Cara's Revenge Part Three
By Kylie
Copyright 2009 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part Three
The girls led Alex through the woods to a secluded spot.
"That's far enough, Alex!" Cara said. "Strip!"
Alex stopped in his tracks and pulled off his shirt. Then he kicked off his sneakers, peeled off his socks, and dropped his jeans. Finally, he slid his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and stepped out of his briefs. He turned to face the girls, completely nude.
"Did I tell you to turn around?" Cara asked.
"No, ma'am," Alex replied. He quickly turned back, facing the tree in front of him.
Cara laughed. "Hug that tree, Alex!" she ordered.
Alex immediately obeyed, throwing his arms around the tree,
"Alex has a new girlfriend!" Abby cried.
"We should find a tree with a knothole and make him fuck it," Rhonda said.
"Why not just let him fuck this tree?" Cara asked. "They seem like such a sweet couple already!" Then she shouted to Alex, "You heard; start humping that tree!"
Alex wrapped his legs around the tree and began humping it. The rough bark scratched his dick, but he was not about to give Cara any reason to keep her threat. No matter how painful or humiliating, he resolved to do whatever it took to prevent Cara from releasing the photos that would destroy his life.
"Tree-fucker!" Heather shouted above the laughter of the other girls. Alex realized how ridiculous he must look! He kept gyrating, his butt grinding away amidst the laughter.
"This is fucking hilarious!" Rhonda said. "I wish I knew how you get your cousin to do everything you say."
Cara laughed. She reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "Got this and the rest on eBay for only 20 bucks!" She walked over to Alex and cuffed his hands as he hugged the tree. Then she tied a rope to his left ankle, wrapped it around the tree and then tied the other end to his right ankle. She picked up Alex's one of Alex's discarded socks and stuffed it into his mouth, covering it with duct tape. "That should keep you relatively quiet," she said.
Cara reached into the bag and pulled out a black whip with a black leather handle. She ran her hand across Alex's smooth nude butt and smiled wickedly. Then she stepped back several feet and unfurled the whip.
"I promise you this, Alex," Cara said. "By the time we're finished here, you'll have to eat dinner standing because you won't be sitting down for quite a while!"
Cara lashed Alex across his ass with the whip and the boy immediately thrust forward against the tree, lifting his heels, and letting out a muffled yelp. Standing on his toes, Alex's ass became an even more prominent target, and Cara whipped his ass again. Alex's scream was muffled but nonetheless pleasure to Cara's ears. She deliberately aimed a little lower, whipping Alex on his thigh and he jumped forward. Cara noted how sensitive his thighs were and decided to make sure to strike them occasionally. But for now, she returned her attention to Alex's ass, lashing it five more times.
Red welts were beginning to appear on Alex's butt, which contrasted with his unmarked back. Cara aimed her next two lashes at Alex's back, leaving two much longer marls running the length of his back. Alex felt the pain was indescribable and he lost control of his bladder, peeing against the tree.
"Look! He's peeing!" Abby cried, pointing and giggling.
"Oh my God, you made him wet himself!" Heather cried.
Alex heard the comments behind him and wanted to crawl away. Instead, he had to stay and await the next lash of the whip. He did not have long to wait. As soon as he stopped peeing, Cara resumed whipping his ass. Alex whimpered and tears streamed down his eyes, but Cara was unrelenting. Again and again he felt the whip crash down upon his naked flesh, accompanied by a cracking sound and a chorus of girlish laughter.
Cara lost track of how many lashes she had given Alex. His back and legs had multiple lash marks, but his ass was completely unrecognizable. There was not one untouched inch anywhere on his butt, which was red, bruised, and welted. There were several spots where it looked as though Cara had whipped the skin right off Alex's butt. The boy was hugging the tree and it looked as though he would collapse when he was finally uncuffed.
"I think he's had enough, Cara!" Rhonda said. "I don't think his ass can take another whipping without falling off!"
Cara observed her handiwork and agreed. She walked over to Alex, spread his buttocks, and shoved the whip handle up his ass. Then she walked around the tree and ungagged Alex. "Thank me for giving you the best whipping of your life, Alex!" she commanded with a fiendish smile.
Alex tried to speak but it took a few minutes to regain his breath and get the taste of his dirty sock from his mouth.
"Or do you want some more?" Cara asked.
"Thank you!" Alex gasped, hoping that Cara would not resume the whipping.
"Thank you, what?" she asked.
"Thank you, ma'am, for giving me the best whipping of my life!" Alex replied, praying that his response would satisfy her.
Cara untied his ankles and uncuffed him. Alex remained leaning against the tree for support.
"Ha ha, Alex has a tail!" Abby laughed, pointing to the whip sticking out of his ass.
"Turn around!" Cara ordered.
"Please, no more!" Alex begged as he turned to face the girls. He leaned back against the tree and Cara cuffed his hand behind the tree.
"You're not going to whip his dick and balls, are you?" Heather asked.
A look of abject terror flashed across Alex's face.
Cara pondered the notion. She cupped Alex's helpless balls in her hands and asked him, "Who owns these balls, Alex?"
Alex remembered what she had told him the day she showed him the flash drive, and he replied, "You do! You own my balls!"
Cara smiled and gave them a squeeze. "Good answer! You just saved your balls from a very painful whipping. Just don't forget that I own those little beans!"
Alex sighed in relief. Cara opened her bag and took out three cartons of eggs and a sack of rotten tomatoes. She took an egg, walked over to Alex, and cracked it on his head. She stepped back and watched the raw egg drip down the boy's face. "O.K., girls, your turn!" she said. "Dig in and start throwing!"
Alex found himself pelted with eggs and rotten tomatoes. Abby aimed all of her tomatoes at Alex's dick, while Heather threw eggs at his chest. Rhonda alternated between eggs and tomatoes, hitting Alex in the face several times. When all of the eggs and tomatoes were gone, Cara uncuffed Alex and he collapsed onto the ground. She placed one foot on his ass and yanked the whip out of his butt.
"Get dressed!" she ordered.
Alex wished he could clean himself off first but he was relieved his ordeal was over and anxious to leave the woods before Cara got any more ideas. He pulled his clothes on over his egg and tomato-stained body. He yelped in pain as he drew his underwear up over his ass. Cara was right; it would be a long time before he would want to sit down.
Cara leaned over to Alex and whispered, "Remember the night you humiliated me? I do; I remember the smug look on your face when you brought out that litter box. Not so smug now, are you?"
"Please, Cara! I told you how sorry I am! You've had your revenge. I'm begging you for mercy. Just like you said I would be!" Alex replied.
Cara laughed. "You didn't believe me when I said you'd be begging me for mercy, did you?"
Alex shook his head.
"But you do now, don't you?"
"Yes, ma'am!" he replied.
"But remember; I warned you there would be no mercy! You should be grateful that I left your balls untouched— this time! Maybe next time we'll get a large sheet of plywood and duct tape you to it with your balls dangling out of the front through a neatly cut hole. Then we can take turns whipping just your balls! What do you think of that?"
Alex was terrified.
"Oh. Don't worry, Alex," Cara said. "I have far more creative things planned for you than that!"
Somehow, that did not reassure Alex.