The Traitor's Son Chapters 54-55
By Zelamir, adapted by Pueros
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
Chapter LIV
The Major Domo stared at the two red-faced boys, with the recently satiated cock of the elder now rather incongruously smaller than that of the younger. Having achieved delicious and productive orgasm, Narcissus' penis had quickly returned to shrunken softness, whilst that of Marius had remained impressively hard.
Narcissus' penile reaction was, however, not just due to satiation. Shock at the unexpected sudden appearance of the Major Domo to witness the recent literally climactic events had aided his cock's rapid return to flaccidity.
Meanwhile, Marius' maintained erection appeared contrarily to revel masochistically in the situation of having been caught in the act of masturbating Narcissus to a very fruitful conclusion, the visible evidence for which was currently dribbling slowly down his young naked body. As the boy's curvaceous buttocks clenched in worried anticipation of an imminent beating, his cock visibly conversely and perversely quivered at the prospect.
Marius' peculiar reaction again caused his young intelligent mind briefly to consider what type of boy he really was, namely the son of a free Roman, who had risen high before tumbling to destruction, or a slut who had truly found his proper role in life. He questioned whether he was actually born to be abused and to suffer, whilst somehow gaining some strange thrill from such sad experiences. However, his momentary reflection on the nature of his persona was brought to an end when the Major Domo addressed further words to him and Narcissus.
"I shall, of course, have to report what I've just witnessed to the Master and Mistress," the Major Domo announced, whilst now displaying a cruel smirk. "I venture to suggest," he added, "that neither will be pleased to discover that you're not preserving your sexual needs for the clients of this establishment and they'll therefore surely demand retribution from the pair of you!"
Marius was next amazed at Narcissus' reaction to the Major Domo's announcement. The older naked boy advanced towards the man and fell to his knees before him.
"Please... Sir," Narcissus subsequently begged in a quaking voice, "please... don't report us. I'll... do anything... for you... if you don't!"
"What could you possibly offer me, brat," the still cruelly smirking Major Domo asked, "to cause me to want to ignore my duty to the Master and Mistress?" "Myself!" Narcissus shamelessly answered.
The Major Domo and the adult male slaves under his supervision were, unlike their equivalents in Scyrax's household, not eunuchs. They therefore still experienced the sexual temptations of any normal men.
Given the immense boyish pulchritude pervading the environment in which the slaves worked, they were rather naturally attracted to many of their young charges. Fabius and Felicia were, of course, aware of this and managed the situation in two main ways.
First, the adult slaves were threatened with severe punishment if they molested any of the boys in their charge without the permission of either Fabius or Felicia. The brothel owners even went to the extreme, as a warning to the others, of having one man, who had ignored their prohibition, whipped and castrated before being sold. Such an example proved a sound deterrent.
Second, the adult slaves were occasionally given permission to enjoy some of the boys as a reward for good service and to keep temptations temperate. However, only some of the already well-used young prostitutes were offered for the purpose, with the rest reserved exclusively for the clientele.
Although Narcissus had been in the brothel for a long time, being the favourite of Felicia, he had so far managed to escape being offered for the entertainment of the adult slaves. The astute boy was also perceptively aware that this situation had annoyed the Major Domo, whom he had known from lecherous looks had always fancied him since his arrival in the 'House of Ganymede'.
Narcissus' current offer was consequently founded on the fact that he was aware that the Major Domo would like to enjoy his young favours. The latter attributes were, of course, by now professionally highly skilled.
Narcissus also appreciated the danger for the Major Domo if he accepted but was caught. Accordingly, the boy followed up his proposition by promising, with much less nervous quivering in his voice, "You can have me in secret... and I'll never tell!"
Narcissus' debasing offer was not just down to cowardly fright at the prospect of punishment for encouraging Marius to masturbate him. The boy was far more worried about losing Felicia's current favour, which might, given his long service, propel him out of the 'House of Ganymede' to an unpleasant life in a much less distinguished brothel.
Narcissus' offer was additionally stimulated by the fact that what he was proffering would cost him little. After all, allowing his body to be used as a man's sex toy was his current function in life, a role that he had been doing for years and was something in respect of which he had become not only accustomed but also expert.
The Major Domo briefly contemplated Narcissus' offer with clear interest evident on his face, not least from a salacious licking of his lips with his own tongue. The man then replied "I'll consider your proposal and give you my response when you return from your errand today."
"Now, carry on properly with your duties as I earlier ordered," the Major Domo instructed, "and ready this brat for his mission!" The man, who next turned dismissively and walked away, was, of course, referring in this latter command to Marius.
Anticipating that the Major Domo would ultimately accept his offer, and thereby raising optimistic hopes that his recent misdemeanour would not be reported to Fabius and Felicia, Narcissus instantly sprang to his feet to begin to comply with the man's instruction with belated urgency. He did so by jumping into the large cold bath, whilst ordering the boy whom he called 'Cycnus' to follow suit.
Seeing the pristinely white teeth of Narcissus, who was soon standing with the surface of the cold water reaching his belly, start to chatter in reaction to his plunge, Marius was naturally reluctant to follow suit. He was now no longer a stranger to such ablutions but the older boy's response indicated that the liquid, which for cleanliness constantly flowed through the bath via pipes, was chillier than usual.
"Come... little... one," Narcissus therefore commanded in reaction to Marius' hesitation, with his renewed stuttering now resulting from chill rather than fear, "don't... be... a…coward. Jump... in!"
Marius, resenting the implication that he might be cowardly, finally obeyed Narcissus.
Chapter LV
Marius, now known within the 'House of Ganymede' as Cycnus, left the select boy brothel for the first time since his arrival. However, the very worried boy would have much preferred to remain.
Marius was destined for not only further undoubtedly humiliating and painful supposed deflowering by a Senator, who had once been a crony of his late father, but also possibly death, if the man guessed his true identity. Whilst walking towards his fate, the boy could therefore not help but occasionally instinctively feel his neck because he appreciated that strangulation for someone of his original high status would probably be the chosen method to dispose of him.
After all, strangulation was the method of elimination not only chosen by Crastus to kill Marius' older brother and sister but also preferred for the formal execution of citizens. The boy's only consolation was the thought that his executioner would not need to rape him first to prevent an act of desecration by killing a virgin, although the man might still do so simply because he fancied doing so.
For his walk to his next client, Marius was actually now attired in a simple but clean short-sleeved creamy-white woollen tunic, extending to just below his groin, which was in contrast to the complete nudity in which he had first arrived at the brothel. Underneath, instead of the usual loincloth underwear of the free and most of the enslaved, he wore nothing but the customary minuscule black thong common to the boy prostitutes in the 'House of Ganymede', which was currently hidden by his outer garment.
Nevertheless, Marius' current professional status was evident to anyone who noticed by the makeup adorning his face. After supervising bathing, mutual enemas, teeth scrubbing, by fingers smeared with herbal dental paste, and grooming, Narcissus had taken great delight in decorating the younger prostitute in the same way in which he was usually presented, as instructed by Felicia via the Major Domo. The mistress knew that the prospective Senatorial client liked his boys to be so embellished.
Narcissus consequently happily heavily rouged Marius' cheeks and lips and rimmed his eyes with kohl. Currently invisible because of the covering tunic was the fact that the younger boy's nipples had also been gilded, whilst his whole body had been lightly oiled with a pleasantly sweet-smelling unguent, which would cause his eventually exposed form to glisten.
Marius had subsequently been instructed to adorn Narcissus similarly, under the close supervision of the latter. The older boy, who had come to like sporting makeup if neatly applied, which he proudly believed made him more alluring, scrutinised the younger slave's efforts with the help of a hand-mirror of polished metal.
Marius was far less content with his makeup, which not only indicated his new shameful status in life but also, in his opinion, made him look embarrassingly effeminate. His unhappiness was compounded by the imminent prospect of walking through Rome to his next client's residence in such a state, thereby inevitably exposing himself to the contemptuous ridicule of many of those whom he passed, as well as probably some unwanted approaches from lechers. However, the boy realised that he had no choice in respect of the matter.
Marius therefore hoped that his walk would not be long. The boy's aspiration was boosted by the thought that, as the 'House of Ganymede was located in one of the more affluent areas of Rome, with many Senatorial residences in the vicinity, his next client might not live far away.
Marius' conjecture was actually correct. Unfortunately, the boy had neglected the notion that a Senator would not want an obvious boy prostitute to be seen visiting his house.
Marius' walk proved as humiliating as he had originally feared, with much lewd commentary and abuse being cast in his direction by passers-by. The intensely shamed boy's only consolations were twofold. First, not all of the crude remarks and insults were aimed at him because the similarly attired and adorned Narcissus, who carried a flute in one hand, accompanied him. Second, both young prostitutes were escorted by the burly blond German slave, who had originally taken him from the slave-market to the brothel and who currently kept unwanted lechers at bay.
Marius' walk also sadly proved much longer than the boy had originally hoped because he was not led to a nearly opulent Senatorial residence. He was instead taken the lengthy distance to one of Rome's most decrepit and notorious plebeian districts, the Subura, which in the worst parts was full of dark narrow dirty streets and alleys, appalling tenements and disreputable businesses, shops, inns and brothels.
The Senator, who was to be Marius' next client, furtively maintained an apartment in one of the better tenements on the near fringe of the Subura, specifically to enjoy his sexual passions in discreet secrecy. The burly blond German slave had delivered boys to the client there many times previously and so knew the way.
Marius experienced a mix of emotions, as the German eventually led him into the tenement. The boy was relieved that, because of the building's location on the near fringe of the Subura, they had not ventured far into the busy and congested plebeian quarter, where his humiliations in the narrow crowded streets would undoubtedly have been much greater and worse than previously experienced. He was also grateful that the lewd remarks and insults from passers-by now ceased, at least until he returned to the 'House of Ganymede', if indeed he ever did.
The idea of returning to the 'House of Ganymede' was actually a prospect to which Marius now looked forward, despite his shameful function in the brothel. The development would mean that not only his impending undoubtedly again degrading and agonising further so-called deflowering was over but also the Senator had failed to recognise him as the traitor's son.
The obverse of such a feeling, about the prospect of returning to the 'House of Ganymede', related to the deep fear that, if the Senator did recognise Marius, the boy would surely not be destined subsequently for the brothel. He would most likely be sent to the Mamertine Prison for quiet strangulation and disposal of his body, probably via the great sewer, the 'Cloaca Maxima', that ran through the place to the River Tiber for that specific purpose.
As usual in the better tenements, a porter, funded by a surcharge on all tenants' rents, was on guard duty at the main door to prevent undesirables gaining entrance. The quality of such a sentinel generally varied with that of the building, although all invariably sought tips from most of the non-residents that they allowed to pass.
The aged porter on duty at this particular tenement, which was at the upper range of such places in the Subura, was, unlike many of those in similar but less reputable buildings, dutifully watchful and sober. He also did not challenge the arriving trio.
The fact that a certain unescorted Senator had quietly arrived earlier to take up discreet temporary residence in his apartment had alerted the porter about whom should appear shortly afterwards. The facts that he knew the German slave from previous similar visits and had, as usual, already been heavily tipped to keep his mouth shut, and be otherwise co-operative about the goings-on, also encouraged him to allow the trio to pass essentially unhindered.
Nevertheless, the porter did allow himself the luxury of not only closely eyeing the two passing boys in the German slave's company but also to reach out in the narrow confines of the corridor to place his hand under the nearer young prostitute's short tunic and pinch his bottom. As a result, Marius squealed briefly, mainly in shock than pain.
"If you have a chance later, boy," the porter subsequently commented to the startled Marius, who glanced behind to sulk at the perpetrator of the pinch, "perhaps you might like to spend a little time with me to make an old man happy!" The boy did not answer the lewd suggestion but the German slave stopped his advance and that of the young prostitutes up the corridor towards some stairs to do so.
"I think that the boy's probably out of your price range, Citizen," the German slave politely suggested. "You're certainly right," the porter answered, "but can't an old legionary veteran be granted a 'freebie'?"
"I'm afraid that the boy's anus is too fresh and valuable to allow such pleasure, Citizen," the German slave replied. "I understand," the porter responded, whilst looking somewhat disappointed, "but what about his mouth?"
"I think that after the boy's next client has done with him, Citizen," the German slave answered, "he won't be in any condition to suck you properly. You see, he's a virgin who's about to be deflowered!"
The German slave felt duty-bound to maintain the deception about Marius' virginity in case the aged porter reported back to the Senator, who, after all, regularly tipped him handsomely. In reaction, the old man glanced again at Marius, this time with more sympathy than lust or disappointment evident on his crinkled face. However, his stare did not last too long because he next turned his visual attention to Narcissus and asked "What about the other older boy instead?"
The German briefly contemplated the aged porter's old face, which returned to displaying an air of sad despondency at the initial rejection. The slave then belied his barbarian race's reputation for merciless fierceness by smiling and saying "Alright, he'll suck you off later but only if you don't take too long to cum. The time of the boys of the 'House of Ganymede' is precious and my Master and Mistress would not be pleased if I dallied here too long!"
The aged porter's face lit up in delight and he promised "Don't worry, as a man of my age can't restrain his passion for long. You'd think that it might be the opposite for someone of my years but I'm sure that the feel of the boy's lips and tongue pleasuring my cock will quickly release my seed down his throat!"
Marius was naturally relieved that, if he somehow survived the forthcoming encounter with the Senator alive, he would not have to follow-up by performing fellatio for the first time ever on the aged porter. The boy not only would surely be the worse for wear after suffering sodomy for the second undoubtedly very painful time but also did not relish the prospect of licking and sucking a veteran cock to ejaculating into his mouth.
In contrast to Marius, Narcissus was more nonchalant. The older boy was much more accustomed to fellatio, having performed the act over the years on many cocks of various ages and dimensions. Doing so unnecessarily for nothing was not particularly welcome but, even though he was currently Felicia's favourite, he would not tell her about the unauthorised episode, which might land the German slave into trouble or might not, depending on the mistress' attitude and mood.
Felicia might consider the German's act of compassion for a veteran legionary acceptable. Meanwhile, the fierce barbarian adult slave might subsequently bear Narcissus a potentially dangerous resentment for informing on him and attempting to land him in trouble.
Narcissus therefore resigned himself to complying discreetly with the German slave's decision, whilst putting the undesired experience down to the sort of duty expected of a prostitute like him. The semen that he would swallow would simply add to the great quantities already consumed over previous years.
Having reached his agreement with the aged porter, the German slave turned to Marius and Narcissus and commanded "Come on, let's perform our duty. We don't want to keep an important man waiting for his pleasure!"
Marius would, of course, have liked to keep his next client waiting forever for his pleasure. However, the very frightened and reluctant boy soon found himself standing outside the door of the Senator's first-floor apartment.
The German slave knocked on the door. In response, a voice from within the apartment on the other side shouted "Send them in!"
Marius recognised the voice from the Senator's visits to his late father. Such recall only caused the boy to quake in fright on immediately believing with certainty that the man could not possibly fail to recognise him.
Marius' right hand again instinctively reached for his lithe neck, whilst he once more considered the imminent possibility of speedy transference to the Mamertime Prison. Nevertheless, accepting that fleeing from the scene would be equally potentially fatal for a runaway slave, the boy allowed the German to open the door and push him into the apartment on the other side, with Narcissus needing no such forceful encouragement to enter alongside him.
Marius now saw that the room immediately within the door, which was illuminated by bright sunlight streaming in from a window whose wooden shutters had been opened, was big but sparsely furnished. There was only a table, chair and large double-bed, on top of which the ugly Senator he remembered sat, with his back resting against a pillow.
The Senator was alone and already naked. The rather hairy middle-aged man was also playing with his hirsute cock, which consequently was erect.
The Senator looked at Marius and the intensely afraid boy immediately believed that he spotted a glimmer of recognition in the man's eyes.
(To be continued)