It's Not Fair 2

By Crimson Kid

Copyright 2015 by Crimson Kid, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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Note from the editor (Cassie):

This is a letter in the It's Not Fair series, s
et in the Puericil Universe. The author has added a response from a "guest editor," the same character he used in his "It Sure Is Fun!" letters (Doctor Almeda McMichael). I have added it as an independent story. It would make little sense to make it part of my INF series, since I haven't written any part of it.

For the record, any author who is interested is invited to write "It's Not Fair" letters, either writing the editor's response or letting me write it. Both approaches work perfectly well for me!


"IT'S NOT FAIR! LETTER #2" by the Crimson Kid

(Christian, age 13)

Dear "It's Not Fair!" Editor,
 Okay, so I was a little disrespectul, okay maybe more than a little, to my cousin Ramona, who's twelve years old, and her "BFF" (best friend forever, it's a girl saying) Vanessa, who's only eleven.
 The thing is, I just didn't want to have to stay at their house, with all of us being babysat by my cousin Katrice, who's sixteen and really pretty (long blonde hair, very nice body, cheerleading co-captain, I'm mature enough to notice it when a girl is "hot," even if she's my first cousin), but my parents, her parents (our mothers are sisters) and Vanessa's parents all went on this week-long trip to Atlantic City, so Ramona (who's Katrice's little sister), Vanessa and myself all had to stay at my Aunt Judith's house under Katrice's supervision.
 My mother gave in to Aunt Judith's blathering about her household being "a place where males are kept under strict control," even though there are no boys living there, my Uncle Jasper being the only male in their home. It turned out that Aunt Judith's daughters, Katrice and Vanessa, were taught by her to "assert their natural feminine authority and superiority over all boys," even though they didn't have any brothers, because they did have one male cousin nearby, which was me, of course.
 Mom let Aunt Judith, who's her big sister, bully her into agreeing that I'd be subject to all that "Conservative Resurgence" stuff about "boys being kept under strict control by corporal correction and butt-naked embarrassment" for that whole week, with Katrice being what her mother called "Christian's strict spankmistress"--I sure didn't like the way that sounded, plus how it made Ramona and Vanessa giggle with glee neither, but my mother simply shrugged her shoulders and agreed to Aunt Judith's demand that Katrice would have "full nude punitive privileges" over me.
 When I tried to protest to Mom, she just told me, "If you're a well-behaved boy and obey Katrice like you're supposed to, acting like a polite, considerate guest in Aunt Judith's house and being nice to Ramona and Vanessa, you won't have to be disciplined at all. I'm certain that Katrice won't be looking for excuses to correct your behavior, after all." Both Aunt Judith and Katrice agreed that good behavior on my part would keep my "bouncy boyish buns," as Aunt Judith called them, "clothed, cool and comfortable," which is how my mother said she hoped they would stay for the whole week.
 Yes, I have to say that I was pushy and maybe even rude toward my younger cousin and her friend, even though normally I liked Ramona a whole lot, she was almost as good-looking as her big sister and was going to be even better-looking than her in a few years, I thought at the time (and still do). I didn't know Vanessa all that well, she was only a sixth grader, but she was cute for being so young, she looked sort of Italian with short, curly black hair and what my mother called an "olive complexion." Why wasn't I nicer to them, after all they started out being pretty sweet to me, you might wonder, but I suppose it was just that I didn't like the whole situation so I foolishly took it out on those two girls.
 Katrice had warned me a couple of times about being "courteous and friendly" to Ramona and Vanessa, but at night on the second day of our being together I sassed her, saying that she should mind her own business, after the third time that she lectured me about "mistreating" the younger girls.
 Well, in no time flat I found myself stripped totally bare-naked, with two females who weren't even teenagers yet watching and grinning while my clothes were removed, not gently either, by Katrice, who was seriously annoyed with me. Then she told her little sister to "Bring me the 'Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker' from Mom's closet right away, I'm going to teach your cousin a very long, blistering-hard lesson about respecting his betters." I did put up a little resistance, but not too much, when I was put across Katrice's thighs with my bare behind bent over her knee and sticking up high, in perfect position for her to wallop. If I tried to fight her too much, I realized, she'd simply get angrier and punish me even worse than she was already planning to.
 Boy, did she ever plaster my poor unprotected hind end with that "Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker" (the bright red block lettering on its back labeled it that way) which turned out to be a sturdy wooden paddle, obviously designed for whacking a guy's rump--it was only a touch longer and wider but quite a bit thicker than a ping-pong paddle, varnished smoothly and had around a dozen small holes on its hard, flat striking surface. She really let me have it, swinging that "Seat-Smacker" really hard and cracking it across my buttcheeks right on top of "the bottom of my bottom," which is how Ramona described the target area for most of those stinging, fiery-hot paddywhacks when she and Vanessa finally managed to stop giggling for a moment while I kicked and yelled.
 It didn't take very long at all before I started sobbing, then only a minute or so later I was outright crying--I know it sounds pretty little-kidlike, but Katrice just wouldn't stop paddling my bare rear end with so much force, she was totally plastering those "chubby cheekies," as she called them, about once every five seconds with her "Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker," and boy, oh boy, did it ever hurt! By the time my older cousin finally finished spanking me on my bare behind (Vanessa told me afterward that I got it "truly hard and steady" for over ten minutes), I was bawling like a baby and not even worrying about how childish I looked, which I did end up thinking about a lot during my so-called "cornertime."
 So then I had to stand in one corner of the living room, while I was still sniffling, with my hands locked at waist level behind me and my nose touching right where the two walls met. Naturally, this caused my smarting, red-hot hind end to push out backward, something which made Ramona and Vanessa "simper like silly schoolgirls" (which they were, after all), as Katrice put it, but she was chuckling a great deal herself, and all three of them were teasing me about how dark red and glowing my buttcheeks were and how much it must've felt "like there's a bonfire blazing on that cute caboose of yours," again according to my older cousin. Once my ass-thrashing had started, I'd stopped thinking about how embarrasing the whole situation was to me, but during my twelve minutes of "cornertime," being teased so much by all three females, a feeling of being completely humbled came over me. (I wasn't allowed to say anything back either, but then again I didn't feel like talking anyway. What was I going to tell them, that I hadn't cried like a toddler and wasn't standing totally nude in the corner like a spanked-by-his-mommy kindergartener, with my poor walloped hiney throbbing big-time while teardrops still trickled down my face?)
 Well, maybe I did deserve that bare-assed paddling over Katrice's knee, and even having to remain stark-naked until bedtime for the rest of the night, but here's the "It's Not Fair!" part of my punishment: For the rest of the week, so that I would "learn to admire and adore the superior, more mature feminine gender," in Katrice's words, I was sentenced to play "Double Smacks" with the two younger girls every night, for the hour just before our bedtime. (Since it was summer vacation, we were allowed to stay up until eleven o'clock p.m.)
 How do you play "Double Smacks," you may wonder, so here are the basic rules: Playing it Katrice's way, it requires two females, each dressed in her nightgown but also wearing a thong panty, and one bare-bottomed (in my case totally nude) male. One of the females lies prone (on her tummy, that means) on a bed with a couple of pillows under her hips, to kind of lift up her rear end, with her nightgown pulled up to waist level. The male must assume what's called the "presenting position" just behind her (while stradling her legs), which means being on all fours with his naked hind end pushed up high and head down low with his back "arched downward"--his arms reach up around the female's waist while his face touches the lowest part of her bare-cheeked behind. The second female stands behind the male, in position to swat his sticking-up buttcheeks with a full swing of some spanking implement--in our case it was the "Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker," of course.
 Katrice assigned "thirty smacks per cheek" to begin with for our "Double Smacks" games, which started out with Vanessa in the prone position on the king-sized bed in the master bedroom, me (always, since I'm the boy) in "presenting position" behind her and Ramona standing behind me facing my left hip, holding the paddle's handle in her right hand.
 Once Katrice announced, "Start smacking!", I had to give Vanessa's left-side "beautiful bumcheek" a soft, affectionate and "lingering" kiss, just above her thigh on the plumpest part of her exposed buttock round. When finished, I'd have to count out "One-left, ma'am," after lifting up my face just a touch. Immediately after that, Ramona would plaster my own left buttcheek on the same basic spot with the wooden paddle, swinging with close to full force, after which I had to count out "One-left, ma'am," once again while my hiney was smarting. Then I'd shift over a tad to Vanessa's lower right nether cheek, kissing it "sweetly and lovingly," after which I'd count out "One-right, ma'am," followed by Ramona paddywhacking me oh-so-solidly on my plump right undercheek, which I would count out ("One-right, ma'am") afterward.
 Once I'd given Vanessa's "beautiful bumcheeks" sixty "sweet-smacks," thirty per cheek, and received the same amount of "sting-smacks" on my "impudent asscheeks" (these are Katrice's exact words which I'm using in quotation marks here, in case you're wondering) from Ramona blistering my bare behind, which I was required to keep sticking upward and backward (her big sister stood on my right and pressed down on my waist to make me hold that "presenting position") to give her a perfect paddling target, the girls switched places. By then, my rear end was fiery-hot and teardrops were brimming in my eyes, but luckily I was allowed a couple of minutes to "compose yourself, Christian," by Katrice.
 The second part of our "Double Smacks" game would have me kissing my younger cousin's bare "beautiful bumcheeks" while my own naked "impudent asscheeks" were paddywhacked really hard by her girlfriend, swinging the "Seat-Smacker." Because Vanessa is left-handed, she stood to my right while Katrice was on my left, making me stay in proper position.
 There's one other tricky part, because if the girl getting her "beautiful bumcheeks" kissed my me thought that one of my "sweet-smacks" was "not affectionate enough," as Katrice put it, she could say so as soon as the "sting-smack" afterward had cracked against my "impudent asscheeks." When that happened, I got a half-dozen more extra-hard paddleswats, three on each naked buttcheek, before we continued with the game. Why was one particular fanny-kiss considered to be "not affectionate enough," I couldn't tell, except if it was too short or not too gentle perhaps, but somehow I ended up getting "a six-pack of extras," which is what Katrice called them, at least three times during each part of "Double Smacks" we played. All three females giggled with glee whenever that happened to me, so I'm guessing those extra whacks were planned to take place.
 The weird thing is that pressing my lips against the cute curve of a young girl's soft, white hiney turned out to be a nice feeling by itself. If it wasn't so embarrassing to do it, having to kind of worship the bare bottom of my cousin and also her friend, plus if I hadn't gotten a real "sting-smack" with the paddle right afterward from the other girl each time I planted a soft smooch, so I ended up crying a whole lot while my rear end felt like there were fireworks exploding on it--well, then I might not have minded kissing those girlish "beautiful bumcheeks," not at all.
 Katrice wouldn't listen to my "It's Not Fair!" argument that I shouldn't have to play "Double Smacks" will the younger girls every evening, she told me that playing once a day was making me treat Ramona and Vanessa nicely and also act respectful to her. Since it was impossible for me to feel superior to girls whose fannies I had to kiss sweetly as they took turns plastering my own bare behind with the "Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker" while I ended up bawling like a baby, Katrice was right about that. All three females really treated me pretty sweetly during the daytime, yet they did sort of gloat and smirk a whole lot, especially the younger girls, so they were probably thinking about the affection I'd be giving their "beautiful bumcheeks" that night, not to mention the punishment they'd be delivering on top of my "impudent asscheeks."
 At least Katrice did rub cool, soothing aloe cream onto my big-time smarting seat at bedtime each night, right after I'd finished playing "Double Smacks" with Ramona and Vanessa, but it didn't keep me from still feeling really sore back there. We ended up playing seven games total, starting on Sunday evening and going all the way through to the next Saturday night--our parents finally arrived back home on Sunday afternoon, nine days after they'd left, and was I ever glad to see them.
 Here's the problem I'm facing now: The three sets of parents, especially the women--Mom, Aunt Judith and Vanessa's mother--had such a terrific time that they're planning on a return trip during the week of Thanksgiving, since they got lucky and won something like six thousand dollars while gambling to pay for another trip. (My mother's kind of an expert at a card game called "Texas Hold'em.") Katrice will be babysitting Ramona, Vanessa and me again for that week, which she'll get paid for doing, and she's already told everybody that she's going to be "totally proactive about keeping Christian respectful to all of us young ladies."
 When I asked her later, in private, if that meant another week of me having to play "Double Smacks" with Ramona and Vanessa every night, with them getting the "sweet-smacks" from my lips but me being bare-naked and taking all those "sting-smacks" with them swinging that wicked paddle, she only grinned and then asked, "Come on, what do you think, my dear cousin?"
 Katrice just chuckled when I told her, "It's Not Fair!"

[Response from the "Boy Stuff" magazine's guest editor of this column:
 Christian, there's an old saying about your current situation: "You've made your own bed, now you've got to lie in it." You didn't heed your older cousin (and babysitter) Katrice's warnings about treating your younger cousin and her girlfriend with proper consideration, then you were highly disrespectful to your babysitter herself. Exactly what did you expect her response to your blatantly impertinent misconduct would be, anyway?
 You richly deserved that fully nude paddling with the "Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker" which you underwent across Katrice's thighs, with Ramona and Vanessa being allowed to watch--I'm certain that it hurt your naked hiney a great deal, as it was intended to, but that's how a spanking is supposed to function, after all. I'm gratified that you felt "completely humbled" by having to do cornertime afterward, while all three of those females were looking at your "dark red and glowing" bare bottom and teasing you about your childish reaction to being so soundly chastised, because learning humility, especially in dealing with his womenfolk, is something that's expected of every underage boy these days.
 Since you're apparently not taking Puericil, which would result in your becoming more compliant to feminine authority and superior maturity, being required to regularly play "Double Smacks" with Ramona and Vanessa obviously was an excellent substitute for the medication's effect--it broke down your arrogant male ego via extreme embarrassment, featuring even some degree of humiliation, so that you were able to treat all three females with the courtesy they deserved for the rest of the week.
 Did playing "Double Smacks" leave you with an exceptionally sore, smarting seat and a tearstained face, Christian? I'm certain that it did, but masculine posteriors have been designed by the Sacred Feminine to absorb plenty of stinging-hot, blistering-hard corporal correction. Your exposed rump is exceptionally resilient, which is why it recovered from those extended, every-evening paddlings and 'bounced back' strongly to easily endure additional severe spanking--that's precisely what Mother Nature has always intented it to do, so you should be gratified at your ability to endure the continuous corporal correction which you deserve, need and (I'm quite certain) subconsciously desire.
 I believe that you should eagerly embrace your punitive fate as a positive factor in developing into a contributing masculine member of society. Tell Ramona and Vanessa how cutely 'kissable' their sweet derrieres are, plus that you're looking forward to playing "Double Smacks" with them again and hoping that they'll spank you very soundly in every game. I'd even recommend your asking Katrice to start the week out with you undergoing another strenuous nude session with the "Naughty-Boy Seat-Smacker" over her knee, simply to put you in the proper boyish frame of mind to respect and obey her.
 Whether you'll be able to realize it or not at the time, Christian, you're going to have plenty to be thankful for during the whole week of Thanksgiving--which obviously will end up also being "Spanksgiving" for the three young ladies you'll be staying with.
Doctor Almeda McMichael]

(The End)