Alex the Reluctant Nudist Part 12
By Kylie
Copyright 2008 by Kylie, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part Twelve
"You nasty little pervert!" Miss Haddock cried. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I... I..." Alex stuttered.
"Never mind, it's perfectly obvious what you were doing!" Miss Haddock exclaimed. "We'll have no more of that sort of behavior, young man!"
Miss Haddock grabbed Alex by the nape of the neck and led him several yards away to a wooden picnic table. "It's a good thing I returned when I did!" she stated. "Melissa, bring me the roll of duct tape from the utility bin."
Melissa rushed off on her errand.
"I want everyone else to go into the woods and come back with a switch from a tree. Then we're going to have a lesson in whittling," Miss Haddock announced.
The Young Explorers quickly scattered in different directions in search of sticks and switches. Melissa returned carrying a roll of duct tape.
"And you, little pervert, climb on top of the picnic table, face down," Miss Haddock ordered.
Alex considered arguing, but one look at the enraged gym teacher convinced him that he was better off doing as little as possible to antagonize her further. Miss Haddock proceeded to duct tape the naked boy's arms and legs to the picnic table. When the Young Explorers returned, they were startled to see Alex bound spread-eagle on the wooden table.
"Now boys and girls, take out your pocket knives and start whittling your sticks into nice smooth switches," Miss Haddock ordered.
Five minutes later, the 13 children had completed their assigned task; even Melissa had found a switch to whittle at the last minute.
"Alex has been a very naughty boy," Miss Haddock said. "He was caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing in front of all of you, so it is appropriate that all of you assist in his punishment." Miss Haddock took a switch from Melissa and ran it across the contours of Alex's ass. "Alex is about to get an ass whipping. You will line up in a circle around the table. You will each have a turn to apply your switch to his bottom. Alex will not be able to move or block your whipping, nor will he be able to hide his face, so you may want to watch his face as he endures his shame and pain."
Staci raised her hand. "How many times may we whip him, Miss Haddock?" she asked.
"Each of you may whip Alex one time per turn, but you will all get several turns," Miss Haddock assured Staci. Miss Haddock handed the switch back to Melissa and said, "Melissa, you go first."
Melissa brought the switch firmly across Alex's backside. Everyone was startled by how loud the whipping sound was, first as the switch cut through the air, and then once it had impacted on Alex's ass. For his part, Alex found the sudden sharp pain unbelievable. He had had spankings before, but never anything like this! He struggled to fight back the tears, determined not to humiliate himself by crying in front of the younger children.
"Thank Melissa for giving you your whipping, Alex," Miss Haddock said.
Alex thought it was absurd to thank the girl for causing him so much pain, but realizing that he was strapped to the table in a very vulnerable position, he decided not to make things more difficult for himself.
"Thank you, Melissa," Alex said, holding back a sob.
Melissa smiled and went to the end of the line. Tony stepped up with his freshly-carved switch.
"Tell Tony what a naughty boy you've been Alex, and ask him to whip your ass," Miss Haddock ordered.
Alex knew he had little choice but to comply and hope that the nightmare would end quickly. "I've been a naughty boy, Tony; please whip my ass," Alex said quietly.
The others laughed and Tony smiled.
"Sure, loser!" he said, bringing his switch down on Alex's butt.
"Shit!" Alex cried, wincing from the pain.
"Alex Kruger!" Miss Haddock cried. "I will not tolerate that kind of language! Just for that, everyone will get an extra turn! Now thank Tony properly!"
"Thank you, Tony," Alex said.
Tony smiled again and went to the end of the line. Staci stepped up to the table.
"Tell Staci what a naughty boy you've been Alex, and ask her to whip your ass," Miss Haddock ordered.
"I've been a naughty boy, Staci; please whip my ass," Alex said quietly.
"I can't hear you, Alex," Staci said.
"I've been a naughty boy, Staci; please whip my ass," Alex shouted.
Staci gripped her switch and whipped the bottom of Alex's butt, right below the marks from his previous two whippings. Alex yelped in pain.
"Thank you, Staci," Alex said.
Dani stepped up next.
"I've been a naughty boy, Dani; please whip my ass," Alex shouted.
"My pleasure, Alex," Dani replied, smacking his butt with her switch. Alex felt the tears rolling down his face but since his hands were taped down, he couldn't brush them away.
"Thank you, Dani," Alex said.
Dani's brother Jared was next, followed by Brian and Eric. By the time Todd got his turn, Alex was already bawling like a baby. Within 10 minutes, all 13 kids had had a turn whipping Alex Kruger's ass. Alex's butt was red and swollen, with multiple welts. Miss Haddock then announced that each camper would get three more turns.
"How many more times!" Alex thought.
"How many more times!" Cara cried, sitting in front of her computer. "I've tried everything and I can't crack Alex's password!" Frustrated, she yanked the flash drive from her computer and tossed in onto her desk.
"I wish I was a computer geek so I could open this file," Cara said to herself. "Hmm, that's what I need – a computer geek! I bet that nerd Dexter in my Algebra class could crack this password! As soon as we're back in school on Monday, I'm going to get Dexter to help me!"
Alex's butt was raw by the time Miss Haddock released him from the picnic table. The other
campers were packing in anticipation of the trip home. Brianna approached Alex and handed
him something.
"What's this?" he asked.
"My travel pillow," Brianna replied. "I thought you might want to sit on it on the trip back."
"Thanks, Brianna," Alex said, forcing a pained smile.
A short time later, the Young Explorers boarded the bus for the journey home. Once home, Alex rushed straight to his room and crawled into bed. It was several hours later when Alex's cell phone woke him up.
"Hello?" Alex answered.
"Alex, it's Jenna."
"What time is it?" Alex asked.
"2 a.m.," Jenna replied.
"Fuck, 2 a.m.? I was sleeping!"
"Yes, we know," Jenna said. "Ashley and I were watching you on your webcam. Is everyone at your house asleep?"
"Of course! And I should be too," Alex said.
"Open the front door and let us in quietly," Jenna said. Alex's cell phone went dead.
Alex jumped out of bed and tiptoed from his bedroom to the front door. He opened the door and Jenna and Ashley stepped inside.
"What are you..." Alex began.
"In your room," Ashley interrupted.
Once inside Alex's room. Ashley pulled out a box of large trash bags and told Alex to take a bag.
"What should I do with this?" he asked.
Jenna opened one of his dresser drawers and Ashley scooped up the contents and dumped them into the trash bag Alex was holding.
"Hey, that's my socks and underwear!" Alex exclaimed.
"Just hold the bag open," Jenna ordered, as Ashley opened each of the dresser drawers one-by-one and filled the trash bag with Alex's clothes. "Tie that bag up Alex and take a new one so we can start on the closet!" she said.
"Since you're a nudist now you won't be needing these clothes," Ashley said. "We'll keep them for you until your 90 days as a nudist are up."
The girls soon had filled five large trash bags.
"But what about school?" Alex asked.
"Every morning one of us will meet you at the elm tree across the street from school. We'll have clothes you can wear to school but after school you must meet us again at the elm tree and give them back. Understood?" Ashley asked.
"But... but..." Alex said. He realized there was nothing he could say to dissuade the girls.
"Now go to sleep, Alex. We'll let ourselves out," Ashley said.
"Oh, and from now on, we'd like you to keep a light on in your bedroom so we can see better on the webcam," Jenna said. "And no more sleeping under the covers! Just lay on top of the bed so whenever we watch your cam at night we can be sure you're naked!"
Alex nodded reluctantly and lay down on top of his bed as the two girls lugged the trash
bags containing all of Alex's clothes out of his house.
The next morning, Alex and Cara headed off to school.
"I can't believe that you really don't mind walking down the street in broad daylight without a stitch of clothing!" Cara said.
"I'm a nudist now, remember," Alex replied. "Besides, we left so early that no one will be walking to school for another 15 minutes."
"I guess, but are you planning on going to class like that?"
"No, you know the school won't let me attend nude. I'll change outside the school," Alex said, hoping Cara would drop the subject.
"I don't buy this nudist stuff," Cara said. "I think someone is making you do this. Did you lose a bet? Or are you being blackmailed?"
Alex looked panicked. "Of course not! I told you, I just like being a nudist. What would anyone be blackmailing me about?"
"I don't know," Cara said. "But it must be something really super bad for you to agree to walk around naked. I'd give anything to know what it was!"
Alex shivered. The thought of Cara finding out about the images on the zip drive sent a chill through him. He knew that if his cousin ever got a hold of those images she would be merciless! "I told you I'm not being blackmailed! I just want to be a nudist! It's a spiritual thing, you know!" Alex said. "You go on ahead, I'm sick of talking to you," he added.
Cara continued on to school while Alex detoured to the elm tree where he found Ashley waiting for him. She handed him a stack of clothes.
"Here's your school outfit for today," she said.
Alex took a pair of shoes, pants, and a shirt from her. "Hey, where's my socks and underwear?" he asked.
"You don't need any more than this to meet the school dress code. A few more weeks and you may not even need this to go to school," Ashley said giggling.
"No way! You know they won't let me in school naked. They'd just send me home," Alex replied.
"We'll see," Ashley said cryptically as Alex dressed.
"Pssssst, Dexter!" Cara whispered to the boy seated across from her in her Algebra
"What?" Dexter replied, surprised that a relatively hot girl like Cara would be talking to a geek like him.
"Meet me at lunch, O.K.?" Cara said.
"Sure, whatever," Dexter replied.
At lunchtime, Dexter sat next to Cara.
"Why did you want to see me?" he asked.
Cara opened her purse and pulled out the flash drive.
"I need to see the files that are on this drive," she said. "I thought you might be able to help me crack the password."
"You mean it's just a password, no encryption?" Dexter asked.
"I think so," Cara replied. "Can you do it?"
"If it's not encrypted, sure," Dexter replied. "I can use a simple dictionary attack."
"I've already tried Webster's dictionary," Cara said.
"No, I have a computer program that can use hundreds of thousands of dictionary words in various combinations at light speed until it cracks the password. Shouldn't take long," Dexter bragged.
"Oh thank God, you were my last hope!" Cara said. "How soon can you do it?"
"I didn't say I would do it!" Dexter said. "Why should I? What's in it for me?"
"Anything!" Cara said. "I'll pay you $100."
"I don't need your money. What else do you have to offer?"
"Look, I'll give you anything you want if you can get me the password. Just name it," Cara told Dexter.
"Fine!" Dexter said. "In that case, I want a blow job."
Cara hesitated. She found the thought of sucking this nerdy computer geek's dick sickening, but then she thought of the absolute power she would wield over her cousin once she had access to whatever was on the drive. If the boy who had been so shy around her was now willing to expose himself to her 24-7 and walk around nude, just think what she could make him do once she knew the secret of the flash drive!
"O.K., I'll do it!" Cara said. "When do you want me to suck you off?"
Dexter looked puzzled. "I don't want you to suck me off!"
"But you said you wanted a blow job!" Cara replied.
"Yes," Dexter said. "But not from you! I want you to get Kellie to give me a blow job. Then I'll give you the password."
Cara was stunned. She didn't know whether to be relieved or angry. "Why Kellie?" was all Cara could manage to sputter.
"Because Kellie is so freaking hot, but of course she doesn't even know I'm alive. If I asked her for a blow job, all I'd get is a slap in the face! But you can talk to her, you know, girl-to-girl. I'm sure you can get her to do it!"
Cara thought about what Dexter was proposing. She didn't really know Kellie, but Cara had spoken to her a few times in class. Maybe she could make some kind of deal with Kellie. Whatever it takes, Cara thought.
Jenna was waiting for Alex at the elm tree after school.
"Right on time!" she said. "O.K., strip, nude boy!"
Alex pulled off his shirt, kicked off his shoes and finally unbuckled his pants before stepping out of them and handing the last of his clothes to Jenna.
"Very good, Alex. If you wait here a while, you may be able to make it home without anyone seeing you," Jenna said. "Oh, by the way, take this and rewrite it in your own handwriting," she added, handing a paper to Alex.
"What is it?" Alex asked.
"It's an extremely well-written plea that Ashley and I drafted as the first step in getting the school to let you attend class as a nudist. In it, you describe how nudism is not only a form of self-expression for you but also a spiritual experience akin to a religious experience. You write about how it brings you closer to God," Janna said.
"You really think an essay is going to convince the principal to let me walk around school naked? Ha! Sure, I'll write this for you, but it won't do you any good."
"Just copy it and give it to Ashley tomorrow morning when she brings your clothes!" Jenna said.
Alex agreed and ran home, hoping no one would spot him.