Alex the Reluctant Nudist Part 13
By Kylie
Copyright 2008 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part Thirteen
Alex woke up naked on top of his covers with a massive hard-on. He grasped his dick and began masturbating. Soon he felt himself coming and he squirted several streams of cum across his chest and stomach. Alex crawled out of bed. He walked over to his dresser, opened a drawer, and reached inside for a pair of clean underwear. He felt around the drawer for several seconds until he realized the drawer was empty. Then he remembered that Ashley and Jenna had taken all of his clothes away in trash bags two nights ago. He looked up and saw the red light on his webcam. Alex realized his every move was being viewed and possibly even recorded by Ashley and Jenna. He immediately regretted having jacked off and wondered if the girls had seen him, or worse, if his jack-off session had been recorded.
Alex grabbed some toast on the way out the door as he headed toward his rendezvous at the elm tree across the street from school. If he hurried, Alex thought, he could get there well before most of the kids had finished breakfast and started to school. Ashley was waiting by the tree chatting on her cell phone when Alex ran up to her.
"He's just got here now," Ashley said into her phone. "I'll see you in class!"
Alex saw that Ashley had his jeans, sneakers, and a shirt on top of her school books.
"Jenna says you put on quite a show this morning," Ashley said.
Alex cringed.
"If I had known you were going to provide morning entertainment I wouldn't have rushed here to meet you," Ashley said.
"I'm glad you came when you did," Alex replied. "Any later and there'd be tons of kids on their way to school. Hurry up and give me my clothes."
"That's not fair! Jenna got to see you play with yourself this morning and I didn't!" Ashley said coyly. "Maybe I should stay home an extra 15 minutes from now on so I don't miss anything!"
Alex panicked. If Ashley did that, she wouldn't show up at the tree until just a few minutes before class; the street would be packed with kids.
"No, please don't do that!" Alex begged.
Ashley smiled. "But I don't want to miss out on your webcam show! I'll tell you what—I'll keep coming at the same time as long as I don't miss out! Show me what Jenna saw."
"Huh?" Alex asked.
"Jenna got to watch you play with yourself this morning; I want to watch too. Play with yourself right here and now and I won't show up late with your clothes tomorrow!"
"You want me to play with myself in the middle of the street? Are you crazy?"
"If you start now you might finish before anyone shows up. Or you can keep arguing," Ashley said.
Alex looked around. Ashley was right; there was no one else on the street yet. Alex knew that would change in just a few minutes. He had been lucky so far in that hardly anyone had seen him naked outside. But if Ashley waited to start bringing his clothes until right before the bell, a steady stream of students would pass by the elm tree on their daily way to school.
Alex grabbed his dick and began rubbing it up and down. Soon he had an embarrassing hard-on. Ashley flashed a wicked smile and pointed her cell phone at Alex.
"Jenna will want to see this," she laughed. "If you're lucky, maybe she won't show anyone, ha, ha!"
"How long do I have to do this?" Alex asked, rubbing his hard-on.
"Same as this morning; until you come, silly!" Ashley replied.
Alex felt totally humiliated standing naked in the street playing with himself in front of Ashley Jackson. He closed his eyes and increased his rubbing. Alex began breathing harder and he felt the excitement building. Suddenly he jerked and he sprayed the elm tree with cum.
"Good boy!" Ashley cried. She took Alex's shirt and used it to wipe the cum from his hand, then she handed Alex the shirt and his jeans and sneakers. "Better hurry and dress or you'll be late."
"You got cum on my shirt!"
Ashley smiled. "Would you rather go to class with sticky fingers?"
Alex pulled on the shirt and pulled up the jeans. Once again, Ashley had neglected to bring his underwear.
"Hey, the zipper is broken!" Alex cried.
"Oops!" Ashley said. "I tried to fix it earlier, but I'm so clumsy. Maybe nobody will notice. By the way, did you bring the note?"
Alex opened one of his school books and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Here it is," he said, handing it to Ashley.
"Great! I'll give that to my cousin at lunchtime," Ashley said.
"Your cousin?" Alex asked, puzzled.
"My cousin Nathan is a lawyer. He's doing me a favor. After I give him this note, he's going to meet with your parents while we're in school. Nathan is going to offer to represent you, free of charge, in your lawsuit against the school."
"My what?" Alex cried.
"Actually, your lawsuit against the principal, the school, and the school board. You see, it's not fair for them to prohibit you from exercising your right to be a nudist. Nathan says the First Amendment guarantees you freedom of expression and freedom of religion. And, as this note you just copied so eloquently explains, you believe nudism is not only a form of self-expression for you but also a spiritual experience akin to a religious experience that brings you closer to God," Ashley said.
"There's no way your cousin is going to win a case like that!" Alex said.
Ashley smiled. "Nathan thinks it's possible to win, but that's not the point. Think how much it will cost the school and the principal in legal fees to fight the lawsuit! Nathan thinks they'll fight for a few weeks, then give in right before school ends if you promise to drop the suit and not refile it next school year."
"What do you mean?" Alex asked.
"Look, it's simple!" Ashley replied. "We get down to the last two weeks of school. They have a choice: let the lawsuit drag on through the summer as the dollars add up, or agree to let you attend school nude for the last two weeks so long as you promise to drop the lawsuit and not sue next term."
Alex couldn't believe the principal would ever agree to let him attend school naked. But Alex also knew how expensive lawsuits were. He also couldn't see the principal risking his personal financial future on a meaningless lawsuit. And he knew the school was struggling for funds for the football team and the band; would the school want to divert extracurricular funds to fight a lawsuit in the final days of the school term?
"Oh my God!" Alex exclaimed. "They might actually give in and let me be a nudist in school!"
Ashley smiled. "If it's a choice between spending tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees or letting little Alex Kruger prance around school in his birthday suit for a few days, which do you think will happen?"
Alex felt a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Cara sat next to Kellie at lunch. She didn't really know Kellie very well, but they had
been in the same class all year, so at least Kellie wasn't a complete stranger to her.
Cara had composed a dozen different scenarios in her mind to set the stage for her unique
request but when the time came she could not recall a single one. Instead, she simply
blurted it out.
"Kellie, I need a really big favor from you! I know we're not really friends but you're the only one who can do this for me, and I know it's a lot to ask, but if you do it I'll be so grateful and I'll do anything for you, just name it!"
Kellie was intrigued. Cara had not spoken to her more than twice since transferring to her school and now she was hitting her up for some big favor. Never one to let an opportunity pass, Kellie decided to inquire further. "Anything?" she asked.
Cara paused. She imagined having to come up with a wad of cash or write a term paper for Kellie. It didn't matter; she had to have the password to the flash drive and that meant doing whatever was necessary to ensure Kellie's cooperation. "Whatever you want, but I should warn you, it's an awfully big favor."
Kellie was curious now. "What is it?"
"Do you know Dexter?"
"The geek?" Kellie asked.
Cara nodded.
"Well, he's in two of my classes but that's about all," Kellie replied.
"Dexter has something I need but he'll only give it to me in exchange for..." Cara paused. "In exchange for a blow job."
"So?" Kellie said. "If you want it bad enough, just suck him off. Otherwise tell him to fuck off. What's the problem?"
Cara hesitated. "The problem is, it's not me he wants the blow job from – it's you!"
Kellie looked shocked and then she broke out laughing. "Me?" she asked. "Why would I blow a geek I don't even know?"
"Because that's the only way I can get what I need from Dexter!" Cara replied desperately. "Please, Kellie! I know it's a lot to ask, but I wouldn't ask you if I had any other alternative! I'm begging you! I'll pay you, or do your homework for a month, or do your chores, or anything you want if you'll do this for me!"
"Even if I was willing to do it, I have plenty of money and I can do my own homework," Kellie said. She paused reflectively. "It wouldn't be the first dick I've sucked, but if I'm not interested in him – and I'm not – then there'd have to be something in it for me. And you don't have anything to offer!"
Kellie stood up from the lunch table and walked outside the cafeteria. Cara caught up with her as she passed behind the rear of the building.
"Wait!" Cara cried out.
Kellie stopped and turned to face Cara.
"Wait! There must be something you want; something I can offer!" Cara said.
"Like what?" Kellie asked.
Cara was desperate. She knew this was her last chance to appeal to Kellie. "I do have something to offer!"
"What?" Kellie asked.
"Me!" Cara replied. "I'll be your slave for one week! Anything you say, I'll do!"
Kellie looked as though she were considering the proposal. "You'll do anything I say for a whole week?"
Cara nodded.
"And all I have to do is blow Dexter?"
"Yeah, but you have to blow him right away before he changes his mind," Cara replied.
"Wait, if I do my part first, how do I know you'll do your part?" Kellie asked.
"Dexter will give you something for me; you can hold on to it until the week is up and then give it to me," Cara said.
"You must want this really bad!" Kellie said.
Cara nodded.
Kellie looked around and saw they were alone behind the cafeteria. She dropped her pants, revealing a pink thong. "Kiss my ass," she said.
"What?" Cara replied.
"If you're going to be my slave, you'd better learn to do what I say and not ask questions," Kellie said.
Cara immediately got the hint and dropped to her knees. She pressed her lips to Kellie's bared ass. Kellie laughed, realizing the power she had over the girl.
"Make it one kiss for every day of slavery," she ordered.
Cara quickly kissed both cheeks of Kellie's butt. On Cara's seventh kiss, Kellie pulled up her pants.
"O.K., I believe you," she said. "I'll talk to Dexter today and take care of him. Your week starts tomorrow, deal?"
"Deal!" Cara answered, shaking her hand. Cara was excited to be a huge step closer to the password that would crack Alex's flash drive, yet she wondered if she had gone too far. Still, she consoled herself with the thought that a week would pass quickly and then she would have the password and nothing that Kellie might make her do could compare to what she would make Alex do once she learned the secret of the drive.
After school, Alex met Jenna at the elm tree and stripped off his clothes. As he handed
his clothes to Jenna, he asked, "Where's Ashley?"
"Ash has gone to meet with her cousin," Jenna said.
"Fuck!" Alex replied. "You don't really think the principal will let me attend school naked, do you?"
"If I were you, I'd hope so!" Jenna said. "Otherwise you'll be known as the boy whose frivolous lawsuit cost both the band and the football team next year's whole budget. You would be mega unpopular!"
"Shit, I hadn't thought of that!" Alex said. "Everyone in school would blame me!"
Jenna smiled. "I wouldn't worry about it. Jenna's cousin Nathan says these types of cases usually settle quickly."
"But if that happens, then..." Alex began.
"Then you can look forward to sitting in class nude, walking down the halls nude, eating lunch in the school cafeteria nude, having every girl in school see you nude all day..." Jenna said.
The reality of the situation suddenly hit Alex like a ton of bricks. This was really going to happen! It wasn't like being naked in front of a bunch of strange kids like the Young Explorers; this would mean being naked in front of everyone he knew! Not just the guys but all the girls he had teased and all the girls he liked! And it wasn't even something as embarrassing as streaking the school on a bet. At least if he was streaking he would be running too fast for anyone to get a good look. But no, he would be walking and sitting nude all day long, every day for two whole weeks! Long enough for every girl in school to memorize every embarrassing inch of his naked body! Shit, Alex thought, they don't even have to memorize it – they'll just snap pictures all day long!
Alex dashed home, hoping no one would spot him running naked from the elm tree to his house. Not that it mattered; in a few weeks there wouldn't be a single student at school who hadn't seen him nude, he realized.
Alex reached his front door and burst into the living room out of breath. His cousin Cara was waiting for him, along with three teenage girls. Cara grabbed Alex by the wrist and introduced him.
"Girls, this is my cousin Alex who I told you about. Alex is a nudist," Cara said. "Alex, meet Rhonda, Abby, and Heather from my dance class."
Alex reflexively covered his genitalia with his left hand while shaking each girl's hand with his right hand.
"At first I couldn't believe my own cousin had become a nudist for real, because even though he's always nude he almost always stays inside the house where no one can see him. I even thought he was being blackmailed into doing this, can you imagine that?" Cara said.
"I told you no one's making me do this; I want to be a nudist!" Alex said, fearful that Cara might learn the truth. Alex had no idea that Cara had discovered his flash drive and was close to breaking the password.
"I guess I'll have to believe you Alex," Cara said, "I mean, if you don't object to me bringing home different girl friends every day after school while you're walking around the house all nakie, then I guess you really just want to be a nudist after all."
Alex was trapped. If he objected then he would have to admit he was only a reluctant nudist and that he was indeed being blackmailed. Then Cara would want to know what he was being blackmailed about, and knowing Cara, she would stop at nothing to get her hands on the blackmail photos. Alex realized he would have to consent to a stream of strange girls popping into his house every afternoon; he would simply have to stay in his room and lock the door.
"Alex, why are you covering yourself?" Cara asked, pointing to Alex's hand. Cara's comment drew the attention of the other girls down to Alex's covered crotch. "Nudists can't be shy, cuz! Move your hand and show off the goodies!"
Cara could see Alex's face turning red with embarrassment and she was relishing it. Alex had teased her mercilessly since she had moved in, but today was just the start of what Cara hoped would be a long payback. Would he do it, Cara wondered? Would Alex bare all in front of her friends or would this push him to drop the "nudist" act?
Alex knew he had to convince Cara he was a nudist by choice and not by blackmail. Slowly, he moved his hand to his side, exposing his dick and balls to Cara and the three girls. Alex stood in abject humiliation as three girls he had never met giggled and discussed the merits of his cock.
"He's got a lot more hair down there than my brother!" Abby said, giggling.
"Yeah, Alex, you should mow that bush!" Rhonda said, breaking out laughing.
Cara smiled. If Alex was willing to endure this, then whatever was on the flash drive was pure gold! She had to get that password!
Heather pulled a camera from her purse and handed it to Cara. "Will you take a picture of the three of us with your cousin?" she asked.
The three girls gathered around Alex to pose. Cara waited to see if Alex would finally call an end to his charade.
Alex did not want a photo of him nude but he realized it would be less embarrassing than any one of the photos on the flash drive. He forced a smile.
Cara had expected Alex to run off. It was obvious from his reddened face that he was hopelessly embarrassed, yet here he was, posing with her friends wearing nothing but a smile! Cara snapped the photo and handed the camera back to Heather.
"Pure gold!" Cara thought out loud.