By Pueros
copyright 2006 by Pueros, all rights reserved
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY
This is the fifth part of a story about a boy who becomes entrapped in the evil rituals of a wicked satanic cult.
Part 5 - Initiate
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, 1 year ago)
Stephen shuffled through the opened black curtains into the satanic arena for the first time with as much dignity as he could muster considering his maintained chained bondage. He did so not just to the accompaniment of the continued musical melody of the 'Morning' movement of Grieg's 'Peer Gynt'. He also did so to a vociferous cacophony of enthusiastic cheering from the 300 or so robed members of the demonic cult, who were present to witness his initiation as their latest special young slaveboy.
All of the robed members appeared extremely delighted with the exceptionally resplendent beauty of their latest special young slaveboy. All were also thrilled at the sight of the significant bulge at the front of Stephen's sole skimpy cover, namely his sparse tight white lycra briefs, and what the protuberance clearly represented. The manner in which the clinging garment outlined the full contours of the child's deliciously curvaceous bottom was an additional pleasant bonus.
Stephen shuffled, as previously taught, past the stone altar, symbolically on the left side, to the centre of the floor pentagram of the satanic arena, where, for his formal initiation to begin, he turned round to face the black stone block, above which the sinister inverted real crucifix was suspended. The boy arrived in this position just before Grieg's music concluded for now.
Ibsen's play of 'Peer Gynt', scored by Grieg, was about an eponymous youth who was full of faults and was in fact decidedly unlikeable and megalomaniac, in that he wanted to become Emperor of the World. However, for the satanic cult, such unpleasant personal attributes were attractive. Consequently, the music was considered appropriate for a ceremony in which a formerly angelic boy confirms his corruption and descent to being a slave of the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes.
Stephen subsequently simply stood still for about a minute, whilst the cheering ebbed and eventually died. The rather eerie and low initial tones of Richard Strauss' 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' then sounded around the satanic arena, whilst all spectators stood up. This piece, which is perhaps better known as the title music to Stanley Kubrick's film of '2001: A Space Odyssey', represented, with deliberate irony, the satanic cult's anthem.
The irony partly stemmed from Richard Strauss' declaration about 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' that "I meant to convey by means of music an idea of the development of the human race from its origin, through the various phases of its development, religious and scientific…." The satanic cult was, of course, suggesting that ultimate progression for mankind was to belief in the true faith, namely that of the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer.
The 'Zarathustra' in the title of Strauss' music referred to the alternative name for Zoroaster, who was the founder of the world's oldest extant monotheistic religion. In Zoroastrianism, Ormazd, lord of goodness and light and creator of the human race, is ceaselessly at war with the devilish Ahriman and the evil spirits of darkness.
The satanic cult believed that, with the members' help, Ahriman, who to them was synonymous with Lucifer, was about to win the conflict. The use of Strauss' music was therefore additionally seen as mocking not only Ormazd but also all other benevolent gods, who were destined for imminent defeat in the war between good and evil.
On the conclusion of the brief 'Also Sprach Zarathustra', there was another pause of about a minute, whilst the spectators sat back down and before the music returned to another movement by Grieg from his 'Peer Gynt'. On this occasion, the piece was entitled 'In the Hall of the Mountain King', which leads to a loud crescendo towards the end.
This crescendo was of significance to all of those present, especially Stephen. The boy appreciated from his training that he was supposed to signal, before this piece of Strauss' 'Peer Gynt' finished, his willingness to perform and endure the remaining rituals. He was to do so by kneeling to kiss the silvery mouth of the demonic Baphomet inscribed on the black floor of fake marble immediately in front of him. He had been taught to do so simultaneous to the end musical climax. However, if he failed to perform such homage in the prescribed manner, he knew that the ceremony would not be cancelled.
Stephen had already irreversibly pledged himself to a year of service as a slave for the satanic cult, one week previously during his first audience with the Grand Master. Consequently, if he failed now to confirm his complete compliance in respect of the remaining rites of his formal initiation ceremony by not performing homage, he would be forcibly inducted, with those aspects of ritual requiring his co-operation, such as erotic dancing, being abandoned. However, no one really expected such a scenario to materialise, as such a situation would represent an unprecedented failure of the boy's preconditioning, which had not occurred at this early stage with any of his nine predecessors.
Such positive expectation proved to be entirely justified. The brainwashed Stephen had no intention of losing this opportunity to confirm his desire to serve of the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes, despite the consequent shame and suffering to be endured.
The day had finally arrived on which Stephen had for a long time firmly believed that he would begin to fulfil his rightful destiny. In doing so, the boy resolutely intended to act with such brave compliance and efficiency that he would not only honour the great Lucifer and his earthly acolytes but also make them proud.
Pride was, after all, one of the seven deadly sins, which Stephen would now additionally serve. The others, of course, were, in alphabetical order, avarice, envy, gluttony, lust, sloth and wrath.
Stephen appreciated from his training that his beautiful body would already be conjuring up amidst his initiation the envy, avarice, gluttony and lust of most spectators. These developments would in turn invoke the wrath of the many watching jealous sadists towards him and their resultant wish to see him hurt. This situation would subsequently transform into sloth because the ceremonial rites would eventually allow their sexual desires to be sated and thereby create subsequent post-orgasmic weariness.
As expected, Stephen signalled his full compliance with ritual when the musical crescendo began to resound around the satanic arena and he carefully knelt and bent forward to kiss in homage the silvery mouth of Baphomet. He was rewarded for his symbol of co-operation by a resurgence of loud cheering from the spectators and the appearance behind him of the Major Domo, who, after the boy had regained his feet, began quickly to release him from his chains.
In thanks for his release from his chains, Stephen again performed homage. However, on this occasion, the boy could do so more speedily because his movements were no longer restricted by his bondage.
Stephen subsequently once more regained his feet, just in time to perform his first public erotic dance. Having stood again, the necessary relevant initial track of adapted pop music started to blurt out of the hidden loudspeakers.
The track, like others to follow, was based on commercial pop but with suitable devilish word adaptations. The piece had been recorded by competent singers and musicians gathered from the members and volunteer slaves of the satanic cult. The original, sung by REM, was entitled, rather appropriately given Stephen's radical alteration in faith, 'Losing My Religion'.
Despite the peculiar public setting and his sexual and other excitement, Stephen performed his first erotic dance with commendable adeptness and energy, seemingly without nerves. The boy's proficiency was stimulated by the fact that he believed that he was, in his humble way, at last serving and honouring the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, and his earthly acolytes.
Stephen followed his training when performing, timely nicely the four occasions on which he was to turn 45º so that he spent roughly equal periods facing the three sections of terraced seating as he danced before returning to his original position, looking at the altar. Such actions ensured that the many enthusiastic spectators could watch the boy's erotic gyrations from all sides.
As Stephen performed with remarkable aplomb his first public erotic dance to the altered lyrics of REM's 'Losing My Religion' and renewed cheering in front of the 300 or so fascinated spectators, the bulge at the front of his skimpy tight white briefs expanded. This development was clearly observed by the delighted watchers because they could view the boy not only live but also in much bigger proportions on gigantic video screens in the corners of that wall of the huge barn not encumbered by terraced seating, with these visual amenities additionally replicated outside.
Stephen's obvious arousal was rewarded by an increase in the cheering greeting his skilfully erotic gyrations.
(FBI Criminal Investigative Division, FBI Headquarters, J. Edgar Hoover Building, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, USA, same time)
"The case has been handed over to us by the police in California," the senior FBI agent advised a more junior colleague, "because a female witness saw a black truck unusually parked at the rear of the church where and when the 13 year-old boy was last seen. The vehicle had Midwestern plates, although unfortunately she can't remember the number or exact State."
"The boy's parents are convinced that their child was abducted," the senior agent continued, "because he neither was not the type to run away nor did he have any motive to do so. If the black truck was used for the kidnapping, the number-plates suggest that an inter-State crime might have been committed, which is, of course, our jurisdiction."
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, same time)
Stephen began his second energetic erotic dance. On this occasion, the altered pop track, considered highly appropriate given the boy's current circumstances, was that of Tasmin Archer's 'Lords of the New Church'.
The suitability of the music, of course, emanated from the fact that Stephen was dancing for the lords of the new church into whose satanic service he was being formally initiated.
(FBI Criminal Investigative Division, FBI Headquarters, J. Edgar Hoover Building, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, USA, same time)
"Are you sure, Sir," the junior FBI agent asked, "that an abduction has really taken place or that the black truck has any connection? The local cops might just be using the number-plate issue as an excuse to wash their hands of a difficult case by passing it onto us."
"It's possible that your right," the senior FBI agent answered, "but something that I've just discovered from our computer records indicates that their belief about the possibility of inter-State crime might be correct." "Oh, what's that, Sir?" his junior colleague next enquired.
"Apparently," the senior FBI agent replied, "a black truck with Midwestern plates was noticed parked near to the scene of another couple of disappearances of 13 year-old boys in other states in recent years!"
(Barn of a remote farm, Midwestern USA, same time)
Stephen had by now energetically and skilfully entertained the 300 or so enthusiastic spectators through three tracks of suitably adapted pop music, after each of which he had again reverently paid homage to Baphomet. The boy was now once more standing, awaiting the commencement of his fourth dance, whilst breathing heavily and with a light sheen of sweat covering his gorgeous lithe body.
This sweaty sheen reflected the flames of the many wall torches illuminating the satanic arena, causing the still sweet-smelling boy's body to sparkle, as if he were really already a demonic spirit. However, most of the spectators were not concentrating on this phenomenon but were instead more fascinated by the maintained bulge at the front of the child's skimpy tight white briefs.
One of the reasons for this spectator preoccupation was realisation that, with the commencement of Stephen's fourth performance, what this bulge represented would finally be fully revealed to their intrigued eyes. They appreciated, from issued programme notes and previous attendance at similar ceremonies, that the boy would shed his sole cover at the beginning of his next erotic dance in order to gyrate naked before them.
In fact, by the time that the melody of the fourth music track began, Stephen had already compliantly moved his hands to the relevant sides of his skimpy tight white briefs. He had done so to be ready to pull at the velcro holding his sole sparse attire in place and subsequently rip his garment off himself. However, the boy teasingly waited until the lyrics and not just the music started, by when loud repeated ribald shouts of "Strip!" were already being impatiently uttered by many of the lascivious robed adults surrounding him on three sides.
These impatient shouts changed to renewed joyous cheering when, in response to the beginning of the lyrics and not to the spectator demands, Stephen did finally, with one quick neat movement, rip off his briefs and discreetly throw the garment away. The extent of the 13 year-old's previous arousal was subsequently made evident when, as he again danced energetically, a fulsome boyish erection flopped around with equal enthusiasm.
Stephen danced erotically in the nude for the current track and another two pieces of adapted pop music until finally this part of his initiation ceremony concluded with further homage to Baphomet and the return of some classical rhythms. The appropriateness of the orchestral suite played, namely Handel's 'Water Music', was also now to be quickly demonstrated.
To the accompaniment of Handel's 'Water Music', Stephen walked as taught to a tall tapped standpipe with showerhead protruding from the floor at the opposite end of the arena enclosure from the demonic altar, close to the terraced seating at that side. He was followed by the Major Domo, who was the only person sharing the boy's presence in this central area and had been standing at a discreet distance whilst the young initiate had danced.
Stephen compliantly stood with his hands at his sides under the showerhead, immediately below which the floor was slightly concave with a small grilled drain in the middle of the depression, whilst the Major Domo turned the tap. Specially perfumed and refrigerated sweet smelling and freezing water subsequently flowed over the naked boy's body, efficiently driving his sweat away but also causing his form to shiver in acute chill. However, the cold interestingly did not return his cock to flaccidity but rather the opposite occurred, as his erection perversely quivered and remained hard whilst he was subjected to this purification ritual.
Meanwhile, the nearest spectators on the nearby terraced seating, who included the Grand Master in his central position of honour, were delighted at their closer perspective of the live naked Stephen enduring chilling discomfort. The rest of the adults present either had to content themselves with a more distant view or the larger sight of the nude boy on the video screens.
Despite his discomfort, Stephen compliantly remained under the standpipe, whilst on four occasions at 60-second intervals obeying instructions from the Major Domo to turn through 45° so that all sides of his naked body could be thoroughly showered. When the tap was eventually turned off after 5 minutes, and as residual water began to seep away efficiently down the grilled drain, the dripping wet and shivering boy resumed his previous position at the centre of the floor pentagram, paid homage again and began once more to dance.
Stephen was pleased to do so. His resumed energetic dancing represented not only the completion of the chilling purification ritual but also the chance to restore dryness and warmth to his freezing body. In fact, the naked boy's skilled and spirited gyrations proved to be highly effective in quickly dispelling the damp and cold.
By the end of another three erotic nude dances in the aftermath of the purification ritual, Stephen's naked body was again dry and warm but, as planned, not so much that perspiration had yet reformed. The Grand Master did not like to have sex with sweaty boys.
After Stephen had again performed homage on the conclusion of his latest erotic nude dance but had subsequently remained kneeling with head bowed, as taught for this particular moment, the Grand Master stood up from his central seat on the front row of the middle terraced benching. The purple-robed man then opened a gate in the perimeter barrier to enter the enclosure whilst Beethoven's 'Emperor Concerto' began to blurt loudly from the hidden loudspeakers. The music was supposed to reflect the man's earthly authority, as far as the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, was concerned.
To the accompaniment of this music, the Grand Master subsequently advanced across the enclosure. The man eventually passed Stephen and turned to stand before the naked kneeling boy.
The Grand Master had, in accordance with customary ceremonial, not had Stephen strip naked before him during their last meeting a week previously, namely at his first audience with the boy. The man had dutifully obeyed ritual by resisting temptation in favour of having the privilege of viewing the child for the first time in the nude now, in line with tradition during his formal initiation and along with those other members of the cult who could be present.
The Grand Master, having previously during the ceremony only seen the exceptionally beautiful Stephen naked for the first time at greater distances, was naturally very happy to be currently standing immediately in front of the kneeling boy, gaining a much closer view of his young sublime nude form. From his new proximity, the man was especially pleased to note that the neophyte slave was maintaining his fulsome erection, which matched in throbbing hardness although not size that of the adult's own penis, which was presently hidden under his flowing purple robe.
The sight of the gorgeous naked Stephen so close to him momentarily caused the Grand Master's throat to dry, as well as increase the noticeable ballooning in the groin area of his purple robe. However, the man somehow quickly regained his composure to play his own initial ritualistic part in the initiation ceremony of the new special young slaveboy by making his first formal announcement.
"On behalf of the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, I have already accepted and welcomed you, neophyte," the Grand Master loudly announced, "into service as his and my slave." The man subsequently paused briefly but not to allow this statement to sink into the minds of the listeners. His throat had instead again dried at the sight of Stephen's erection, which, in reaction to his words, had begun to rise vertically to point towards the boy's cute navel, whilst the uncut cockhead had also started to drool some clear precum.
The Grand Master was subsequently only able to restore his voice by sacrificing his sight of Stephen's stimulating erection through turning his eyes away. The man then managed to add "On behalf of the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, I have also now summoned members of our true faith to observe your formal initiation, neophyte. In front of these witnesses, the ceremony will now continue with the initial adornment of your body with the appropriate slave regalia."
The Major Domo, producing a broad black leather slave collar with imbedded silvery bondage rings from the pouch attached to his trouser belt, immediately approached the Grand Master from the discreet position where he had been standing nearby. In response to an affirmative nod from the cult leader, he subsequently attached this adornment to Stephen's neck, locking the item in place with a small but strong padlock.
The Major Domo's hand later returned to the pouch on his trouser belt four more times to retrieve matching black leather wrist and ankle cuffs with imbedded silvery bondage rings. He then knelt to padlock these adornments too to the limbs of the completely compliant Stephen, whose virtually vertical cockhead began to drool even more precum in response to the feel of all of these adornments being attached.
The production of this precum became even more copious when the Major Domo next produced a flanged opened cockring from his pouch, carefully fitted the silvery adornment around the base of Stephen's genitals and gently snapped the ends together underneath the nicely rotund scrotum, adjacent to the perineum. This new adornment, previously carefully measured to fit perfectly, now tightly circled the boy's smooth sexual organs but not in a manner that would stop the flow of blood.
The cockring would instead help to concentrate the blood supply to Stephen's genitals so that future erections would be easier to achieve, be even more prolonged and be susceptible to quicker orgasm of greater intensity. The adornment possessed the additional visual advantage of making the boy's sexual organs protrude more from his body, thereby nicely highlighting their delights.
The ingenious design of the flange coupling additionally ensured that the attachment of the cockring was irreversible other than by dangerously cutting it off with a metal saw. The small circumference prohibited attempting to slide the genital adornment off if testicular damage was to be avoided.
Having observed the Major Domo adorn Stephen with his slave regalia and whilst somehow averting the return of dryness in his throat as a result of the sight of the naked boy in his exotic gear, the Grand Master next made another announcement. "The completion of the initial adornment of your body with the appropriate slave regalia, on behalf of the lord of hell, the prince of darkness, the great Lucifer, transforms you, boy," he advised, "from neophyte to initiate."
"Consequently, the ceremony will now continue in front of these witnesses," the Grand Master continued, "with the act of consummation that indicates the commencement of your formal service for me!" After making this announcement, the man, who was rather happy about what he was about to do publicly, turned his back on the still kneeling Stephen and went to stand symbolically at the left side of the altar. The Major Domo subsequently assumed the cult leader's position in front of the boy and removed a long leather lead from the pouch attached to his trouser belt.
The Major Domo attached this demeaning lead to the silvery ring embedded into the front of Stephen's black leather slave collar and, after then instructing him to stand and being obeyed, led him to the near shorter edge of the altar. Fortunately for what remained of the naked boy's dignity, he was able to keep up with the man to avoid being humiliatingly tugged along.
On achieving their mutual destination, the Major Domo next compulsorily forced the lower part of Stephen's bare front to close against the near shorter vertical edge of the altar, forcing the boy's rampant cock to press upwards against the cool surface. The man, still holding the lead, subsequently walked to the opposite side of the slab of black stone, about a metre above which was the bottom of the sinister suspended inverted real crucifix
After reaching the other side of the altar, the Major Domo began to rein in the lead, which did now tug Stephen's neck forwards. In reaction, the boy did not resist but instead allowed his upper front torso to bend until his head, chest and belly rested on the cool upper surface of the slab of black stone, whilst his vertical erection still pressed against the side.
On attaining this debasing position, bent over the altar, a tingling shiver immediately ran through Stephen's naked body. However, this sensation resulted from a mix of the chill from the cool black stone slab and the boy's increased excitement rather than fear.
Having caused Stephen to bend over in the required degrading manner, with his head immediately under the sinister suspended inverted real crucifix above, the Major Domo next tautly attached his end of the carefully measured lead to a bondage ring at the base of his edge of the altar. He subsequently moved to the other sides to chain the boy's wrist and ankle cuffs to the black stone slab.
The Major Domo achieved his aim by pulling Stephen's arms fully forwards and manacling his wrist cuffs to rings embedded in the two longer edges of the altar's upper surface. The man followed this action up by shackling the boy's ankles wide apart to similar bondage points at the extremities of the base of the side where the child was bent over the stone surface.
The resultant firmly secured demeaning bent posture ensured that Stephen's pink virginal sphincter was handily fully exposed for what was about to happen. What this event was imminently to be was now evidenced by loud eager chanting emanating from the spectators.
As the Major Domo moved aside to return to his former discreet standing position to allow the Grand Master to assume his place immediately behind Stephen, keen vociferous repeated cries began to resound around the satanic arena of "Fuck him!"
(To be continued)