The Traitor's Son Chapters 45-47
By Zelamir, adapted by Pueros
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
Chapter XLV
Fabius went on to explain to Felicia that another reason for him paying such a high price for Marius, apart from his rare and precious virginity, was that he was one of Scyrax's boys. He added that both of them surely appreciated that only top class and excellently prepared and disciplined young slaves emanated from such a reputable source. They were even invariably already well instructed, if not practically experienced, in how to please a man sexually, which saved the brothel the bother of such training.
Felicia actually grudgingly acknowledged these facts, albeit very curtly, as she did not want her husband to feel pleased with himself. Deciding that she had wasted enough time with the newcomers, she also next determined that they should instead begin to earn their cost and keep.
Felicia shouted "Narcissus!" A boy of fourteen, whose attractive face was heavily made-up, with his cheeks rouged and eyes rimmed with kohl, and whose nipples were gilded, subsequently stepped forward from a corner of the room in which he had been standing discreetly in the shadows unseen by the new arrivals.
Narcissus, who was only wearing the minuscule black thong common to all of the boys in the brothel, plus the usual name tag around his neck, had served the longest in the establishment because he was his mistress' favourite. Felicia had not yet wanted to sell him on for two reasons. First, she found him to be a suitably efficient and reverent attendant minion, fetching and carrying and conveying messages in accordance with her slightest whim. He was also as good at sexually servicing her as he was with the brothel's male clients.
Narcissus was aptly named because he both knew and was exceptionally proud of the fact that he was very beautiful. The boy also revelled in being Felicia's favourite because the situation afforded him all sorts of privileges.
Such privileges included lighter prostitution duties because Narcissus mainly acted as Felicia's menial. He was also regularly given the authority by her to supervise, with permission to report punishable misdemeanours, other boys, which his inherent sadism rather enjoyed.
Narcissus' only regrets at his situation in the brothel were twofold, if the very facts of being a slave and prostitute were ignored, which were anyway not really factors in his mind. After all, he had been born into slavery and knew no other existence, and being a whore in such a high-class establishment as the 'House of Ganymede' was actually a better life than many of his lowly status experienced elsewhere. He could easily have had even more cruel owners or far worse living conditions and work to perform.
Narcissus' first regret was that he preferred to have intimate relations with the brothel's male clients than with Felicia, given his inherent prevailing homosexuality and her rather unattractive ageing appearance. However, the boy did manage somehow to hide his disgust and satisfy her whenever required or otherwise he would not have remained her favourite for long and would now undoubtedly instead be a young prostitute in a much less pleasant environment. His achievement was helped by the fact that the woman rarely demanded coitus, preferring her clitoris instead to be tickled orally.
Narcissus' second regret was his disappointment not to be granted authority actually to punish other boys personally and thereby gratify his inherent sadism. He had to satisfy himself instead with watching clients doing so.
Felicia was very happy to maximise her financial returns by granting those of her customers with sadistic inclinations, in return for a minimum up-front fee, the privilege of punishing relevant boys either privately or publicly according to the customers' tastes. She even sometimes auctioned the treat as part of the brothel's nightly entertainment when the place was most crowded and raucous.
Felicia, of course, favoured the punishment itself also forming part of the nightly entertainment in order to please the wider clientele. However, she also recognised a customer's right to hurt a boy in privacy instead if he so wanted.
Felicia naturally demanded that clients did not inflict permanent damage on the boys whom they were punishing on her behalf. However, beyond that simple requirement, she allowed the customers full leeway in deciding how to chastise the relevant young prostitute, as long as one other condition was met.
This other condition was that the fee originally paid compensated for any subsequent length of time required for the relevant boys to repair before they were able to resume normal brothel duties. The minimum payment allowed for a week of recuperation but, if this was likely to be extended because of the severity of the damage inflicted, a surcharge would be applicable.
If, despite Felicia's proscription against permanent damage being inflicted, such injuries were nevertheless sustained, the customers concerned were expected to repay the original full purchase price of the relevant boys. They subsequently had a choice of taking the ruined young prostitutes home and keeping them in their households or alternatively reselling them themselves or allowing the brothel to do so on their behalf.
The bulk of the brothel's clients tended to observe the establishment's stipulations in these matters, rarely arguing if they were surcharged for punishing boys so severely that they would not be able to return to prostitution duties for over a week. After all, most customers were very rich and the money meant little to them unless they were particularly parsimonious. The majority also wished to retain their memberships, which might be threatened if they argued with the owners.
In fact, only the memberships of genuine nuisances, who threatened the harmony of the brothel and the enjoyment of the rest of the clientele, were occasionally revoked and the men concerned were invariably of minor significance. The foibles of anyone of major status in Roman society were diplomatically overlooked by everyone, including the owners, who also waived the likes of surcharges in respect of such important patrons. After all, what did one badly hurt or even permanently damaged boy matter if the whole future of the brothel could be endangered if such a person became displeased with the place.
Fortunately, only a few permanently damaged boys had had to be disposed of at a loss because of the injuries inflicted by such a man and none had been for a couple of years. Significantly, though, they had been punished by the same person, a sadistic pederast by the name of Lucius Vitellius, whose importance related to the facts that he was a senior Senator, recent former Consul and an old crony of the Emperor Tiberius.
Lucius Vitellius was even rumoured to have given his own son, Aulus, to Tiberius to play with sexually on the island of Capri in order to help secure career advancement. Fortunately for the boys of the brothel, his tactic appeared to have worked because the Emperor had appointed him not only as a Consul but also later to be Governor of Syria, which was why he had not recently damaged a young prostitute in Rome.
The need for the punishment to fit the crime in the brothel was never considered and boys could suffer appallingly at a client's sadistic hands for even a very minor misdemeanour. The establishment's proprietors did not consider such a situation iniquitous for three reasons.
First, justice did not apply to slaves in the Roman Empire, as their owners could do anything with them according to their whim. Second, the harshness of the practice actually appeared to encourage discipline and performance in the boys. Third and most important, the brothel was a service that prided in satisfying comprehensively the tastes, including the sadistic elements, of all of the clientele.
Some clients even became so fascinated by certain boys that they actually bought them undamaged from the brothel, usually towards the end of their service when their price would be lowest. Felicia never experienced any tinge of regretful conscience whatsoever when the young prostitutes concerned were purchased by customers whom she knew to be particularly sadistic pederasts, who might even end up killing their new property.
The boys concerned were, after all, in Felicia's mind, mere slaves, namely sub-humans who were nothing more than chattels, to be used, abused and disposed of in whatever manner their owners wanted, just as if they were animal livestock. Torturing and killing such creatures in any way for no good reason was entirely lawful under Roman jurisprudence.
Narcissus bowed reverently in front of Felicia, who commanded "Take these three new brats to the Major Domo." "Tell him," she instructed, whilst pointing not at Marius but at the other two fresh arrivals, "to bathe them, check their skills and straightaway allocate them appropriate duties to earn their prices and keep!"
"However," Felicia next ordered, whilst now pointing at Marius, "tell the Major Domo that this one's a virgin, who's to be readied to dance at an auction at which the privilege of deflowering him will be sold. Add that the brat's to perform soon and well to obtain the best price quickly or else the both of them will suffer!"
"Also," Felicia added, "tell the Major Domo that when this brat's ready I don't want him tarted up like you, Narcissus, you filthy little whore." She was, of course, proving, by this latter description of her minion, that even her most favoured boy was, like her long-suffering husband, not immune to her regular insults.
"I instead want," Felicia concluded, "our latest young virgin to be presented just like he is now, without make-up, as that should add to the hopefully lucrative appreciation of his unsullied purity!"
Chapter XLVI
A few days later, Marius was ready to lose his virginity. By this time, the Major Domo had, in a private garden pavilion, with no one else present apart from a boy playing a lyre, taught the young virgin the basics of erotic dancing, as far as performing for a short period alone was concerned.
A more prolonged dance or a group routine, necessitating co- ordination with others, would, of course, have required greater instruction. However, such tuition was not needed for Marius' first public appearance in the brothel.
The Major Domo, who, with other adult slaves subservient to him, supervised the daily activities of the brothel's young prostitutes, was pleased how quickly Marius had picked up the relevant basics. Such rudimentaries included, at a particular musical crescendo, the speedy simultaneous unfastening of the two little bows on the side cords of the virginal boy's new minuscule black thong, which allowed the subsequent rapidly discreet shedding of the sparse garment so that he could conclude his performance completely naked.
The Major Domo was unsure whether Marius' quick attainment of efficiency was as a result of the boy being a natural dancer and whore or the fact that the senior adult slave carried a light whip. This implement stung badly, but without leaving a mark that lasted, and was used to encourage attention to, and quick proficient absorption of, instruction.
The Major Domo actually did not ponder the reason for Marius' quick attainment of efficiency for long. The answer was in reality largely irrelevant to him as long as his duty was successfully concluded.
The Major's Domo's job was just to ensure that newcomers like Marius were rapidly converted into efficient prostitutes, capable of fulfilling the roles that the formidable Felicia allocated to them. In the case of this particular fresh intake, his initial task to ready the boy to dance and lose his virginity had been completed to his mistress' liking because she had watched his final rehearsal.
Despite Marius' embarrassment at having to dance and strip so erotically, this final rehearsal went well and Felicia actually applauded, albeit only very briefly. The boy's efficiency, especially in respect of shedding his thong, might have been helped by the fact the woman had already intimately seen him naked and by the maintained presence of the light whip in the Major Domo's hand, which fortunately had needed to be used only rarely on him.
Alternatively, Marius even considered, in line with the Major Domo's thoughts, that perhaps he simply was just a natural whore. After all, his unruly cock invariably became hard whenever he performed and he also felt some pride in successfully concluding a dance, whilst finally standing still and completely naked, in a spreadeagled pose as instructed and with his penis throbbing as not taught.
By now, Marius had, of course, not just learnt about erotic dancing. He had also discovered more about life in the select boy brothel called the 'House of Ganymede'.
Fabius and Felicia provided boys of a wide age range for their discerning clients, from young infants to older teenagers, but the most numerous were between 11 and 14 years old, which reflected the customers' main tastes. The private amenities for the young prostitutes were not unlike those provided in Scyrax's house, namely basic dormitory, baths and dining hall, although all were much bigger than those to which Marius had previously become accustomed because of the greater numbers using them.
The brothel was prosperous and well frequented by rich clients and their guests and so the number of young prostitutes required to serve them was very high. Some men even virtually used the establishment as their homes, as they stayed the nights with their chosen boys and used the luxurious bathing and dining facilities provided for the customers. There was even a laundry service.
Boys fell primarily into three categories, namely prostitutes, entertainers, comprising musicians, dancers and acrobats, and servers. The latter, as the job title implies, attended upon the clients whilst they wined and dined, bathed or otherwise relaxed.
No boy was, however, safe from the sexual attentions of clients if they particularly fancied someone. An entertainer or server would simply be excused their normal duties, and perhaps if necessary be temporarily replaced by an unused prostitute, in order to provide the requisite service to the lustful customer.
A rotation system also operated in order to keep boys fresh. As a result, they might at particular times be prostitutes, whilst at others, when deemed appropriate that they should temporarily rest from such duties, act as servers or, if they possessed the necessary talent, entertainers.
Most of the boys slept through much of daylight because they were mainly required to work in the evenings and overnight, which was why Marius had observed little activity on his arrival in the brothel. When on duty, the bulk of the young prostitutes assembled in two areas.
Some of the young prostitutes stood in the entrances to the alcoves in the hallway, advertising their wares, namely their virtually naked bodies, until chosen by clients strolling past. They would subsequently be enjoyed at the standard rate, with the minimum charge being for an hour although many customers had finished with them inside that time. The relevant charge was calculated, collected and recorded on wax tablets by adult slaves using water clocks, who were under the overall supervision of the Major Domo. Fabius and Felicia also inevitably hovered to ensure that no fiddling of the books was taking place.
Others of the young prostitutes lingered, under the supervision of adult slaves, against the surrounding walls of the square entertainment area at the head of the hallway, waiting for clients to select them. Relevant customers subsequently had a choice of where to indulge in sex.
Cheapskates seeking to acquire their pleasure at the lower standard rate than applied when using an alcove, or those who simply gained a thrill from, or did not care about, relatively public sexual activity, might seek a quiet spot in the likes of the gardens or baths. Alternatively, others willing to spend more, even lavishly by enjoying a boy for a whole night, could hire not only the young prostitute but also one of a selection of ornate bedrooms.
Some rich clients liked to hire, despite the greater cost, more than one young prostitute in order to indulge in the likes of a threesome or to watch the boys have sex with each other before joining in. A few were also rather strange impotent voyeurs, who simply enjoyed being mere spectators, whilst one Senator was notorious for not touching the pair whom he had rented but instead masturbating whilst they made love.
Like in Scyrax's house, such circumstances represented the only times when boys were allowed to have sex with each other, apart from the fairly regular occasions when such activities formed part of the nightly public entertainment. Fabius and Felicia liked to encourage their clients to become particularly randy by such erotic displays in order to enhance business because not everyone frequented the brothel to enjoy a young prostitute.
Some men simply visited the brothel to bathe or dine with friends and associates and voyeuristically enjoy the entertainment. Fabius and Felicia liked to tempt them to spend more by also gaining expensive pleasure from their young prostitutes and often the spectacle of two beautiful boys having sex with each other in public accomplished the deed.
Unlike in Scyrax's house, for the majority of the young prostitutes in the brothel, the prohibition from having intimate relations privately with each other was not a major problem, even if they really fancied others. The boys generally had a surfeit of sex and did not want any more.
Marius was currently something of an exception. Being a virginal newcomer to supposedly the world's oldest profession, he had not only never had sex with another person but also not yet enjoyed an orgasm. The boy's rather bewildered mind could not currently determine whether he was looking forward to the relevant experiences, as the eager anticipation regularly and humiliatingly exhibited physically by his unruly cock was counterbalanced by mental shame and fear.
The previous evenness of this counterbalance was, however, now threatened by Felicia. After she had watched Marius perform his last dance rehearsal, she approached and addressed the now once more naked boy, who knew better than to hide his exposed aroused genitals from her view.
"Well, boy," Felicia commented, whilst looking up and down the front of Marius' naked form, on which his cute belly displayed signs of heavy breathing after his hectic dance, "I'm in agreement with the Major Domo's opinion." "That was a very good final dress rehearsal, or," she subsequently quipped before laughing at her own joke, "should I say undress rehearsal?"
After Felicia's laughter eventually subsided, she explained to Marius, who was, of course, even more embarrassed and blushing from being the subject of such a quip, what she precisely meant by being 'in agreement with the Major Domo's opinion'. "You're ready, in more ways than one," she happily declared, "to start earning money for your mistress!"
Marius briefly considered the significance of Felicia's failure to add 'and master' to the end of her last comment. However, such contemplation was quickly dispelled by a return of acute humiliation when she instead indicated what she meant by 'in more ways than one' by reaching out with one of her well-manicured fingernails to flick the boy's embarrassing erection upwards.
"We'll therefore have to give you a suitable name," Felicia went on to announce, "in readiness for your introduction to our clientele." Marius immediately wanted to say that he already possessed an appellation, one that had been confided to her on his arrival in the brothel by her husband. However, the boy desisted from doing so for three reasons.
First, Marius appreciated that he was not allowed to speak without permission. Doing so now would probably earn the boy a stinging strike from Felicia's hand or the Major Domo's whip.
Second, the boy recalled that one of the privileges of being a slave owner was the ability to call his or her human property anything they wanted, including changing names from the originals if so desired. Local custom also meant that most such appellations were Greek and 'Marius' was very much Roman.
Third, Marius hoped that a new name would help him to protect his real identity from being guessed by those of the brothel's clientele who might previously have known him or his late parents and siblings. Such recognition might be aided by some of the rather attractive physical features common to his family.
Felicia, who had anyway quickly forgotten Marius' real name, considering the appellation irrelevant, contemplated his new title for a few moments, whilst still looking him up and down, until she heard the cackling of some of the swans that often frequented the largest of the ponds in the outside gardens. She subsequently suddenly declared "We'll call you Cycnus, after the character in Greek mythology!"
Marius was not entirely pleased to hear his new name. He did not like the idea of being associated with swans. The boy, who had received a good early education from a tutor, was also dubious about Cycnus' mythological reputation, which varied from good to bad, depending upon which variation of his story was accepted.
"Now, Cycnus," Felicia continued, whilst her face became rather serious, "I want you to dance well tonight and afterwards display yourself to best effect so that depriving you of your virginity will earn me a good price. I also want you to behave and be brave when you are actually being deflowered."
"I've noticed on your bottom," Felicia added, by way of explaining her need for Marius to display bravery as well as good behaviour, "the now barely discernible fading signs of a recent caning. However, what you're going to experience tonight when you finally lose your anal innocence will probably hurt even more. In fact, I suggest that the pain will be worse than any you've ever previously encountered."
Marius was not, of course, comforted by such words but rather the opposite. Consequently, a few fearful tears suddenly appeared in his lovely blue eyes, as a sense that he was helpless to prevent the recurrence of agony returning to his body, plus a remembrance of the bitter excruciating bite of the cane cracking across his tender bottom, returned.
"You'll probably be badly hurt tonight, Cycnus," Felicia cruelly remarked on seeing the tears appear in Marius' eyes, "whatever you do and so you'll just have to accept and become accustomed to that fact. I'm telling you, as I do with all virgins, so that you can prepare for the suffering because, if you don't behave and be brave when being deflowered but instead fight what is happening, you'll later endure more pain by being severely punished for being disobedient and cowardly!"
Felicia's words were, of course, not intended to stop Marius crying or even screaming in agony whilst being deflowered, as the clients perpetrating such a deed invariably liked seeing such a reaction, which thereby added to their own costly enjoyment. In fact, such a pained tearful response was one of the main reasons why, for them, sodomising a virgin was so sadistically pleasurable and worth the considerable expense. The other pleasant factors were the knowledge that where they were venturing had never previously been penetrated, being evidenced by the delightful tightness of the orifices concerned, and that their manly cocks were excruciatingly depriving the boys involved of their previous innocence and purity.
Felicia's words were instead intended to ensure that, despite their anguish, tears and shrieks, young virgins remained compliant throughout the deflowering process and did not attempt to fight or flee their destiny. Such unwanted happenings were bad for the reputation of the 'House of Ganymede', as well as for her purse because fees would have to be returned and probably some form of compensation would have to be offered to the relevant angered and disappointed clients.
"Beginning to snivel now won't do you any good," Felicia remorselessly continued, "but is only likely later to affect your public and private performances adversely, thereby making punishment for ineptitude more inevitable. So, stop immediately, whilst I instruct you in another matter."
"Being a virgin," Felicia went on to relate, as she observed Marius bravely attempting to cheer and wipe his damp eyes, "you'll also never have previously licked and sucked a man's cock to climax. However, being one of Scyrax's boys, you'll undoubtedly have been visually taught the relevant techniques, which, in case you don't know, are collectively termed 'fellatio'."
"Well," Felicia next warned, "despite your lack of personal practical experience, I don't want tonight's client, if he also requires the performance of fellatio, perhaps as an aperitif before or dessert after the main sodomy course, later complaining to me that you were poor at the practice. Regardless of how big or obnoxiously hairy or smelly a man's cock is, I want you to use your mouth and tongue to provide the shaft with your fullest expert attention and, if you're required to swallow semen, make sure that you do so. I do not want to hear about you spilling sperm or gagging or being sick, or you'll be punished afterwards!"
"Do you understand me, Cycnus?" Felicia subsequently asked. "Yes, Mistress," Marius answered, although his apprehension about the events to come made his voice so weak that he was barely audible.
"Good!" Felicia finally commented in conclusion before, after giving Marius' amazingly still maintained erection another humiliating flick, turning on her heels and, without saying another word, departing.
Chapter XLVII
"What brings you here tonight, Maccius?" an acquaintance asked a few hours after Felicia's audience with Marius. "I'm here with Scyrax as a guest of the house," the evil patrician youth answered, whilst sipping from a goblet full of the finest Falernian wine.
"The virginity of a boy supplied by Scyrax is to be auctioned tonight," Maccius added, "and Fabius and Felicia kindly thought that we might like to see what price it fetches." In fact, the wicked youth was, not uncommonly, again lying.
Scyrax rarely ventured into the 'House of Ganymede' because his parsimonious nature disliked the prices charged for the food, drink, young prostitutes and other facilities, especially when he had plenty of boys and a good cook and wine cellar at home to provide him with his pleasures. However, Maccius had persuaded him on this special occasion to seek an invite from Felicia as a treat for him.
Having happily learnt from Scyrax to whom Marius had been sold, Maccius, who was sadistically delighted that the boy had not found a better home, was determined to be around when the young new prostitute's virginity was finally forfeited. He cruelly and correctly believed that, by making his own presence at the preliminary well-advertised event known, he would be compounding the child's misery.
"Where's Scyrax?" the acquaintance next asked, whilst looking around to attempt to spot the fat merchant amongst the crowd of drinkers and diners occupying most of the many couches surrounding the brothel's entertainment amenity or simply standing to talk. Few appeared to be watching the troupe of scantily-clad boy acrobats currently performing in the central area.
"Felicia has been so happy with the boys that Fabius has recently bought from Scyrax via the slave market," Maccius replied, "that she's given him a complimentary brat, obtained from another supplier but nevertheless still nice, to play with in one of the alcoves. The slut's actually pleasantly pretty, with flaxen hair and a rather peaches and cream complexion that suggests that he originates from the most northerly limits of our Empire!"
"Don't worry," Maccius added, whilst gesturing to an adjacent unoccupied divan, "Scyrax won't take too long before returning to his couch after having his fun with the brat, as I'm afraid that his foreplay is becoming increasingly impatient and therefore shortened. Meanwhile, I hope that he doesn't first crush the slut under his bulk, as I'm sure that he won't like to have to pay the undoubtedly substantial costs of replacement."
Both Maccius and his almost equally sadistic acquaintance laughed at the thought of Scyrax mounting a boy and crushing him with his weight. However, their mutual amusement was curtailed when the fat man himself reappeared in the distance, looking rather flushed but satisfied after his recent very hectic and, for him, pleasant activity.
Simultaneously, the young acrobats, attired only in the usual skimpy black thongs, finished their act rather spectacularly. They first climbed on top of each other in a pyramid-like formation, which subsequently dissolved into a neatly choreographed tumble of boys, who finally stood in a spreadeagled posture evenly around the entertainment square, hopefully awaiting applause. However, as usual no such reaction occurred.
The few spectators of the boys' polished performance instead just resumed conversations with those reclining on neighbouring couches, which the majority of clients had already been doing whilst completely ignoring the spectacular entertainment. This indifference to such acts was common and had often stimulated Felicia into suggesting to her husband that "We'll have to come up with more interesting acrobatics to keep our customers happy!"
After the young acrobats had run off from the entertainment area, again disappointed that their best efforts had drawn little interest and no acclimation from the brothel's clientele, the mentioned husband next appeared. Fabius announced "Gentlemen, as previously advertised, I now introduce you to a new boy to our establishment, one who's that rare commodity….a virgin!"
"Cycnus will first dance for us," Fabius declared, "and then we'll auction the privilege of deflowering him. I believe that many of you will find good reason to bid!"
Fabius subsequently could not immediately understand the sight and sound of Maccius laughing loudly in reaction to his announcement. In fact, the youth was doing so in response to discovering that Marius had been renamed as Cycnus.
Fabius was, however, delighted that he had managed to attract almost every client's attention, for most of their eyes were upon him and a virtual silence had descended on the entertainment area. As a result, he was happily assured that, as usual, the imminent loss of a beautiful young boy's virginity interested the customers much more than acrobatics.
Fabius assumed correctly that such attention and silence would continue to prevail during Cycnus' dance and the later sale of his virginity. Even those clients, who did not intend for whatever reason to bid, were generally fascinated by the sight of a beautiful boy gyrating erotically before them in the knowledge that his purity was imminently to be painfully forfeited, as well as intrigued by the subsequent auction process.
Meanwhile, Marius was standing under the close supervision of the Major Domo behind a closed door to the side of the entertainment area. Nevertheless, the boy, who had recently been carefully bathed and groomed, including subjection to anal enemas and bodily oiling, could hear not only Fabius' announcement but also Maccius' loud laughter.
Marius, who was sporting a tag around his neck that indicated that his name was Cycnus, could now recognise Maccius' sinister laughter anywhere. The boy was already very nervous and afraid about humiliatingly dancing and stripping for the first time in public and the imminent and undoubtedly shameful and painful subsequent loss of his virginity. However, the knowledge that the evil youth was present in the brothel made his mental sense of degradation and trepidation much worse.
Nevertheless, Marius' cock as usual reacted differently. Already aroused, the boy's penis hardened still further, causing his minuscule black thong to balloon demeaningly outwards a little more.
Marius' fears were compounded by the thought that Maccius might bid to be the client who won the privilege of deflowering him. The notion that the evil youth might be the customer who deprived him of his virginity was almost too much for him to bear and, despite the warmth of the evening, his delightful boyish body shivered in reaction to perceiving the possibility.
Marius' reaction would have been even worse if he had known what Maccius was simultaneously attempting to do. The scheming impecunious patrician youth was currently trying to encourage the much wealthier but plebeian Scyrax to fund him in bidding for the privilege of deflowering the boy.
The miserly Scyrax was, of course, attempting to deny Maccius funds, especially as the boy concerned once belonged to him and so the idea of paying to deprive him of his virginity appeared to him to be incongruously stupid. The parsimonious fat man also realised that the cost would be substantial and therefore not of the kind that he would like to subsidise.
Maccius, however, was not easily defeated by Scyrax's arguments, especially in matters of such importance. The scheming youth also knew well that he could usually win the infatuated fat man over to meeting his needs in return for a promise of later sexual delights.
"I'll be very, very nice to you later," Maccius ultimately promised Scyrax, whilst seductively fluttering his long eyelashes. Consequently, the fat man's resistance dissolved.
"Alright, I'll support your bidding," Scyrax finally conceded, "but don't go too high." "I won't, dearest," Maccius lied, as the evil scheming youth, who had been plotting this moment ever since he had heard about Marius' fate, had every intention of being the person who deflowered the boy.
Maccius was still consumed with a nefarious desire to hurt Marius in particular. The evil youth therefore proposed to gain immense pleasure from maximising the boy's agony and abashment when deflowering him. He also looked forward to punishing him severely afterwards, as he would complain, fairly or not, about the young prostitute's performance to Felicia and seek from her in recompense the granting of the opportunity to inflict appropriate chastisement personally.
"I therefore introduce Cycnus!" Fabius shouted from the centre of the entertainment area and a door to his side opened to reveal Marius. On seeing the large crowded chamber, full of reclining men whose lecherous eyes were fixed on him, the boy subsequently momentarily hesitated to enter, especially as he noticed Maccius' face amongst the throng, smirkingly pervaded by cruelty and lust. However, his rather natural and common reaction for a newcomer was overcome by a gentle shove from the Major Domo who was standing behind him.
The thought of the Major Domo's whip or worse then encouraged Marius, whose minuscule thong was still ballooning, to run to the centre of the entertainment area, which had been quickly vacated by Fabius, and, to a lyre accompaniment, begin his erotic dance routine. Despite his nervousness and shame, and the knowledge that Maccius was present amongst the many clearly intrigued and lecherous spectators, the boy somehow started flawlessly, whilst the sudden intrusion of discreet whispering could soon be heard above the music.
Many of the clients were whispering to neighbours about Marius' undoubted charms. On overhearing some of these conversations, the attendant Fabius and Felicia smiled at each other. They now appreciated that the boy's virginity would indeed fetch a very high price, given the crowded house, the exceptionally complimentary comments about the goods on offer and the abundance of exceedingly wealthy customers present.
The smile that Marius displayed whilst he danced was, however, not impulsive but forced, as he had been taught to exhibit such a facial expression throughout his act. The boy's natural façade would have instead showed deep displeasure and dread because, as he performed, his sensuous blue eyes rarely strayed from Maccius.
Marius somehow knew from Maccius' own smirking facial expression that the evil youth would be the person who would soon be deflowering him and the boy was sure that he would relish doing so very savagely.
(To be continued)