By Pueros
copyright 2006 by Pueros, all rights reserved
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
Part Three – Allaitant
'Here I stand, your slave….'
- William Shakespeare ('King Lear', III.ii.14)
Chapter 11 – Torture
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, January 2000)
The blushing Sergei reluctantly but nevertheless obediently began to remove his uniform in front of his smirking Master and the equally amused Arab Sheikh. The boy's embarrassed facial redness had arisen despite the fact that both men had already seen him naked.
Sergei's Master had, of course, viewed his young slave's sublime nude body frequently. The Arab Sheikh had done so when present at the boy's original auction near Moscow and subsequently when a guest at the dacha near St. Petersburg of the young Muscovite's multi-millionaire owner.
Nevertheless, stripping in the current manner always embarrassed Sergei and caused his lovely face to blush, which was a reaction that rather pleased both his Master and the Arab Sheikh. Both men liked to see that the boy, despite what he had already endured, had not yet become immune to experiencing deep humiliation.
Sergei's Master and the Arab Sheikh were also happy to note, as the shamed boy lowered his last cover, namely his sparse tight black lycra briefs, embossed with the usual double- headed eagle logo, that his exposed cock now quickly became aroused and erect. Such a debasing development subsequently caused the young slave's facial redness to intensify.
"I thought that this particular brat was not supposed to have masochistic tendencies," the Arab Sheikh also commented in the lingua franca the Saudi Arabian and Russian invariably used when conversing, namely English. He did so as he observed the rapid growth of Sergei's cock and remembered from Moscow and St. Petersburg a particular detail of the boy's psychological profile, which was unusual for a certain secret fraternity's expensive young slaves.
"He's not supposed to be," Sergei's Master replied, "but, as I granted the brat sexual relief only last night in our hotel bedroom by sucking him off before I fucked him, perhaps the assessment should be revised. His current arousal surely cannot arise from returned desperate need but from the circumstance he now faces, namely the prospect of imminent torture. Our psychiatrists and psychologists have been known to make mistakes, which is understandable because people's inherent characteristics can be so complex."
Sergei's facial redness intensified still further in response to such talk, conducted as if he were just some psychiatric or psychological experiment, with his cock the prime subject for empirical study. The boy also disliked the suggestion that he might in some way have masochistic tendencies, although he had to admit that the evidence to support such a theory was mounting, not least as a result of his present embarrassing penile condition.
"Well, what do you want to do with the brat first?" Sergei's Master next asked, quickly changing subject because he was now keen to watch the Arab hurt the boy. In reaction, the Sheikh glanced around his comprehensively and expensively equipped torture chamber, whilst apparently initially stuck for choice. However, the sadistic man eventually settled on his selection.
"Come, brat," the Arab Sheikh, attired in his resplendent white ethnic robes, subsequently commanded of the very frightened Sergei in answer to the question posed by the boy's Master. The naked young slave, again with a mix of reluctance but obedience, complied by following the man towards a big sturdy table, upon which rested a large thick plywood board with several sets of handcuffs, cords and ropes attached.
As soon as the pair arrived immediately before the table, the eager Arab Sheikh next ordered the highly reluctant and scared Sergei, who was reasonably conversant with English, to climb on top and lay face down on the plywood. The boy once more obeyed, whilst carefully ensuring that his unruly stiff cock was not crushed but instead rested carefully on the surface of the board, pointing downwards between his legs.
As the Arab Sheikh subsequently began to fix Sergei in a spreadeagled manner to the plywood using the handcuffs, he advised the appalled young slave "The contraption to which I'm attaching you, brat, once belonged to a Dean Corll of Houston, Texas, USA. This mass murderer had between 1970 and 1973 abused, tortured, mutilated and killed at least 27 boys, many whilst attached to this board!"
Sergei listened to this unwanted information in grim silence. However, to the delight of the Arab Sheikh, the sudden continuing and noticeable trembling of the boy's delectable form suggested that the news of the plywood's provenance, and not just the certainty that something nasty and painful would now be inflicted on him, had instilled intense horror in the child.
Having secured the truly petrified Sergei in place, facedown and spreadeagled on the plywood board, which possessed such a sinister provenance, the Arab Sheikh next produced a large rubber dildo. The cruel man then informed the horrified boy "As one of his tortures, brat, Corll sodomised some of his young victims with this. However, I think it's too small to use on your by now well penetrated rear and would probably only induce your perverse body to enjoy pleasure."
The Arab Sheikh subsequently swapped the large dildo for another of even bigger size, broad and a massive 18 inches in length. "This one though, brat," the smirking man now advised Sergei, "should be much better in making you squirm in pain rather than pleasure.
"The dildo once belonged, brat," the Arab Sheikh informed, "to the American, John Wayne Gacy, who between 1972 and 1978 used a party trick as cover to entice 33 young males to allow themselves to be cuffed. He subsequently proceeded to chloroform, strip, torture and simultaneously rape and garrotte them, having generally restrained his victims on a three-foot long, two inch thick by four wide, wooden plank, with a pair of holes drilled in each end. It too is now in my torture chamber over there, and I'll probably transfer you to it when I sodomise you later!"
Sergei was naturally disgusted to receive all this information. Although he realised that the Arab Sheikh did not propose to kill him, a sense of the evil that had once been perpetrated on many boys previously immovably attached to the plywood board on which he now rested also permeated his being. This horrible feeling caused much of his already quaking bare flesh to breakout in goosepimples in fright.
Sergei's terror was further exacerbated when he next felt the broad curved tip of Gacy's wicked deliberately cruelly unlubricated dildo touch his sensitive sphincter. "No, please don't," the boy subsequently could not prevent himself from spluttering, despite being fully aware of his Master's prescriptions against speaking without permission and begging for mercy. However, the provenance of what was about to be inserted into him, rather than the undoubted agony that the brutish implement would cause, had prompted this reaction.
Sergei simply did not want to experience inside him a huge
dildo that had been used to torture many of Gacy's young
victims, shortly before they were raped and garrotted. To
the boy, his dislike of the notion was truly not connected
to his fear of the expected agony but rather to a strange
sense of sacrilege.
Chapter 12 - Plateau de Tchigaï
(Plateau de Tchigaï, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, same time)
Robert's survival strategy had worked so far. The boy had not been further harmed since the day of his enslavement a month previously, nor had he been sexually molested.
Robert was also grateful that he had not yet been subjected to enforced conversion to Islam and resultant circumcision. The boy's copious foreskin was therefore still in place, although he worried as to how long this happy situation would last.
Since Robert's enslavement, the Tuareg family group had concentrated on relocating eastwards to the Plateau de Tchigaï in the remote and desolate far north-east of Niger. The locale was close to the unmarked and largely unguarded border with Chad and was somewhere that surely no-one would search for the missing young American, if indeed anyone now actually cared to bother rather than consider him undoubtedly dead.
The long journey across largely desert terrain under the relentless hot sun in the invariably cloudless sky had been very wearying for Robert. However, after early intense discomfort, the boy's previously tender bare feet had thankfully eventually become hardened and accustomed to walking on stony ground, whilst his pale skin had fortunately tanned evenly without much soreness.
Robert's body was also becoming more accustomed to the matt black steel rings, which now permanently encircled his neck, wrists, ankles and genitalia. As with the boy's feet, a hardening of the skin in the relevant bodily areas had enabled him to lose his early tendency to suffer discomfort and soreness.
Robert had been assigned to join the young black Hausa slaveboy and other similar children in escorting the sheep during the journey. As the young American did so, with anklets now unchained to allow him to run after any straying animals, he recognised that the family group of about ninety Tuaregs owned approximately thirty darker-skinned slaves, comprising a roughly equal number of men, women and children.
The males concentrated on escorting the more troublesome herds of cattle and goats, whilst the females led camels laden with the Tuareg women and children and the tribal group's precious earthly possessions. In fact, the slaves, who now included Robert, performed virtually all of the work throughout the journey.
As well as leading the animals and the Tuareg women and children on their mounts, the slaves also erected and dismantled tents for overnight encampment, as well as cooked, cleaned and sewed. Unlike their masters, who rode their camels, they additionally walked all the way to the Plateau de Tchigaï.
Once the Plateau de Tchigaï had been reached, the family elder ordered the establishment of an encampment. This would act as the group's home for a while, at least until the animals had consumed all of the sparse local pasturage.
The most embarrassing part of the journey for Robert had been when the family elder instructed him to help lead the sheep whilst naked. The tribesman, who apparently did not like tan-lines, told the boy that he wanted the sun to brown his body evenly all over.
Robert, not being stupid, realised that there was only really one reason why the family elder wanted his body to tan evenly. The tribesman clearly had future aspirations to pleasure himself with the boy's exceedingly attractive form, whilst not being put off by parts being light brown and others white.
Robert's sole consolation when walking whilst naked comprised the fact that the sheep he was helping to shepherd were kept well away by command of the family elder from the camels carrying the Tuareg females, who were therefore unable to view his bare form. However, the young American still found his nudity extremely embarrassing, as no such restrictions were placed on the tribal males or his fellow slaves of both genders, who all seemed to relish the sight of an unclothed and intensely abashed white boy in their midst.
Robert's discomfort was occasionally compounded by the reappearance of his erection, which he could not hide. Like the other slave children, the boy needed his hands to carry sticks to help him guide the sheep.
Robert was therefore very pleased when all of his beautiful body eventually attained a light brown tan, which then remained constant to allow him to wear his loincloth permanently, apart from when he needed to toilet or performed the daily washing of himself and the garment every evening. The latter nightly ritual thankfully took place only in the presence of the other slave children, as they gathered for the purpose in relative private round a single bucket of cold soapy water.
With the exception of the similarly young Hausa, who spent most nights in the family elder's tent, Robert also ate and slept under the same hide canvas as the other child menials, who were not related to any of the other slaves. They had all been separated from their parents and any siblings at a young age in order to break their family ties.
The children's food tended to be scraps left by the Tuaregs and adult slaves. Their bedding comprised old blankets once used but now rejected by their masters.
None of the black slaves ever tried to run away. In the remote and desolate environment in which they currently existed, any attempt would surely either be thwarted and severely punished by pursuing Tuaregs, who were excellent trackers and hunters and rode fast camels, or prove fatal in the virtually waterless desert. There was also nowhere to run to, as they had been born into slavery and had known no life other than that shared with their masters.
Despite now having his limbs unconnected by chains, Robert was astute enough also to realise that now was not the correct time or place at which to attempt escape. He sensibly believed that, before he ever tried, he needed to see some sign of civilisation towards which he could flee. Meanwhile, despite difficulties in communication, he became particularly friendly with the similarly aged black slaveboy, who had kindly organised the manufacture of his skimpy loincloth but spoke no French.
The highly intelligent Robert instead began quickly to pick up some of the Tuareg 'Temajeg' tongue. The boy was helped in his efforts to acquire the ability to speak this language by two factors apart from his own cleverness.
Firstly, there was the practice gained from Robert's attempts to communicate with his fellow 13 year-old slave. Secondly, there was the stimulus provided by the danger of the punishment the boy now knew he might face if he ever failed to obey an order from a Tuareg, of whom only the family elder seemed able to speak French.
Although Robert did not yet appreciate the fact, this family elder was currently planning to celebrate a certain fresh and very valuable acquisition in an appropriate manner with fellow tribal elders. The Tuareg knew roughly where most of these senior tribesmen would be located at this time of year and he proposed to despatch riders to issue the relevant invitations. However, prior to that happy event, he also recognised that he first had to break his new young American slave into compliantly performing particular duties. Such tasks had considerately not been expected of the boy during the recent journey to the Plateau de Tchigaï, whilst he became adjusted to his new demeaning role.
Robert's new similarly aged Hausa friend was sent at dusk to collect the young American, shortly after both had washed their bodies and loincloths. The two 13 year-olds subsequently went into the family elder's large goatskin tent.
Robert next not only noticed the family elder's full bearded unveiled face for the first time but also was shocked to see the tribesman's brown-skinned and hairy naked body. The adult, who now appeared to the young American to be in his mid 50s, was lying on his side facing the boy, on bedding that was clearly arranged to accommodate two people.
The purpose of the invite into the family elder's tent, from which the young Hausa now diplomatically departed, then became immediately apparent to Robert when the hirsute tribesman commanded the boy to remove his loincloth and join him on the bedding. The young American hesitated to obey but not for long.
Robert recalled the pair of wooden stakes that had been relocated to the Plateau de Tchigaï along with the tribal grouping, and which were now nearby, firmly embedded in the ground and awaiting the attachment of any miscreant slaves. Such remembrance encouraged the boy into complying with the family elder's disturbing and embarrassing order. However, as the young American obliged the now eagerly anticipative Tuareg, he himself encountered intense incongruous shameful excitement at the imminent prospect of being sexually molested by his master.
Robert's pubescent hormones had encouraged him, despite his stressful plight, to continue to masturbate regularly in private, generally in the middle of the night. The prospect of imminent sex with another person, albeit a rather old and ugly member of the same gender, also strangely now stimulated the boy, as his nervous fingers reached for his bare right thigh, on which rested the bow of the slim cord holding his minuscule loincloth in place.
This humiliating phenomenon caused Robert's uncut cock to rise immediately to full erection after he reluctantly untied the bow and allowed gravity to tempt his loincloth to fall to the ground and reveal the full glory of his completely smooth genitalia. The abashed and now blushing boy realised the futility of trying to hide his embarrassment behind his hands when he next began reluctantly to follow the second aspect of the recent command from the family elder, namely walking towards the tribesman, and so did not bother.
Robert's hard horizontal cock therefore pointed the direction, as he slowly advanced towards the Tuareg, who was smirking, having seen the clear evidence of the boy's own shameful sexual excitement. The family elder's own big manly circumcised penis, protruding from the thick dark expanse of his genital hair, which virtually hid his large scrotum, had also grown to full needful erection at the sight of the approaching gorgeous young white nude.
As Robert came close to the family elder, the boy could also now actually observe for the first time the previously hidden manly tongue that licked the Tuareg's lips, in obvious keen anticipation of the imminent pleasures to come. The young American's erection visibly quivered at the sight.
Robert soon found himself besides the bedding on which the family elder was lying but he now again hesitated to complete the Tuareg's recent command. However, the boy's delay was only brief because the tribesman then pulled a short leather crop from under a bedcover.
The family elder did not have to warn Robert verbally about the consequences of prolonged delay. The sight of the crop made the penalty for further hesitation patently obvious to the bright boy.
Consequently, Robert now quickly assumed the required position, lying face-up next to the family elder on the waiting bedding. Immediately after the boy's arrival next to him, the eager Tuareg wordlessly ran one arm under the young American's head.
The family elder subsequently began to stroke with one set of fingers the silky straight fair hair on the far side of Robert's sublime head. At the same time, the Tuareg's other hand felt the boy's smooth chest before slowly venturing downwards.
Robert then saw the family elder's ugly bearded face appear just above his own before, after fully appreciating the beautiful vision below, approaching to kiss the boy. The young American simultaneously felt the tribesman's hands engulf his young aroused and completely hairless genitalia.
When the lips of the family elder eventually released Robert's much sweeter and rosier variety, the boy could not help but utter a low groan of intense pleasure as the Tuareg's hand continued to explore and fondle him most intimately. This reaction, along with the genital evidence of the young American's sexual excitement, caused the tribesman to make an insulting comment in French.
"You're obviously thoroughly enjoying being an American slaveboy whore!" the family elder remarked, whilst his fingers again gently rubbed the evidence provided by Robert's statuesque cock. Rather masochistically, the insult brought the 13 year-old close to orgasm.
This phenomenon was detected by the family elder from Robert's other simultaneous bodily reactions. The boy's sensuous blue eyes had become glazed, his breathing had noticeably quickened and his bottom had actually risen slightly off the bedding, as if desperate to thrust the cock further towards the hand delivering so much enjoyment. The Tuareg therefore ceased his manipulation of the young American's penis and instead resumed his manual exploration of other aspects of the 13 year-old's impeccable naked form.
Robert had strongly disliked being called 'an American slaveboy whore' but the proscription against talking without permission prevented him from protesting, as did the apparent clear proof. He could not help but continue to groan and even begin to writhe in pleasure in apparent confirmation of the family elder's description of him, as the tribesman relentlessly proceeded with his intimate fondling.
The family elder brought Robert close to climax on several more occasions, without his fingers even venturing back to the boy's throbbing cock, but the Tuareg always expertly recognised the signs and restrained his actions to prevent orgasm. Consequently, the frustrated boy was soon desperate to secure sexual relief.
Robert's smooth slender uncut cock was now throbbing wildly and dribbling copious precum, whilst apparently visually begging to be allowed to ejaculate. However, the family elder initially continued not to oblige until he eventually relented and ordered the boy to assume a position that entailed resting on his hands and knees, with his head looking backwards between his young lithe legs.
As soon as Robert had reluctantly but compliantly adopted this debasing position, and his glazed blue eyes peered at, and gained a good close view of, his rampant penis pointing back towards him, the boy felt a greased manly forefinger gently begin to penetrate his virgin sphincter. The digit subsequently started to ride with equal care in and out of his young anus, causing initial discomfort that gradually transformed into intense pleasure.
"I'm now going to make you cum, American slaveboy whore," the family elder announced, "without anyone touching your cock!" As Robert's anus was subsequently being carefully pleasured by the tribesman's finger, the acutely aroused 13 year-old managed, despite the increasing ecstasy beginning to overwhelm his body, to notice his penis. The rigid organ was so engorged that the copious foreskin had withdrawn to reveal the reddened head, where a long slither of precum was drooling from the urethral slit towards the bedding underneath.
Robert next felt the family elder's free hand gently caressing his uplifted buttocks and this latest pleasurable development finally brought the boy to climax. The young American would later forever recall this orgasm and not just for the accompanying previously unparalleled ecstasy provided.
Robert would also subsequently forever remember the sight presented to his ecstatic glazed blue eyes, as his nearby cockhead exploded with several fulsome spurts of creamy white ejaculate, of previously unsurpassed quantity and most of which splashed onto his own face. However, the boy was temporarily uncaring about such facial despoliation, as he was enjoying unprecedented pleasure.
Robert was eventually brought down from his unparalleled ecstatic high when the family elder withdrew his finger from the 13 year-old's rear orifice and then used his freed hand to slap the uplifted young bottom. "Now, American slaveboy whore," the Tuareg simultaneously advised, "it's your turn to pleasure me. You may begin by sucking my cock before entertaining it with your anus!"
Robert had originally naively hoped that sex with the family elder would not progress beyond the likes of mutual masturbation. The boy's sudden realisation that both his oral and anal orifices were instead humiliatingly to give pleasure to the tribesman's massive hairy cut cock, undoubtedly suffering pain and possible damage in the process, shocked and disgusted him. However, he also appreciated that he had no choice but to comply with the Tuareg's appalling wishes, given the leather crop in the tribesman's possession and the two wooden stakes outside.
Robert, with his own semen dribbling down his face,
therefore soon found himself repositioning again as
instructed, this time lying face-down between the family
elder's splayed legs, ready to accept the tribesman's large
precum-covered cockhead into his trembling young mouth. The
fact that the boy had just climaxed, and so was experiencing
a natural post-sex low and consequent distaste for further
immediate similar action, did not help the young American
face his task with much enthusiasm.
Chapter 13 - Snow
(Lounge of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)
Yuri, naked apart from his tiny perspex genital cage, surveyed the current daylight scene outside his absent Master's dacha through a huge window. What he saw was akin to the Arctic, with the ground covered in deep snow and the copious trees of the nearby forest more notable for their whiteness than their usual evergreen hue. However, the beautiful boy's sensuous dark brown eyes were more alert to a manufactured wooden object than those growing naturally.
In what in summer was a grassy paddock adjacent to the dacha, which was enclosed by a tall fence, was a sinister wooden shape, currently ominously uncovered by snow. Yuri's gorgeous body shivered slightly at the disturbing sight, which was a reaction that his Master's butler happily noticed.
"I see, slut," the sadistic butler commented in his usual endearing manner, "that you've noticed what awaits you. It was previously covered in snow but I've had that cleared so that you can spend some time attached naked to it in the freezing cold."
"And the temperature really is freezing," the butler added,
"as it's well below zero centigrade!"
Chapter 14 - Games
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
In a country where the outside weather contrasted completely with that experienced near faraway St. Petersburg, Sergei could not help but begin to scream and yell for mercy, as the Arab Sheikh continued his playing of sadistic games by beginning to push Gacy's mammoth dildo into him. However, the boy's understandable reaction to the excruciation engulfing him did not last for long, as his senses overloaded and he fainted.
"Do you think Gacy's young victims fainted too?" the Arab Sheikh asked rather nonchalantly of Sergei's Master, as both looked at the unconscious boy.
(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)
As the appalled Yuri was led to his fate by the warmly clothed butler, the boy wondered how long he could survive being attached naked in the freezing outdoors to the waiting X-shaped cross with bondage rings. As he advanced petrified through the snow, he also hoped that his bare feet did not immediately succumb to frostbite and his chilled nude body to hypothermia.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Sergei's unconsciousness did not, of course, last too long. The sadistic Arab Sheikh had no intention of allowing the boy's mind to have a prolonged rest from enduring excruciating agony, as his rectum was invaded by the largest intruder yet experienced by his rear orifice.
A hose spraying freezing water soon induced Sergei back to consciousness to experience the further painful advance of the huge dildo into him.
(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)
The appalled Yuri, now completely naked because his genital cage had been removed, had wondered how long he could survive being attached nude to the waiting X-shaped cross with bondage rings in the freezing outdoors. Amazingly, the answer proved to be quite a while.
After being led petrified through the snow, whilst hoping that his bare feet did not immediately succumb to frostbite and his chilled naked body to hypothermia, Yuri actually found being chained spreadeagled to the cross much pleasanter than he thought possible. The reason for this startling development rested on the ground just in front of him where, camouflaged from view from the dacha, a low in height but highly effective in operation blow-heater was situated.
As a consequence of the operation of this heater, Yuri's naked body, despite being outdoors in Arctic conditions, quickly returned to warmth. However, the whole situation did at first appear surreal to the boy before he astutely realised that his attachment to the external cross was not performed to freeze him but just to scare him.
Yuri's Master would not have welcomed returning to find one of his expensive young slaves minus some toes because of frostbite or dead through hypothermia. After all, the man had first claim on seriously harming his boys and anyway he also had contractual obligations to limit his abuse of them.
Yuri had known these facts and now felt rather silly at being initially deeply frightened at being exposed to the freezing outside elements. The boy appreciated that he should have recognised that no serious harm would be allowed to befall him in the absence of his Master and that the sadistic butler was just playing psychological games with him.
The butler also attempted to continue his mind games when leaving Yuri attached to the cross to return indoors. "The heater," he advised the boy, "is set to turn off intermittently. Let's just hope for your sake that the gaps in operation aren't too long!"
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
"I think that's about all the brat can take without permanently damaging him," the Arab Sheikh suggested to Sergei's Master, whilst looking at the mammoth dildo, about half of which was embedded in the agonised boy.
(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)
Yuri's clever perception of the butler's real cruel intent now made him appreciate that the gaps in the operation of the blow heater would not actually prove threatening. However, he still could not prevent himself being scared again when he subsequently occasionally heard the machine switch off and felt cold quickly begin to invade his naked form.
Yuri was also aware that, at such times, his fright must have been noticeable, as the butler and some of the other staff of the dacha frequently looked at him through the residence's windows. Their laughter on such occasions provided the evidence for the boy's correct assumption.
Despite knowing that the butler was playing mind games with him, the humiliated Yuri could not additionally help but admit to himself, as he remained attached to the cross for hours amidst the switching on and off of the heater, that the man was winning.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Sergei had just been returned by freezing water to consciousness again after once more fainting. On this occasion, his senses had overloaded with pain when the Arab Sheikh, with one vicious jerk, had withdrawn the whole length of the huge dildo from him.
The Arab Sheikh was now looking at the copious blood on the dildo's surface. "Hmmm," he then commented, "perhaps I won't fuck the brat after all."
"I don't fancy his blood despoiling my cock," the Arab Sheikh advised Sergei's Master in clarification, "and so, with your permission, I'll let him suck me off instead." "The slut will comply with whatever you want," the Russian guest replied, "but first punish him for speaking without permission."
"Any suggestions?" the Arab Sheikh asked, whilst looking around at the panoply of devices in his comprehensively equipped torture chamber. "Well," Sergei's Master answered, "the brat's already suffered virtually everything you have here. Don't you have anything uniquely your own, so that the slut will always remember his time here as your guest and his trip to Saudi Arabia?"
"I certainly do," the Arab Sheikh responded, "and it'll be nice to see how the torture works!"
(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)
Yuri was not surprised that his cock, sexually unsatisfied for over two weeks and currently released from the genital cage, had quickly grown to erection, despite the frequent chill temporarily inflicting the shaft whenever the heater switched off. However, he was interested to note that the hardness and throbbing of his penis actually intensified with the advent of the cold.
Yuri now astutely realised that his inherent masochism was being perversely stimulated by the sense of danger on such occasions. The boy also perceptively recognised that such excitement would soon induce the inevitable, making victory for the butler in the mind games complete.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
The reddish flat desert rock was not far from the Arab Sheikh's remote residence amidst the searing hot desolate climes of the eastern Nejd Plateau. The fact that the stone surface was Sergei's current destination became apparent to the boy as he approached within about fifty paces.
Sergei could see from this distance that there were four bondage rings embedded into the rock, which would enable a boy like him to be chained spreadeagled to the flat surface. The purpose for being so presented also now became apparent.
"I'll brush this liquid sugar onto the brat," the Arab Sheikh happily advised Sergei's Master in respect of his next planned sadistic game, "which will encourage the nasty local insects from a nearby ant-hole to introduce themselves to his naked body!"
(Paddock of a large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)
Despite the chill again invading his body, a drop of nervous sweat ran down Yuri's brow. The blow-heater appeared to him to have been switched off for longer than usual and consequently the boy's naked form seemed to be becoming colder than ever.
Yuri began to wonder whether the heater might have suffered a malfunction and that he might die of cold before the butler or anyone else in the warmth of the nearby dacha discovered the boy's predicament. All of his previous certainty about his safety consequently suddenly evaporated in panic and he opened his mouth in readiness to shout for help. However, an event then happened to stifle such a desperate entreaty.
Amidst his acute sense of danger, Yuri's groin suddenly felt as if the area were ablaze rather than freezing. The boy's mouth also uttered a loud moan instead of a shout, whilst his naked body visibly vibrated and his cock erupted with several long strings of sperm.
As Yuri's mind later returned to reality from a previously unparalleled ecstatic high, he heard the sound of the heater again operating and felt his naked body once more being warmed. The boy also noticed the butler emerge from the nearby dacha, with the Master's genital whip and a set of vibrating nipple clamps in his hands.
Yuri now appreciated that the butler must have somehow been expecting and waiting for him to ejaculate without permission. The boy also realised that the items now in the man's possession would imminently be used to punish him for his shameful penile misdemeanour.
Yuri also realised in utter dejection and humiliation that the butler had truly won his mind games.
(Eastern Nejd Plateau, central Saudi Arabia, same time)
Despite the continued distress felt by his recently ravished rectum and his current highly disturbing circumstances, chained face-up, naked and spreadeagled to the reddish flat rock under the unforgiving hot desert sun, Sergei's cock was again shamefully erect and throbbing. However, the boy could not establish in his own mind the reason behind such continued embarrassing penile arousal.
Sergei wondered whether his clear sexual arousal stemmed from the actually rather stimulating effect induced by the Arab Sheikh's paintbrush, as the implement was used to coat his nude body with liquid sugar, or from a return of evidence of latent masochism. After all, his immediate future, at the mercy of voracious desert ants, did not superficially appear attractive but perhaps the very threat was causing a previously hidden perversity to come to the fore.
Sergei eventually had to make a great mental effort to avoid unauthorised ejaculation when the Arab Sheikh concluded his painting of the boy's naked body with liquid sugar by smearing his excited genitals with the substance. He did so and succeeded by briefly contemplating a sad matter, namely the serious illness of his younger sister that had led him to his present perilous predicament.
Perhaps significantly in terms of the possibility of his
latent masochism, Sergei chose not to contemplate another
sad matter, namely that thousands of ants would probably
soon be feasting on his naked sugar-coated body. The boy
notably believed that he would surely succumb to ejaculation
if he had given such notions his attention, particularly
whilst the Arab Sheikh brushed his scrotum and erection.
Chapter 15 – Whore
(Plateau de Tchigaï, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, same time)
A tearful Robert was licking and sucking the tribal elder's hairy manly cock for the second time on this evening. The boy had earlier been required to bring the Tuareg close to climax through the attentions of his tongue and mouth before then having to return to his previous kneeling position to allow the tribesman to deprive him of his anal virginity.
The tribal elder had subsequently firmly grasped Robert's hips and introduced his big cock to the boy's pink virginal sphincter. Pushing forward whilst he also pulled the young American back towards him then resulted in a loud scream from his new slave.
Robert's vociferous shriek was caused by the fact that the sudden forced bypassing of his tight sphincter by the tribal elder's throbbing cock and the ensuing rapid invasion of the whole of his rectum by the eager long and broad penis produced immense excruciation. The boy believed that the induced suffering was even worse than when he had been branded on the chest with the Tuareg's mark.
Robert's torment was barely reduced when the family elder's act of sodomy subsequently acquired a regular momentum of thrust and withdrawal. The keen harshness of such unaccustomed activity by such a large intruder meant that his acute agony was instead maintained at a high intensity, and his appalling situation was not assisted by his deep sense of helplessness and humiliation. The latter feeling was also increased by the Tuareg's frequent and increasingly ecstatic accompanying description of him as an "American slaveboy whore!"
Robert's only consolation was that the family elder's passion was so great that the Tuareg quickly succumbed to delectable orgasm, during which he impregnated the boy with plentiful manly sperm. The young American's sense of shame was then exacerbated by feeling spurt after spurt of semen pouring deep into his insides.
Robert's attitude was not assisted when the family elder subsequently swiftly withdrew his cock from the boy's ravished and now very sore rectum, causing a loud pop to resound round his tent, as well as the young American more anguish. Nor was his disposition helped by the subsequent command not only to clean the soiled penis orally but also to use the method to bring the Tuareg to further orgasm.
Robert soon found himself again lying facedown on the bedding, with his head looking at the family elder's hairy, sweaty and smelly groin. The boy then gagged when he accepted the Tuareg's cock back into his mouth. However, the young American's efficiency at fellatio was soon improved after the tribesman ran his leather crop gently but threateningly across the lovely tanned curves of his new slave's bottom.
As Robert licked and sucked for a long time, whilst trying to bring the family elder to refreshed erection and another orgasm, he hoped that he would be able to swallow all of the resultant spermatic product. The boy feared what the Tuareg might do with his crop if the young American proved negligent during the literal distasteful climax of his demeaning activity.
As Robert licked and sucked, he felt the happy family elder, whose eyes were contentedly closed, as he enjoyed the oral attention to his cock, again stroke his silky fair hair. The boy also heard the tribesman humiliatingly describe him in French as an excellent 'allaitant', which thereafter became the young American's shameful Tuareg nickname.
'Allaitant' means 'suckling'.
(To be continued in part 4 – 'Prostitué')