An It's Not Fair Letter

By Latebloomer

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Copyright 2014 by Latebloomer, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Note: This is a letter to the It's Not Fair section in the Boy's Life magazine. See Cassie's It's Not Fair series for more information. The response and final comment is written by Cassie.

Shawn (20 years old)

Dear It's not fair,
I am almost twenty-one now and I am certainly not going to discuss this any further.
I am writing to explain that.
It's absolutely ridiculous. Everyone including me knows the law.
A boy cannot be compelled to keep taking puericil once he is twenty-one.
That's just a simple fact.
It's the law, and I am going to be twenty-one in one week.
I did not and I will not sign any paper that says I'm to be kept as a child.
That would be just too ridiculous.
I mean can you imagine... I'm twenty-one.
Okay it's true that because of puericil my body doesn't have any of signs of puberty, but I'm not a little boy even if I look like one.
I am in fact a lithe man of twenty-one, and I will not sign any paper that says I'm still a child.
It's true that most of my friends have been let off puericil quite awhile ago but that isn't my fault.
My mommy is very strict, and she always wants me to be safe, and I really appreciate her help but don't you think it's kind of ridiculous now that I'm almost twenty-one?
I mean think about it. I should be graduating from University instead of just having received my home school graduation certificate from mom and nanny for the sixth grade.
Isn't that ridiculous???
I think so.
I also can't believe that Mommy is thinking of sending me to boarding school now that Nanny is sixteen and is too busy with her boyfriends.
It's all so ridiculous.
I don't even know what to say.
I'm soon going to be twenty-one isn't that some type of high water mark?
I mean aren't boys who are twenty-one allowed more grown up privileges?
Okay here is the worst part.
Mommy doesn't just want me to sign the paper about remaining on that's not the real problem.
The real problem is I need an antidote.
Okay do you even understand what that means if I don't get the antidote to puericil I won't start to develop no matter how much I complain, and the only person allowed to give me the antidote is Mommy.
Do you want to know why?
Okay when I was younger I got a little wild.
I mean not real bad things.
I didn't rape or pillage or anything like that but we vandalized a few things.
That's all.
Just some broken windows and a couple of stolen things, and the TV we stole didn't even work because my stupid friend dropped it.
So, seriously nothing...know what I mean?
Any way so right there and then after we got caught I agreed to be put on puericil until age twenty-one.
It seemed kind of harsh but getting thrown in the slammer seemed even worse.
Believe me when I tell you I wish I'd chosen the slammer.
I mean can you imagine what life is like for a boy to remain a boy long after other boys are men?
You probably can't can you?
Well it is very unpleasant.
Like for example can you imagine being a twenty year old and having a seven o'clock bedtime.
Okay well seriously think about that.
It's so unfair!

Magazine response:

[Dear Shawn,

Thank you for writing to us. You are a bit older than most of our readers, but we like to hear from all our friends, and we do always write back.

We are sorry to hear you are still treated as strictly as a much younger boy. However, we do not think that it is ridiculous at all!

Let us explain: although it may seem incredible now, decades ago many teenage boys and young men were out of control. There was a lot of juvenile crime and the streets were not safe at night. Fortunately, society reacted and took back control. Thanks to that, boys are now allowed to be children. They are looked after and they are not allowed to run wild and become criminals.

We know it must be embarrassing for you to still be treated like a little boy at your age, and to look like a little boy because of the Puericil you have to take. However, you know that your Mommy loves you and is only doing the best for you. Sure, it is unusual for boys to have to take Puericil at your age, but your Mommy is the one who knows you best and she is the one who can make the best decisions for you.

Even taking Puericil after the age of 21 is not ridiculous. In some states, the age of majority for boys has already been raised to 23. It is a well known fact that boys mature much slower than girls, and some boys mature slower than others. If your Mommy still wants to treat you as strictly after your 21st birthday it must be because she is taking into account your maturity level, instead of your age. Having a tantrum about it would only prove that she is right about your immaturity.

If you want to convince her that you are ready to be treated as a little man, then you need to be obedient and responsible, to show that you can be trusted. 

Remember, Mommy knows best. As the mistakes you made in the past clearly show, she has saved you from becoming a juvenile delinquent, and you should be grateful to her for taking control of you and being so strict. The embarrassment you may feel now is nothing compared with the help she is giving you to become a responsible adult.

Good luck, Shawn, and be a good boy for your Mommy!]

Further comments:

While the regular brand of Puericil does not affect physical development, except for the well known effect of removing or preventing the appearance of body hair, several modified brands of the drug are becoming increasingly popular. Some of them do restrain normal growth of the male body, either affecting the whole body or only genital development.

One well-known brand prevents any growth of the genital parts of the boy for as long as he is under treatment. Thus, you can have a 16-year-old boy, whose body is of average size for his age but whose penis and testicles are as small and underdeveloped as a 10-year-old's. Once he stops taking Puericil his genitals will grow, although not as much as they would have without Puericil. Another brand slows body growth. With it, it's not surprising to find a 16-year-old boy who looks like a 12 year-old.

It's clear that Shawn is taking one of those brands, and taking into account what he says about vandalism and theft, we can be grateful that Puericil has allowed his mother to take back control so firmly!

(The End)