The Shame Games – Part One (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright July 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Shame Games – Part One
BY: Hooked6

Looking back, I have had some very regrettable experiences in my life. On the advice of my counselor, I am recounting all that happened during my early years to aid in my therapy.

My name is Pete. Back when I was younger, people called me Petey. Silly I know, but that's how it was. During the summer I turned 13, I was hanging out with the only friends I had: My next door neighbor Tom, age 13 and my older step- sister Julie who was 16. Julie was a new addition to our family when my dad recently remarried. She didn't live with us on a regular basis though as her father was her official custodian; but she often spent time with us when school was out and on weekends to keep an eye out for me when my step- mom was at work.

The three of us had one thing in common – we were bored. In fact most of the time we sat around and commiserated about how bad we had it and about how pitiful our lives were. We all got along extremely well, however, and there was a trust among us that allowed a closeness that bonded us together.

Now that I think of it, my journey toward becoming the pervert I am began that day. As usual we were sitting around with nothing better to do on a rainy day when Julie asked, "Hey guys, what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?"

"My mom caught me smoking," Tom answered quickly. "Man did I ever get it! She blistered my ass raw. I couldn't sit down for a week because of that!"

"Petey?" Julie asked. "What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?"

Truth be told, I wanted just to make something up as I didn't really want to share my worst experience with them. I was too embarrassed. Julie must have sensed my discomfort because she blurted out, "Why Petey . . . you're blushing!"

"Yeah . . . um . . . Sort of I guess." I replied honestly.

"It must have been really something awful!" Tom said consolingly.

"Well, kind of . . . I suppose." I said hesitantly.

"Go on. We won't tell anyone. You know you can trust us. What happened to you?" Julie asked. It wasn't what she said so much as how she said it that made me feel safe in revealing my deepest feelings to them. She always seemed so supportive and never made me feel stupid no matter what I did or said even though she was much older. For a boy at the awkward age of twelve that was really important – especially coming from a step-sister.

"Well . . . I've never told anyone this because it's too embarrassing but I've always wanted to, you know, get it off my chest. Are you sure you two want hear this? I mean it's really rather personal." I said meekly. Part of me was hoping they'd let it drop but another part was hoping they'd want to know. It was a good opportunity to finally unload this baggage from my past and maybe get their opinions.

"Of COURSE we want to know," Julie said encouragingly. "No matter what, we are all friends here, right Tom?"

"Absolutely!" Tom affirmed quickly.

"It happened back when I was 11." I explained. "That summer I had to spend a month with my Aunt Lucy. She's elderly and pretty old-fashioned in many ways. She lived alone out in the country. She was nothing like my real mother. She always had a stern look on her face whether she was happy or not. Most of the time I was afraid of her but not because of anything she did to me but just because, you know, she was always short and to the point about everything. She just looked mean."

"OK, so she was creepy." Tom said, "But what happened that was so bad?"

"I'm getting to that," I said rather perturbed at the interruption. "Well, after a few days my Aunt suggested I go swimming. There was this small lake down a little dirt path through the woods about a quarter mile or so from her house. I had remembered seeing it several times before on previous visits so I knew where it was. I told her I didn't bring a swim suit but she, in her usual to-the-point fashion replied that 'Boys never swam in swimsuits back when I was growing up. There's nothing wrong with wearing the birthday suit that the good Lord gave you for swimming.' She said curtly.

"I tried to tell her that I had changed my mind and didn't feel like swimming but she just started yanking off my T- shirt and my trousers. Before I knew it I was stripped bare and was being ushered out the door with my Aunt waving goodbye! I tried asking for a towel but she just said that I'd dry off on the walk home and that using a towel would just make more work for her on wash day."

"MAN that must have been embarrassing!" Tom remarked.

"No, that wasn't the bad part." I explained. "Anyway, I had to walk by myself down this path completely naked. There wasn't anyone around so I felt a little better after a few minutes. When I reached the lake, it was deserted so I decided to jump in and swim. I really do like swimming so I wasn't about to let my lack of a swimsuit get in the way of a little fun. Besides, I reasoned, my Aunt said it was OK so there must not be anything wrong with it. Or at least that's what I thought. The walk home was uneventful and all in all I had a good time. It was a little awkward having my Aunt see me without clothes though, but other than that it was fine.

"The next few days were the same. My Aunt would tell me to go swimming and I would. I think she wanted me out from underfoot when her stories were on because everyday at the same time she would usher my naked little self out the door. Every day I would make that same trek down the wooded dirt path, go swimming and head for home when I was through."

"So what was the big deal? It sounds like you had a great time." Tom interjected again.

Julie then said, "Tom, let him tell his story the way he wants. Stop interrupting him." Then turning to me said, "Go on Petey. Please continue."

"Well, one day I was on my way home after swimming. It was a little windy that day and the breeze blowing on my dripping wet skin chilled me a bit so I was sort of in a hurry. I didn't see them until it was too late."

"Them?" Julie asked excitedly.

"Now who's interrupting?" Tom asked sarcastically.

I smiled at Tom's come back and continued. "I was walking along with my arms across my chest trying to keep warm, when out from nowhere came two girls about my age and an older boy. 'Holy COW! A NAKED BOY!!' one girl cried out as the others laughed.

'How can you tell it's a boy?' The older kid asked, 'He's all shriveled up down there!' They all began making fun of me.

'What's your name?' the older boy asked.

"Petey," I replied. To which he then chanted, 'PeeWee Petey! What a name!'

'It fits. Hey PeeWee Petey!!' laughed the first girl as she obviously was making a reference to my private parts. Honestly it's not that I'm that, you now, little down there. At least I don't THINK I am, but the cold wind made me shrivel up, you know?" I asked.

My friends both nodded their heads in understanding. I felt a little weird talking about my body to my friends – especially my step-sister but they seemed genuinely interested and non-judgmental so I continued.

"Well they taunted me and chased after me most of the way home making crude comments about my butt and my private parts. I was so upset by the whole encounter that I pleaded with my Aunt the next day not to send me swimming. When she said I had to go I begged for a swimsuit but she would have none of it. I explained that kids were making fun of me and I really didn't want them to see me naked again. My Aunt just said that kids were always making fun of other kids for the dumbest of reasons and that I might as well get over it and not let it bother me. She reassured me that there was nothing bad or immoral about being naked at my age and that I was just being overly modest. Despite my protests I was stripped bare once again and ushered out the door!

"This time I decided just to walk into the woods a little ways and just hide for a while then walk back having pretended to have gone for a swim figuring my Aunt wouldn't know the difference. As I was walking along looking for a good place to hide they spotted me again and chased after me calling out 'HEY PEEWEE PETEY!' They chased me down the path and soon caught me. The older boy grabbed me from behind and held my arms fast while the girls looked me over. Soon a couple of other kids came walking up from the lake and they all took turns mocking me as that big kid restrained me. He wouldn't let me go and I had no choice but to endure the humiliation. It turns out the girls from the first day told their friends about me and they all decided to wait to see if I would show up at the lake again. I was never so ashamed in my life.

"I told my Aunt again about the teasing but still I was made to swim every afternoon for the next week or so and everyday I was caught and forced to display myself to more and more kids. Finally my visit with my Aunt came to an end and I was able to go back to my own home. It's an experience I'll never forget!"

Julie and Tom looked at each other silently. Tom finally spoke up and said sympathetically, "I can certainly understand why you HATED that! It must have been HORRIBLE!"

There was a moment or two of silence then Julie noticed I was blushing a second time and said sweetly, "Petey, why are you blushing again?" I just looked at the floor.

"PETEY?" she continued to challenge, "What's the matter?"

The moment of truth had arrived. I decided to go all out and be brutally truthful with my friends. "Well . . . If I have to be honest, I didn't really HATE it." I said half choking on the words.

"So you LIKE being naked in front of strangers is that it?" Tom asked with a smile. His question caused the room to be filled with a heavy tension that was felt by all as they awaited my answer.

"No . . . not really. It's not that I like to be naked. It's hard to explain." I said somewhat at a loss for words.

Julie chimed in and asked, "Is it that you liked to be made fun of? Was it the humiliation that you liked - all those girls laughing at you?"

"No . . . it's not that either. I don't think it is anyway," I said. They both had a puzzled look on their faces so I tried to explain further. "I'm not sure really. It's just that looking back on it I find that it was both the worst part of my life so far and the best, if that makes any sense. I have tried to duplicate that feeling for some time now without success. My best answer is that it's a combination of everything – a certain chemistry that came together out of all things that happened to me."

"What things?" Julie asked sincerely. "What are the things that came together? Maybe we can help you sort this out."

I blushed further knowing that once I told them I would have revealed a very secret part of myself to them. For a moment I thought about just dropping the whole thing but I looked into Julie's soft blue eyes and saw a caring, intimate gaze that seemed to really want to help.

"Well . . . This might not make sense but, back then there was a certain legitimacy to being naked – my Aunt telling me it was OK then directing me to swim bare and conversely the kids reacting like it WASN'T OK to be naked. That conflict made me feel funny. Second, there was humiliation causing me to feel shame and embarrassment. Third I had to keep repeating this over and over despite my protests. I knew what was going to happen to me everyday but I was forced to do it anyway. I guess the lack of control played a part now that I think about it and maybe finally the fact that I was exposed to both kids my age of both sexes and an adult as well added to the mix. They all had a chance to see my secret places so to speak." I forced a small fake giggle which obviously signaled my own discomfort to my friends. I wasn't sure how they were going to take what I had just said. I wanted to act like it was no big deal, to appear strong lest they too make fun of me, but somehow I got the feeling they weren't going to do that.

"Brother," Julie said plainly, "You are one brave dude! Not many people would have shared such intimate details with their friends. I admire you!" Her words took the edge off my fears and I began to feel better.

Tom then said seriously, "Petey, it sounds like you sort of miss the good old days, am I right?" I just shrugged my shoulders in a non-committal way.

Julie then smiled wide and said "Petey, for the past several weeks all we have done is sit around and complain about how bored we are and how our lives suck. Well, I have an idea on how we can change that and bring some fun back into our daily existence."

"Oh?" I asked nervously, not sure I was going to like what she was going to say next.

"Let's play a game." She said pausing for emphasis. "I'll call it: The Shame Game. The object whenever we play this game is for Tom and I to recreate that mix of things that happened to you back then so you can re-experience something that you've been unable to do on your own."

"How in the world are you going to do that without getting me in trouble?" I asked directly. She thought carefully for a few minutes about what she was going to say and then stood up and coming over me to put her hands on her hips and explained.

"Petey, for this game there are only TWO rules. First, Tom or I will announce 'It's time to play The Shame Game' and then we will explain the rules of that particular game and what's expected. Then you will have the option of deciding to play or not. Each game will be different some lasting a few minutes while others may last for an extended period of time. Sometimes you will know well in advance of the game we will be playing; other times they will come as a total surprise with no advance warning. Tom and I will plan each game very carefully so that the risk will be minimal as far as getting into any 'serious' trouble, but there's always the chance that something might go terribly wrong – that's just an unfortunate part of the game. Hopefully that won't happen though."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They actually wanted to put me in situations that mimicked my horrible experience at my Aunt's! "Why do you guys want to do this?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because, it will be fun!" Julie replied excitedly. "Just think of all the possibilities. You said yourself you had been unable to recreate that feeling for the past couple of years. Why not let us have a go?"

I had to admit my curiosity was peeked. I started to get that funny sensation in the pit of my stomach. "So let me make sure I understand. You guys will plan a game and then explain the rules. I can then decide if I want to do it or not. Is that right?"

"Yes but . . . just to give you an incentive to go through with it, once you decide NOT to play a particular game or abide by ANY rule associated with it, the Shame Games will be officially over . . . FOREVER! Neither Tom or I will ever bring the subject up again, right Tom?" Julie asked.

"Right," Tom agreed quickly.

"So I can refuse but if I do we won't play anymore?" I restated.

"Correct. Once you agree to start playing these games, you have to continue with all of them. Once you stop, you stop for good." Julie explained.

"And what exactly will these games be like?" I asked.

"That's part of the mystery – you won't know until it's time to play. Let's just say we will do our best to combine all the elements you told us about. The rest is up to our imagination." Julie said with a wry smile. "So do you agree to play the Shame Games? If you don't want to we'll understand and say no more about it."

I looked at her then at Tom. My pulse quickened as I pondered the idea. I was torn between the excitement the games would provide and the painful humiliation I might have to endure. "I'll do it!" I announced in a hurry before I had time to change my mind. No sooner had the words left my mouth than my brain began kicking me in the butt: 'You'll be sorry . . .' I kept hearing over and over in my mind.

Tom and Julie both seemed pleased at my decision. While they were talking to each other another thought came to my mind. "Hey, um, you said there were TWO rules. The first I guess is that I have to abide by the individual rules of each game and play until I decide to quit for good. What is the second rule?" I asked a bit concerned.

Julie looked at me quietly as if she was thinking and then said, "Since I came up with Rule Number One, I think it's only fair that Tom come up with Rule Number Two." Tom seemed pleased with her decision as up to now he had been deferring to Julie on all of this. This was his chance to have some input and he quickly seized the opportunity.

"Well, since we have been using my bedroom as our meeting place the last several months, I think that Rule Number Two should be that whenever we are in this room you have to be naked – and STAY that way until we leave!" he said with a giggle.

"WHAT?!!" I reacted with surprise.

"Sounds reasonable to me," Julie said grinning from ear to ear.

For the first time it hit home that Julie would be seeing me naked. My own step-sister! I don't know why that came as a surprise as that's exactly what we had been talking about as part and parcel of the Shame Games. Somehow the 'idea' of maybe being naked in front of the two of them was far different than the 'reality!'

Seeing my reluctance, Tom quickly defended his decision. "Come on now, you know we are both going to be seeing a lot you naked from now on so you might as well start getting used to it. There's no time like the present!"

He was right of course. My heart started pounding as I began slipping off my T-shirt. I just somehow thought I would have more time to mentally adjust to this before actually doing it! When I had everything off except my underwear I looked at Julie one last time. Her eyes were sparkling. Even though she was older she had never seen me naked since joining the family. She was obviously relishing the thought! I closed my eyes and slipped my under-shorts to the ground and stepped out of them. When I opened my eyes I saw that they were both staring at my privates. I felt weird. They kept me standing there as they silently kept looking at me. The tension was almost unbearable.

Julie smiled, nodded her head and just simply said, "Nice."

"There, that's not so bad is it?" Tom asked playfully.

Trying to sound brave I replied, "No, not really."

"Good!" Tom said as he picked up my clothes. "You won't need these for awhile, so I'll put them in a safe place. Come on Julie," he said as they headed for the door. "We'll be right back."

"WAIT! What about your family! What if they find me here like this?" I asked in a panic.

"Oh I'm sure you'll think of something cleaver to say," he said with a laugh as they both headed out the door leaving me alone in his bedroom. I may have had to stay naked, but I didn't have to have the door wide open so I quickly went over and closed it.

Time passed as I continued to ponder the change in our friendship and what these games would mean. I'll admit straight away that I was nervous. Twenty minutes passed and neither of them returned. I couldn't very well leave so I just sat on the bed and waited.

Finally I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opened as I stood up to chastise my friends for leaving me so long. Tom's mother came into the room!! Her eyes widened when she saw me standing naked a few feet from her. When I got over the shock and saw that she was looking at my privates, I quickly covered myself with my hands.

"I'm sorry," She said politely with a smile. "I should have knocked. I didn't realize you were naked already."

I was confused. What on earth did she mean naked already?

"Tom said you two were going swimming and he couldn't find a swimsuit to lend you." She explained as she walked toward his dresser.

"Ah . . . yeah," I stammered totally bewildered.

"Honestly that boy couldn't find anything if it was staring him in the face," she said curtly. She opened several drawers and rummaged through them haphazardly. She would occasionally look over at me and smile then resume her search. "Tom tells me that you used to regularly go skinny dipping at your Aunt's house."

My heart skipped a beat at her question. "Ah . . . yes ma'am," I answered nervously.

"I guess you're too old to do that now," she said as she peered into the recesses of the drawer she was searching through. She then suddenly stopped, looked up at me, smiled then said, "Well . . . maybe not." She then resumed her probing. I shuddered to think that she might have been considering the thought that I should just go without a suit – that she actually thought I wasn't 'too old' as she put it to run around naked and I began to blush. She must have noticed when she looked up again because she said, "Oh, you don't need to be embarrassed about that! I think it's good to have a healthy self-image of one's own body. Skinny dipping at your age is all so innocent anyway." She then went back to puling out clothes from another drawer.

"AH! Here it is!" she announced as she held up a small pair of swim trunks. "They're a bit wrinkled I'm afraid. Try them on and see if they'll fit," she instructed as she tossed them to me playfully. I had to move my hands away from my privates to catch them affording her another unobstructed view. She stood there patiently as I stepped into them and struggled to pull them up. They were tight, but I was determined to get into them if for no other reason than to cover myself. I had to be extra careful when I got them just below my testicles to avoid hurting myself. With a few bends and a couple of small jumps I managed to get them on. She looked at me and laughed.

"I think those are way too small," she said apologetically. "I'm going to have to get after him to keep this room cleaner. I know Tom has some newer ones in this room someplace."

"No . . . ah, that's ok. These will do. Honest." I replied hoping to avoid having to take them off in front of her again. When I looked down I could very plainly see the outline of my penis and testicles straining against the tight material.

She must have noticed too as she smiled and said "Well, if you're sure. Have fun outside and be safe." She then left the room but not before having one last look at my crotch. Once she was out of the room I let out a sigh of relief and plopped on the bed. My heart raced as I recounted in my mind what had just occurred.

Suddenly I heard footsteps bounding up the stairs and in through the open door came Julie and Tom both laughing heartily.

I stood up and scolded them, "I thought you were going to explain the rules of each game BEFORE we started playing!"

"And I thought you were supposed to be naked whenever you were in my room!" Tom replied pretending to be upset all the while laughing his fool head off.

"I WAS naked when your MOTHER walked in on me!" I said in my own defense to which they both laughed all the more.

"That must have been embarrassing!" Julie noted through her laughter. She then walked around checking out my little kid swim suit. "Take that thing off." She instructed still giggling. "You look REDICUOLOUS!"

They both were amused as I struggled like heck to remove the darn thing. Once it was off Tom picked it up and remarked, "Gee, I haven't worn this thing in years! I wonder why my mom picked this one out?"

"Maybe she just wanted to see him in it," Julie said giggling.

As I stood naked before them once again, I became a little embarrassed. My mind was filed with all sorts of emotions and then I remembered my earlier concern and remarked, "Besides, you still haven't answered my question. I thought you were going to tell me what the game is and what the rules are ahead of time so I can decide if I want to play or not. How come you didn't?"

"We haven't started playing yet, silly!" Julie explained. "I guess this was just one of those little consequences of Tom's Rule Number Two!"

I shuddered to think of what the games were going to be like if this was just one of those little consequences of Rule Number Two.

Julie walked around me as if conducting some kind of inspection. "You know . . . the fact that you are blond and have basically no hair anywhere on your body lends itself to some pretty interesting scenarios for our games!"

"HUH?" I asked confused.

"Well, just look at yourself. You aren't that tall and without any hair anywhere you look a lot younger than you really are. But what is the best part," she said stopping to look at my genitals, "Is that your penis is pretty nicely developed so it kind of looks out of place on someone your size. In other words it draws attention to itself."

"Oh stop making fun of me. I can't help the way I look!" I snapped back. It was true that I was shorter than they were but I never thought of it as a handicap, at least not as far as my step-sister was concerned.

"Trust me. I'm not making fun of you." Julie said directly and then gave me a soft smile of admiration. "You'd better get dressed now," she said indicating to Tom to toss me my clothes. "It's almost time for us to be getting home. You'll know when we officially start playing as one of us will say, "It's time to play the Shame Game!"