The Boy Trap Part 1
By Kylie
Copyright 2009 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part One
"You are so lucky, Portia!" Effie said.
"Why?" Portia asked as she bounced her rubber ball against the ground.
"Because you have a brother! I don't have any brothers and neither does Linda!" Effie replied.
Linda nodded in agreement.
"So what? Peter's a jerk!" Portia said.
"Yeah, but all boys are jerks! That's not your brother's fault!" Effie said.
"Duh! So how does that make me lucky?" Portia asked.
"Because if you have a brother running around the house, I bet you've seen him naked!" Effie replied.
"Well, sure. We even used to take baths together when we were little. I don't see him naked that much anymore, but sometimes I walk in on him in the shower or on the toilet. What's the big deal?"
"It may not be a big deal to you, but Linda and I are almost 10 and neither of us has ever seen a nude boy!" Effie replied.
Portia considered her friend's remark. "I never thought of it like that!" The 11-year-old laughed. "Too bad you can't catch Peter naked!"
Linda's eyes sparkled at the thought. "Why can't we?" she asked.
"Because I never know when he's going to be nude. And he only takes showers in the mornings and you guys would have to be at our house when he wakes up to catch him!"
"Then let's do that!" Effie cried.
"Huh?" Portia asked. What do you mean?
"Let's have a sleepover at your house! It's summer so there's no school; we could do it tonight! That will give us all night and all morning to catch him!" Effie explained.
Portia nodded. "Cool idea! Let's get permission from our moms for the sleepover and by tomorrow morning, you'll both see your first nude boy - even if it is only Peter!"
That night, Portia gulped down her dinner. She couldn't wait for the doorbell to ring, signaling the arrival of her friends, Linda and Effie.
Peter was mildly annoyed at the news of the sleepover. "Why does she get to have her friends stay over?" he whined.
"That's enough whining Peter!" their mother replied. "You had better be on your very best behavior while your sister's company is here! Any trouble - and I mean one single problem - and that PlayStation of yours is getting locked away for the next five months! Do you understand me Peter?"
The boy nodded.
"Just to make sure you really do understand, how many days without the PlayStation?"
Peter took a moment to do the math. "150 days!" he cried. "No way! That's forever!"
"Then you'd better be on your best behavior. If I hear one complaint from your sister..."
"I'll be good!" Peter promised.
Portia smiled wickedly. She knew Peter couldn't last a day without his PlayStation, let alone five months! The ring of the doorbell interrupted Portia's thoughts. She rushed to the door to let Linda and Effie in.
"Come on up to my room and we can change into our pajamas!" Portia said. "Then we can start our sleepover!" Portia shouted into the kitchen, "Good night mom! We'll see you at breakfast!"
Once inside Portia's bedroom, Linda asked, "So how are we going to get to see your brother naked?"
Portia laughed. "It's going to be easier than I thought. We'll set a trap for him! Did you both bring your cameras like I told you to?"
The girls nodded. "Do you think we will have time to snap a photo of Peter nude before he sees us?" Linda asked.
"If my plan works, he'll stay nude as long as you want and do whatever you say!" Portia replied. "But first we have to trick him into coming into my bedroom. Once he comes inside, Effie will have to rush to the door and block it so he can't run out. Linda and I will wrestle him to the floor and pin him. Everyone got it?"
The girls nodded again. "How do we get him to come in? Should we call him?" Linda asked.
"No, no! It has to look like he snuck in and we didn't want him here! When he gets ready for bed he will brush his teeth in the hall bathroom. You and Effie stand outside the door and talk loud enough so he has to overhear you. Linda, you say you're glad there's no boys here because you're going to wear a new nightie and thong to bed and it's so sheer you can see right through it! And Effie, you say 'so what, I plan to sleep nude on top of the blanket anyway!'"
"I'm not sleeping nude!" Effie cried.
"I know that, but Peter doesn't! He'll want to sneak in and see!" Portia said. "Then Linda, you say you're scared of the dark and you want us to leave the bedroom door open a crack!"
"But I'm not afraid of the dark!" Linda said. "Do you think I'm a baby?"
"I know you're not afraid. Just say that so Peter will know the door will be open. We're making it easy for him to sneak in. Then add that you're keeping a flashlight on the floor by your bed. That way, Peter will walk into the dark room straight to your bed to find the flashlight and shine it on our sleeping bodies! But we won't be sleeping! And once he's all the way into the bedroom, we'll spring the trap!" Portia explained.
An hour later Peter prepared for bed. He changed into his pajamas and then carefully stuck his head outside of his bedroom door. When he was convinced that Portia's friends were safely in her bedroom and would not catch him in his pajamas, he ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. When he finished, he reached for the bathroom doorknob, but froze when he heard voices outside the door. He listened carefully, waiting for Linda and Effie to leave the hallway so he could return to his bedroom unnoticed.
"Good thing there's no boys here, because I'm going to wear a new nightie and thong to bed and it's so sheer you can see right through it! I mean, you can see everything!" Linda said loudly.
Peter smiled wickedly, wondering if he might catch of glimpse later if Linda were to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.
"What's the big deal about that? I always sleep nude! And not under the covers either! I'll be lying on top of my blanket naked as the day I was born!" Effie said.
Peter couldn't believe his ears. Effie would be lying completely naked all night long in a room just a few feet away! At that moment Peter wished that he could turn into a fly and fly under the door. He considered, for a second, sneaking into Portia's bedroom but he dismissed the idea as too risk. The girls would hear the door open and if the lights were out he wouldn't be able to see anything anyway. And if he turned on the room light, the girls would wake up!
"Just promise me that you guys will keep the door open a little bit!" Linda said. "You know I'm afraid of the dark! I'll even fall asleep with my flashlight by my bed!"
Peter was ecstatic! All he had to do was wait about 20 minutes after he saw the light go out in Portia's bedroom. Then, tiptoe down the hall; gently push the bedroom door ajar enough to slide through; tiptoe to where Linda was sleeping and pick up the flashlight! After that, it would be show time!
Another hour passed. Peter was beginning to think that the girls would never go to sleep! Finally, the light went out. Peter looked at his alarm clock on his nightstand. Another half hour and it would be safe to sneak in, he thought.
At last the moment arrived. Peter crept down the hallway to his sister's bedroom door. He listened but did not hear any sounds coming from the room. It was pitch black inside, but he was afraid to turn on the hall light as it might wake them. Cautiously, Peter pushed the door ajar and stepped into the room. His eyes began to adjust to the darkness. He could make out what he thought was Linda and he thought he saw the flashlight by her side. Furtively, Peter tiptoed deeper into his sister's bedroom until he was two-thirds of the way in.
Portia slipped out of her closet and barricaded the door. "Now!" she cried. Linda and Effie jumped out of bed and tackled Peter, whose eyes had not totally adapted to the darkness. Portia flipped on the light switch and saw that the girls had Peter pinned to the floor!
"What the fuck?" Peter cried. "Get off me! Let me go or I'll scream!"
Portia pushed her nightstand against the bedroom door and then walked over to Peter. She dropped down to one knee and spoke softly into Peter's ear. "Go ahead! Scream all you want! In fact, we'll scream too! Let's see how fast we can get mom in here! Is that what you want?"
"I want you to get them off of me and let me go!" Peter cried.
"And when Mom finds you in my room bothering me and my friends, what do you think is going to happen to your PlayStation?" Portia asked.
Peter grew silent, remembering what his mother had said earlier. Then he said, "But I wasn't bothering you!"
"You snuck into my room!" Portia said.
"And you called us names! You called me a bitch!" Linda said.
"No I didn't! You liar!" Peter cried.
"So what? That's what I'm going to tell your mom!" Linda said.
"Yeah, we all heard you say it, didn't we Portia?" Effie added, winking.
"Yep!" Portia agreed. "But once Mom hears how you pantsed Effie, you'll probably never see your PlayStation again!"
"But I never—"
"Yeah, I think you should be punished real bad for doing that to me!" Effie said, smiling.
Portia leaned over her brother as her friends kept him pinned down. "You starting to understand? We can make up all kinds of stuff about you and she'll believe us because there's three of us and you'll be caught red-handed in my room!"
Peter slowly took in what Portia was telling him.
Effie was seated on Peter's chest, pinning his arms above his head while Linda was holding down Peter's ankles. Portia sat behind Peter's head, pinning his wrists with her knees. That freed Effie to slide down and start unbuttoning Peter's pajama top. Since it only had three buttons, his top was open wide in seconds.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked.
"You fight us and we scream. You try to run and before you can move the nightstand from the door, we scream. You do exactly what we say, or we scream! You understand Peter?"
Peter realized that he was trapped. He nodded.
"Good boy!" Effie said, sliding all the way down Peter's legs. She place one hand inside the elastic of Peter's pajama bottoms and with the other hand unsnapped the top snap. "Only two snaps on the bottoms!" she cried. "One down and one to go!"
"No! Stop!" Peter cried.
"You snuck in here to see us naked!" Effie said. "Instead, we're going to see you naked!" She laughed as she unsnapped the last snap on Peter's pajama bottoms. Peter struggled, but Portia gripped his wrists firmly above his head and Linda held his feet down. Effie slid Peter's pajama bottoms down to his knees and stepped back so Linda could also get a good view.
Peter struggled to get free but his twisting simply made his dick and balls bounce up and down, bringing waves of giggling from the girls.
"Oh my God! Look at it bouncing!" Linda laughed.
Effie took her phone from the bedside and aimed it at Peter as she stood over him. "Time for some pictures of Peter and his little Peter!" she said.
"No! Don't take my picture like this!" Peter cried.
"Like what?" Effie asked. "Held down by two girls with your top open and your bottoms pulled down?" She laughed again. "I just sent them to my computer. From now on you do everything I say or those pictures get e-mailed to every girl in school for them to laugh over all summer! Or I can send them to all my friends right now straight from my phone!"
Peter knew that there weren't that many kids their age at school who had cell phones like Effie did, but they all had computers. Still, he thought the photo might be blurry and he could call her bluff. "Let me see the photos!" he demanded.
Effie bent down and showed Peter the photos. There were four of them, all crystal clear with perfect lighting. They all showed the 10-year-old boy pinned to the floor, his pajama top open, his bottoms pulled down, and his small dick and balls clearly displayed. Worse, Peter's face was visible and easily identifiable in each. "Satisfied?" she asked.
Peter was crestfallen. Effie started selecting names from her phone. "Abby, Debbie, Jen, Mags, Rachel, Susie, Veronica... that should be a good start! Now to hit send!"
"No! Don't!" Peter cried anxiously.
"Why shouldn't I?" Effie threatened. "Will you do what I say if I don't send them?"
Peter nodded. "Please! Yes, I'll do what you say!"
"Remember, if you try to grab my phone it only takes one push of a button for me to send them. And even if you do delete them from my phone, I'll just go home later and send them from my computer to even more people!" Effie threatened.
"I understand," Peter said defeatedly.
"O.K. girls, release him," Effie said.
Peter stood up and his pajama bottoms immediately dropped to his ankles. He bent down to pick them up but Effie stopped him. Peter froze with his hands holding the bottoms around his ankles.
"Leave them!" Effie ordered. "Don't stand up yet! Stay bent over until I give you permission to stand up!"
Peter did as he was told.
"Do you have a ruler?" Effie asked Portia.
"Sure!" she replied, bringing one from her desk.
"Has Peter done anything to upset you lately?" Effie asked.
"When hasn't he?" Portia replied. "Just yesterday, I caught him going through my stuff!"
"Then I think he deserves a spanking for that, don't you?"
Portia gazed at the wooden ruler in her hand and then at Peter's bare ass, sticking up in the air. She smiled wickedly.
Effie waved her phone in Peter's face. "Peter, ask your sister for a spanking!"
"No way!" he cried.
"Wrong answer, Peter! So now I don't want you to ask her for a spanking. I want you to beg your sister for one! I'm pressing 'send' right now if I don't hear a whole lot of begging, and 'pleases'; and I want you to tell her what a bad boy you are and how much you really, really want your butt spanked until it's red as a fire-engine!"
Peter gazed in horror as Effie's thumb hovered over the 'send' button. He cried out, "Please, please spank me! I want you to spank my butt red! Please, pretty please with sugar on top! I'm a really bad boy and I deserve a good spanking until my ass is redder than a fire truck! Please spank me, Portia!"
The girls laughed. "I think I peed myself!" Linda cried. "This is too funny!"
"Are you sure?" Portia asked Peter.
"Yes, please spank my ass, Portia!" Peter cried frantically, staring desperately at Effie's thumb hovering above the 'send' button on her phone.
Portia smiled. She recalled all the times that Peter had played pranks on her and gotten her in trouble. She especially recalled the time he had broken the glass fruit bowl and told their mother that she had broken it! Portia had gotten a terrible beating that day! Her mother had taken her across her knee, lifted up her skirt over her head, and spanked her butt with the back of a big wooden spoon! Portia remembered the pain and embarrassment of that spanking, but most of all she remembered peering through the skirt covering her head, with tear-stained eyes, and seeing the grin on her brother's face; a grin that grew wider with each blow that she received.
Portia ran her hand across Peter's butt. Because Peter was completely bent over, the top part of his butt was mostly bone, but then she felt the fatty part below and watched it jiggle as she brushed her hand against it. She decided that was where she would aim her blows so she could watch Peter's flesh bounce and jiggle as it turned red.
"Ow!" Peter cried out. "That hurt!"
Portia laughed. "It's supposed to! Do you remember the spanking I got when you broke the fruit bowl?"
"Uh, not really," Peter lied, feeling guilty.
"Then let me help you remember!" Portia replied, applying three more blows with the ruler.
"SMACK!" "SMACK!" "SMACK!""Ouch!" Peter cried out. "I remember! I remember!"
Portia smiled as her brother winced in pain. ""Who really broke the fruit bowl?"
"I did! I broke it!" Peter cried, hoping to forestall another blow.
"What a naughty boy you are! First you break the fruit bowl, then you lie and say you didn't, and then you lie and say I broke it!"
"I'm sorry!" a teary-eyed Peter cried.
"You will be!" Portia replied. "I want you to say 'I'm a naughty little boy; please spank my ass red!'"
Peter looked up at Linda and Effie, now seated on the bed, staring down at him and grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats. "I'm a naughty little boy; please spank my ass red!" he said, watching them burst into laughter. "SMACK!" Peter felt the stinging blow of the ruler against his butt and heard his sister command, "Again!"
"I'm a naughty little boy; please spank my ass red!" Peter repeated.
"Again!" Portia ordered.
"I'm a naughty little boy; please spank my ass red!" Peter repeated.
"Shit!" Peter cried.
"Two more for bad language!" Portia said. "Now say it again!"
"I'm a naughty little boy; please spank my ass red!" Peter repeated, sobbing.
Portia noticed that there were 10 red marks forming on Peter's ass.
"I think Peter has learned his lesson, haven't you Peter?" Effie asked.
He nodded and muttered "yes" through his sobs.
"But if you misbehave again, Portia will have the right to spank you any time and any place she wants; and if she tells me that you wouldn't let her spank you, I'll e-mail those pictures right away! Understand?" Effie asked.
"Yes," Peter replied tearfully.
"And you'll also tell your mother that you lied earlier and that you really broke the fruit bowl," Linda added.
Peter looked up, shocked. "But she'll give me a double whipping for breaking it and lying!"
"I hope so!" Portia said. "And I hope I can watch!"
"Now stand up and take your top off!" Effie ordered. "And step out of those pajamas!"
Peter stood before the girls completely naked. He alternated between rubbing his stinging ass and clasping his hands in front of his dick and balls. Even though the girls had been able to see some of his dick and balls when he was bent over before, without the pajama top and standing upright he felt more exposed.
"Put your hands behind your head!" Effie ordered.
Spanked into submission, Peter did not hesitate, despite the extreme humiliation he felt as the three girls examined his genitals in excruciating detail.
"Ooh, it feels like he's got a couple of beans inside this sack!" Linda exclaimed, kneading Peter's balls with her small fingers.
Peter felt utterly humiliated, having to stand helplessly as Linda fondled his balls, but he was afraid to move. "Please don't squeeze so hard; it really hurts!"
"Sorry!" Linda said, loosening her grasp and gently cupping his balls.
"Aren't your balls sensitive?" Peter asked.
The girls laughed at his remark. "Girls don't have balls!" Linda replied.
"They don't?" Peter asked, genuinely surprised. "Then if you don't have balls and you don't have dicks, what do you have?"
The girls laughed again. "Why don't you show him, Linda?" Effie cried, giggling.
"Hell no!" Linda replied. Seeing the look of anticipation on Peter's face, she added, "I ain't showing my pussy to a boy!" Then Linda saw the disappointed look in Peter's eyes and she felt sorry for him. "Close your eyes and if you open them even once, I'll squeeze your balls like grapes!"
Peter closed his eyes. Linda pulled down her pajama bottoms and said, "Give me your hand!" She took the boy's hand and placed it between her legs. Peter's fingers explored the area, sliding in and out of her pussy. Linda was surprised at how good it felt. "Keep doing that!" she ordered.
Peter complied, stroking the young girl's pussy while keeping his eyes closed. Finally, Linda pulled her pajama bottoms up and told Peter that he could open his eyes.
"Go stand against the wall with your hands behind your head!" Portia ordered. Effie held up her cell phone to add emphasis to Portia's command.
Peter stood against the wall with his hands behind his head. Effie and Linda reached for their cameras and began snapping photos.
"Now turn around and show us your butt but keep looking at the camera!" Effie ordered. "O.K., next, get down on your knees and beg!" Peter heard the cameras clicking away. "Get down on all fours and crawl on your hands and knees! Now on your back -- grab your ankles and pull them behind your ears!"
Linda showed her last shot to Effie. "Oh my God! What a great shot! You can see his face right above his ass, and his asshole! And it looks like his dick and balls are dangling in his face!"
Linda showed the photo to Peter, who cringed.
Portia laughed. "If you do what we tell you to do tomorrow, I'll make sure the girls delete these photos. If not, by tomorrow night all of the photos will be making the e-mail rounds!"
Peter asked, "What do you want me to do?"
Portia smiled. "For now, get dressed and get out of my room. I'll tell you what to do tomorrow!"
Peter quickly put his pajamas back on and, after Portia had moved the nightstand, rushed into his own bedroom.
"What was that all about?" Effie asked.
"You saw how easy it was to set a trap for Peter and then strip him nude!" Portia explained. "Tomorrow Peter will help us set a trap for some of his friends! We can trap more boys into stripping naked for us! If we plan this right, pretty soon we'll be able to strip any boy we want!"
Effie's eyes lit up. "I get it!" she said. "Peter will be the bait for our next boy trap!"