Alex the Reluctant Nudist Part 17
By Kylie
Copyright 2009 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part Seventeen
Alex left school and stopped at the elm tree to meet Ashley Jackson and give her his clothes, as he did every school day. Alex was a bit unnerved to find Ashley grinning like a Cheshire cat; knowing Ashley, that meant trouble.
"I've got great news for you, Alex!" Ashley said.
Alex braced himself for the worst.
"I just got off the phone with my cousin Nathan. You remember Nathan - the lawyer suing the school so you can attend class as a nudist?" Ashley said.
Alex gulped. "Yeah, I remember," he replied, wishing he didn't.
"Well cousin Nathan is convinced he can get the school to agree to let you be a student nudist for the last two weeks of school if you agree to drop the case when the term ends and sign papers saying that you won't sue next year!" Ashley said gleefully!
"No fucking way! You mean- " Alex started.
"Yep!" Ashley replied, jumping up and down. "Starting Monday morning, you'll be going to school in your birthday suit! Imagine walking down the hall naked, getting hard-ons in class for everyone to see... why, even bending over to put books in your locker will take on new meaning!"
The full realization of what was happening hit Alex. His family believed he wanted to be a nudist and they had accepted Nathan's aid in suing the school and the principal. The school had weighed the financial consequences of the lawsuit and had given in! Word of the lawsuit would leak out; it was a big deal now! He couldn't back down now without everyone from his family to the school officials thinking he was having a huge joke at their expense! Not only would they be mad at him, but Ashley would release the contents of the flash drive to everyone at school if he refused to go along with it!
Alex dropped to his knees and began begging Ashley. "Please, please, Ashley! Haven't you punished me enough? I'm so sorry for what I did to Brianna! I'm begging you, I know you can figure out a way to get me out of this! I can't spend two whole weeks nude in school, I just can't!"
"Sure you can, Alex," Ashley replied. "I bet you end up in more photos in two weeks than the entire football team and all of the cheerleaders!"
The color drained from Alex's face. He hadn't stop to think that kids would naturally bring their cameras to school by the second day of his student nudist experience.
"I'll skip school!" Alex declared.
"For two entire weeks?" Ashley asked. "And how would your parents feel about that after all the trouble Nathan went through to arrange this for you?"
Alex sighed. He knew he was defeated. There was no way out. He sat on the ground at Ashley's feet, dejected. He tried one last attempt to beg for mercy. He looked up at Ashley. "Please, Ashley! I'll do anything!"
Ashley smiled. No sense in telling Alex that she had left out the details of the deal that Nathan had struck with the school officials. They had refused to allow Alex to attend school nude but had reached a compromise - they had agreed to let Alex come to class dressed in only a skimpy thong. It would be embarrassing but still not "indecent" exposure.
"Anything?" Ashley asked sweetly.
"Oh yes! Absolutely! Does that mean you can fix it?" Alex asked.
"If I fix it so you don't have to spend two weeks running around school in the buff, then you'll do what I say?"
Alex nodded.
"All right. Obviously it's too late to drop the whole thing, but I'll have Nathan arrange with the school for you to wear a thong to class instead of being nude!" Ashley said.
"A thong!" Alex cried, disappointed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you rather be around walking around school with your dick swaggering about?"
Alex quickly replied, "Oh no, a thong would be great!"
"Of course, you'll have to do something in exchange!"
Alex nodded. "I figured that. What is it?"
Ashley smiled. Alex wasn't even offering token resistance. She knew she had won. "Two things! First, for the next two weeks you are going to campaign for class president for next year! You're going to run on the 'Nudist Platform' and Jenna and I are going to be your campaign managers. You'll do what we say and we'll be right by your side on the last day of school when you give your campaign speech at the school auditorium."
"You mean I'll spend two weeks running around school in nothing but a thong telling everyone to vote for me as the nudist candidate?"
Ashley nodded. "We'll tell you what to say and we'll even make up some flyers for you to hand out with your picture on them - in your thong, of course!"
Alex sighed again. "O.K., whatever you say! It's still better than being nude."
"And the second thing..."
"There's more?" Alex asked.
"I told you two things!" Ashley said. "There's a party tonight at Kellie's house. She thinks she's hot shit because she's going to be showing off her new slave tonight! That's all she's been talking about for days now! Well, I can show up with a slave too! You're going to come with me tonight and do anything I tell you - that's the second thing!"
"So you want me to wear this thong to the party?"
"No, that starts on Monday. For the weekend, you're still a nudist, Alex!" Ashley replied.
"But that means everyone at the party will see me naked!" Alex cried.
"Would you rather everyone at school see you naked on Monday or a couple dozen kids busy having a wild time tonight?" Ashley asked.
"Who's going to be there?" Alex asked.
"Just some of Kellie's friends and some kids from school," Ashley said.
"Anyone from my class?"
"Probably, but mostly younger I imagine; I got my invitation from Brianna and one of her friends, so I'd guess 12-to-15 would be the age range, probably an equal number of boys and girls!" Ashley said.
"I'm fucked!" Alex said.
"Yep!" Ashley replied. "Still better than prancing around school in the all-together though. Meet me at my house at 8 and we'll go to Kellie's together. By then it'll be dark outside so if you're careful you probably won't be seen by anyone before we get there!"
Alex nodded. "So I do these two things and I get both flash drives - and you and Jenna won't copy them?"
"You'll get the drives on the last day of school. And no, we won't copy them! Honest, some of those photos were so disgusting that I never want to see them again!" Ashley said.
Alex blushed, remembering that he was so sickened by some of them that he hadn't finished looking at them all.
"All right!" Alex agreed. "You'll have a nude slave tonight and a Nudist candidate for class president next week!"
Ashley smiled and said, "Excellent! Now strip off your clothes! I want to watch you run home naked!"
Cara rang the doorbell. "I came wearing the Hello Kitty swimsuit just like you said!" she
said when Kellie opened the door.
"It's not a swimsuit, it's a string bikini! See the strings?" Kellie replied, tugging on one of the strings. She led Cara into her house. Britt was setting up drinks on a table but none of the guests had arrived.
"Good thing my folks are out of town again. They'd freak if they saw all that beer!" Kellie said, watching Britt arrange the bottles.
"How did you get beer anyway?" Cara asked.
Kellie gave her a look that said 'how can you be so stupid?' but she merely replied, "Jenna brought it by. And before you ask how she got it, her boyfriend Troutman got it for her; he can get anything!"
"Oh," Cara replied, feeling like a humiliated schoolgirl who had just been corrected by the teacher in front of the class.
"Now pay attention because we don't have a lot of time until the guests show up. Britt is going to help get you into your costume when she finishes playing with the beer bottles and I want you to memorize this!" Kellie said, handing Cara a sheet of paper.
"What is it?" Cara asked.
"God, it's a sheet of paper! Did you take stupid pills tonight?" Kellie replied. "Just make sure you memorize it!"
"All right, but what is it?" Cara repeated, reading the paper.
Britt came over and stroked Cara's shoulder. "It's O.K., kitten, Kellie is just a bit tense. She wants her party to be a hit. And I'm sure it will be with you as the main attraction. You just have to learn your lines. Now that," Britt said, pointing to the paper, "is a Li'l Kim song called 'Kitty Box'. Whenever you hear the song played tonight at the party, you're going to stand on that coffee table in the living room and sing this song. So you have to memorize it!"
Britt turned on the music and Cara sang along to the words. "All right, I think I can remember it!" she said.
"Good!" Kellie said. "And another thing! You're to smile all night and look like you're having fun, no matter what. And when you're not dancing, I want you circulating with my guests. But you can only say lines from the song you just memorized, nothing else! Except if someone comes up to you and says hello - then you have to reply 'hi, wanna play in my kitty box?' Got it?"
Cara nodded. "You know, everyone at school is starting to call me 'kitty' because of these stupid Hello Kitty clothes you've made me wear."
Kellie smiled. "Perfect. I bet you'll be hearing that a lot more tonight! But you get to wear a cool costume tonight!"
Britt removed Cara's sneakers. Then she brought over a pair of fur leg warmers and placed them onto Cara's legs. From her knees to her ankles, Cara's legs were covered in fur. Then she placed a pair of fur wristbands on Cara's wrists. Next she put plastic cat ears on Cara's head. Cara cringed as Britt approached with a Sharpie marker.
"I'm just going to give you an adorable little black button nose and some whiskers, kitten!" she exclaimed.
Cara stood barefoot in her string bikini as Britt drew on her face.
"There!" Britt said proudly. "You look adorable, kitten! We're almost done!" She reached down and pulled out a black leather cat collar. The collar had silver studs and an O-ring on each side. Britt fastened the collar around Cara's neck. "Is that too tight?" she asked.
"No," Cara replied, shaking her head.
"Good. Now we can finish up, kitten. Put your hands up, like you're under arrest!" Britt said.
Cara raised her hands level with her face. Britt took out a tiny padlock, about the size of an earring, and slipped it through an O-ring on the fur wrist cuffs and then through the O-ring on the cat collar. Cara heard the padlock snap shut. Britt repeated the process with Cara's other hand, leaving the girl locked in a "hands up" position.
Britt held up a tiny key. "If you do a good job tonight, you get this! Otherwise..." Britt walked to the front door, opened it, and pretended to throw the key into the front yard. "I doubt you could find a key this small even in the daylight! And believe me, you won't want to walk home in just your costume after we put your tail on! So you'd better be the best pussy cat you can be tonight! Understand?"
Cara nodded. With her wrists locked to the collar around her neck, Cara felt especially helpless and vulnerable.
"Time to finish your costume, kitten," Britt said smiling. She approached Cara with a pair of scissors.
"Oh, please don't cut my hair off! I'll be a good pussy, just please don't cut off my hair!" Cara cried.
"Maybe we should!" Kellie said upon seeing the terror in Cara's eyes.
"Don't worry, kitten!" Britt said. "I won't cut your hair!" She slipped the scissor blades between the string of Cara's bikini top. "SNIP!" Cara's bikini top dropped to the floor, exposing her small, pert boobs. Before Cara could object, Britt slipped the scissor blades between the string of Cara's bikini bottoms. "SNIP!" "SNIP!" Her bikini bottoms fell to the floor, exposing her small, round and firm bubble butt and her newly waxed bare pussy.
"Oh my God! I'm naked!" Cara cried.
"You're not naked!" Kellie replied. "Your wearing fur leg warmers and fur wrist bands!"
"I can't go home like this! You've destroyed my swimsuit!"
"I told you before, it's not a swimsuit, it's a string bikini. If it was a swimsuit, you'd still be wearing it! A swimsuit doesn't have strings that can be cut like a string bikini!" Kellie said. "Isn't it amazing how quickly you went from clothed to showing everything? Just a few quick snips!"
"Relax!" Britt added. "We have a brand new Hello Kitty outfit for you to wear home, with a lovely top and matching skirt - if you behave and follow the rules for tonight. Otherwise, of course, you can leave anytime and go home like this!"
Cara looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit that Britt had done an excellent job with the Sharpie. Between the cat ears, the collar, and the drawn whiskers and button nose, she did look like a cat. Then she gazed down and saw her exposed boobs, her uncovered, hairless pussy, the fur legwarmers, and finally, her bare feet. She instinctively wanted to cover her boobs and her pussy but her hands were locked into place beside her ears. She realized that her most private parts would be on display all night long, to all of her schoolmates that she had personally invited to the party!
"Just one last thing!" Britt said, holding up a furry cat tail. "Bend over the bed so I can put this in!"
Cara did as she was told and bent over the bed, her hands and face pressed against the mattress, her toes touching the floor and her ass in the air. "What do you mean put it in? In where?" Cara asked.
"Well, one end of this is a stunning, long, furry cat tail and it's attached to the other end, which is a short, fat rubber butt plug. See, the butt plug will go in tight into your ass and because of its shape it won't fall out, no matter how much you move around tonight. And to anyone looking, it will look like you really have a cat tail coming out of your ass!" Britt laughed.
Kellie came over and spread Cara's butt cheeks. Britt put a thin coat of Vaseline on the butt plug and rammed it up Cara's ass. Cara screamed.
"Good thing no one else is in the house to hear that!" Kellie said. "Glad I turned the music up first!"
"Fuck! I feel like I have a fucking monster stuck up my ass! That fucking hurt worse than anything!"
"At least I got it in quick. It would have hurt longer if I took my time!" Britt said.
Kellie smiled. "Wait until it's time to pull it out!" She helped Cara to her feet. Cara looked at herself in the mirror again. She saw her cat ears, the collar, and the black whiskers and button nose drawn on her face. Then she looked down and saw her exposed pert little boobs, her uncovered, hairless pussy, the fur legwarmers, and finally, her bare feet. She turned sideways and saw the furry cat tail sticking out of her bubble butt. Cara knew she would have laughed her head off to see any girl made to look like that and realized that she'd have gladly paid a month's allowance to watch such a girl humiliate herself in front of her peers. Then the awful truth dawned on her that she was that girl!
"I can't do this!" she said. "If the kids from school see me like this I'll never live it down!"
"You should have thought about that before you agreed to our deal!" Kellie said.
"I changed my mind. The deal's off! Let me go home!" Cara cried.
"Fine! Go home!" Kellie led her to the front door.
"Stop!" Cara cried. "I can't go outside like this! Unlock my wrists and give me something to wear home!"
Kellie shook her head, "Nope, you know the deal. You want to leave, then leave. Just like you are. But if you do, I'll have to provide some other entertainment for my guests." Kellie pointed to the 52-inch wide-screen TV. She walked over and put a DVD into the DVD player and turned on the TV. Cara watched in amazement: it looked like a computer desktop, only blown up on a 52-inch screen. Then an instant message flashed across the screen and a webcam opened up. The words "Cara the Slut: Hi Kellie" appeared in the chat portion of the screen followed by the words "Kellie: Who r u?" Then Cara heard her own voice coming from the surround sound living room speakers saying her name and address.
"I turned 13 last week," Cara's voice spoke into the webcam. "I'm a virgin but I like to finger myself! I'm only a virgin because I like pussy, not dick! I may be a virgin but deep down I'm a slut!"
"Oh my God!" Cara said listening to her words come out of the speakers. "You taped me!"
Cara heard her own words as the video continued: "I've seen you at school and I get so wet every time I'm near you! I IMed you because I'm horny and I want to do all kinds of stuff to you. I'm a horny slut and I want to make you wet too! I'll kiss you and play with your boobs and your ass and... I want to suck on your nipples all day long! I want to kiss and lick your sweet ass! And I want to explore your whole body with my tongue! I want to kiss and suck your boobs, your ass - everywhere from your head to your toes!"
"Turn it off!" Cara screamed.
"Wait, it gets better!" Kellie replied.
The video continued: "What I really want most of all Kellie, is to eat you out! I'm dying to run my tongue in and out of your pussy and taste your juices! I want to play with your clit with my tongue and make you come bucketfuls and then slurp up every drop! I dream of doing that to you every night when I'm home alone in bed. I'm feeling so horny talking about it that I have to play with myself right now!" Then the video switched to a full screen shot of Cara pulling up her shirt, revealing a white bra. She unsnapped the bra and her pert small boobs popped out. She began fondling her boobs and then sucked on one of her own nipples. She heard her voice say over the speakers, "I'd rather be sucking your nipples!"
"Please, Kellie, turn it off!" Cara shouted.
Kellie ignored her pleas and let the video continue: On the screen before them, Cara kicked of her shoes and unzipped her jeans. She stepped out of her jeans and stood in front of her webcam in nothing but a pair of pink panties before slipping her thumbs into the waistband and sliding them down.
"Here comes my favorite part!" Kellie said giggling.
Cara heard her own words over the speakers come back to haunt her. "Now I'm going to finger myself for you!" The TV revealed a perfect shot of Cara as she placed her hand over her pussy, used two fingers to spread her lips and inserted her middle finger. "I wish this was your strap-on instead of just my finger!" her words reverberated through the speakers. Cara began moaning softly as she played with herself. Soon her moaning grew louder and she visibly dripping wet! At the last minute before she orgasmed, Cara screamed out Kellie's name. Her fingers were now soaked and she held her dripping fingers up to the camera and the licked them dry.
Kellie flicked off the TV. "Yeah, that should provide some good entertainment for the party!"
"You wouldn't dare!" Cara cried.
"All I'm doing is watching TV. You're the one who was quite daring!" Kellie laughed. "All right, my little pussy, here's your choice. Choice 'A': You go home dressed like a nude kitty cat with your hands tied to your collar; I keep the envelope that Dexter gave me that you want so bad; everyone at the party watches you play with yourself while declaring your lesbian lust for me and they each go home with a burned copy of the DVD. Or Choice 'B': You stay here. You sing your song and ask people to play in your kitty box. You let them touch you anywhere they want, even finger you. Then you get the key to the padlocks, a nice new Hello Kitty outfit to wear home, we destroy the DVD, and in a few days you get the envelope you wanted so badly. Britt and I will make sure that no one takes any photos at the party so there'll be no proof tonight ever happened. You've got three seconds to decide. The guests will be here any minute!"
Cara was near tears. "I– I–" she began. She thought rapidly. Sure there would be two dozen kids there, but they might get so smashed on beer that they forget what they saw. And Kellie swore there would be no photos. The alternative guaranteed that the video on the DVDs would be copied and emailed all over school - every kid in school would see her masturbating and acting like a lesbian slut! Worse, they'd all own their own copies that they could watch any time! It might even end up on the Internet! Cara looked up. "You win!" she said, forcing a smile. "Hi, wanna play in my kitty box?"
Kellie smiled. "Good kitty! You made the right choice!"
Then the doorbell rang.
"It looks like the guests are arriving!" Kellie said.