Green Street Boys Club Part I
Copyright 2008 by NAMB, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Part I
Spring 1985
Asher put the magazine down, undid the buckle on his belt, loosened it and slid down his pants and underwear. His 13-year-old erect cock sprung out almost with an audible, quivering "boing!"
Asher was not alone. His 12-year-old friends Carl and Steve were already naked, each with one hand on a hard penis stroking it and the other flipping though the pages of a magazine. Until recently the younger boys were dry cummers, but now they produced the first watery ejaculations that announced their passage into puberty.
Sitting apart from the boys, watching them was Robert. Robert was the 15-year-old leader of the "Green Street Boys Club," a combination social, athletic and circle jerk club. Each Friday, the boys would meet at Robert's house to strip and masturbate as they looked over his extensive collection of magazines.
There were dues, of course, and the younger boys had to pay extra if they wanted to rent a magazine for the weekend. But they really didn't mind. A weekend of penis pumping was worth parting with part of their allowance.
Robert didn't actually do anything with the boys. He was content to look on with a magazine of his own and watch them wank their diminutive penises.
Sometimes he would organize jerk-off contests to see which boy can come first, or shoot it the furthest, or shoot with the most cum or get it off the most times. The boys enjoyed these competitions as much as they did pleasuring themselves solo. There was a certain kind of "male bonding" to the experience. The boys didn't consider themselves gay, but masturbating together was fun. It gave them an opportunity to "show off their stuff" in a safe environment.
Asher just finished up his second cum of the afternoon. "I'll take these two," he said, referring to the pair of magazines he selected from Robert's extensive collection.
Robert looked at the magazines and said, "So you like women in charge?"
"What do you mean?" the younger boy said,
"I mean whenever you rent a magazine from me, it has a section on female domination."
Asher just blushed and handed over his money.
"Try not to get the pages too sticky," Robert chuckled.
Asher just stuffed the magazines in the pocket of his school bag and got dressed. It was getting late and the boys needed to get home. Robert's mom would be arriving soon as well.
Asher was a frequent renter of Robert's magazines. Having a Friday after school circle jerk was ideal timing. His parents were out on Friday evening and most of the day on Saturday. It gave him plenty of time to play with himself on the weekend whenever he could get away from his younger sister, Donna. She wasn't bad as younger sisters go. In fact his friends thought that she was kind of cute: for an 11-year-old.
Asher arrived at home just in time to run into Donna.
He greeted her with his usual, "Hey pipsqueak."
"Mom, he's calling me names again!"
A voice came from the kitchen, "Asher, stop picking on your sister."
"Mom, I don't mean anything by it."
"Well, it wouldn't hurt if you started treating her with some respect."
Asher let that one go and started up the stairs to his room. He had just reached the top of the stairs when his mother called up to him. "Asher Taylor, you promised to take out this garbage this morning."
"Aw mom."
"Don't 'Aw mom' me. Get down here right now and take it out."
Asher tossed his bag in the hallway and trudged down the stairs with a despondent, "OK."
Meanwhile Donna was trying to make her way to her room. She had to climb over his school bag to get there. "Mommy, Asher's bag is blocking my way."
"So move it," came the inevitable and exasperated response from her mother.
"Why can't he put it away by himself," Donna complained to herself as she picked up his bag by a strap and tossed it in his room with no great care. That's when she noticed the magazines that slid out. Even from the hallway she could see the kind of magazines they were.
She looked cautiously from side to side to make sure that her mom or her brother weren't around and sneaked into Asher's room for a closer look. Asher was a very private person and even resented the fact that his mother entered his room. He had to put up with his mother's visits otherwise the sheets on his bed linens would never get changed and the accumulated dirt and dust would be enough to plant a full crop. The kids were required to keep their rooms tidy and make their beds, but the heavy cleaning was left to mom.
Donna picked up the magazines and bit her lip. She felt shaky and sick in the stomach. She didn't know how long she stood there paralyzed with the magazines unopened in her hands. She made a decision, left her brother's room, closed her door and sat on her bed shivering and wondering what to do next. She was even afraid to open the magazines to see what was in them.
She pried open the pages with shaking fingers, took a quick peek and was enticed by the title of one of the letters: "In Praise of Submissive Males." Before she knew it she had read the article. She had to close the magazine before her stomach succumbed to the adrenaline being pumped into her system.
She hid the magazines and lay down on her bed to recover her strength until her mom called her and her brother to dinner.
As Donna was laying there, in the room next door, a frantic Asher was rummaging through his school bag. Where could the magazines had gone? He ran downstairs with the intention of retracing his steps to see if he could find them. Robert would kill him if he lost them. As he reached the door, his mom asked, "Where are you going?"
"Um, out," was the lame reply.
"Oh no, you're not. We're going to eat in about 5 minutes. Get back upstairs and wash up."
It was with a knotted stomach that Asher walked up the stairs.
Dinner was a hurried affair as it always was on Friday evenings. Asher's and Donna's mom and dad played Bridge at the Jensons' each Friday. It never occurred to the kids to ask why the Jensons' never played at their house.
Mrs. Taylor looked at her son. "What's the matter, Ash? Are you OK? You've hardly touched your food."
Asher just buried his face in his chest and mumbled, "I'm OK, just not hungry."
Donna smiled to herself. She was pretty sure of the reason for his discomfort. The beginnings of a plan began to take shape in her brain. "Mom, I have to go over to Helen's house. I forgot my English book, and we got a big test on Monday."
Her dad laughed, "Well, if you 'GOT' a big English test, I suppose you should study for it."
Her mom warned her. "Out and back. I want you home as soon as you pick up the book. No delays. No stopping to talk with Helen."
"OK mom!" Donna said as she ran upstairs. She appeared moments later skipping out the door with her book bag.
"Right back here immediately," her mom yelled at the departing girl.
Donna ran with all the speed her sneakers could give her to her friend's house. Helen Scott was a classmate of hers. The two of them plus Barbara Brown, a girl a year ahead of them at school were known as the "Holy Trinity," not for the name of the school they attended, but for their reputation as being good girls who would never do anything wrong and the fact that if you saw one, you always saw the other two with her.
The girl was out of breath by the time she reached Helen's house. Her friend greeted her, "Donna, what are you doing here?"
Donna responded by grabbing her friend and pulling her outside with her. "We got to talk. Private. I got something really big," she said excitedly. She reached into her school bag and shoved a magazine into her friend's hands.
Helen looked at it, "Where did you get this?"
"From my brother."
"He gave it to you?"
"No, he doesn't know I have it. I got another one too. You got to hide this one for me."
The stunned 11-year old still didn't comprehend what was going on.
"Will ya? Will you hide it for me?"
"Good, I got to get back. I'll call later and explain." Donna turned and raced back towards her house. Her parents were just leaving as she arrived.
"You and Asher take care of yourselves. We'll be just down the block if you need us."
Donna walked into the house and straight up to her room. She pulled out the remaining magazine and leafed through it. She was on uncertain territory. She had heard about such magazines but never saw one. She wasn't sure that she wanted to see one. She had heard about how the publishers showed naked women in them and this made her mad.
But this magazine had some surprises for her. She scanned through it hurriedly but kept coming back to the stories in the back of the magazine. These were in a section called "Female Domination." The very words made her stomach knot up. She couldn't help but to squeeze her thighs together as she read them. "Oh – My – God," she said as she finished the first one. "The girls have got to see this." Did her brother read these stories too?
She timidly made her way through the pages getting madder (at the stories and pictures that were bad to women) and bolder (with the stories where the women were in charge of the men). Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and went to call Helen.
As she picked up the phone, she could hear her brother talking to someone else.
"What do you mean you can't find them?" the unknown voice said.
"I mean I don't have them," her brother replied with a worried tone. "Maybe Carl or Steve took them."
"Those little wankers?" the voice said, "They hardly ever have enough money between the two of them to rent even one magazine. The next time you recruit a boy for the club, make sure he's old enough to have a good cum and has some money; otherwise no free rentals. No, I saw them leave. They were empty-handed."
"Can you check? Did I leave them behind?"
The other voice laughed, "Do you think I leave my magazines laying out where my mom can find them? HA! No I cleaned up after you guys left and there were no magazines left behind. And speaking about cleaning up and things left behind, I'm going to have to get on you guys. You're going to have to do a better job cleaning up your cum stains or I won't let you come over and play anymore."
Donna heard the special emphasis on the word "play" and wondered what kind of play it could be?
There was more silence on the phone. Finally, the voice announced, "You just better find those two magazines, or else."
She could hear her brother's timid response, "OK Robert, I'll try," before he hung up.
Donna thought the voice sounded familiar. Could that be Barbara's Cousin Robert? Robert was a lot older than her brother, maybe two years. Robert insisted that everyone call him Robert and never Bob or Bobby or even Rob.
Robert also had a bad reputation, even in her house. He had a couple of brushes with the law and been suspended from school. She wasn't quite sure why, but it had to be pretty bad. It made sense. Robert always had some sort of scheme going and renting dirty magazines to young boys fit in with the kind of thing he would do.
As for the other boys, Donna knew who they were too. She figured they were Carl Elliot and Steve Miller. Steve had a sister, Cindy, who was a grade behind her in school, but Donna didn't know her very well. Her brother wasn't exactly friends with the boys, they were a year behind him in school, but they were local neighborhood boys and she noticed him with them recently.
She wondered what kind of a club the boys could have and why bringing in a new boy entitled her brother to rent a dirty magazine for free. And what was this about a boy being "old enough to have a good come?" She decided that any kind of a club that had Robert as its head couldn't be good, and she was certain her parents would not approve of Asher belonging to it.
The phone started beeping at her to let her know it was off hook. She hung the phone up.
She had to talk to Helen. She didn't want to chance her brother overhearing her. She grabbed her purse and snuck out of the house down to the corner. There was a phone booth there. She fed the machine a dime and called Helen.
"Oh hi, Mrs. Scott. Is Helen there? This is Donna."
"Hi Donna. She's up in her room. I'll get her."
Donna heard Helen pick up the extension in her room. "OK mom, I got it." She heard over the phone. There was a click as Helen's mother hung up.
Donna wasted no time, "Did you get a look at the magazine?"
"Yeah, I did."
"And did you look in the back?"
"You mean the section called 'Female Domination?' Once I saw that, I couldn't look at any other part."
"Do you think men and women really do that kind of stuff?"
"They have to. I mean they're writing about it in a magazine, aren't they? They don't print stuff that people don't do."
"I don't know, but it makes me feel kind of funny. You know, 'down there.'"
Helen did know and what she would never admit to her friend is that she was scratching that very itch as they were talking.
"So what are we going to do about this?" Donna asked.
"Well, we absolutely have to tell Barbara. She'll flip when she sees this stuff."
"I tell you what. How about you and Barbara come over to my house tomorrow about 9. I just overhead a conversation that my brother had with another boy about the magazines. I'm still trying to make sense out of it."
"What kind of conversation?"
"I was so confusing. Something about a club, and recruiting boys for the club, and magazines and a thing called come, and..."
"Come?" Helen interrupted.
"Yeah. Robert Brown – I think that's the boy my brother was talking to – said something about boys being 'old enough to have a good come' and then he said something about 'come stains.'"
"Oh." "My." "God." The three, rising-in-pitch words came out of Helen's mouth as three separate sentences. "Do you know what we're talking about here?"
"No," Donna admitted.
"Masturbation!" came the response. Then Helen dropped her voice to almost a whisper realizing she had been talking too loudly, "Cum is a secret word boys use when they talk about masturbation."
Masturbation ranked up there on the list of deadly sins that boys could commit; at least to hear the nuns, who seemed to be very uncomfortable with the topic, talk about it. None of the Holy Trinity knew precisely what a boy did to masturbate or exactly why they did it, but they knew it was an evil thing to do. Any boy who practiced it was going straight to hell.
Helen went on, "We got to tell Barbara about this. Are you sure it's Robert, her cousin?"
"Pretty sure. It sounded like him. Asher doesn't know any other Roberts and he actually called him Robert."
"I guess you're right."
Just then a tone came on the line indicating that Donna's time was up. "I gotta go," she said hurriedly."
With her last breath, she added, "Call Barbara, tell her to meet us over here at 9 tomorrow. I got to put this in my diary before I forget any of it. I can't wait to see you guys."
Donna had a difficult time sleeping that night as she thought about the whirlwind of
events that happened since she got home. She couldn't wait until her friends got there and
they could talk about it.
In the room next door, Asher was also having a difficult time sleeping. "Where could those magazines have gone?" he mused. Robert was going to kill him if he lost them. That was his immediate concern. However another thought started growing in his mind, suppose somebody found them? He did make a couple of stops on the way home from Robert's. They were brief, but someone could have stolen the magazines while he was distracted.
That thought brought a knot to his stomach, but he tried to rationalize it away. So what. They stole the magazines. What could they do about it? He didn't see anyone he knew so they wouldn't be able to link him to the magazines. No, not having the magazines and having to face Robert over it was his major concern.
Dawn came and Asher was out of the house before his parents even got up, revisiting every step of his journey from Robert's house looking for any sign of the magazines in vain.
He got back home just as the rest of the family was having breakfast. His mom said, "Oh, we thought you were still asleep. Where have you been?"
"Um, out. I lost something and I was just checking to see if I could find it."
Donna snickered and nearly spit out her cereal.
Her mother looked at her with concern, "Are you OK dear."
Suppressing a cough, sputtering and nodding that she was OK, Donna eventually managed to say, "It's OK mom, something just went down the 'wrong pipe' that's all." The distraction was enough that her mom did not press on with wanting to know what Asher was looking for.
"Mom, I have Helen and Barbara coming over today. Is that OK?"
"Sure it is, dear. Your friends are always welcome here. They're such nice girls."
Asher was disappointed. He was hoping to have the house to himself. Even without the magazines, he was a horny boy with needs to get taken care of. It wasn't a total loss for him. Barbara was kind of cute. He almost regretted that she was his sister's friend. There's something about hitting on a girl who is a friend of his sister that was "off limits." It's like if he made a move on her, she'd immediately tell his sister and Asher didn't want his sister to know anything about him.
Barbara and Helen arrived just as Donna's parents were leaving. Donna's mother noticed that Helen was carrying her book bag. "You girls going to study for that big English test?"
Helen looked perplexed and almost said "What English test?" but caught Donna's "play along" signal that she flashed from behind her mother's back. "Um, yeah sure," she managed to stammer.
"Well, study hard, girls. I hope you all get A's."
The girls giggled at that. They did plan to study hard, but it wasn't English. It was more in line with Biology.
The three girls marched up to Donna's room where they quickly got out the magazines.
"Look at that!" Helen said, poking Barbara in the side, "She got him all tied up and her hand is grabbing his testicles."
Barbara laughed, "That's what the call them in our sex-ed book. We're not in school now. You know what to really call them. They're called balls. I know that, you know that, and Donna knows that. I think that when we are looking at these magazines just between us girls, we should use the real names and not something out of a textbook. Go ahead say it, BALLS."
Helen tittered but got the word out, "balls."
"Now you, Donna."
Not wanting to be outdone by her girlfriends she blurted out, "BALLS. Balls, balls, balls, balls – balls!"
The other two girls laughed. Barbara said, "See, it wasn't all that hard. Was it?"
Donna opened her magazine to a page and pointed to an article. "You guys got to read this one! There's this bunch of women that get together every Friday night at one of the women's houses and they make their husbands get undressed in front of everyone and then they make them wait on them and if they do anything bad they spank them! I'd like to see that."
Helen put in, "How do these women get the men to agree to do all these things?"
"I don't know but from one of the stories I read, some guys actually like women to do this to them."
Barbara was flipping through the magazine trying to catch up, "Where can I get a boy like that? I wouldn't mind having a boy wait on me."
Just then, they heard a noise from the other room. "You know," Donna said, "I think we better have this conversation somewhere else where Asher can't hear us."
Asher's name coming on the heels of Barbara's statement gave all the girls the same idea but it would have to wait.
"Let's go down to the gazebo. Asher won't hear us there."
Asher wondered about all the laughing and giggling that came from his sister's room. Girls did that a lot when they got together, but today they seemed to be particularly excited. He was relieved when he heard them leave. Now he could attend to matters "at hand."
He thought he was going to have the house all to himself and was surprised when he heard the back door open instead of the front door. He peeked out his window to see the girls walking through the yard towards the gazebo. He thought, "This isn't so bad. I don't have a magazine, but I call look at Barbara while I do it. It's not as good, but it's something. At least she's a real girl and she's right here."
He noticed that the girls settled down and were poring over a couple of magazines. He couldn't tell what kind of magazines they were. "Probably some fashion magazine or something like that," he thought as he manipulated his penis while watching them.
Meanwhile out at the gazebo, the girls were going over the stories in detail. One of the girls would read a story while the other two looked at the pictures in the other magazine. Then they would talk about the story. They kept up their discussions for almost two hours! They didn't stop until well after the last story was read.
Upstairs, Asher watched them as he masturbated trying to mix thoughts of his dominatrix fantasies from his magazines with the sight of the girls below. Somehow combining his fantasies with not only actual girls, but actual girls that he knew and could see before him, made the fantasy all that more real.
As much as Asher enjoyed these fantasies running through his mind, he would simply die if they ever came to reality. He experienced a very nice ejaculation and cleaned up his mess. Once sated and his urges abated, he decided not to have a repeat performance since his loss of the magazines put him out of the mood.
Back out on the gazebo, Donna finally said, "Oh wow! I never realized all of this existed. I really like the idea of having women in charge over men."
"Me too!" agreed both her friends.
"Now what's this that Helen tells me about a phone conversation you overheard," Barbara asked.
"It didn't make a lot of sense to me," Donna admitted. "But I think my brother was talking to your cousin."
"Robert, the Rude?" Barbara replied.
"It sounded like him and my brother called him Robert."
"Robert's been in trouble with the family since as long as I can remember. If your brother is tied up with him, it can't be good."
"Well, I heard them talking about the magazines and I think Robert makes the other boys..."
"Carl Elliot and Steve Miller," Helen interjected.
Donna merely used the interruption to catch her breath, 'pay him money to look at them."
"That sounds like a scheme my cousin would dream up. I wonder where he gets them? I bet he steals them from his father." Barbara's uncle was actually her mother's brother, but her mom took her aunt's side in their divorce.
"I don't know but I heard them talk about come. Helen tells me that come is boy-talk for masturbation."
"It is!" Barbara confirmed, "but what does that have to do with the magazines?"
"Well I think Robert's seen the boys masturbate. He called Carl and Steve 'little wankers' and said that they couldn't have a good come. How would he know that?"
Barbara nodded, "I think if I were a boy, this stuff would make me want to masturbate. Remember what Sister Angelica keeps telling us about being careful around boys so we don't give them impure thoughts?"
"Yeah, she keeps telling us not to wear short skirts or tight blouses." Helen observed.
"Well think about it. If plain looking, flat-chested girls like us can give boys impure thoughts just by wearing skirts and blouses, then what would this," Barbara stopped and pointed to a picture, "do to them? Look at the size of the breasts on that woman! I bet the poor boys can't help themselves."
"So you think the boys do it together?" Helen asked.
"I... I think so," Barbara said uncertainly. "Donna is right. How does Robert know that Carl and Steve can't make cum unless he's seen them try to do it. I bet he's even seen Asher do it. Maybe they see him do it too."
Donna mused for a moment and then said, "That kind of makes sense, about Asher, that is. I mean, he's always late coming home from school on Friday. If he wanted to masturbate, I think he'd want to try to get home before me like all the other days. So he's probably busy doing it somewhere else; probably Robert's house."
"My aunt goes out with the girls in her office on Friday after work, so Robert does have the house to himself." Barbara added.
"Oh, I'd like to see the boys doing it." Helen added.
"Yeah, I can just picture all of them naked and doing it," Barbara added.
The fact is, the girls didn't know what "it" was. All they knew or suspected was that it somehow involved the boys' penises. They did something to them and whatever this something was made cum.
Donna sighed, "Girls, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. I don't think the boys are going to invite us over to watch."
Barbara added, "My cousin is obviously the ring leader. If we can get to him, we can get to all of them."
"You know," Helen began tentatively, "maybe we could do something with Donna's brother."
Donna wrinkled her face with thought, "Well we do have the magazines, so I think that puts us in a position to do something. Maybe we can use my brother to get to Robert and the other boys. I guess we have to start with him."
"So how do we start?" Barbara asked.
"I think we need to tell him we have the magazines and then take it from there."
The girls made some hasty plans before confronting Asher.
Donna walked upstairs to her brother's room. She stood outside and said, "knock, knock."
The response from the other side of the door was, "Go away!"
"OK," she said sliding one of the magazines under the door, "if you want to talk about this, I'll be downstairs. Otherwise I'll talk about it with mom and dad."
Donna wasn't even half way down the stairs when she heard her brother, "Wait!" She ignored him and kept walking to the living room where Barbara and Helen were waiting.
When Asher got there and saw the other two girls, he quickly hid the magazine behind his back and was silent. He motioned to his sister and said, "Can we talk? Private like?"
She smiled at him and said, "Anything you can say to me, you can say in front of my friends."
"I... um," was the most he could get out.
"Let me make this easy for you," his sister told him, "We know about the magazines, obviously. We also know that you have to give them back."
Asher's mouth wavered up and down, but no sound came forth. He looked so comical, the girls laughed. Finally be broke his silence, "Where's the other one? How did you get it? I demand that you give it back."
"You, brother, are in no position to demand anything. I don't have to explain to you how I got them. If I have to explain anything, I'll do it to mom and dad."
"Don't tell mom and dad, please!"
"I won't but, you'll have to explain to me how YOU got the magazines."
"I got them from a friend."
"Not good enough. Who?"
"Robert, Robert Brown."
Donna smiled silently, her suspicions were right. Barbara squirmed in her seat.
"And where does he get them?"
"I don't know."
"Come on, tell us or I'll tell mom and she can ask him."
"I don't know. Really. All I know is that he has dozens of them. He keeps them in his dad's old toolbox in the garage. I don't know where he gets them."
"OK, we'll let that one go for now. And Robert just gives you these magazines just because you're his friend?"
"Well, yeah, sort of."
"Sort of, like in he makes you pay for them?"
"Not exactly."
"Tell me what you mean by 'not exactly?'" Donna knew the real deal, but she wanted to check out how honest her brother was going to be with her.
"He lets us have them for two and a half dollars each, but we can only keep them over the weekend."
"US?" Donna feigned surprise. "Who is us?"
"Just another couple of boys. That's all."
Donna decided it was time for a little shock treatment, "Another couple of boys like Carl Elliot and Steve Miller?"
"Wha .. How did you?" Asher was totally surprised that she knew. It put a lot of doubt in his mind.
"We know all about you and your secret club and what you boys do there." It was a bluff, but this was the time to play it while Asher was still stunned. Donna went on, "Tell us all about it."
"I... I can't."
"Sure you can. Would you rather tell us, or tell mom and dad."
"OK, OK. We get together and we look at dirty magazines."
"And what do you do when you look at these magazines?"
"Um, nothing."
Donna sneered at him, "OK, I can see you're not interested in talking to me. I'll just take the matter up with..." She never got a chance to complete the threat.
"OK, OK, I'll tell you." Asher looked at the other two girls who were leaning forward in their seats listening to his interrogation. "Um, do they have to be here?"
"No, but if I send them away, then you'll have to explain it to mom and dad."
"Alright," Asher was trapped and figured that any further resistance was futile.
"We play with ourselves."
"Play with yourselves? What do you mean by 'play with yourselves?' Please elaborate." It was another bluff, but Asher was so shaken about what the girls already knew, he couldn't afford to call it.
"We jerk off. You know, masturbate."
Barbara and Helen bit their lower lips and giggled at his admission. Asher blushed.
"All of you do it together?"
"Well not all of us. Robert doesn't participate. He just stays dressed and watches."
"Is Robert gay?"
"I don't know. He's never done anything with us. He just watches."
"What about the rest of you boys, are you gay?"
"No, I don't think so. I'm not. I don't think Steve and Carl are. We just like to watch each other get it off. We don't touch each other."
The four kids sat there in silence for what was probably only a minute, but seemed like hours to Asher. Finally he asked, "That's it! That's all. I've told you everything. Can I have my magazines back now?"
"No, there's one more thing you have to do."
"What's that?"
"Show us a masturbation – jerk off."
"I can't do that; you're GIRLS!"
"So are they," Donna said, pointing to the magazine.
"But you'll see my..."
"Penis?" Helen said, supplying the missing word. "We've seen lots of them before. There's nothing special about yours." Technically Helen was right. They had seen a lot... in the magazines... and not before today.
Asher looked at his sister with pleading eyes. She just smiled back with a smirk that said, "mom and dad." There would be no reprieve from that quarter. He was defeated. He had to surrender.
"OK. Can I do it in my bedroom?"
The girls looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and said, "Whatever!"
Asher led the way with the girls following.
When they got to his room he got undressed. The girls didn't tell him that he had to get completely naked or that they would have been satisfied if he had just pulled down his pants. He just assumed that total nakedness was required. Besides this was the way he usually did it at Robert's.
Asher closed his eyes tight so he couldn't see the girls as he undressed, but he could still feel their presence in the room and hear their giggling as he exposed his most private parts.
He lay down on the bed, and the girls crowded around for a better view.
Donna cupped her hand over Barbara's ear and whispered, "It doesn't look like the one's in the magazine. This one is smaller and he has less hair down there."
Barbara replied in kind, "Yeah, but I think he magazine people are special. The women have bigger breasts than most women I know. So maybe the men are picked because they're big."
Helen called out from her end, "Hey what's going on?"
"Nothing, we'll tell you later."
As far as Asher was concerned there girls were telling secrets about him that he would never learn.
He closed his eyes again, and started to manipulate his penis. The girls leaned so far over to see what he was doing that they nearly pushed themselves over.
Donna felt vindicated as she watched her brother's penis grow to a respectable size. It still wasn't as big as most of the penises in the magazines, but it wasn't bad. Actually, it's smaller size made it look cute and less threatening.
The girls said nothing as they watched Asher continue with his masturbation. Asher started rocking his hips in rhythm with his pumping. He reached down with his other hands and cupped his balls with them. This was unexpected and elicited a giggle from the attentive girls.
His breathing became erratic and his body stiffened. He gave out a grunt and this white stuff leaped into the air from the end of his penis. He let out a long sigh, stiffened again, and another jet erupted forward.
Asher completed this cycle maybe a dozen times before he finally collapsed in obvious exhaustion. There were pools of this white stuff all over his chest and stomach.
Helen was the first of the girls to recover. She poked a tentative finger into one of the pools. Asher jerked and stiffened at her touch. "It's hot," she observed. "Is this cum?"
Asher was still too paralyzed to speak, so he merely nodded his head and grunted.
Helen brought her finger up to her nose and sniffed at it. "It doesn't smell like pee. It smells like... I don't know, raw egg." She experimented with it for a couple of more seconds and then added, "It's slippery like raw egg too."
The other girls, emboldened by their friend's experiment followed her example.
Donna leaned forward and kissed her brother on the forehead. His eyes were still closed, and this act startled him. "Nice show, big brother. We'll see you downstairs."
Helen, and then Barbara, in their turn, also kissed him on the forehead and left.
When the girls saw Asher again downstairs, he was dressed again in shorts and a T-shirt. That's when Donna let him in on the next part of their plan.
"You've been a very good boy, Asher. I won't tell mom and dad as long as you continue to cooperate."
Asher just nodded. "What about the magazines. I did everything you wanted."
"I'm going to keep one of them, but if you behave yourself and help us out, I'll keep it a secret."
What about the other magazine?" Asher asked.
"I have it," Barbara said.
"What is this about 'helping you out?' What do I have to do?"
Barbara said, "Tell Robert that we have the magazines. He'll have to talk to us if he wants them back. If he doesn't, we're going to my aunt with them."
Donna added, "And if you don't tell Robert. I'm going to tell mom and dad."
"OK. I'll need some time."
"You have until after school on Monday," his sister replied.