The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays Chapter 16
By Pueros
Copyright 2007 by Pueros, all rights reserved
Comments to the author can be sent to
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
Chapter 16 - Cellars
(Main Hall, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, March 1803)
In the same month that the first parts of the liberal 'Code Napoleon', which influenced much of the world's modern jurisprudence systems, were promulgated in France, Dr. Strappem, Headmaster of Sodomhall School, was continuing to display his wicked despotic authority over his pupils. He was definitely not a man to exhibit progressive justice within his own domain. He was instead a similar type of tyrant to many of the past kings of the now deposed French monarchy, one who believed in Louis XIV's answer to a question raised about the legality of a certain nefarious action.
"It is legal because I wish it!" Louis XIV had declared. Dr. Strappem considered that such a dictum was also very appropriate to his private fiefdom of Sodomhall School and his dominion there over nearly 700 boys.
Dr. Strappem knew that what he now proposed to do was against the law, even in early 19th century England. However, such realisation was not going to prevent him from following the late French King's dictum and securing punitive vengeance.
The usual post-breakfast school assembly was taking place in the main hall on the morning after Brown T's 11th birthday. Tom and the fellow members of his dormitory had eaten heartily of the first repast of the day, consuming all of their porridge despite its stodginess and their feasting at the previous midnight on the boy's gift from James, namely the sumptuous hamper.
The pupils' full consumption of the unappetising breakfast was evidence of the ravenous appetites common to growing boys, especially those living in boarding schools where the diet is adequate for health but restricted. Tom's clearing of his dish of porridge after feasting on the hamper was also proof of his own quick recuperative ability. After all, he had previously been forced to swallow a quantity of semen.
Fortunately for Tom, the quantity of semen swallowed had been insufficient to make him vomit, despite feeling rather sick after publicly sucking a fifteenth older pupil to climax. The birthday boy had therefore avoided being returned to the quadrangle stocks for a caning by Flashmember, much to the disappointment of the latter and many of the spectators.
Tom had been helped to achieve his feat by the fact that most English boys in the early 19th century matured later than their modern equivalents. Consequently, Dr. Ballsoff had recorded in his notebook that only six of the fifteen mainly 12 year-old pupils, who had been sucked to climax, had ejaculated at orgasm.
In order to ascertain this situation, Dr. Ballsoff had needed to recognise the advent of orgasm, which was rather easy because the relevant pupil's ecstatic expression invariably provided the necessary clue, and then required Tom to open his mouth. Evidence of any ejaculation would subsequently normally still be present on the birthday boy's tongue.
The theme of Dr. Strappem's customary monologue at the post- breakfast morning assembly was as usual religious. The Headmaster was, after all, a doctor of divinity and today he was concentrating on a certain Biblical book and the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the relevance of the tale for current school life.
In particular, Dr. Strappem rather disingenuously argued that the brave devotion that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had displayed towards God in face of the prospect of being thrown into the furnace of blazing fire should be replicated by the pupils in respect of their school. "I know that life here is not easy," the Headmaster advised, whilst for once being truthful if very understated, "but you boys must nevertheless exhibit steadfast loyalty towards Sodomhall irrespective of the difficulties."
"Unfortunately, not all of you do so," Dr. Strappem continued, "and shamefully one of these wicked miscreants is named after the Biblical book in which the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego appears." Turning towards a Prefect who was standing at the main door of the school hall, the Headmaster subsequently commanded "Bring the evildoer in!"
The Prefect concerned opened and shouted through the door, onto which all eyes now focused. They did not have long to wait to observe the arrival of the 'evildoer' in question.
A rather dirty, dishevelled and obviously terrified boy, whose hands were roped together behind his back, was soon dragged by two other Prefects into the hall and towards the platform on which Dr. Strappem was conveying his monologue. The 11 year-old concerned struggled but the strong older hands that held him resolutely clung onto their captive.
Consequently, the recaptured Daniel was soon standing next to Dr. Strappem on the platform, whilst still in the firm grip of the Prefects. The boy escapee's downfall had been tiredness, after spending much of a night in flight.
The man who was driving Farmer Allcock's milk wagon had discovered the sleeping Daniel amongst his churns on his eventual arrival in mid-afternoon in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The driver immediately appreciated what his unexpected extra load represented from the boy's uniform, as well as realised that a reward would be on offer for the child's return to Sodomhall School.
Despite early protestations from the awakened Daniel, which were quickly doused by a gag, the boy was therefore subsequently sent back to Sodomhall School but not before another day had elapsed. The time-consuming supply of milk to various places around Newcastle first had to be completed, with the now empty churns from previous deliveries collected.
The driver took the rest of the afternoon of Daniel's birthday and all of the following morning to complete his tasks. The intervening night was spent sleeping in his wagon, close to the boy, who was not molested.
The driver subsequently began the long journey back to his employer's farm in the early afternoon of Tom's birthday. He passed on the way Allcock's other milk wagon, which helped ensure the delivery of daily supplies to Newcastle.
On arrival back at Allcock's farm at dusk on the evening of this second day, Daniel was still immovably bound hand and foot in the rear of the wagon. The boy had been in this state since shortly after his discovery, although he was now alongside returned empty milk churns.
Farmer Allcock, who decided that the time was now too late in the day to return Daniel immediately to Sodomhall School, was as delighted as his wagon driver had been to discover the boy in the back of his vehicle, albeit not for financial reasons. He would, after all, let his employee keep the fiscal reward received for the child's return, although not through generosity.
Allcock would have liked a slice of the financial reward and could perhaps have insisted upon a share. His driver had, after all, discovered Daniel in the farmer's wagon and whilst working for him. However, he appreciated that he paid his employees little enough and so, in order to avoid unrest amongst his staff, he decided not to argue his case.
Anyway, Farmer Allcock thought, the gratitude of Dr. Strappem at Sodomhall School should be enough personal reward, particularly as the Headmaster would surely recognise his own contribution to Daniel's recapture and would probably subsequently express his thankfulness in kind rather than cash. After all, his relationship with the nearby educational establishment had always been close.
Much of the produce of Allcock's farm went to Sodomhall School, which represented a market of almost 700 people virtually on his doorstep. Dr. Strappem was a parsimonious payer but there were three main compensations for the resultant disappointing returns.
First, the costs of transporting Allcock's agricultural goods to more distant and lucrative markets, such as in Newcastle, which would probably anyway eradicate any increase in profits, did not have to be faced, except for his excess produce, such as his spare milk. Second, Dr. Strappem always paid his bills on time. Third, the Headmaster supplemented his cash payments by sending boys to help at busy periods on the farm, especially at harvest- time.
On such occasions, Allcock was afforded full control over the boys, including enforcement of discipline, which the sadistic man rather enjoyed. Dr. Strappem also never objected to the farmer taking one of the prettier pupils into his hayloft to perform rather personal intimate chores.
Because of this close relationship, Allcock correctly believed that Dr. Strappem would reward him in kind for his return of Daniel by despatching another pretty pupil to his farm to ask whether he wanted any chores performing in his hayloft. In fact, the currently unknowing chosen boy would receive his orders from the Headmaster immediately after the conclusion of the present morning assembly.
Daniel had actually been returned to Sodomhall School just before dawn on this day. On arrival, the boy had still been bound and gagged in the rear of Allcock's milk wagon, which was now on the way back to Newcastle with a fresh load of milk.
Dr. Strappem, being a very early riser, was already awake and dressed when news of Daniel's return reached him. The Headmaster duly generously gave the happy wagon driver several coins, his unusual munificence when settling a debt on this occasion being testament to his belief that rewards had to be good to encourage the local people to return boy escapees.
Dr. Strappem had also advised the driver, after placing Daniel, ankles now untied, in the custody of Prefects, "I'll send personal thanks to Farmer Allcock later!" The wagoner had immediately smiled, as he fully appreciated the form in which such gratitude would be expressed.
The driver had occasionally experienced such largesse himself in return for the odd favour in unofficially using his wagon to carry heavy items to the school from both the local village and Newcastle. The rear of his vehicle did not only transport goods but also, as a result of the tall wooden side panels and several layers of sacking placed on an emptied surface, was a reasonably discreet and comfortable location for intimate activity with a pretty boy.
Daniel, who was now standing in terror on the hall platform next to Dr. Strappem, had not been harmed or molested by the wagon driver or Farmer Allcock. Both men had appreciated that they needed the Headmaster's agreement to indulge in such abuse and so just contented themselves with returning the boy and then receiving their due rewards.
After raging about Daniel for several minutes, whilst frequently pointing in obvious anger towards the extremely frightened boy, Dr. Strappem eventually advised his petrified pupil of his fate. The Headmaster began to do so by initially quoting from the Bible.
"Appropriately, given the name of this evildoer, the Bible's Book of Daniel, verse 27, says," Dr. Strappem thundered, "'Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting.' However, instead of being cast like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the furnace of blazing fire, you'll instead be thrown into the school cellars for a few weeks to receive there your just punishment!"
On hearing this sentence, a loud noise reverberated around the cavernous hall, which represented accumulated shocked gasps uttered from the mouths of many of the almost 700 watching pupils. Despite the fact that, for the nature of the offence, such punishment should not have been unexpected, the actual announcement of the most dreaded penance that the school offered nevertheless caused general consternation and horror.
Daniel himself reacted by bursting into tears and repetitively begging, despite realising that his entreaties would be useless, "No, please, Sir, no!" The boy's pessimistic presumption was soon proved correct when Dr. Stappem ignored his desperate pleas and instead ordered the Prefects holding the young failed escapee to take him to the feared cellars.
Only a few pupils had earned sufficient of Dr. Strappem's ire to be despatched to the dreaded cellars over the years, and they too were generally failed escapees. What the survivors later told about their usually very varied and prolonged sufferings there had quickly spread around the school, being distorted and exaggerated in the process to become essentially horrific legend.
There were even stories of some boys disappearing into the cellars never to be seen again. However, these tales invariably referred to times before the current pupils, even the Prefects, had started at Sodomhall School and so none could verify whether they were true or myth, and none of the staff ever spoke about the subject.
Amongst the sorrowful pupils watching poor Daniel being dragged away by the two burly Prefects to meet his immediate fate in the school cellars was Tom. The horrified and regretful boy, who was still partly blaming himself for the sad situation, immediately believed that his day could surely not become any worse after this terrible start.
Tom's belief was, of course, soon to be proved incorrect.
(Headmaster's Study, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, shortly afterwards)
"Ah, Brown T, thanks for obeying my summons," Dr. Strappem said by way of greeting to Tom, who had been told by a smirking Flashmember to go to see the Headmaster in his study. The Headboy knew why the new 11 year-old was required there, hence his ugly grin, but he was not going to share the information with the younger pupil, who would discover his own fate soon enough.
"I want you, Brown T," Dr. Strappem next advised Tom, "to go on an errand to Mr. Allcock. I want you to offer the farmer your services for any chores he may have in his hayloft!"
(Allcock's Farm, near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, shortly afterwards)
Older pupils would have known what was meant by Dr. Strappem's command "to offer the farmer your services for any chores he may have in his hayloft." However, Tom, only being halfway through his first year at Sodomhall School was, like many fellow 'newts', still naively ignorant of the implications.
Consequently, Tom was completely unaware of what he was committing himself to after he had compliantly run all the way to Allcock's neighbouring farm, being eager to perform the mentioned chores as quickly and efficiently as possible to avoid trouble. The boy therefore knocked on the door of the man's house in continued complete innocence.
Allcock personally opened his farmhouse door to discover the exceptionally pretty Tom standing outside. Although the man immediately believed that he knew the reason for the child's visit, he nevertheless asked "What do you want, boy?"
"Please, Sir," Tom answered innocently and politely, "Dr. Strappem has sent me to offer my services for any chores you may have in your hayloft!" The farmer's face, which was in total contrast to that of the boy, being exceptionally ugly, immediately developed a smile that actually worsened his appearance, as the action caused his lips to open to reveal a mouth full of black and wizened teeth, with disgusting breath to match.
"I do indeed have chores for you to perform in my hayloft," the smiling Farmer Allcock replied to Tom, whose ignorance of the nature of the tasks was obvious to the lecherous farmer from his innocent facial expression. Such sweet naiveté considerably increased the fun of the situation for the cruel libidinous man, who was now very pleased to be in receipt of Dr. Strappem's reward for the return of Daniel, as anticipated not in cash but in kind.
"So let's go to my hayloft straight away so that I can show you what chores I want you to perform," Allcock added, whilst excitedly placing an arm around Tom's shoulders and beginning to guide the innocent unsuspecting boy across the farmyard to his barn.
(Cellars, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)
Daniel had not eaten for over two days. However, his hunger was currently not at the forefront of his anguished mind.
Daniel had managed to slate his considerable thirst, which had been exacerbated when the effect of his recent lack of liquid refreshment had been worsened by wearing a gag for 1½ days. After having his hands untied and subsequently being stripped by the pair of escorting Prefects of his torn and soiled clothes on his arrival in the dreaded school cellars, the boy had had several pales of chilly water poured over him to cleanse his naked dirty body.
The experience was thoroughly unpleasant and left Daniel shivering with the cold. However, the boy had managed to swallow some of the water to quench his thirst.
During the chilling and humiliating process, Daniel made no attempt to escape. There were two reasons for his inaction.
First, the only door had been locked behind him by one of the Prefects after he, his colleague and the petrified boy in their custody had entered the dark dank windowless cellars, which were illuminated only by flaming wall- torches, recently kindled in readiness for the sinister place's latest young guest. He had subsequently placed the relevant big iron key securely in his pocket and Daniel had immediately sensibly realised that any attempt to flee could not possibly succeed in such circumstances and would only cause him more trouble.
Second, the young penitent, for whom the sinister cellars complex would be not only his home for several weeks but also his place of regular torment, had become so terrified on viewing the setting that both his mental and physical processes had virtually frozen. Daniel could see in the flickering torchlight that he was currently in a large vault, devoid of any furniture or fittings apart from those providing the illumination. However, presently in front of him, leading away from the only entrance door, was a long and broad corridor, flanked on both sides by similarly arched chambers or other passageways, some of which were fronted by prison-like metal bars.
Because of his angle of vision and the pervading gloom, Daniel could not ascertain what lay beyond the entrances to these vaulted chambers or passageways. However, the intelligent boy understood that there would be little that was pleasant, which only increased his terror.
Consequently, the traumatised Daniel was currently unable to react in any way other than passively let the Prefects do anything they wanted to him. What these 18 year-olds had been ordered to do next after cleansing their now naked young charge also now quickly became apparent and, in fact, to the terrified boy in his current emotional state, what they actually did could not have been worse.
The Prefects left the cold, shivering, soaking-wet Daniel naked and alone in the cellars, leaving through the only entrance, whilst taking the boy's clothes and locking the door behind them.
(To be continued in chapter 17 – 'Arches')