Cara's Revenge Part Five
By Kylie
Copyright 2009 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part Five
"Today's your lucky day!" Cara announced as she barged into Alex's bedroom.
"You could at least knock," Alex replied.
"Why? Are you afraid I'll walk in on you when you're naked?" Cara asked. "I can see you naked whenever I want. Maybe you need a reminder!" Cara smiled wickedly at her cousin. "Strip now!"
Alex sighed, but stood up and pulled off his shirt. He kicked off his shoes and rapidly shed his pants and underwear. Alex stood completely nude in front of Cara.
"Hands on your head!" Cara ordered,
Alex placed both hands on his head, feeling even more exposed and vulnerable.
Cara smiled again, enjoying her power over the boy. "Now repeat after me, 'I'm a nudie little boy. I like being nakie. Wheee!'"
Alex felt stupid as he repeated, "I'm a nudie little boy. I like being nakie. Wheee!"
"Now play with yourself. And keep repeating it."
Alex reluctantly lowered his right hand and grasped his dick. As he jerked it, he kept repeating "I'm a nudie little boy. I like being nakie. Wheee!" After a few minutes, he shot a load of semen across his room.
"I can do whatever I want; I own your ass and don't you forget it! Turn around and bend over!" Cara eyed the boy's bare ass. She raised her hand and brought it down furiously on Alex's butt several times. His yelps were music to Cara's ears. She smiled. "Now you have a nice, healthy red glow."
Alex stood up, faced Cara and returned his hands to his head. "Yes, ma'am."
"As I was saying, today is your lucky day. We're going to spend the day at the mall! Now lie down on your bed so I can put this on you."
For the first time, Alex noticed that Cara had something in his hand. He lay down on his back and waited. Cara unfurled a diaper and slid it under Alex's butt and then fastened it.
"So you're going to make me wear a diaper under my clothes on this trip to the mall?"
"No, you're going to wear just this diaper to the mall all day," Cara replied.
Alex laughed. "Then it will be a short trip. The minute the mall security guards spot me, we'll be tossed out!"
Cara smirked. "You think so? Then you have nothing to worry about. Rhonda, Heather, and Abby are coming too. Abby's sister Valerie is going to drive us to the mall and we can spend the whole day there while we do our shopping. Come with me."
"Can I at least put my shoes on?"
"No, I like you just the way you are," Cara said, giggling.
Alex followed her to the kitchen, where she put four water bottles into a bag and handed a fifth bottle to Alex. "Drink this, and let's wait outside for our ride."
Alex drank the bottle of water and followed Cara outside. He hoped no one would see him standing outside in a diaper. Unfortunately for Alex, two little girls who lived down the block walked by and spotted him.
"What are you doing wearing a diaper, Alex?" the first girl asked.
Before Alex could answer, Cara popped up, "Alex still wets the bed, so he has to wear a diaper."
The second girl laughed and said, "My brother stopped wetting his bed when he was six. I didn't know boys your age did that!"
The first girl giggled and added, "I can't wait to tell everyone! Let's go!" The girls ran off.
"Great! Now they'll be telling the whole neighborhood!" Alex wailed.
"Is that Alex Kruger?" a voice called out.
Alex looked up and saw two boys his age on bicycles approaching him. He recognized Reggie Snyder and Cole Pierce.
"Fuck! It is Kruger! And he's wearing a fucking diaper!" Reggie cried.
"That dude is crazy!" Cole replied.
The boys pulled up on their bikes and Reggie whipped out his phone. "I need a picture of this!" he said, snapping his photo.
""Shit! Cara, do something! Reggie will spread that photo all over!"
Cara smiled, gleeful at Alex's exasperation. "How badly do you want that photo deleted?" she whispered.
"Badly!" Alex replied, with begging eyes.
Cara approached Reggie. "Reggie, is there any way Alex can talk you into deleting that photo?"
Reggie laughed. "No way! This is gold!"
"But wouldn't it be a better photo if Alex was sucking on his baby pacifier?" Cara asked.
"No way! You can get him to pose sucking a pacifier?" Reggie asked.
Cara reached down and placed her hand on Reggie's crotch. "I can get him to suck anything if you delete the photo and not take any more."
Reggie's draw dropped. "Are you shitting me? You can get Kruger to suck me off in the middle of the street wearing nothing but a diaper? I don't believe it!"
"Well, not in the middle of the street. He can do it behind that parked car."
Reggie laughed. "O.K., but I keep the photo until he does it first."
"Give your phone to Cole," Cara said. I trust him to delete it more than I trust you!"
Reggie chuckled and handed the phone to Cole.
"Go wait by that parked car," Cara told Reggie. She walked back to Alex. "You owe me for this one. Cole is going to delete the photo right after you give Reggie a blow job."
"What the fuck?" Alex cried.
"Hey, it was the best I could do. I trust Cole; he'll delete it if you do it. I could order you to anyway, but I won't. It's your choice. But decide quick, because Valerie and the girls will be here any minute."
Alex considered his options. He had no desire to suck Reggie Snyder's dick, but there were already too many embarrassing photos of him. If it was deleted, then there would be one less photo that could be used against him later. And while it would be humiliating, if they did it behind the car, only Cara and Cole would see. Alex nodded and walked over to join Reggie behind the car.
"Dude, I can't believe you're going to suck my dick!" Reggie exclaimed.
"Let's just get it over," Alex replied, dropping to his knees. Reggie unzipped his pants. Alex closed his eyes and opened his mouth. He felt Reggie's dick pass his lips and enter his mouth. Alex bobbed his head back and forth, locking his lips onto Reggie's shaft.
"Delete it now," Cara said to Cole, shaking the shocked expression from the boy.
Cole deleted the photo. "I can't believe what I'm seeing. Your cousin is whacked!"
"Yep," Cara agreed giggling as she watched Alex on his knees in a diaper sucking off Reggie Snyder.
"I'm coming!" Reggie shouted. He added to Alex, "and I want you to swallow every drop like a good baby!"
Alex felt the warm liquid hit the back of his throat and then fill his mouth. Reggie pulled his dick from Alex's mouth and ran it across his lips, smearing them with semen.
"Open wide and show me what's in your mouth, Kruger," Reggie said.
Alex opened his mouth to reveal its milky-white contents.
"Good baby!" Reggie said. "Now swallow it all!"
Alex gulped and felt the salty blob travel down his throat.
"How's it feel to eat my cum?" Reggie asked. He laughed and spit in Alex's face. Reggie pulled up his pants and he and Cole got back on their bikes and pedaled away.
Alex wiped the cum from his lips and looked up. Valerie's car was parked in front of him and Heather, Rhonda, and Abby were watching him through the windows.
"Baby Alex prefers his morning milk straight from the tap instead of the baby bottle," Cara told the girls. "Come on, Alex, get in the car!" It was a tight squeeze, since Valerie and Abby were in the front and Rhonda, Heather, and Cara were in back. Cara told Alex to lie across their laps. Cara gave him another water bottle, which Alex quickly drank, hoping to wash away the taste of Reggie Snyder.
Alex was mortified. He realized that all five girls had witnessed him on his knees in a diaper sucking off Reggie Snyder and swallowing his load. Alex was quiet for most of the ride to the mall, but the girls teased him throughout the trip.
"I didn't know you liked to suck dicks, Alex," Abby said. "I'll have to set you up with my older brother. Do you want to meet him?"
"Hey, let's find Alex a boyfriend!" Heather shouted out.
Alex cringed. Fortunately, the car pulled into the mall parking lot. Alex hoped they would forget Heather's suggestion by the day's end. The five girls and Alex left the car and entered the mall. A mall security guard approached on an interception course. Alex breathed a sigh of relief. He would kick them out and they would be back home in a few minutes.
"Where do you kids think you're going like that?" the guard asked, pointing to Alex in his diaper.
Cara pulled a piece of paper from her purse and handed it to the guard. "It's all right. We have permission to be here. We're here to raise awareness and money for charity for children suffering from nocturnal enuresis."
"From what?" the guard asked.
"Bedwetting," Cara replied. "Did you know that 2 percent of teenagers over 15 are chronic bedwetters?"
The guard studied the paper and shrugged. "It looks all right. It's signed by the same gal that signs my paychecks so I guess you can come in. That young fella's going to get a bit cold in the air conditioning though."
Cara smiled. "Oh, that's all right. Alex will do anything for charity!"
The guard waved them in and Alex felt his stomach sink. Cara's revenge was fiendish! He was about to enter the busiest mall in town wearing nothing but a diaper and become the poster child for bedwetting!
Cara picked a spot in front of the heavily trafficked food court and unfurled a banner from her purse reading "Help Stop Bedwetting!"
"How did you set this up?" Alex asked in awe, with a trace of grudging admiration for Cara's deviousness.
"Mrs. Jackson is the mall administrator. You know, Ashley Jackson's mother. I told Ashley about your 'problem' and how I wanted to do this charity event and she talked her mom into it."
"What problem?" Alex asked.
"Duh! Your bedwetting!"
"But I don't -"
"So? You can deny it all you want, but I doubt anyone will believe you after today. Now you just stand there looking pathetic while we pass these out," Cara ordered.
"What does it say?" Alex asked, grabbing one of the flyers from Heather.
"Please help us prevent teen bedwetting. Two percent of teens 15 and older suffer from nocturnal enuresis and even attend school in diapers beneath their clothes. Fourteen-year-old Alex Kruger is typical of teens who can't help peeing at the most embarrassing moments. But you can help boys like Alex Kruger! Your quarters will go toward educating schoolchildren about this humiliating condition so they will understand it better and not tease their classmates. With your help, bedwetters like Alex will be able to look their classmates in the eye again without shame!"
"Oh my god!" Alex exclaimed.
"Wait, it gets better!" Cara said. "Keep reading."
"For only a $5 donation, you can have a photo of Alex posing with you emailed to you. Please share your photo with your own children, showing them there is no shame in bedwetting."
"Fuck, my picture will be all over town!" Alex cried.
"At least Reggie won't have one!" Cara quipped, reminding Alex that he had sucked off the boy for nothing now.
"Have a drink," Heather said, offering the shocked boy another water bottle. Alex sipped the water and prayed for the day to end soon. He tossed the empty water bottle in the trash and watched as Cara, Heather, Rhonda, Abby, and Valerie passed out the flyers to all of the shoppers around him.
Alex shivered in the air-conditioned mall and felt the soles of his bare feet freeze with each step on the cold floor. Life could not get any worse, Alex lamented. Then he saw a familiar figure approach.
"Holy shit, is that Alex Kruger?" a girl Alex's age exclaimed.
Abby rushed up to her and handed her a flyer. "Alex is a bedwetter. Do you know him?"
"I'll say!" the girl replied. She walked over to him and said, "Hello, Alex."
Embarrassed, Alex stared down in shame at his toes. "Hi Brooke," he muttered.
"Who's your friend, Alex?" Cara asked gleefully, sensing another opportunity to further humiliate her cousin. Alex bowed his head in shamed silence.
"I'm Brooke Taylor," the girl replied. "Alex and I were in math class last year. Remember, Alex?" Brooke placed her finger under Alex's chin and lifted his head up t face her. "I tried for weeks to get Alex to notice me and when I finally just asked him out, he turned me down flat because, according to him, I was too immature." Brooke ran her finger along Alex's diaper and smiled.
Alex's eyes pleaded with Cara to shoot him and put him out of his misery, but Cara merely smiled wickedly. "He said you were immature?"
Brooke nodded. "I cried all day after I got home from school!" She smacked the back of Alex's diaper, pushing him off-balance. "But I've matured over the summer, while it looks like Alex has done the opposite," she added, giggling.
Rhonda approached with her camera. "Would you like a photo of you and Alex emailed to you for only $5?" she asked.
Brooke's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Would I ever! I'll frame it and keep it on my nightstand! In fact, here's $10; I'll take two!"
Alex cringed but did not voice any objections, which surprised Brooke. She wondered if perhaps he was doing this because he had lost a bet and how much she might be able to take advantage of the situation. Rhonda readied her camera as Brooke stood next to Alex. Brooke placed her arm behind Alex and then surreptitiously slipped her hand down the back off his diaper and squeezed his ass. Alex gulped but said nothing, hoping no one would notice.
"Nice ass, baby," Brooke whispered, emphasizing the last word. Then she called out to Rhonda, "I want the next shot to be him facing me, with his cute diapered butt showing!"
Rhonda nodded and Alex turned to face Brooke. "Give Auntie Brooke a big hug, Baby Alex!" Brooke said, evoking laughter from the other girls.
Alex threw his arms around Brooke and pressed his body against hers. Suddenly, he felt Brooke's hand once again slip into his diaper, but this time in between their bodies down the front of his diaper. Alex stood motionless, in shock, as Brooke fondled his dick with her fingers.
"These will make great yearbook photos next year. Unless I email them to everyone over the summer!" Brooke said. She relished the panicked look in Alex's eyes. Brooke whispered into his ear, "Or I can just delete the email when I get it if you want me to."
"Would you really do that?" Alex asked hopefully,
Brooke nodded. "Sure, if you come over to my house at 2 tomorrow afternoon. Deal?" she whispered.
"You bet!" Alex whispered back, relieved.
Brooke gently squeezed Alex's dick and balls and added, "Oh, and be sure to wear just what you're wearing now!" She winked and walked over to give Rhonda her email address. As he watched Brooke continued down the mall, Alex worried what he had gotten himself into.
Fortunately, while the mall was filled with kids, Alex did not see any others he recognized from his school. By 3 p.m. Alex had drunk all of the water bottles that Cara had brought and had begun looking around the mall desperately for the restroom. "Cara, I need to go," Alex said.
"Nonsense, we can stay until five. Look at the crowd we've got!" Cara replied.
Alex looked up and noticed that Abby, Heather, Rhonda, and Valerie had been both enthusiastic and efficient in their efforts at passing out flyers. Dozens of kids had gathered around the bench that Alex had been standing on all morning. "No Cara, I mean I have to go to the bathroom. Where is it?"
Cara shot Alex a sideways glance. "Alex, we've just spent all morning and half of the afternoon collecting money from people for bedwetters who can't hold their pee in. What do you think they would think if they saw you, the poster boy for bedwetters, taking a bathroom break? You're supposed to be unable to hold it in long enough to use a restroom! You can't let people see you use a restroom!"
"But I really have to pee right now, Cara! I can't hold it in for two more hours!" the boy pleaded.
Cara nodded sympathetically. "If you have to pee, you have to pee. Good thing you're already wearing a diaper."
A look of horror crossed Alex's face. "I can't pee in my diaper! It will show through! Everyone will notice!"
Cara shrugged. "So what? Everyone knows you're a chronic bedwetter who can't hold it in." She handed Alex a flyer. "I mean, we've been saying that all day. No surprise there. Of course, we'll all be laughing our asses off as the front of your diaper fills with a big yellow stain, won't we girls?"
Rhonda and Valerie nodded, and Abby giggled uncontrollably. Heather leaned over to Alex and teased, "Think about running water - Niagara Falls - a leaky faucet... drip, drip, drip."
"No!" Alex cried, but it was too late. He felt the warm liquid fill his diaper and he gazed down to see the telltale yellow stain spreading.
"Looks like Baby Alex has had an accident!" Cara shouted, attracting a crowd.
Rhonda grabbed her camera. "Do you want to pose with your cousin so you'll have a souvenir of this moment?"
Cara placed one arm around Alex and with her other arm pointed at his wet diaper, a huge grin on her face. Rhonda snapped the photo. Alex looked at all of the kids in the mall laughing and pointing at him. He wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it. "All right, now we can go home," he said. "You did it! You've humiliated me beyond belief. I'll never live this down."
Cara smiled. "Go home? Like that?" she asked, pointing to his wet diaper. "You can't ride in Valerie's car in a stinking, wet diaper! We'll leave after we've changed your diaper!"
"What!" Alex cried.
"Girls, gather around in a circle," Cara ordered. "Don't worry, Alex. No one will be able to see you as we change your diaper. Rhonda, Heather, Valerie, Abby, and I will surround you and block their view."
"But that means you five will still see me naked!"
"Duh, Alex," Abby replied. "We've all seen your little weenie lots of times, except for Valerie."
"Abby's right, Alex. What's the big deal?" Heather asked.
Alex thought about it and realized they were right. Still, he didn't like the idea of being exposed in a public mall, even for a few seconds but he realized he had no choice.
"Lie on your back, Alex," Cara ordered. Alex lay on his back and the girls surrounded him. Cara removed Alex's wet diaper and carefully sealed it in a plastic bag. The five girls stared at the nude boy lying helplessly on his back on the floor of the shopping mall. "You know, girls, we could just walk away and go home," Cara said.
"And leave Alex lying naked on the mall floor?" Heather asked.
Alex began to panic. He wondered how he would get home if they abandoned him. He would not only be left naked in a crowded mall but then he would have to walk home nude as well! He pleaded desperately. "Please, Cara! Don't leave me like this! I'll do anything if you put my diaper back on and take me home!"
Cara relished the panic in her cousin's voice. "You know I should just leave you like this. It would serve you right!" Much to Cara's delight, the panicked boy wet himself again. Cara laughed. "All right, you can have a clean diaper on two conditions. First, you need to beg us to change your diaper. I mean loud enough for everyone to hear. We'll tell you what to say and you shout it as loud as you can."
Alex nodded. "OK, and what's the second thing?"
"You'll find that out later. You did agree to do anything, didn't you?"
Alex nodded. Cara pulled out a fresh diaper and diapered her cousin. The girls took turns instructing Alex what to shout.
"Please change my wet diaper!" Alex shouted, repeating Rhonda's words. "I was a bad little boy; I wet my diaper!" he yelled, repeating Heather's words. "I made wee wee with my pee pee." he cried, repeating young Abby's words." Alex heard the laughter from the crowd but continued. "I wet my bed every night! I pee everywhere I go. You should call me Baby Alex Kruger from now on!"
Finally the girls backed away and Alex stood up in his fresh new diaper to be greeted by a round of applause. Cara grabbed his hand. "Time to head to the food court. Valerie will pull the car around to the food court exit and we'll meet her outside."
When the four girls and Alex reached the food court, Cara pulled him aside. "Now it's time for the second thing," she told him. The food court was filled with kids, including one table of girl scouts. "See that table with the girl scouts?" Cara asked. "All you have to do is walk, not run, over to it, climb up on it and do 10 jumping jacks. Then head out the exit and into Valerie's' car. Think you can do that?"
"Is that all?" Alex asked. "Piece of cake! I mean, sure it will be embarrassing standing on a table doing jumping jacks in a diaper, but I've been in a diaper all day anyway and this will be over in a few minutes."
"Oh, there's just one thing," Cara added. "I'm taking back the diaper; you can have it back in the car. And remember, no running in the food court! We want to see you enjoy a nice, leisurely walk."
"Shit, you wouldn't make me—" Alex began. He never completed his sentence, as Cara ripped off his diaper and raced off with the other girls to the opposite end f the food court. Most of the kids were busy eating or talking but several started to notice and pointed at the naked boy. Alex started to run to the exit but then remembered Cara's instructions. He slowly walked to the Girl Scout table, realizing that with each step more people were stopping what they were doing to watch him. The girl scouts blushed and giggled as the nude 14-year-old climbed atop their table, affording them a close-up view as he began his jumping jacks.
"Oh my fucking god, I don't believe this!" one Girl Scout cried.
"Holy shit, look at his balls bouncing!" another exclaimed.
"His dick is flapping all over the place too!" a third Girl Scout cried.
Alex knew that by the time he completed his final jumping jack, every kid in the food court was watching him, riveted to the spectacle. He jumped off the table - a girl scout slapped his ass - and he walked to the door where Cara, Heather, Rhonda, and Abby were waiting.
"Hurry, get into the car!" Cara ordered.
As the car headed back to Alex's house, Cara said, "See how nice I treated you today, Alex? I really should have left you lying on the mall floor in your birthday suit. But instead I settled for seeing you streak the food court and jiggle your cookies for the girl scouts! And to show you how generous I am, I'm going to let you have tomorrow off while we go shopping for real at the mall."
Alex was relieved that he would finally get a day to himself, free from Cara and her friends. But then he remembered that he had promised to stop by Brooke's house in his diaper. He sighed. At least nothing that Brooke might do would be as humiliating as the things his cousin had dreamed up, he reassured himself. Little did he know that Brooke had spent many sleepless nights dreaming of revenge on the boy who had rejected and insulted her.