CAUGHT - THE TAMMY SERIES Part 23 (Ffff,Exib,Blackmail)
Copyright January 31, 2005 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities.  The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
By: Hooked6

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Readers may wish to refresh themselves with the
story line by rereading Chapter's 1-22 at

The following morning I tried to wash the ink off my body but to
my horror it was resisting all attempts at scrubbing. The ink
wasn't as black but it was still legible and quite obvious. I
would have to be careful at selecting my outfits for the next few
days, I thought.

At school EVERYONE was talking about the Red Panty Streaker!
People who had actually witnessed the event were among the
celebrities that day. Those who hadn't been able to get to the
game were left to envy those that did. I felt my legs quiver
every time I overhead a conversation about it. Fortunately, no
one seemed to place ME as the perpetrator. People treated me
normally. I must admit, however, that listening to people
describing that girl as "beautiful, sexy, brave, daring, hot and
gorgeous," really did wonders for my ego as I never had thought
of myself in those terms!  

Outside of living in mortal fear of someone figuring out the
identity of the Red Panty Streaker or seeing those damn
autographs through my clothing, things went fairly well at school
the entire week. It wasn't until Friday that Marti came up to me
and said, "I want to redeem one of my IOU's tonight."

My mouth got almost instantly dry and I could hardly respond.
"Tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, tonight," Marti confirmed. "We have another home game
tonight and I want you to work for me so I can relax and watch
the game."

"You mean you're not going to make me streak the stadium again?"
I blurted out almost without thinking.

"No I got stuck selling tickets and I really would rather not so
I decided to call in a favor." Marti explained. "You have to be
there one hour before game time. I'll explain what you have to do
then." I told her I would arrange it and she left me at my bus

My mom was glad I was finally taking an interest in school
activities and gave me permission to work. Kerry was kind enough
to drive me to the stadium and as a result, I was right on-time.

Marti walked me over to the North Visitor's Stand and stopped in
front of a ticket booth. "As you know there are four ticket
booths here   two on the Home side and two at each end of the
Visitor's side. This booth isn't usually that busy so you won't
be overwhelmed. Here are the tickets and your change bag." She
then opened the door of the booth and helped me set up. She
explained the price differences for adult, student and non-
student tickets and went over all the rules.

When she finished her explanations she asked me if I had any
questions. "Is that all I have to do then?" I inquired.

"Just sell the tickets, don't lose any unsold tickets or money  
you're accountable for everything." After a slight pause she
continued. "From time to time I'll be checking on you and may
require some things from you like, excess cash   can't have it
piling up out here, I may want to know the number of tickets
remaining . . . Whatever I ask for I'm sure you'll be able to
give it to me."

She left me alone in the booth and I started to relax. It was
still quiet as spectators hadn't really started arriving yet. I
felt kind of proud to have such an important job. It was almost
as if I was one of the "IN" crowd   though I would never be as
popular as Marti, Kerry or Angie. Still, it was a big step for me
and my self-esteem   even if it was only a bunch of strangers
from the visiting school that got to see me working.

After about ten minutes Marti came by and asked, "How's it going?
Sell any tickets yet?"

"No, not yet but I expect there'll be a bunch of people here
soon," I replied dutifully.

"I'm sure you're right! Do a good job as you're taking MY place.
Oh and I have one more thing I need. . ."

"Sure, what is it?" I asked eagerly.

"Your pants." She said seriously.

My eyes got big as saucers. I just KNEW it was too good to be
true! The one time I was actually going to do something important
at school and she had to ruin it! "YOU CAN'T MEAN IT," I snapped

"SURE! You're inside the small booth here. Who's going to know?"
she stated. "It'll be fun. Besides you don't really have a
choice, do you?" She was right. I had agreed to do this and she
did tell me that she was going to ask for things. How could I
have been so short-sighted as not to have seen this coming?
I resigned myself to my fate and dropped my jeans, stepped out of
them and handed them to her across the counter. "Nice red
panties," she said mockingly. I looked down and realized without
thinking that I had indeed worn red again. I couldn't help it
that red was my favorite color. "Have fun," She said giggling as
she walked away carrying my jeans.

At least I still had my panties on. My T-shirt wasn't that long,
however, leaving my panties in full view of anyone who leaned
over the counter. There was no way I could pull it down far
enough to cover me.

I was sooo nervous as a couple of students came to my window. It
was a guy and his date. Fortunately I didn't recognize either of
them and I quickly sold them their tickets and they left without

The breeze was a constant reminder that I was once again out in
public with only my red panties for covering my legs. I was very
embarrassed as it got more crowded and student after student came
to my window. If I was discovered I was trapped in that booth
with no obvious means of safely escaping! After about 20 minutes
I began to get a little more comfortable with my apparel. I guess
I was so busy taking money and selling tickets that I didn't have
time to focus on my state of dress.

Eventually there was a short break in the action and I had a
chance to straighten out my money bag   putting the bills in
order so I could make change easier. It was then that Marti came
back. "How's it going?"
She asked.

"Fine," I snapped back not wanting her to get the best of me.

"I need your panties now," she said with a smile.

"NOW HOLD ON HERE," I protested.

"ah, ah, ah" she said sweetly, reminding me that I really had
little choice. After looking around I yanked my panties off and
flung them to her, landing right against her face. I guess that
made her mad because she took a step closer to the booth and
said," Just for that little outburst of disrespect you can give
me your bra too."  

I didn't even try and argue as I figured she was just going to
come back and ask for it later anyway. Once it was off I was left
in just my short T-shirt. My nipples hardened in the breeze and
poked through the material quite noticeably from my point of
view. Marti smiled big and said, "Ta, Ta."

I was so pissed I didn't even notice a group of guys had
approached the booth. "Three student tickets please," one guy

I immediately pressed my body against the counter leaving
absolutely NO room for even a frog's hair to squeeze between me
and the wooden barrier that separated my naked bottom from their

"So you go to Hillcrest? asked one boy, smiling.

I nervously looked down to be sure that I was hidden and
responded, "Ah, yeah I do."

"Do you like it there?" he went on. I handed him his tickets
hoping he would leave but he insisted on hanging around making
small talk. He passed two of the tickets to his buddies and then
leaned on the counter top and continued his visiting as they left
for the stadium entrance.

"I heard it was a good school," he said looking straight at my
chest instead of my eyes. Why do guys DO that, anyway? Do they
all think that a girl's EARS are down there? He obviously had
noticed my perky nipples and wanted to linger on for the view. If
he only knew what view he was missing!!

I played it cool towards him and he finally took the hint that I
wanted him to leave. As he stood up to go, the cup of Coke he had
set on the counter while he talked spilled, splashing all over my
T-shirt and the tickets. "SHIT!" I exclaimed instinctively
stepping back for like a nanosecond before coming to my senses
and jumping back toward the counter.

"WHOA! You must have on some really ULTRA-ULTRA-Low riders!" he
said mockingly. I must have turned beat red at his words. 'Damn
it!' I thought. He must have seen more of me than I had thought!
He apologized for spilling his drink and offered to stay and
clean it up.

"No, that's not necessary! The game's almost starting. I'll take
care of it! REALLY!" I said making it clear I was more than a
little pissed. He left looking back at the booth at least twice
before I lost sight of him.

My T-shirt was completely soaked from just below my breasts all
the way down the front! It could have been worse I guess. I
managed to use what papers I had in the booth to dab up the bulk
of the Coke. Mercifully I heard the game starting and figured
that I didn't have long before everyone would be inside and I
would be through with this nightmare.

Another group of boys came toward the booth laughing loudly until
they made eye contact with me then they went totally silent! THEY
KNOW! I said to myself. That creep must have told his buddies
what he thought he saw! They gathered around my booth like

"Got any programs?" One said as the others laughed.

"No. I only sell tickets." I said professionally.

"Are you SURE that's ALL you're selling?" One smartass said as
the others stifled more laughs.

"You can get programs inside the stadium!" I answered in a foul

They hung around a few more seconds but, mercifully, they decided
to leave without forcing their way into the booth. I was sure
they at least suspected something, but I wasn't certain they
really had any idea that I was bottomless in there.

More boys came by and asked similar questions like, "Can I have a
bag of peanuts," or "What time does the game start." I knew darn
well they knew the answer to those questions and all they wanted
to do was get me to show myself. I clung dearly to the counter
and was glad that the window was small.

Things took and ugly turn when one of the guys then said to the
others, "You know I think she's not wearing any pants. I think
she must have given them to somebody to get cleaned up after
spilling her drink all over the place." All the other guys egged
him on saying things like, "Yeah! Just look at her wet shirt" and
"That's what happened all right." The ring leader then scared me
to death by saying, "There's only one way to find out."

I was about to scream at the top of my lungs when I saw a
security guard coming over toward me. "Everything OK, Miss?" he
asked, sending the boys slowly walking away.

"Just fine," I answered. "These boys were just leaving."

He stood about ten yards from my booth and watched them as they
left. I was deathly afraid he would come over to check on me and
that would be the end of it all!

"If you ever need help," he said walking toward me, "All you have
to do is shout."

"THANK YOU!" I said nervously as he kept on coming toward my
booth. "I'm REALLY OK. Thanks for your help." I said desperately
trying to convince him to leave! When he was about three steps
from my window, someone called out, "Hey Frank, Let's go get some
coffee! The line's down at the concession stand."

"OK," the fat man said. He nodded toward my window as if to make
sure I understood he was leaving and then left.

All throughout the game I listened as the crowd responded to the
action. I wondered how long I was going to be stuck in the booth
and when someone would come to collect my money and unused
tickets. What if it was the principal? That thought almost made
me piss on myself. Surely Marti wouldn't leave me stranded out

I tried pulling on my shirt to see if I could cover myself enough
to make an escape just in case I needed to. It was of no use,
however. I had purposely worn a trendy small shirt that showed
off my belly button. There was no way I could get it low enough
to keep people from spotting my naked ass.

Marti came back and asked for the money bag and tickets. "You did
a good job, Tammy. I'll turn this stuff in. I don't want people
to think I didn't work my shift." She said as she turned to

"Marti?" I asked carefully. "When can I get my pants back?"
Before she could answer me I noticed the crowd had gotten really
loud. They were cheering and laughing and carrying on. I couldn't
imagine what could be so funny going on during the game. I must
have had a puzzled look on my face because Marti smiled and
motioned me to step outside. I shook my head but she kept on,
"You've GOT to see this. Just peek around behind the booth. No
one's around. Come on." She said encouragingly.

I opened the Dutch door to the booth and crept around the corner.
The laughter by now was almost a fever pitch.

At first all I saw was the back of the stadium seats with
everyone standing up facing the field away from me. Then, to my
absolute horror, I noticed the flag pole. Waving underneath the
flag were my jeans, my BRA AND MY PANTIES! Someone had clothes-
pined them to the rope and raised them up for everyone there to

"Looks like the Red Panty Streaker has set a new standard!" Marti
said laughing. "I'm sure you can find your way home!"

"DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!" I pleaded but Marti ran off howling!

I went into panic mode. I had no planned means of escape and
there was no way I could cover myself. I ran. I had no idea where
I was going   I just ran! After running basically aimlessly for a
while I finally made it to a dark corner of the parking lot and
hid in between some cars. I needed to catch my breath and think
things through.

Half time came and I saw people milling about. I tried to keep
calm and convince myself I still had time to figure out what to
do. I kept looking for Marti or Kerry or somebody that I could
trust to help me! I spotted no one. I figured that I was unlikely
to see anyone I knew on the Visitor's side as students that went
to my school would be on the opposite side of the field. There
was NO WAY I was going to try and make it over to the home side.
No way in hell.

I kept a vigilant watch. During the last half of the game my
breathing never slowed down. All too soon the game ended and I
still didn't have any idea of what to do. The parking lot was a
wide open field   there were no bushes to hide behind and when
the cars left there wouldn't be any cover at all!

I decided to make a mad dash for my ticket booth and crouch down
inside before the people started leaving the stadium. I bolted
from my hiding place and reached the booth and ducked down
inside. I heard people leaving, talking about the game as they
passed by my booth. My breathing was so labored I was afraid
people would hear me!

Finally I heard Marti's voice outside the booth. "Tammy," she
whispered. I know you're in there. My car is parked at the East
end zone. I'll wait for you for 5 minutes, then if you're not
there I'll leave your sorry ass!"

There were too many voices   too many people making their way to
their cars. I couldn't leave now! I just couldn't!  Time passed
and I figured that my 5 minutes were almost up. Marti surely was
going to keep her word and leave if I didn't get there. At least
the East end zone wasn't
THAT far away.

I swallowed hard and decided to go for it. I figured it was dark
and people wouldn't be paying too much attention so I could make
it pretty close to Marti's car without too many people seeing me.
I got up to leave but then the thought hit me that my face wasn't
hidden by a ball cap like last time. All it would take would be
for ONE person to recognize me and I would be dead!

Having no other choice I did the most unlikely thing I could
think of   I took off my T-shirt and draped it over my head
hiding most of my face and hair. I may be seen naked   but at
least people wouldn't recognize me, I thought.

What happened next was a blur. I didn't waste anytime. I jumped
out the door and ran like hell toward the spot where Marti said
she'd be. I got farther than I had expected before I heard
someone shout, "A STREAKER! A NAKED girl is STREAKING!"

I heard claps and laughter as I continued to run. I saw guys and
girls in front of me getting a clear shot of my boobs and pubic
hair as I ran. No time for modesty - I wanted speed!! I ran past
them and dodged others as I made my way to where Marti was.

True to her word, Marti was actually where she said she'd be.
Bolstered by this discovery I ran even harder. "Cute ass!" I
heard a boy say, which embarrassed me even more! It's one thing
to THINK people are staring at you   it's entirely another when
they speak and remove all doubt!"

I was within 15 feet of Marti's car when the bitch started to
drive away slowly! "WAIT!" I called out to a laughing Marti as
she had her head stuck out the window. "PLEASE WAIT UP!"

She was driving toward the Home side of the stadium where all the
students from our school would be! I wasn't about to go there so
I just stopped and stood there. Marti must have realized that I
wasn't going to play along so she stopped too. In retrospect, it
was the smartest thing I could have done   not play along!

I hopped into her car and she sped off. She tossed me my jeans
and thanked me for a wonderful show! I wasn't sure how she had
gotten them back or who was the one that raised them up the flag
pole in the first place, but I was glad to have them back   even
if I didn't have my bra and panties!