The Shame Games – Part Twelve (Exh, Humil, mmmmfffFF)
Copyright July 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!
The Shame Games – Part Twelve (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil)
By: Hooked6
Once Julie was finally dressed she looked at me and asked, "So where are your clothes?"
I lowered my head and said, "I really don't have any idea." They all laughed at my predicament. I then explained all that had happened to me. Julie, of course had no idea that Troy had captured me as she had ran into the girls' locker room that unfortunately was being used as the visiting team's dressing area.
They all had a great laugh at my expense. "I wish I had seen that!" Julie said of my flag pole exhibition. "But I was a little pre-occupied."
"Yeah, what happened to you? Did those guys hurt you?" I asked with genuine concern.
"It's all sort of a blur but I DO remember several guys putting their fingers between my legs and one guy playfully squeezing my breasts a time or two. I was in such a state of panic I don't really remember that well." She said.
"Gee I'm sooooo sorry," I said earnestly. "I thought I had planned this out so well."
"Don't be sorry. Actually it was kind of fun in a weird sort of way. I mean what girl doesn't have fantasies about being ravaged by a bunch of football players?"
I shrugged my shoulders in amazement. I couldn't believe she
wasn't totally pissed off at the way I bungled the game. She
then looked at me and said, "Besides YOU'RE the one with the
problem. The way I see it, YOU'RE the one who will be
ridiculed at school Monday and YOU'RE the one STILL naked
right now!"
Teddy and Tom laughed and once again seemed to be enjoying
my misfortune.
"I'd better get you home before you get caught by some official here at the school." Julie said as she bid the guys farewell.
"Don't forget I get to make the rules next time," Tom said eagerly to my step-sister.
"I won't forget and YOU best not forget what comes around goes around. I get to make the rules for the game YOU'LL be playing after that. Just can't wait to see how your dick stacks up compared to Troy Edwards!"
Tom lowered his head and didn't say anything as Julie and I left the gym.
Julie took the long way home. I'm guessing to prolong my exposure as we drove through town. I figured it was her subtle way of getting back at me for my lack of planning. When we arrived home Julie told me to wait outside while she made sure the coast was clear. I nervously hid my naked self on the porch as she made her way inside.
Soon she poked her head outside and said, "Hurry, you've got a clear shot. Get upstairs before mom sees you!" Julie then ran upstairs ahead of me. I had just made it to the second step of the stairs when I heard my mom talking to someone coming around the corner from the kitchen. I quickly turned around and faced the front door as she came into view.
"Petey, you're home!" she said somewhat surprised.
Keeping my cool I replied, "Yeah. I've been home a little while now."
"You're back to wearing no clothes again, huh?" my mom asked skeptically just as Tom's mother rounded the corner. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that I wasn't wearing anything and looked carefully at my naked body.
Answering my mom's question I said, "Yeah, well I just got undressed to get ready for bed and was coming down to say goodnight when you came in just now. Sorry, I didn't realize we had company." I couldn't believe how good that sounded and it was believable too as I was facing the door as if I had been coming down the stairs instead of facing the other way as if I had been sneaking in the house nude!
"Getting ready for bed, were you?" my mom asked again disbelievingly. "Well, no matter. Tom's mother here came over to get her son's dress shirt."
"Yes," Mrs. Hemphill explained, "Tom said he loaned it to you. It's a brand new shirt and I wanted to be sure that nothing happened to it."
"It's OK." I said trying to sound calm. "I have it upstairs. I'll go and get it." With that I turned and bounded up the steps and hurriedly made my way to Julie's room.
"I know, I know," Julie said handing me the shirt she had just taken off. Once again I got the unexpected treat of seeing her uncovered breasts. "I heard you talking. Better get this down to them," she instructed and gave me a wink as she saw I was staring at her chest.
"Right," I said and took off downstairs again. As I approached I heard my mom talking to Mrs. Hemphill about my lack of clothing.
"Oh no need to explain," she said. "My son told me that his Aunt Sara used to let him skinny dip all the time. I guess it's no big deal to him that others see him naked."
"He TOLD you about Aunt Sara?" my mom asked.
"Yeah, a while back he apparently mentioned it to my son and later he told me about it. I don't have a problem with it." She said as she took the shirt from me.
My mom just looked at her then at me. "I see . . ." she said without further comment. There was something in my mom's body language that made me feel guilty. I couldn't put my finger on it but something just seemed odd.
Mrs. Hemphill looked over the shirt and then sniffed at it. "Hmmm, smells of a girl's perfume." She said handing it to my mom who also took a sniff.
"Perfume alright," she concurred. "You haven't taken to wearing perfume have you Petey?"
"No," I said coldly.
"My Tom must be growing up. I'll bet he has a girlfriend now. Did you see him with a girl at the game tonight, Petey?"
"No ma'am," I replied hoping she wouldn't press the issue and force me to lie about why I had his shirt in the first place.
"Do YOU have a girlfriend, Petey?" she then asked teasingly.
"No ma'am," I said blushing a bit.
Mrs. Hemphill looked me over and said, "The girls don't know what they are missing." Her comment made me blush all the more and my penis jumped a bit, which didn't go unnoticed by our guest.
"There'll be time enough for that later," my mom said. "He's far too young to get involved with girls." She then escorted our neighbor to the door. I took the opportunity to run upstairs before my mom asked me any more questions.
Fortunately nothing more was said about it the entire weekend and Julie returned home on Sunday.
The next day I was the object of unmerciful teasing at school. "So did you have FUN at the game Friday?" One girl asked with a huge grin. I just ignored her but she followed me down the hall with her friends persisting in her tormenting. "I'm sure you found it EXCITING, huh?" she asked chuckling.
Her friend asked "So Petey, are you CUMMING next Friday night?" her wit made everyone laugh but me. I just blushed as I hurried to my next class. I was sure they would all have just loved it if I HAD cum while tied to the flagpole.
I was deathly afraid of running into Troy and suffered the thousand deaths of a coward just imagining what would happen if I did.
Mostly I endured teasing and taunting from people that had seen me but a couple of people actually regarded me as some kind of hero. "I heard you pantsed old Troy Edwards," one kid said. "That's great. He needed to be taken down a peg or two."
"Thanks," I said feeling a bit better about the whole affair.
"Just remember though," he continued, "Troy is the type that holds a grudge a long time. Best be careful for a while."
"I'll remember that," I said nervously. That was all I needed – to get on the bad side of the most popular jock in the entire middle school.
After my last class it happened. Troy Edwards met up with me in the hallway as school was letting out. He stared at me menacingly for a moment then put his arm around my shoulders. "Wearing any underwear today?" he asked playfully.
"Huh?" I replied nervously. He then reached into the back of my pants and grabbed hold of the waistband of my underwear and yanked them skyward. "OUCH!!!!" I said as he proceeded to give me my very first Wedgie! My balls were squished so painfully against my body and the material chaffed against my anus. "PLEASE STOP!" I begged. "I'm so sorry about what happened."
He left me with my underwear sticking out of my pants almost to my shoulder blades. "Don't you DARE touch those, understand?" he asked sternly.
"Yes sir," I mumbled as he left laughing. Of course I looked the fool getting on the bus home. Some kids saw what had happened and felt sorry for me but most just had a blast getting their kicks out of my misery.
I fixed my shorts back as soon as I got off the bus and it drove out of sight. Man was it ever a relief to get the pressure off my balls. This was going to be a long week I could already tell.
I went over to Tom's house instead of my own just to be with a friend. I really needed someone to talk to. I found him in his room doing his homework. I walked in and flopped on his bed letting out a sigh. "What a day!" I managed to say.
"Ah, aren't you forgetting Rule Number Two?" he asked with a grin.
"You can't be serious? After all I've been through today?"
"It's your choice. You can quit the Shame Games any time you want. More is the pity too; just as it was getting interesting." He said shaking his head.
"Fine," I said as I started taking off my shirt. "Can we at least close the door?"
"What for? My mom told me that she saw you naked last night at your house. She seemed OK with it." Tom said as he continued working. "And what's the big idea telling my mom that I have a girlfriend?"
"I didn't tell her that." I said defending myself as I laid the last bit of my clothing on the bed. "She just assumed you did when she smelled Julie's perfume on your shirt."
"Hmmm, it's just like my mom to try and trick me into thinking she knows something when she really doesn't." Tom said as he looked over to make sure I was really nude.
"Yeah my mom is like that too. Parents can be so sneaky sometimes."
I sat in silence as Tom finished the last bit of his schoolwork. As he worked I thought about how much our friendship has changed since the invention of the Shame Games. I wondered where this was all going to lead. One thing was certain though. No matter how awful a mess I was in at the moment, deep down I didn't really want the games to end.
I was startled back to reality when Tom's younger sister suddenly came into the room.
"Tom, do you have some paper I could . . . PETEY!" she said when she noticed me. She looked me over, giggled then asked. "You DO know I can see you Willie, don't you?"
I thought about covering myself but figured that would mean I was up to something nasty so I just let it be. "Yes, I guess you can. Haven't you ever heard of KNOCKING?" I asked sarcastically.
The girl kept staring wide-eyed at me for a few more seconds then said, "Oh, ah, sorry." She then ran out of the room yelling, "MOM! I saw Petey's Willie!"
I started to panic. "What am I to do, Tom?"
"Nothing. Just relax. You'll make it worse if you try and dress now." He said plainly as he continued writing. I still picked up one of my socks and started putting it on despite rule number two.
Just then Tom's mother came back with his sister in tow. "See mom!" she said pointing at me." There's his Willie right out in the open!" Her comment made me blush and I looked at the floor.
"Sorry Mrs. Hemphill. I was just going to change into my play clothes when she barged in."
"Oh," she said as she smiled at me. "Patsy you really should knock before barging into someone's room. Everyone's entitled to a little privacy now and then." Mrs. Hemphill then closed the door as she led her daughter downstairs.
"You know what I think?" Tom said as she closed his school books. "I think you need to play another Shame Game."
"You mean NOW?" I asked nervously.
"Sure, why not. Just a quick game just to keep you interested. What do you say?"
"OK . . ." I said hesitantly. "What do you have in mind?"
"Just a simple task. Just put on one of my T-shirts and go down to the corner store and get me a coke. Here's a dollar."
"You want me to go to the store wearing only a T-shirt? No pants or underwear?" I asked hoping I was mistaken.
"Yep, that's it. I mean you've done worse things so far with a whole lot less clothing. This is just a TEASER game. You know, just to keep you in the zone. Want to play?"
"I guess I'll play. A Coke, right?" I asked again as he handed me the shirt.
"That's it. See you soon." He said with a smile. It seemed almost too easy. I mean don't get me wrong. Going out in just a T-shirt was risky and to a place I usually frequent to boot. But it beat sitting around so I took the Dollar and headed out the door.
For some reason, wearing just a T-shirt made me feel more self-conscious than being completely naked. I know that sounds weird but I felt that with my bare legs showing I would be attracting a whole lot more attention.
The store was only a couple of roads over near the entrance to our subdivision. Walking along the sidewalk, passing all those houses in broad daylight by myself made me very nervous. But not as nervous as when I spotted the store!
When I walked into the store the air conditioning gave me Goosebumps. There were several people waiting to check out at the front counter and a few more scattered around the aisles. Fortunately I didn't recognize anyone. I quickly opened the cooler door and grabbed a can of coke and started toward the front register. As I waited in line I felt a tap on my shoulder
"Hi Petey," said a familiar voice. It was Karen Hughes, from my homeroom at school.
"Hi," I said without bothering to turn around.
"It's an unusually hot day today, isn't it?" she asked making polite conversation.
"Yes it is," I replied just barely glancing in her direction. That's all I needed – someone else that might possibly see me naked.
"At least you look like you're keeping cool," she said with a snicker.
OH NO, I thought. She must have realized what I was wearing or rather what I wasn't wearing. "Yeah, I was doing some yard work and decided to take a break and get a cold drink." I said hoping to explain my outfit.
She then whispered in my ear, "You do realize that I know you're naked under that shirt, don't you?" She then pulled away from me still snickering. I was so shocked that she knew I turned around and asked, "And just how do you know that?"
"It says so on the back of your T-shirt. See – I'm naked under this shirt!" she said now openly laughing and putting her finger on each of the words.
"It does not," I said disbelievingly.
"Sure it does. Hey mister, what does the back of his shirt say?" she asked a college aged guy who was standing behind her.
"I'm naked under this shirt," he said without cracking a smile.
My face flushed. That dirty, low down so-called friend of mine set me up to me totally humiliated!! "I just borrowed this shirt," I said by way of explanation. "I'm not really naked underneath."
"Oh yeah, Let's see," she said as she quickly lifted the back of my shirt revealing my naked butt to everyone behind me.
"The college guy started laughing and remarked, "How about that. He IS naked under that shirt."
Just then the clerk said, "Let's go there Mr. Naked Guy. You're holding up the line. I turned around and sure enough it was my turn to pay. To make matters worse the cute clerk made an obvious attempt to lean over the counter as if to get a look herself. As she did so, that stupid Karen Hughes grabbed both sides of my shirt from behind me and yanked it up to my chest revealing my now rapidly rising penis. The clerk smiled and said, "He REALLY IS wearing only a T- shirt."
"QUIT IT!" I yelled at Karen and tried my best to pull it down to cover myself. I hurriedly placed the can of Coke on the counter and gave her my Dollar.
As she handed me my change she said smiling, "You come back and look me up again when you've got hair on your chest." Everyone laughed at her remark. I just wanted to die. I quickly headed toward the door with an obvious tent pole poking the front of my shirt outward.
As I left the store and walked across the parking lot I was now painfully aware that people were staring at me. I felt very ashamed. I picked up my pace and headed down the sidewalk toward home. All I could think about was what I was going to say to my so-called buddy when I got back. I was so wrapped up in my own emotions that I failed to watch where I was going and Bam . . . I ran right into none other than Troy Edwards!
I swallowed hard as I heard him say, "Well, well. What do we have here?"
"I sorry I was so careless," I said apologetically. "I didn't mean to run into you like that. I'll just be going now," I tried to take a step around him but he put out his hand and stopped me.
"What's that you're wearing?" he asked as he looked me up and down.
"Nothing," I replied. "I was just doing yard work and stopped to get a cold drink. See?" I said holding the unopened can of Coke up for him to see.
He reached out and grabbed it away from me and opened it. "Don't mind if I do," he said sarcastically. "It is hot out today, isn't it?" I nodded my head politely.
"I guess this cold drink will make up for your clumsiness." He then walked around me while sipping the Coke still looking me over. When he got behind me he busted out laughing. "Is that true?!" he asked through his giggling.
I just stood there not saying a word.
"You know. I kind of like that shirt too. Why don't you just give it to me to make up for all the trouble you've caused me?"
"I . . . ah . . . I can't. It's not mine to give." I said with my voice trembling.
"It couldn't be that the real reason you don't want to give it to me is because you ARE naked under that shirt?" he asked now standing in front of me again.
I swallowed hard and looked at the ground.
"I thought so," he said. "Look you little pervert, here's the deal. You give me that shirt and you can go on your merry little way. If you don't, I'll take it anyway and tie you to that light pole over there with it. My-oh-my, just LOOK at all that traffic. I'll bet hundreds of people would see you if you were way out there. What do you think?"
He was strong enough to carry out his threat. At least if I gave it to him I'd have a fighting chance of trying to stay hidden.
"OK, you can have the shirt," I said taking it off and quickly handing it to him. He just laughed all the more when he saw me standing there naked, still semi-erect. "Can I go now?"
He just motioned me onward still laughing. "Man I wish I had a camera!" he said as I ran out of sight.
I had to dodge a ton of traffic and I know a few people saw me because I heard a few horns honking as I ran past them. I finally cut through old lady Nelson's yard in an attempt to shorten my trip. Eventually I made it to my own yard. I wasn't about to go back over to Tom's place. Not after all that had happened. I waited until I thought the coast was clear and entered my house. Luck was on my side as I managed to get to my room without being spotted. Or so I thought.
"Petey?" I heard my mom calling from downstairs. A feeling of doom came over me. How was I going to explain running across the street naked?
"Yes mom?" I managed to say through a squeaking voice.
"Telephone," she said. I let out a HUGE sigh of relief.
"OK mom." I threw on a pair of pants and a shirt and went down to answer the phone.
"Hello?" I said into the receiver.
"Where's my Coke?" Tom asked giggling.
"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny," I replied.
"I saw you run across the street naked. I hope your mom didn't see you like I did. What happened anyway?" he asked.
"I'll tell you later," whispered into the telephone.
"OK. Game's over. You can tell me all about at school tomorrow. This ought to be good." He said and then hung up.
My only thoughts were on getting satisfaction on that twerp when my step-sister made him play this game. I was REALLY looking forward to THAT!