Enhanced Sexuality Program Part 1
Copyright 2009 by NAMB, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Part 1
Ms. Anderson addressed her students sitting in the science lab. "OK girls, we have been though the lecture before. Your parents have signed the necessary paperwork. We've shown you the slides and videos, and you know what you are getting into. You have the ability to opt out of the program at any time. Does anyone want to drop out now?"
The 10 girls aged 12 to 15 say silently in their seats.
"Good then," Ms. Anderson said with a clap of her hands. "As soon as Mr. Clarendon says that the boys are ready, we'll meet them. In the meantime, just sit and relax."
In the room next door, the atmosphere was more tense as the 10 boys aged 13 to 17 sat and fidgeted in their seats.
"Now let's cut to the chase. You all masturbate. You won't admit it to each other, of course, but you are going to have to get over it. Your parents signed you up for this program, and you agreed to it. You have had your physicals and the doctors have given all of you a clean bill of health. We are honored that the university selected this school for this program, and you should be honored that the school selected you from all the applicants."
The teacher let that one sink in for a little while. "You certainly didn't mind when you signed up for a program that says it will increase your sexual potency."
"But the girls?" Jack interrupted.
"Are a necessary part of the program," shot back Mr. Clarendon. "The University grant is adamant on that point. We are interested in the effects of the drug on heterosexual males, and the girls are a necessary part of the control. The girls have been trained on what to do, and will be responsible for maintaining your masturbation schedule.
"And the devices?" Eric interjected.
"I was once a teenage boy myself, I know how difficult these things can be especially on a 'go-and-stop' schedule like you will be on. We would like to trust you not to masturbate except on schedule, but I can't see boys of your age being able to control yourselves. I don't blame you, it's the way nature makes you. Don't forget the whole point of this experiment is to increase your sexual virility. Even though you may be paradigms of virtue now, there is no telling what effect the drug will have on your ability to resist. From what I've heard, it' a very powerful drug that interacts with the chemistry of the brain."
"You mean it makes you horny?" Mark said.
"It increases your interest in sex," the teacher rephrased.
"Because of this, your masturbation activity will have to be tightly controlled, and that's the girls' job. It's only a ten week program. You should be able to tough it out for that time, and at the end, there is every possibility that your enjoyment of sex will be greater than the most erotic fantasy your mind can conjure up.
Each of you will be paired with a girl and she will be in charge of your program under the direction of a research specialist from the University.
So gentlemen, are we 'up' for this," he ended with a snicker.
The boys hung their heads, but otherwise remained silent.
"Good then," Mr. Clarendon announced, "Let's go meet the girls then."
The girls were chattering away excitedly when the door opened. Heads turned to see two young women dressed in lab coats. They appeared to be about 19 or 20 years of age, and each carried a tote bag. The girls could see the ear pieces of a stethoscope peeking up from one of the bags. The assumption was that the rest of the contents were medical equipment as well.
The women went over to Ms. Anderson and started talking to her. The girls figured that their presence would be explained soon enough and went back to their talking.
Their chatter had hardly resumed, when the door again opened. Silence immediately claimed the room as the boys, followed by Mr. Clarendon, entered.
"Look at that one," Carol whispered, as she poked Becky's side, "I hope I get him. I bet he's hung!"
Ms. Anderson, overhearing the comment and the other titterings that broke out as the boys filed in, admonished them, "Girls, please!" she pleaded, "The boys are having a difficult enough time as it is with this process. Let's not make it any more embarrassing than it has to be."
She clapped her hands to restore order and then went on. "First of all, I would like to introduce our newcomers. These are Helen and Emily who are students at the University medical center. Their role will be to administer the boys their pills, monitor their blood pressures and other vital signs, take blood samples and collect the masturbation logs and samples you girls provide. Couples will meet with them before or after school on a schedule that you will be provided."
Turning to the women, she asked, "Do either of you have anything to say to the group?"
Emily stepped forward, "Yes, Ms. Anderson." Turning to the class she said, "As Ms. Anderson told you, our roles will deal with records keeping and making sure that everyone keeps with the plan of the experiment. However, more importantly than this, we are here for your safety.
Helen is distributing a handout with some information on the program, and most importantly, a safety brochure.
Girls, I can't emphasize the importance of hygiene at all times. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before as well as after handling a penis. This is for the boy's safety as well as your own. If you can't wash, then wear latex gloves. We will give each girl a package of them before she leaves today. If you run out, you can get more when we meet at school or you can buy them at the drug store.
Boys, safety and hygiene is important for you as well. Therefore, you will be prepped before we put you in your chastity devices, and you will be taught how to clean yourself with the devices on. The girls will also be taught how to clean you after masturbating you."
The boys shuffled uneasily as they heard the description of their fates. Emily smiled at their discomfort, but went on. "Boys, this is a very powerful drug. It has been tested in the lab, proven to be safe and is now ready for clinical trials. However, if at any time you have a problem: if you experience dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, headaches or anything else, call the Medical Center Clinic immediately. Even if your device causes chaffing or a rash, call the clinic. The number for the program is on the bottom of the sheet. Tell them you are with the ESP or enhanced sexuality program, and they will put you through to a specialist immediately.
I don't want this to sound like we are trying to scare you. We are not expecting you to have any trouble; in fact we expect that you will enjoy your experience. You've all had a physical, and have been selected because of your 'sexuality quotient.' We expect to see an increase in that quotient. We just want to emphasize that you should exercise proper precautions. Overall, it should be a fun program for you."
"Are there any questions?"
A girl shot up her hand. "I have a younger sister at home. Can she watch?"
Emily and Helen exchanged glances and came to a silent conclusion, "I don't see a problem with that as long as you have your parents' permission. She can also touch him and assist you with your boy's cleaning provided that she observes the same safety protocols as you do, but it is important that you be the only one to actually masturbate your boy."
Emily stared down the line of boys. "Any questions?" she asked of them. A row of hung heads was all she got in response.
Ms. Anderson then took control. "Thank you, Emily. One of the things that is important for the success of this program is that the couples be comfortable with each other. Girls, you are going to have to learn to be comfortable touching your boy's body. Boys, you will have to learn to be comfortable with your girl touching your body.
Today's exercise is to break the ice and help the boys lose their modesty with their partners. Girls, you too, are going to have to learn how to masturbate your boy consistently. According to your profiles, all of you have varying experience with penises. For you girls who have never actually seen a penis before, don't be concerned. This is the reason we are here today. You will learn what you need to know to carry out your part in the program. Don't be scared, and don't worry. Relax and learn and you'll find that you will enjoy it.
The first step will be to get the boys comfortable with their modesty issues. Boys line up here. As I call your name, I want you to step forward, unzip your fly, take out your penis, and state your age.
Girls, as I call your name, I want you to get up, stand in front of the boy you are assigned to, tell us your age and take hold of his penis. We are going to have couples get comfortable with each other, and this is how we will start."
Emily held up a box of surgical gloves, "Don't forget your gloves girls. No girl is to touch a boy unless she is wearing her gloves."
It sounded like taking attendance as Ms. Anderson read from her sheet.
"Scott Anderson," she announced, The tall blond that Carol was so keen on stepped forward and mumbled with eyes on the floor, "Scott Anderson, 15."
Ms. Anderson had to nudge him verbally, "Penis please!" He fumbled with his fly and pulled out a partially erected circumcised cock. The girls "oohed and ahhed as it appeared." Ms. Anderson looked at them disapprovingly, "Please girls, it's difficult enough as it is for the boys. Try to act mature about it." She called out the first girl's name, "Gloria Beckman."
Carol sighed as "her" boy was given to another girl, a girl younger than her, in fact.
Gloria accepted a pair of gloves from Emily, pulled them on and smoothed them out until they fit her hands like a second skin. She was surprised at how well they allowed her to feel things, so much unlike the heavy rubber dishwashing gloves her mother made her wear when doing the dishes. She walked towards Scott and tentatively took a grip on his penis and announced, "Gloria Beckman, age 13," then let it go. "No," Ms. Anderson admonished. "Take it and hold it until I tell you you can let go. You're going to have to get comfortable with this. That goes for the boys as well as the girls."
"Jack Bellows," Ms. Anderson called out. Jack hesitantly took center stage announced his name, stated that he was 14 and with a glare from Ms. Anderson exposed his long, but unerect and uncut penis to the room. "Becky Bowman" she announced. Becky bounced up being glad to have been assigned to a boy her age. She gloved up and happily grasped his penis in her hand smiling at the crowd as she did so.
"Mark Jennings". Mark stepped forward "Mark – 17" he barked and then took out his penis. "Carol Harrison," Ms. Anderson announced. "Carol Harrison – 15," she stated proudly as she placed her gloves on and took possession of his penis looking at Becky with a certain smugness that said, "My boy's older than yours."
Ms. Anderson called up Arnold Scott (age 13) and Kathy Unger (age 12).
"Look at that puny thing," Kathy said looking at his 3 and a half inch stub. "Can he even pee out of that thing?" She complained.
Ms. Anderson spoke to her, "The study needs a range of post-pubescent boys in various stages of sexual development. I assure you that every boy here has been checked out and is fully healthy and capable of ejaculation."
She turned to the rest of the awaiting girls, "Look girls, this is not a contest. This is a scientific experiment. Your role in it is to control and monitor masturbation so the University can get good data. Period. It just so happens that the instrument of this scientific study is the male reproductive system. It's a penis. It's part of a boy. All boys have one. It shouldn't be a big deal. Yes, we do have each boy's length recorded as part of the experiment, but it is for control purposes and not a matter of comparison."
But it was; each girl was hoping that hers would be the largest. But at least now, they kept silent about it.
The next couple was Tom Marx (age 16) and Penny Greaney (age 14). Mark was exceptionally well-developed, and the girls were envious. It became evident as more and more penises were exposed to the room, that "If you've seen one, you've seen them all," did not apply to this organ. Not only were the sizes different, but each had a distinctive shape a well.
Couple number 6 was Stephen Sullivan (age15) and Barbara Brown (age 12).Barbara literally skipped to the front of the room so she could take her boy in hand. This earned her the nickname "Bouncy Bubbly Barbara Brown," or B4 for short.
Augustine (Gus) McMillan (age 14) was matched up with Patricia (Patsy) O'Neil (age 13). Patsy was pretty and pert. Gus must have thought so too since he was the only boy thus far to be fully erected. "How can you be so happy?" Steven whispered to him. Gus just replied, "I have sisters. They see me almost every day. I'm used to having girls look at me."
David Wasserman (age 15) was blushing very noticeably as his name was called. Angela Paterno (age 15), his designated mastrubatrix was even redder still. Even her dark complexion did little to hide her embarrassment. The duo became known as the "reluctant couple."
The competition came down to a pair of 12-year-old girls vying for a 14-year-old and a 17-year-old boy. Given their relative ages, both girls were winners, but one of them was going to walk away with the "big prize."
Eric Manning (age 14) was called. The girls held their collective breaths waiting for the next girl's name to be called. Ms. Anderson didn't fail to pick up on the tension. She let the silence reign for a few more seconds and then announced Eric's partner: Colleen Sullivan (age 12).
The rest of the girls called out, "Way to go, Jennifer." They would have applauded, but had no way to do so with a penis in one hand.
"To make it official," Ms. Anderson pressed on, "Harold Norris and Jennifer West."
Harold did no seem pleased at all to be assigned to a girl 5 years his junior but Jennifer took her place with her hand wrapped around his penis as if she were queen of the prom.
The room stood there in silence: two teachers, two medical technicians and 10 girls holding the penises of 10 boys. Ms. Anderson let the scene settle in before moving on.
Seeing Harold's disappointment, and the disappointment of some of the older girls who thought they disserved and older boy (even though none of them were assigned a boy younger than them), Ms. Anderson had to announce, "We did not make these pairings. The people at the University made the selections based on the questionnaires and you filled out, and other factors they thought were important to the study.
Each girl is to stick with the boy she is assigned. No swapping, no deals, but if you wish to work together, there's nothing in the rules that prevents that as long as the actual masturbation is done by the assigned girl."
"I want each of you boys, to look at the girl who is holding you. She will be your masturbatrix for the next 10 weeks. You will have to learn to get along with her. You don't have to love her. You don't have to even like her. You just have to accept that she's in charge and obey her.
Now look down at your penis and at her hand wrapped around it. Get used to that sight. I hope you boys are comfortable with this situation. From now on, the only time you'll see your own penis without a chastity device on it is with her hand wrapped around it.
And now we need to get on with the program. I'm afraid I am going to have to ask all you boys to get completely undressed for the next step. Emily and Helen need to prep you for your fitting?"
"Prep?" the girls wondered. "Fitting?" the boys feared.
Ms. Anderson went on, "Since the boys will be in chastity devices for the better part of the next 10 weeks, they will have to have their pubic hair removed to assist with hygiene. Helen and Emily will perform this task with the assistance from you girls. Some of the boys will probably need another shaving about half way through the program as needed, but Helen and Emily will also do that. You girls are NOT to try this on the boys yourselves."
Meanwhile, the boys were standing around in various state of undress. Ms. Anderson glared at them and said, "Total nudity, boys. All clothes, even socks – OFF."
Gus was the first boy to be completely undressed, and his ease with his nudity in front of the girls gave the other boys enough courage to complete their task.
"I want each girl to take her boy -- by this I mean grab his penis in your hand and lead him by it – to Either Helen or Emily for his shaving."
Helen smiled as Jennifer took Harold to her. She directed Harold to lay down on the lab table next to one of the sinks. "Here dear," she told the girl, "Hold it with your fingers straight out like this. Hold it still, and I'll do the rest. You watch."
Boy by boy these instructions were repeated. Kathy was still disparaging Arnold. "Not much work to do there," she said. She was right, Arnold had little more than a downy smattering of pubic hair.
However, the women were professionals and good at what they did, and soon the room had 10 sets of penises and testicles all as bald as the day they first came out of the womb with their boy attached.
"They all look a lot more alike when they're like this," Patsy said hoping to calm Kathy's disappointment. "No they don't," the latter replied, "Mine still looks like a peanut." Although Ms. Anderson overheard the comment, and felt for Kathy being dealt "a short hand", she was proud to note that Kathy used the word, "mine" which meant that she had mentally accepted Arnold as her own.
"Let me explain what happens next." Ms. Anderson explained, "We will watch a video on the penis, what it looks like, how it works, how boys masturbate and finally how a girl masturbates a boy. You girls already have seen it. The boys haven't. They know how to do it themselves, but have probably never seen it done to a boy by a girl. Remember, masturbate is both an intransitive and transitive verb. Masturbation is something you can do, or it is something you can do to someone else. From this moment on, we will use the verb in the latter sense.
So for the boys, this will be new. You girls should take advantage of the video as a refresher.
After the video, each girl will practice masturbating her boy, so if you want to get him prepared as the video is playing, you are welcome to it.
After the video, we'll have to get the boys masturbated off so we can get them into their cages. Helen and Emily will show you girls how to do a post-ejaculation clean up, and how to lock the cage into position. Then Mr. Clarendon will take the boys to the showers where Emily and Helen will show the boys how to clean themselves with the cages on. I hope all you girls remembered to bring your bathing suits so you can watch."
The girls took seats on the stools with their boys standing next to them. The video started. At first it was kind of clinical explaining the need for an erection during intercourse and animated diagrams of the male reproductive system explaining how the various sphincters and bladders connect to each other and what the functions of each were.
Some of the girls were getting literal first hand experience with the purpose of Cowper's gland as they felt the slickness of their precome-leaking boy between their latex-encased fingers as they gently squeezed their boy's penis while watching the video.
Once the mechanics had been gotten out of the way, the video became more graphic showing pictures of women masturbating men using a variety of techniques. Some of the squeezing in the audience became actual pumping and even the boys were finding it difficult not to hump the hand of the girl that was holding him.
The video concluded, the lights came up and Ms. Anderson seemed pleased. "Girls, it looks like you did a good job. It looks like we are 10 for 10 on erections and we can get on with the rest of the program. Helen will describe it to you."
Helen took the stage and pointed to a girl. "You, come here and bring your boy with you."
Bouncy Barbara was up with Stephen in tow.
"Turn him around to face the class. Girls, you may want to get a little closer so you can see what is going on." Holding up a specimen cup she explained, "Part of the experiment will be getting sperm samples from the boys. As he is ready to ejaculate, put the end of the cup against his pee hole and have him squirt his sperm into it.
When you are done, put your name, the boy's name, the date and time, and the number of the ejaculation on the label – for example if it's his first ejaculation of the day, put a 1, for the second ejaculation put a 2 and so on. Seal the bottle and stick the label on the bottle. Keep it refrigerated. You will be given special carrying cases s so you can bring it to school with you. Most of the time we will have you masturbate your boy only once, but there will be a couple of times during the program when you will be required to masturbate him multiple times. All of this is spelled out in the schedule."
Turning to the excited 12-year-old standing next to her she said, "Barbara, why don't you begin." The young girl began stroking Stephen with an inexperienced hand. But that was the purpose of this first lesson: to give the girls confidence and experience with dealing with a boy's penis. Inexperience with masturbating a boy was a variable that had to be worked out of the metrics. The girls would be given the opportunity to practice to pick up the skills they needed for the rest of the program.
As Steven began to tense, Helen instructed Barbara, "put the cup up to his penis!" Barbara barely got it there as the first burst of semen spurted out. Some of it missed the cup and hit her hand. "That's OK, Barbara, keep going. This is just for practice. Next time, be a little quicker."
Turning to the rest of the girls she said, "Now you can practice with your own boys. Try to catch all of his ejaculate in your cup. Once you make him cum, fill out the paperwork just like if this was for real.
Once each girl has made her boy cum, we will give the boys a 20 minute rest and do it again.
Go ahead and start. Ms. Anderson and Emily and I will be around to assist with anyone who needs help."
The women patrolled up and down the line of masturbating girls and masturbated boys offering encouragement and giving tips on penis handling.
Although the first cum was usually the easiest some of the girls had better success on their second or third try. However, but the end of the day with boys exhausted and girls with cramped hands and fingers all the girls were at an consistent level of proficiency and likely to stay there for the remainder of the program.
Emily gathered the girls around her, "Now girls, it's important to make sure you clean your boy thoroughly after masturbating him and before putting him back in his chastity device." Once again a finger was pointed, and this time Penny took Tom in tow to be the demonstration.
"Allow me," Emily said as she took hold of Tom's penis. "It is important to get all of the penis clean. Not just the shaft and the head. Push back the foreskin and wash underneath as well. You girls whose boys have a circumcised penis will have an easier time of this, but don't overlook it." She turned to Penny and said, "You give it a try as the rest of the girls watch."
Penny was very meticulous with washing Tom's penis. She did more than a thorough job and Tom was even partially erected when she was done, even though she had milked him four times over the period of the last couple of hours.
"Very good, Penny!" Emily said. "Now the rest of you girls do your boys as well. I want to see sparkling clean penises. The only times these penises will be truly clean for the next 10 weeks is after you girls wash them."
In the end, 10 freshly scrubbed pink penises hung in various states of erection. Emily pointed to a girl whose boy had one of the firmer erections, and called her forward, "Carol, bring Mark up here so we can demonstrate the proper way of putting on the chastity device."
Carol looked back and forth between the device and Mark's penis. It was obvious to her and everyone else that it was not going to fit into it in the condition in which it was in.
Emily smiled and said, "As you can see, we have a problem. Even though Mark has been completely masturbated out, he still has an erection. There is a cure for this." Emily reached between Mark's legs, grabbed his testicles and gave them a quick squeeze. Mark yelped in pain but soon sighed with relief as the pressure was released almost as quickly as it was applied.
Much to the amusement of the girls looking on, Mark's erection was subsiding. The boys, particularly those who were semi-hard themselves looked on nervously.
"We'll give the boys a minute to get themselves calmed down. Then if any of you girls have to administer the anti-erection technique don't hesitate to use it."
Four of the ten boys were still significantly erected to require, "the treatment."
Emily then went on to demonstrate the proper mounting and locking of the device to Carol. She made Carol lock and unlock Mark several times until she was sure she had it down correctly. Then she and Helen took each girl in turn and gave her individual instructions on placing the chastity device on her penis.
When they were done, each girl had a key. "Do not lose your key! If you do, call the medical center and we will come over with a spare."
Ms. Anderson took control of the group again, "There is only one thing left on the agenda before we let the boys get dressed and everyone can go home. The boys will have to learn how to wash with the device in place. Follow me."
Ms. Anderson led the group out of the science lab, down the hall, and to the girls' locker room. Even though it was a Saturday and nobody else was supposed to be in the school, the boys felt totally self-conscious as they were paraded naked down the hallway, their girls leading them by their penises. The girls chirped and laughed as the proceeded as part of this comical procession.
The boys were herded into the shower area. "Boys you will stay here and wait until the girls get changed," Emily ordered. She stood guard over them watching until replaced by a bathing suit clad Helen. Shortly thereafter the girls drifted in singly or in pairs all wearing various types of swimwear. Some of it, to be sure, was deliberately chosen to be erection provoking, not that any of the boys were capable of it, trussed up as they were.
Helen and Emily went around from boy to boy demonstrating how to use a sponge to flood the device with soapy water and then rinse it out again. As they made their rounds, they were each followed by an assembly of girls. The girls really didn't have to know how to perform this duty, but Emily and Helen thought that it would not hurt them to know. The boys were ordered to remain in the shower until all the girls were dried and dressed. Then they made the naked march back to the science lab for dismissal.
"The boys are to remain in their chastity devices until Wednesday. Then they will be "tapped" for their control samples and the first dose of the medication will be administered. After that, the boys will generally be tapped once every other school day until the end of the program unless otherwise outlined in the schedule."