The Traitor's Son Chapters 52-53
By Zelamir, adapted by Pueros
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
Chapter LII
Marius was awoken from his latest nightmare. This alarming dream had apparently involved the ugly rustic fertility god, Priapus, who was invariably depicted as sporting a huge erect phallus, not least in some of the obscene frescoes and mosaics decorating the public areas of the boy brothel named the 'House of Ganymede'.
The Priapus in Marius' nightmare had, however, been physically unlike the god depicted in the brothel's frescoes and mosaics. The god was still ugly but possessed a shock of red hair on not only his head but also all over his strong body, including his crotch.
In his nightmare, Marius was sitting helplessly with his legs held wide apart in the air on either side of his head by some unseen divine force, with his bottom presented like some kind of sacrifice to the approaching Priapus' erect phallus. The boy wanted to run away but the same power that resolutely retained his ankles in place appeared to be somehow preventing any movement and he could only watch as the huge advancing cock came closer and closer.
As Priapus and his huge phallus finally came nearby, Marius looked up at the face of the god. He subsequently did not espy the deity's façade as depicted in the frescoes and mosaics but instead saw that of the smirking Nicias, whose massive cockhead then began to press remorselessly against the boy's virginal sphincter.
In his nightmare, Marius started to scream, as overwhelming pain overcame his helpless body and Priapus accepted the proffered virgin sacrifice. In reality, he was actually groaning in his sleep sufficiently for the boy prostitute occupying the adjacent straw mattress in the brothel dormitory to be awoken and to shake his loud neighbour in complaint at the disturbance of his slumber.
Consequently Marius also awoke, to find his naked body awash with sweat. The night was not particularly warm and so the boy correctly concluded that his condition was as a result of his disturbed nightmare rather than the temperature.
"You woke me with your groaning," complained the neighbouring boy prostitute, who was a couple of years older and whose similarly nude body, apart from his head, was protected by the old but clean blanket that covered most of him and his straw mattress. "I'm sorry," Marius responded, "but I was suffering a bad nightmare."
"That's not uncommon," the other young prostitute commented, "as we all suffer so much here. However, you'll have to attempt to be quiet when you endure nightmares or you might not only receive complaints from the other boys but also be beaten by them. You see, gaining a decent sleep is essential to us all because, if we're not lively when we do whatever duties are assigned to us, we'll earn punishment."
"I'll try to be quiet in future," Marius meekly answered. "Good," the other boy replied before returning his head to his straw mattress and quickly to sleep.
Marius, however, did not immediately replicate his neighbour's action. He instead glanced round the large shadowy dormitory, in which all of the brothel's boy prostitutes possessed a straw mattress with blanket, even if some actually spent nights sleeping elsewhere with clients.
All of the boy prostitutes slept naked, having handed in their black thongs for washing when finishing their daily duties and eating their only meal. They would subsequently find other ones to fit them from the pile of freshly laundered garments after bathing and grooming before the beginning of their tasks on the next day. However, because of the nature of their profession, most did not appear in their dormitories until well after midnight, with some even arriving after dawn.
The supervising Major Domo and the adult slaves under his command, at least one of whom was always on duty throughout the day and night, would note on wax tablets the times that individual boy prostitutes retired to the dormitory. They would subsequently generally allow their young charges to sleep for exactly eight hours, although more was permitted if longer recuperation from what they had been subjected to on the day previously was considered necessary.
The Major Domo and his assistants were as aware as the young prostitutes of the need for a good sleep, particularly as the adult slave supervisors were liable to be whipped by Fabius, usually at Felicia's behest, if any of their charges were presented for duty in an unsatisfactory condition. Lethargic drowsiness was not considered by the brothel's owners to be a suitable state in which to present their boys to their discerning clients.
As a consequence of the accepted need for a minimum of a sleep lasting eight hours and of the common timing of their duties, many of the boy prostitutes would not be awoken until almost midday or even later. After bathing in the large communal bath, which for slaves did not, of course, possess the luxury of hot water, subsequent grooming was generally conducted in pairs.
Boys would help each other with their daily enemas, to trim and comb their hair and to apply any head-garlands and makeup that their anticipated duties might necessitate. They would finally inspect each other carefully to ensure that their physiques were perfect for the day ahead, not wanting to be responsible for any blemish or both would be liable to distressful punishment.
None of the boys ate breakfast. Their sole meal of the day, comprising only basic fare, albeit decent, was provided in the communal dining hall after their duties were concluded.
This scheduling was designed to maximise the effect of the young prostitutes' enemas on rising on the next day, as clean rectums were required for certain potential duties ahead. However, healthy growing boys were consequently generally hungry throughout the period allocated for their tasks and usually attempted furtively to acquire something to help satiate at least part of their appetite.
Some of the boys took the chance of attempting slyly to steal some morsels of food from the dishes on or being delivered to the tables of those clients who dined in the brothel. The young servers were naturally best placed to try this. However, if detected by the customers, Fabius, Felicia, the Major Domo or his assistants, the punishment could be severe. Consequently, few actually risked the danger.
Most boys instead hoped to be rewarded with morsels of food by clients, the more considerate of whom were aware of the young prostitutes' desires for nourishment and did indeed tip them accordingly. Even if this situation was subsequently detected by Fabius, Felicia, the Major Domo or his assistants, punishment did not ensue because the patrons had initiated the deed and the owners and adult slaves of the brothel did not want to insult them by decrying in action their benevolence. They instead believed in the old Roman maxim that 'the customer is always right'.
Allowing eight hours for sleep, one for bathing and grooming and another for dining, the general period on duty for the young prostitutes was long, usually lasting more than half of the day. However, the boys were not always busy because a lot of time was spent standing or sitting around, waiting to be chosen by clients for sex, to serve customers with food and drink or to provide entertainment.
As Marius glanced around the dormitory, which was partly illuminated by wall-lamps, he noticed amidst the created shadows that the majority of the other mattresses were unoccupied. He therefore assumed correctly that the time would be not long after midnight, which was too early for most of his fellow boy prostitutes to have finished their duties.
Marius also assumed correctly that those boys, who were currently present with him in the dormitory, were of two kinds. There would be those who had been sent to bed prematurely because they were being assigned early morning tasks, as the brothel took pride in providing a 24-hour service. There would also be those who had been excused duty altogether because they were recuperating from injury.
Marius himself could have been classified on previous nights as the former kind but now he was of the latter type because the signs of his anal tear had disappeared and he had been assigned an early morning visit to a certain Senator. The boy was, of course, not looking forward to the trip, not only because he was due to be humiliatingly and painfully sodomised again but also because he might not return to the brothel alive.
Marius eventually stopped looking around the dormitory and instead once more rested his head on his mattress. By now the sweat on his naked body had dried and he began to feel the increasing chill of a relatively cold night. He therefore wrapped his solitary blanket more tightly around himself in order to retain more of his bodily warmth.
Marius next stared at the ceiling above, whilst now contemplating the meaning of his recent nightmare. The intelligent boy realised that the scary dream was an allegory referring to his recent anguishing deflowering by Nicias.
Such realisation caused Marius' mind to recall again the horrible event. He remembered Nicias crouching over him, with his manly hands resting for leverage on the back of the couch as he thrust his huge cock in and out of him, whilst the screaming boy's legs were held in the air by Narcissus.
Marius, however, also eventually recalled the pulsing orgasmic darkness that had descended on his mind, overwhelming for the moment the piercing agony that had previously consumed his young body. For a brief period of time, the boy had somehow felt himself to be free of all his troubles, with all his humiliations and sufferings forgotten, and instead enjoyed an instant of pure concentrated pleasure.
Marius now wondered if that moment had represented his first orgasm. There had, of course, been no visible product of the event, as any initial sexual climax enjoyed by a boy of his age would inevitably have been dry.
Marius therefore could not be sure that the moment had indeed represented his first orgasm. However, if the event did do so, he briefly pondered the strangeness of the occurrence happening amidst almost all-consuming shame and pain.
Before Marius closed his sensuous blue eyes and fell back into a deep sleep, despite his grave concerns about the day ahead, the boy also decided that, if the moment had represented his first orgasm, he wanted to enjoy many more of the same.
Chapter LIII
Marius' sensuous blue eyes opened next in response to more shaking. However, on this occasion, the movement had not been initiated by the boy sleeping on the straw mattress adjacent to him.
Marius had instead been awoken, amidst daylight streaming in through the dormitory windows, by a naked Narcissus, who was kneeling at his side. "Wake up, Cycnus," the older boy instructed in a whisper, "because I've been ordered by our Mistress to ready you for your assignment with the Senator."
Marius dutifully awoke fully and, in response to Narcissus' next command, whispered so as to avoid awaking the other young prostitutes currently sleeping in a now rather full dormitory, rose from under his blanket. The younger boy was then the subject of a titter from the older.
Marius was initially unsure of the cause of the titter but noticed that Narcissus' eyes were focused on his groin. The younger boy therefore looked downwards and saw that his little cock was again embarrassingly fully erect.
"I think, little one," Narcissus next whispered, whilst still smirking, "that you must have been enjoying an erotic dream just before I awoke you!" In reaction, Marius instantly recalled the relevant scene.
Marius had been dreaming that he was on the bed of the extremely handsome Apollo, the Olympian with locks and a lyre of gold, god of prophecy, healing and music. The deity was gently making love to him, causing the boy no pain but instead immense pleasure.
Apollo made love to accompanying sweet divine music, played on his golden lyre by a Muse, having earlier healed all of Marius' previous sufferings and promised to help the boy rise up from his troubles to assume a position of great respect and authority. Unfortunately, Narcissus' intervention had prevented the discovery of what this new status would be and instead the young prostitute was returned to sad reality.
Marius moved his hands towards his embarrassingly hard cock but Narcissus, who was not currently adorned with any makeup, suggested "Don't be ashamed of your erection, little one. We all regularly experience the phenomenon, which is a sign that you're maturing fast. Anyway, our clients like to see such liveliness in the boys here."
Marius reacted to Narcissus' words by gradually withdrawing his protective hands from shielding his aroused groin. He also suddenly began to feel quite proud rather than embarrassed by his little erection, which visibly wobbled up and down when the older boy led him into the baths adjacent to the dormitory.
As they proceeded, the curious Marius glanced at the naked Narcissus' own now exposed genitals. He found that those of the boy, who at 14 was three years older than him, were naturally bigger and comprised a nice slender uncut cock, which was currently interestingly semi-hard, with a pleasantly proportioned scrotum dangling underneath. The sexual organs themselves were completely devoid of hair but above was a small hirsute patch, whose light brown coloration matched that on top of the young prostitute's head.
Narcissus noticed Marius glancing with clear interest at his groin. The older boy therefore asked "Do you like what you see, little one?"
Marius quickly glanced away to look with blushing embarrassment at Narcissus' amused face. "I….I…." the younger boy subsequently started to stutter but an explanation as to why he had been focusing his eyes with clear interest on the older prostitute's groin would not emerge from his sweet rosy lips.
"There's no need to be embarrassed at your interest, little one," Narcissus instead remarked, "as I'm equally fascinated by your delightful body. Why do you think that my own cock is semi-hard and still growing?"
This question immediately tempted Marius to focus his eyes on Narcissus' groin once more and he was rewarded by the sight of a young penis rapidly becoming as erect as his own. "You see, little one, I'm very attracted to your body, like I am to those of most other boys here," the older prostitute unashamedly explained, "and I would love to make love to your form. My cock would definitely thoroughly enjoy venturing where Nicias' recently did!"
"Alas, little one, such a development is forbidden," Narcissus advised, "unless Fabius or Felicia or clients order such a show for entertainment. Perhaps we'll be lucky and someone will but sadly until that time our relationship will have to remain platonic. I'd rather not be whipped severely for molesting you, and anyway I consider that the product of my cock is the preserve of my clients."
"If I didn't cum when a client wanted me to because I'd just furtively pleasured myself with you," Narcissus informed, "I could be the subject of a complaint and therefore punishment. Despite the associated frustrations, I therefore generally store up my seed to give customers the delight of releasing my sperm if they so desire. However, the gaps between can sometimes be prolonged because my duties for our Mistress mean that I don't serve as many patrons as other boys and so occasionally I do use my own hand to provide relief."
Narcissus' further words again caused a speedy alteration in Marius' attitude, which once more swiftly changed from embarrassment to curious interest and tempted him to ask, with a little awe noticeable in his voice, "You really spurt cum? How much?"
"Yes," Narcissus patiently confirmed, as they reached the baths, which were currently empty of anyone else at this generally very quiet time of the morning, "I really do produce semen. As for the amount, why don't you find out?"
"What do you mean?" Marius enquired in confusion. "Rub my cock and you'll soon find out the answer to all of your questions," Narcissus replied with blatant enthusiasm.
Marius' confusion immediately dissipated. As part of his training, the boy had been provided with graphic demonstrations of solo and mutual masturbation in Scyrax's house.
"But I thought that you said that sex between boys was forbidden unless permission was granted by our Master or Mistress or the clients," Marius subsequently protested, whilst returning his stare to his companion's face, "and you follow this rule to avoid a whipping. You also normally like to save your cum for the clients." "I usually do," Narcissus responded, whilst his now thoroughly erect cock visibly quivered in eager anticipation of being imminently rubbed to climax by the beautiful younger boy, "but I think that we can make this an exception."
"There's no one else around in the baths at this early hour," Narcissus went on to explain, "and there won't be for a while yet. I'm also not harming you by molesting you but rather the reverse and you can see my need, which won't be gratified for a while by a client because, for reasons I'll clarify later, I'm to spend most of the day with you."
"I assure you, little one, that my need won't take long to satisfy now," the clearly keen Narcissus added, "and so there's no real danger in yourself discovering the answer to your own questions!" Without verbally replying but in other reaction to the older boy's explanation, Marius' right hand was suddenly tempted to begin to reach out slowly towards the proffered cock.
Slightly frustrated by Marius' timid slowness, Narcissus requested "Go on, grab my cock, as it won't bite you!" The hint of an accusation of cowardice in the older boy's solicitation immediately caused the younger to comply.
Consequently, standing immediately adjacent to the cold bath into which both would soon plunge in order to wash, Marius next started to rub Narcissus' erection, which, as promised, quickly demonstrated delight at his touch and its acute need by rapidly succumbing to sweet climax. The resultant quantity of semen produced by the orgasmic older boy, whose brown eyes had closed in exquisite ecstasy, subsequently became speedily apparent to the younger because he had forgotten to stand aside.
Marius' lovely naked body, still standing in front of the equally nude Narcissus, was therefore comprehensively splashed by the spurting sperm of the orgasmic older boy. Several accumulations of creamy cum soon formed on the younger prostitute's chest and belly before slowly running downwards in a few white lines towards his legs and groin.
"That was a pleasant show!" commented a voice from nearby. The suddenly alarmed Marius and, with quickly re-opened eyes, Narcissus instantly turned towards the source of the remark to find the Major Domo standing there.
Marius had momentarily forgotten his intense concerns about the day ahead. His curiosity had caused him to enjoy masturbating Narcissus almost as much as the recipient of his manual ministrations.
Now, to add to his troubles, Marius had to contemplate suffering punishment for having unauthorised sex with another boy prostitute if he somehow survived his impending visit to a certain Senator.
(To be continued)