The Traitor's Son Chapters 60-63
By Zelamir, adapted by Pueros
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
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Herewith are the next chapters of the saga of Marius, son of
the traitor, Sejanus. The original story was by Zelamir but,
with the author's permission, has been adapted and rewritten
for Nialos by Pueros.
The rewrite conforms to Pueros' own style and the text has been substantially expanded, with significant additions and changes also made to subplots. For example, recent chapters, including these episodes, are all the work of the adapter. However, the main thread of Zelamir's original story has been maintained, namely what ultimately happens to young Marius.
Pueros hopes that his rewrite does Zelamir's original story
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Chapter LX
The 12 year-old boy attempting to stand on the dais with his hands on his head, whilst a cruel client flogged his rear with a leather belt, unsurprisingly did not manage to maintain his stance constantly. The force of some blows caused him occasionally to stagger forward to be temporarily out of reach of his flagellator.
Such retreat was possibly also motivated by a desire to be out of reach of the cruel client's belt as much as by the force of the blows, albeit probably only subliminally because, of course, the movement proved ultimately useless and only increased his anguish. The still-attendant Fabius invariably grabbed the boy's hair harshly and equally vehemently pulled him rearwards, back into the sadistic customer's range, with the brothel-keeper's action increasing the young penitent's humiliation and hurt.
As common within the 'House of Ganymede', punishment did not necessarily have to fit the crime and in this case no client actually knew what the poor boy's supposed misdemeanour was because Fabius had not disclosed the fact. As was normal, such information was immaterial.
The brothel's owners had simply decided that the young prostitute deserved physical chastisement and that was enough. As the sadistic customer had bought the privilege of inflicting such correction at considerable cost, he could do so as much as he wanted and in any way. The only parameters were the usual rules about recuperation periods, which if extended beyond a week would cause him extra expense, and permanent damage.
After much personal exertion, the cruel client eventually decided to cease flogging the boy's rear, having created many broad red stripes, some of which were already darkening in hue, on the sobbing young prostitute's back, bottom and legs. The delighted sadistic customer next invited the naked 12 year-old to turn around.
From the look of shocked horror on the boy's face, caused by the cruel client's next statement, Marius correctly judged that the young prostitute had assumed that his ordeal was finally over. However, the smirking sadistic customer instead announced, to cheering from many of the watching patrons, "I'll now flog your front, brat!"
"You'll be flogged too, boy," Marius then heard his own client for the night declare, in his rather effeminate voice, "if you don't pass me another goblet of wine!" The young prostitute had been dangerously distracted from his duties by the so-called entertainment being perpetrated on the dais. However, his fear of also being subjected to punishment because of his neglect was not the main reason why he now concentrated on his tasks for the obese customer and did not return his gaze to events on the platform.
Marius instead could simply no longer bear the sight of the poor boy being flogged even more, this time on the front of his naked body. However, there was nothing that he could do about his ears being assailed by further sounds of leather striking vulnerable young flesh and the 12 year-old victim's continued loud sobbing, interspersed by the occasional shriek when he was again hit.
Marius also heard many other sounds and, glancing around, he could easily espy the sources. Not all of the eyes of others were focused on the poor child being literally belted. The 'House of Ganymede' was by now very busy and crowded.
Marius noticed that a lot of the clients reclining on their couches were ignoring the action on the dais in favour of concentrating on dining, indulging in conversation with their friends or neighbours or fondling boy servers or hired young prostitutes. He additionally saw in the distance that many of the alcoves at the sides of the hallway leading up to the entertainment area had their curtains closed, indicating that intimate activities were taking place within.
These now curtained alcoves even included the one that Marius had vacated because his fat client was prepared to pay extra to enjoy him in a large and more opulent and private guestroom overnight. Another boy had presumably been quickly allocated to the facility. Fabius and Felicia were obviously brothel-keepers who did not like waste in the pursuit of maximum profits.
The sound of leather striking vulnerable young flesh, and the associated occasional shrieks, eventually ceased, and that of sobbing finally became quieter and quieter until ending altogether after the poor well-beaten boy was taken away to begin his lengthy recuperation from his comprehensive flogging. Meanwhile, the thoroughly satisfied flagellator returned to his couch to receive congratulations for a good show from his friends, whilst the dais was removed and young acrobats again appeared to provide the entertainment.
As was common with the acrobats, most clients averted their eyes from the show to concentrate on their meals, conversations or boys. Felicia, who was as usual keeping watch on proceedings and had again observed the customers' disappointing reaction, once more suggested to her husband that they needed to make the acts more interesting for the patrons and they started to discuss how they might achieve such an aim.
Marius did not hear this discussion, which would eventually transform his life.
Chapter LXI
The time was past midnight when Marius' fat client finally decided to retire with the boy to guestroom number XII. He invited the handsome young man in his company, who was in his early 20s, to join him and his guest happily accepted.
Marius had wondered what was the relationship between the pair, as their previous conversation, overheard by the boy, had been banal and had revealed nothing of note. He pondered whether they might be lovers like Scyrax and Maccius, with the younger man actually involved not out of affection but because of self-interest.
After all, the fat client was obviously very rich and Marius could not envisage the young man actually truly loving such an obese, ugly, smelly and effeminate person. The boy therefore concluded that the guest must have entered the relationship purely for financial reasons.
As Marius reluctantly led the way to guestroom number XII, he also now began to wonder whether both the fat client and the young man were intending to enjoy him overnight. The implication behind the obese customer's invite and his guest's acceptance suggested that this would be the case.
Such had been Marius' subliminal indoctrination into life in the 'House of Ganymede' that he did not now initially even consider the implication of this development for himself, namely that for the first time he would be required to service a twosome. In a reaction that would have pleased Fabius and Felicia, the boy instead contemplated whether he was duty-bound to report the situation later to the adult slave, who was keeping the details of the fat client's bill, so that the final account could be surcharged.
Guestroom XII proved to be one of the biggest and most opulent in the 'House of Ganymede', being deemed the most appropriate for such an importantly rich customer as the fat client. The facility was dominated by a huge bed, whilst obscene frescoes decorated not only the walls but also the ceiling. Appropriately, the paintings depicted beautiful boys being debauched by men endowed with huge phalluses and by similarly well-equipped mythical monsters.
"You can help me to disrobe, boy," the fat client advised Marius on arrival in the guestroom, "as I don't believe that young Gaius here will need any assistance." The obese customer's assertion soon proved correct because the young man speedily shed his tunic, loincloth underwear and sandals to lie naked on the bed. This development naturally confirmed to the boy that he was now to be of sexual service overnight to a twosome and the worrying implications of this scenario finally began to dawn in his mind.
Marius began to worry about what the pair would require of him. The boy had only ever been with his previous four clients for relatively short periods. Each had just sodomised him once, although the latter three had forced him to ready their cocks for the act through oral ministrations not leading to climax. He had also been given a few days after each assignment to recover.
Currently, however, Marius was assigned to the fat client and now young Gaius too for the whole night and they might want multiple pleasures. The prospects of being sodomised more than once and performing fellatio to climax for the first time seriously worried the boy.
Marius knew that his sphincter and rectum, although looser than before, remained relatively tight and so sodomy was still likely to hurt a lot. The boy worried that such pain, if maintained afterwards as had happened previously, might adversely affect his later performance, which might lead to a complaint about him and punishment.
Similarly, never actually having performed fellatio before to ultimate climax, Marius worried about his ability to do the deed without gagging or without successfully swallowing the ejaculate, which might also lead to a complaint about him and punishment. Whilst the boy helped the fat client to disrobe as commanded, his concerns were compounded by the horrible stench emitted from the obese customer's blubbery rotund body.
Marius wondered how he could possibly overcome his revulsion to service such a gross man to the fat client's satisfaction.
Chapter LXII
The time was early morning and so the 'House of Ganymede' was rather quiet. Only a couple of alcoves with their curtains closed indicated that there was some sexual activity still occurring, involving clients who liked to start rather than end the day by enjoying a boy prostitute.
"Was everything to your satisfaction, Sir?" asked the adult slave, who had been keeping details of the fat client's bill. Marius, who was again walking awkwardly, although not as badly as after servicing his previous four clients, and had escorted the obese customer and Gaius back to the brothel's hallway, took a deep breath as he awaited the answer. The boy was worried that the reply might be a punishable "No!"
Fortunately, the fat client responded, whilst smiling contentedly and looking at Marius, who had returned to wearing his minuscule black thong, "Yes, everything was fine. Now, do you want me to pay extra for allowing my darling Gaius to share my pleasures?"
Marius was very happy to hear this latter query, as the question eradicated a predicament. The boy had been unsure whether he should advise the adult slave of Gaius' participation in the overnight proceedings in case a surcharge was applicable. He might be punished if so informing was considered inappropriate for and impertinent towards such an important patron. Conversely, he might be similarly chastised if the opposite was the correct action but he failed to say anything, thereby depriving his owners of some income.
The adult slave smiled and answered "No, Sir, there's no extra charge for such a respected patron as you!" "Thank you, then," the fat client replied, whilst extracting from a purse attached to his belt the necessary payment in gold coins required to settle his very large bill and handing them over to the servant.
Having settled the bill, the fat client subsequently handed the adult slave another coin as a tip. "Thank you, again," the obese customer then said before waddling out of the brothel, accompanied by Gaius.
As Marius watched the pair depart, he realised that he had never discovered the fat client's name, nor had the patron found the same about the boy. The young prostitute recalled the close intimacies of the night before, as well as those with his previous two external customers, whose own appellations he had not known, and wondered whether most future similar liaisons would be as anonymous.
Marius' dilemma about whether he should have advised the adult slave about Gaius' participation in the overnight proceedings in guestroom XII, if the fat client had not done so, was also not really solved. The boy was still unsure whether a surcharge should have been applicable, as the servant might just have waived the cost in respect of a patron with whom he had considerable dealings in the past in return for the anticipated tip, which might actually have been a bribe.
Marius' consideration of his earlier predicament was subsequently interrupted when the adult slave asked "What are you waiting for? Go eat and sleep because I want you back here, rested and freshly groomed, by mid-afternoon. I'll then be allocating you alcove number VIII!"
Marius' hope that his sore rectum and throat might be given longer to recover from the hectic overnight sexual activities, in which he had been the star performer, were shattered by the adult slave's command. However, he nevertheless obeyed without demur, realising that he appeared finally to be a true boy prostitute, most of whose waking hours in future would be spent servicing clients or at least waiting to do so.
Marius' only consolation, as he walked away from the adult slave, was the fact that his gait was rapidly reducing in awkwardness, as the pain in his backside similarly speedily receded. This development served both as confirmation that he was swiftly becoming accustomed to being the subject of sodomy and as hopeful reassurance that he should be repaired enough to perform his next shift satisfactorily.
Chapter LXIII
On the next afternoon, Felicia personally checked the freshly groomed but still naked Marius' condition before allowing him to proceed to alcove VIII. Her conclusion, after again examining him most intimately, was summarised by her comment to him that "You're really becoming accustomed to your new role, Cycnus."
"Your hole's a little sore," Felicia added to confirm Marius' earlier conviction, "but only enough to give you some further anguish when you're fucked again, which many clients anyway like to see in new boys. The damage is insufficient for you not to do your duties regularly and well, which means that you truly are now one of the ordinary whores, capable of servicing our clientele in numbers daily!"
"Right, put your thong on, Cycnus" Felicia subsequently commanded. After Marius had obediently complied, the boy was then sent on his way to alcove VIII when his mistress turned him round, slapped his cute bare bottom and ordered "Off you go to earn more of your keep!"
Not long afterwards, Marius was again on display outside an alcove, this one numbered VIII. On this occasion, the clay tablet fixed to the wall next to him advertised him as 'Cycnus, 11 years old, fresh, available at hourly rate'. The relevant charge was still expensive compared with that for many of the other young prostitutes because, despite clearly no longer being a virgin, the boy was still new to the brothel and therefore a novelty for most clients.
Because of Marius' availability at an hourly rate, on this evening he did not have long to wait for the first of several clients to buy his services. All of them elected to enjoy him in the alcove and over many subsequent hours, the boy was involved in the usual sex acts with the customers, namely being kissed and intimately fondled, as well as the customary subjection to sodomy and performance of fellatio.
Felicia had been proved correct when she had stated that Marius would still experience anal anguish when being sodomised. However, having already been so abused by six clients previously, some more than once when he had been with them, his rectal discomfort was certainly lessening. This situation was evidenced by the fact that, on this evening, the boy managed not to shriek or sob, although sometimes a little dampness did develop in his lovely blue eyes as a result of both shame and pain.
Marius was also strangely grateful for his experience of the previous night with the fat client and his young friend, Gaius. The boy's time with them had afforded him valuable practice in respect of certain activities, which meant that he could now perform the deeds more competently and so avoid complaints and resultant punishments.
Over the course of the previous night, Gaius had sodomised Marius twice using the most common methods. First, the boy had leaned his back on a pillow, whilst holding his own legs in the air, and the young man had entered him from the front. Second, the juvenile prostitute had rested on the bed in a kneeling and bent over pose, whilst he was penetrated from the rear. However, because of the corpulent bulk of the older fat client, the 11 year-old had been compelled to do all of the relevant necessary work for the obese customer, which proved useful experience on this next evening when another patron required the same technique.
The now naked Marius had first been forced to crouch astride and facing the fat client with his tender young sphincter hovering over the obese customer's rather short and stubby hairy cock. Such an achievement was difficult because of the man's wide girth.
Marius had subsequently slowly lowered himself onto the cock, which he had earlier orally brought to full erection, despite his acute literal distaste for the chore because of the hirsute and odorous environment inhabited by the fat client's genitalia. The eventual entry of the penis into the boy had been painful, especially because of the width of the shaft. However, the lack of height made final full penetration less galling.
Marius had then essentially sodomised himself by raising himself up from and lowering himself back down onto the fat client's erection. The boy originally did so very gingerly but later, after he had become more accustomed to and less pained by the invader, more agilely and with increasing momentum until he could feel the man's ejaculate spurt into his insides.
Thankfully for Marius, the fat client was content, unlike his sexually hungrier younger friend, with just this solitary act of sodomy, plus one of full fellatio, which over the course of the night was an art that the boy also learnt to perform successfully but only after an initial mishap. His first-ever productive licking and sucking of a penile shaft had caused him to choke back out of his throat much of what had just been deposited there by Gaius.
Fortunately for Marius, Gaius proved considerate rather than angry at this result. "Haven't you done this before, boy," the post-orgasmic young man quietly and perceptively asked at the sight of him coughing sperm out of his mouth back onto the donator's belly.
"I…have…Sir," Marius answered stutteringly, whilst still spilling semen and fearing punishment for his incompetence, "but….only….to….create….an….erection….in….readiness 3;.for….ot her…. pleasures!" However, in reaction, instead of the threat or actuality of painful physical chastisement, Gaius subsequently simply gently patted the boy's neatly trimmed golden shock of hair and commented to his older fat friend, who was lying next to him naked on the bed, "He's truly fresh, darling!"
"None of Felicia's whores would be so incompetent," the fat client added in contribution, "if they weren't so new and innocent. I do like enjoying the boys when they're so fresh!" The obese customer subsequently also patted the boy's hair, just as the young prostitute puked up the last instalment of cum back onto Gaius' stomach.
To Marius, the patting of his hair appeared to be an act of forgiveness, which the gesture later proved to be. Consequently, the boy actually gratefully then put greater devotion into his sexual activities with both the fat client and his younger friend, giving the pair immense competent pleasure in the process, which helped to ensure no subsequent punishable complaints.
Marius' mind also noted the reference to Felicia in the fat client's last remark. The absence of any mention of Fabius confirmed in the boy's mind where the real power in the 'House of Ganymede' lay.
The sequence of the overnight sexual activities comprised self-sodomy by Marius on the fat client's erection, followed by Gaius productively enjoying the boy's anus and mouth twice. These were intermingled by much manual and oral foreplay on the part of the trio, plus some conversation between the two patrons and sleep. The obese customer, whose libido was clearly not as strong as that of his young friend, finally enjoyed his second orgasm through successful fellatio just before dawn. During these latter processes, no more sperm was puked from Marius' now competent lips.
After the next night shift, Marius again ate in the morning before retiring to bed. By now, the boy already knew that he had again been allocated alcove number VIII for the next evening.
Marius subsequently encountered the usual mix of emotions when he was once more displayed on the next evening outside alcove number VIII. However, all of these were quickly overwhelmed by dread when his first client of the night approached.
"Hello, Marius," the smirking youth concerned greeted the boy. "I've bought your services for an hour," he added, "but I assure you, after I later complain about your competence, I'll be enjoying you for much longer!"
Marius was currently staring in horror at Maccius.
(To be continued)