St. Ann & James Mixed School Chapter 1
By Sister
Copyright 2010 by Sister, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this
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Editor's note: English is not Sister's native language and his prose reflects this. In some of
Sister's stories, for purposes of clarity and readability, the editor has in certain cases
corrected grammar, misspellings and typos. Many such errors have not been corrected so as
to as much as possible maintain the flavor of the original work as submitted by Sister.
Chapter 1 – Not so easy to go to school
Laura, 9 years old, attended the 3rd grade in St. Ann & James grade school and as she lost, the last school year there was no skirt in her uniform this year too.
It was very embarrassing to be, in this first school day, as the only 9 year old with panties on show at the school bus stop. It was not that the actual length of her last year's school mates ones gave really a cover but it was still something.
Her former girl mates made merciless jokes of her exposed panties. "Wow, Laura" said Meg 'the brain' "What a lovely panties you're dressing!" "Yeah, really" chimed in Barbra, known as Meg's pet "They are really perfect for a little 3rd grader!"
Luckily the school bus arrived at the stop and Laura, as soon as she was on board, tried to find a place well away from her old class mates but she was not able to do it as Meg and Barbra took her under her armpits and carried her down along the bus aisle to a place near the end of the bus. The two skirt dressed girls made the panties' one seat between them avoiding any escape way for Laura.
Immediately other 4th graders, either boys or girls, took place on the seats right in front, back and side of them so to miss not any of the show playing on.
"Please, Meg" pleaded Laura "Let me alone! Why do you do it to me?"
"'Couse we're 4th graders while you're only a 3rd grader, dear," replied a grinning Meg.
"B... but, please" said Laura already with tears filling her wonderful blue eyes "I'm not an 8 year old. I'm 9 like you. You cannot treat me like that."
"Oh, shut up, girl!" told Meg while giving Laura a light slap on the mouth. "You're just a 3rd grader so you're subjected to the same rules as every other little 8 year old!"
"Now be a good girl if you know what's best for you!"
With that Meg slapped another time Laura, this time right on her check, a little harder soliciting once for all the little blondie's tears which started flowing freely.
"So, now that everything between us is cleared out," spoke Meg, "let's see what a nice pair of panties you're wearing."
"Let all of us see!" cheered all together the surrounding kids.
"Now, Laura," ordered Meg, "lift up your knees and spread them very wide!"
As Laura gave no sign to obey Meg's order, the 4th grader slapped the blondie's left check hard.
"Do it, NOW!" she ordered to her shocked victim.
Crying freely little Laura complained while all the other kids laughed. When she was in a sort of frog position with her knees, very well high and spread Meg ordered, "Now don't move an inch! You've to be totally still till I'll say you otherwise, little shit!" That said Meg's hand started to run up and down on Laura's cotton panties covered crotch. Meg drove her index finger from the position of Laura's covered anus slowly up till the top of the blondie's slit bouncing every time right on Laura's little clit.
"Uhm!" commented Meg grinning, "really perfect white cotton panties!"
"...And it seems they fit perfectly on your little girl's slit!" added Barbra.
At that all the attending kids laughed louder making Laura blush even more.
"Oh, please Meg, please," said Laura "don't keep touching me there! Please! Not in front of every-body!"
"Oh poor little girl!" replied Meg with a fake pity tone in her voice "Are you ashamed if a bigger girl touches you a while on your little cunnie? But little girls are not supposed to be ashamed when with bigger girls."
"B... but you're six months younger than me!" protested Laura.
"I'm a 4th grader while you're just a little 3rd grader!" shouted Meg right in Laura's face while pinning the top of the blondie's panties clad slit between her thumb and index finger, right where Laura's clit was and gave it a strong vicious twist making Laura scream for the flashing pain in her most tender spot.
"Give it her stronger, Meg!" incited Barbra with aroused eyes.
"No, Barbra. Not yet," came the reply. "Maybe later if this lil' girl will not obey our orders."
"Stop it!" pleaded the crying little girl to her tormentor. "Please, stop it, Meg! I don't want it any-more!"
"Oh poor lil'one" said her nemesis, "this lil' girl doen't want to play with her bigger friends anymore! But that is not a kind thing for you to do. It's very rude! Really a no no! Bad, bad girl!" she added giving Laura's little clit another vicious twist eliciting another high pitch scream from her the poor victim.
"Now let's see those nice panties well," added a now smiling Meg "let's see the hem better"
With that, Meg slipped her thumb under the leg holes elastic band of Laura's panties lifting it well away from Laura's skin. "Oh, nice work on this elastic band," commented Meg holding Laura's panties' leg hole really wide opened and lifted.
"Oh yeah!" chimed in another girl from the seat right in front of them "and a nice work for what's inside them too!" concluded laughing.
With horror, Laura realized that her little hairless slit was now actually totally exposed to the eyes of all the attending kids. With a scream, she flashed her hands down trying to cover her nakedness only to gain two other vicious twists by Meg's fingers this time directly on her now naked and exposed clit.
"Aaaaaahhh!! Aaaaahh!!" screamed Laura
"Barbra," ordered Meg her mate, "pin her hands on her back!"
While her friend complied, she added to Laura, "We gave you a possibility to be kind with us but you let it down! Ok, that's your choice. Now we'll do it our way. Put her on her feet!"
A couple of hands took hold of Laura's shoulders and before she realized it, she was standing in the bus aisle still with her hands pinned on her back.
"Ok, Laura" said Meg, "now we'll check your fine panties in a better way!" With that said Meg inserted her fingers in the waistband of Laura's panties and pulled them down to her ankles.
"Step out!" she ordered, giving Laura's bottom check a good sounding slap.
"Ouch!" whimpered Laura
"C'mon lazy head" solicited Meg giving Laura's ass check another hard spank.
Laura lifted one foot while Meg slipped her panties out then the other and her panties now were in Meg's hands. She lifted them up to Laura's eyes level stretching them good and showing them to all the kids around.
"Oh well," Meg said, "here are the little shit's panties. Let's look at them well!"
"Oh, I'll prefer to look at the contents than at the box!" laughed Mike, a crispy haired boy right in front of Laura.
The blond girl was continuously freely crying while standing along the bus aisle naked from the waist down totally unable to cover her nakedness from the eagerly eyes of all the cheering kids around her.
"I know it, Mike," said a giggling Meg. "You boys are always unable to evaluate clothes as we girls can do! However, you have to wait a little more for the 'goods' evaluation!"
All the girls but Laura laughed at that while Mike was blushed a little.
"Let her sit down again," ordered Meg. Quickly, Laura was again on the seat between Meg and Barbra. Wearing the regular school singlet and blouse not longer than her belly button level meant her totally bald little slit was in plain view for all to see. She could not ignore the continuous comments about it which reached her ears making her face more crimson and burning.
"Hey," suddenly said Barbra, "look here!" Her finger pointing to Laura panties' gusset.
"It's all wet there!"
"Yuk!" commented another girl
"Oh my, my!" said Meg, "this lil' girl is really a bad girl! What did you do? Did you piss yourself in your new nice panties?" asked Meg to the very ashamed Laura.
She did not answer, just casting her eyes really shut and trying to close out of her mind the outside world.
"If not" continued Meg "What's this wetness?"
The other girls' laughs became hysterical.
"Oh my!" exclaimed Meg, faking horror and surprise in her voice and face. "Shouldn't be that! .... Oh God.... Not that!"
"Please Barbra," Meg asked her friend, "take a sniff on this wetness and let us know it!"
The girl lifted Laura's panties to her nose and sniffed them.
"Yuk! It's not pee there! It's .... A shame!" exclaimed Barbra twisting her face in a comical disgusted expression.
"Oh my, Laura! What have you done?!" Meg said. "Let's immediately check it out!"
"Carrie, Bob!" called Meg to the front seat kids, "take one of Laura's knees each and lift them spread wide!"
The two kids eagerly complied and Laura's legs suddenly were high in the air totally spread while her bald slit was exposed to all to see.
Due to the spreading, her pussy's hole became visible and well open.
Meg put her hand on Laura's slit and inserted her index finger right in the hole up to the first knuckle.
"No, noooooo!!" cried out the naked 9 year old at the violation of her most secret place.
Meg twisted her finger in Laura's intimates and pushed it up and down a little. Then she extracted it from the pink hole and lifted it up to her eye level; the tip of her finger was glistering with Laura's vaginal fluids.
"Oh Laura!" commented Meg with a disgusted expression on her face, "you're just a bad horny little girl! I'm so ashamed of you! Now you'll have to be punished for that!"
", please, Meg. I really d...don't ...." Blubbered Laura hoping for the Earth to open up and swallow her.
"Oh, please, shut up, you little pig!" exclaimed Meg giving Laura's crotch a hard slap right on the hole, eliciting a sort of squishing sound.
"Ouch!" cried Laura.
"Guys, put her here on my laps face up!" ordered Meg to her mates. Suddenly Laura fund herself laying face up on Meg's naked legs with her head on Barbra's laps and her feet dangling on the bus aisle.
"Spread her legs wide!" said Meg and two sets of hands took hold of Laura's ankles spreading them until her legs were in a split position. The vulva, inner lips and hole of Laura's pussy were now stretched open and, for the joy of the attending boys, all of her nude outside and inside was on show for them to see.
"Bad SPANK , bad SPANK, girl SPANK!" scolded Meg punctuating every word with a hard spank right on Laura's open pussy hole. "You SPANK are SPANK so a SPANDK filthy SPANK *dirt SPANK dirt SPANK little SPANK pig SPANK SPANK !"
"Ouch, please, not! No more! Aaaaahhh! Please, I'll be good!! Ouch! Stop!" pleaded Laura freely crying under the painful rain of spanks.
Eventually her pussy's spanking ended.
She could feel the heat in her tenders' place and the burning of her well spanked pussy hole.
Before she was able to recover from the previous ordeal, Laura was lifted from Meg's laps and found herself standing again in the aisle.
Still crying she looked down at her no more so private privates. Her vulva was a bright cherry red color and her tiny clit was now pocking out a little from its hood.
"Now," said Meg "it's time for the second part of your punishment. Open up your filthy mouth, pig!" ordered Meg to the standing girl. Laura obeyed and Meg inserted the still wet gusset of her panties in her mouth.
"Close up and suck on it!" came the stern order.
When Laura closed her mouth tasting for the first time her own juices Meg put the rest of her panties over the sucking girl's head like a cap.
Then she said, "Go there where Barbra's sitting and kneel on the seat facing the window!"
Barbra moved herself away from her place letting Laura do what ordered to.
"Stay there anf keep still, with your hands on your head! NOW!"
Laura obeyed and suddenly realized that in this position all of her nakedness was now totally exposed for every passerby to see.
Her panties covered head, her short blouse, singlet, and everything below of them in all their naked glory accentuated by a very total exposed red vulva were right at the eye level of anyone on the street who cared to look at!
"Mike, Alex," called Meg to a couple of her male mates, "hold her in this position well pressed against the window! Everyone in the town has to know what a dirty little pig this lil' girl is and how she is punished for that."
Of course the two boys eagerly complied, using their hands on Laura's naked back.
"Now, for the ending punishment," said Meg, "we'll all take turns spanking her fat ass till we arrive at school."
"Nooooo!" shouted Laura "No more spanking, I beg you!" But everything was in vane and the spanks started to rain down on her naked bottom checks.
"Ouch! Stop! Please, no more!"
After 15 minutes of continuous hand spanking, the bus eventually entered the school gates and Laura was at last released.
All the kids run toward the exit door while Laura tried to recover herself.
She took away her panties from the head and out of her mouth still tasting on her tongue the filthy taste of her own juices.
Laura wore her panties quickly only to realize the gusset was now totally soaked by her own saliva.
"Well girl," she thought by herself "You'll have to live with it."
After getting ready, when the last kid was already gone from the bus, Laura exited the vehicle and ran to the school entrance hoping to be in her class as soon as possible to avoid being late right on the first day.
She entered the classroom already half filled and found a free desk. She sat down.
"Ouch!" was the semi-suffocated wimp which escaped from her mouth when her abused ass contacted the hard wood chair.
She stood up again and positioned herself at the side of her desk like all her mates. She unbuttoned her blouse and opened it well, putting on show like the other kids, her white singled ready for the start of class uniform check.
Five minutes later the teacher entered the room and shut the door.
"Good morning, children, and welcome to a new school year! I'm Mrs. Hardings and I'll be your prime teacher," she greeted the 25 kids who replied all together, "Good morning, Mrs. Hardings!"
"Ok, children" added the teacher "let's start!"