By Pueros
copyright 2006 by Pueros, all rights reserved
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
These are the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth parts of a story about a boy who becomes entrapped in the evil rituals of a wicked satanic cult.
Part 6 – Sodomite
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, 1 year ago)
The eager Grand Master, of course, needed no loud entreaties to comply with the shouted requests of the many equally keen spectators. Nor did he require an invitation from Stephen, who appreciated from his training that he was about to lose his anal virginity publicly under the shadow of the sinister inverted real crucifix above. The boy was happy to do so, despite the debasing circumstances and knowing that the degrading process would hurt, especially in the cruel manner that the act would quite deliberately be sadistically performed, namely without lubricant.
After all, being sodomised for the first time by the Grand Master was the act of consummation that indicated the commencement of his formal service as the man's special young slaveboy for the year, which was a post that he had for a long period been very impatient to begin. Losing his anal virginity in such a demeaning painful and public manner also enabled him again to delight and honour the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes.
The inevitable clear symptoms of distress that Stephen would display because of the undoubted hurt that he would experience whilst being deflowered were also acceptable to the boy. After all, his suffering and the certain resultant tears pouring from his sensuous blue eyes and screams emanating from his sweet rosy lips would additionally delight and honour the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes.
Stephen, experiencing a strange emotional mix of excitement and fear, now felt the Grand Master's fingers running across the lustrous curves of his virginal bottom to the continued rhythms of Beethoven's 'Emperor Concerto' and the cacophony of shouts to "Fuck him!" Above this din, the boy, immovably degradingly chained in a bent-over posture to the cool black stone altar, next heard the cult leader recite his lord's prayer, the surface calmness of which belied the man's own intense thrill at what he was about to perpetrate.
"Our father," the Grand Master prayed, as he continued to fondle Stephen's delectable virgin bottom, "who was in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily bread and don't forgive us our trespasses, as we don't forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us into temptation and deliver us to evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen!"
Stephen subsequently experienced the Grand Master's fingers withdraw from his bottom, which was then brushed by the hem of the man's purple robe, as this part of the attire was uplifted. The boy next felt the cult leader rest this raised lowest front edge of the garment on the nearest part of the child's bent back before repositioning his grip firmly on the 13 year-old's thighs for leverage to assist what he imminently intended to do.
The Grand Master's robe effectively curtained the scene of Stephen's imminent deflowering. Neither the boy's lustrously curvaceous bare bottom nor the substantial manly erection that would soon destroy his anal virginity were now visible to the many spectators. The watchers would instead have to judge the progress of events by the adult's movements and the resultant reactions of the two participants.
An eager broad cockhead soon began to touch Stephen's pink virginal sphincter accurately but at first gently. "Fuck him!" continued to resound vociferously around the satanic arena, as the Grand Master next started to press the tip of his fulsome erection harder and harder against the boy's initially strongly resistant anal muscle and whilst the man again recounted his lord's prayer. However, on this occasion, his recitation stuttered, as he could no longer disguise his own acute excitement.
"Our….father," the Grand Master prayed, as he continued to press his cockhead against Stephen's sphincter, "who….was….in heaven…..hallowed….b….b….be thy….n….n….name." "Thy….k….k….kingdom….c….c….come…." he subsequently managed to add before the defences of the boy's anal muscle finally gave way and his broad and long manly penis gained entry into the dark realm where it wanted to cum.
The beginning of the ruination of Stephen's anal virginity and evidence that their Grand Master had at last complied with their encouragement to "Fuck him!" was then presented to the enthusiastic spectators when their repetitive loud shouting was suddenly overwhelmed by an even more vociferous agonised scream. The pained shriek had emanated from the boy's rosy lips, as utter excruciation, originating within his bottom but quickly searing through the whole of his form, overtook him whilst a man's substantial unlubricated erection vigorously penetrated harshly deep into his insides.
Stephen's vociferous screaming later continued unabated for a while, whilst the Grand Master proceeded to obey the maintained chants of "Fuck him!" Having initially advanced his erection as far as he could inside the boy, the man withdrew his cock rapidly, only to ram the eager broad and long shaft fully back into his young victim before repetitively repeating the cycle.
The Grand Master eventually achieved a constant swift rhythm of thrust and withdrawal, which was increasingly pleasurable to him but constantly agonising for Stephen, who nevertheless managed to feel a strange tingling affect his own groin. However, the boy could not currently see this intimate part of his anatomy.
Stephen's groin was pressed against a vertical edge of the altar, whilst his tearstained face rested against the silvery image of Baphomet at the centre of the pentagram on the upper surface of the black stone block. The boy was therefore unable to ascertain the cause of the tingling sensation.
"Fuck him!" resounded around the satanic arena for the umpteenth time, in tandem with another harsh thrust forward by the Grand Master and a further agonised yelp from the sobbing Stephen when the demands of the spectators and the desires of the cult leader were finally fully satisfied. The main initial indication that the usual finale had been successfully achieved came from the fact that the man did not now withdraw his erection from well within the boy's insides. The second signal was a loud contented grunt from the adult, matched by a very happy expression on his face, as the cock with which he had deeply penetrated the child began to impregnate the 13 year-old with copious semen.
The spectators changed their chanting to cheering on perceiving that their Grand Master had finally completed their demands to "Fuck him!" Meanwhile, despite his anal agony, Stephen could feel the strong stream of satanic sperm flowing deep into his insides.
The Grand Master subsequently withdrew his sated softening cock from Stephen and lowered the hem of his purple robe. Because of the cover provided by this garment, neither he nor anyone else could see the blood and residual semen on his penis. However, similar detritus was currently running down the boy's bumcrack to besmirch his inner legs and provide alternative clear evidence of his recent agonising and debasing deflowering.
Meanwhile, Stephen and everyone else present appreciated that the boy's suffering during his initiation ceremony had not yet finished. In fact, his torment had hardly begun.
This situation was apparent from the fact that the Major Domo now handed to the Grand Master a short but multi- stranded leather whip, which for the occasion had temporarily replaced the crop that usually dangled from his trouser belt, apart from when being used to chastise the demonic cult's slaves. Fresh enthusiastic loud chanting from the spectators simultaneously resounded around the satanic arena, this time demanding "Beat him!"
Stephen appreciated from his training that he was to be imminently flogged with the cruel whip. However, the boy was again happy to suffer.
Being beaten now for the first time by the Grand Master was
another ceremonial ritual indicating the commencement of his
formal service as the man's special young slaveboy for the
year. His further suffering through the whip also enabled
him once more to delight and honour the lord of hell, the
prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly
Part 7 – Flagellant
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, 1 year ago)
Stephen again experienced a strange mix of emotions when to vociferous repetitive chanting from around now of "Beat him!" the cruel multi-stranded whip accurately and powerfully struck his buttocks for the first time, simultaneously creating several vivid scarlet stripes. The pain endured by the boy's defenceless bare bottom was, of course, once more acute and caused him to repeat his earlier shrieking and sobbing.
Nevertheless, Stephen was also exultant that, through his suffering of flagellation, he was again pleasing the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes. The boy additionally encountered the return of the peculiar tingling sensation in his groin, this time more strongly than ever.
The nature and source of this tingling sensation subsequently became apparent when the next accurate and powerful blow from the multi-stranded whip struck his bottom. Stephen's agonised body, degradingly bent over the altar, immediately visibly convulsed within the tight confines of his chained bondage but not because of his excruciation, as was evident from the nature of his simultaneous groan, which was of intense pleasure not pain. Further proof emanated from the semen that now began to drip down the edge of the black stone block upon which his still vertical and hard cock was resting.
The Grand Master appreciated from previous extensive experience of such matters that, after just two blows, his whipping of Stephen had caused the boy to orgasm. The man was pleased to note the apparent masochism inherent in a child so young, which he would be very content to feed and nurture over the year ahead, hopefully to the desired ultimate denouement.
The Grand Master was also happy to continue to whip Stephen after allowing the boy's mind to return from his sexual high, which undoubtedly momentarily overwhelmed all other sensations, to painful reality. The sadist appreciated that the child's anguish resulting from his beating would now be even worse after experiencing the brief perverse pleasure of his climax, as being flogged further would no longer offer any masochistic delight.
The Grand Master's belief was supported by the return of agonised as opposed to pleasured groans emanating from Stephen's rosy lips in reaction to each subsequent carefully aimed harsh blow from the cruel multi-stranded whip. The man also produced blood, as drops began to be shed at the intersection of some of the scarlet stripes that he was creating.
The Grand Master eventually moved his aim away from Stephen's bloodied bottom to create similar damage on the rear of his legs before exercising his whip downwards rather than sideways by again shifting his attention, this time towards the boy's horizontal back. Although the sadistic man needed no such encouragement, he perpetrated this assault in tandem with continued enthusiastic loud chanting from all around of "Beat him!"
By the time that this customary initiation whipping ritual had concluded, the whole of Stephen's rear, from his neck to his feet, was a mishmash of stripes, many now considerably darkening in hue from the original scarlet. Blood also ran down the sides of the boy's back onto the upper surface of the altar, where a little pool formed by tears was already present, adjacent to his sobbing face. A similar sanguine flow additionally fell down his bottom and legs, mixing with some of the Grand Master's extraneous sperm before spilling onto the black floor below.
Eventually satisfied with his work and knowing that he did not want to go too far, as he did not want to cause permanent harm to Stephen, at least not yet, the Grand Master returned the whip to the Major Domo. As he did so, his robe was again noticeably bulging in the groin area, which was a phenomenon matched in many similar garments around him.
The Major Domo re-fastened the now bloodied whip to his trouser belt. He subsequently began to release Stephen from his chained bondage.
The previous chanting addressed to the Grand Master of "Beat
him" then changed to other shouts aimed at Stephen. "Suck
him!" now repetitively reverberated around the satanic
arena, as the agonised boy carefully raised himself from the
altar and turned to face the cult leader, who was already
beginning to raise his robe so that the child could obey the
spectators' loud command.
Part 8 – Sucker
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, 1 year ago)
Despite the anguish felt by the comprehensively whipped rear of his body, Stephen dutifully knelt immediately before the Grand Master, simultaneous to the cult leader revealing a large hairy re-aroused cock, dirtied with the boy's blood and the man's semen from the earlier act of sodomy. However, the adult's robe had been raised in such a manner that only the young initiate could see the erect penis, which was clearly now demanding oral attention.
To continued chanting of "Suck him", the kneeling obedient Stephen leant forward to accept the Grand Master's dirty erection into his mouth The man then again began to recite his lord's prayer.
As Stephen began to lick and suck the Grand Master's erection to cleanliness and more fulsome hardness, the man rested the front hem of his robe on top of the boy's golden hair so that he could use his hands instead to hold the head now giving him pleasure. The man did so gently at first but, as he was brought increasingly closer to climax, his grip became firmer.
Despite his earlier successful act of sodomy, the Grand Master was more than ready to cum again in reaction to Stephen's compliant licking and sucking, having been considerably stimulated by whipping the naked child. Meanwhile, despite the continued distress endured by his body as a result of his recent beating and never previously performing the debasing act of fellatio, the boy conducted the literally distasteful ritual competently, aided by three factors.
First and foremost, Stephen was spurred to competence because he recognised that he was again delighting and honouring the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes. Anything that enabled the boy to demonstrate his genuine devotion to the true faith was pleasing to him.
Second, the Grand Master was helpfully content for just the tip of his long cock to be subjected to the majority of the pleasant oral attentions. Consequently, Stephen encountered no breathing difficulty.
Third, although Stephen disliked performing degrading fellatio for the first time, especially as the manly cock that he was servicing orally was rather unpleasant, he did not find the act so repugnantly distasteful that he was induced to stop or gag. However, the boy was astute enough to appreciate that the situation might change once the Grand Master began to ejaculate satanic sperm into his mouth and down his throat, which he was obliged to attempt to swallow.
In the event, Stephen's worries proved unfounded. The boy was able to subdue his revulsion when he finally felt the Grand Master's satanic sperm spurt into his mouth, helped to do so by finding that the man's ejaculate was not too nasty in taste.
There was even no need for the Grand Master to hold Stephen's head firmly in place, as the orgasmic man did in order to ensure that boy absorbed all of his satanic sperm. The young initiate would have been able to swallow all of the semen despite his distaste for both the act and the substance.
Meanwhile, the intrigued spectators again detected their Grand Master's success in impregnating the young initiate once more, this time in the boy's oral orifice. Consequently, another cacophony of cheering resounded all around the satanic arena.
Such a further successful productive orgasm had not taken very long to achieve, which was a testament to both Stephen's fledgling competence at fellatio and how freshly aroused the Grand Master had become. In fact, the man only just managed to complete his renewed stuttering of his lord's prayer before he ejaculated.
The Grand Master eventually withdrew his satisfied and softening cock from Stephen's mouth, which was now overwhelmed by the taste of satanic sperm. Not long afterwards and despite the pain coursing through his body from his ravaged rear, the boy found himself again kissing the image of Baphomet's gruesome head in the middle of the black floor of the satanic arena enclosure, whilst facing the altar.
Meanwhile, the rather contented Grand Master, who had just deflowered Stephen's anal and oral orifices and had lowered his robe to cover the implement used for the purpose, namely his now sated cock, happily returned to his seat of honour amongst the spectators. Continued cheering for his efforts accompanied him on his way.
Part 9 – Crucifix
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, 1 year ago)
After Stephen subsequently stood up, having once more performed homage, the Major Domo approached him with two little but strong serrated clamps in his hands, from which dangled small but heavy silver inverted crucifixes. Immediately on the commencement of another pop track blurting from the hidden loud speakers, the man attached these adornments to the boy's red nipples, instantly inducing a pained groan from his similarly rosy lips.
Nevertheless, despite the fresh pain afflicting his nipples and adding to the anguish felt by his flogged rear, Stephen somehow again began to dance with competent eroticism to the energetic music, whilst the Major Domo once more discreetly retreated away from him. The boy's cock, which had become flaccid after he had perversely succumbed to his own earlier orgasm under the whip, also amazingly soon started to display renewed arousal, as the penis flopped around in tandem with his lively movements.
By the time that the music track had finished, Stephen's cock was again fully erect, much to the delight of the many spectators. The boy's amazing renewed penile hardness was also subsequently maintained through two more dances, each of which was followed by the act of homage.
Afterwards, the sinister real inverted crucifix was mechanically manoeuvred, by means of the ingenious pulley system, from being suspended above the altar to lying flat on the floor immediately in front of Stephen. The longer part of the vertical crosspiece, which formed the lower section of the Christian type but the upper of the satanic version, was located nearest to the boy.
Stephen could now see that the further shorter part of the vertical crosspiece had a small slanted round hole bored into the centre of the black wooden surface. The boy appreciated from his training what this cavity was for and so did not need the Major Domo to demonstrate the purpose.
Nevertheless, after Stephen again paid homage, the Major Domo stepped forward to screw into the hole a specially made shiny black wooden dildo, which was about 30 centimetres in length and three in width and tilted towards the centre of the crucifix at an angle of about 45°. The boy fully knew where this implement would soon be inserted, as he subsequently compliantly advanced towards the middle of the cross.
Stephen then carefully lay himself on the shiny black wooden surface of the crucifix, whilst still facing the altar. The boy did so despite the fresh pain inflicted on him when his ravaged rear pressed against the sinister black wooden surface.
Stephen compliantly lay down, as taught, in such a manner that he could stretch his arms over the horizontal crosspiece, whilst feeling the tip of the dildo press menacingly against the lips of his anus. Meanwhile, his re- formed erection now pointed towards his cute navel, whilst the Major Domo next began to chain the boy's wrist cuffs tautly to the bondage rings firmly embedded into the ends of the sinister black wooden surface on which they now rested.
The Major Domo subsequently stood up and, satisfied that Stephen's arms were now firmly fixed horizontally in place, he signalled to the man who was operating a console, which ran the pulley system and was located in front of one of the benches amidst the terraced seating. The inverted crucifix then immediately began slowly to rise vertically from the floor to accompanying cheering from the spectators.
As Stephen was simultaneously raised head-first, he felt his body, connected to the crucifix only by his wrists, which were chained firmly to the respective ends of the horizontal crosspiece, slipping downwards, increasing the pressure of the tip of the dildo on his no-longer virginal sphincter. As the angle of ascent subsequently gradually became more acute, the boy instinctively began desperately to struggle against both gravity and the inevitable by attempting to raise his body in order to prevent his anus being impaled.
Despite Stephen being young and fit, however, it was only a matter of time before weariness overcame resolution and gravity won the battle to fill the boy's rectum. The inevitable was also not long in materialising.
The spectators had delighted in watching Stephen's struggles to avoid the dildo slipping into him. To their further enjoyment, the boy soon uttered another loud agonised scream, as his tired body finally succumbed to gravity and slid yet further downwards.
The pressure of Stephen's whole weight on his wrists was now partially relieved when some was transferred to the dildo now painfully entering him. However, the excruciation of the impaling ensured that the slight lessening of the strain on his outstretched arms was of little initial comfort to the boy.
By the time that the inverted crucifix was fully vertical, Stephen was finally fully impaled on the harsh anal intruder. However, the boy's unruly cock proved resistant to gravity, as his penis remained defiantly rigid and upright, pointing towards his cute navel.
The cross on which Stephen was now crucified would eventually be manoeuvred, with the boy affixed, back to its former position, suspended above the altar. However, before this repositioning occurred, the young initiate had more suffering to endure. What this further distress was to be was now evident from what the Major Domo had recently left the satanic arena to collect.
Whilst the crucified Stephen endured the agony of his fresh circumstance, as well as that still induced by his sodomised and whipped rear, and the taste from his recent act of fellatio continued to linger in his mouth, the Major Domo wheeled into the satanic arena what resembled a barbecue grill. However, instead of burgers, sausages and the like, the glowing charcoals were only heating branding irons.
(To be continued)