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By Pueros
copyright 2006 by Pueros,
all rights
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
This is the concluding fifth part of a story of sexual sado-
masochism, as rumoured to be practised by some of the new
multi-millionaires and billionaires of modern Russia.
There will be at least two sequels to follow, namely
'Slaveboys From Moscow & New York' and 'Slaveboys From
Part пять – приложение
Part Five – Addendum
'It is true that liberty is precious, so precious that it
must be rationed.'
- Lenin
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, late 1990s)
Sergei's Master might now have been a crooked manipulative capitalist. However, he certainly appeared to agree with at least one maxim of the founder of communist Russia, Lenin. He liked to ration the liberty available to his slaveboys considerably and, when they were occasionally released from their cells and their genital chastity cages, they actually rarely enjoyed their freedom.
Sergei was currently experiencing such a moment, as he overheard the leather-clad woman, sporting an eye mask of the same black material to complete her appearance as a sinister dominatrix, speak. She was asking of her masculine companions, whilst experimenting with her new toy, "Do you think that I can make the boy brat resemble a heavily pregnant female? If I continue to blow up the head of the dildo inside him, I'll surely expand his belly to look like that of an imminent mother-to-be!"
Fortunately for Sergei, one of the men in the woman's company asked in reply "Would that be safe?" He went on to comment "Some of the brat's internal organs might be badly harmed by your action. I don't think that the slut's Master would appreciate having one of his expensive young slaves irrevocably injured inside, and the fraternity would also be displeased if the whore's contractual rights were ignored by causing permanent damage to him."
The man, of course, felt no compassion for Sergei and, in fact, would sadistically have loved to see the woman's experimental use of her new toy continue. However, he knew how much emphasis the organisation responsible for securing the young slaves placed on meeting contractual obligations and he did not want his membership endangered for going too far when playing with such brats.
Despite the fresh acute excruciation consuming his lovely body as a result of the head of the leather dildo expanding voluminously inside him, Sergei's tortured mind nevertheless remained conscious of this disturbing conversation. The agonised boy, still dutifully bent over a table, was naturally rather interested in the outcome of the debate.
In response to the man's words, the woman paused her pumping of the external ball at the end of the dildo held in her hand, which expanded the head at the other, now deep inside Sergei, whilst she too contemplated the potential consequences of continuing. She was thoroughly enjoying what she was doing and would actually have liked to damage the boy. However, her meditation was ended prematurely when the host made an announcement, using a microphone so that all of his guests could hear.
"Gentleman and ladies," the host announced, whilst illustrating his inherent misogynism by the order in which he had addressed the two genders, "I have, as usual, arranged some special entertainment for you all in addition to the forthcoming auction and the availability of the young slave servants for sexual activity. The relevant show will begin now but will pause twice for about an hour and only conclude after the sale of the six beautiful 14 year-old boy brats waiting for you in the adjacent room."
Sergei, despite his mental and physical anguish, resulting from still being humiliatingly and painfully bent over the table with the rubber dildo fully inserted into him whilst its expanded head was stretching the end of his rectum, immediately noted the term 'as usual' in the host's announcement. When the boy had been auctioned here three months previously, he had not known at the time that some 'special entertainment' had been provided for the guests. However, as his presence then was only to have his contract purchased, he had been taken away after the transaction had been concluded to wash and groom again and be redressed in his new Master's livery in the identical bedchamber in which he had earlier readied himself for sale.
Sergei had subsequently been forced to wait in the same room for hours before his new Master was ready to take him away, which happened to be to a similar luxurious dacha, but one near St. Petersburg not Moscow. The boy had therefore missed the 'special entertainment' that had detained the man.
"The one-year contract of one of my own slaveboys ends soon," the host went on to inform via his microphone announcement, "and I have consequently decided to enact forthwith the codicil to the agreement to which he voluntarily consented. I therefore now invite you all to witness the outcome, the first episode of which will take place imminently in another adjacent room!"
Sergei could not see but now judged correctly from the relevant noise that the previously closed sliding double- doors behind him were now being rolled ajar. The boy knew from previous sad experience that the similar entrance, which he could observe at the other end of the hospitality hall and currently remained closed, housed the auction suite, where presumably six beautiful scantily-clad boys were presently disporting themselves on mirrored tables. It appeared that the young sextet would have to wait longer for the start of the sale of their contracts.
There was an immediate delighted cheer from many of the guests, along with some excited applause. Sergei also now felt the currently bulbous end of the rubber dildo inside him quickly deflate, as the woman operating the cruel device activated the mechanism releasing the air that she had pumped in to inflate the head.
"I suppose there is a danger of going too far," the woman explained in relation to her action, "and anyway our host is providing alternative entertainment." She was also proving to be protective about her own membership of the fraternity, which gave her many delightful opportunities to play sadistic sex games with young slaves of both genders.
The woman was actually a senior government official but was also not rich enough to buy the expensive contracts of any of the young slaves. However, fellow fraternity members, who were wealthy enough to own such beauties temporarily, were frequently generous, albeit not necessarily out of altruism.
The woman was often allowed not just to borrow the services of some of the young slaves on occasions such as the regular quarterly auctions like the present one and at the frequent sex parties held by the rich owners of contracts. She had even occasionally also been allowed to obtain the use of a young teenager for an extended period in her own home when their Masters or Mistresses had not needed their services for some reason but wanted a favour from her in her capacity as an influential government official. 'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine' remained a favourite dictum amongst the corrupt elite of the new so-called democratic capitalist Russia, just as it was during the previous communist regime.
An audible pop subsequently quickly indicated that the woman had now also rapidly withdrawn the dildo entirely from Sergei's rectum, the unnecessary but deliberate harshness of the activity causing him to jump and wince in pain. He subsequently speedily re-enacted this display of anguish when she immediately followed up her original hurtful action by lifting the rear narrow elastic, which helped to retain in place the golden thongs of the young scantily-clad slaves serving the host and guests at auctions. This thin cord, which usually ran down the bumcrack, had been temporarily parked by the female dominatrix on one of the boy's bare curvaceous buttocks in order to gain access to his anus.
The woman raised the elastic as far as it would stretch and cruelly held it in place for a few moments to allow Sergei to realise what she next proposed to do. Despite his recent anguish, the boy's bright mind was indeed sufficiently aware to recognise what would now happen and so he tensed himself to experience the acute sting when the cord was finally released from a distance to crash onto his delicate bumcrack and particularly sensitive sphincter.
Despite such preparation for the painful moment, Sergei still could not help but jump slightly and wince, uttering a low groan in the process and biting his lip, when this further concluding cruel deed on the part of the woman was eventually executed. The boy also immediately hoped that he would never again be subject to her sadistic actions, which he regarded as being worse because of her female gender than if a man, such as his Master, had been the perpetrator.
Sergei had already guessed correctly that he had previously been the subject of this particular woman's sadistic attentions, although she did not appear to reciprocate the recognition, probably because she had abused so many young slaves. The awful experience had occurred one month before, at a party hosted by the boy's Master, which the 14 year- old's bright mind now momentarily recalled.
Sergei's cock, which had rather incongruously hardened further in spite of his current distressing circumstances, causing the front of his minuscule golden thong embarrassingly to balloon even more, quivered at his mental recall.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 1 month previously)
Apart from special exceptions, such as with his recent very important Arab guest, the Master commonly jealously preserved his exclusivity over the bodies of his new young slaves for about a month before generously beginning to share their charms. He then did so with his domestic staff and fellow members of the fraternal organisation, who all helped to make his wonderful sex life possible.
By the end of the first month of temporary ownership, the Master had generally become accustomed and sometimes a little bored with his new young slaves and their forms and so less reluctant to keep them to himself. Three other factors also assisted his generosity.
First, the boys' originally virginal anuses had generally become less deliciously tight through regular sodomy, causing the act to be a little less enjoyable. Second, their bodies had usually also become more acquainted with and better inured to other suffering through the frequency of punishment and torture, making inflicting the pain slightly less pleasurable. Third, the Master in return obtained increased loyalty from his staff and reciprocal favours from other members of the fraternity in respect of temporarily loaning their own contracted slaves, which catered for his liking of variety in his sex life. The latter taste even extended to abusing girls occasionally in addition to the more customary young males.
After eventually becoming less protective over his rights in respect of his own young slaves, the Master also gained a real thrill from either watching or simply knowing that other men and women were abusing his boys. He enjoyed the notion that the loss of exclusivity turned the brats into genuine whores.
Sergei had actually been an exception to the customary one- month period of exclusivity. The boy's exceptional beauty and unusual brave and selfless, rather than common masochistic and greedy, reason for becoming one of the fraternity's young slaves had substantially added to his allures as far as his Master was concerned. The man had therefore jealously preserved his sole use of the young Muscovite for double the normal period.
By the time that the Master was eventually ready to share Sergei's charms, the man had typically decided to make a special occasion of the event to increase the boy's suffering. Consequently, he organised a party at which the 14 year-old Muscovite was to be the central attraction.
The appalled Sergei, carefully washed and groomed for the purpose, including the usual enemas, first became aware of what his shameful function at the party would be when he finally emerged from the basement of his Master's dacha for the first time since he had arrived 2 months previously. The boy had not realised how delighted he would be to see strong sunlight, filtering through the residence's huge windows, and the outside world for the first time after such a gap.
Sergei's contract had been bought in the early autumn and now externally, 2 months later, the onset of the harsh Russian winter was evident, with deep snow covering not only the ground but also the branches of the trees in the nearby forest. The boy appreciated that the temperature outside would be well below 0°C and was therefore thankful that the dacha's central heating system was efficient because, in addition to the usual slave accoutrements, he was currently dressed only in tight black briefs, displaying the customary double-headed eagle motif.
Unfortunately, Sergei's pleasure at seeing sunlight and the outside world, as well as being kept warm despite his sparse attire and the freezing external winter, was to be curtailed, as few guests to the imminent perverse party would be discouraged from attending because of the adverse climatic conditions. Although the dacha in which the boy was incarcerated was situated in quiet, sparsely inhabited and currently very snowy countryside, the opulent residence was still readily accessible despite the inclement weather.
The dacha was conveniently close to St. Petersburg and therefore to good national and international transport systems. Snowploughs also regularly and efficiently cleared the narrow track, which linked the country residence to the outside world. Sergei's multi-millionaire Master bribed the local government road engineers and other officials to ensure that he was afforded priority in respect of the service.
Many prospective guests were also motivated to travel from all over Russia and elsewhere despite the wintry weather because the host was noted for holding very worthwhile parties for those possessing certain sexual perversions. Consequently, many large limousines, most with darkened windows, would soon be arriving, carrying excited adults, some of whom would already be attired as BDSM masters and dominatrixes, whilst the others who arrived conventionally dressed would request and be granted changing facilities.
Sergei was taken by his Master to one of the dacha's large lounges. The boy was very disturbed to note that the room's door possessed a sign on the outside advertising, in the Cyrillic alphabet of the Russian language, "Fuck & Suck Toy Available Within!"
Sergei then discovered that the spacious lounge within possessed a virtually floor to ceiling window with a pleasant view of the nearby forest. However, the boy remained very disturbed, this time to note that the room's only furnishing comprised some specially designed and adjusted low wooden stocks.
"Strip, brat," the Master commanded of Sergei after their mutual arrival in the lounge. The boy obediently complied, despite his fear as to what the sign on the door and the room's sole furnishing boded for his immediate future.
What the now naked Sergei's immediate future would entail was quickly confirmed after his Master fixed him in the waiting stocks, where the three holes that locked his head and hands in place were only at waist height so that his upper body was bent horizontally forwards. This debasing posture ensured that his bottom was nicely uplifted in readiness for sodomy, whilst his mouth was perfectly positioned to perform fellatio. The boy's lithe legs were also spread wide apart by a metal bar connected to the rings of his leather anklets so that his sphincter was fully exposed and his pleasantly dangling genitals were readily accessible to whoever situated themselves at his rear.
What Sergei's proposed function at the party was to be was clearly indicated by two words now stencilled by his Master in Russian in black indelible ink onto his bottom, one on each buttock, and another pair on his forehead. The rear Cyrillic lettering indicated that he was to be the party's 'Fuck Toy', whilst the front equivalent declared him to be the 'Suck Toy'.
The proposed function of Sergei's rear was also obvious by the greasing his anus next received from his Master. As the man used a forefinger to insert dollops of the substance into the boy's rectum, he suggested "You shouldn't need much of this, brat. The amount of cum with which you'll be impregnated during the party, which will last from afternoon to dawn, should quickly lubricate you sufficiently to be able easily to accommodate all the cocks of many shapes and sizes that you'll have inserted up you!"
Sergei's anal muscle had loosened considerably since his Master had first deflowered him 2 months previously. This greater suppleness had arisen because of subsequent further regular exclusive subjection to sodomy by the man, usually conducted on the bed in the basement entertainment room, sometimes with the other three slaveboys watching.
The forefinger now carefully probing beyond Sergei's sphincter therefore did not cause any discomfort but rather the opposite. The boy's slender cock, dangling downwards between his widely splayed legs, instead reacted in the manner now customary in response to such degrading attention.
Sergei could vividly remember the first time that this embarrassing phenomenon had occurred because the development had ultimately caused him trouble. For the first five times that his Master had sodomised him, the boy had experienced nothing but shame and pain. However, on the sixth occasion the situation dramatically changed.
By this sixth occasion, the loosening of Sergei's sphincter and the anal cavity beyond meant that the customary initial pain created by sodomy not only reduced more quickly but also eventually disappeared. The big hairy manly cock being thrust rapidly, harshly and repetitively deep inside the boy up to the hilt, an achievement that was denoted by the feel of the Master's pubic hair on the young slave's smooth buttocks, and back out again had then begun to induce another feeling.
Sergei had experienced such a feeling only once before, when he had sodomised himself during his crucifixion in the basement torture chamber. The rod on which he had been uncomfortably impaled on the cross on that occasion had eventually, as a result of his increasing tortured body movements, started to tickle his prostate.
Consequently, Sergei's enhanced excruciation, resulting from his continued crucified posture, had then slowly been overtaken by the gradual but inexorable evolution of shameful intense pleasure. This development had ultimately reached the natural denouement after his Master had triggered the mechanism that caused the cross to vibrate.
Sergei's troubled movements had then temporarily ceased. The boy's gorgeous naked body, chained to the cross, instead visibly stiffened.
Sergei's lovely head, which had been looking down at his amazingly stiff cock, simultaneously straightened, hitting the cross behind with a thud. However, the boy had then been as oblivious to the anguish created by this accident as he was to the agony racking the rest of his body as a result of his crucifixion.
The reason for this remarkable condition, with pleasure somehow overwhelming pain, subsequently swiftly became evident. Several bursts of thick creamy white cum spurted out of the boy's almost vertically rigid cock, to fall in a broad arc onto the black concrete floor below.
Of course, there was subsequently a price to pay for such an unauthorised pleasure. As Sergei's sexual high faded away, the excruciation resulting from his continued crucifixion returned to his body with even greater intensity than previously.
On that occasion in the torture chamber, a wooden rod entertaining Sergei's prostate had caused pleasure and eventual ejaculation. Increasingly in the entertainment room, his Master's only too human manly cock had begun to do the same and finally, amidst the sixth act of sodomy perpetrated by the man, a similar result was induced. Such an outcome was, of course, assisted by the boy's previous enforced chastity and unknowing absorption in his diet of strong aphrodisiacs.
For ejaculating without permission during his crucifixion, Sergei had not been subjected to further chastisement. Being retained on the cross for another couple of hours had been considered sufficient penance for a boy who had endured so much on that day. However, committing the offence whilst being sodomised by his Master was a different matter and the man had subsequently punished him in two ways.
First, the Master had for an hour reintroduced Sergei's mischievously ill-disciplined sexual organs to the electric shock machine in the torture chamber, including the catheter. Second, the man had not removed the boy's genital chastity cage on subsequent occasions when he enjoyed the orifices of his young slave.
Given the new tendency of Sergei's cock to harden whilst he was being sodomised, a consequence of this second punishment had been hurt in his groin whenever his Master later perpetrated this sex act on him. However, the retained genital chastity cage did prevent ejaculation, and therefore further agonising punishment, and so the boy considered the relatively dull pain a worthwhile price to pay.
Given the new tendency of Sergei's unruly cock to become so excited whilst he was being sodomised that punishable ejaculation might occur, the boy also considered the removal of the genital cage, in readiness for his participation at his Master's perverse party, to be very disturbing. He believed that he was, as a consequence, likely to cum sometime whilst acting as the 'fuck' and 'suck' toy, especially as he had previously been subjected to enforced chastity for over a week.
The Master noticed that Sergei's own cock had hardened in reaction to his greasing of the boy's anus with his probing finger. As usual in such circumstance's, the man's only reaction was to describe the boy as a "Slut!"
After completing his greasing of Sergei's anus, the Master advanced to the boy's front and offered his grease-laden finger for his young slave to cleanse. In response, the 14 year-old quickly opened his rosy lips to accept the proffered dirty digit, which was soon efficiently licked and sucked to the necessary standard of cleanliness.
Sergei's compliance in respect of this distasteful and degrading task was aided by appreciating that the unwanted alternative to such demeaning efficiency would probably be a thrashing of his bottom, which was currently nicely positioned to receive such painful chastisement. The boy was also assisted in his obedient attitude by being grateful that he was, on this occasion, only licking and sucking a finger clean.
More normal oral cleaning duties tended to consist of licking and sucking his Master's manly cock after sodomy until the penis was again aroused sufficiently to ejaculate, this time into Sergei's stomach via his mouth and throat. Such literally distasteful tasks always reminded the boy of how grateful he should actually be for having to endure the humiliating daily enemas, as on such occasions there tended to be nothing more than cum, grease and perhaps some of his own blood to consume.
Sergei's Master next returned to the boy's rear and clipped onto his silver cockring a thin chain, linked at the other end to a black marker pen, which now dangled just off the marble floor beneath. Another writing implement of the same type was also connected to a ring embedded in the 14 year- old's slave collar.
The purpose of the pens was evident by the presence of two tall but narrow double-sided whiteboards on wheels, which had been positioned on both sides of Sergei. One was adjacent to the boy's face and the other close to his bottom and both were currently blank apart from some instructions printed on the top.
The instructions on the whiteboards asked those who successfully sodomised or received fellatio from Sergei to enumerate their experiences using a five-barred gate system, and to report any misdemeanours on the part of the boy to their host. The Master obviously wanted to know how many times his young slave's anal and oral orifices were impregnated during the long party and was ready to grant permission for him to be punished for unsatisfactory service.
The Master finally visually double-checked the arrangements. He was content with what he saw and so subsequently happily left the lounge, satisfied that Sergei had been appropriately readied for his imminent debasing role at the perverse party. The man then walked along a broad corridor to the very large reception and hospitality room where the main function would occur.
Sergei was now to discover that many guests would like the publicised toys. However, about an hour passed after he heard the first of these invitees arriving at the dacha before he received his initial clients.
Sergei's Master had deliberately not advised his arriving guests about the pleasures to be readily obtained in the lounge along the corridor. He appreciated that there would therefore be a delay before the arrivals discovered the unannounced amenity, after finally feeling free to wander having concluded their preliminary formal greetings and initial polite chatter with the host.
The Master wanted the delay because he cruelly appreciated that Sergei would be fearfully anticipating, in abject shame, the emergence of the first of his undoubtedly many customers. Prolonging the worried wait would add nicely to the boy's mental torment.
In the event, by the time that Sergei had fearfully waited for over an hour after detecting the first of many guests noisily arriving at the dacha, he began to hope that, for some unknown reason, no one would venture his way to enjoy his young orifices. The boy, whose naked body was increasingly uncomfortable from being stuck in the present inflexibly debasing pose, even optimistically started to relax mentally until he heard the door behind him open and a happy male voice query "What have we here?"
"I knew our host would lay on something exquisite as a special surprise," declared a different male voice, as Sergei also now heard the steps of two men advance towards him. This statement was the first indication to the boy that the delay in receiving his first clients was due to the fact that his Master had not yet made publicly known the fact that a young 'fuck' and 'suck' toy was available for use in one of the dacha's lounges.
"Mmmm, nice bottom," one of the men suggested, as he arrived at the buttocks in question and gently stroked the lustrous curves before carefully fingering the visible pink sphincter. As previously when his Master had greased his anus, the gently probing did not cause any discomfort for Sergei but rather the opposite. The boy's cock, which had returned to frightened flaccidity whilst remaining dangling downwards between his widely splayed legs, again began to grow shamelessly.
The man doing the probing, however, did not at first notice Sergei's penile reaction, as his attention was on discovering whether the advertised 'Fuck Toy' had been greased, as the adult did not like dry sodomy. He eventually withdrew his finger to view the evidence that the boy had indeed been considerately readied.
The two men then advanced to the front of Sergei to examine the boy's face. "Mmmm, nice," one of them commented, on seeing the beautiful visage, adorned by sensuous sparkling blue eyes and rosy lips and crowned by a shock of straight silky golden hair, which was neatly and expertly trimmed weekly by one of the Master's staff.
The member of staff concerned was a former professional hairdresser. In order to fulfil his weekly duty, the man accompanied the doctor on one of his daily visits to the cells of the slaveboys.
The guests did not find off-putting the words 'Suck Toy' stencilled onto Sergei's forehead, nor the description of 'Fuck Toy' similarly reproduced on the boy's bottom. They instead believed that the demeaning decorations rather enhanced the young slave's allures.
Sergei was, of course, now able in turn to view the two men who would presumably be his initial customers of the night, as well as the first people to indulge in penetrative sex with him after his Master. The boy was not surprised to discover that the adults were attired in the leather outfits common to BDSM 'tops' because he astutely presumed, after his experience at his own auction, that most of the guests at the party would be so presented, with the females dressed like dominatrixes.
The men's leather trousers were similar to those regularly worn by Sergei's Master. The attire was therefore fronted by the same type of triangular genital cover, retained in place by studs, that the boy was accustomed to seeing being removed to reveal the underlying eager sexual organs, poking through a hole in the garment, which he was usually immediately to service in some way.
Neither man wore a hood or mask. Sergei could therefore judge their appearance more accurately than with some of the other guests who did and whom he would also soon undoubtedly now service with his orifices.
One of the two men, who appeared to be close friends, was middle-aged, probably about 50 years old. He was short and very fat and his bare chest, exposed because he only wore a harness on his upper body above his leather trousers, was covered with a thick mat of dark curly hair.
The other man was taller and slimmer but older still, being in his mid-60s. He was similarly dressed, as if the pair acted their roles as BDSM masters in tandem, but his body was less hirsute and his hair was silvery white.
The men's BDSM partnership was confirmed when the short fat hairy man asked his older friend "Do you, as usual in such circumstances, want to fuck the pretty brat first, whilst he sucks my cock, before we then swap positions?" Sergei was already rather naturally deeply disappointed at the destruction of his hopes that he would somehow be left alone, especially as the two adults now present were bound to spread word of the boy's debasing availability after they had finished with him. However, his acute anguish was significantly exacerbated by the five words at the end of this question.
Only now did Sergei's distressed mind realise that some, possibly even most, of the guests whom he was to service would want to be entertained by both of his orifices. Consequently, the volume of his torment might be virtually double what he had originally anticipated, plus much more prolonged if bringing men to a sexual climax for a second time proved more difficult to achieve than on the first occasion.
Sergei's brief appalled contemplation of his imminent fate was then abruptly ended when the short fat hairy man approached close to the boy's face and began to remove the triangle, which currently hid from view what formed the obviously excited bulge in his leather trousers. The subsequently quickly unveiled eager erection proved to be in perfect stubby, broad and hirsute proportion to the rest of the adult's obnoxious form, as well as similarly sweaty and smelly.
The short fat hairy man had made recent efforts to reduce the constant natural disagreeably odoriferous condition of his ugly body through bathing and copious application of deodorants. However, his tendency to perspire continually meant that such efforts were invariably in vain and he soon began again to smell unpleasant.
Sergei's nostrils were now detecting this fact. Consequently, the boy had to summon great mental strength to avoid gagging and to do instead what he was obliged to do.
The man was now offering his hard and odorous short fat hairy penis to Sergei's rosy lips, which somehow obediently quickly parted to accept the smelly stubby broad hirsute penile benefaction despite the distress caused to the boy's nostrils by the pervading stink. Meanwhile, the older adult disappeared to the 14 year-old's lustrous rear, with the intent of the latter guest soon confirmed when studs could be heard unfastening and then another cockhead was eagerly presented to the young sex toy's other orifice.
As Sergei compliantly received an odorous short fat hairy erection into his mouth and began to lick and suck, with his cute young nose nestling in pungent pubic hair, he could also feel a narrower hardened cockhead pressing against his sphincter. The defences of this tight circular muscle quickly capitulated to allow the keen intruder access to the narrow cavity beyond. Fortunately, the boy felt only a brief hurt during this degrading process because of the loosening his Master's broader penile shaft had gifted to his young anus over the previous two months.
Sergei soon found himself obediently licking and sucking one adult cock at his front, which tasted rather disgustingly musty, whilst experiencing another being thrust repetitively deep inside and then out of his rear. The boy also discovered that the penis of the older man sodomising him might have been narrower than that of his short fat hairy friend but his erection was much longer and was consequently rapidly tickling the young slave's prostate, which represented one of his beautiful body's most erogenous parts.
In now customary reaction, Sergei's own cock began speedily to become even more firmly hard. The boy simultaneously began to feel his own accumulated sexual frustrations gradually being released within him, as he was increasingly brought towards his own needed but, in such circumstances, punishable and consequently unwanted climax.
Sergei therefore immediately began to worry whether what he considered to be his own sometime inevitable ejaculation would happen sooner rather than later, perhaps making subsequently possible another similarly unfortunate misdemeanour. The latter prospect would not only add to his disgrace but also undoubtedly lead to a doubling of the punishment that his Master would inevitably inflict for such inappropriate behaviour.
Sergei's worrying about such a possibly was, however, temporarily terminated when his mind suddenly realised, to his own immense disgust, that he was now actually servicing the sexual requirements of his first two clients with quiet proficiency. The boy's tongue and mouth were rather automatically, without much thinking, licking and sucking the short fat hairy man's cock very competently with no obvious demur, perhaps aided by the stubby shaft's inability to block his throat. His bottom was also somewhat robotically moving gently backwards and forwards in rhythm with the thrusts in and out of his rear orifice, whilst apparently gaining shameless satisfaction from providing his sodomiser with maximum pleasure, as was seemingly evidenced by his own hard cock.
Sergei's busy face instantly blushed in shame on recognising that his previous training and experiences had apparently brought him to the point of actually being a rather good sex toy, one who went about his debasing duties with easy efficiency and some enjoyment. For the first time, he began to believe that he had sadly truly become a good boy whore.
Sergei's abashed self-assessment appeared to be confirmed when the man for whom he was performing efficient fellatio commented "Hmmm, the brat gives good head". His partner in sex subsequently added, amidst heavy breathing that indicated his sexual exertions, "And....the slut's...a splendid...fuck too!"
The sodomiser then remarked, as he began additionally to fondle Sergei's nicely dangling smooth genitalia and thereby finally notice that the boy was fulsomely erect too, "The...slut also like...servicing us. His...own cock's...rigid and...throbbing!"
Sergei next felt his sodomiser's fingers gently run repetitively along both sides of his slender erection from base to head and back, including across the frenum piercing present, simultaneous to the man inflicting even more eager and therefore harsher thrusts in and out of his rectum. The boy soon appreciated, from the ever intensifying pleasurable sensations within him, resulting from the resultant increased tickling of his prostate, that his own shameful climax could not be far away from being generated. However, he also realised that orgasm in such circumstances should not lead to chastisement, as he was currently being deliberately masturbated. He knew that his Master's rules should only make him eligible for punishment if his cock ejaculated without such direct stimulus.
Despite the embarrassment associated with climaxing whilst being sodomised and performing fellatio, which would degradingly suggest some enjoyment of these activities, Sergei now started to wish that he would indeed orgasm in reaction to the man's rubbing of his cock. Such early ejaculation during his demeaning role in the party proceedings not only would give him some shameful pleasure and relief but also might prevent similar from occurring later in unauthorised and therefore punishable circumstances.
Unfortunately, the sodomiser was also fully aware of such considerations and, being a sadist, he preferred Sergei to cum without his manual aid and thereby become subject to painful penalty, hopefully at his hands. The man, who was additionally expert through long experience at recognising the signs of a boy's imminent climax and at cruelly preventing the event from actually happening, therefore suddenly stopped his penile stroking.
The man withdrew his fingers from Sergei's throbbing and almost orgasmic erection, which was now drooling a long string of precum towards the marble floor below in demonstration of its desperate desire. The extremely frustrated boy instantly felt a pang of intense sorrow that his wish to cum through the attentions of his sodomiser's fingers had apparently been denied at the last moment.
Sergei's thwarted cock now instead just stabbed the air in rhythm with the continuing compliant gentle swaying of his loins back and forth in tandem with the eager energetic thrusts still penetrating deep into and then withdrawing from his rectum. However, the boy also appreciated that his penis' desperate desire to cum was unlikely to be denied for long by his sodomiser's cruel withdrawal of the fingers that had been masturbating him.
Sergei realised that the continuing relentless tickling of his prostate and the swaying motion now being literally enjoyed by his dangling genitals would soon produce the inevitable and now punishable result. The boy therefore prayed that he would be able to bring his first two customers, especially his sodomiser, to climax before they induced him to similar orgasm.
Sergei also supplemented his prayer with his now customary attempts to help his cock to remain disciplined by thinking of unhappy memories, of which he now had a plentiful supply as a result of his service for his Master over the previous 2 months. Nevertheless, as the boy knew well, such desperate measures did not always work if passion rather than unpleasant recall won the battle for his mind's attention.
Unfortunately, on this occasion, Sergei's mental distraction, caused by the frustrating withdrawal of his sodomiser's fingers from his cock, subsequent renewed worries about unaided unauthorised ejaculation and attempts to remember unpleasantness, also momentarily made him forget his duties towards the adult erection that was in his mouth. The boy had temporarily stopped licking and sucking the short fat hairy penis.
In response, albeit more out of sadism than annoyance, the odorous short fat hairy man immediately withdrew his equally stubby, broad and hirsute cock from Sergei's mouth. He then chastised the boy, both verbally and physically.
"My cock, brat, is as important," the odorous short fat hairy man remarked, "as that belonging to my friend. Perhaps this will teach you to remember this fact and your duties!" He then venomously slapped both sides of Sergei's beautiful face, which was resolutely entrapped in the waist-high stocks. As a result, he brought a few tears to the boy's sensuous blue eyes, a deeper redness to his cheeks and made the relevant noise of painful smacking resound around the room.
The odorous short fat hairy man subsequently quickly re- presented and reinserted his more than willing erection into Sergei's compliant mouth, which had just been made even more obedient by the slaps. The boy then proved that he had learnt his lesson by again dutifully and efficiently licking and sucking the oral intruder.
Meanwhile, the sodomiser simply continued to enjoy Sergei's rear orifice without paying much attention to what was happening to the boy's face. The feel of his manly erection pounding in and out of the tight rectum of the young 'fuck toy', and his hairy groin and upper front thighs regularly hitting the 14 year-old's sublimely smooth lustrous buttocks, was now too pleasurable for him to be concerned about other matters.
Nevertheless, as the man proceeded with his act of sodomy, his inquisitive fingers did venture towards Sergei's smooth scrotum. The exploring digits subsequently gently attempted to ascertain the location, shape and size of the boy's testes.
Sergei's balls had, of course, by now manufactured plentiful semen to aid an energetic eruption of the boy's ejaculate. Consequently, despite the brief assault on his face, the sodomiser's gently exploring fingers again quickly brought the 14 year-old to the brink of productive orgasm, currently without touching the young sex toy's fulsomely erect cock.
"Oooh...the...brat'," the sodomiser next commented, whilst the increased heaviness of his breath indicated that he too was being brought close to climax, "which...I'm...sure...are explode! "Are make...the slut...cum...without...masturbating...him?" his friend asked in response, with his own laboured speech proving that Sergei's mouth was performing as well as his rectum.
"If so..., the...permission...of brat' his...unauthorised...ejaculation," the odorous short fat hairy man added. However, just the thought of smacking Sergei's lustrously curvaceous buttocks in the adult's perverted minds temporarily saved the boy from this fate, as his orifices now brought two cocks to almost simultaneous climax.
"Oooh," the sodomiser again uttered, whilst releasing Sergei's scrotum and ramming his long erection one last time deep inside the boy and, on this occasion, leaving the throbbing penile shaft there. Meanwhile, his odorous short fat hairy friend simply cried out, whilst now firmly gripping the young slave's head, "Yessss!"
Both manly cocks then erupted copiously inside Sergei's anal and oral orifices. The boy could feel the powerful gushes crashing against his prostate and the back of his throat.
Sergei subsequently attempted to swallow efficiently as much of the odorous short fat hairy man's cum as possible, to avoid both drowning in the ejaculate and chastisement. The boy appreciated that spilling too much semen would be considered to be not only messily incompetent but also punishably insulting to the producer.
The men later momentarily retained their cocks inside Sergei until the appendages were fully sated and exhausted of semen, and had began to return to flaccidity. The sodomiser then withdrew his penis first, whilst the boy, as taught, obediently obliged his odorous short fat hairy friend by licking and sucking the man's softening penis completely clean of sperm.
Sergei subsequently felt his balls being pulled slightly backwards, as his recent sodomiser used the pen dangling from the boy's tight cockring to record his success on the relevant whiteboard. The manoeuvre caused no real anguish to the young scrotum but the sexual impulse gained from the movement did almost encourage the attached cock to cum. Fortunately, he again survived the latest stimulus.
Nevertheless, Sergei's earlier desperate prayer for the men to climax without him doing so was granted. However, the nervous boy also realised that his cock was still on the brink of orgasm and very little would be required to encourage the unruly penis to succumb.
Sergei next felt the cock of the short fat hairy man withdraw from his mouth and the pen dangling from the boy's slave collar being used to record on the other whiteboard the first successful performance of fellatio. The two adults then exchanged places.
Sergei's face, with only a little cum dribbling down his chin from the sides of his mouth, was soon confronted by the now flaccid cock that had so recently been fulsomely hard whilst sodomising him. The still lengthy penis naturally displayed signs of its recent activity, in the form of extraneous cum and grease, which the well trained boy knew that he would have to clean orally as the initial act of his second performance of fellatio on this day.
Sergei compliantly reopened his mouth, which could still taste the odorous short fat hairy man's musty cock and sour ejaculate, in order to accept the older adult's own penis. However, the recent sodomiser, before inserting his currently flaccid member into the obedient oral orifice, first used a forefinger to gather up the traces of spilt semen dribbling down the boy's chin.
"Clean!" the man subsequently commanded of Sergei in relation to the now cum-covered tip of his forefinger. The boy dutifully licked and sucked the digit in question, which was soon followed into his mouth by the adult's soft soiled cock.
As Sergei compliantly cleaned the latest intrusion into his mouth, he felt the owner of the previous oral invader beginning to run fingers over his smooth buttocks. The odorous short fat hairy man eventually lingered at the boy's exposed sphincter, underneath of which a lot of spilt ejaculate was drooling down the lower bumcrack before dripping onto the floor below.
"You must have fully filled the brat's boyish cunt," the odorous short fat hairy man crudely commented to his friend, on observing the semen overflow, "as plenty of your cum is still oozing out of him." "Don't worry," the sexagenarian replied, as his cock began to re-harden in reaction to the boy's proficient licking and sucking, "there'll still be room inside the slut for you to impregnate the whore with yours. He'll soon have a mix of our semen in both his pussy and belly!" Sergei was naturally not enamoured with this unpleasant but nevertheless correct suggestion.
The fingers of the odorous short fat hairy man subsequently ventured downwards towards Sergei's dangling genitals, where the boy's close proximity to ejaculation was currently evidenced by his still hard and throbbing cock. The young slave's desperate attempts to continue to avoid orgasm were not next aided by his imminent fresh sodomiser beginning briefly to fondle the 14 year-old's shameful erection before moving the manual attention even more fulsomely to his scrotum.
Nevertheless, Sergei somehow managed to continue to lick and suck the long cock of the other adult. As a result, the shaft was becoming bigger and bigger in the boy's mouth and beginning to intrude into his throat, where the previous shorter penile intruder had not reached. Consequently, the young slave felt a bead of sweat run down his forehead.
Enhanced nervousness had induced this sweat. Such increased perturbation had arisen because Sergei was now fearful of two immediate prospective accidents.
First, Sergei could feel personal climax approaching closer than ever before on this horrible day, which would be subject to chastisement if caused by a fondling of his scrotum as opposed to masturbation of his penis. The boy now recognised that on this occasion he could not try to avert such a disaster by trying to think of sad thoughts because the resultant mental distraction appeared to disrupt his ability to perform efficient fellatio, and he did not want his face slapped again.
Second, the cock Sergei was sucking and thereby tempting to lengthen substantially might eventually begin to choke him and so cause him to gag. Such interruption in the efficiency of his performance of fellatio would be punishable too, as the boy very well knew from the awful experience of his painful induction into his Master's sadistic service.
Fortunately, the odorous short fat hairy man was not as proficient at noticing that he was bringing a boy close to climax as his friend and did not realise that Sergei was again at the ultimate brink of orgasm. He therefore terminated his manual attentions to the dangling young genitals just before the boy would have cum to earn the adult the pleasure of punishing him.
The man ceased his fondling in favour of now running his cock up and down the young bumcrack in front of him, which remained partially soiled with his friend's split semen. The stubby penis had become semi-hard in reaction to the renewed sight of Sergei's delectable rear and the manual attentions that he had recently afforded to the delightful scenery.
The man was therefore now eagerly intent on returning his cock to full erection in readiness to use the 'fuck toy' orifice. The adult did not take too long to achieve his aim and soon his stubby penis was pressing against Sergei's sphincter.
Sergei had anticipated the difficulty that now befell him. Having already sucked the short fat hairy cock to productive orgasm, the boy knew the breadth of the erect shaft.
Although Sergei's young mouth had been able easily to absorb the cock, aided by the penis' lack of length and by opening his jaws wide apart, the challenge for his still relatively tight sphincter could not be so readily overcome. To allow the short but broad shaft entrance to his rectum, the boy's circular pink anal muscle would be required to expand more than ever before and, despite his Master's loosening, eventually allowing the erection to pass inside him would therefore undoubtedly be very painful.
The expected initial consequence of this dilemma now manifested itself. The odorous short fat hairy man was compelled to push harder and harder in order to attempt to overcome the early resistance of Sergei's sphincter.
The anguish immediately experienced by the young sphincter as the man began to push therefore increased exponentially. However, the now deeply hurting and desperate Sergei then suddenly remembered a suggestion of the pornographer, who had recruited and trained him for his year or two as a sex slave.
"If your sphincter experiences difficulty in letting a cock or dildo pass," the now very rich pornographer had suggested, "activate your anal muscles as if you're trying to defecate. You should find that doing so will help!"
The desperate Sergei now immediately followed the pornographer's suggestion, appreciating that, after his recent enemas, he would not actually defecate. The result was even greater initial agony, as a short fat hairy cock finally prised a young sphincter wide apart to gain entry to the orifice beyond.
Fortunately, although some blood was spilt, the severely stretched sphincter did not split. Such damage might have required a humiliating, and also undoubtedly excruciating, stitch to be inflicted later on a very tender part of Sergei's anatomy, made very sore and therefore even more sensitive by being recently subjected to remorseless multiple sodomy.
The initial excruciation created by entry of the short but broad intruder into Sergei's rear orifice additionally gradually reduced, as the odorous short fat hairy man energetically enjoyed sodomising the boy. Consequently, the young slave's attention slowly managed to refocus instead on the cock that he was licking and sucking. This process was helped by the fact that the erection invading his rectum was not long enough to tickle his highly erogenous prostate and so did nothing to stimulate his own penis towards punishable orgasm.
The long cock in Sergei's mouth was now again fully erect and, when he absorbed the whole length, the shaft poked deep into his throat. The boy naturally could not afford to allow the hard penis to remain there for long. The requirements to breathe for survival and not to gag to avoid punishment were now paramount in his current existence, which was a revised situation that additionally helped to reduce the activity inflicting his rear to being now merely of peripheral interest.
Such revised mental concentration was reinforced when the man now receiving fellatio eventually became so excited by Sergei's oral actions, as he was brought increasingly closer to his second climax, that he harshly grabbed the boy's ears. He then used his firm hold to ram his erection rather brutally in and out of the young head, effectively sodomising the 14 year-old's throat.
The helpless Sergei now felt the man's cockhead hurtfully striking the back of his throat with increasing frequency until eventually the adult's cruel actions suddenly stopped when the quivering tip of his engorged penis was fully inside the boy's oral orifice. The young slave, who had somehow managed to breathe quickly but deeply during the most recent withdrawals of the sexagenarian erection from him, then perceptively realised what would happen next.
Sergei therefore hoped that the man would shoot his semen rapidly and withdraw his penis from the boy's mouth with equal speed so that the young slave could swallow the sperm and breathe again before choking and gagging. Unfortunately, the quivering cockhead deep down his throat initially obstinately refused to give up its ejaculate.
The sweat on Sergei's brow became more plentiful, as the nervous boy, whose cute nose was currently pressed deeply into the man's silvery and now sweaty pubic hair, felt his air running out. He knew that he would soon begin to suffocate.
Fortunately, Sergei then felt the engorged cockhead in his throat somehow expand even more before finally pouring spurt after spurt of semen down his gullet to his belly, where the sperm of the odorous short fat hairy man already awaited that of his friend. A simultaneous delighted cry of "Aaaagggghhhh!" resounded round the room and, more importantly for the boy, shortly afterwards the penile blockage in his oral orifice began swiftly to soften, allowing air to pass by into his windpipe.
The man, thoroughly sexually sated for now after impregnating Sergei's two orifices in quick succession, subsequently withdrew his rapidly softened cock out of the hospitable mouth without delay, albeit not out of compassion. He was instead now keen to return to the main party. Nevertheless, his action enabled the boy to swallow the adult's semen and breathe more easily, thankfully without spilling too much ejaculate or gagging.
Sergei also dutifully cleaned the man's cockhead of extraneous sperm before the adult returned his now flaccid genitals behind their original triangular leather covering. As he did so, he and the boy heard another shout of "Aaaagggghhhh!"
Having recently concentrated on the cock in his mouth, Sergei had momentarily forgotten the one sodomising him. His nonchalance had been aided by the virtual disappearance of the pain induced by the initial penetration of such a broad penis and the short shaft's inability to entertain his prostate. However, the boy now felt the fresh flow of cum impregnating his rear orifice, as the odorous short fat hairy man climactically ejaculated inside him.
The subsequent withdrawal of the stubby cock from Sergei's rectum also proved far less painful than the initial entry. However, having then to cleanse orally the softening penis, which was now soiled with some of his own blood as well as grease and cum, proved to be another disagreeable duty for the boy.
The odorous short fat hairy man next also returned his sated genitals to their original leather cover. He and his friend then recorded their second impregnations of Sergei's orifices on the relevant whiteboards before leaving the room.
The men departed whilst now totally ignoring Sergei, who had provided them with so much pleasure. What their adult minds were instead now focussing on became clear when one of them commented in Russian, to his friend's agreement, "I need a vodka after that!"
Meanwhile, the thoroughly ashamed Sergei, whose own unsated cock remained embarrassingly rigid, was left waiting for his next clients with more spilt semen running down his chin and bumcrack. The boy felt sure that his next customers would not take long to arrive, either individually or in pairs or more numerous groups, after the first duo had conveyed news of his humiliating availability, and he was soon proved correct.
Sergei subsequently quickly became accustomed to licking and sucking men's cocks, sometimes merely as a preliminary exercise to help them grow to full erection before repositioning to his rear. However, many also remained or returned to achieve the inevitable oral denouement, as was evident from the copious excess cum that eventually ran down the boy's chin from his many successful acts of fellatio.
The simultaneous feel of a large cock enjoying his rectum, as Sergei licked and sucked another, as with his first two clients, was additionally common, as the copious semen dribbling down his bumcrack and the inside of his legs proved. Such spilt ejaculate was complemented by phlegm on the boy's horizontal back, drooled by zealous customers.
Sergei, whose mind had become rather numb amidst all this debasing activity so that he was now rather automatically providing his sexual services, was finally surprised into acute sensitivity when a particularly big rubber as opposed to human phallus suddenly penetrated his rear orifice. His mental and physical stimulus was further heightened by the sound of a female voice behind, which he was to recognise a month later in the dacha near Moscow.
"I do like variety," announced the woman to the man whose cock was currently in Sergei's mouth, as she rather painfully penetrated Sergei with the extra large dildo strapped to her body. "I usually use this contraption in my lesbian relationships," she added informatively, "but the feeling provided to my clitoris underneath, as I thrust the attachment into a nice young boy, gives me almost as much pleasure, especially if the brat exhibits signs of distress as a result!"
Sergei was certainly exhibiting such signs of distress. The boy's mouth now wanted to scream rather than suck and the day's first fulsome appearance of tears was initiated.
Such a lachrymose display intensified when the man supposedly receiving fellatio grew annoyed at Sergei's sudden inability to deliver the service adequately because of his rectal anguish and resultant desire to shriek in agony. Consequently, he withdrew his disappointed erection from the boy's mouth, stood back and then slapped the pretty but presently tearful young face before him, which was unable to move, still being trapped horizontally in place at waist height in the stocks. "Resume sucking properly," the aggrieved guest commanded in complaint, "or I'll have your backside flogged!"
Fortunately, Sergei was immediately able to comply with this command after the erection had been returned to his mouth. However, such obedience was less connected to the accompanying threat and more to do with the fact that the excruciation experienced by his anus was lessening because the orifice was becoming more accustomed to the unexpected and unprecedented size of the feminine rectal intruder.
The rubber dildo was broader and longer than anything Sergei had previously had inserted into him, including the respectively fat and lengthy cocks of his first two customers at this perverse party. However, the boy's reception of the artificial phallus was aided by his previous experiences, which had further helped to loosen his sphincter and rectum.
The woman wearing the dildo gradually became increasingly excited and approached climax, as her clitoris was stimulated by her now rhythmic full thrusts deep into and out of Sergei's obviously anguished insides. However, as the boy subsequently unfortunately discovered, many females like to enjoy multiple orgasms, not being drained like many males by the first.
The woman therefore enjoyed Sergei's rear orifice for another thirty minutes after initially climaxing. By the time that she had finished, more because of physical exhaustion than sexual satiation, the boy's sphincter anal muscle was red raw and the rectum within equally distressed.
The woman, however, had one final delight for Sergei. Having finished with the boy's ravished rear, she repositioned to his front to order him to lick her dildo clean.
When reluctantly obeying, Sergei was forced to lick away more of his own blood. As was now usual, copious cum, which had been deposited in his rectum by earlier male customers, plus some residual grease were also present.
As a souvenir of the woman's attentions, little droplets of Sergei's blood additionally now mixed with the extraneous ejaculate of previous male patrons, which was evident in the boy's bumcrack, on the upper insides of his legs and the marble floor below.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, 1 month later)
Sergei's recall of his first meeting with the cruel woman amidst his appalling role at his Master's perverse party one month previously came to an abrupt end when she now harshly smacked his bare bottom. "You can now stand up, brat," the cruel female simultaneously announced, "and resume your duties."
Sergei was happy to obey, both to move away from his demeaning posture, bent over a table, and from the sadistic woman. He therefore soon found himself offering his tray of sweetmeats to other guests at the quarterly auction of young slaveboys, whilst his creamy curvaceous buttocks temporarily displayed a red hand-mark, which took a while to fade away.
Sergei again hoped that he would never again be the subject of the horrible woman's sadistic attentions. Unfortunately, he was later to discover that his aspiration was to be dashed and that they would encounter each other for a third time, much to the boy's distress.
Sergei more immediately discovered that the guests at the current auction were now much more interested in watching the beginning of the enactment of the dreaded codicil in the adjacent lounge, the double doors of which he could now visually confirm had been rolled ajar, than in his proffered sweetmeats. On his own part, the boy was initially far less intrigued by the happenings in the next room, not really wanting to be reminded about what might befall him in 9 months' time.
Nevertheless, as Sergei was now in a position to look towards the adjacent lounge, his curiosity briefly overcame his reluctance and his eyes were drawn to the scene that might duplicate his own future fate. He saw, kneeling on a mirrored table in the next room around which the guests were beginning to gather, a beautiful naked boy. His manacled hands were chained to the rear of his slave collar so that his elbows protruded from behind the sides of his lovely head and a metal rod attached to his anklets splayed his legs.
The boy was actually the same young slave whose bodily ornaments had been shown off by his master at the earlier auction three months previously at which Sergei's contract had been sold. As then, he possessed a small brandmark in the middle of his smooth chest, depicting the initials of his owner in the Cyrillic alphabet, plus golden nipple and navel rings. The 15 year-old's erect hairless genitals were also still adorned with a tightly encircling cockring and an array of minuscule piercing ornaments of the same precious metal.
The boy's erection retained a 'ladder' of frenum barbells along the full length of the underside of his hard penile shaft. This decoration culminated in one called a 'lorum' at the base, adjacent to his nicely rotund scrotum.
The boy's 'Prince Albert' penile adornment, which consisted of a forward-pointing golden circlet that entered his urethra before exiting just beyond the first tiny frenum barbell, and the two similar rings at the edges of the tip of his originally uncut shaft were, however, now missing. Current clear visual evidence proved that his master had carried out his threat to circumcise him and insert an 'ampallang', which horizontally penetrated, in an initially very painful way, the cockhead glans. The man had then added some similar 'dydoe' piercings around the top edges of the freshly cut foreskin.
There were still four 'hafadas', which were rings evenly decorating the sides and underneath of the boy's scrotum. A similar 'guiche' additionally continued to adorn his perineum, which was under his scrotal sac and near his anus.
Tiny Cyrillic symbols, additionally reflecting his master's initials and branded onto the upper middle surface of the boy's cock, with matching lettering decorating each of the twin ball sacs that comprised his nicely low-hanging scrotum, were naturally still present as well. If he had stuck his tongue out of his mouth, he would have revealed that this oral organ remained adorned with a golden stud too because, as the owner of his contract often commented, "This ornament make's the brat's performance of fellatio much more entertaining!"
Despite being in the adjacent room and glancing at the boy on the mirrored table from afar, Sergei's keen eyesight could see all of his bodily decorations, which were obviously much more comprehensive compared to his own. He could therefore greatly sympathise with the slightly older slave in respect of the immense suffering he must have endured whilst being adorned with the piercings and brandmarks.
Sergei even visibly winced at the thought of the agony that must have been inflicted when the boy's cock and balls were branded. Fortunately, no one noticed his brief abashing display of squeamishness for, if someone had done so, he would probably have been punished for such an unseemly loss of demeanour.
As Sergei had never seen the boy previously, having not noticed him serving guests at his own auction of three months previously, he was, of course, completely unaware of the excruciating alterations to the 15 year-old's cock made by his master in the intervening period. The man had as usual performed the deeds in a deliberately prolonged ceremonial manner.
The man liked to play the role of a high-priest of the ancient world devoted to the phallic god Priapus. He had even converted one of the large basement rooms in his own dacha into a replica of a small temple devoted to this deity, where he regularly chained his slaveboys on a pretend stone sacrificial plinth to abuse and torture them.
The boy currently on the mirrored table, which was coincidentally in a lounge located directly above the basement room housing his master's torture chamber, had spent virtually a day spreadeagled face-upwards on the plinth, whilst the man played with his cock. The sadistic adult, attired as an ancient high-priest with phallic symbols decorating his flowing robes, had first removed his young slave's 'Prince Albert' and the adjacent rings on the 15 year-old's penile foreskin. These actions had not caused too much anguish. However, the subsequent act of careful circumcision had been excruciating.
The circumcision technique adopted by the boy's master, who rather incongruously wore a sinister surgical facemask and gloves amidst his comical high-priest costume, was dangerous for the victim if performed by an unskilled person. Fortunately for the 15 year-old, the billionaire was so keen to practise the deed occasionally that, aware of his contractual obligations not to cause unauthorised harm to his young slaves, he had paid to be secretly trained by an expert urologist.
The man had since proved safely efficient at using the potentially dangerous technique to deprive some of his slaveboys, who had agreed in their contracts to allow circumcision if desired by their master, of their foreskins. The method was termed 'freehand'.
When using this technique, the man had carefully pulled the boy's foreskin back along the penis. He subsequently expertly made a freehand cut around the shaft as far back as he wanted the cockhead glans to be permanently exposed.
The man then returned the foreskin to re-cover the boy's cockhead glands and inflicted another cut around the penis at the same position along the shaft as the first. This action was followed by a longitudinal incision between the two circumferential ones.
The man could now remove the freed strip of foreskin and pull the freshly revised edges of the remaining penile covering together for subsequent careful suturing and disinfecting. He had become so good at the technique that the resultant fleshy terminus was generally as nicely tight as he had wanted.
Given that the boy's freshly circumcised cockhead was extremely sore, the final piercings imposed on the now exposed glans at the tip of his newly cut penis to accept his new 'ampallang' and his freshly trimmed foreskin to accommodate the 'dydoes' were naturally also extremely excruciating. In fact, the early part of this unwanted experience caused him to faint until re-awakened by a bucket of freezing water thrown over his agonised body.
The whole dreadful experience was also made worse for the boy by the mental torment accruing from the deliberately prolonged time gaps between the performance of each deed. His cruel master would at the beginning of each break, make him fully aware as to what was coming next and when. From his perspective, still chained to the plinth, he could then count down the wait for his subsequent suffering by virtue of watching liquid, appropriately coloured red, flow from a large water clock, manufactured in a style of the ancient world and situated so that he could view it.
The boy's master was now standing in front of the mirrored table facing his young slave. The smirking man, surrounded by his guests, next formally announced to the clearly frightened 15 year-old "I herewith formally invoke the codicil to your contract!"
The boy's literally heavily decorated erection visibly quivered in response to the expected but unwanted announcement before resuming its previous resolutely rigid horizontal pose. Some embarrassing precum also began to dribble from the now circumcised cockhead.
On hearing the dreaded announcement, Sergei could not look anymore at the scene inside the opened double doors, which might foretell his own fate. Whilst continuing to hold his tray of currently neglected sweetmeats, the scantily clad boy, whose own unruly hard cock was still causing his minuscule golden thong to balloon shamefully outwards, therefore turned his back and tried to think of other matters.
Sergei could not now prevent his mind from returning to his own Master's perverse party of one month previously.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 1 month previously)
Sergei's genitals miraculously survived being tempted into punishable climax whilst his anal and oral orifices endured the attentions of his first two dozen clients over many hours. There were two main reasons for this surprising development.
First, the majority of the clients who had followed the first pair proved not to be particularly interested or skilled in encouraging Sergei to cum whilst they were pleasured by his orifices. In fact, most proved to be either solely concerned with their own personal carnal enjoyment or completely inept at achieving their sadistic aim of tempting the boy to ejaculate without masturbating him and so earning him punishment. The latter lack of success usually resulted from their off-putting clumsiness at sodomy or from of the small size of their erections. Their penises were therefore unable to entertain the young slave's prostate sufficiently well to make him orgasm or to reach and tickle the highly erogenous organ at all.
Second, the shear volume of manly cocks of various shapes and sizes now rather robotically serviced by Sergei began to make his orifices increasingly sore. As a result, when the boy did finally encounter clients, whose erections proved good at sodomy and tickling prostates, the pain resulting from these further intrusions into his sore rectum tended to overwhelm the pleasure. The young slave's cock, although generally re-hardening at such times after earlier often returning to sad flaccidity, therefore refused to cum.
Consequently, the person required to cause Sergei orgasmic disaster needed to be skilled in the art. Unfortunately for the boy, such a man was present at the perverse party.
The man happened to be talking to Sergei's Master about the 'fuck' and 'suck' toy when the host commented with a sigh "The brat's not yet climaxed himself yet. I was sure that by now someone would have earned the pleasure of punishing him for inducing him without masturbating him to unauthorised orgasm. The slut should be desperate to cum after his recent enforced chastity and infusion of aphrodisiacs. I don't know how he's managed to survive for so long without doing so, which makes me worry about his chances of surviving eventual enforcement of the codicil to his contract."
"I bet that I can make the brat cum within 5 minutes!" the very rich guest replied. The eventual agreed wager was for $1,000,000.
With such a hefty bet being contested, the guest was naturally not alone when he eventually encountered Sergei for the first time. Virtually everyone else attending the party, including most of those who had already enjoyed the boy's now well used and very sore orifices, crowded around the stocks in which the naked young slave was still uncomfortably restrained.
The guest quickly checked that his guess, as to one reason why Sergei had not yet cum, was correct before then rapidly initiating his plan of action. As the man proceeded, he informatively advised both the boy and the many spectators, including the stopwatch-holding Master, about what he was doing and why.
"After so many of you have enjoyed this 'fuck' and 'suck' toy," the guest declared, whilst gently stroking Sergei's curvaceous bottom, "the brat's anal and oral orifices have naturally become very sore. Any enjoyment that he might otherwise have accrued from your activities, which could have induced him to climax without masturbating his cock, has therefore been subdued by the pain resulting from each fresh act of sodomy and fellatio. However, his recently chaste teenage hormones will still be desperate for relief and so kind attention to other sexually sensitive parts of his anatomy should produce the desired result and earn me $1,000,000. Let me demonstrate!"
Sergei's cock had by now already regained fulsome hardness as a result of the guest's gentle fingering of his bottom. The horizontal penis, now again parallel to his horizontal torso, subsequently visibly quivered in eager need when the man next knelt to use his spare hand to run a nail very lightly across the boy's smooth scrotum, which was dangling nicely between his splayed legs.
The guest then quietly warned Sergei, as he continued very gently to tease the boy's bottom and scrotum with his fingers, "Now, brat, you must remember not to cum. If you disobey me, I'll soon be painfully whipping these buttocks and balls of yours!"
Sergei's Master had already generously advised the guest that this particular slaveboy was not supposed to have any obvious masochism in his nature. However, the man had informed in reply that, in his opinion, all males, even young ones, possessed such a trait, albeit to different degrees, and he proposed to prove his point when winning his million dollars, which he indeed proceeded to do.
As the guest continued to stroke Sergei's bottom and scrotum with practised gentleness, the kneeling man continually whispered into the boy's ear "Remember, brat, don't cum or I'll soon be painfully whipping these buttocks and balls of yours!" Despite the degradation of being teased and threatened in this manner in front of so many people, the young slave's horizontal erection began to throb noticeably in response, simultaneous to the endangered parts of his anatomy being carefully stroked.
Sergei again desperately attempted to think of sad thoughts to avoid disaster. However, the guest's threats could not be displaced from dominating his mind.
"Remember, brat, don't cum or I'll soon be painfully whipping these buttocks and balls of yours," the guest eventually whispered into Sergei ear for one final time, just as the stopwatch held by the Master indicated that three of the five minutes allotted to make the boy cum had elapsed. However, no more time was needed.
The guest was so confident that he had won his bet that he even withdrew his fingers from Sergei, recognising from experience that he had already taken the boy to a point of no return. Meanwhile, the young slave's whole body was shaking as a result of his desperate futile attempts not to succumb to climax.
The copious foreskin that normally protected Sergei's cockhead next pulled back in reaction to further growth of the boy's shaft to reveal the usually hidden round red penile tip and slit. It was then the turn of the young slave's rosy lips to utter a loud ecstatically orgasmic "Aaaggghhh!"
The defeat of Sergei's sexual defences was subsequently initially signalled by the sudden appearance of a small amount of creamy white fluid on his exposed reddened cockhead. The identity of this liquid was then confirmed when several much more powerful and plentiful spurts gushed out from the boy's penile slit. Some of the ejaculate sprayed his bent over and therefore horizontally positioned belly and chest, whilst the remainder fell in a broad arc onto the marble floor below.
The crowd of adults surrounding the climactic Sergei cheered wildly on seeing the boy succumb to productive orgasm. Even the boy's Master joined in the vocal celebration. To him, losing a mere million dollars was nothing, especially as he could now watch his guest realising the threats he had made to the young slave's buttocks and balls.
The Master also now knew the identity of one of the people whom he would enlist to help him eventually enforce the codicil to Sergei's contract.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, 1 month later)
Sergei winced at his remembrance of his buttocks and balls being publicly flagellated by the guest who had induced him to orgasm at his Master's perverted party of one month previously. The boy felt that present recall was almost as embarrassing and painful as the actual event and so he was now tempted to turn round again to see what was happening in the next room.
Sergei soon appreciated the error of his ways because what he now saw was so terrifying, not least because the same fate could befall him. Nevertheless, the boy's fearful sensuous blue eyes could not now tear themselves away from continuing to watch the initial action in enforcement of the dreaded codicil.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
The Arab Sheikh happily inspected his newly furnished basement torture chamber, which now only lacked the presence of beautiful American boys to entertain with the copious array of cruel equipment present. The sadistic man was especially proud of the second-hand furniture and other items bought and imported at great cost with the bribed acquiescence of corrupt law enforcement officers around the world.
The Arab Sheikh was looking forward to the symptoms of pure horror that his young American slaveboys would surely exhibit when advised of the provenance of the second-hand equipment in question.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
"As most of you will know, there are four stages to enacting the codicil," announced the enforcer of the dreaded contractual addendum, who was hosting the quarterly auction. "The first," added the man, who was now standing adjacent to the mirrored table on which the naked boy was kneeling, surrounded by intrigued and excited guests, "simply requires the brat to roll two dice."
"If the brat succeeds in rolling a double," the host continued, "the codicil is not actually enforced but is cancelled and the other three stages are not pursued. Let's therefore see whether this slut is lucky!"
The host unchained the boy's hands from the back of his slave collar. The man subsequently placed two dice in one of the 15 year-old's released but trembling palms, with the instruction to "Roll, brat!"
The boy whispered a quiet prayer to his Russian Orthodox God for salvation from the codicil and then obediently, albeit reluctantly, rolled the dice onto the mirrored surface of the tabletop on which his naked form was kneeling. His eyes, along with those of his master and the guests, looked eagerly, and in the case of the 15 year-old fearfully, to ascertain the result.
There are 21 possible outcomes to rolling two dice but only 6 are doubles. The odds were therefore against the boy. His Russian Orthodox God had apparently also not heard his prayer.
The upper faces of the two dice when they finally came to rest displayed four and three dots respectively. An expression of immense satisfaction immediately appeared on the ugly face of the boy's master to the accompaniment of loud cheering from the equally happy guests.
Meanwhile, the boy was the opposite of happy, and his very pretty face instantly turned ashen, whilst his sensuous eyes became damp.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
The Arab Sheikh did not, of course, propose to use the second-hand equipment in his new torture chamber exactly as the original owners had done. He considered that doing so would be a disgusting waste of expensively imported American boys.
As the Arab Sheikh ran an admiring finger along a large thick plywood board, with several sets of handcuffs, cords and ropes attached, the cock hidden within his flowing rich Bedouin robes suddenly became hard. However, recall of what had once been so cruelly perpetrated on the smooth surface had not caused this penile reaction.
The Arab Sheikh's erection was instead created when he went on to think of what he alternatively intended to do with the abducted American boys, whom he proposed to fasten naked and helpless onto the board.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
"Ah, it appears that this is not yet the brat's lucky day," declared the grinning host, whilst he re-chained the boy's hands to the rear of his slave collar, "for he has not rolled a double. We therefore move on to the second of the four stages in enactment of the codicil."
"If we are to progress to the final two phases," the host added, "we now have to meet the challenge of making the slut ejaculate four times in four hours without masturbating him or tickling his prostate. We must instead tempt him to do so by other methods, all different to each other!"
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
The Arab Sheikh was still admiring the large thick plywood board with several sets of handcuffs, cords and ropes attached. He was really looking forward to attaching his new young American slaves to the smooth surface and telling them that a certain Dean Corll of Houston, Texas, USA, was the original owner.
The Arab Sheikh had secretly bought the board at great cost from corrupt law officers in Houston through a local intermediary. As with all of his purchases of this kind, the original had been substituted with an exact replica to disguise the disappearance from judicial storage.
Corll had between 1970 and 1973 abused, tortured, mutilated and killed at least 27 boys, and most of his poor victims had suffered whilst attached to this very board. The Arab Sheikh was himself no child murderer and did not intend such an eventual fate for his new young American slaves once he had no further use for them because either they had grown too old for his tastes or he had simply become tired of them. He would instead then return them to the Russian Mafia, who had abducted them on his behalf in the first place and who apparently knew people to whom they could be sold on. There were seemingly rich sadists of both genders who could keep such second-hand human goods usefully occupied until well into adulthood.
The Arab Sheikh wanted equipment such as Corll's board merely to intimidate and petrify his new young American slaves. He was sure that, knowing the relevant provenances, the boys would be constantly afraid that he might be planning similar ends for them to those suffered by the previous victims.
The Arab Sheikh considered the inevitable mental torture caused in the minds of his new young American slaves by such incorrect notions to be a delightful addition to the other torments he intended to inflict on them. He therefore considered that the huge expense of acquiring the various items was money well spent.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
"As customary, the task of tempting the brat to ejaculate four times in four hours in four different ways," the host advised, "falls on me as his master and three other people nominated by me. We have as usual already decided how we aim to achieve the feat through different methods."
"I therefore invite," the host added, "the first candidate to attempt to cause the brat to ejaculate for the initial time to step forward. If he's successful, we'll afterwards begin the auction of the new slaveboys to allow the slut some recuperation before we try to make him cum again."
Despite Sergei's horror at what he was witnessing, the now compulsively intrigued boy, still carrying his tray of sweetmeats, had advanced closer to the scene for a better view, which had been obscured by the gathering of guests around the mirrored table. He was rewarded for his effort by being able to see what was going on through a small gap in the crowd.
Sergei was therefore able to see the relevant smiling and very keen male nominee identify himself by stepping forward. Like the other two guests, chosen by the host to tempt the boy to climax against his will, he had been selected because of his well practised and proven expertise at the art.
Sergei again recalled the man of similar skill, who had caused him to ejaculate at his Master's perverse party of a month previously and, as threatened, subsequently publicly whipped his buttocks and balls.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 1 month previously)
The host kindly fetched the necessary scourge for his inspired guest to use. The implement proved to be the same small whip, possessing a short and very thin leather thong, with which the Master had beaten Sergei's genitals during the boy's harrowing induction into the multi-millionaire's sadistic service of two months previously. The stinging flagellation of the young slave's sexual organs had eventually somehow caused him to ejaculate then too.
The whip was specifically designed to sting genitalia. However, the Master was on this occasion happy to see the relatively mild implement used as well on Sergei's buttocks, which he currently did not want too damaged because the boy's bottom was still to be the subject of a lot more sodomy before the perverse party finished.
The Master's consideration, of course, had nothing to do with Sergei's welfare. As all good hosts should be, he was only concerned with the wellbeing of his guests, whom he did not want soiled with any of the boy's blood, which might flow if his bottom was subjected to a more serious beating.
Nevertheless and unfortunately for Sergei, the guest proved as expert at using the little scourge as he had been at causing the boy to orgasm. The accurate stinging blows from the small whip onto the young slave's cute bottom, which was nicely presented for such chastisement because of his humiliating positioning in the stocks, therefore hurt him considerably. Such a result was evidenced by his audible agonised gasping in reaction to each of the hits, as well as by the anguished expression and tears on his normally very pretty face.
Raucous cheers from the plentiful spectators greeted the blows, which were inflicted with slow deliberation so that the young victim could enjoy the excruciation of each hit fully before the next was delivered. The man happily wielding the whip also varied the direction from which he struck Sergei's bottom, where extraneous ejaculate was still dripping down his bumcrack and onto his upper legs and the marble floor below, as a result of his previous subjection to multiple sodomy. Consequently, the boy did not know where precisely to expect the next stinging strike, as his buttocks were gradually decorated with a mishmash of narrow red stripes.
Sergei's Master had fixed the tariff for his young slave's unfortunate unauthorised ejaculation at twenty blows to his buttocks but only five to his very tender balls. After all, the man did not want to emasculate his lovely slaveboy, at least not yet.
Sergei's balls were, of course, an easy target for the whip because his genitals dangled nicely between his forcibly splayed legs, and the man inflicting the painful tariff kept this particularly pleasurable target for last. Consequently, he realigned with great relish his little scourge towards the boy's smooth scrotum only after first completing his slow beating of the young slave's buttocks and creating the requisite grid of twenty thin but vivid scarlet stripes.
Having been whipped on the genitals previously, the already hurting and tearful Sergei knew what to expect and so readied himself as best he could to endure the first blow. However, the excruciation induced, even by just a very thin thong of leather accurately and powerfully striking a testicle, cannot really be prepared for and so the boy reacted to the hit in the most natural way.
After a brief momentary silence, caused by initial breathlessness, Sergei shrieked voluminously, whilst tears began to flow in a torrent down his face. The spectators responded to the boy's loud lachrymose reaction by again cheering.
The spectators continued to cheer, as Sergei's testes were hurt by four more accurate and powerful blows from the small but acutely anguishing whip and whilst the boy's scrotum was simultaneously decorated with scarlet stripes in a similar manner to his bottom. These painful markings were subsequently joyously explored by the creator's manly fingers, as his concluding act in respect of the young slave, before securing a cheque for $1,000,000 from the party host.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, 1 month later)
Sergei's mind suddenly jolted back to the present after noticing what the guest, chosen to tempt the boy on the mirrored table to climax for the first time, carried in his hand. The man concerned wore the leather boots, trousers and upper body harness common to many BDSM 'tops' but, much more unusually, he also held a large feather.
The host stood aside to allow his fist nominee to assume his position, adjacent to the petrified naked boy kneeling on the mirrored table, whose still firm erection was testament to the efficacy of his preparation for the event. Prolonged enforced chastity and secret infusion of strong aphrodisiacs to stimulate his naturally raging teenage hormones, reinforced by his inherent masochism, were virtually bound to tempt him to cum a few times in four hours. However, whether he would succumb to a quartet of productive climaxes in this period remained to be seen, with much depending on the proficient ingenuity of those tempting his beautiful body towards such orgasms.
Having assumed his position, the guest began to rub his feather gently all over the boy's gorgeous naked body, with the noticeable exception of the young slave's genitals. At the same time, the adult whispered compliments to the 15 year-old relating to the loveliness of each of the features he was remorselessly stroking and what he would really like to do with them.
For example, when the man ran his feather gently over the boy's ringed nipples, he announced that "I'd like to chew these magnificent little rose buds, brat, and make you wince in agony." When he later lightly stroked the young slave's bottom, he declared "I'd love to spank these marvellous bumcheeks of yours, slut, until they're red raw and then prise them apart to fill you with my cock. Just think, whore, of how your sore buttocks would feel when my thighs crash against them as I thrust deep inside you!"
In reaction to the tactile sexual torment generated by the feather and the verbal sort inflicted by the man's teasing, the boy's needy erection grew even more pronounced and vertical. Copious precum also drooled out from the cockhead and down the throbbing penile shaft to soil his smooth scrotum with clear glistening spillage.
The boy's master and his equally amused and intrigued guests looked on as the young slave was gradually brought in this manner close to climax, merely through the attentions of a feather and the man's expressed sadistic wishes. Desperate teenage sexual need, boosted by a mix of recent chastity and aphrodisiac consumption, as well as personal masochism, was undoubtedly about to receive relief, despite the efforts of the 15 year-old to ward off such calamity.
The boy attempted to think of sad things in order to try to distract his mind from the delightful feel of the feather and the man's sadistic remarks, which played to the young slave's identified masochistic traits. However, the personal stimulus gained by such attention was to prove too overwhelming.
The boy suddenly experienced the feel of the feather gently rubbing his besmirched scrotum, whilst he heard the man commenting "I'd love to squeeze your balls so hard that I cause you to faint!" In reaction, the young slave's vertical cock visibly quivered violently before finally exploding to erupt a string of creamy white cum.
Some of this plentiful ejaculate splashed onto the ecstatic boy's belly, whilst the remainder, after initially rising upwards like water in a fountain, subsequently fell back either onto his orgasmic genitals or the mirrored table below.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
The Arab Sheikh, still admiring his new torture chamber, picked up a set of handcuffs. After doing so, he believed that he could somehow detect the evil for which they had once been used.
Nevertheless, the Arab Sheikh also appreciated that such horrible provenance would, like Corll's board, make the handcuffs more enjoyable to use on his new young American slaves. After all, the boys' hands would have the pleasure of being bound by manacles that once belonged to John Wayne Gacy.
Gacy had used the handcuffs for a party trick, which he also utilised between 1972 and 1978 as cover to entice 33 young males to allow themselves to be handcuffed before then going on to chloroform, strip, torture and subsequently simultaneously rape and garrotte them.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
"Well done!" the happy host commented to the man who had tempted the naked boy on the mirrored table to cum. The young slave's master then ordered the 15 year-old to bend over to lick up his mess.
As Sergei watched from the main reception room, whilst still dutifully holding his tray of sweetmeats, he recalled having to perform the same humiliating task when he had been auctioned in this dacha 3 months previously. From painful personal experience, he also guessed correctly what would now follow.
"Whilst the brat's licking up his mess from the tabletop," the host, whilst detaching the crop he invariably carried on his belt, informed the guest who had induced the boy to cum, "you may use this to thrash his backside for his weakness. I think, for succumbing so easily to ejaculation, five strokes would be appropriate!"
The boy had by necessity leant forward very carefully in order to lick up his own semen from the tabletop's mirrored surface. The fact that his hands had been reattached behind him to his slave collar meant that the manoeuvre was awkward because his balance became increasingly precarious as he bent his naked body.
The risk of the boy just falling forward and crashing his head painfully against the tabletop, thereby probably earning chastisement for incompetence, was real. However, he somehow managed to achieve the required degrading pose without accident. He was therefore very displeased to learn that he was to be punished anyway.
The boy had presumed that he had permission to cum and consequently doing so would not be punishable. After all, his master and three guests had embarked on the challenge to make him ejaculate four times in four hours. To learn now that, if he succumbed, he would be beaten was therefore almost as distressing to his mind as to his bottom, which his new degrading posture, adopted to lick up his own spilt ejaculate, had, of course, nicely presented for imminent flogging.
As Sergei subsequently heard the five loud cracks of leather crop harshly hitting boy bottom, accompanied by pained yelps emitted by the young victim, he could not help but suddenly remember when he too had last been punished in such a hurtful and humiliating manner.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 1 month previously)
The party's 'suck' and 'fuck' toy proved so popular that the marble floor under the stocks in which Sergei had been immovably and uncomfortably restrained eventually became awash with spilt cum. The boy's face, bumcrack and inside legs were similarly besmirched.
Some of the oral spillage had not resulted from any inability on the part of Sergei's throat always to swallow efficiently and completely the ejaculate that he created during his many acts of fellatio. The boy was actually now quite proficient at this technique, from both increasing experience and fear of the consequences of any failure to absorb the semen. Such lack of success might have at best earned him punishment and at worst caused him to drown in the unconsumed sperm.
Some of the spillage instead resulted from the inability of Sergei's belly to retain the large quantities of cum flowing down his throat. The boy's stomach had on a couple of occasions returned some of the absorbed ejaculate to the outside world by puking portions of the stuff back out of his insides.
Fortunately, Sergei had somehow been able to restrict such moments to the short time-gaps between clients so that no one witnessed his puking. The boy was also aided by the fact that he managed to be sick quietly and appeared only to vomit semen, which therefore merged with the other spilt sperm on the floor without leaving evidence of source.
Consequently, Sergei did not receive the attentions of a leather crop because of his belly's inability to retain an excess of cum whilst acting as the perverse party's 'fuck' and 'suck' toy. Nor was the boy flogged with the implement for ejaculating again, as the soreness of his orifices continued to overwhelm sexual desire, which had anyway been partly sated by his recent punishable orgasm.
Sergei was instead beaten with the crop after he had been released from the stocks by his Master at the final end of the perverse party, which arrived just after dawn. At that time, sunlight heralding the new day had begun to flow in through the large windows of the room in which he had played the role of 'fuck' and 'suck' toy.
Sergei's Master had earlier happily tallied the scores on the whiteboards to establish the number of times his slaveboy had succeeded in receiving manly cum into his anal and oral orifices. "I see, brat, that your mouth has satisfactorily serviced 46 cocks," the man had subsequently advised his young slave, "and your rear 38. I presume that the difference is caused by the fact that the slight majority of your customers lazily preferred the more passive option so as not to exert themselves too much!"
After his subsequent release, Sergei was like an old man during his initial attempts to stand after so many hours on his feet in a bent and splayed posture being sodomised and performing fellatio. The boy's back, rectum and legs hurt enormously as he tried to move upright. However, he eventually managed to achieve his aim, aided by rubbing the sore parts of his sublime anatomy, including his pained throat, with his freed hands.
Having observed Sergei achieve a degree of stability, the boy's cruel Master subsequently ordered his young slave to adopt a kneeling position. He then sadistically commanded "Now lick up the mess on the floor!"
Sergei's sensuous blue eyes appraised the horrific chore, namely cleaning with his tongue the marble floor, awash with cum underneath the stocks in which he had so recently been entrapped. The boy almost vomited just at the thought of the disgusting duty ahead.
Sergei's mouth was still overwhelmed by the taste of men's semen. The shocked but obedient boy, as he lent forward and stuck his tongue out towards the spilt sperm, appreciated that this phenomenon was soon to worsen even more.
Sergei took ten minutes to complete most of the obnoxious task, during which time the boy again almost vomited on several occasions in disgusted reaction to what he was being compelled to do. However, he somehow managed to avoid this undoubtedly punishable reaction until he had almost fulfilled his appalling mission.
Unfortunately for Sergei, what would have been virtually his last lick of the marble floor, and consumption of the gathered cum, did make him sick, and copiously too, as his belly vomited back most of the semen previously absorbed, including that acquired through his many acts of fellatio. His cruel Master's reaction to the catastrophe was naturally unsympathetic.
"You're a filthy incompetent, brat," the Master declared. "Stand up, slut," the man then added menacingly, as he unattached the crop that he usually carried on the belt of his leather trousers, "so that I can put you back in the stocks for another flogging!"
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, 1 month later)
After licking away his own cum and being the recipient of five harsh strokes of the leather crop, the boy on the mirrored table, who had resumed his kneeling position, was temporarily abandoned by his master and the guests. He was being given time to recover from his recent climax, whilst the adults went to attend the auction of the contracts of the first pair of new young male slaves-to-be in the relevant room, so that encouragement of his next orgasm would be easier to achieve.
Only one of the guests collected a sweetmeat from Sergei's tray, as the crowd passed him on their way to the room in which the auctions were taking place. The boy waiter was not displeased at currently being kept virtually redundant.
Sergei had previously discovered that many guests hungered for not only his sweetmeats but also the sweet meat that formed his body. Whilst serving his delicacies, the delicacy that was his delicious form had been regularly humiliatingly groped by many male and female hands.
Some of the groping was unashamedly blatant, such as direct fondling of his genitals, which were only just covered by his golden thong. Such intimate attention invariably embarrassingly caused the sparse garment to balloon even more, as the boy's erection became harder.
Sergei hoped and believed that his current relative redundancy as a waiter, whilst the auction was proceeding and the contractual codicil was being enacted in other rooms, would be prolonged. The boy also thought that such interesting alternative diversions should mean that he would not be needed by any of the guests for overt sex for several hours. His assumptions proved correct but, in his calculations, he had forgotten about the host's staff.
Sergei first became aware of the interest in him of the host's principal butler when adult hands surprised him by beginning gently to stroke his bare buttocks from behind, almost causing him to drop his tray of sweatmeats in shock. The man clearly noticed the boy's startled reaction by saying "Don't be alarmed but also don't move. I'm not going to harm you. I'm just going to fuck you!"
Sergei felt obliged to obey the instruction not to move. As part of this compliance, the boy even obediently refrained from succumbing to the temptation to look round to identify the man who was about to sodomise him, whom he knew had to be a member of the host's staff.
Sergei then felt his thong being pulled downwards towards the floor, causing his now uncovered penis to bounce upwards and stand out, proudly erect. The next sensations affecting the boy's form were the manual separation of his bumcheeks and the appearance of a broad cockhead, pressing against his freshly exposed sphincter, which was still sore from being recently painfully bypassed by a large rubber dildo.
To aid personal comfort during the imminent degrading process, Sergei rather instinctively immediately splayed his legs and bent forwards a little. In adopting this pose, he was helped to avoid the calamity of falling over by the butler now acquiring a firm grip on the boy's upper thighs.
"Now, make sure that you don't drop your sweetmeats," the butler subsequently recommended, as he next ruthlessly pushed his eager erection forwards into Sergei for the first time. The shocked and initially anguished boy could not at first believe that the man was intending to sodomise him whilst he was he was still standing and holding his tray. However, such disbelief was quickly dispelled because the adult proceeded to do just that.
Nevertheless, despite the eager energy the butler now afforded to his rapid rhythmic thrusts into Sergei, the boy thankfully again managed to obey an instruction from the man by not dropping his sweetmeats, such disaster being aided by the adult's firm grip on him. However, the frantic activity did make the young slave sway with equal animation, causing the dishes on his tray to rattle.
The pain from the early thrusts of the butler's substantial cock into Sergei's rectum, considerably loosened by much similar recent activity by real and artificial phalluses, also thankfully speedily subsided. Despite the boy's degrading and uncomfortable posture, he instead began to experience pleasure from the tickling of his prostate, which was reflected in the further throbbing excitement being exhibited by his own erection.
Sergei, aware that he might consequently ejaculate without permission, once more desperately attempted to avoid such punishable mischief by thinking of unhappy matters. The boy's brain, of course, now retained many unpleasant memories from his three months of service for his cruel Master. However, the first of these that now happened to pop into his mind was recall of the occasion when he had first been forced to service the sexual needs of staff.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 1 month previously)
Whilst continuing to rub his sore back, Sergei, with extraneous cum still soiling and dripping from his chin and bottom, was led out of the lounge in which he had acted as the recent perverse party's 'fuck' and 'suck' toy. The boy's Master had also just hurt his young slave's buttocks with ten agonising hits from his crop.
Fortunately, the Master did not additionally inflict on Sergei the task of licking up his own vomit, which mainly comprised cum. The man was apparently satisfied that the ten strokes from his crop rendered such further penance unnecessary.
The hurting and very tired Sergei now expected his Master to escort him back to his cell for cleaning and recuperation. However, the boy's expectation was to be quickly disillusioned.
As the Master's domestic staff began to restore the dacha to its normal pristine tidiness, the multi-millionaire owner of the residence led Sergei to a room that proved to be the doctor's base whenever he visited. The boy had never frequented the well-equipped surgery previously, as he had not been allowed out of the basement since his arrival until performing his 'fuck' and 'suck' toy function at the recent party.
The doctor initially supervised Sergei's much-needed cleansing, within the shower that comprised one of his surgery's amenities, and subsequent grooming. Amidst this process, the physician also removed the debasing stencilled writing on the boy's forehead and buttocks, using a special solvent.
The doctor subsequently checked the damage that had been perpetrated as a consequence of Sergei's recent role and subsequent flogging. As a result of his examination, the physician instructed the boy to gargle several times using antiseptic mouthwash in order to ease the bruising and resultant soreness in the his throat. A nice by-product of this process was the elimination of the overpowering taste of semen that had pervaded the young slave's oral orifice.
The doctor also attended to Sergei's genitals and rear, including rubbing healing ointment onto the now darkening stripes that besmirched the boy's scrotum and buttocks. However, worryingly for the young slave, his anal orifice was not similarly treated.
Sergei's sore rectum was instead subjected to another couple of enemas and afterwards his very tender anus was re- greased. The reason for this treatment became clear when the freshly cleaned and groomed boy was subsequently returned to his Master, who then presented him to his domestic staff.
Sergei had initially again incorrectly thought that his Master was returning him to his basement cell. However, the boy was instead led to a lounge in which the domestic staff were sitting and relaxing after clearing away the mess resulting from the party at which the young slave had played such a major role.
What Yuri, Viktor and Sasha had been doing at the party became immediately evident to Sergei when he now saw them continuing to perform their function. The three exceptionally beautiful boys were holding trays on which glasses full of beer, wine and spirits were arrayed.
The staff were undoubtedly somewhat weary after helping to supervise the party, which had extended from the previous afternoon until the last guests had left at dawn. However, they were clearly sufficiently awake and happy to accept their boss' reward of enjoying their own carousal despite the fact that the time was currently early morning.
Yuri, Viktor and Sasha had, unlike Sergei, played no overt sexual role during the recent party, if the regular fondling of their delectable forms by the guests upon whom they waited was discounted. Their escape from such a function was evident from their intriguing attire.
The slaveboys' groins were covered by little triangles of hard black leather, decorated with the usual embossed double-headed eagle and held in place by narrow inter-linked chains running around their waists and down their bumcracks. In the centre of this apparel were round holes to enable their smooth genitals, still confined within their transparent chastity cages, to protrude embarrassingly through.
Meanwhile, the young slaves' discomfort was reinforced by the constantly vibrating butt-plugs inserted into their rectums and held in place by the chain running down their bumcracks. The steady sensations induced by these wicked anal devices naturally tempted the boys' recently sexually unsated cocks to want to grow within the tight spiked confines of their perspex cages.
The slaveboys' Master and his guests found the resulting clear continuous discomfort of the beautiful young trio, as they served them with drinks throughout the party, to be highly amusing. The constantly distressed threesome naturally viewed the situation differently, as their cocks frequently impaled themselves painfully on the spikes on the inside of the little narrow tubes designed only to accommodate flaccid penises.
"Now, brat," the Master announced to the still naked and appalled Sergei, "my staff deserve rewarding for all the hard work they've recently performed during the party. I therefore want you to go to each in turn and politely offer either your bum for fucking or mouth for sucking!"
Not long afterwards, as his Master happily looked on, Sergei approached the nearest member of staff, who happened to be the chef. "Please, Sir," the naked boy then humiliatingly heard himself say, "can I offer you my bum for fucking or mouth for sucking?"
The chef smiled and indicated his choice by, whilst remaining seated in his armchair, unzipping the fly of his trousers, extracting his currently flaccid cock and advising "You can suck that, brat!" Sergei reluctantly complied with the man's wishes.
Two of the chef's kitchen assistants also preferred to receive fellatio, whilst another gained his pleasure from Sergei's rear orifice. However, the latter man refused to move from his seat. Consequently, much to the amusement of the other watching staff members, the naked boy was compelled to lower himself onto his cock, which he had first brought to fulsome hardness by using his mouth, and then sodomise himself on the erection whilst the happy adult remained essentially motionless.
General weariness caused most of the other staff members, including the butler and his assistants, one of whom proved to be the slaveboys' hairdresser, plus the security men, to prefer the passivity of fellatio to the more energetic performance of sodomy. However, the Master's chauffeur and gardener proved that they were not too tired for the latter activity or to do the deed in an occupationally appropriate environment.
The chauffeur gratified a personal fetish by sodomising Sergei after first leading him to the dacha's integral garage and leaning him over the bonnet of the limousine parked there. Afterwards the gardener, seeking to satisfy his own perversity, took the boy outside and performed the deed whilst the young slave knelt on his hands and knees in the snow, as the Master and other staff members watched from a window.
Fortunately for Sergei, the clothed gardener was encouraged to conclude his sodomy in the snow very quickly because the prevailing glacial temperature affected him almost as much as the naked boy. Consequently, the very cold young slave was returned to the internal warmth of the dacha before he began to suffer frostbite or froze to death, which his Master anyway would not have allowed.
Amongst the multi-millionaire's employees, only the doctor was not present at the post-party staff orgy at which Sergei was the star performer. However, the physician's absence was not just due to the fact that he secretly worked only part- time for the multi-millionaire, as he also practised his profession at a hospital in St. Petersburg.
The doctor's sexual preference was not for boys but for flat-chested girls in their early teens, whom he liked to abuse sadistically as well as rape vaginally, anally and orally. In return for his very satisfactory secret service, his multi-millionaire part-time employer generously rewarded him with not only copious cash but also the opportunity to satisfy such perversions with the help of other members of the furtive fraternity who owned the contracts of such females.
Yuri, Sasha and Viktor, still serving drinks on trays, were witnesses to most of Sergei's humiliations. The young trio, pointedly especially the first-named, were naturally sympathetic to the travails of their fellow slaveboy, albeit not overly slow.
After all, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor had all suffered similarly when they too had earlier been made available to the staff for sexual purposes. They also believed that Sergei had to be like them, namely boys with masochistic tendencies who had volunteered to endure such shame over one or two years in return for a lot of money.
Yuri, Sasha and Viktor had by now all enjoyed sex with Sergei, whilst their Master watched. However, such physical intimacy had never been allowed to extend to conversation.
Consequently, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor remained unaware of Sergei's sacrificially selfless motives for contracting himself as one of their Master's young slaves. If they had known, their sympathy for the boy amidst the aftermath of the perverse party would undoubtedly have been much greater.
Given his particular affection and attraction for Sergei, Yuri would, of course, have been especially sympathetic, as well as even more full of admiration for a boy in respect of whom he had developed furtive feelings that were beginning to blossom into love.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, 1 month later)
In the month after the perverse party and its immediate equally debauched aftermath, Sergei had occasionally again been the sex toy of some of his Master's resident staff whenever the boy was not needed by their employer. Such incidents usually occurred when the multimillionaire was away on business.
On such occasions, the staff had invariably not removed Sergei's genital cage. They knew that, although they were now permitted to play with the boy, their employer would be displeased if the young slave's enforced chastity was ruined, even accidentally, by anyone other than at his Master's wish.
Sergei had guessed correctly on such occasions, having noticed his Master's clear absence and that of either Yuri, Sasha or Viktor, that the multi-millionaire often liked to be accompanied on his travels by one of his young slaves. The boy had not himself been selected for this purpose until his return trip to a dacha near Moscow to be a scantily clad servant at the quarterly auction.
Sergei had often wished, as he was being abused by the staff at the dacha near St. Petersburg, that he had not been left behind by his Master. However, his current experience near Moscow and similar in the future were eventually to prove to the boy that his desires were folly.
Sergei's mind was brought back to the present when he now felt fingers rubbing his cock, which, despite the boy recalling unhappy memories, had remained hard. He then could not help himself beginning to moan pleasurably in tandem with his sodomiser's similar grunts, as the groping digits and the rhythmic tickling of his prostate brought him ever closer towards climax.
Sergei appreciated that ejaculating in such circumstances was, according to his Master's rules, not punishable because he was being masturbated. The previously chaste boy, desperate to satiate his accumulated needs, therefore now gave himself completely to enjoying what was being perpetrated on him.
Consequently, Sergei's pleasured moans intensified in quantity and volume in tandem with those of his sodomiser, as the butler's cock and fingers continued to entertain two of the boy's principal erogenous zones. "Aaaggghhh!" the young slave then eventually grunted, echoing a similar yelp from the man who was now copiously impregnating him.
Sergei could feel the butler's cum shooting into him, simultaneous to his own cockhead erupting with plentiful ejaculate. However, no one of significance heard the ecstatic moans or saw successful coitus and simultaneous masturbation occurring between boy and butler, apart from a few other young serving slaves, who did not matter.
Unfortunately for Sergei, the host and his guests, attending the auction in the next room, did hear the loud clatter, as a tray of sweetmeats fell to the floor at the same time that a boy achieved productive orgasm.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh examined a three-foot long, two inch thick by four wide, wooden plank with a pair of holes drilled in each end, which had also once been owned by John Wayne Gacy. After the serial killer had chloroformed and stripped his young victims, he had used this homemade implement to help restrain them.
(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
Neither the host nor any of his guests interrupted their attendance at the auction of the first pair of slaveboys to investigate the clamour in the adjacent room, which sounded like a tray full of dishes crashing to the floor. One of the billionaire's adult aides was instead sent to discover the cause.
The aide found Sergei still naked, with his thong around his ankles, on his knees desperately trying to clear up the mess he had created on the floor before anyone of significance detected his carelessness. A string of cum was drooling from the boy's slowly softening cockhead, whilst other semen was spilling from his anus. Behind the young slave, a rather satisfied-looking butler was re-zipping the fly of his trousers.
"How should the brat be punished?" the aide subsequently asked, after reporting back to his boss that Sergei had dropped his tray of sweetmeats. He did not bother to mention that the boy had only done so because his cock had been so competently masturbated and his prostate so well tickled by the butler that he had been brought to intense and productive orgasm.
The aide was not covering up the actions of the butler because his boss would consider them acceptable. The reason for Sergei dropping his tray was simply of no concern, only the fact that the boy had been careless enough to do so mattered.
"Find out who the brat's master is," the billionaire answered, "and ask him the same question. He'll know what should be appropriate for his slave, who's dishonoured him by being so incompetent!"
"The master of the accident-prone brat asks whether you possess a wheel in your torture chamber," the aide later advised his billionaire boss after again efficiently completing his mission of enquiry. "He says that the slut's not yet enjoyed such torture," the assistant added, "and so he thinks that attaching him to the device would make a perfect punishment!"
"See that the recommendation of the brat's master is carried out," the billionaire next commanded of the aide, "but don't activate the wheel. I think I'll supervise the slut's punishment myself, and invite our guests to watch!"
Not long afterwards Sergei, guided by the aide, arrived in the billionaire's own basement torture chamber, which proved to be similar to that of the boy's Master, which was no coincidence as the same discreet company had comprehensively furnished both sinister rooms. The man immediately ordered the frightened 14 year-old to remove the thong with which he had eventually re-covered his post-orgasmic genitals after his recent climax, and which was as a result now slightly stained with his own cum.
The aide, after again appreciatively glancing up and down Sergei's gorgeous naked form, subsequently ordered the tremulous boy to stand immediately in front of and with his back to the rim of the sinister torture device know as the 'wheel', which was about 10-feet tall. This edge was also about a yard wide and was covered in large conical metal spikes with occasional interspersed bondage rings.
The conical spikes were cunningly designed to be sharp enough to prick skin painfully, and probably thereby draw some blood, but sufficiently blunt not to penetrate flesh severely. Serious injury should therefore only be caused if victims wriggled seriously amidst their agony whilst attached to the wheel, so making their wounds much worse.
The aide next adjusted the wheel to his satisfaction and chained Sergei's leather slave wrist cuffs high above him to two of the bondage rings embedded amongst the spikes on the rim. This action compelled the boy to stretch upwards on tiptoe to avoid losing contact with the black concrete floor.
Sergei's bare rear was also now forced uncomfortably against the spikes. However, the boy realised that his current discomfort would be nothing in comparison to what he would experience when the wheel was eventually turned to lift him off the ground so that all of his body and weight rested on the infernal device.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh picked up two large rubber dildos, one of which was a massive 18 inches in length. The smaller version had belonged to Dean Corll but the bigger of the pair of sinister items had belonged to John Wayne Gacy.
Having immovably restrained his poor victims with the help of the handcuffs and wooden plank, Gacy had tortured them by sodomising them with the dildo. He then repeated the sex act with his own cock, whilst simultaneously garrotting the young males.
The Arab Sheikh wondered how much of the especially cruelly big dildo he would be able to insert into the rectums of his new young American slaves.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
The auction of the first two new young slaves had been completed and so the host and his guests returned to the boy whose contractual codicil was being enacted. "Right," his master announced, "the brat's had almost an hour to recover from his first ejaculation. Let's see whether his teenage hormones can be encouraged to repeat the action for a second time!"
"Would the second volunteer to attempt to make the brat cum," the host went on to ask, "therefore identify themselves by stepping forward." The silvery-haired sexagenarian, who had been Sergei's first sodomiser at the perverse party near St. Petersburg a month previously, complied with the billionaire's request.
"Would you care to tell everyone," the host enquired of his male friend, "how you propose to make the brat ejaculate for the second time?" "I certainly shall," the silvery-haired sexagenarian, dressed in his usual leather apparel, replied, "and my method will not involve touching any of the slut's lower erogenous zones.
"I shall instead," the man advised, "simply chew the whore's ringed nipples until he cums!"
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh inspected the collection of briefs, which once represented the last items of underwear worn by some of John Wayne Gacy's young victims. This macabre clothing had been retained along with some jewellery as a souvenir by the serial killer.
The Arab Sheikh looked forward to seeing his new young American slaves wearing the briefs whilst being fully aware of the gruesome fate of the original owners.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
The silvery-haired sexagenarian only took 10 minutes to achieve his aim. The boy had at first groaned and winced in pain as the man lent over the mirrored table on which the young slave was kneeling to chew the 15 year-old's nipples with relish. However, his cock, which had become flaccid after his first ejaculation, was soon again fulsomely hard and throbbing.
The boy's amazing reaction to the pain was, of course, due to his identified inherent masochism. After a year in the billionaire's perverse service, his master fully appreciated what types of suffering most stimulated his young slave and he had shared his knowledge with his silvery-haired sexagenarian friend in readiness for this occasion.
The boy therefore soon found himself licking up more of his own cum from the mirrored surface of the low table on which he was kneeling, whilst his bottom simultaneously received from the sexagenarian an additional five blows from his master's crop.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh examined the table upon which Anatoly Golovkin of Moscow had in the 1990s tied 11 young boys in 8 years. This serial killer had derived particular pleasure from subsequently castrating his young victims and slitting their bellies.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, almost an hour later)
The auction of the next two new young slaves had been completed and so the host and his guests returned again to the boy whose contractual codicil was being enacted. "Right," his master once more announced, "the brat's had almost another hour to recover from his first pair of ejaculations. Let's see whether his teenage hormones can be encouraged to repeat the action for a third time!"
"Would the third volunteer to attempt to make the brat cum," the host went on to ask, "therefore identify themselves by stepping forward." On this occasion, a woman dressed as a dominatrix, but different from the one who had earlier tormented Sergei with a dildo, complied with the billionaire's request.
"Would you care to tell everyone," the host enquired of his female friend, "how you propose to make the brat ejaculate for the third time?" "I certainly shall," the woman replied, "and my method will not involve personally touching any of the slut's erogenous zones.
"I shall instead," the woman advised, "simply flog the whore until he cums!"
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh inspected his collection of knives. A bayonet-like one had belonged to Dean Corll, who had used the blade to emasculate some of his victims.
Another had belonged to Andrei Chikatilo of Rostov, Russia, who between 1980 and 1992 had killed over 50 children, mainly boys. He had particularly enjoyed mutilating his victims, including disembowelling them. He even boiled and ate sawn-off testicles and nipples.
Another had belonged to Luis Alfredo Gavarito. He had raped, tortured, mutilated and beheaded 140 children, mainly boys aged 8 to 16, in Colombia between 1992 and 1998.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, almost an hour later)
The woman only took 15 minutes to achieve her aim. The boy had at first groaned and winced in pain as she flogged him with relish. However, his cock, which had become flaccid again after his second ejaculation, was soon again fulsomely hard and throbbing.
The boy's amazing reaction to the further pain was, of course, again due to his identified inherent masochism. His master had also once more shared his knowledge about what types of suffering most stimulated his young slave, this time with his female friend in readiness for this occasion.
The woman had not used a heavy whip but instead a lighter one of a kind Sergei knew well. The small scourge was akin to the type that the young Muscovite's own Master generally restricted to stinging boys' genitals.
The clever use of this kind of light whip on this occasion was to ensure that the body of the boy on the mirrored table was not too overwhelmed by agony, which might have occurred with a comprehensive flogging with a harsher scourge. This development might have prevented the depraved masochistic sexual pleasure that he derived from being hurt coming to the fore.
The intelligent efficacy of the regular stinging sensations hitting the boy's back and buttocks and the rears of his legs was soon apparent by his cock's return to erection. The smart validity was additionally demonstrated when one particularly hurtful blow to his buttocks, whose previous creamy lustre was now besmirched by not only ten striped bruises caused by his master's crop but also by many more thinner red lines created by his current whipping, made him orgasm.
The boy therefore soon found himself licking up yet more of his own cum from the mirrored surface of the low table on which he was kneeling, whilst his now very sore bottom simultaneously received from the woman another five blows from his master's crop.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh examined the roll of binding tape and jar of petroleum jelly that had once belonged to Dean Corll. He knew that he would use these items in the way that that serial killer had done. However, he was less sure as to how he would utilise the tiny glass tubes of the same provenance.
Corll had inserted the tiny glass tubes into his young victim's penises but the Arab Sheikh did not think that he would care to repeat such torture with his new young American slaves because of potential irreversible damage. After all, he wanted his boys' cocks to be constantly healthy so that he could torment them less injuriously on a regular basis.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, almost an hour later)
The auction of the last two new young slaves had been completed and so the host and his guests returned again to the boy whose contractual codicil was being enacted. "Right," his master once more announced, "the brat's had almost another hour to recover from his first three ejaculations. Let's see whether his teenage hormones can be encouraged to repeat the action for a fourth time!"
"On this occasion," the host added, "I have the pleasure to attempting to make him cum. If I do so within the next 60 minutes, we would have achieved our aim of making the brat ejaculate four times in as many hours. Our success will then trigger the last two acts of the codicil!"
The boy had only agreed to the dreaded codicil because he did not believe that tempting him to cum several times within the space of a few hours without masturbation or stimulation of his prostate was possible. However, his presumption was now rapidly being proved disturbingly incorrect and he was consequently becoming extremely fearful about his immediate future.
The boy's fears intensified when his master now began to attach wires from a little electric shock machine, gathered by the billionaire's aide and placed behind the kneeling young slave on the mirrored table, to his tight cockring. He then felt the associated slim catheter of stainless steel carefully bypass his 'ampallang' piercing to be uncomfortably inserted up the urethra of his cock, which had been rubbed again to erection for the sinister purpose.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Whilst still in his new torture chamber, the Arab Sheikh inspected the large vat in which the 'Monster of Lahore', Javed Iqbal, had dissolved in acid the bodies of exactly 100 boys, whom he had drugged, raped and strangled in just 5 months in 1999. However, the current owner did not intend to use the container for a similar purpose.
In fact, the Arab Sheikh did not intend to use the vat at all. However, his young American slaves, after being told of the container's background, would not know that he did not propose to utilise it in the same way as Javed Iqbal had done and this ignorance would add nicely to the constant terror in their new lives.
(Basement torture chamber of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, almost another hour later)
Sergei had now been attached to the wheel for almost four hours. The billionaire's aide had left the torture chamber immediately after positioning the naked boy in this uncomfortable situation and the petrified young slave had been alone ever since.
Sergei's outstretched limbs were hurting, especially his wrists, which were chained by their cuffs to bondage rings embedded high above him on the rim of the wheel. Having to stand constantly on tiptoe also made his feet very sore. However, the unhappy boy appreciated that the alternative, namely simply dangling with all his weight forced onto his upper arms, would be even more distressful.
Sergei had actually proven this latter fact when his anguished toes had occasionally given way. The boy's feet were subsequently quickly tempted to regain contact with the ground.
Given his increasing distress, Sergei was also tempted to wish for the commencement of his more fulsome torture on the wheel, believing that it might be better for him to have the inevitable concluded as soon as possible rather than continue to wait in such a woeful manner. However, the boy astutely realised that the delay had to be because the auctions and enactment of a certain codicil on the floor above were taking precedence.
This realisation additionally tempted Sergei to wonder how the boy on the mirrored table was faring.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
In the lounge coincidentally immediately above the basement torture chamber, the boy on the mirrored table had been subjected to agonising genital electric shocks for almost an hour. During this time, the boy's cock, perhaps helped by the catheter inside, had remained erect. However, there was no sign of further ejaculation.
Despite the boy's clear anguish, manifested by his constant pained groaning and sobbing, he dutifully managed to remain in place, kneeling on the table with wrists chained to the back of his slave collar and legs splayed, and avoided begging for the torture to stop. He was obviously aware that the consequences of moving radically and pleading for mercy would be even worse than what he was currently enduring.
Meanwhile, some of the guests, as they watched the boy suffer whilst now consuming more of the food and drink provided by their host, wondered about the lack of ejaculate. They speculated amongst themselves that perhaps the varying agonising electric shocks hitting the cockring and catheter might just be too excruciating to make the young slave cum. The consequence of failure would be escape from the dreaded codicil.
Such guests enjoyed the boy's suffering. However, they were becoming anxious that their desire to see him cum again and suffer the further ramifications might be thwarted.
Meanwhile, the quietly smirking and still confident-looking host chose not to comment. Sergei's Master, who was a spectator too and was similarly well accustomed to the use of electric torture devices, also refrained from dispelling the worries of such guests.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
The Arab Sheikh had left his new torture chamber to examine the rest of the recently completed special facilities in the large windowless basement of his secret desert retreat. His inspection included looking inside each of the four cells that were to become the homes of the quartet of American boys whom he would soon acquire.
As the Arab Sheikh looked inside the cells, he wondered precisely who would comprise the imminent occupants. He happily appreciated that the four boys concerned would be currently going about their daily routines in America without knowing each other or appreciating that their lives were about to be transformed.
The Arab Sheikh also happily contemplated the fact that he would soon ensure that the boys came to know each other most intimately, and that he would transform their lives into nightmares.
(New York, USA, same time)
Steven was celebrating his 11th birthday at the party his loving parents were hosting for him and his friends in their large house in a respectable New York suburb.
The exceptionally pretty fair-haired blue-eyed boy could not imagine, even in his worst nightmares, how he would be forced to celebrate his 12th birthday.
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, same time)
The host switched off the electric shock machine just before the time by which, if the boy had not ejaculated on a fourth occasion, he would escape subjection to the last two parts of the dreaded codicil. The man subsequently removed the wires from his still sobbing young slave's cockring and with careful deliberation withdrew the catheter from the urethra of the 15 year-old's amazingly still hard penis.
The host withdrew the catheter whilst displaying complete calm, as if he was not concerned about the fact that the boy had apparently not cum. However, the reason for his serenity then became apparent.
Quickly following the catheter out of the boy's cock was a long string of semen, which fell in a line slowly towards the mirrored table below. The host, who had been very confident of this outcome because of his previous experiences of torturing his young slave's genitals with electric shocks, smiled at the sight.
"It appears," the joyous billionaire now declared to cheering and applause from his equally happy guests, "that we can now immediately enact parts three and four of the codicil!"
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, shortly afterwards)
The billionaire's aide wheeled the sinister machine in on its casters. The metal electronic contraption was about 4- feet tall, 1-foot wide and only ¼ of an inch deep.
The aide positioned the machine menacingly against the edge of the mirrored table. He did so in such a way that the contraption was immediately in front of the now appalled and petrified boy, whose hands were next temporarily released from their bondage so that they could now throw two dice twice more. This action would represent the third phase of the enactment of the codicil.
"For those who don't know," the happy host advised, "the brat's first dice throw will be doubled to determine how long he's attached to the machine, namely from 4 to 24 minutes. The second will establish the contraption's setting, numbered from 2 to 12, five of which randomly trigger the safety device."
Despite immense reluctance, the boy subsequently made his first throw. His anguished eyes then told him that he was to be attached to the machine for 14 minutes. He had obviously hoped for much less, not being confident of preventing disaster for such a long period.
The boy's frightened eyes subsequently noted that, as a result of his second dice throw, the machine's random setting would be 3. He despaired that he had not cast such a number the first time.
Having cursed his bad fortune, the boy then again prayed to his Russian Orthodox God. On this occasion, he begged that his luck would change and that the result would be that a setting of '3' would trigger the evil machine's safety device.
After dutifully but fearfully making his dice throws, the boy's wrists were subsequently re-chained behind him to his slave collar and he was commanded to move forward on his knees from the centre to the edge of the mirrored table, immediately in front of the machine. He then discovered that the 1-foot wide but only ¼ inch deep top of the evil contraption was adjacent to his navel.
The boy also found that a small digital clock was embedded in this upper surface. He was to be allowed to count down his time attached to the machine.
The boy was next instructed to push his genitals through a little round hole in the machine. The relevant aperture was now conveniently positioned in front of his sexual organs after his master had turned some knobs above the wheels to make a few relevant readjustments to the contraption's height.
The boy was helped to obey the order by his master, who, after observing the genitals reluctantly but obediently trying to force their way through the little hole, grabbed his young slave's flaccid cock. The man then rather unceremoniously and harshly used his firm grip to yank the organs through the aperture.
The billionaire subsequently turned another knob and the hole in the machine began to decrease in diameter until the boy's genitals were so tightly encased that any attempt at withdrawal might emasculate the young slave. The man next used a cloth to clean residual semen from the cockhead of the captured sexual organs, left over from the 15 year-old's amazing four orgasms within the same number of hours.
The happy billionaire then fitted a carefully prearranged for size tight condom-like sheath, ribbed with tiny wiring but otherwise transparent, along the whole length of the boy's cock. The head of this ingenious device was connected to the machine by a very thin tube.
The boy's cock miraculously, given its recent excitements, but ominously for the young slave's imminent welfare, shamelessly immediately began to grow again in reaction to the manhandling. The billionaire was most pleased to notice this development.
After fitting the sheath, the billionaire inputted into the machine the appropriate timing and setting, determined by the earlier dice throws. He then stood back to admire the scene.
The billionaire considered that what he now saw, namely his seriously endangered young slave, was extremely erotic. In fact, his own cock, hidden within his leather trousers, almost orgasmed at the sight.
Having feasted his eyes for a while on the boy's terrified form, the billionaire subsequently declared to his captivated guests "Let the brat's final challenge begin!" The man then activated the evil machine.
The boy immediately felt the ingenious condom-like sheaf encasing his cock began to vibrate variably, whilst a gentle vacuum was created in the attached tube. The latter development enabled any fluid that might be emitted from the young slave's penis to be quickly sucked into the machine.
Despite having already climaxed on four recent occasions, the boy's cock now instantly started to react in the natural way to the stimulus resulting from the varying vibrations. Before half of the 14 minutes that he was to be attached to the machine had elapsed, which he could observe counting down on the digital clock, his unruly penis had already grown to full erection and was threatening to orgasm again. The young slave therefore desperately attempted to thwart the process by thinking once more of unhappy matters.
Unfortunately, as previously, the boy's desperate efforts proved useless. The vibrations remorselessly pleasuring his cock were simply too enjoyable to ignore, even in his current degrading and seriously endangered circumstances and after already recently climaxing on four occasions.
In fact, of course, the boy's arousal was actually further stimulated by his current degradation and endangerment, which for him represented the ultimate masochistic experience. However, he truly wanted to enjoy the scene without the denouement that his master wanted and had encouraged by secretly recently infusing his young slave with the strongest aphrodisiac dosage unknowingly absorbed to date.
The boy had to try to avoid ejaculating for 14 minutes, as the flow of his semen, which was a good conductor, into the sheath encasing his cock would be sucked into the machine where the ejaculate would close an electric circuit. This unwanted development would then trigger another device that was an inherent part of the evil contraption.
The triggering of this other device would be most distressing for the boy unless the machine's numerical setting was one of the 5 out of 11 that activated the safety mechanism. If the latter had occurred, the implement would literally stop short of completing its function.
The desperate and terrified boy therefore fought with all his might to avoid a fifth ejaculation in just over four hours. However, by the time that he had been inexorably brought back to the brink of imminent orgasm, he noticed, by anxiously looking down that the digital clock, below which his once more extremely excited genitals were protruding through the hole in the machine, that only 9 minutes of his challenge had passed.
Meanwhile, the joyous billionaire and most of his equally happy guests recognised that the boy was about to fail his challenge. They made this judgement from another small digital clock, located for their information on the front of the machine just under the young slave's captured genitals, and the sight of the 15 year-old's sheathed cock.
The very light weight of the sheath and the attached tube had enabled the boy's erection to become virtually vertical again. The spectators had noted four times previously that this phenomenon was a common immediate precursor to the young slave enjoying orgasm.
The correctness of the judgement of the enthused spectators was confirmed when the boy, whose body was visibly vibrating amidst his vain struggles not to cum, suddenly gasped ecstatically and a white fluid could be observed flowing down the tube attached to his penile sheath. When the orgasmic young slave's ejaculate subsequently closed the electric circuit in the machine, the two digital clocks immediately reset to count down from 60 seconds.
After recovering from his climax, the boy could therefore judge how long he had left before another device within the machine was triggered. He was helped in his calculations when the crowd of excited spectators eventually began to shout "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..." and, with a cheer, "Zero!"
As the excited spectators subsequently heard the rumble of the exceedingly sharp and effective weighted blade start to run down the genital guillotine, they wondered whether the boy had been lucky enough to roll a number with the two dice that he had thrown which would activate the safety mechanism. If so the chopping device would be brought to an abrupt stop just short of neatly slicing off his sexual organs.
If not, the boy would now lose his genitals, which was contractually acceptable because he had agreed to the codicil.
(Basement torture chamber of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to Moscow, shortly afterwards)
Like the boy in the lounge above, Sergei had agreed to the lucrative codicil, which considerably boosted the value of his contract, because he did not believe that he could be tempted to cum five times in just over four hours without being masturbated or having his prostate tickled during the first quartet of attempts. His own confidence had been boosted by his belief that he was not a masochist, who might be stimulated by the scenario, and his reasoning that, even if he did fail the challenge, surely at least one of three throws of the dice would save him from emasculation.
As Sergei continued to wait in distress on the wheel for someone to come to torture him, he again wondered how the boy above him was faring. He also pondered how he himself would cope if his own contractual codicil was enacted in 9 months' time, and what the intervening period had in store for him.
Sergei's melancholic contemplations were eventually brought to a halt when the door of the torture chamber opened. The billionaire owner of the amenity and many of his guests, including the boy's own Master, then entered.
For a long period afterwards, Sergei's anguished mind did not return to wondering about what had happened to the boy on the mirrored table or consideration of his own undoubtedly troubled immediate future. The naked boy's mental functions were instead dominated by something else.
Sergei's mind was now overwhelmed by the acute agony that he began to suffer for a prolonged time when the spiked wheel on which he was painfully stretched was finally turned upwards to cheering from the many spectators.
by Pueros
The further painful adventures of Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor, plus those of five American boys, will be related in the forthcoming sequel to this story, entitled 'Slaveboys From Moscow & New York'.