Amy Chapter 7
By Lee Davey
copyright 2011 by Lee Davey, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of
sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality
to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 7:
John stopped the car and turned to Amy where she sat in the back.
"You ready princess?"
Amy nodded slowly. The moment had come that she had dreaded. It was Monday morning and the first full day of her new senior classes.
She had been in bed all of yesterday her mother insisting that she rest. Amy did not protest not even when her mother applied some antiseptic gel to her vagina.
Her mother if truth was told was embarrassed. Due to her lovemaking with her husband, Amy had been left strapped to the 'breaker' for an hour and a half. She literally had to be dragged from it, the lips of her vagina red and inflamed from the excessive penetration it had endured. Fran had concentrated so much on her husband that she had all but forgotten her, until her plaintiff cries had woken the pair of entwined adults from their sticky slumber so they could come to her rescue.
"Well come on don't want to be late do we."
Amy nodded and leaving the car followed her Dad into the school. She ignored the looks her former classmates gave her, knowing that the looks would only be a mixture of pity and gloating glee at her new situation.
John stopped as he saw Ms Hayes approach along the hallway.
"Oh you're here good. Go in and sit down Amy I need a quick word with you father." Ms Hayes smiled kindly at Amy who moved off to her class.
"Wait don't I get a kiss first?" her father asked.
Amy stopped and turning kissed her father on the cheek and rushed off, before anyone noticed the dead look in her eyes.
"Mr Barnehurst the Head has asked if you could drop by to speak to him. He has an offer he makes to all parents when the children move up to the 8th grade."
John walked towards the Head's office reminiscing about how his sex life had improved recently, but there was a twinge about his daughter. Obviously she was struggling to come to terms with her new life. Still he cheered up she would get over it, she was young and resilient and she didn't really have a choice as in 3 years all this would have happened anyway.
A few minutes later Mr Barneshurst sat in the secretaries room outside of the Headmasters office. He declined the proffered drink and acknowledged the secretary's apologies that the Head had been slightly delayed. A loud cracking sound and shrill scream echoed from the office suddenly explaining clearly the 'delay'.
"Mr Barneshurst I'm sorry to have delayed you please come in" the urbane Headmaster's head popped around his door and beckoned the waiting man in.
Mr Barneshurst walked in and with admirable self-control declined to refer to the naked 16 year old girl bent over the Head's desk.
His self-control was tested further when he sat at the chair the head offered, given that the chair was positioned a scant 3 feet from the magnificent bottom of the girl.
She was incredible and could surely be a model if she so desired. Her hips were curvy, her waist trim, breasts full but not large. Her form would have been perfect were it not for the 6 bright red cane marks that currently marred the girl's bottom.
"Mr Barnehurst I help everything is going well with Amy? She has been prepared I hope, her class is due for double personal education today."
"Oh yes all sorted I assure you."
"Good, good we must always think of the children." His words said with no sense of irony despite the naked crying girl who still lay in front of him.
The head steepled his fingers under his chin and looked as if was considering some difficult decision.
"Mr Barnehurst, John can I call you John? Thank you. Yes John I see in you a caring father."
John nodded after all he could hardly argue. Internally though he was struggling to avoid the nude girl inches from him. He had never been so close to such an attractive and nubile young teenager. His wife was OK in the looks department at best, and his daughter too young to have much in the way of sexual looks. This girl though was a different kettle of fish.
"I'm sorry" he apologised as he missed what the Head said next.
"I said John have you given any thought to becoming a parent teaching assistant?"
"Well I'm busy and don't have too much spare time." John quickly replied not anxious to be roped in to some volunteer work."
The Head smiled "Don't be so quick John. Have you fully considered the benefits?"
The Head stood and walked around the desk and trailed a finger down the spine of the supine girl causing her to shiver. His finger did not slow as it reached the crevice between her peaches of bottom cheeks. His finger dipped slightly into the crack and only reluctantly pulled away as the curve of the bottom meandered away to a much more interesting place.
"Remember John teaching professionals have certain rights... sorry I mean obligations in respect of children. Stand up Beth." The last words were spoken softly but firmly to the bent over girl.
Beth stood and turned now displaying her front to John who nearly had a stroke as her girlish slit was open to him, completely denuded of hair as was becoming a common requirement of parents of their children. Her breasts though were clearly those of a young woman, both of the breasts were firm were proudly ignoring gravity with disdain, two small pink nipples erect from the slight chill in the office poking out.
The girl, Beth made no move to cover her nudity despite the red tinted patches on her cheeks giving away her embarrassment at John's frank stare. Beth had only just been caned but was well aware the Head would take no account of that fact should she be obdurate in her behaviour.
"Remember John teaching professionals are entitled to 'tutor' children. And if you became a parental teaching assistant you would be allowed, obligated even to take a more practical hand in your daughters tuition and occasionally help out at school, after school events or detention that sort of thing.
The Head put his arm around the girl. A move that could have been taken as one of reassurance were it not for the fact that the act caused his hand to rest lightly on her breasts, and began gently teasing the nipple.
"Well put like that then perhaps I could help." John stammered an erection now straining his pants, a fact that both the Head and the girl could not help but notice.
"Unfortunately while I know for a fact that you have the attributes we are looking for in an assistant" you're horny and rich he silently added, "There are some rules. Bureaucratic nonsense but there you go." The head responded.
"What are they?" John at that moment would have agreed to sacrifice a testicle if only he could drain the other one in the bald pussy of the girl in front of him.
"Well there is the application fee, and you would have to attend a short practical tuition course. The course is no problem in fact we could hold it this coming weekend if you wanted. The fee though would be £5000" the Head waited. He was slowly drawing John in.
Ever since the new rules on child education were brought in the opportunity to make money became apparent. The Government soon worked out that if enough parents could be persuaded to volunteer as assistants the education budget would be slashed, and who knows perhaps the school system could make the country money even.
The Head too knew the value of a good parent. He received a 10% commission and he had to recruit a minimum number of parents, as his budget was predicated upon this.
"£5,000 is a lot of money." John murmured.
The Head said nothing instead he unzipped his flies and pulled out his penis. Beth knelt down knowing her part in this act.
Beth had wondered why the Head had sent for her. She knew that the claim that she was late for class was simply untrue. But arguing against a teachers word was pointless, and would only involve a doubling of her punishment; and six of the best across her bare bottom was agony enough.
Beth hated her looks, she knew she was attractive. And she knew that the Headmaster was using her to obtain money for the school, yet no one cared. Her father regularly fucked her, fucked her more than he did her mother. Not that her mother was any better taking comfort in the attentions of daughters tongue to make up for her lack of an active sex life. She was 16 and dreaded the weekends when one parent would be packing his cock up her in whatever hole his fancy decided, while her tongue was licking out her mother. She hated it but her parents claimed it was for her benefit, all Beth knew was she seemed to be the only one of the three missing out on an orgasm.
Beth leaned over and gently sucked the first inch of the Head's penis in her mouth. Her training meant that she barely recoiled at the faint taste of urine on the penis, and began to suck the Head as she knew she was required in this little play.
Oh fuck John nearly buckled at the knees as he imagined trading places with the Head.
"Yes." he croaked and cleared his throat, "Yes I can't see £5,000 being a problem." He managed.
"Perhaps I could spend some time with the young girl." John asked hopefully as the Head popped his cock from Beth's mouth as if her ministrations were of no interest and tucked his now damp penis back in to his pants.
"Unfortunately no Jon. You need to attend a short training event here on Saturday before that. Just to explain what is and is not appropriate." He explained, "after that you would be free to use, I mean assist your daughter as you wish. Additionally you could help train other school pupils when assisting in school events."
John nodded dumbly his balls aching madly as he looked at the kneeling girl her lips still damp from the saliva she had been using to coat the Head's penis.
"Don't worry John I'm sure these next 5 days will simply pass by. Beth you're dismissed, don't be late to class again – no you can dress out in the hall. Now John just make your payment arrangements to the secretary outside and she give you the event details, and you never know perhaps Beth will be one of the children involved on the day.
Oh God I hope so John though as he duck walked out of the head's office his erection threatening to cause permanent damage to the seams of his pants.