CAUGHT - THE TAMMY SERIES Part 22 (Ffff,Exib,Blackmail)
Copyright January 31, 2005 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities.  The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
By: Hooked6

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Readers may wish to refresh themselves with the
story line by rereading Chapter's 1-21 at

Billy Rae sat there for another minute or so and then sighed.
"Hey sweetness," he said looking right at me. "Get me some paper
towels from the kitchen, would ya?"

I guess I have gotten so used to taking orders that I didn't even
hesitate. I just turned around, saw the kitchen and went to do as
I was asked. Returning once again to the front room, I held out
my hand and offered him the towels.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Clean it up so we can go," he
said plainly as his eyes shifted their gaze to the goo on his
belly. I wadded up the paper towels and took a step towards him
once again mindlessly doing as I was told. I just wanted him to
get going so we could get our gas and get out of there. I wasn't
even thinking about what I was going to wipe up.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Kerry admonished. "Let him clean
up is own damn mess." I immediately came to my senses and tossed
the towels on his lap as he sat there laughing. I felt flushed as
I realized what I had come so close to touching.

"It was worth a try," Billy said chuckling. Once he was satisfied
with his attempt at personal hygiene, he pulled up his trousers
and turned towards the door. "OK, a deal's a deal. It's my turn
to pay up. You guys ready?" he asked as he pulled his car keys
from his pants pocket.

"I'M not going. You and Kerry go and bring back the gas. I'll
wait here." I explained.

"That's not such a good idea," Billy said. "My dad is due back
any time now. I don't think he'd like finding a naked girl in the
"You're making that up," I replied.

"Suit yourself," he said as if it didn't matter to him one way or
the other. "But don't blame me if he calls your parents after
catching you here."  

He had me there. His logic was flawless. I couldn't risk even the
smallest chance that I would be discovered undressed as I was and
having my mom find out. Not after she caught me at the mall.
"Fine, I'll go. But you'd better just go straight to the gas
station and back. I'm in enough trouble as it is!" Thoughts
filled my mind of him driving me all around town trying to expose
me to all his friends as I cowered in the back seat of his car.

I was prepared to walk outside naked and ride with them to the
gas station but Kerry, thank goodness, had the presence of mind
to grab a towel from the bathroom and toss it to me! I was so
relieved at her gesture I would have given her another IOU just
for her kindness. Fortunately she didn't ask for one.

The trip to the service station and back was uneventful and Billy
drove us directly back to our car. Kerry put the 5 gallons of gas
she had purchased into the tank and asked Billy if he would
return it to the station for her, which after some mild flirting,
he reluctantly agreed to do.

As I started to get back into Kerry's car Billy cleared his
throat, "Ahem, I hate to bring this up but that's my towel you're
I sighed, pulled it away from my body and tossed it to him. At
least I had been covered for a little while. Billy then really
did something that unnerved me. He pulled the towel to his nose,
sniffed long and hard and remarked, "Aahhhhh! There's nothing
like the scent of fresh pussy juice."

"THAT"S GROSS!" I yelled and turned my head away as Kerry
finally, after several false starts, got the car running. We
headed toward her place so that I could retrieve my dress from

When we reached Kerry's place, Kristi was already there and
waiting for us. "I had a devil of a time getting out of that
stadium," Kristi said as she met us at the car.

"Why?" asked Kerry.

"People from our school apparently noticed me standing next to
Tammy here. They wanted to know if I knew who that streaker was."

"YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM DID YOU?!!" I asked in a panic.

"Calm down. Of COURSE I didn't tell them the truth. I told them
it was some girl from Trembly that I had just met."

"Whew!" I said with a sigh. "That was quick thinking!"

"I'm sure they bought it. Anyway, what's up with you guys? You
should have beaten me here. What kept you?" Kristi asked. Kerry
went on to explain the whole sordid tale of what had happened.
Kristi at first thought she was making the whole thing up, but I
verified her story which seemed to really excite her all the more
 knowing that it actually happened.

"Can I have my dress now?" I asked finally interrupting their
Kristi looked at me with a gleam in her eye. I knew I was in

"You DO have my dress, don't you?" I asked nervously.

"Sure, it's right in my car. But . . . I've been thinking . . ."
she said pausing for emphasis. "I think I want to cash in MY IOU
tonight, too!"

"WHAT?!" After what I've been through already?" I asked

Kristi laughed, "Aw, common. I have never seen ANTHING like what
I witnessed at the football game tonight and I'm all worked up
over it. Besides   who said you have any choice in the matter,
anyway?" She said with a chuckle.  

I consoled myself with the thought that at least I could get TWO
IOU's eliminated in one night   a third of what I owed. "OK, but
whatever I have to do it can't take long. My mom is expecting me
home promptly after the game and it's getting late." I explained.

"How long this takes depends on you," Kristi said with an evil
grin. She then turned to Kerry and asked, "Have you got a T-shirt
and a pair of jeans that will fit Tammy?"

Kerry, obviously clueless as to what Kristi had in mind replied,
"Ah, I might."

"Great! Go and get them will you? We'll wait here." directed
Kerry rushed off into her house as I sat naked in the front seat
of her car. I suspected Kristi had an ulterior motive of
prolonging my nudity by sending Kerry inside alone, but then I
realized that whatever she was planning, at least I would be
conservatively dressed for a change!
Kerry wasn't gone very long and returned carrying the clothes.

"I'm not sure these will fit her as she is a bit taller than me,
but at least they're clean." She held up a white T-shirt and a
pair of faded jeans. Kristi ordered me out of the car and
directed me to get dressed. It felt weird changing on the
sidewalk. At least there was no one about. The T-shirt reached
below my breasts and left a good bit of my belly exposed. The
material was a bit tight around my body such that my nipples
poked out like little peanuts leaving no doubt that I wasn't
wearing a bra, but at least I was covered. The jeans were short
on my legs, and after considerable effort, I was able to finally
manage to get them snapped up front. Pulling up the zipper was a
challenge   trying not to catch my pubic hair in the teeth! The
fit was extremely tight however and I knew that if I wasn't
careful I'd pop the snap open easily.

"OK, I'm dressed. What do I have to do?" I asked, eager to get
this over with. Kristi went over to her car and retrieved a pair
of fuzzy dice that were hanging from her rearview mirror and
handed me one of them.

"First, I want you to toss one of the dice here on the ground,"
she said. It seemed weird but I stooped down and carefully rolled
one of the dice. It only rolled over once and stopped, its
rolling limited by the string connecting it to the other cube of
the dice.

"SIX!" exclaimed Kristi gleefully. "THAT'S PERFECT!"

"Six? What does that mean?" I asked, starting to get nervous.

Kristi looked at me and said, "Tammy, I haven't known you very
long, but I really am beginning to like you so I wanted you to
have a little control over your own destiny."

"Huh?" I said.

"I'll explain after we get to the mall. This will be fun!" she
replied. "I'll drive. Don't want you guys running out of gas
again!" she added laughing.

We went to the local mall, the one where Sam worked and parked in
the parking lot near a major anchor store. Being Friday night it
was very busy. Seeing all the cars and people milling about made
my heart beat faster as I wondered what Kristi had in mind.

We all got out of the car and assembled near the trunk. Everyone
looked at Kristi who, apparently wanting to create a sense of
drama, kept us in suspense about what I had to do. She just stood
there smiling without saying a word. Maybe she didn't know what
she really wanted and was just trying to think up something, I
had no idea. Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore and
spoke up. "Well, what do I have to do?"

Kristi put her arm around my shoulder as if we were best buds or
something and said, "To redeem my IOU, I want you to collect
something for me."  

Shades of me running around the library naked haunted my mind.
"You're not thinking of hiding my clothes at the mall and making
me find them are you?" I said in protestation.

"Oh NO!" Nothing like that!" she said sincerely, "Though I wish
I'd have thought of that!"

"Then what DO I have to do?" I asked growing impatient.

Kristi explained. "Remember when you rolled the dice at Kerry's
house and the number 6 came up?" I nodded my head. She then
reached into her purse and handed me a black, Sharpie brand magic
marker. "I want you to collect SIX autographs for me from people
here at the mall   one on each breast, one on each butt cheek and
one on the top front of each thigh   that's SIX I think. When
you've collected them all and show us, you're done!"

PRIVATES?!" I exclaimed. "You're nuts! I'll get arrested for

"No you won't. Not if you're smart about it. Tell them it's a
club initiation thing or you lost a bet or something. If you stay
away from the old folks you shouldn't have any trouble." Kristi
said enthusiastically.

Kerry seemed to agree. "Yeah, if you flirt a bit you'd have no
trouble with the boys!"

"BOYS! They'd carry me off with them and do God knows what?" I
said rejecting their logic.

"Naw. We'll be right there with you to back up whatever you say."
Kristi replied. "Not to try and rush this but you DID say your
mom was expecting you home right after the game so time is
slipping away here."

"Let me get this straight, I have to get six different people to
au-autograph my body. You guys are going to be with me the whole
time and then I'm done. I don't have to go INSIDE the mall do
I?"" I asked.

"Who you chose or how you go about it is up to you." Kristi

I looked around the parking lot too see who I would trust
approaching about getting them to sign. I realized that the worst
part of this assignment was not that I was going to have someone
writing on me, but actually getting up the nerve to ASK someone.
I was much too shy for this and the humiliation of having to make
this happen all by myself was unbearable. "Couldn't one of you
line up the people to do this? I'd like that a lot better," I
said, hoping to persuade her to modify her request.

"That wouldn't be any fun. I'm not going to embarrass myself by
doing that. That's your job!" Kristi said smirking. I took off
walking around the lot with the two girls in tow. I had no
particular target in mind. I just walked among the cars. As I
turned down a row a man came walking toward me carrying shopping
bags. He looked about 50 and was well dressed. "What about him?"
Kerry asked. I shook my head no, as I figured he be just the type
to make a scene about this. Probably knew my mother, too, I
thought. No, I'd find another target.

Every person I looked at I found some reason why I just couldn't
approach them. My followers were growing bored and told me so. I
gave myself a silent, little pep talk and made up my mind that I
would approach the very next person that came down the aisle I
was in. "I can DO this, I can. I REALLY can." I told myself.

Unfortunately the next person I saw was a young lady in her mid
twenties. She was dressed in a trendy outfit and I figured she
might be OK. I waited until she got closer and then walked up to
her. "Ah, excuse me," I said mostly looking at the ground.

"Yes . . ." replied the girl.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but, well you see it all started. . .I
mean I was wondering, that is if you have the time of course if
you don't I'll understand . . . anyways my friends here. . ." I
wasn't making any sense not even to myself.

"Look, what is it you want?" she said politely. "Just spit it

That was easy for her to say. "I'm sorry," I finally blurted out.
"I lost a bet and have to ask you, well not specifically you, but
people, strangers, you know, for their autograph. Could I get
yours please?" A smile came over her face and she looked at my
friends, then back at me.

"A bet, huh? What kind of bet?" she asked.

"I'd rather not say, but if you could I would really like it if
you'd oblige," I replied extending my hand with the marker.

"Oh I guess so," she answered putting her bag down on the
pavement. "Where do I sign?"

The moment of truth had arrived. Where to choose? I opted for the
first place that I thought of on Kristi's list and said very
meekly as my voice trailed off, "My breast . . ."

"Excuse ME?" she asked as if she hadn't heard me correctly.

"I need you to sign my breast," I answered almost in a whisper.

After laughing a bit she answered, "I'm not signing my NAME on
your BOOB! What would people think?"

"Oh, just write something then, anything. I don't care. That
would be OK wouldn't it Kristi?" I asked hoping to get her
approval. She fortunately nodded her consent. Seeing this, the
girl shook her head as if she couldn't believe what she was
agreeing to and smiling, opened the pen and placed the cap in her
mouth. It was my turn now. I had to yank my shirt up exposing
myself to this woman. Not wanting to be too obvious in a public
parking lot, I raised on one side of my shirt, up just high
enough to completely uncover one breast.

She grinned at the sight before her. I figured she was silently
making fun of my lack of endowment. She was careful to let only
the tip of the pen touch my skin. My friends began laughing out
loud as she wrote in a few short strokes. When she finished I
looked down and there on my left breast, in all capital letters,
was the word: "SLUT!"

Recapping the pen she handed me the pen saying, "That's
appropriate don't you think?" I was so embarrassed. I quickly
dropped my shirt back in place and thanked her. She took off
toward her car as Kerry and Kristi laughed at me some more.

I didn't have to wait long before trouble came knocking. A group
of three boys   about our age, shouted as they were walking
towards us. "Hey, wait up!" one of them yelled. I panicked as I
was afraid they were from our school. "You guys recognize any of
them?" I asked in a frightened whisper. Neither of the girls had
any idea who they were.

When they reached us, one of the boys said, "Hey, what was that
lady doing to you?" My legs grew weak as I realized they had
probably seen the whole thing. The fact that they were all pretty
good looking didn't help matters. I looked over at my friends but
they were of no help. They just stood there smiling.
I decided just to take them into my confidence. "Look, I'll tell
you, but you have to promise to help me and not tell anyone, ok?"

"I dunno, what do you want us to do?" asked the smallest one.

"I lost a bet and I need to collect autographs. Would you three
give me yours?"

"THAT LADY WAS AUTOGRAPHING YOUR TITS?!!" exclaimed one of the
boys resulting resounding laughter. "Do we get to sign your tits
too?" asked another.

I was soooo red-faced. I really didn't want to answer but I
forced myself to reply. "Well, one of you gets to. . ."

"OH MAN! Why can we all sign," protested the rest. "Yeah, that's
not fair!" replied another.

I continued, "The others can sign too. . ." I paused not sure
what to say.

"Sign what?" asked a boy excitedly interrupting my thoughts.

"One of you gets to sign my breast and the other two get to sign
my butt." I finally said.

"HOLY CRAP!" said one in response. They then all argued about who
got to do what until I just took control. "Look you," I said
pointing at one boy, "get to sign up top and you two one cheek
each, got it?" I announced pointing at each boy respectively. I
walked over between several parked cars to shield what I was
about to do as the group followed me. Unfortunately that put me
closer to a street light illuminating the parking lot.

I gave the pen to the one I had chosen to sign my breast and
slowly lifted my shirt. The boys all got deathly quite and they
stared at me, not really believing they were actually going to
get to do it. Since they were so close to my age, I decided to be
cleaver about this and expose only enough skin as I absolutely
needed to. I only lifted my shirt on the side of my right breast,
keeping its nipple and my left breast covered. I had just
finished doing that and told the boy with the pen to get started
when Kristi came over and pulled my shirt practically up to my
neck exposing my entire chest! I heard the boys let out a
collective audible gasp as Kristi said, "Give the boy enough room
to write, will ya?" I could have killed her! The boy with the pen
wasted no time and put the pen to skin.

As the boy was actually signing his name, one of the other boys
noticed what was written on the other breast. "Why did that lady
write "SLUT" on your other tit?"

I sarcastically replied, "Because maybe that was her name,
I took the marker from the first boy and dropped my shirt. I
handed the marker to one of the other boys and, after taking a
deep breath, turned around and carefully began to unsnap my
jeans. They were a bit tight so I had to wiggle a little just to
get them started. I dropped just the back half of the jeans
exposing only the upper part of my butt.

I heard giggles from behind me and I assumed they were laughing
at my ass as I stooped forward presenting it for them to sign. I
should have known better as once again Kristi yanked my jeans
lower to just above my knees - leaving my audience with a
complete "full moon." The giggles must have resulted from them
anticipating what she was going to do.

"HEY, HEY, HEY . . . WATCH THAT!" I yelled as I felt a boys hand
grab an entire butt cheek. His fingers had slid in between the
crack of my lower ass, almost resting on my butt hole and were
separating the cheeks of my rear end.

"Sorry," he said chuckling, "just trying to get a flat surface to
write on."  

"I'll bet!" I snapped back, but by then he was through and let go
of my cheek.

The next boy took his sweet time and I began to get very
humiliated having to hold my pose bent over like that wondering
what was going on.

"What the hell are you waiting for?" I asked, growing angry over
the delay.

"I was just thinking of what to write," he replied politely.

"You're not writing a novel, dipweed. Just sign your name!" I
answered him.

The feeling of the wet marker dragging against my bare skin was
really arousing in a weird sort of way. I don't now if it was the
thought of who was doing the writing or just the feel of the ink
against my skin. When he was done I couldn't wait to get my pants
pulled up. Of course that was no easy task being as tight as they
were. As I stood up and gyrated my hips to assist in getting them
up, I was helped by one of the boys as he reached inside the
front of my waistband and tried tugging as well, in so doing he
putt his hand across my pubic hair! I gasped from the feeling of
his fingers so close to my delicate area and slapped his hand
away softly. I politely told him I could manage. The boys then
left, laughing over what they had done leaving me once again
alone with my friends.

"Do you realize that by bending over like that we could all see
your pussy lips remarkably well?" Kristi said giggling. "You
should have just stayed standing straight up!"

Kerry joined in, "I don't know, I rather enjoyed the view!" I was
beginning to have my doubts about her and she still had her IOU
to redeem!

"Did I really show it off that bad?" I asked sincerely. The girls
looked at each other and both replied simultaneously, "Afraid
so." At least I had only two more signatures to get.  

I wasn't about to take any more chances with more young men. I
spotted two girls, both looking like punk-rocker types walking
away from me in the next row of cars. One had red hair, the other
green and both were dressed in black. I took off calling, "Excuse
me, Can I ask a favor?" They stopped and as I got closer I
realized that they were not girls at all   THEY WERE GUYS! I was
trapped by my own doing.

"Watcha want, babe?" the one with the red hair asked. I looked at
them both carefully, wondering if it would be safe to proceed.
They had chains hanging from their pockets and were pierced just
about everywhere. I started to turn and leave but the girls
caught up with me. I explained what I needed and of course they
were only too happy to oblige.

Kerry handed one of them the pen and I started unsnapping my
jeans before I realized that we were still standing in the middle
of the roadway. I hustled over between more cars and proceeded
unzipping myself. This was going to be the worst I thought as I
would have to actually drop my pants showing EVERYTHING down
there! Why couldn't I have just worn my dress? I thought. I could
have just raised it up a bit exposing just my legs! With these
jeans I would have to drop them almost to my knees in order for
them to sign my upper thigh! Kristi was smarter than I gave her
credit for!!

I reluctantly lowered the waistband exposing my pubic hair and
then lowered a bit further. I stopped for a second, barely
showing my pussy, but I knew I had to continue so I pushed them
down a bit further, almost to my knees in fact.

I guy with the red hair took the pen and went toward my right
thigh. He quickly signed his name, thinking nothing about it. It
was as if he had no hang-ups at all about what he was doing  
like he had done this sort of thing all the time! He then handed
the marker to his buddy who acted the same way   signing his name
without making a big deal. Maybe I had chosen the right people
after all!

As the second guy finished signing, he reached back and handed
the pen to his buddy but stayed kneeling on the ground. I began
to get a bad feeling about that when he calmly asked, "Ever think
about getting your clit pierced?"

My eyes open wider at his question.

"I could do it for you if you ever wanted it done," he explained.
I almost squeaked out a small "oooo" when I felt him actually
grab the lips of my pussy and pull them apart as if he were
examining a piece of material. "You'd be an easy one to pierce.
Look at it, Jack, her clit is so big. Wouldn't be hard at all,
would it?"  They were discussing my most intimate parts as if
they were carpenters deciding on whether they could do a job or
not. As Jack bent down for a closer "professional" look at my
clit, I felt a rush of wetness overtake my vagina. I was soooo
embarrassed and hoped for dear life that neither of them
commented on it.

"Should be a piece of cake," Jack remarked as he stood back up.

"You'd look a whole lot better with a stud or ring down there.
You don't have hardly any hair to obstruct the view, so you
wouldn't have to keep yourself shaved if you didn't want to. I
could do it cheaply too, if your interested." He explained
actually trying to make a sale.

"Ah . . . no thanks," I answered him growing more embarrassed
with each passing second. I could actually feel his warm breath
striking my labia with each breath he took making my arousal all
the more severe! I think the girls knew what was happening,
because they too blushed a bit as I looked over at them. I guess
they felt for me. The guy then stood up and I thought he was
going to leave but, instead, quickly tuned me around so that my
butt was facing everybody.

"If you don't want a piercing, I also do great tattoos." I felt
his hand soft rub a small circle on my left butt cheek. "A
butterfly would look really great here too. You really could use
a little attention getter right here." He said continuing his
sales pitch as he kept up his circular motion with his hand.  

I took a step forward and then turned around to face the group.
"I'll think about it." I said hoping to end this gracefully.

"If you decide to go through with it, here's my card." The guy
with the green hair said. With a simple wave of their hand they
left, leaving me stupidly standing with my pants half down my
legs. Kerry and Kristi fought over the card as if it was some
prize or something until I insisted that I had to get home.