The Shame Games – Part Eleven (Exh, Humil, mmmmfffFF)

Copyright July 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Shame Games – Part Eleven (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil) BY: Hooked6

"Breakfast is ready!" mom called up the next day. I hurried to get dressed and made my way down to the kitchen.

"We're back to clothes now, are we?" my mom said suspiciously. I shrugged my shoulders trying my best to ignore her question. I just couldn't figure her out. Sometimes she seemed liked she was OK with everything, then at others I was sure she disapproved of the whole idea or worse – that she was setting me up for something horrible. Memories of my Halloween experience flashed through my mind sending a shiver up my spine.

My step-sister came into the room and we all sat down to eat. "So, Julie . . ." my mom said guardedly. "You didn't seem to mind seeing your step-bother naked yesterday . . ." Julie stopped her fork in mid-air and gave me a concerned look before looking back at mom.

"What a silly question," Julie said airily as she continued eating.

"It just seemed like you were used it – his nudity that is. I would have thought you would have been shocked by his rather unconventional method of drying his swimming trunks. Has he been naked in front of you before?" mom asked as though she was interrogating her rather than just making conversation.

Julie put her fork down and did her best to appear as though she wasn't the least bit concerned but I could tell in her voice that she was scared to death. "Heavens no, whatever gave you that idea?"

"Oh?" my mom said raising an eyebrow. "I just would have thought that if a boy I knew suddenly took his shorts off outdoors I would have been shocked to death! You just acted like you've seen it all before, and you've haven't known your step-brother all that long either. It just struck me as peculiar." she said skeptically.

"Mom . . . I'm 16 years old. He's just a little kid. It was no big deal," Julie said feigning disinterest. Even though I knew she was just defending herself her words made me wince – just a little kid indeed.

"OK . . . OK, no need to get all huffy about it. I was just wondering that's all."

"I'm not huffy," Julie answered curtly. Mom raised an eyebrow again giving Julie a cautionary glance and went back to eating.

"And it didn't bother you either, Petey? To be naked in front of your step-sister for the first time?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders as I took a drink of my orange juice. "I guess not. I really didn't think about it." I said lying through my teeth. "It was no different than being at Aunt Sara's or at the Halloween Party."

None of us spoke another word and Julie and I left the kitchen as soon as we were finished eating.

"THAT was weird," Julie said as we gathered outside. "Do you think she suspects something?"

"I don't know. She's been acting kind of funny lately. I don't really have a clue what's going on."

"Well did it?" Julie asked after a few minutes of silence. "Did what?" I asked confused.

"Did it bother YOU seeing ME naked yesterday," Julie asked nervously.

"I . . . ahem . . . why no, it didn't BOTHER me," I said hesitantly.

"It didn't?!" she asked disbelievingly.

"No it didn't bother me. I . . . well that is . . . I sort of liked it. I mean I was shocked and all but I wasn't bothered." I said fumbling for words.

"You didn't have to do it you know," she said winking at me. I assumed she was talking about my stripping her at the water park.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done . . ."

"No, I mean you didn't have to ambush me. I would have gladly showed you what I looked like naked. All you had to do was ask," she said with a smile. My heart raced and my palms grew sweaty.

"You mean if I had asked you to get naked you would have done it . . . just like that?" I asked just to be sure I had understood what she had said.

Julie blushed and grinned awkwardly at me without saying a word.

"So if I asked you to play the Shame Games with me making the rules and you playing the game you'd do it?" I asked nervously. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer but I just HAD to ask as the timing seemed right. The air was charged with excitement as I waited for an answer and I knew we both felt it.

"I . . . I guess so," she said meekly.

"GREAT!" I said excitedly.

"BUT with some conditions," she interrupted.

"Such as?"

"Unlike YOU, I get to modify the rules ahead of time – give some input as to what I want out of the game. You can still surprise me or make up most of the game yourself. But I want final say – no more ambushing me like you did at the Water Park," she said with a smile.

"Agreed," I responded quickly. "When can we play?"

"Not today I'm afraid. But I'll arrange to be back next Friday night," she said. "We can play then. You'll have a whole week to think of what to do."

"You think I need a WEEK to do that?" I said a bit put out.

"Remember, you'll have to plan for my safety too. Don't be in such a hurry to get me naked that you forget to minimize my risk. I'm a girl after all. It's different with girls." She said with concern.

"Is that all?" I asked smugly.

"Just one more thing, one of my rules is that when we play Friday, Troy Edwards has to play too. I want HIM to be naked along with me in whatever we do." she said.

"TROY EDWARDS?!! The biggest jock at my school?!!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah," she said with that far away look in her eyes. "Even though he's younger than me, he's so dreamy looking. I've always wondered what he looked like naked. And of course I wouldn't mind if he saw me that way too!" she giggled.

"Just how in the world am I going to pull that off?" I asked incredulously. "I can't very well tell him about the Shame Games and expect he'd understand."

"You don't have to TELL him anything. Just use your imagination. I mean you did OK not telling ME what you were going to do at the water park. And everything worked out OK didn't it?"

"I guess so," I said reluctantly admitting that she was right. "I'll try."

"That's not good enough. You'll need to just DO it." She said plainly. "I've got to be going. See you Friday." All week long I tried my best to think of something. I must have come up with a hundred different ways of getting Julie naked and ashamed but getting her naked along with Troy seemed impossible. Friday came all too soon and Julie would be over in a few short minutes. Man I suck at this game. Why did she have to go and put that stupid condition in place?

"Hey Petey," Julie said with an air of excitement. "Are you ready for me to play the game?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I said a little bummed out.

"Don't tell me you haven't come up with a game yet?" she lectured.

"I have," I said. "It's just not going to be as much fun as the water park."

"Well that's because the water park was fun for YOU. Tonight is supposed to be fun for ME," she explained. "Besides, there'll be other games where you can get me naked. Now what's the plan?"

"You know that wrap around skirt you sometimes wear?" I explained.

"Yeah," she remarked.

"Well I want you to wear it without any panties or pantyhose and tie the skirt with a very loose slip knot. We're going over to my school. The football team is playing a home game tonight. We aren't gong to watch it though. Instead we are going to wait in the gym by the locker rooms."

"Then what?" she asked nervously.

"That part is a surprise. Let's just say you'll get your wish. Now let's go or we'll be late."

Julie drove me back to school and we carefully made our way to the gym just as the game was ending. Soon the players would be returning and hitting the showers. We hid in the janitor's closet until I was convinced that the coast was clear. The only good piece of information I was able to glean about Troy was that he was always the first person to shower and the first person to leave right after the game. He wasn't one to stick around and chat with the team regardless of whether they had won or not.

I led Julie out across from the door of the boy's locker room and told her to stand away from the wall. "Listen, here's what will happen. When Troy comes out I'm going to be pretending to have an argument with you. Then I'm going to yank your skirt off and run away with it leaving you half- naked in front of Troy."

"What about Troy? How am I going to see him in the buff?" she asked.

"You'll see." I said. "Oh and if you need a place of safety the girl's locker room is right across the hall. You can run in there if things get out of hand, OK?"

"I'm glad you are at least starting to use your head," she said. "I feel better about this than I did at the water park."

"When the coast is clear I'll meet you at the girl's locker room and give you your skirt back. I'll knock three times so you'll know it's me." I explained.

No sooner had I explained everything, I heard Troy's voice from behind the door saying goodbye to his buddies.

"I can't believe you cheated on me!" I yelled just as Troy stepped out the door. I heard him stop behind me while I continued saying, "If you want to flaunt yourself to every guy in school, you won't be needing THIS!" I then yanked the wrap around skirt from her leaving her exposed to Troy. I took a step away from her giving him a better view. Julie's face turned red as she was obviously embarrassed but she didn't make a move to cover herself. Instead she put both hands up to her open mouth as if in shock!

While Troy stood there laughing at her all the while taking in the view of her bush, I seized the opportunity to pants him! That's right, I actually went over and yanked both his sweat pants and underwear down to his ankles! His penis and pubes were now exposed to my step-sister and it was her turn to laugh! Truth be told, although he was older and well into adolescence he wasn't very well endowed for a football player!

I didn't waste time hanging around either. I bolted with Julie's skirt just as Troy yelled at me saying, "HEY YOU!" I heard a thump and as I looked over my shoulder I saw that Troy was on the ground with his pants tangled up around his feet. Just as I was about to round the corner I saw other players leaving the locker room and Julie making a mad dash for the Girl's locker area. I heard everyone laughing. I wasn't sure if they were laughing at Julie or Troy on the ground with his pants still around his ankles.

I ran around the gym and then stopped to catch my breath. At least that worked out well. My only hope was that it was exciting enough for Julie so that she would want play again. I waited awhile until I was sure that the coast was clear and then carefully made my way back to the locker area. I knocked three times to signal Julie as previously arranged but no Julie. I knocked again louder then a guy opened the door.

"What do you want, Mack?" The husky-looking boy asked.

I was shocked! "What are YOU doing in the girl's locker room?!"

"This is the VISITING team's locker during football games," he said plainly as I saw several players in various stages of undress milling about the room.

How could I have been so stupid!!! Of course the visiting teams used the girl's locker. There wasn't any other place for them to change. Just then the guy noticed the skirt in my hands. "So you found her skirt, huh?" he asked.

"Ah . . . yeah, I found it. Have you seen her?" I asked trying to go with the flow.

A bunch of guys laughed at my question. "Yeah, we saw her alright. ALL of her!"

"HUH?" I stammered.

"Well she ran in here half- naked. Some of the guys thought it was a joke so they began messing with her and . . . well . . . if you see her give this to her too, ok?" he said as he handed me her top.

"YOU STRIPPED HER?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah it was sort of an accident. Bull there grabbed her and began tossing her among the guys and a couple of buttons came undone and when one of the guys grabbed her sleeve the top came off!"

"You didn't hurt her, did you?" I asked in a panic.

"Heck no, it was all in fun. A couple of guys might have copped a feel but she was no worse for wear. She ran out before we could give it back. She should be pretty easy to find as she's completely naked now!" He said laughing quite heartily. All of the others joined him laughing as he shut the door. Oh man! What have I done?! Julie was nude in front of the entire visiting football team! Then I realized that she was STILL naked with nothing to cover with. I HAD to find her before anyone else did!

I started to think of where she might have gone when all of a sudden I felt someone grab me from behind. "So THERE you are. Here's the guy that likes to strip people!" I heard Troy say to his buddies as he held me in a death grip.

"Listen, I can explain." I said as my heart began to race.

"Shut up fool!" he commanded. "Hey guys, let's teach him a lesson."

Before could react several of his friends started pulling at my clothing. "Hey stop! Please don't!" I yelled in a panic but to no avail. In seconds I was naked as the others stood around laughing at me.

"What should we do with him!" one of them asked.

Troy said, "Let's tie him to the flag pole! That'll teach him to mess with a football player!"

"NO!" I protested. "Please DON'T!" It didn't matter how much I struggled I wasn't strong enough to get free. They led me outside past several boys and girls who were milling about after the game.

"HEY LOOK!" one girl yelled. "TROY'S GOT PETEY NAKED!" A crowd began to gather and follow us making fun of me the whole way.

Once at the flag pole Troy used the skirt that I still had in my hand to bind me to the pole. Man was he strong! He tied a knot so tight there was no way I was going to get loose! They all stepped back and admired their handiwork.

One boy said, "Go get your sister and her friends. She's just GOT to see this!" I watched in horror as he ran away realizing that once word got out practically the whole school was going to see me naked!!

"LET ME GO!" I cried but that only made everyone laugh.

Then to my surprise, who should I see making her way through the crowd but none other than AMY, my new found heartthrob!

"Aw, it's PETEY!" she said coyly. "You sure can't keep your clothes on, can you?" she asked playfully making the others laugh all the more.

Then the worst possible thing happened. Seeing Amy once again looking at my naked body with that unique sparkle in her eyes was more than I could handle. I started to get an erection.

"HEY LOOK!" someone shouted. "He's popping a woody!"

Realizing that now EVERYONE was looking at my penis made it jump to complete attention in a hurry. It was one thing to have someone see you with an erection, but it was quite another to have everyone watch intently as it grew before their very eyes!

One girl pointed at it and said teasingly, "Not bad for a HAIRLESS, little boy!" I felt my face flush hot with embarrassment.

"Look! He's blushing!" a girl said.

"Man, I always thought Petey was older," another boy I recognized from school remarked.

There I stood naked with a hard on, tied fast to the flag pole and there was absolutely NOTHING I could do about it. Talk about being humiliated in the worst possible way.

Soon kids from the visiting school joined the kids from my school. My secret was out. There was going to be no escaping the fact that my pre-pubescent looking body was going to be the talk of the town! And what about JULIE, I thought? She was still wandering about naked too! My only hope was that she had been lucky enough not to have been discovered.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I started dribbling pre-cum. It oozed quite freely from my penis and slowly began forming a string which dangled from my cock, swaying in the gentle breeze.

"Hey, he really LIKES this stuff," someone said drawing attention to my plight. Everyone laughed and another girl remarked, "That's DISGUSTING!"

Just then I heard someone shout from the back of the crowd, "HEY EVERYBODY, THE PRINCIPAL IS COMING!" followed immediately by someone else shouting, "RUN, before we all get in trouble!"

Everyone started scurrying this way and that including Troy and all the football players. That was the last thing they needed was to be associated with the likes of a naked boy tied to a flag pole!

I closed my eyes in shame. My legs began shaking as I pondered what the Principal would do to me. My mom would find out for sure and she'd kill me and bury me without even a funeral!

Then I heard a familiar voice. "Looks like you're at it again."

"TOM!" I exclaimed. "Am I ever glad to see YOU! You'd better get out of here though the Principal's coming!"

"No he isn't," I heard Teddy say. "We just made that up so everyone would leave. Now let's get you untied before we really DO get in trouble." He quickly went right to work on my bonds. "Man this knot is tight," Teddy said as he struggled with my bindings. "Have you got your pocket knife, Tom?"

"NO!" I shouted in a panic. "You can't CUT IT!"

"Why not?" Teddy asked obviously confused.

"Because, that's Julie's skirt!" I replied. "She'll need that to get home!"
"You mean to tell me that Julie is running somewhere around here naked?!" Tom asked.

"Yes," I confessed. "It's a long story but we've got to find her!"

"I'll say," Tom said teasingly. "I sure don't want to miss seeing HER naked!"

Teddy continued to struggle with the knot. "Could you do something with that boner of yours. I don't want to be seen working that close to it, OK? It gives me the creeps!"

I just shrugged my shoulders knowing that it had to go down by itself. There was nothing I could do about it. Finally Teddy was able to get me free without wrecking the skirt.

"Thanks man. You're a life saver! Now let's find Julie." I said as we headed back to the gym. Along the way the guys made me explain how I ended up naked at the flag pole. Of course I made the mistake of telling them too much and all about Julie playing the Shame Game.

"You mean JULIE played the SHAME GANE?!" Tom asked totally amazed that she would let me make the rules.

"Yes, but let's keep that to ourselves. Don't say anything about it." I pleaded.

"You're out of your mind. The only way I'm keeping this a secret is if I get to play too!" Tom replied. I knew things were getting way out of hand but my first concern was for Julie's safety.
We entered the gym and checked the now empty locker rooms. Both were long since abandoned. We looked inside the gym and under the bleachers too but my step-sister was nowhere to be found. We decided to split up figuring we'd have a better chance at finding her quicker that way.

I headed towards the exit to look outside when I heard a female voice scream!

JULIE! I thought and ran back towards the hallway. When I arrived, there stood Tom holding open the Janitor's closet door with Teddy at his side. They were both getting an eyeful of my step-sister as she tried vainly to cover herself.
"WHOA!" Tom said by way of a compliment as Julie reached out for her skirt leaving her tits and bush completely exposed. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit as I noticed the bulges in both the boy's pants.

Once the skirt was on Julie wrapped her arms across her chest to hide her breasts. "Do you mind?" she said sarcastically to the gawking boys. The boys then looked away, but only for a second.

"Tom," I said "let Julie have your shirt. She needs it more than you. Besides you have a T-shirt on under it anyway."

"She can have it," Tom said gallantly as he started to unbutton his shirt. "But only if I get to play the Shame Game with her next."

"HE KNOWS!!!" Julie said angrily. "YOU TOLD HIM?!!"

"They figured it out," I stammered "when they found me tied to the flag pole with your skirt." Julie suddenly looked me over as if she had just noticed for the first time that I was naked.

"Tied to the flagpole?" she asked with a chuckle. "Oh this is going to be good! Let's hear it and don't leave out a thing."

Tom interrupted dangling the shirt teasingly in front of Julie. "What about it? Can I make the rules next time?"

"Fine," she said menacingly as she grabbed the shirt from his hands once again exposing her breasts to the boys. "Only if I get to make the rules for the game YOU'LL be playing, otherwise, no deal."

Tom's dick must have been doing his thinking for him because he didn't hesitate to agree. Knowing my step-sister's ingenuity, Tom was going to be in for more than he bargained for.