CAUGHT - THE TAMMY SERIES Part 24 (Ffff,Exib,Blackmail)
Copyright January 31, 2005 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities.  The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
By: Hooked6

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Readers may wish to refresh themselves with the
story line by rereading Chapter's 1-23 at

Saturday morning I was sleeping in until my brother came barging
into my room. "Hey Dopey! Telephone," he said, as he tossed the
portable phone on my bed. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and
picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said in a raspy voice   as I still wasn't completely

"Hey Tammy, This is Carl," said the voice on the phone.

"CARL?!!" I said excitedly. The fact that my main crush was
calling me hit home and my mind went into overdrive. "How'd you
get my number?" I asked as I instinctively drew the covers over
my body   as if he could actually see me in my nightgown over the

"Sue Ellen gave it to me. I hope that's OK."

"Yeah, ah sure." I said nervously.

"Hey listen, I saw you last night at the game." He said plainly.
My heart began racing and my mouth went completely dry. Thoughts
of him seeing me running naked to Marti's car filled my mind. Of
ALL people, why did HE have to see ME!!!

"You SAW me?" I asked, my voice quivering a bit as I tried to get
the words out.

"Yeah, I saw you walking with Marti toward the Visitor's stands
before the game. I ran into Marti later and she told me you were
selling tickets. That's pretty cool. I thought only the popular
people got to do that. Ah   not that I ever thought of you as UN-
popular . . . you know, I mean . . . shoot that didn't come out
right," he stammered.

"I THINK I know what you're getting at," I reassured him. "So why
did you call?" There was a long period of silence, which served
to make me worry that he really DID see me naked . . . and he
wanted something.
"Well . . ." he said after another long pause, "my parents are
going up to Carter's lake today and I was wondering . . . that is
IF you're not too busy . . . if you'd like to go with us? We're
having a picnic lunch and everything. That is if you're not
seeing anyone else . . . because I wouldn't want to interfere or

My main crush was actually ASKING ME OUT!!! In my wildest dreams
I would have NEVER hoped for such a thing to actually happen! My
joy was filled with doubts almost as quickly, however, as I
worried that the reason he was asking me was that he really DID
see me naked and he thinks I'm an easy screw. There was no way of
really knowing his true intentions though and I didn't want to
risk putting him off if he actually WAS interested in me   the
REAL me. He DID sound nervous about asking me, and after all, if
he thought I was really a slut, I figured he would have acted all
cocky and such. I decided to take a chance and see.

"I would love to go," trying to hold back my excitement. "But, I
don't have a way there and my parents would almost certainly not
go out of their way to get me there."

"No problem," he said confidently. I'll have my mom call your
mom. I am pretty sure we can stop by and pick you up." We talked
a little about the details and, after a few phone calls, it was
all set for me to go.

Promptly at noon Carl's parents were knocking on the door. I wore
a conservative pair of jeans and a colored top. I was as giddy as
I could be. My first real date with somebody I actually cared
about. The lake was about an hour away and most of the time we
just looked at each other without saying a word. Every now and
then his mom or dad would speak up and ask a question just to
break the silence. I had never realized that Carl was about as
shy as I was.

Arriving at the lake, Carl's parents found a picnic table and
proceeded to set up for lunch. The lake was more beautiful that I
had remembered it. Much bigger too as I couldn't make out the
opposite shore it was so far away. Lunch was also a quiet affair
as Carl and I just looked at the lake or at each other most of
the time without saying a word. It didn't matter, though, I was
in heaven.

Later, I was startled to hear a familiar voice call out, "Why
TAMMY! I didn't know you'd be here!"

I turned around to see none other than Sue Ellen. My face must
have turned to a scowl because Sue Ellen continued, "Don't look
so surprised. I always come up to the lake on Saturdays." She
came over and introduced herself to Carl's parents as though she
and I were the best of friends. She went on and on about how
close we were. It was just sickening.

"I wonder . . . could I borrow Tammy for a little while? I need
her help with something." Sue Ellen asked. I just knew she was
scheming in that tiny brain of hers. I believed with all my heart
she was out to wreck things between me and Carl. I always thought
she had the Hots for him!

Carl, ever the gallant one, spoke up immediately, "Sure, take
your time. We've got all day. Besides, I have to help my mom
clean up anyway." He hadn't hardly finished speaking before Sue
Ellen grabbed my arm and started walking away with me in tow.
"I'll bring her back as soon as I can," she said. Once down the
path out of earshot, Sue Ellen whispered in an evil sounding
voice, "I have an IOU I want to redeem, Sweet Cakes."

"No . . . You wouldn't, not TODAY   PLEASE, not today!" I

"Sure today! Especially today of all days. How do you think I
knew you'd be up here? Carl told me last night he was thinking of
asking you and I was most happy to give him your number!" she
said as we hurried along. "Of course I couldn't pass this
opportunity up, now could I?"

"What . . . what are going to make me do?" I asked fearfully. She
said nothing as we continued along the path for another 15
minutes. She eventually took me off the trail and headed for the

"Don't worry," she said. "We're just going for a little boat
ride." She finally stopped in front of a boat and continued,
"Jim, this is Tammy. Tammy this is Jim, a friend of mine. He's
volunteered to take us around on the lake this fine day." I
nodded toward the guy acknowledging the introduction.

Jim reached out his hand and helped me aboard and Sue Ellen
followed me into the boat. We both took seats in the back as he
started the motor. Soon we were off slowly touring the lake.
Ordinarily this would be fun but I KNEW she had something more in
mind for me than a pleasure cruise. She was taking me somewhere;
somewhere on the other side of the lake perhaps. I just didn't
know for what purpose.

Isn't this fun?" Sue Ellen asked. "We can enjoy the fresh air,
the peace and quiet . . . and the sun."  Sue Ellen then pulled
off her shirt revealing an orange bikini top and then stepped out
of her shorts displaying the matching bikini bottoms. "Man, the
sun feels GREAT!" she remarked. "Let's work on our tans!"

"I . . . didn't bring a bathing suit." I explained quietly.

"BATHING SUIT?!!" Sue Ellen exclaimed over the dull sound of the
boat motor. "What makes you think you need a BATHING SUIT to get
a tan?" My eyes got wide and my heart started pounding.

"You don't mean . . ." I stammered.

"To redeem your IOU I want you to strip off your clothes and
enjoy yourself on the lake with me for a while. Do as I ask and
you'll be back with lover boy in about 45 minutes." She

"I can't run around the lake in my underwear!!" I protested. "I
wore red again today and if Carl should see me he'll figure out
I'm the Red Panty Streaker!"

"OH . . . THAT'S not going to be a problem. You won't be wearing
underwear!!" she said laughing. "Now get those clothes off!"

Jim stopped the boat and shut the motor off. He turned around
obviously not wanting to miss this.

"You mean I have to get naked in front of . . . HIM?" I asked.
Sue Ellen's smile was all the answer I needed. I looked and we
were practically at the opposite end of the lake. Although there
were other boats about, none was actually close to us. I took my
shirt off and my jeans and tossed them on the back seat. I paused
a few moments in the hope that she was only kidding about me
being completely nude. Jim was showing almost all of his teeth he
was grinning so much so I figured it was hopeless. With him
watching my every move, I slowly unsnapped my bra, revealing my
boobs and then slipped out of my panties. I quickly sat back
down, crouching as low as I could get in the seat using the side
of the boat for as much cover as I could.

"You look marvelous!" Sue Ellen said. "Let's start working on our
tans." She got up and took me by the hand. She crawled onto the
deck of the bow of the boat and leaned back against the
windshield. "There's room for you too, Sweet Cakes," she said in
a sickening tone as she patted the place beside her.

I nervously crawled up and laid myself out, leaning my back
against the windshield and my feet pointing toward the front of
the boat. "Now, what?" I asked.
"We'll just sit here awhile and enjoy the sun," she explained.
The sun DID feel good against my bare skin and all things
considered, we were pretty alone out here. At least Sue Ellen was
right next to me too.

It didn't take long for things to go downhill, however. First
thing I noticed was another boat heading toward our spot. Here I
was, laying NAKED propped up on the front of the boat, with
unwanted guests coming ominously closer. "Ah Sue Ellen, there are
GUYS on that boat!" I said pointing out the obvious. "I'm going
to get into trouble!!"

"Relax! They're friends of Jim's. They knew we'd be here. Just
keep still as though you're enjoying yourself," she said firmly.
"Oh and spread those legs, Sweet Cakes. You look all tensed up
laying scrunched up like that. I want these guys to be a bit
envious of my friend Jim's good fortune   you get my meaning?"

I got it all right. She wanted me to expose my pussy to them and
let them gawk! I didn't move a muscle. I couldn't make myself do
it! Sue Ellen just sighed and pulled my legs apart   WIDE apart
and forced my arms to my sides! "If you DARE move an inch from
the way you are right now I'll make sure lover boy knows
everything about you, understand?" I nodded my head.

The boat got closer and closer. They maneuvered right along side
of our boat and stopped. Like Jim, these boys were older college
boys, none of whom I recognized.

"WELL now, SOMEBODY'S enjoying herself!" one of them remarked.
Every one of them had their eyes fixed right between my legs!!!
At least I knew what part of my body they preferred most! How
Everyone except me made small talk about school, the weather, the
poor fishing on the lake. All the while I had to sit there and
endure the awkward displaying of my body to a bunch of strangers.
I'll say one thing though, none of the boys hinted at an insult
about the way I looked. In a way, they seemed comfortable with my
nudity and at the same time also appreciative of the sight before
them. It was that realization   that they LIKED what they saw,
that made me wet!

"You know if you stay out here too long you're going to get a
nasty sunburn," another guy said sincerely. "Do you have
sunscreen on?"

I looked at him silently. He was right. I could feel my skin
getting hot and I DID look a little pink even though we'd only
been out about 10 to 15 minutes.

"He asked you a question, Tammy," Sue Ellen said, a bit put out
that I hadn't answered him.

"Ah . . . No, I didn't think to bring any with me." I explained.

Sue Ellen tossed him a bottle and said, "Why don't you indulge
yourself and put a little on for her?" she said after the guy had
made the catch.

"No! That's OK," I said. "I'm fine!"

I might as well not have even been talking as the guy had already
boarded our boat and knelt down next to me. He put some lotion in
his hands and started applying it to my left arm. He used long,
slow strokes from my wrist all the way up to my armpit. Back and
forth he went using a soft, gentle touch. Once the lotion had
been worked in, he reached over and grabbed a hold of my right
arm and pulled it across my body   holding it a few inches from
my breast. He put lotion directly on my arm with one of his hands
as he kept hold of my wrist with the other. Once again he made
long, slow strokes up and down my arm   several times sending
shivers up my spine as his arm innocently rubbed against my

Finished with my arms, he worked some lotion into my neck and
upper chest   coming ever so close, but not actually touching my
small boobs.
With each stroke I was sure he was going to finally touch my tits
 but he never did. The anticipation was KILLING me!!!

Then he went to work on my legs. I'm sure this guy KNEW what he
was doing to me. He worked the lotion in the same long, slow
stroking motion wrapping his palms around the inside of my thighs
when he reached the top of my leg   but never actually touching
my pussy. He couldn't have possibly come any closer, however, and
not hit home! I was so wet I was sure he noticed. When we did
make eye contact, my face got flushed and I HAD to look away!! I
couldn't help myself and that was the most humiliating part. He
was seeing my arousal and there was NOTHING I could do about it.
In fact, EVERYONE there was aware of my situation. I just had to
endure it.

Arms and legs done I almost panicked when I realized that he
might want to "protect" the parts he missed. I was relieved,
however, when he tossed the bottle back to Sue Ellen. "Here," he
said. "Why don't you finish up?"

Sue Ellen eagerly grabbed the lotion and, after placing some in
her hand, did just that! She straddled my body placing her legs
on each side of me and sat her butt on my lap. She placed one
hand on each of my breasts and squeezed them playfully! She had
so much lotion in her palms that her hands virtually slid over my
tits by themselves. The guys seemed to really get off on watching
Sue Ellen play with my body! There was so much lotion that she
wasn't going to finish anytime soon   and that really had an
effect on me! With each slide of hr hand my nipples responded
growing more sensitive and harder.

My breathing got faster and my heart was pounding. That little
tingle between my legs got stronger and stronger. "OH NO,
please." I thought. "I can't! Not in front of . . ." Too late . .
. I came. My body tensed up and then shuddered and over and over.
I couldn't stop it.
When I calmed down I opened my eyes and was greeted to a group of
HUGE smiles. I felt sooo humiliated that all these people had
witnessed such a private moment   and induced by a GIRL!!!

I was still sticky and gooey   well everywhere; some from the
sunscreen and well, the rest from my own arousal.

"Let's help her clean up, shall we?" Sue Ellen said obviously
aware of my predicament. Before I could realize what she meant,
she and the others took hold of me and tossed me into the lake!
The water was COLD! The shock alone brought me to my senses as I
treaded water near the boat. Everyone was laughing. All I could
think about was how I was going to explain being soaked to Carl
and his parents!

They helped me back into the boat and back onto the bow. I was
more than put out, now that I had realized that Carl would surely
have concerns over the sunscreen and my wet hair!

Sue Ellen, the ever perceptive one had already figured out what I
was afraid of. "Don't worry," she said reassuringly. "We'll get
you dried off." I was hoping for a towel but I realized they had
other ideas when I heard Jim start the boat's motor! Sue Ellen
got back into the boat and before I could move to join her, we
took off with me still laying NAKED on the bow of the boat!!

"STOP THIS THING!" I yelled but my shouts were drowned out by the
roar of the boat. It was moving too fast bouncing up and down on
the waves for me to chance trying to climb back into the boat. It
was all I could do just to hang onto the rails with my hands and
lean back against the windshield for support! The other boat
followed us and together we raced around the lake. Everyone was
laughing as we headed near other boats! My fears became reality
as I saw that they intended on exposing me to as many people as
they could. First we raced by a boat with a couple of fishermen
in it! They waved as we passed. Then we headed for another boat
with a man and his wife on it! They looked shocked as they saw I
was naked! We were so close that I could actually see their
expressions. We passed boat after boat until I was sure there
were no more left.

"STOP! PLEASE!" I yelled, "You've had your fun!" But Jim
continued on. Then I understood WHY we hadn't stopped after
forcing me to flash all the boats on the water. They were going
to show me off to everybody on the shore!!!  

"NO . . . PLEASE!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as our
boat came closer and closer to the beach   and the area where
CARL was! I violently shook my head but the boat continued. I
thought about just jumping off the boat but figured I would
surely kill myself or be run over by the boat! When we got within
10 feet of the shore, Jim slowed down a bit   I guessed so that
people would have more time to look at me! I turned my head away
from the shoreline as I didn't want anyone to recognize me!

The boat slowed some more and finally was practically crawling
along! I was too scared to move   paralyzed with thoughts of what
Carl would think if he saw me. If I jumped now, Sue Ellen would
almost surely leave me stranded   naked with nothing for cover! I
just kept my head turned and suffered my fate.

I didn't hear anything. I felt some relief at that fact until Sue
Ellen started blowing the whistle Jim kept on board for
emergencies. If no one had noticed me before   they surely would
now! All I could think about was all those people gawking at my
naked body. I could actually see their faces in my mind's eye!
How many of them were making fun of me I wondered.

Jim made two passes around the lakeside before speeding out back
to the middle of the lake and then back where he first met me.    

After stopping the boat, Jim got out and tossed an anchor toward
the shore. Sue Ellen patted my head and said, "What a GREAT girl
you were today!! You did well."

"Am I through?" I asked hopefully.

"I guess so. Lover boy will be missing you if you don't get
back." She said. I quickly got up and off the boat and held out
my hand for my clothes.

"You DO realize that I have ONE more IOU left, Don't you?" she

"Yes  . . . why?" I replied.

"I could use it to keep your clothes and make you explain
yourself to CARL," she said with an evil laugh. "Or maybe tie you
naked to that tree over there and see who comes along to set you
free!" My legs started shaking as she was the type that just
might do that.

"No . . . I think I'll save that for something else!" She said
still laughing. She then tossed me my clothes and I hurriedly got

My hair was still wet as I slowly tried to find my way back to
where Carl was. What was I going to say to explain all this?
All too soon I saw Carl and his family still sitting at the same
table where I had left him.

"Tammy!" Carl said as he spotted me walking toward them. He ran
out to greet me and once he was close enough he continued,
"You'll NEVER guess what I saw!" Of course I just wanted to hide
under the nearest rock.

"I can explain!" I said interrupting his train of thought.

"No wait until you hear this! I saw a NAKED girl on a boat!! She
went right by us twice! My dad almost flipped out and my mom got
angry at him for looking so hard!! You should have been here! It
was hysterical!" he said hardly stopping long enough to breathe.

"That's enough of that, Carl," said his mother. "I'm sure Tammy
doesn't want to hear about you looking at another girl while she
was gone   especially a NAKED one!"

I finally realized that they hadn't figured out it was me!!

"Wow, I'm sorry missed that." I said trying to sound
disappointed. I apologized for taking so long but Carl didn't
seemed to mind   I could tell his thoughts were still on "that"
naked girl he saw earlier. I didn't care   that girl was me!!!

We went for a walk along the beach, just the two of us. It was so
romantic. Now that he had something to talk about I couldn't shut
him up. Things went well until he looked up at me and asked,
"Say, why is your hair all wet?"

I told him that "Sue Ellen threw a cup of water at me because I
wanted to get back to you rather than spend more time with her."
He bought it. I guess he liked my answer because nothing further
was said about it.