Copyright 2008 by NAMB, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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"Hey kid, do me a favor and get my new sneakers from the kitchen while Karen and I finish
getting ready for our dates," I yelled down to my sister.
"I'm not a kid," she protested, "I'm almost 10."
"Yeah, yeah, shortstuff, just get me my sneakers."
Another voice was added to the mix, my mother's, "Kimberly, don't pick on your sister."
"OK, mom," I promised.
Mom yelled up the stairs, "What time are the boys coming over?"
"In about 15 minutes," Karen replied. Karen and I have been friends since kindergarten. Our birthdays are only a couple of days apart. She was almost like a twin sister to me although we looked nothing alike.
Karen and I put the finishing touches on our makeup and got downstairs just in time to hear my sister ask, "Mom, why do boys pull on their penises and squirt them?"
"It's called masturbation, Felicity," mom answered.
"OK, then why do boys do mastur-bation?" Felicity said stumbling over the new word in her vocabulary.
"Boys masturbate," mom emphasized the word and paused so my sister could absorb it, "because they have these urges and they have to satisfy them."
"In the old days, boys would get these urges when they were around girls, and they would try to put their penises inside the girls. Do you remember what that's called?"
"Intercourse," my sister answered without missing a beat.
Mom was good about keeping us educated about sex. We were properly informed little girls. Even the nuns at St. Catherine's school admitted that there were things about sex us good Catholic girls needed to know. Mom signed the papers exempting Felicity and me from the classes in school with a promise to teach us the recommended curriculum at home. The school system preferred home education in this area and by leaving it to the parents, avoided a lot of legal problems. We had to take some tests given by the school, but they were a piece of cake with what mom taught us.
Now that we are growing up that education is taking a more advanced turn. There were some things mom figured I had to know about that went beyond the textbooks approved by the board of education. These were also the things my sister would find out about by living under the same roof with me.
Stick figures and medical diagrams gave way to more graphic pictures. Now that I knew about the technology of sex, I was learning more about the relationships between the sexes. My mom was good about explaining what a boy's proper place should be with a girl. What she told me made me glad I was a girl and not one of those poor boys.
Even if mom didn't include Felicity in on our talks, there were still things that I would share with her. She is, after all, my sister and sisters share some secrets that even a three-year gap in age won't prevent. Besides, this is the sort of thing big sisters are for.
Mom used my kid sister's curiosity as an opportunity to keep educating her, "Sometimes the girls would get pregnant. We don't want that happening," here she turned her head towards Karen and me, "Don't we girls?"
"Of course not, mom," I responded.
"Not at all, Mrs. Patterson," Karen replied.
Karen and I have talked about this a number of times. There are a lot of things that are going to have to happen before some boy puts his penis in either one of us. It's not that we're against it; it's just that he's going to have to earn the right, and it will be totally on our terms.
Mom took a breath and went on, "When boys couldn't put their penises in girls, they would masturbate for the fun of it to relieve their urges. They still would rather have intercourse, but masturbation is a fun second choice for them.
To keep boys from having intercourse with girls and getting them pregnant, some moms insisted that the boys masturbate before going out on dates with their daughters. All these women did was to take something that the boys would do anyway in private for their own pleasure and made them do it for a better purpose.
At first it was very private. The mother would give the boy a glass to fill and send him into the bathroom with orders to jerk off. That went a long way to curing the problem, but not completely. Some girls still got pregnant.
What these early moms didn't understand is that teenage boys can ejaculate many times in a day.
Once the moms figured this out, they started sending the boys back to the bathroom over and over again with instructions to masturbate himself dry and until the boy came out with an empty glass.
Boys began catching on and wanted to save some of their sperm to have intercourse since it is a lot more fun than plain masturbation. They would try to trick mothers into thinking that they had milked themselves dry. They would save some of their ejaculate from the first and biggest come and use it to fill the glass later instead of masturbating then. Some of them would sneak sperm in from a masturbation they did a day or two before to make it look like they were milking themselves dry when in fact, they hadn't even come at all!
Mothers eventually caught on to these new tricks too and demanded to witness the boys masturbating so they wouldn't cheat. Moms wouldn't go into the bathroom alone with the boys, so they would either have them leave the door open, or invite another family member in with them to watch.
Eventually, it became less private. Moms let their daughters watch their dates masturbate, and eventually left it to them to supervise it.
Male masturbation came out of the bathroom and into the living room where other family members were invited to witness it and participate. The boys' private pleasures could now be enjoyed by all.
Now girls are given free reign over the boys that want to date them. As a girl gets to know a boy better, she gets to do more and more things with him."
I'd asked the same question and gotten the same answer from mom in my turn, but hearing it again brought it all to clarity. It was a win for everybody. What started out as a safety measure for mothers and daughters made everybody happy. Moms got what they wanted, the boys got what they wanted (even if they would have preferred real intercourse), and us girls and our sisters got what we wanted.
My sister seemed happy with mom's explanation and turned her attention to Karen and me, "So who you going out with?"
"Jason and Tommy," Karen answered.
"Ohh, Tommy, I like him," Felicity said, "He's got such a cute penis even though Jason is bigger and squirts more ... I mean masturbates more."
I rolled my eyes. Karen laughed at me, "Give her a break, she's only 9."
"Almost 10." Felicity protested.
"OK, 9 and change," I laughed. "It's not 'masturbates more.' Masturbation is the act that makes a boy squirt. Now you have me doing it too! Masturbation makes a boy ejaculate or come. Don't feel so bad. You'll learn."
"Oh yeah," Felicity said sticking her tongue out at me, "and how many penises did you see by my age?"
She had me there. Karen and I dated dozens of boys over the last year and Felicity recently was allowed to watch their pre-date jerk offs. I saw my first boy masturbate at my Cousin Barbara's house when I was 11. Now that I think of it, my mom and my aunt must have planned it so I could be there for the pre-date jerk off. That was a little over a year ago.
Jason and Tommy were the oldest boys we dated so far. Before mandatory pre-date masturbation, moms were reluctant to let their daughters date boys too much older than them for fear that they would take advantage of them. Masturbation was the great equalizer. It was like putting a muzzle on a dog. It made them docile and obedient. These two boys were much more than a year older than us.
Unlike some of the boys we dated, these boys had a lot of hair down there. Unlike some of the boys we dated, these boys had full ejaculations. When Karen and I first started dating, some of the boys could only do dry come. They certainly weren't a threat to getting us pregnant, but we were all in training so to speak.
The doorbell rang. Felicity jumped up and scampered to get it. She came in holding each boy by the hand skipping between them. Soon the two boys were standing before us.
"You girls have fun, I'm off to my den to do some work on my computer," Mom said. I appreciated that she left. She' a really cool mom, but she is a mom after all, and although I really appreciated her help the first couple of times, I now have a style of my own.
Besides, it's hard enough for a boy to come with his girlfriend watching, much less her mom.
"Come on, Felicity," mom beckoned.
"Aww mom," Felicity cried, "I'm not a kid, I'm ..."
Mom cut her off, "almost 10. I know! Let Karen and Sharon enjoy their dates."
"It's OK mom, she can stay." I said in her defense.
"Are you sure it's OK?" Mom asked.
"Positive," I replied, "The boys don't mind, do you?"
Tommy and Jason nodded. They knew better than to disagree with us girls.
"OK, but you better hurry if you're going to make your movie," mom advised.
"Oh, we can always make a later show." Karen replied. "I don't want to rush this show."
"That's a smart girl who has her priorities in order. OK, girls, you have your fun, and don't be too hard on the boys," she grinned.
Mom was hardly out of earshot when Felicity asked, "Can I touch them this time? Can I do it? Will you let me masturbate them and make them" – here she hesitated and almost said "'squirt' – ejaculate?"
"Well, maybe on the second or third round," I offered, "I think Karen and I have come up with a really good idea to make the boys 'squirt,' as you call it, this time."
"Whatcha gonna do?" kid sister asked.
"That's the best part," Karen added, "We're not going to do anything. We're going to make the boys do all the work." She looked over at me and winked.
"OK, boys," I said. "Time to undress." I remember the first time I told a boy to undress for me. I was so nervous. I nearly threw up. It still gives me a thrill to say those words.
Jason and Tommy had been through this drill too. Most boys have been coached by their mothers and even had "undress" rehearsals with sisters, cousins, or neighborhood girls. Getting naked in front of a female is embarrassing for any boy, and don't we girls know it, but boys are not allowed to date until they satisfactorily demonstrate that they can do it.
Off came the boys' sneakers and socks. Off came their shirts. Down came their pants I love this part the most even though there still isn't much to see. There is something about the act that still makes my insides jumpy.
Undershirts came off next, and then the moment of truth. All boys hesitate at this point. I don't know why, but every boy that I've ever seen, and all the boys that other girls talk about always seem to wait as if they were expecting a last minute pardon.
Such a pardon is never forthcoming. In fact, it's almost a rote ritual for most girls to "give the order." The order is, "Drop them and show us what you have."
And so Jason and then Tommy did. They stepped out of their underwear and assumed the correct pose, facing us girls and hands on head.
Felicity squealed with delight. "Look at Tommy. He's already big!" I think my kid sister has a crush on my boyfriend. Oh well, there's enough of him to go around, at least in this area. She was right. He was partially erected, but definitively not there yet.
Although I like to tease my little sister a lot, she's really a good kid – even mentally, my brain heard her say, "almost 10" – and having her witness a jerk off or two is good for her. She'll have to learn how to take her rightful place with boys eventually, and she might as well learn it when she's young. I really envied her. Nobody mentored me in this process.
Karen and I are of like mind when it comes to the pre-date masturbation. There's no need to rush it. Some girls like their boys to "pump and dump" and get them out the door. To Karen and me, the jerkoff was as much fun and maybe more than the date itself. We liked to sit back and relax.
So we let the boys stand there ... naked. Tommy's erection dropped a little. Maybe he was getting more comfortable with his nudity. Jason's cock, on the other hand, started stirring with a life of its own. Maybe it felt the pressure of the eyes of three girls staring at it.
"Come on, boys." Karen chided, "Stiffen up. You boys don't expect us girls to do all the work now, do you?"
"You heard the lady. Stiffen up." I added.
"Yeah, stiffen up." The youngest female of the group chirped. Felicity was really going to be a good 'trix when she grows up and gets boys of her own.
Stiffening up was something that was coming in vogue. It comes up a lot in talks with girls at school – they all like to brag about how well their boys can do it - and in discussions on GirlNet. Increasingly, boys are having to learn how to give themselves a hard-on on the verbal command of a girl. It's almost like if you can't do it, you're not boy enough to date.
I don't know what kinds of fantizations the boys were running through their minds, but we three girls watched in satisfaction as two dicks rose slowly to greet us. At last they were at full attention pointing straight at us in appreciation of our attention.
"That's better," I finally admitted. "That's the way a penis should look in front of a girl."
"We're going to play a new game today boys. I know you want to touch those cocks and make them come, so we'll let you. Only there's a catch. You can't touch your own cock. You have to do each other."
The boys looked worried but said nothing. There was an unwritten law that when naked in front of girls, boys did not speak unless spoken to.
"So I want you to take your hands off your heads, and put them on each other's dick. Put your right hand on the other boy's penis, and put your left hand on his balls."
Felicity giggled as she watched the boys hesitantly get into position.
"Oh wait," Karen said jumping up. "I got to get a picture of this." She ran to her purse and took out her phone. She took several shots until she was satisfied she got it from all the right angles.
"Now who can we call to send it to?" she asked.
"Later," I told her, "We have a show to put on here. Let's get these puppies manipulated, milked, masturbated, wanked off, jerked off, and pumped out."
I smiled evilly at the boys, "This will be more than a simple jerk-off. There are rules, and these are the rules:"
"Rule 1: You are to keep your partner hard at all times."
"Rule 2: If you let your partner go soft, you will be spanked."
"Rule 3: If you go soft, you will be spanked."
"Rule 4: If you make your partner ejaculate without a girl giving you permission, you will be spanked."
"Rule 5: If you ejaculate without a girl giving you permission, you will be spanked."
"Rule 6: If you fail to ejaculate within 30 seconds of being ordered to by a girl, you will be spanked."
"Do you understand these rules?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Are you going to be good little boys and obey them?"
"Yes ma'am."
Felicity giggled and asked, "That's so cool. Where did you ever come up with that idea?"
"I'd like to say it was my own, but I picked it up from a girl named Betty on GirlNet. She said her mom suggested it to her. She had a whole party of girls watch her brothers play this way. Now the girls get together with their brothers and cousins and other boys and do it all the time."
"You heard the girl," Karen commanded, "Start rubbing them and keep them hard for us. Oh, I almost forgot – according to 'the rules' if you are going to come, you have to yell out 'I'm coming,' so us girls will know when to pay close attention. You know what will happen if you fail to announce that you are coming."
The boys nodded. Jason mumbled, "We get spanked."
The boys went to their task. There were a couple of times when they were close to getting soft, but we gave them stern reminders and they picked up their stroking.
After a couple of minutes they each were dripping precome. Felicity noticed and said, "They're coming."
I had to correct her, "No dear, coming is when it shoots out. Drips like that don't count.
The precome was flowing rather strongly, and the pumping action was whipping it up into sort of a meringue. Suddenly Jason announced, "I'm coming!" and indeed he did: all over Tommy's hands and arms. "Wow, that's hot." Tommy said, meaning the heat of his partner's ejaculate.
"Wow, that's hot." Felicity said, meaning the spectacular show.
"Well Tommy, I guess that means a spanking for you for making Jason come. Jason, you get a spanking for coming without permission. Oh, and Jason, you get another spanking because you stopped pumping Tommy. Look how soft he's gotten. That also means an additional spanking for you Tommy. We told you boys over and over not to go soft or to let your partner go soft. I guess we'll have to give you both double spankings."
"Me too?" asked Felicity, "Do I get to spank them, too?"
"Yes Felicity dear, you will have a turn. I am sure there will be a lot of spankings going on."
Nonetheless Karen and I did the first spankings. She took Jason and I took Tommy. Somehow we agreed on a one-minute spanking. Not that we actually timed it, but that just seemed to be the way it worked out. Both boys got off our laps with red butts and big erections.
I looked at Karen and Felicity, "Wow, it looks like the boys really enjoyed getting spanked. We'll have to do more of that!"
"Ready for round two?" Karen asked.
Soon the boys were at it again. It rook a little longer, maybe because the boys were getting better at dick handling, but eventually Tommy came as he screamed, "I'm coming!"
Tommy screamed so loud that mom came running from the den. "Is anything wrong?" she asked.
"No mom, everything is fine here. Tommy was apparently complaining about how he just earned Jason and him a spanking."
"Oh, I see," mom said although she really didn't, "It looks like you girls are having fun. Give them a good milking for me too!"
We went back to our games. This time Felicity got to spank Jason. I think she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to spank Tommy.
We played the game a couple of more times, but the boys were getting depleted, and in spite of the vigorous rubbing they needed just to keep each other up, it was taking them longer and longer to get the other boy off. We eventually wound up just having them kneel before us and jerk off for the last couple of rounds. By this time, they truly did have to announce that they were coming. The few dribbles of semen that each was able to produce were hardly worth calling an ejaculation.
Karen and I let the boys kneel there naked for a couple of more minutes.
Felicity asked, "Are you going to make them do it again?"
Karen laughed, "I don't think they can. Look how raw those penises are." She reached over and gently poked Tommy's scrotum. He flinched. "Their balls even ache. Maybe we can do this again the next time."
Knowing that the show was over Felicity skipped out of the room declaring, "OK, I'm going to go out and play. I can't wait to tell Stacy about this." Stacy was Felicity's best friend and her mom and my mom had a discussion about pre-date activities at our house and whether it was OK if Stacy knew what goes on here.
"OK boys, you can get dressed now and make sure you clean up your mess."
Felicity was already asleep when we got home from our dates, but she was there and
inquisitive the next morning at the breakfast table. She wanted to know everything about
how the date went and in particular what Tommy did.
Then she suddenly changed the subject, "Next time can Stacy come over and watch?"
This was a bold move even for her, so I looked at her with a dropped jaw but she continued, "I checked with Stacy's mom and she says it's OK if our mom says it's OK, and mom says it's OK if you say it's OK. So OK?"
It took a while for the whirlwind of OKs to clear my head. I stammered, "I ... I don't know. I'll have to ask Karen."
And I did ask Karen later that afternoon when I saw her. Her answer surprised me, "I'm glad you asked, because I didn't know how to bring the subject up. But my cousin Bonnie is about your sister's age, and she hasn't seen a boy masturbate yet. My aunt's been hinting that, well since I'm dating ... Well, you know."
I gathered my wits about me, "Well, I suppose it's only fair. I mean, as long as it's OK with everyone and her mom." By being OK with everyone, I didn't for a moment even consider if it was OK for the boys. It went without saying that their concerns were not ours at all. They would cooperate.
When I told mom about it, she had an excellent suggestion, "Why don't you invite Karen's cousin over here the day before, and she and Stacy and Felicity can have a sleep over. This way the girls will get to know each other better. They can make a party of it."
Mom turned to Felicity, "That would be fun, wouldn't it?"
My kid – make that almost 10 year old – sister was literally bouncing up and down with excitement. "Can they mommy? That would be so much fun!"
"I'll talk to Karen and her mom and make the arrangements," I told mom.
The visit was set up for the coming Friday. Bonnie was immediately accepted by Felicity and Stacy. The girls settled in and came downstairs. Bonnie's mother was still enjoying some coffee when Felicity asked, "Mom, can Stacy and Bonnie see the pictures we have?"
"Pictures?" Bonnie's mother asked.
"Well, yes. Karen and Kimberly took some pictures of their dates masturbating. We keep them on the computer. The girls like to look at them." Then mom blushed a little and added, "To tell you the truth, so do I."
"Well, if it's OK by you, it's OK by me. After all, that's what Bonnie's here for. I can't think of a better way to start her education. I wouldn't mind watching too. Little boys can be so cute without their clothes on."
Mom gathered up the company, "Let me get you girls set up on the computer so you can look at the pictures Karen and Kimberly took of their dates."
Soon a slide show was presenting itself on the screen. Bonnie's mom watched for a while and said, "You girls are lucky; they're cute boys with cute little penises. You girls have fun. I'm going back to finish my coffee with Mrs. Patterson."
Felicity was having the time of her life. She had seen the boys naked and for real. She simply regaled in showing the pictures and running commentary to Stacy and Bonnie. Stacy and Bonnie were excited about seeing the pictures too, and asked Felicity to go back and forth between their favorites. They just couldn't wait for the boys to arrive.
The girls had a great sleepover and spent most of the next day in the pool. But they were ready when the boys arrived. The three of them were already in the room watching TV. Bonnie had her camera and took a picture of the boys as soon as they entered the room. The girls turned the TV off. They were expecting a much better show.
The boys were surprised to see two other girls there. They, of course, said nothing and didn't know whether the newcomers would be staying for their show. And what a show we had planned for them!
"Time to undress, boys," Karen ordered. There was some twittering and giggling from the young girls. The boys didn't have a choice. Either they did it or went home. But there was more to it than that. If they backed out, they would be blackballed, and would be hard pressed to find a date with any girl in this town.
To the best of my knowledge, no boy had ever backed out, although girls usually talked up how well their dates did with their masturbations.
The boys knew all this, so that explained why moments later there were two naked boys standing with hands on head trying to get erections while facing down five fully dressed girls. Bonnie snapped off a couple of pictures. The girls giggled as they gathered around the camera to see how they came out.
"Um girls, what are you doing? You have the real thing right here." I said patting Jason's penis.
"Are you going to have them touch each other again?" Felicity asked.
"You could say that," I grinned back, "and more!" I caught a story on line and I wanted to try out one of the things I read in it. I didn't even have time to tell Karen about it.
"Felicity, get me the duct tape and scissors from the kitchen."
Karen looked at me, "What do you have in mind? It's got to be something good if it involves duct tape."
"You'll see," I replied.
Felicity returned with the tape.
"OK boys," I ordered, "Put those hands behind your backs. Karen, you take Jason, and I'll take Tommy. Tape their wrists together. We don't want them to interfere with what we are doing."
"How are they going to jerk each other off with their hands behind their backs?" Felicity objected.
"They are not going to touch each other. At least not with their hands."
Felicity mouthed an "oh!" Karen arched an eyebrow. Bonnie and Stacy were still wide-eyed at the boys' nakedness.
With their hands taped in place, I had the boys ready for what I wanted to do with them. I drew them together until they touched penis-to-penis. "Stay!" I said as if I were commanding a dog.
I turned to the rest of the group and let them in on my plan, "OK girls, we're all going to play a new game. In the story, it's called a 'cock fight,' but in deference to my sister, we'll call it 'squirt the boy.'"
Felicity rolled her eyes but asked nonetheless, "How do you play it?"
"I was getting to that," I responded somewhat annoyed by her impatience, but then again, she was a young girl.
I went on with the rules of the game. "As you can see I have the boys standing facing each other with their penises touching. They are going to make each other come with the help of us girls.
The game is simple. I will take Tommy's penis in my hand and rub it against Jason's penis. Karen will take Jason's penis in her hand and rub it against Tommy's penis. You three girls will line up on the sides and provide lubrication."
"How do we do that?" Stacy asked.
"You spit on them!" I replied.
The three of them were jumping up and down with joy.
"My job will be to make Jason come. Karen's job will be to make Tommy come. May the best girl win!"
We took our places and made some final adjustments so the heads of the boys' penises were just overlapping. I could feel Tommy's penis jerking in my hands in anticipation of the game and from the physical stimulation of the adjustments. I looked at the amount of precome both boys were producing and decided that the spitters would not be needed to provide lubrication. I wasn't going to tell Felicity and her friends that though. There was no sense in spoiling their fun.
"Oh wait," Karen said. "You know we just can't start this game just like that."
"What do you mean, I asked?"
"I mean that boxers touch gloves before a match. Sumo wrestlers bow to each other. Football players shake hands at the coin toss, so why don't we have the boys do something special to start the game."
"There's not much they can do with their hands behind their backs," I noted.
"They can kiss each other," Karen offered. "Why not? They're almost there now."
"You are wicked, girl," I assured her. I simply turned to the boys and said, "Do it."
They pecked each other on the cheek.
"You call that a kiss?" I said still not releasing the penis in my hand. "I want you to open your mouths, stick out your tongues, and lick them."
This they did in an almost comical motion. Bonnie snapped some more pictures. They touched tongues in front of each other's face. So I had to take over with more coaching, "That's a good start, now move closer and put those tongues in each other's mouths. Karen and I will be rubbing and swirling your cocks around each other. I want you to do the same thing with your tongues."
"Now that we got you fairies French kissing, we can get on with our game." I looked over to Karen, "Are you ready?" She nodded, "yes." I asked my sister and friends, "You girls ready?" I also got nods from them.
Karen and I stepped back without releasing our grips on the boys' organs to let the younger girls get access. "Spit!" I said. The three girls nearly bumped heads as they leaned in to spit on the boys' penises. Mostly they missed. Sometimes they even got spit on Karen and me. Oh well, it's part of the game.
Karen and I started by trying to swirl the penises around each other simultaneously. It really didn't work out that well. We just sort of banged them together. It was so comical that all us girls broke out laughing. So without consulting each other we learned to take turns. While Karen held Jason's penis still I rubbed it with Tommy's penis three times. Then I held Tommy's penis still so Karen could rub it with hers three times.
Based on the heavy breathing coming from the boys, I'd say we were making progress. We'd each rub the other girl's penis three times and then call, "spit." The younger girls also learned to take turns as each girl took the time to aim her spit carefully. They all took turns using Bonnie's camera to take pictures as well.
Tommy lost. Well, I guess I should say the Kimmy-Tommy team was defeated by the Karen-Jason team. Tommy ejaculated his stuff all over Jason's penis and made it a mess of come and girl-spit. Karen had a big glob on her hand.
I was disappointed, but not too much so. I let go of Tommy's penis, put my hands on his shoulders, and pushed down. "On your knees, loser." I proclaimed. "Kiss your victor's hand. Lick it clean."
Karen offered her hand to Tommy like royalty. Court courtesy dictates that he take it in his hands and kiss it. But with his hands taped behind his back, all he could do is lick it like a dog.
When he finished his task, I gave him his next set of orders, "Now to clean up the rest of your mess. I want you to clean up all the come and spit off Jason's penis ... and from inside it. I want you to catch it all in your mouth, but don't swallow it."
Bonnie asked, "You mean you're going to make him lick his pee-pee? That's gross!"
"And more," I said, "He's going to have to put the whole thing in his mouth and suck it clean."
Stacy offered up a "Eww."
Felicity just smiled broadly and whispered an almost inaudible. "cool!" and looked on with interest. I was so proud of my sister; she will most definitively make a great 'trix when she comes of age.
"Come on girls," Karen offered, "we're just talking about boys here.
Apparently, the girls weren't too grossed out to take pictures of this act too.
Jason was obviously overstimulated by playing the game. He came almost as soon as Tommy wrapped his lips around his penis. A little cum dribbled from the sides of Tommy's mouth, but he obviously remembered his instructions as his cheeks bulged out.
I pulled him up by the hair and pushed him towards Jason. "French kiss time!" I announced.
We kept the boys going at it so much that we never did actually go out on the date. Karen and I were feeling magnanimous. We sort of handed the boys over to Felicity so she could entertain her friends with them. Karen and I had a great time watching the younger girls play with their new toys. We just played along with them and helped out with some suggestions from time to time.
Bonnie has a promising career as a photographer. That evening we all sat in front of the computer screen reliving the fun of the day.