The Shame Games – Part Eight (Exh, Humil, mmmmfffFF)

Copyright July 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Shame Games – Part Eight (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil,) BY: Hooked6

Several weeks went by without the Shame Games being played. My step-sister had returned home as school had started. With each passing day I was getting more and more frustrated. I wanted to play! But it seemed that all my friends were too busy. I hate to admit it but I was like a drug-addict needing a fix!

Finally I had the chance to meet up with Tom one day after school. "Want to get together later?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe," he said "After my homework is done. I never knew that the 7th grade would be so hard!"

"Yeah I need a break too. Maybe we can play the Shame Game again," I asked hoping my timing was right.

"Well . . . some other time, Petey." He remarked and started gathering up his books.

"What's the matter Tom? We used to play all the time. Have I done something to make you mad at me?" I asked pushing the issue.

"Nah. It's just that . . . well I've already seen you naked so many times now it's not as much fun as it used to be." Tom said as he stood up to leave.

"Well Tom, how about asking some of your friends then? Maybe Teddy will play. Call him up and ask him." I pleaded.

"Listen, I guess I need to be honest. After the last several times we all agreed we came dangerously close to getting in real trouble and nobody wants that. Teddy still thinks his mother suspects him of something or another after she caught you in your underwear after the movies. Maybe it's best we lay low awhile. Take a break. You know what I mean? I'm not saying we'll never play again. Let's wait a while though, OK?" Tom asked as he left without waiting for an answer leaving me very disappointed.

I was afraid to call Amy after my encounter with Big John so I just sulked for several more weeks.

It was mid-October before I got to see my step-sister again. She came by for a brief visit one afternoon and I took the opportunity to confide in her. "Listen, Julie. I'm really desperate. I want to play the Shame Games again but I haven't been able to. I'm all eaten up inside and I don't think I can cope. What should I do?"

She and I talked for some time about my feelings and desires and true to form she seemed very empathetic. "I'm really sorry I don't have time to play today as there just isn't time. But perhaps I can help you with a suggestion. This might not be the same as actually playing but check out this guy's personal blog." She wrote down the address for me. We talked some more until it was time to go.

Later that night I logged on and found the blog. It belonged to a guy named Nathan Lining. The site was basically a diary of sorts - a random collection of thoughts on life and discipline but at the bottom of the blog was an icon labeled "stories". I clicked on it and to my delight I discovered stories on stripping and humiliation and all sorts of related topics. I was in heaven! At last there was somebody else that thought like I did – someone with similar interests! I wasn't alone! I literally devoured the material. Some stories were written by readers of the blog but the ones I liked best were written by Nathan. Julie was right – her suggestion had helped me immensely!

After I was through I clicked on the icon that said "Write to Nathan" and sent him a thank you note telling him how much I appreciated his blog and then went to bed. It was only after lying there a while that a weird thought entered my head: How did JULIE know about this site? Was she really into this stuff too? How else could she explain having the blog's address committed to memory? I got a tingling sensation all over my body as I pondered the possibilities.

To my surprise the next day I got an answer back from Nathan! It seems he was close to my age but from his writing I could tell he was a lot smarter than I was. He told me he appreciated my comments and welcomed me to his blogosphere. We began corresponding and I began revealing a little about myself and without going into a lot of detail, I told him about the Shame Games and how disappointed I was about not being able to play as much.

"I'll play with you," he wrote back. "No reason we can't play this game over the Internet. I'll send you the rules of the game I want you to play tomorrow."

My heart almost pounded out of my chest!! At last I was going to play again – and with a stranger too.

I could hardly wait until the next day. I hurried home from school that Friday and read my email. It said: "This weekend your mother must see you completely naked three times. You are to write to me Sunday night and tell me all about it." That's all he wrote.

My heart sank. My own Mother?! THREE TIMES . . . impossible. I erased the message and went to my room sulking. There was no way on earth I could pull that off. Why I get the licking of my life if I tried that. I decided just to forget this guy. I didn't really know him anyway so it wasn't like I was disappointing one of my friends. I could always wait until I could play the real Shame Games with them I thought.

I had a restless sleep that night and awoke the next morning tired and confused. I forced myself out of bed and began my usual morning routine and took my shower. When I was through washing and had turned the water off I reached for the towel that was always on the rack and it wasn't there. Goosebumps appeared on my arms. An obscene thought ran through my mind – could I pull this off? Maybe this was my chance. Was I brave enough to let my mom see me without clothes – something she hadn't done since I was like 6 years old? My heart raced and I began to get that special feeling deep inside. This was insane, I thought. But I found myself opening the bathroom door anyway.

I slowly walked down the hallway, dripping on the carpet as I went. I stopped at the stairs and looked down. It was now or never. For some inexplicable reason I went on. I expected to see her when I got to the bottom of the stairs but the house was empty. My heart was still racing as I realized that at any minute mom was going to see me naked! I had no idea how she would react but I wasn't really thinking logically. I was too full of excitement.

Rounding the corner I entered the kitchen. Mom wasn't there either. Fine, I thought. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. I decided just go out to the laundry room and grab a towel and forget the whole thing. I opened the door to the garage where the laundry area was and low and behold there was mom!

"PETEY!" she said almost immediately after spotting me. I saw her looking me over from head to toe. Seeing her do that made my stomach tighten into one huge knot! There was no doubt about it now. She had seen all of me. "What are you doing?" she said in a manner that wasn't angry but rather very puzzled.

"There wasn't a towel upstairs on the rack like there usually is. I couldn't dry off." I said trying to sound as if it was no big deal. I'm sure I sounded credible as I WAS telling the truth.

"Oh for heaven's sakes, there are towels in the linen closet upstairs next to the bathroom." She said still looking at me.

I wiped some drops from my eyes that had run down my face from my still wet hair and simply said, "Oh." My penis visibly jumped a bit as I stood there and I was afraid of what might happen so I hurriedly turned to go back upstairs but my mom interrupted me.

"Petey, use this," she said as she tossed me a freshly laundered towel. I quickly wrapped it around my waist hiding my half-erect penis and left. My heart was fluttering now as I dashed upstairs. I couldn't believe that I had actually done it! That old excitement I had longed for was making itself known once again and I liked it!

As I sat in my room I began to wonder if I could do it two more times. I had no idea how to pull that off, so I decided just to get dressed and go outside.

I finished drying off and tossed the towel on my bed and started walking towards my closet when my mom walked in catching me naked once again.

"I'm sorry Petey. I should have knocked." She said as she turned to leave.

"It's OK, mom." I said trying to keep my voice from cracking. "Aunt Sarah always says there's nothing about the human body to be ashamed of." I explained as confidently as I could.

"Oh she does, does she?" my mom asked with uncertainty as she sat on my bed. "And just when did she say that?"

"Well remember a while back when I had to stay with her during the summer? Well she told me that it was perfectly acceptable for boys to swim in their birthday suits. That there was nothing wrong with it. She told me I wasn't to be ashamed of my body." I explained. It was so hard having a conversation with my own mom while wearing absolutely nothing all the while fighting the urge to become erect!

"I see . . ." she said obviously thinking it over. I could tell she didn't know what to say next. Eventually she added, "Well, your Aunt Sarah is right. I'm glad that you have such a mature outlook on things like this at your age. And did you go swimming in just your birthday suit?" She asked.

"Everyday mom, everyday," I replied. She smiled and got that far-away look in her eyes then got up and started towards the door.

"Mom, did you want something?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing in particular, I just wanted to apologize. You were right there wasn't a towel on the rack. My mistake." She said as she gave me a smile as she looked at me one last time before leaving.

After she left I collapsed on the bed. "TWO times," I thought, only one more time to go. I couldn't believe it. The rest of the day I tried thinking of a way to finish my task but everything I thought of seemed risky. My mom could be a strong disciplinarian and unlike my Aunt, had rather conservative views on a lot of things. I didn't want to push it so I tried to occupy myself with other things.

Late that night I was in my room sitting on my bed. I had taken off my clothes. I was toying with the idea of walking downstairs naked again but in the end my rational mind won out and I decided against such a foolish idea. Eventually I decided that tomorrow was another day and that maybe I would think of something else to do.

I must have been extremely tired not having had much sleep the night before because the next thing I remembered was my mom shaking me saying, "Petey! Wake up. Are you going to sleep all day?"

"Huh?" I said still groggy. "What time is it?"

"It's ten o'clock," she said plainly as I sat up in bed. I was rubbing the sleep out of my eyes when I realized that I wasn't wearing anything. "Since when do you sleep without pajamas?" My mom asked incredulously.

Hurrying to think of something plausible I quickly replied, "Oh, I started a while ago, I guess. It's more comfortable." I wasn't sure what she was going to do or say so I got up and headed towards the door before she had a chance. "Thanks for waking me up, mom?" I said politely and then scurried into the bathroom.

I had done it! Three times as instructed. I couldn't wait to write Nathan that night and tell him all about it. After I got dressed I went downstairs and my mom was waiting for me. "Petey, we need to talk," she said sincerely. I may not be very old but I knew that whenever my mom said that, I was in some sort of trouble.

"Yes mom?" I said innocently as I pulled out a dining room chair and sat down at the table. She joined me and seemed to be struggling to collect her thoughts as if she was trying hard to find the right words to say.

"Petey, I'm confused about a few things . . . after all you are getting close to that age when . . . well . . . but I guess that's not the point is it," she said struggling almost like she was talking to herself rather than me. "You see son, I just wonder . . . that is I don't want to . . . I mean you shouldn't, you know . . ."

"What are you trying to say mom?" I asked, though I had a pretty good idea of what was on her mind and figured that any minute now I was going to be in for it.

She sighed and finally said, "Well I'll come straight to the point." Her tone then changed to one sounding very serious and continued speaking very rapidly, "Petey, are you really OK with being naked around the house. Did you really mean what you said yesterday or was that all hogwash? Are you up to something? Because if you are, I'll whip the daylights out of you if I ever find out that you are lying to me. I know how boys are."

My heart was pounding and I knew the last thing I needed was to have my mom suspecting me of being a pervert. And I shuttered to think of what would happen if she ever found out about the Shame Games!! I'm not sure where the words came from but I found myself saying, "Mom, I'm not lying. I don't see that I did anything wrong. You can call Aunt Sarah yourself. Ask her about it." I tried to sound very sincere and confident though I'm sure my voice was trembling a bit.

My mom peered into my eyes searching for even a hint of deception. I just tried to look back at her as if I had no worries at all. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do and the stakes were high. Finally she said, "Fine. I think that might just be a good idea."

I just shrugged my shoulders. "Can I have breakfast now?" I asked trying to change the subject. My mom's mood changed and she replied in a more pleasant voice, "Sure Petey, coming right up." I could tell though she had her doubts and suspected more than she was letting on. I was worried deep down that she might have heard about my antics over the past several months and this was her way of dealing with it before punishing me. For my part I just acted as if I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

That night I was watching TV when my mom came into the room and sat down. We watched TV together for a minute or two then she spoke up, "I called Aunt Sarah today."

"Oh . . ." I said carefully.

My mom is a clever woman, like all moms I guess she plays her cards close to her chest never revealing her hand until just the right moment. I had gotten trapped many a time growing up not realizing her methods. It was only by learning the hard way that I figured out it was better to keep my mouth shut than to jump to conclusions and say something that would eventually incriminate me. She sat on the couch silently for a few minutes – I guess waiting for me to say something. Then she said finally, "She said pretty much what you said this morning."

"I would hope so," I said smugly glad to be vindicated. Then I added, "I'm not in the habit of lying to my mom, you know." I knew I shouldn't have said that as soon as the words left my mouth. I looked over at my mom and got a prickly stare in return.

"So you were being truthful about being comfortable about your body?" she asked one more time.

"Of course mom," I said without thinking.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," she said confidently. She then got up off the couch and started to leave the room but stopped and gave me a serious look. "This Wednesday is Halloween. I've been invited to a party and I want you to come along with me."

"OK mom," I said pretending to be interested in the program I was watching. From the way she handled herself I had this uneasy feeling that she still didn't believe any of this.

Later I wrote Nathan and told him all that had happened. He must have been online when I sent the email because I got a reply almost right away. "Congratulations on finishing the game," he wrote. "Before we play again, maybe it would be a good idea for your mom to see you naked more often – just to make things look legit. It would reinforce your story. If you just stopped cold turkey she might get more suspicious."

He had a point, though I didn't relish the thought of her seeing me again.

Monday after school mom had me help her in the yard. It was dirty work and we worked late but together we got through. "Go clean up," she said as we went back into the house, "I'll arrange dinner."

I took a quick shower and after drying off I recalled what Nathan had said about appearing nude at home more often. I decided that this might be a good opportunity to try it out. I went downstairs without dressing and tried to act natural.

"No clothes, Petey?" my mom said suspiciously.

"Well it IS late and I'll be going to bed soon. I'll go put on some clean clothes if you would like." I explained then added, "I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Once again I knew I had gone too far and stuck my foot in my mouth.

"Oh no. It's quite alright dear," she said as she put plates on the table. She had a smirk on her face as she said that which made me very uneasy. The doorbell rang just as my mom was going upstairs. "Get that for me, will you son," she said as she disappeared from sight.

I knew I had to act as though it was no big deal otherwise she would suspect something so I replied, "OK mom."

I nervously went to the door having no clue who could be calling at this hour. Whoever was out there was about to see a naked boy. I swallowed hard, took a deep breath and opened the door confidently.

"Oh my GOSH," the teenaged girl said when she saw me.

I almost fainted! Even in the near darkness of the front porch I could tell it was the red-headed pizza girl!!! Here I was standing naked once again in front of the same mean- spirited girl that almost had me arrested at Teddy's house, only THIS time she was at MY house and my mom was home!!!

I quickly closed the door after I stepped outside. "I'm so sorry!" I said in a panic. "I didn't mean to . . . I mean I didn't know it was you and, and, and I won't ever do it again. Please don't say anything. PLEASE!!!!" I begged. I was speaking so fast I could hardly get all of the words out. All I could think of was my life coming to an end – that this girl would tell my mom about what happened at Teddy's house and then she'd find out about the Shame Games and my ass would be done for!!!

"Calm down little boy," the young girl said sweetly. "It's OK. I'm just the Pizza Delivery girl. I'm not going to hurt you. Did you just have a bath?" she asked.

It was then I realized that it wasn't the SAME red-headed girl.

"Is your mom home?" she asked. "I think she ordered this pizza."

"Yes," I said trying to collect myself. "I'll go get the money. It is $9.95 right?" I asked. She nodded her head as I went inside and closed the door. I didn't want to take any chances of her speaking with my mom after my panic performance on the front porch. I stood inside at the closed door breathing hard for a moment then I heard my mom coming down the steps with cash in her hand. I slowed my breathing and hurried over to her to get the money. Trying to sound nonchalant I said, "It's the Pizza Girl. She said it is $9.95."

"Oh they have girl drivers now, huh?" she said with a smirk.

"I guess so," I said indifferently. She handed me the money which included a tip and then watched with interest on the stairs as I went to the door. I knew she was looking for ANY sign of discomfort from me so I mustered up all my courage and opened the door.

"Here you go. It is twelve dollars. The rest is a tip." I said proudly.

The girl looked at me and then over my shoulder. I figured she must have seen my mom standing there and I worried what she was going to do. She gave me a wink and said, "Why thank you, young man. You are such a polite little boy. Your mom must be proud of you." She took the money and handed me the pizza, smiled at me and left. As I went inside, I was ever so grateful for her parting comment. I am sure she only said that because my mom was in plain sight. But whatever the reason I was very, very grateful.

"You looked flushed, son. Is everything alright?" my mom asked skeptically. I was sure she was trying to trap me so I replied. "I'm just tired I guess. All that yard work and all."

"Oh. For a minute there I thought it was because you were naked in front of that girl," my mom said with a wry smile.

"Aw mom, it was just a pizza girl," I said as bravely as possible. "Let's eat. This smells good!"

Later in bed all I could think about was that once again a stranger saw me naked. Though at the time I was in panic- mode and didn't appreciate what an opportunity I had, now in the safety of my bed I relived that wonderful experience and had the best orgasm I had had in months.

Wednesday finally came and after school my mom made me clean up take a shower and wash my hair. I wasn't looking forward to going to a Halloween party with a bunch of boring grown- ups, but that's what my mom wanted me to do.

I had no sooner stepped out of the shower when my mom called up from downstairs, "PETEY, Come down here as soon as you have dried off."

"OK mom, as soon as I get dressed." I answered.

"Don't bother getting dressed. I've got your costume right here." She said.

Costume? What costume? She never said anything about this being a costume party. Good grief, I thought. My mind shuttered to think of what stupid superhero she wanted me to dress up like this time.

I put the towel in the rack and came down the stairs without my clothes as she had instructed, just in case she was testing me. I almost fainted when I saw the costume she was holding in her hand.

"You don't really expect me to wear THAT," I protested.