Alex the Reluctant Nudist Part 15
By Kylie
Copyright 2009 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part Fifteen
The three young boys stood motionless, waiting to see if Cara would take off her panties and hand them to Britt, as she did with her bra seconds earlier.
"You expect me to take my panties off in front of these boys?" Cara asked. "I'd be stark naked! No way! It's bad enough they're drooling over my boobs!"
"You barely have boobs, but it's up to you," Kellie said. "Boys, I'm afraid that if Cara doesn't hand over her panties to Britt then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Cara breathed a sigh of relief.
Kellie handed Cara's bra to Peter, Cara's skirt to Randy, and Cara's top to Chris. "But if you do have to leave now, you can keep these as souvenirs. Now go home!"
The boys left the small room and headed toward the salon lobby.
"Wait!" Cara cried out. "You can't let them leave with my clothes! I'm miles from home and all I have to wear is my panties!"
"Well the boys and your clothes were going to stay, but you refused to take off your panties with them in the room. Have you changed your mind, Cara?" Kellie asked.
Cara realized that once the boys left the salon they would run away with her clothes. How would she get home? Could she wait at the bus stop in just her panties and then ride the bus all the way home like that? What other choice did she have?
"You win!" Cara said reluctantly. "The boys can stay."
"And?" Kellie asked.
"And I'll give Britt my panties," Cara said.
"Good girl!" Kellie replied. "Boys, come on back!"
The boys eagerly rushed back into the small room. All eyes were on Cara as she slipped her thumbs into the elastic of her panties and pulled them down to her ankles. Then she stepped out of them and handed them to Britt. The boys giggled, and as Cara covered herself with her hands, the boys broke out into open laughter at her obvious embarrassment.
"Look at all that hair!" Chris shouted, pointing to Cara's crotch as she tried to cover it. The boys were slightly embarrassed themselves, realizing that Cara had a great deal of pubic hair while they had none.
"Gross!" Randy added.
"Now boys, we're here in the beauty salon to make Cara look pretty and not gross!" Kellie said, laughing, "But before we start, there's something else we have to do first! Cara was a very disobedient slave a few minutes ago, so she'll have to be punished."
Cara was startled to hear this and considered grabbing her clothes and fleeing, but then she realized that Britt had taken her discarded clothes into another room while Kellie had been speaking.
"I could punish Cara myself, but I think it will be more meaningful and memorable for her if you boys do it!" Kellie said. "Peter, sit down here. Cara, lay across Peter's lap."
Cara climbed atop Peter's lap and lay face down. "Peter, would you like to give Cara a spanking?" Kellie asked.
The 10-year-old smiled gleefully. "Would I ever!" he said. "How many times should I spank her?"
Kellie thought for a second, and then replied, "Well, she's 13, so I think 13 good whacks would be appropriate."
Peter raised his hand and brought it slamming down upon Cara's ass.
"Ouch!" Cara screamed. She didn't know which was worse – the stinging sensation or the humiliation of having a strange 10-year-old boy give her a bare-ass spanking in a room full of boys and girls. "Owww!" she cried again with the second whack.
"This is fun!" Peter said. The other boys laughed. With the third whack, Cara's bare feet were flailing in the air. Peter gave her the fourth and fifth spankings and Cara's ass was beginning to redden noticeably. By the ninth whack, Cara's butt was a bright red color and with the next spanking she began to sniffle.
"Please, no more!" she cried.
"But that's only 10," Chris said. "You've got three more coming!"
"Bet she cries!" Randy said.
Peter brought his hand down again. "Ouch!" Cara screamed. "Please!" After the twelfth whack, Cara burst into tears as Randy had predicted.
"I'm saving the best for last!" Peter said. "This last one is going to be the mother of all spankings... unless..." Peter paused.
Cara sniffled, "Unless?"
"Unless you beg me real nice to give you a soft spanking," Peter said smiling.
Cara could feel the heat radiating from her reddened butt already. "Please give me a soft spanking!" she said.
Peter laughed. "See guys, the girl is even asking me to spank her now!" Peter gave her a final whack on her ass and then Cara stood up.
"Now it's your turn, Randy!" Kellie said. "Cara, just stand there and put you hands on your head! Now, count to 200. Randy, I want you to start tickling Cara anywhere you want until she finishes counting!"
Randy immediately jumped up and began running his fingers over every inch of the nude girl. It wasn't long before he knew exactly which spots were Cara's most ticklish. She found having to stand totally exposed with her hands on her head while tickled by a little boy to be more humiliating than the spanking. She wanted to swat him away, but Cara knew Kellie would object if she took her hands from her head. By the time she reached 150 she was in a fit of hysterical laughter. Randy mainly tickled her stomach and her underarms, but his fingers found their way to her butt and her small boobs too. Finally, Cara reached 200 and Randy sat down.
"O.K., Chris, your turn!" Kellie said. "Cara, continue to stand with your hands on your head. You can tickle her until I tell you to stop!"
The eight-year-old boy smiled. "I know where to tickle her!" he said. He placed his fingers on Cara's stomach, and then slid the down to her public hair. Cara felt two of his fingers penetrating her pussy. She gasped and took her hand from her head.
"Hands back on your head!" Kellie ordered. "It looks like Chris has found your 'ticklish' spot!" Kellie laughed. She wasn't sure if Chris had any idea what he was doing, but by fingering Cara it was obvious that she was becoming aroused.
Cara could feel the wetness dripping down her leg as she moaned and panted. She couldn't believe that this little boy, knowingly or not, was bringing her to orgasm! The humiliation of having to keep her hands on her head while being fingered was almost unbearable but the orgasm was becoming intense. At last, she screamed and collapsed onto the floor.
"That's enough, Chris!" Kellie said.
"Ew, gross! My fingers are all wet!" Chris cried.
Kellie and Britt laughed. "I think you're going to grow up to be a real ladies' man, Chris!" Britt said. Britt gathered Cara's discarded clothes and left the room.
"O.K., Cara, hop on the table! It's time for your beauty treatment!" Kellie said.
Cara crawled on top of the stainless steel table. "It's cold!" she complained.
"Just lay back on the table. You'll warm up soon enough!" Kellie said.
Britt returned and opened a drawer and took out an electric clipper. It hummed as she turned it on. "Looks like the batteries have been recharged," she said.
"What are you planning to do with that?" Cara asked.
"For your beauty treatment, of course!" Britt replied. "You heard the boy say how gross that bush of yours is! When I'm done, you'll look fabulous in a thong!"
"Wait!" Cara cried. "You're not going to shave off my hair, are you?"
"I hope you're not thinking of becoming disobedient again!" Kellie said angrily. "If you are, you can go home right now – just the way you are!"
Cara realized that, once again, she had no idea where her clothes were, but this time she was completely naked! From the way Kellie looked, Cara believed she might just be annoyed enough to call it quits and toss her outside naked. She gulped and replied. "No, of course not. I was just curious, that's all!"
Kelly smiled and Cara relaxed a bit.
"Don't be silly, I'm not going to shave off all your hair," Britt said. "I'm going to leave about a quarter-inch of hair; that's why I'm using a comb with the clippers."
"Oh, all right," Cara said. "At least I won't be bald down there!"
"Kellie, would you go bring in the pot from the other room and plug it in here on the counter. It should be hot enough by now," Britt said.
"What pot?" Cara asked.
"The pot of hot wax, silly!" Britt replied. "How do you expect to get a Brazilian wax without the wax?"
Kellie entered the room with the pot of wax. "Damn, this pot is hot! I almost burned myself!" she said.
Cara was panic-stricken! "What are you going to do with that wax? Are you going to burn me?"
"Don't be silly!" Britt replied. "Relax, I've seen my mom do this lots of times! It won't feel hot; only a little warm. I put the wax on these small strips and then I put the strip on you and take it off in a minute. Simple!"
"You know, women come here and pay Britt's mom a lot of money to get a Brazilian wax and you're getting one for free so you should thank Britt!" Kellie said.
Cara looked up at Britt apprehensively and uttered, "Thank you, Britt!"
"You're welcome, kitten!" she replied, dipping a cloth strip into the hot wax. Britt placed the strip onto Cara's trimmed pubic hairs. "See, we needed to leave something for the wax to grab on to!"
"Grab on to?" Cara asked.
"Sure!" Britt replied. "How else can we rip out the hairs?"
"You mean you're going to rip her pussy hairs out?" Peter asked.
Britt nodded.
"Fucking awesome!" Peter cried, high-fiving the other boys.
"Oh my God!" Cara cried.
Britt quickly ripped the small cloth strip off of Cara.
"Fuuccckkkk!!!" Cara screamed. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh my God! Oh my fucking God!"
Britt held up the strip so the boys could see the hairs stuck to it. "Now bend your left leg to the side," she ordered.
Reluctantly, Cara did as she was told. Britt dipped a waxing stick into the pot of hot wax and then spread it onto a small patch of Cara's hair and skin. She then placed the cloth strip over the still-warm wax, pressing firmly so that the cloth, hair, and wax would adhere to one another. When the wax cooled, she pulled the strip off, in the opposite direction of the hair growth, pulling the hairs out by the root.
"Fuuccckkkk!!!" Cara screamed. "Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Mother fucker!"
Cara could hear the three boys laughing and she could not imagine anything more humiliating or more painful.
"Now bend your right leg to the side," Britt ordered.
Cara's eyes were tearing up. "It hurts!" she cried.
"Only for a second!" Britt said. "We'll be done with the top in a minute!"
"O.K.," Cara said, expecting the longest minute of her life.
Rippppp! Britt held up another hairy strip.
"Can I have that one?" Randy asked.
"Sure!" Britt said, handing the cloth strip to the boy. "And you can ask Cara to autograph it for you when we're done!"
"You mean we're not done yet?" Cara asked hesitantly.
"Of course not!" Britt replied. "You still have hair down there, don't you? The next step is removing the hair further down, on the sides of your pussy lips, kitten. Now, extend your left leg and rest it on my hip." Britt applied the wax and then the cloth. A minute later she ripped away the cloth.
Cara screamed. "Shit! That was 10 times worse than the others!" she cried.
"Well, we're reaching the more sensitive areas," Britt said, nodding. "O.K., now, extend your right leg and rest it on my hip so I can get the other side!"
Cara looked at Kellie, and then at the boys. She extended her leg and realized the boys were getting an unobstructed view of her pussy about to be spread open briefly as the cloth was ripped away. She swallowed as Britt applied the wax. She closed her eyes and felt Britt's fingers pressing down on the cloth. She waited with her eyes closed for what seemed an eternity and then suddenly she felt the rush of pain as her pubic hairs were ripped from her.
"Fuck!" Cara cried.
"Time to change your position. I want you to lie on your back with your legs in the air, like a baby about to have a diaper changed," Britt said. "Now grab your ankles!"
The three boys moved in toward the table and Cara realized that not only did they have an up close view of her most private area, but they could see everything, from her pussy to her asshole! Britt applied the wax below her pussy and then added the cloth strip, which she pulled off a minute later. Cara thought she was going to leap out of her skin. She looked down and couldn't see any pubic hair. "Thank God that's over!" she exclaimed.
Britt smiled. "See, that wasn't so bad! Now it's time to do the back!"
Cara was horrified. "There's more?" she asked.
"Now who wants a smooth pussy and a hairy asshole?" Britt asked rhetorically.
"I do! I want a smooth pussy and a hairy asshole!" Cara cried.
All three boys laughed at her outburst and Chris began chanting, "Cara wants a smooth pussy and a hairy asshole! Cara wants a smooth pussy and a hairy asshole!"
"See!" Kellie said. "You don't want the boys making fun of you!"
"Turn over on your stomach, with one leg lodged behind your head," Britt ordered. "Spread the cheeks please," she said.
Cara fought back tears from the embarrassment that she felt. As Britt waxed her and ripped off the strip, Cara felt slight relief from the thought that it could not get any worse. She was wrong.
"Almost done, kitten!" Britt said. "I've saved the best for last! I want you in the doggy position now, Cara! Kneel on all fours on the waxing table!"
Cara gulped and glanced backward at the eager faces of the three young boys before getting on her hands and knees.
"Good girl, kitten!" Britt said. "Now lean on your elbows and spread your legs wider!"
Cara was mortified, picturing the view the boys now had. Then she felt the heat of the wax, followed by a "rrriiippp!"
"All done, kitten!" Britt said. She walked out of the room and Randy handed a hair-filled cloth strip to Kellie.
"Will you have her autograph it for me?" he asked.
Kellie took a pen from her purse and handed the strip and the pen to Cara. Reluctantly, Cara took both and signed her name on the cloth.
"Cool!" Randy exclaimed.
Britt returned with Cara's clothes. She handed them out to the boys. "Time for you boys to leave. We have girl talk to do now!"
The boys looked reluctant to leave.
"Unless you three want to find out what hot wax feels like?" Kellie added.
The three boys quickly raced out of the salon, running off with Cara's clothes!
"You just let them run off with my clothes!" Cara screamed. "And now I'm more naked than ever! I don't even have hair to cover my slit!"
Kellie laughed. "Relax!" she said, opening a shopping bag under the waxing table. "We came prepared!" She reached into the bag and handed Cara a pink pair of "Hello Kitty" panties with a little kitty cat on them. Cara quickly put them on and Kellie pulled out a white "Hello Kitty" top and a pink "Hello Kitty" skirt. When Cara had put on all of the "Hello Kitty" clothing, Kellie handed Cara her shoes.
"You look adorable, kitten!" Britt said.
"I'll come by your house tonight with a few more "Hello Kitty" outfits – I expect to see you wearing them from now on!" Kellie said. "And I mean all the time! I'd better see those "Hello Kitty" panties in gym class!"
"All right!" Cara said.
"You make a great kitten!" Britt said. Both Britt and Kellie burst out laughing.
"What's so funny? I don't get it!" Cara exclaimed.
""You will!" Kellie said. "You will tomorrow night!"