The Little Orphan Boy Chapter 7
By Lee Davey
copyright 2009 by Lee Davey, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of
sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality
to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 7
Abi sat still on the bench nervously chewing her nails. Lisa sitting next to her more relaxed laid back on the seat rest and noted a man wearing a black jumper bearing the Red embossed 'R' that signified a Regime officer.
Squinting she examined the man a faint ring of recollection in her mind. It was. Lisa clapped her hands excitedly surprising Abi out of her tense retrospection with a jump.
"Mr Yorke, Mr Yorke it's me"
The Regime officer blinked at the bouncing teen who hugged him. He was in his late sixties now, an ex teacher who supplemented his small pension with a few Regime sessions extricated himself from the well built teenager with difficulty.
Straightening his glasses he looked over the young girl who appeared to know him, even if he could not quite place her face. She was certainly not the girl he had been contracted to discipline. The email booking he got from the local court last night had said he had 3 children to deal with today. Two boys and 1 girl, and that girl was 12 and this one was at least 5 years older than that.
That must be the one I'm to deal with today the frightened look on the girl was all the clues he needed, as he looked past the older girl to the younger girl who remained seated. I'm surprised she's fully clothed, oh that's rights she's an American, poor dear, this week is not going to be an easy one.
"Mr Yorke it's me" the older girl attracted his attention once more, "It's been so long what must be 7 years Sir".
Oh that was it an ex pupil of his. Wait yes he did faintly remember the girl, there had been so many, he only faintly recalled a few of them. What was it that caused him to remember this one? That's right Lisa, yes Lisa, she had been a quiet girl, a bit of a teachers pet if he remembered. Unfortunately he only had in his class for two years before she was taken out of school. Why was that, of course the Regime, it must have been about the time that a lot of the more well to do parents removed their children from school, afraid of how the Regime would effect their little one's. A pity he though she was always a shy girl, hugging him in the entrance of the mall withstanding, she could have done with being brought out of her shell a bit. And the Regime all but guaranteed that.
Lisa laughed excitedly as her old, and last teacher, remembered her. She had always had a little crush on him when she was younger. He was after all the only adult male she had anything to do with except her father of course, but he was just Dad so he did not count really.
Abi watched with a touch of slight annoyance while her older cousin talked and joked with the elderly man. Did she not now that this man was going to whip her, probably doesn't care Abi thought with more than a touch of self pity.
She looked to her left where two boys sat. The disapproving faces on their hovering parents faces evidence that they too were due to be punished today. Abi only briefly looked at the younger of the two. A small frail boy perhaps 6, 7 at the most. The older boy was a different matter. Unlike the younger boy he was nearly full grown at the age of 16. His bare chest spouted a few pale hairs. A thicker dusting of hairs sprouted above the small briefs that did little to cover the older boys sizeable penis.
Seeing the young girl staring at him the boy winked and leered, laughing out loud when Abi blushed and looked away
"Abi this is Mr Yorke" Lisa made the introductions. Seeing that Abi simply stood her eyes fixed on her feet she leaned in and whispered. "Abi, a quick word of advice, it is a really, really good idea to be polite to a man who's going to be caning your bare bottom in a minute".
Abi gulped but realised the sense in her cousins words. Tried to give the man a smile, and stutter a greeting.
Putting an arm around the scared 12 year old's shoulder Mr Yorke steered her over to the bench and sat down next to her. "Hi you're Abi aren't you?" he asked brightly offering his hand, which by reflex Abi took and shook. "That's a nice name, my name is Donald. Only my ex pupils call me Sir or Mr Yorke".
Lisa giggled at this as she sat the other side of the Regime teacher.
Abi was taken aback. She was nonplussed at how things were going. This man was being, well nice. The video that Neil had shown her was nothing like this. Even when Neil explained that her punishment would be nowhere near as severe, this was not going quite how she expected. Were it not for the butterflies in her stomach that reminded her that she was here to be caned naked outside the shop from which she stole, it would almost have been pleasant to chat with this old man.
"Well Abi I see" he held a printed A4 sheet in one hand, "that you have been a naughty girl and you've been sentenced to 12 strokes of a cane. Ohhh every day for a week ouch".
The man's attempt at weak humour not entirely appropriate to Abi's mind, still she thought it best to follow her cousins earlier advice and be nice. "Yes Sir, I got caught stealing and....I'm sorry" she trailed off her eyes catching sight of the long black bag that Mr Yorke, sorry Donald, had placed next to him. A black case that looked big enough to carry something, say cane shaped.
"Well Abi do you know what is going to happen today?" Donald reached down and opening the bag which Abi could see carried a number of items, it was however the long thin item that the man withdrew that focuses her attention.
"This is a Regime cane Mk 4**. How these punishments work is a fabric protector is placed over your bottom to prevent your skin from tearing or bleeding."
No worries then, Abi thought morosely, but kept this thought to herself. Despite the position she had found herself Abi was not a stupid girl, and she realised that being less than grateful for small mercies was not a good idea, well not a good idea before the caning anyway.
"We only deliver 4 strokes then allow you to recover for a couple of hours" Mr Yorke carried on aware that the technicalities required him to explain the procedure in full to the girl and her chaperone. "First thing we have to do is get you out of those clothes. Then I apply some special cream which also protects your bottom from harm" Mr Yorke for some reason failed to mention that the cream, while an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic cream, had the deliberate side effect of making a child's bottom extremely sensitive. Many a young boy could testify that a spanking on a creamed bottom was 10 times the torture of a spanking on a dry one.
Abi only half listened to the explanation her heart pounding when she realised the time would soon come for her to strip naked. Here in the mall, in public.
Looking around she noted that the mall was still quiet. It being only just past half eight in the morning, only a few shoppers walked past and the two sets of parents of the boys stood to one side. Abi once more thanked her lucky star that her parents had decided that they could not face watching her being beaten, and had asked for her cousin to take their place, a request that Lisa had reluctantly agreed too.
Abi knew though that it would soon fill up with shoppers. She dreaded to think what crowds there may be at lunchtime or at 5 when, if her whippings were on time, her second and third batch of strokes would be delivered.
During the rest periods between canings you will be required to stand outside the shop holding this. Mr Yorke this time extracted a small chalkboard about a foot square.
She turned the board back and forth in bemusement. "Damn, forget my head if it wasn't stuck on" Mr Yorke slapped his forehead theatrically and handed Abi a piece of chalk.
"You're required to write, in big letters mind you, 'I am a naughty little girl who has been soundly punished for being a thief'. It is considered more effective if you write it yourself." Mr Yorke explained.
Bending her head in shame Abi hastily scrawled the words as bidden and handed the board back for approval.
Tutting slightly at the poor handwriting displayed he nevertheless accepted Abi's sign as adequate.
Abi sat pensively as she watched the old man leave her and move on to talk to the two boys. Abi cast a quick sideways at the two boys that were due to be punished alongside her. Ignoring the 6 year old she again looked at the 16 year old boy. Whereas the 6 year looked terrified he lounged back an insouciant smile upon hi slips. His bravado, powered by his previous experience of such public beatings, clear on his face. Even distracted as she was Abi could see the annoyance writ on Mr Yorke's face. She wondered whether the boy was brave or stupid, well time would tell. After another look at the boys naked body she hung her head, closed her eyes and tried to pretend she was not here.
"Wakey...Wakey". Abi looked up in surprise at Mr Yorke's voice and the sight of the two now naked boys who now stood a few feet in front of her face. A blush flushed across her face and she quickly looked away from the nudity on front of her.
"Well we would better get a move on. I've got to strip you and lotion you up for your first caning at 9.oo a.m. And we've only got 15 minutes left sweetie". Mr Yorke asked the smiling Lisa to carry his bag the 20 or so yards to the shop front where the caning would take place.
Stopping outside the door Abi could see the shop keeper who had caught her already in his shop smiling happily at the sight of Abi through the large shop window. Her attention was quickly dragged back to the Mr Yorke who briskly began unbuttoning the buttons of her blouse.
"You know what Abi, I haven't had cane a girl for, ooh must be over a year now" he talked conversationally as he stripped the pre teen. "Of course such canings are quire rare now. Girls just normally aren't stupid to commit such crimes any more unlike the boys, no offence" he smiled at his faux paus but continued on, "and those girls that are are the long term hooligans and don't normally wear normal clothes".
Abi closed her eyes as her blouse was taken from her as Mr Yorke handed it to Lisa to take care of for the rest of the day.
"Now why are you wearing that".
Mr Yorke's amused tone was almost too much for Abi to bear. She knew that she didn't
really need the training bra yet, but had worn it today as much from habit as anything
else. "You don't need it you know. Not yet anyway". The two boys giggled at the insult,
causing Abi to flush in embarrassment Mr Yorke's offhand assessment of Abi's fledging
breasts may have been insulting, but also quite accurate.
"Most girls aren't permitted bras since the Regime was brought in" Lisa added conversationally, trying somehow to take her cousins mind of the humiliation she was going through. "Parents believe that allowing a girls breasts, and a boys bits for that matter to grow free in the fresh air is better" Lisa waved at her cousins flat chest and then onto the two boys whose genitals flapped between their bare legs.
Abi wished her cousin would shut up about it now. Her chest was freezing as her bra was casually discarded by Mr Yorke as he stripped her.
The air conditioned breeze in the mall causing her nipples to become erect and poke a good ¼ inch out. Which unfortunately for the 12 year old meant that her breasts now poked out twice their normal underdeveloped size. Anyway what does Lisa know about it Abi thought bitterly. Her cousin being blessed with a large pair of breasts, which even in the Regime would have been permitted to wear a bra, if only as a medical necessity.
Stopping Abi's hands paused at the button to her jeans. A choice of garment that Neil and her aunt had warned her against but she did not listen.
Rolling his eyes and conscious of the time Mr Yorke slapped the girls protesting hands aside. With practised hands he unhooked the button and pulled the jeans down.
Abi gave out an eeek, that the watching Lisa had to suppress a smile from, sympathetic to her cousin as she was. The eek turned to a low moan as Abi realised that her tight jeans had caused more than just themselves to lower, catching they had dragged her panties down.
Abi stood still as her traditionally hidden pussy was now only a foot from the face of the man who had so brusquely stripped her.
"That's a turn up for the books".
Abi closed her eyes tightly as she felt Mr Yorke's hand caress her mound a finger trailing idly one of the few sparse black pubic hairs she had only recently grown.
"Into puberty obviously" he commented, "The breasts must just be indicative of their final size".
Abi squirmed at the belittling of her little bee stings of breasts.
It was something of a relief when Mr Yorke took her over his knee her mound now hidden, although her bottom raised. Abi took deep breaths trying to calm herself despite her position. She noted that the number of shoppers had grown somewhat yet to her relief none seemed particularly concerned or interested at the naked girl.
"Ooohhhh that's cold" Abi squealed as she felt a globlet of cold lotion on her bottom. "Sorry about that" Mr Yorke apologised "as his hand began to massage the special lotion*** into the squirming 12 year old's bottom.
Abi couldn't help but squirm. Not that she was particularly turned on by the old man's hand, and certainly not in the present circumstances. However the lotion was not just leaving a smear on her skin, wherever it touched it left a tingling or burning. Stifling a gasp she felt Mr Yorke open her cheeks and pour a stream of the lotion into the top of her now exposed crack. Her face grimaced as the fluid tickled her sensitive skin. "Oohhhh" Abi's eyes opened wide as the man's finger quickly dipped into her anus. Easing past her tight sphincter it smeared the insides of her anus with brisk impersonal skill.
Watching Lisa quickly turned away as she saw the finger enter her cousin a blush rising to her own face, perhaps with some form of transferred humiliation.
Finishing the application of the special lotion Mr Yorke raised the nude girl to her feet. Despite his attempt at empathetic professionalism he could not help but give a short guffaw as the girl reached back to clasp her abused cheeks a look of surprised shame still on her face.\"Owwww" Abi quickly removed her clasping hands from her bottom as even the gentle touch of her hands radiated pain throughout her bum.
"You was warned about the Regime lotion werenn't you. It will make even the softest touch feel like torture." Lisa hissed in her cousins ear. "No don't sit down on the bench, what did I just say".
Abi hovered in pained indecision. Her hands were eager to rub her pulsing bottom, yet were busy attempting to cover her breasts and pussy. From the slowly gathering crowd. She had thought to hide her shame more easily sitting down, but realised that given the pain even her hands had caused this would be a monumentally bad mistake for her bottom.
Mr Yorke leaned back and did a final check on the display stocks. They were made of clear stiff plastic. Similar in appearance to medieval stocks. There were holes in which the child's hands and head would be locked, there were also holes in the ground in which the child's feet would be placed. The levers and pulleys on the display device enabled the punisher to twist and bend the child's body in any way he wished. Either causing the boy or girl to bend over for the caning or to stand straight up to display the respective penises or vaginas as appropriate.
He stood and looked at his three charges. Hmmm I'll leave the older boy to last he mused, I want to take my time with him, and the girl looks like she needs a few minutes to compose herself.
Abi breathed a sigh if relief as Mr Yorke beckoned over the young boy first.
"Simon Beckon you have been sentenced to a public paddling. Do you know why Simon?" Mr Yorke asked loudly ensuring the few shoppers who were around, as well as the little boys parents could clearly hear what he said. The brown haired boy mumbled and stared fixedly at his feet. "What, speak up" Mr Yorke commanded.
"I threw my school bag at a friend, but it hit my teacher and hit her on her head" Simon managed to say before lapsing once more into silence.
Mr Yorke was surprised when he saw that a boy as young as 6 had been sent to him for punishment by the Regime Judge. Normally such misdemeanour's were dealt with by a parents sound spanking at home, or by the teachers paddle in detention.
However the boys bag had hit the teacher, quite accidentally everyone agreed, smack in the forehead requiring the woman to have several stitches.
The Regime were tremendously strict on such matters, realising that for the Regime to work, adults, all adults must be sacrosanct, and children, all children made to know their place. Children must understand that adults were their superiors, must be respected, obeyed, and never, never physically attacked. Violence, accidental, or otherwise could not be tolerated for the good of society. Indeed one of the reasons that the Regime was introduced was the level of low grade violence that permeated throughout schools. The Regime had decided that, even when young children were involved, such incidents must be harshly punished.
Mr Yorke read the Judges instructions. Fortunately for Simon the Judge had recognised that it was an accident, and that Simon was only 6. So despite having committed the most serious offence of all three children, he would get off the lightest. Of course there is a world of difference between 'getting off lightly', and 'getting off', as his bottom would soon testify.
Mr Yorke took the now crying child by an arm and led him off to a bench where his bag lay. Sitting down he directed the boy to stand in front of him.
Opening the special lotion bottle once again he turned the boy around. Achieving the twin objectives of bringing the boys cute bubble butt in range and displaying the boys tiny cocklet to the slowly growing audience.
Mr Yorke began slowly and thoroughly massaging the lotion onto the boys bum, carefully ensuring the the dark cleft between the two cheeks was occasionally spread and its hidden depths also smeared with the sensation enhancing substance.
Simon stood stoically for the first few minutes. The man's hands feeling quite nice initially as it massaged his bum. Were it not for the fact that he was about to be paddled and his little tinkle was being displayed to the watching audience, he could almost have been at home, and the hands that caressed him belonging to his Daddy. Ahhh, soon the man's hands began to hurt. Where the man's fingers had initially tingled as they caressed down his bum hole, they now leaved trails of fire.
The audience watched as the soon to be punished boy began to twist and moan as the lotion super-sensitised his bum. The boy began moaning harder as Mr Yorke's finger now gently penetrated his small tight hole and slowly finger fucked the boy.
Satisfied Mr Yorke pulled his finger clear with a pop and closed the bottle and selected a small ping pong paddle. For a second he paused. He always found it difficult he mused when punishing the very young. With older children it was simple a good thrashing, even a little blood was quite acceptable. However with young children brutally was not his style, mild pain and some humiliation was more than adequate.
Simon squawked in surprise as he felt a hand reach around him and lift him bodily up by his middle. Simon blushed as he heard the assembled audience, including his own parents, laugh at the sights and sounds of the small boy, held up in one arm his bum now positioned to the audience as if being presented to the audience for the assessment.
Even Abi could not help but laugh a little despite her own intense shame at being nude in public, as Mr Yorke swung the boy first left than right to give all present a good view.
Her laughter soon died though as she watched Mr Yorke swing the paddle with a splat for the first time against the little boys behind.
Despite the fact that the blow was in fact quite soft Abi was surprised at the scream of pain that came from the boy.
It was all over quickly Mr Yorke delivered a brisk impersonal paddling, each resounding splat eliciting a howl from the squirming 6 year old. Satisfied at the howls of pain from the boy and his now bright red bottom Mr Yorke let the boy down and softly rubbed his aching arm, a smattering of applause coming from the audience who in truth knew that this was only the warm up act. Thank God, he thought, for the benefits of that lotion. A few slaps were enough to redden the boys behind and cause him a great deal of discomfort for the next few days. As it was, it was a close run thing whether his arm or the boys bottom would give out first from holding the both aloft as he paddled him.
Picking the crying boy up from the floor he led him over to a display pedestal and locked the boy in. Simon was now bent double his red bottom poking out, his arms and writs locked in the pedestal as if in a set of stocks from the middle ages.
He examined the boys bum for a second, even pulling the boys cheeks apart for a second to admire his handiwork, an action that caused Simon to begin sobbing as even that little touch caused pain to radiate through his bum cheeks.
He trailed a finger down the child's sensitive crease bumping over the boy's anus before gently tracing a line over the boys small and drawn up ball sack. He debated with himself whether to give the boy a quick wank but after a quick look at the older boy still awaiting punishment he decided to wait.
Satisfied at what he saw he turned to look at the remaining two children to decide who was next.
The boy still stood a small sneer still on his, if somewhat more concerned, face. Abi though was white faced the shock at seeing a boy paddled bare so close to her clear to see.
Not wanting to make this any more of a trial than possible he decided to deal with Abi first. Knowing that the waiting must be terrible for her. Smiling reassuringly he walked to where the naked girl stood and with a gentle arm he hooked the arm of Abi and walked her to a pedestal next to where Simon was now strapped into.
Unresisting Abi allowed her feet, head and hands to be locked into place with a click.
As Mr Yorke adjusted the pedestal to suit a girl of Abi's size Abi felt her body being bent over almost double. Her bottom pointing up but her fixed head near her feet.
"Abigail Bellows. By order of the Regime Juvenile Court you have been ordered to be punished for your criminal act of shoplifting".
Abi said nothing as Mr Yorke declaimed the statement to the watching crowd. Well crowd was putting it strongly. Nowadays public canings, even those including girls while uncommon, were not that unusual. However there was about a dozen who had stopped to watch, not of course including the boys parents and Lisa who still watched on quietly as her cousin was prepared for a flogging.
Lisa could also see the shopkeeper watching with a grim satisfied expression, 3 roughly dressed homeless people also watched as they had nothing better to do. Apart from the crowd consisted of a few mothers with young toddlers who had paused to watch before carrying on with their shopping.
Lisa know however that the lunchtime canings were much more popular, a fact that she had kept from Abi for the girls sake..
"The Court had indicated that your bottom be caned 12 times. 4 times now, 4 times at lunch time, and 4 times at 4.00 p.m. During the breaks you will be obliged to stand in the stocks as a warning to all children that crime does not pay. Do you have anything to say before the first part of your due punishment is delivered?"
Mr Yorke waited a few seconds but Abi remained quiet, her only response a heaving sob a a tear trickling from her lowered face, pooling before dripping off the end of her nose.
Coming to the conclusion that Abi was not to avail herself of the opportunity to speak, Mr Yorke took out the cloth buttock protector and stuck it firmly to the moist buttocks of Abi.
Satisfied that the protector was firmly attached he stepped back and picked up the nasty looking cane. Tapping the blade of the cane twice on Abi's cheeks to assess the range, even these taps causing small yelps from Abi, he leaned back and with a whirring motion whipped in the first blow.
The crowd watched the blow land. It was if anything a bit of an anticlimax. There was little sound. The cane itself sliced through the air with a low buzz. The gauze like protector prevented any fleshy thwack. There were winces amongst the crowd even the early morning drunks shared a grimace. The cutting blade of the cane sliced inches deep into the flesh and muscle of the 12 year old girl. Thunking to a stop the cane widened on impact driving a thick solid weal of pain deep into the girls core.
Abi grunted her mouth open. The pain was indescribable. She had been spanked before many years ago, and once when she was 7 had a few strokes of the paddle at school. This was different, the cane had cut into her, yes cut was the right word, it had felt as if the bastard had sliced a deep wound into her buttocks with a sword not a mere cane.
A scream bubbled up from within her as the chemically increased agony radiated throughout her. The pain though was too much ironically to allow her to scream. The crowd could only here a hurking sound come from the girls widespread lips. One of the drunks slipped a hand into his hole filled pants and fondled his greasy cock.
Lisa shot him a disapproving glare, aware that her job was both to support Abi today and to protect her against any 'unsanctioned abuse'. Previous events such as this particularly early on when boys had been whipped until they bled had been further marred by acts of unauthorised rapes of the tied down children.
A few well publicised long jail terms had stopped the worst of it, yet occasionally it was not unheard of for a child to end up white faced from a passing man's cum and not just the pain. Nor was it unheard of a child to walk with a wince after being punished because of being buggered rather than from the weals of the cane. This was despite the fact that only the supervising Regime officer should be involved in disciplining the children.
Thud. The second blow had landed, Lisa looked around in time to see Abi's resistance crumble a keening cry issue from her lips, as the pain of the next blow magnified the agony of the first.
A smattering of applause came from the viewing adults, whilst a toddler held by the reins in his mothers hands began to cry in terror at the sight.
Two further blows landed on Abi's bottom. Abi had slumped her weight held only by the stocks she was displayed in. She felt as if her bottom was a bloody mess, sure that the damage that must have been done would surely kill her.
Mr Yorke panting lowered the cane and checked the state of Abi's bottom. Hmmmm, yes I worked that just right he considered with a look. 4 deep red lines marked Abi's small boyish bum plainly visible even through the white gauze protector. There was not despite Abi's fear any blood. The skin had not even split, the gauze preventing the possibility of any such damage.
What Abi did not appreciate, and never would, was that Mr Yorke had not even caned her particularly hard. He had caned many a child much harder as a teacher, often on the bare. He had raised many a weal on a young child's bottom, never with delight only sorrow, wielding a normal cane with much greater force. However he was well trained and knew just how dangerous the Regime canes could be if used to harshly, and how much the special lotion added to the pain.
He had delivered only 4 moderate blows not because of any sympathy for Abi, although there was some, but from the knowledge that had he seriously hurt a child, particularly a girl, he would lose his license as a Regime tutor, and he needed the extra money to much to risk an over exuberant beating.
Paul felt his bravado crumble in his 16 year old mind as he watched Abi being flogged. He had not been overly concerned when the Judge had sentenced him to 6 of the best with the Regime cane. In his young life he has been caned many times. It was the rare week when he wasn't being whipped over the Headmaster's table, or feeling his Dad's belt across his back. And while they hurt they were nothing special.
Oh of course he had heard from a few children who had experienced the Regime canes how much they hurt, and had seen a few beatings with them in his time. However he always considered that did not look or sound that much worse than a normal caning.
He had soon changed his mind as he watched the young girl writhe in pain a dozen feet from him. He had felt his dad's strong hand come down on his shoulder as the girl was caned causing him to turn and see the smile of his father.
He now regretted his constant misbehaviour and truancy, as the 6 strokes of the cane for truancy rapidly approached. He even more regretted the cheek he had given the Regime officer when they talked earlier this morning.
Mr Yorke smiled as he now turned to the young man in front of him. He had taken no joy in the punishing of Abi or Simon, it was just an unpleasant job. Thrashing this one though would be a pleasure.
Paul slowly walked to the last remaining pedestal. Conscious for the first time in his life of his nakedness. Normally he had no concerns over being naked. He was well built physically and package wise. And the years in the Regime had long since burnt away the shame that the American Abi, or the 6 year old Simon felt at being nude. Now however he knew he was naked and facing a man who would be caning him in front of this audience. With a flash of realisation he realised it was not the nakedness that concerned him, it was the risk that he could embarrass himself and cry out like the girl.
Mr Yorke quickly reread the punishment sheet for the 16 year old. He smiled when he double checked that the Judge had ticked all the permissible extra boxes. He had been surprised when he had read Abi's sheet. In her case the Judge had refused permission for the punishing Regime officer to inflict the usual extras, such as public anal or genital training, the awarding of extras for poor deportment during punishment, or indeed supervised public participation in the punishment by the audience. However, he smiled, in Paul's case all these were to be permitted.
"Well Paul. It seems we come to you now" Mr Yorke grinned as he slowly looked the teenager up and down. Impressed despite himself at the boys solid looking 5 inch penis, and well defined abdominal muscles.
"You have been sentenced to receive 6 of the best with the Regime cane" he intoned savouring each word and the look on the boys face.
He pulled Paul's arm and dragged him to the front of the little punishment area. Paul now stood nude facing the small gathered group of onlookers. Behind him he heard the gentle crying of Abi and the little boy who had preceded him.
Mr Yorke was a professional child beater. He had caned school children for a number of years and knew how to judge a caning to the perfect pitch of pain and bruising. Due to this he had paid little attention to the Regime training course that he had to attend to become a certified Regime punishment officer. However he had learnt a lot about certain elements of children and punishment. The one that mattered today was that boys felt the cane more keenly after an orgasm. A nugget of knowledge that he intended to put into use right now.
Paul started a a little as Mr Yorke began to gently rub his bottom with the sensitising cream. Paul tried to calm his racing mind as he felt the man's hand explore his crevice his bum beginning to tingle with the effect of the cream. He felt blood race to his penis and really did not want to embarrass himself by getting a stiffy at the hands of an old man.
Mr Yorke was not to be denied he trailed a finger along the boys dangling balls another finger dipping into the boys dark anus. The effect of the cream as it coated his balls and anus causing his penis to harden and rise to its impressive, for a teenagers, full size.
Paul bit his lower lip as he watched the strangers watching this smile and point at the boy's reaction. A strange smile of pride on his viewing parents faces as he was displayed in all his glory.
Paul was less impressed. He had wanked and fucked children of his own age in public before. But normally only in school, and well in school everyone was in the same boat. It was still relatively unusual for a boy, certainly one his age, to find himself in such a position.
"Well I can't cane you while you have that now can I" Mr Yorke proclaimed pleased at his success. "If I bend you over to cane your bum you're liable to poke your own eye out". A small snigger echoed around the audience at his weak joke. "Come here then".
Paul waddled over and moaned as he felt the old man's hand wrap itself around his shaft and begin to slowly slide up and down the dark red helmet of his exposed glans.
Mr Yorke had always planned to have the boy cum in public. It was indeed standard practice for such events for the older boys. Not obligatory but conman enough. Normally however he would have had one of the other children do the deed. Today though the little boy was too young in Mr Yorke's eyes to further humiliate. The girl though he would have had suck off the boy. A caned bottom and a sperm splattered face would usually stop any delinquent girl from re-offending. Unfortunately the Judge had decided otherwise, a pity he conceded as he looked over at the girl locked in the display stocks her face turned away from the sight of the boy being wanked off mere feet from her.
However the Judge had simply banned sexual activity for Abi, not near sexual activity Mr Yorke reasoned. Judging the boys imminent orgasm he turned the boys hips until he faced the girl and with a final squeeze stood back as a spurt of white cum issued from the boys penis arcing up into the air until it fell under the girls down turned head. Abi jerked in surprise banging her neck painfully in the stocks as she saw the pool of cum land by her. A few seconds a strange earthy smell reached her nose. The smell of a boys fresh cum the virginal Abi realised with a start of revulsion. The stocks holding her head preventing her from avoiding either the sight or smell of Paul's cum as it slowly congealed under her.
Before Paul could catch his breath Mr Yorke pulled him over to the last pair of stocks and quickly manoeuvred the boy into position. Head down and bottom up the protective skin covering fastened into place.
Selecting the cane he whipped a stroke into the boy's firm buttocks. A red weal forming immediately across the top of the boy's bum. Apart from a whistling of air from his lips Paul refused to break.
Thirty seconds later the second stroke lanced in landing an inch below the first now purpling stroke. Despite the cream and the power of the blow Paul refused to break tightly pursing his lips to prevent shaming his manhood by crying out.
Mr Yorke knew he only had 6 blows and needed to get the boy to cry. The embarrassment of breaking down in public a longer lasting and more effective punishment than the pain of the beating.
He lashed in two strokes on exactly the same spot. Paul this time could bear no more and screamed despite the public watching.
The crowd applauded enthusiastically save for Paul's parents. His mother turned away in pain his fathers set of the lips betraying his disappointment at his boy's girlish scream.
Mr Yorke paused for a moment noting the trickle of blood that his last two blows had caused, despite the protective covering, there was no doubt that the skin would be broken.
"Bleeding but not too bad. Certainly not for a boy his age, no reason I can't continue and make this even more memorable for the cocky teenager."
Laying the cane aside for the moment he reached under the sobbing boy and with a finger scooped off the little drop of cum that coated it. With his other head he raised the boys head and coated his trembling lips with his own salty cum, causing the boy to redouble his sobs.
Picking the cane up he lashed in the penultimate blow this time deliberately low so that it crashed into just the closest cheek of the boy the tip accelerating until it bounced off the cloth covered anus. An unearthly shriek issued from Paul as he felt his anus rip asunder under the blow, not knowing that the cloth and prevented any real damage being done.
Mr Yorke aimed the last blow lower still catching only the boys upper thigh knowing as the blow did before that the tip would continue on. This time the tip impacted against the boys dangling testicles, the testicles that unfortunately for Paul, were not covered by the protective cloth. The effect was instantaneous Paul moaned his eyes rolling up and he slumped forward unconscious as his red wealed balls flapped wildly back and forth as they dissipated the strength of the crashing tip of the cane.
A thunderous roar of approval from the audience greeted Mr Yorke's masterful beating. The only dissenters the boys mother who had run off crying, Lisa who had looked away sick, and Abi who nearly humiliated herself as she struggled to control her loosening bowels and bladder. Knowing that she had more strokes of the cane to come and dreading the chance that Mr Yorke may be as vicious to her poor sore bottom and genitals as he had been to the boy.
***Lisa sipped her coffee, sitting at a small café table 50 yards from where Abi stood head bowed in the Regime display stocks, the handwritten sign now hung around her head proclaiming why there was a well caned girl in the mall today. She watched as the parents of the two boys helped, and in the case of Paul, carried the children off home to recover from their ordeal. Leaving Abi alone in the stocks, alone that is apart from the now milling customers who trooped pass. Most ignoring the girl a few however stopping to examine the girl more closely, much to Abi's chagrin.
"Mr Yorke how did you end up doing this for a job?"
Placing the cake down Mr Yorke considered his former pupils question. "I retired from teaching about 2 years after your parents took you out of school. The Regime was only just getting into full flow and had started to become compulsory in all state schools. The Regime was looking for ex educators to spread good practice, and well my teaching pension was no fortune."
Mr Yorke had readily agreed to Lisa's offer of a cup of coffee. He was being paid for a full days work, but between the actual canings there would be little for him to do apart from chasing away the young children who often gathered around to torment the child being punished, when they tried to take their teasing too far. While humiliation was encouraged their were limits, however the fact he held a big cane in one hand meant that most children kept away by instinct alone.
Normally he would just sit and read a book on days such as these. However he lived alone and was lonely most of the time, the chance to have a conversation with a young lady was to good an opportunity to pass up.
Abi looked up her throat was dry from her earlier screaming, yet the pain in her bottom had reduced from indescribable agony, to merely unbearable. The discomforts of her predicament however began to crowd her mind for attention. The plastic display stocks were padded and well built. Yet she had been standing in them for 3 hours. Enduring the pain and the jeers of passing shoppers, her neck ached and her arms burnt from the strained position they were held in.
The smell of Paul's now dried sum still wafted around her nose, her eyes despite her wishes seeming ever drawn to the congealed mess that lay before her.
Perhaps a bigger problem than all of this was her bladder. She wondered why Neil had warned her not to drink the orange juice she was given for breakfast. The reason was now becoming clear.
Her bladder ached with a fullness. The way her legs were split apart and her feet locked prevented her even from crossing her legs to try to relieve the pressure.
A dull realisation crossed her mind. She had been stripped, caned in front of witnesses, made to stand naked as hundreds of mainly indifferent shoppers streamed past, and it was likely that something even more embarrassing may happen to her. My god if I wet myself standing here I'll just die, she rather optimistically thought.
Looking up Lisa looked over to where her cousin called her and with an apology walked over to the stand.
"Yes Abi, lunch time in ½ an hour, then you can have a rest dear".
"I can't wait, I need to go NOW" Abi replied urgently.
Lisa was not the quickest on the uptake and missed Abi's bodily signals of impending urinary disaster.
"You can't go you have to stay here until this afternoon, you're being punished remember, be brave" she reminded Abi.
"I know I'm being fucki..." remembering that she was trying to ask a favour Abi softened her tone, too aware that her patience like her bladder was being sorely tested. "I know but need to go to toilet...Now"
"Ohhhh" Lisa nibbled her lip "Well I can ask as a favour I suppose, but no guarantees, usually they make you go where you stand". Lisa pointed at the grooves in the base of the Regime stocks upon which Abi stood.
Abi finally understood what those grooves were for now, originally she had feared they were for draining the blood away.
A look of terror crossed her face at the prospect of this fate, "Please".
Lisa could not resist the look of helpless fear in her American cousins face was to much for her large soft heart to bare.
Patting Abi on a straining arm she jogged back to where Mr Yorke sat finishing a biscuit, and began to beg for small mercies.
"I don't know humiliation is part of the process, and she gets a break in half an hour anyway".
"Please, I think we can agree that she is suffering, this could break her".
Abi breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Mr Yorke walk back to her. Unlocking the display bar he helped Abi free.
"Thank you Sir, thank you so much" Abi spoke as she made little leaps foot to foot in an effort to control her body. The need of her bladder overcoming the flashes of pain her little jiggles sent off in her tortured bum.
Abi made to run off towards the mall conveniences some 200 yards down the line of shops, her concern at her bodily needs outweighing the concerns of her nudity. Abi gave a quizzical, and concerned look as Mr Yorke held her back with a hand.
"I'm sorry but technically until 5.00 tonight you are in my legal custody. Where you go I go, well actually it's where I go you go, but lets not quibble".
Abi gawped as the man pulled out a small fabric collar and with a practised hand looped it around her neck. Attaching a leash to the collar he held the other end and bid the girl to make her way to the conveniences, at his pace.
Abi walked a few paces on front of Mr Yorke. The pink leash he held restraining her from running straight to the toilets.
At a, to Abi at least, agonisingly sedate pace the pair walked to along. Abi blushed as the shoppers looked at her in a little surprise. While naked children were not that uncommon, most at least wore some clothing while out, even if it was nothing more a plastic see through mac. It was equally rare for older children to be led about on leash's. Abi could not help but notice that the only other child who was walked on a leash was a small boy no more than 3 years old. Abi noted with a touch of envy that his mother had allowed the boy to wear a pair of furry briefs. I'm envying a toddler a pair of briefs what has my life come too...
Finally Abi turned the corner and with relief finally saw the entrance to the Ladies. Her jog towards it stopped by a jerk on the leash.
"I can't go in there now can I" Mr Yorke informed her exasperatedly pointing at the female sign above the entrance. Abi began to turn red as instead she was half pulled half led into the adjoining men's toilets.
Abi's bladder though overruled her head pointing out that it for one didn't mind whether the toilet it used was a male or a female one.
Abi quickly turned her head as walking down a line of stalls she could not help but see the urinals against the wall. To her embarrassment they were currently being used. A boy of perhaps 4 or 5 stood cheerfully drawing figures of 8 against the porcelain with his urine. Abi though thought little of the boys small pricklet, she had after all seen Neil's all week, and when her brother Dan's was this boys age she had seen his upon occasion. No what caused her to blush and turn was the boys father. The man was in his twenties and stood next to his son. His, Abi struggled for the correct term, the term prick seemed to insignificant for something that big, was held in his hands as he met his call of nature.
A tug on her neck attracted her attention. "And what are you looking at girl?" Mr Yorke demanded. Looking back he spotted the attraction that the 12 year old girl had found so beguiling. "I don't believe it!
I'm sorry Sir,"Abigail Bellows apologise for intruding on this gentleman at once. Abi stuttered and the man who had turned his head around laughed loudly.
"Ha ha, no worries mate. I'm sure a girl her age has seen one of these before" he waved his large penis side to side, "Big strapping girl like that must have held her fair share of these by now" continuing his laugh he turned his attention back to his task at hand.
Mr Yorke looked at the mortified girl decided that insisting on an apology was probably unnecessary as the girl could not have been more embarrassed than she was now, an opinion that was to be proved wrong in just a few moments.
"Well here you go Abi, now hurry up".
Abi looked at the cubicle and wrinkled her nose in disgust. Yet her needs were such she made to sit down, gingerly, on the bowl and close the door.
"Sorry I'm not allowed to let you out of my sight at any time. In case you run off or take painkillers and so on" he explained.
Abi sat stock still. Despite the now true pain in her bladder she found that she could not go. Her mother had always told her that bodily functions were strictly private. There was no way she could go with this man standing over her, let alone the fact that the little boy she had seen earlier was looking in curiously as his father washed his hands just around the corner.
"Come on, stop wasting time"
"I can't, not with you..." Abi trailed off.
Deciding to take matters into his own hands Mr Yorke unhooked the cane that had until now been attached to his belt and with a gentle flick, sent the tip whacking into the top of the girls sparsely haired pussy.
More from shock than the sting Abi yelped and jerked up. As her bruised bottom crashed back onto the seat her bladder finally gave up and poured forth.
Abi silently cried as the fires in her bottom were reignited and she shamefully relieved herself with this man and the now giggling 4 year old boy watched on.
"Come on Todd" Abi looked up through her tears and cried even harder when she saw the attractive well endowed man look in to the cubicle curious as to what his son was so interested in.
"Come on Todd" he repeated as he gave the sobbing girl a look over noting what she was doing with a smirk, "there's nothing there of any interest for a strapping boy like you.
"Hi Lisa, Mum asked me to bring your lunches for you" Lisa smiled at her young brother who trotted up to her bearing two brown paper bags. Much to Neil's relief his mother had permitted him to wear tracksuit bottoms and tee shirt for his visit to the mall.
Lisa though looked past him, "Does your mother know your here Dan?".
"Yes" Dan replied truculently. He looked past his older cousin and smiled broadly.
"Hi Abi".
Abi looked up her bottom still aching from the second batch of 4 strokes groaned as she saw her brother leering at her naked body.
It was not as if he was sexually attracted to his sister. Although as a 13 year old boy any female would do. No what this was about was power. The two siblings were only a year apart in age, and had warred for years. It was clear now that the balance of power had shifted to Dan, Abi mortified that her nakedness was known to her brother.
Smiling in false concern he took a packed lunch from Neil and advised Lisa and Neil not to worry he would help his sister. Waving away their concerns he opened the bag and took out a small carton of orange juice.
Confident that Lisa and Neil were sitting out of ear shot speaking to some man he did not recognise he turned to his sister.
He put the straw in his sisters mouth with a look of supercilious concern. Allowing Abi to suck down the juice he removed the straw.
"Well, Well Abi" he slowly looked her body up and down. "Remember when we were 5 years old and shared the bath? Was that the last time we saw each other naked? Well certainly the last time you saw me naked anyway hey Sis."
he patted her sweat coated hair and ignoring the dirty look she gave him he walked around and gave a slow whistle as he saw the red stripes over her bottom.
"Here eat up" Dan popped a biscuit from the bag into his sisters mouth as he returned to look at her.
Abi chewed the food slowly dreaming of various unpleasant methods of revenge upon her brother, they were mostly illegal, and those that weren't were still certainly illegal. Still she chewed the food her brother popped into her mouth. Her belly empty and rumbling and knowing that she had another 4 hours and 4 strokes to go before this day was done.
"Do you know why I came here to see you?"
"Because you wanted to perv at your sisters body" Abi spat.
"Yes there is that, but also so I could take a little picture for posterity" Dan took his mobile phone out of his jacket packet.
Abi's eyes narrowed dangerously. She knew full well that the phone had a 10 mega pixel camera upon it. And her brother would more than likely be selling glimpses of her shame to his school friends back at home given half the chance.
"You wouldn't dare. I'll tell Mum"
"You'll tell no one Sis" he hissed "Or I'll make sure the photos are on the Internet before the hour is up".
Abi made to scream for Mr Yorke to help, unaware that the taking of pictures of Regime children was not only legal but encouraged. While her mother would have stopped Dan's actions the UK government would be entirely unconcerned.
Dan however was not aware of this freedom but he had a plan. With a quick move he jammed several thick chewy toffees he had saved into his sisters mouth preventing her from calling assistance.
Making sure the coast was clear Dan took his time taking several pictures of his sisters body, ensuring as he explained to the girl that no nook was left unexplored.
Laughing he left his still gagged sister and went off to collect Neil and return home.
It would prove unfortunate for Dan that he failed to note the small 4 year old boy who had taken a liking despite his fathers opinion of the girl, to Abi, and had been watching her punishment with rapt interest all afternoon. It was unfortunate for Dan that he had no compunction of telling Lisa what he had seen.
***The Regime Cane Mark 4 (Patent Pending)
The Regime Institute of Great Britain is pleased to introduce the latest design in
judicial punishment tools. Made of a blend of carbon, plastics and polymerised infused
corded fabrics the Mk 4. An indestructible implement designed to inflict the maximum pain
and subdural bruising with the minimum of effort. The cane measures 140 Cm long with a
Variable Thickness Aspect (VTA)™ of 5 mm at rest.
Introducing VTA™
The traditional cane is rounded in shape and as such has difficulty in penetrating the
more resilient bottoms of incorrigible child criminals the Mk 4 is aimed at
rehabilitating. The Mk 4 overcomes this by having a fluid aspect that allows the cane
blade to from a triangular shape as it cuts into the child's bottom. After penetrating the
maximum possible depth the advanced material of the cane expands to approximately 10 mm in
width. This causes a wider area of effect delivered deep into the body of the target. This
results in effective deep and lasting bruises to be caused with minimal effort.
Regime Warning
Following unfortunate incidents of the use of the Mk 4 on the bare bottoms of children.
Resulting in permanent injuries and scarring. The Mk 4 has been declared as unsuitable for
use on children under the age of 18 without appropriate skin guards being in place.
Furthermore no more than 12 strokes may be given in a 4 hour period. Use of this device by
non Regime Institute Officers is strictly prohibited.
***The Regime Sensate Enhancer
The special lotion is composed of a number of various proprietary ingredients. Originally
manufactured for the treatment of sufferers with penile dysfunction caused by nerve
damage. It results in an increase of blood flow and peripheral nerve receptors. It was
soon licensed for use in Regime delivered punishments as its application can increase the
effect of any physical chastisement 20 fold. The Regime has also adjusted the formula to
include deep muscle healing and anti septic properties. Enabling the quicker recovery of
the child's skin ready for more punishment.
Regime Warning
The solution is not recommended for use on children's genitalia except under medical
supervision. Tests have indicated that the pain felt from sexual manipulation following
application exceeds safe tolerances.