authorities are right when they say "Little boys should not be so modest".

"This is now normal dress for you whilst you are in this house or in our back yard" Mr. Forest instructed "and the rule applies for any of your male friends who visit us as well, do you hear? Don't you be covering yourself up as if you're ashamed or excessively modest and make sure your friends don't either".

"Yes dad," Tom said as he quickly pulled his hands away from his privates, painfully aware that he was naked where in the past he would have been wearing clothes in front of his family! He was also acutely aware of his exposed naked body and how at 12 he was revealed as being just a little undeveloped boy. What would visitors think when they saw his tiny hairless privates? Even worse Tom thought what would his friends think when they saw what he was like down there?

Taking Back Control was also in force at Brady and Billy's residences so Rowena always had either Brady or Billy or both if she was baby sitting them together, naked and as an added bonus subject to her strict discipline as well. Discipline which was harsh and painful, it was obvious from very early on to the three boys that Rowena enjoyed being able to punish them, especially Billy and Brady who she often minded alone and invariably had them bent over her lap for long periods of time, kicking and screaming as she spanked away on their ever reddening bottoms unsupervised and unaccountable for her actions until such times as the boys broke down completely and cried and bawled like little boys.

Thankfully for the three naked boys crammed into the far left hand section of Rowena's wardrobe they did not have long to wait till the noise of the girls coming upstairs reached their ears. As soon as this happened they forgot the stifling temperature in the wardrobe, as their adrenaline clicked in.

14 year old 9th graders Tammy Frazer and Patti Newman, Rowena's two closest friends were the first to enter the bedroom followed by Rowena's 13 year old neighbor Chrissie Daniels and two 12 year old neighbours Terri Culmane and Kim Lannister. Kim and Terri were in the 6th grade the same grade as the boys at Riverside Middle School. Last girl to enter was Rowena.

The boys held their breath hoping their secret hiding place was not discovered. Tom had chosen this end of the wardrobe because his mother kept her sewing stuff down there and he hoped there was little chance of his sister needing to slide open the doors to that section.

"Wonder where those little twerps are, they are very quite" Rowena stated peering back through her bedroom door out into the hall.

"The quieter the better I say" Tammy responded.

"More likely into mischief, I better go check" Rowena asserted.

"What's wrong with you Ro, forget those twerps and enjoy yourself. Your mums here so your not responsible for them' Tammy berated.

With Tammy's comment Rowena shrugged her shoulders and closed her bedroom door.

Tom breathed a sigh of relief which luckily no one heard in the wardrobe. If his sister had not been able to find them she might have become suspicious.

No sooner had Rowena closed the bedroom door then Tammy who was standing to the far left of the boys vision facing the wall opposite the bedroom door began to remove her clothing. Soon Patti, Chrissie, Terri and Kim were following suit laughing and giggling as they undressed ready to change into their swimming costumes.

Little could Tom have guessed just how well he had chosen his hiding place. Rowena came and stood just on the other side of the louvres directly facing the boys hiding her front from all her friends. Patti and Tammy were lined up facing the wall to Rowena's right, giving the boys a side view of both their bodies and an excellent view of their backs and Chrissie, Kim and Terri had their backs to Tammy and Patti facing Rowena's bed and the door, giving the boys a side on view of them too and an excellent view of their fronts.

The eyes of the three boys were darting in all directions as the six girls began to disrobe. Tammy Frazer was the first to start undressing and so was the first down to her underwear. Tammy was a short girl but the size of her breasts more than made up for any lack of vertical height. She had quickly stripped off of her top, and lowered her jeans to her ankles and was standing, her back facing towards the boys wearing a rather skimpy hot pink bra and panties.

Patti Newman like Rowena Forest was a blond but there the similarities ended. Patti was tall, slim and very muscular for her 14 years of age. She was the leading female athlete of her grade and already one of the best in the whole high school. There was not an ounce of excess fat on her body.

Like Tammy before her, Patti began to unbutton her blouse. When she finished unbuttoning it, she took the blouse off and tossed it on the floor in front of her. Standing exposed in her bra she kicked her shoes off and removed her socks and then began undoing her jeans before sliding them down and slowly off.

The 12 year olds Terri Culmane and Kim Lannister were the next to begin undressing. Kim unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off whilst Terri pulled her tee shirt off over her head. Both girls stood facing the bed and door giving the boys a good look at them as they stood in their blue jeans and white bras. Kim's small rounded breasts appeared to the boys to thrust tight against her thin silk 'A' cup bra whereas Terri's was still in a training bra and her breasts were not as pronounced.

The two girls were in the minority in the boys 6th grade class in having boobs. This had made them super popular with the boys in their grade and with the older boys in the 7th and even the 8th grade. The snobby little bitches wouldn't normally have even given Tom, Billy and Brady the time of day let alone revealed their most private and secret charms to their fellow classmates of the opposite sex. Little did they realise what they were revealing to the three pairs of excited eyes straining to observe every detail behind the louver doors.

Both girls almost simultaneously unbuckled their jeans and pulled them down around their ankles before stepping out of them. Both girls were wearing skimpy white panties which barely hid their most private secrets from the boys gaze.

13 year old Chrissie Daniels had also started to undress next to Kim and Terri. First she took off her sneakers then she removed her socks before undoing the buttons on her sweater and taking it off. Chrissie was wearing a soft pink frilly bra. Soon her hands reached behind her and unhooked her bra-straps. The boys behind the louvres were in awe.

Tammy quickly snapped open and removed her bra, flashing the boys a side on view of her large and firm pear shaped breasts then she grasped the waist of her panties and lowered this too, she turned slightly whilst she stepping out of her panties to reveal momentarily to the boys at the juncture of her thighs a thick untrimmed bush of chocolate brown pubic hair that completely hid her feminine secrets from the boys prying eyes.

Patti reached for the waist band of her panties and slid them off. When Patti turned briefly towards the wardrobe Tom, Brady and Billy caught a glimpse of the area between Patti's legs as well. The boy's penis's were rock hard, throbbing with arousal as they took in the sight of her thick blonde pubic bush which spread in a wide triangle across the juncture of her thighs!

Patti then reached around her back, unhooked her bra, letting it dangle in front of her for a few second then she let it fall to the ground, momentarily crossing her arms instinctively across her chest, hiding her breasts from sight, though only the three boys were truly watching and that was a secret unknown to Patti.

As if sensing the silliness of her covering up Patti soon lowered her hands before anyone noticed giving the boys a great sideways view of her breasts which though not as large as Tammy's were still firm, upthrust, and topped by petite pink nipples. Her nubile breasts nicely filled out her B cup bra.

Kim and Terri by this time had also removed their bras and panties. Kim had small rounded boobs with light pink nipples which had filled her 'A' cup bra and now both girls were naked it was clear to see that Kim's breasts were defiantly bigger than Terri's. Terri didn't really have much in the way of breasts, just gentle swellings about the size of peach halves, with tiny little girl pink nipples. As if to highlight the difference between the two girls, Kim also had a few scattered brown wispy pubic hairs surrounding her pink lipped slit. Not enough to hide her lips, just enough to show that she had defiantly started puberty. Though Terri's breasts had started to grow, her slit unlike Kim's was still totally bald, with no sign of any pubic hair. The lips of her slit were small and the folds of her vagina were a little darker than Kim's.

Next to these two girls Chrissie had removed her bra and dropped it onto the bed, revealing to the boys appreciative eyes breasts which were gentle mounds capped with delicate pink nipples. She then began unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall down her long and shapely legs to her ankles before steeping out of it. Chrissie's panties were pink to match her bra but with tiny yellow flowers spread across the fabric.

In the wardrobe the boy's were silent as they knew if they made the slightest sound they would be found out.

Chrissie's then reached down and hooked her fingers in the elastic of her panties and quickly yanked them down and lifted her bare feet one at a time and took the panties off as the boys got their first look at Chrissie totally naked. Her waist was trim, and she had the gentlest rounding to her tummy and graceful hips. Her legs were slender and graceful and between her thighs the boys feasted their eyes on her her thick but trimmed light brown pubic bush.

Immediately in front of the boys on the other side of the louvres 14 year old Rowena Forest was the last to undress. By the time the last of the other girls had undressed and were beginning to put on their swim suits, Rowena was only down to her small matching pale lemon bra and panties. Not as tall and muscular as Patti but taller by some inches over Tammy, blond haired Rowena had skinny legs and very little body fat, a small tight bottom and no real shape in her body except for her small pert breasts.

The boys watched their tormentor Rowena through the louvres as she glanced to her left then right as if checking no one was watching before she moved her hands behind her back and unhooked her bra, letting the pretty pale lemon bra fall slowly off her breasts and drop to the floor around her feet.

All the boys' eyes were looking at her breasts which were now clearly displayed in front of them. What a surprise they saw! Her nipples were just pointy little brown cone shaped buds resting on absolutely no swell of breast at all on her otherwise flat boyish chest, which looked like it should have been on a ten year old girl rather than the chest of a fourteen year old. Rowena had obviously padded her bra to create her small pert breasts when she was clothed because there was precious little there naked.

Unawares she was being seen naked Rowena hooked her fingers on both sides of the waistband of her pale lemon panties and pulled them down and off her feet. Like Terri and unlike Tammy, Patti, Chrissie and Kim, Rowena revealed to the boys that there wasn't any hair between her legs! No bushy triangle, not even a small amount of wispy pubic hair, she was totally bald. Her hairless exposed slit was still little girl like and not pronounced at all, giving the boys just the faintest hint of pink pussy lips between her skinny boy like legs!

It was all the boys could do to keep quite about this surprising revelation about their tormentor. Only when the girls finally dressed in their swim suits and exited Rowena's bedroom heading downstairs to swim could the boys breath normally and sneak out of the wardrobe and back into Tom's bedroom.

As soon as they were safely in Tom's room a cacophony of noise broke out as each of the three boys burst forward with comments like. … Did you see … How awesome was … I can't believe how much hair ….. She was as flat as a pan cake …. Would I like to feel those titties …. Too much hair, needs shaving … etc etc!

By the time the girls returned to Rowena's room to dress after their swim, the three boys had dressed and with Mrs. Forest's permission gone off to play at the park. In reality they had gone to find Alex Foster and gang, especially Alex's friend Elliott Stark and tell them about Rowena's secret and their plan to get revenge on her for all the spankings she had inflicted on Billy and Brady in the past. They were sure Elliott would want his revenge for Rowena plotting to have Elliot stripped the previous weekend.

The boys knew that Alex their gang leader was sorry for leading Elliot into the trap with Rowena. He had not realised that Elliott was a late developer and would be so humiliated by his most unexpected stripping. He had promised he would make it up to Elliot somehow. The three boys knew their plan for revenge on Rowena would get his seal of approval if for no other reason but this alone. They needed Alex's help and the help of some of his gang if they were going to ensure success.

The day and time to implement the revenge attack was easy. The very next weekend on Saturday evening Rowena was scheduled to mind both Billy and Brady for 6 hours whilst their parents attended a wedding of a mutual friend. Rowena had already told Elliott she expected him there, no excuses, if he didn't turn up his secret would be told to everyone at school. What she didn't know was that she would be getting a visit from not only Elliot Stark but also her brother plus Alex Frazer and two other gang members, brothers Dean and Michael Vincent.

Brady's parents had dropped him off at Billy's house at 3pm and Mr. and Mrs. Hazelton had joined the Carrington's in their car and departed for the wedding. By 4pm both Billy and Brady had already suffered a bare bottomed spank from Rowena. This time however they suffered the pain and humiliation with stoicism knowing that very soon the tables would be turned and they would have their revenge.

Rowena was not impressed when the front door bell rang and she discovered that Elliot was not alone. She accepted Alex Frazer's right to come. If he had not agreed to Tammy Frazer's request to help get Elliot's to the Hazelton's for Rowena to carry out the first stripping it would never have happened. Why her brother and the two Vincent dorks were there as well she could not understand.

Such a large group of boys made her nervous and a little suspicious. Her mind quickly came up with a way to test them out. "Boys the Hazelton house is a naked zone under taking back control" she informed the five boys standing on the front porch through the wire screen safety door. She had determined they were not getting in till she had a good reason why they had all turned up. "Why are you all here, I am not supposed to let so many friends of Billy's in at one time, Alex and Elliot fair enough but not the rest and besides you can't come inside to visit unless you are all prepared to remove your clothing.

That will get them Rowena thought. Alex wont mind stripping and Elliott has too and her brother Tom would do as he was told but the two Vincent boys as far as she knew were not used to 'Taking Back Control' nudity and would not be keen to enter the house, though with Dean Vincent being 14 years of age and Michael 11 years of age, Rowena had a definite curiosity growing in her that half wished they would agree to strip and enter naked so she could thoroughly inspect them.

Billy and Brady were becoming more and more anxious as Rowena's resistance to the other boys' presence mounted. They had a bad feeling they were going to miss out on their revenge that afternoon. They need not have worried however as quickly Alex asserted his dominance. "They are here because they were hanging out with me and when Elliot said he had to come over here I told the others they could come over and hang out with me and watch.' Winking at Rowena Alex added "You can imagine Ro, Elliot was not to keen on my offer!"

"Oh" Rowena exclaimed, falsely believing that Alex had set this visit up to add to Elliot's humiliation. A few more people who would soon know of Elliot's humiliating secret she thought. What Rowena didn't know was that Billy and Brady had already told Tom about Elliot under threat of punishment if he blabbed and that Alex with Elliot's permission had told the two Vincent boys about Elliot's lack of development.

Alex had chosen Dean and Michael to assist, out of all of his gang because he knew that they would keep Elliot's secret. Alex was fully aware of Deans own secret humiliation. Rowena was wrong in assuming Mr. Vincent did not use 'Taking Back Control' nudity in his household. Much to Dean's embarrassment and humiliation Moffat Vincent, Dean's father had as a result of Dean hanging out with some boys who were a bad influence on him, resulting in him vandalizing the local neighborhood, ordered soon after 'Taking Back Control' came into force that Dean suffer a very 'Taking Back Control' style punishment to set him back on a straight and narrow course once again.

Mr. Vincent had ordered Dean to strip naked and then lay down on the floor of his own bedroom in front of his younger brother with his arms and legs stretched out wide. Mr. Vincent had then explained to Dean that as he had terrorised the neighbourhood with acts of juvenile vandalism and acted like a child not a 14 year old mature teenager he was going to look like a child, informing Dean that he was going to lose all his body hair that was growing below his neck. This meant under his arms, on his legs and around his genitals and anus. Mr. Vincent had also explained to Dean and Michael that until future notice Michael the younger brother was going to be in charge when he was not around and as such Michael was going to be given the task of shaving Dean hairless and would continue do this until such time as Mr. Vincent decided Dean was behaving mature enough to be allowed to grow back his body hairs. Dean really pleaded to keep his sign of teenage maturity claiming all the boys at school would laugh at him if they found out he was hairless, but Mr. Vincent ignored his son's pleas explaining to Dean that humiliation and embarrissment were part of the 'Taking Back Control' punishment philosophy. If his secret was found out and he was laughed at, so be it!

With his fathers verbal reprimand over his dad had soon instructed his younger brother in what he needed to do and to Deans horror Michael under his fathers guidence started with the hair clippers in Dean's armpits. There was only a small patch of short wiry hair in both of Dean's armpits and after just a few strokes one was done and the other soon after just as fast. Then following his fathers directions Michael went to work on his brother's small one inch high and two inches wide patch of sparse wispy brown pubic hair that nestled above his penis. Michael had soon removed this small patch of hair as well.

Seeing his brother naked for the first time in at least two years Michael had quickly realised that at 14 years of age his brother wasn't very hairy but he also guessed that what few hairs he had grown were his pride and joy and a sign of his teenage maturity and now that he had removed them Michael felt a tingling of power surge through him as he reveled in his older brothers demotion. Although there really any need to do it Mr. Vincent then made Michael go back over all the areas he had just removed hair from with a razor making doubally certain Dean was now totally bald like a little boy!

Following Alex's explanation as to why the boys were there accompanying Elliot, Rowena quickly decided that they all should come inside. However at this point the plan went slightly askew, Rowena also decided she did not want to open the front safety door which was unlocked and so ordered the five boys to go around the back and undress on the back porch so as to conform to the Hazelton's 'Taking Back Control' rules. When they were naked she would let them in the house.

There was much hurried comment from Dean and even Michael as the boys went down the side of the house to get to the back porch. Dean was not keen to reveal his shaved body and Michael was very modest about being naked. His brother had been the only one to suffer under the 'Taking Back Control' rules at their house so far. Alex would have none of their complaints informing the two boys that they were either in this totally and helped him and Elliot out or they could chicken out but if they did they were out of the gang. "Besides" Alex said, "You two are no worse off than poor Elliot here who's secret lack of development I managed to expose in this very house only two weeks ago!"

Soon there were seven boys naked inside the Hazelton household, and Rowena the only girl present was gawking at the array of naked boy genitals on display. Alex had the most impressive penis and scrotum and defiantly the most body hair. Elliot as she had discovered two weeks earlier had a decent penis but a pathetically small ball sack and no pubic hair. Her brother Tom was equally under endowed in the genital department. Billy had an impressive organ for his 11 years of age but 12 year old Brady suffered by comparison. !4 year old Dean was a surprise. He had clearly been shaved though he appeared not to be over endowered with body hair from the shaved areas that Rowena inspected from a distance. Dean was sporting a boner that appeared to be about four inches long. His penis was still pencil thin and curved up in a half moon shape towards the ceiling. His 11 year old brother Michael put Dean and in fact every other boy present to shame in the genital department except Alex. Obviously embarrassed but at the same time aroused, standing naked in front of Rowena and his friends, Michael was sporting an impressive five inch boner which erected out over a set of plump but not yet hanging balls. He had no pubic hairs but this only helped highlight the impressive sex organ that resided between his legs.

Rowena didn't seem to realise the danger she was in, instead trusting Alex to his word she quickly began issuing orders to Billy and Brady.

'Wait guys" Alex interrupted. "Rowena how come your still dressed and we are all naked. It's your turn to get naked now I believe."

"In your dreams" Rowena replied.

"Yeah you're often in my dreams Ro, but this time I think we'll make it real. Show us what you have got too" Andy boldly asserted.

The look on both Rowena's face was total shock at Andy's bold approach.

"Fuck off Frazer" Rowena asserted, "The 'Taking Back Control' rules in this house only apply to boys, you know that."

"I will only fuck off if I can fuck you" Alex replied, "But I've decided I'm in control here and so I'm taking control of you."

A look of surprise then a hint of fear crossed Rowena's face but before she could reply grabbed her.

"What do you think you're doing, let me go!" the furiously struggling Rowena demanded.

As Alex grappled with her Rowena pleaded, "Billy, Brady help me, get Alex off me."

When neither boy made a move to help, Rowena cursed and swore some more at Alex but was unable to break free of his grasp.

Alex said to the boys who were standing around enraptured by the scene unfolding before them, "Well don't just stand there like stunned mullets guys, help me get her naked!"

"Noooooo" Rowena screamed.

The boys had decided it would be better to strip Rowena and not admit Tom, Billy and Brady had spied on Rowena and the other girls. That way it would appear they had just discovered Rowena's secret and the information that the three younger boys had seen all the other girls naked would be kept a secret. A secret that they could use in the future if the need arose with one of the other girls.

As the boys moved in to help Alex , Rowena called out, "Help me" to no one in particular."

But there was no help. Dean grabbed one of Rowena's arms and Michael the other.

"Noooooooooooooo" Rowena screamed even louder.

Alex smiled, let go and bent down and began to try and remove Rowena's socks, she wasn't wearing any shoes.

All the boys hearts were racing, not the least Billy and Brady's as it now seemed for certain that their long term tormentor and bully was going to be on the receiving end at last!

End Chapter 2.