Copyright January 21, 2005 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities.  The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
By: Hooked6

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Readers may wish to refresh themselves with the
story line by rereading Chapter's 1-18 at

I was very conscious of my nudity as we walked along. When we
reached the Slave Auction exhibit where Marti and Sue Ellen where
standing, they both howled at my predicament. "Looks like what
goes around, comes around doesn't Tammy?" yelled Marti
sarcastically. "TAMMIEEEE is naked. TAMMIEEEE is naked," she sung
out like the old school children's game.

"You're going to get yours now, bitch," echoed Sue Ellen angrily.

Miss Westerman gave them both a stern look and told them to keep
quiet. At the sound of her menacing tone, both girls dropped
their heads and fell silent. We continued down the hall and
rounded a corner.  Much to my relief, the exhibit area I was to
have was probably the tamest of them all. There was what I
believe they call The Stocks   a wooden frame with holes for your
head and arms. Ms. Westerman lifted the top portion of the frame
and I bent over to get in position, after which she closed me in.

Only the side of my body was visible to the aisle as my head
faced the  wall of the exhibit. "You'll only have to do this
until we close. It's rather uncomfortable but I think you can
manage," said Miss Westerman.

After she left I discovered that I could just hang my head down
towards the floor and my hair would cover my face. I was relieved
that in this position at least no one could see much of anything
 unless they actually walked into the exhibit itself   a thought
that plagued me until my stint as a wax figure was completed.
Despite the reassurances I gave myself, I was as nervous as a
jumpy cat when the first visitors arrived. I kept telling myself
"they can't really see anything, they can't really see anything!"
Still, listening to their comments was maddening. It was what
they were THINKING that really bothered me.

I was never so glad to get out of that museum in my life! Sam
drove me home and I was able to sneak back into my room without
being discovered. I slept the best since this whole ordeal began.
I had redeemed ALL of my IOU's thanks to Miss Westerman using
hers at the museum; I got GREAT insurance pictures of Marti and
Sue Ellen and I didn't get caught sneaking out! I felt a great
weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

The next school day I was sick all over again as I saw Carl in
the hallway at his locker. I suddenly remembered that Marti had
sent him the picture of me at McDonalds flashing my tits. I
started to turn to rush away when he called my name "Tammy! Wait

I froze with fear! "Listen Carl, I can explain . . ."

"About what?" he said with a sincere face.

"About that email from Marti," I said meekly as I dropped my head
towards the floor.

"What email?" Carl asked. "I didn't get an email from her.

"Are you sure?" I asked a bit dismayed.

"Yeah. I just checked this morning. No one has written me." I at
first figured that something had gone wrong and he didn't get it.
Maybe Marti didn't really send it. Maybe she didn't have the
correct email address. Carl continued, "The only email we got all
weekend was to my dad   some porno picture my mom found and gave
him hell for it. I wanted to see it but she deleted it before I
had a chance."

My knees almost gave way as I realized how close I had come to
total humiliation! That porno picture was of ME! She sent it to
Carl Hadley, SENIOR not his son Carl Hadley JUNIOR! "HA! What a
dope Marti is!" I thought.

"So what's this about Marti sending me an email?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. I guess my mind's not awake yet this morning. I
thought you were Angie. Dumb, right?" I said making an excuse. We
talked some and the bell rang for class so we left with him none
the wiser!

I was walking on cloud nine the rest of the day! My biggest fear
had been averted. No one teased me   not even Marti or Sue Ellen
as we passed in the halls. I FINALLY had my life back on track

"Just one more period to go," I thought as I walked the hall
between classes. I decided to use the restroom before actually
going to my classroom. While I was sitting on the toilet peeing,
it struck me how quiet it had gotten. I figured that it must have
been closer to the start of class time than I thought and I must
be running late. As I opened the stall door I heard a voice yell,
"GET HER!" I was suddenly pulled out of the stall and thrown to
the floor. People piled on top of me as I struggled to get up.

familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Sue Ellen, Marti, Kerry
and another girl I didn't recognize.

Sue Ellen got next to my head and had the biggest scowl I had
ever seen on her face. "You little bitch. How DARE you disgrace
us by pulling off our hoods at the museum! Let's see how YOU like
being humiliated for a change."

As if by instinct all the girls began pulling at my clothes. My
pants had been yanked below my knees and my T-shirt was already
up over my head covering my face before I could yell, "NO! WAIT!!
I've got your pictures remember? You'd better stop or I'll
plaster them everywhere. I MEAN IT!"  They stopped stripping me
for a minute as I laid quietly on the floor all disheveled.

"Pictures?" Sue Ellen said mockingly. "You mean these?"

Though I was still held on the floor, I turned over a bit and
looked up to see her holding a memory disc for a digital camera.
"That's right baby girl, it's from your camera." Fear overtook me
as I realized that my blackmail insurance had just disappeared.

"Aw, don't look so surprised. It's amazing what your brother will
do for $5.00" Sue Ellen said chuckling.

That little twerp of a brother sold me out for a measly five
dollars! Of course he probably had no idea what was on the disc.
"Please. . . you don't want to do this," I said nervously. It
didn't seem to matter as Sue Ellen had that determined look in
her eyes. As I looked around at the others they too all had
smiles that said they were really enjoying this. Once again they
pounced upon me. My pants were pulled off my legs along with my
shoes. My socks followed along with my shirt. "NO!" I shouted as
my panties were yanked down towards my knees. I tried rolling
over and attempted to grab them but I couldn't reach far enough.

When I had been completely stripped Sue Ellen took possession of
all my clothes. "Have fun getting home, you little bitch."

"WAIT!" You can't leave me here like this!! Can't we work
something out?" I pleaded, as they all turned to leave. My pleas
fell on deaf ears, however, and soon I was left to ponder my
fate, alone, naked and desperate.

I was too much of a wimp to try and leave the restroom. I was
numb with fear. My only recourse was to hide in a locked stall
until school was over and maybe use the time to try and think of
what to do.

I almost jumped out of my skin when the final bell rang,
dismissing school for the day! It wasn't long before the bathroom
was full of girls, primping and smoking. The paneled stall door
was the only thing keeping the other girls from finding me naked!
I had already pulled my bare feet up onto the toilet seat I was
sitting on so as not to attract attention and was trying to keep
my breathing as quiet as possible. It took all I could not to let
out a yelp when someone tried the door of my stall!! Fortunately,
the lock held and with all the talking and distractions from the
other girls there, that person wasn't very persistent and tried
another stall. I could see her feet on the floor as she did her

Soon all was quiet again. "What was I going to do?" I wondered as
time passed on and on. Suddenly the door burst open and a bunch
of people entered.

"Looks like she's gone," I heard Marti say. "She's a lot braver
than I gave her credit for."

The door jiggled on my stall and upon finding it locked I heard
Sue Ellen say, "She's not gone, she's hiding in here. Come on out
Tammy dear. We know you're in there." There was laughter from the
rest as I sat silently not moving a muscle.

After a few moments of silence, I heard Sue Ellen say, "Come on
girls, let's go. I guess she doesn't want her clothes back."

I jumped up and burst out of the stall. "NO! WAIT!" I yelled.
"Don't leave." I stood there naked before them as they stopped
and turned to face me. "Yes I want my clothes back . . . Please?
I'm sorry for what I did. I won't do anything like that again, I
promise." I stretched out my hand as if to further plead for my

"So you think saying 'I'm Sorry' is enough to make up for the
humiliation you caused Marti and me?" Sue Ellen asked.

"I. . .I don't know what else to say. I AM really, REALLY sorry."
I responded.

"If you want your clothes back, you'll have to make it worth our
while. What have you got to trade for them?" Sue Ellen said with
a laugh.

I just looked at the floor and said nothing as that's exactly
what I had to trade   nothing!

"Look, sister. We've been talking to Kerry here and I think we
might be willing to give you some clothes for you agreeing to
give say . . . an IOU for each of us." I looked around at the
four girls and thought "NO! not again!" I just had rid myself of
my obligations and now it was starting all over!! I needed a much
better deal.

"How do I know you won't try and blackmail me with those pictures
of me being spanked at the mall after I complete these 4 IOU'S?"
I asked, hoping to limit the amount of humiliation I would have
to endure.

"You don't." replied a smug Marti.

"Then maybe I'll just find my own way out of here and I'll just
wage war with you four for the rest of the year. I'm sure I can
think of a few things to make you squirm! I've got friends too
you know." I said, hardly believing my own ears. The girls all
just laughed at my remarks, nobody seeming to take me seriously.

"Fine," Sue Ellen said as she turned to leave. "May the best team
win. I think I'll fire the first salvo by posting your pictures.
Come on girls."

"WAIT!" I said excitedly. "How about an IOU for each of you in
exchange for my clothes AND the pictures of me?"

"No dice." Marti snapped back obviously wanting more.

"OK, then how about an IOU for Kerry and that other girl over

That's Kristi" Marti interrupted.

"OK, an IOU for Kerry and Kristi and TWO IOU's for you and Sue
Ellen, since you two were the ones I caused all the trouble

The four of them huddled around and began whispering. "We accept
with ONE condition," Sue Ellen said, once again acting as the

"Such as," I asked nervously.

"To prove you are trustworthy, you have to perform a little
demonstration of good faith." Sue Ellen said. I sensed Kerry had
a hand in this as she made me do an "act of good faith" at my
house when all this business started with these IOU's.

"Let me get this straight. You agree to give me my clothes and if
I do 6 IOU's   one for Kerry and Kristi and two for you and Marti
as well as do whatever it is you want today then you'll give me
my pictures back and leave me alone - FOREVER."

"That's basically it, of course, if you fail anyone of these
tasks then you're screwed." Marti added.

"Fine," I said in a determined voice. "Give me my clothes." I
reached out my hand and to my surprise Sue Ellen handed over my
bra and then my panties which I quickly put on. I then reached
out my hand again for the rest.

"Oh, that's all you'll need for your little act of good faith."
Sue Ellen said with a laugh. "Come on, let's get this show on the
Everyone laughed and they dragged me out of the restroom and down
the hall in just my red bra and panties. The four girls were
walking around me so I wasn't really that exposed. I was glad
school had been over for some time now and the halls were empty.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as we headed outside, not sure
if I really wanted to know.

"You'll see." Marti said musically.

Soon we entered the gym and headed for the ladies locker room.
Once inside Sue Ellen spoke up. "Tammy, do you know who Pete
Townsend is?"

"Yeah, he's the quarterback of the football team." I answered.

"That's right. He's on the practice field right now with the rest
of the team." Sue Ellen explained. "I've always admired him.
Anyway, your task is to go into the boy's locker room and get his
letterman's jacket and bring it back to me.

"But what if it's locked up in his locker? I mean he's not going
to leave something that valuable laying around, is he?" I argued.

"Well, then, if it IS locked up, just come back here and tell
us." She explained.

"That's it?" I asked. "You want me to go into the boy's locker
room in just my bra and panties, find Pete Townsend's letterman's
jacket and bring it to you, and if it's locked up just come back
and tell you and my act of good faith will be completed?" I was
already planning on just running into the locker area and running
back telling her it WAS locked up regardless of whether it
actually was or not.

"Well, almost," said Sue Ellen. "You're going into the boy's
locker area in your WET bra and panties, get her girls!"

Before I could resist they grabbed a hold of me and tossed me
into the shower area and started turning on all the faucets. No
matter where I ran I was sprayed with icy water.  "SHIT   that's
cold!" I yelled before finding my way out of the showers.
Standing there dripping wet I looked down and realized my red
underwear was now sheer pink - leaving little to the imagination.

"Aw! Don't you look CUTE! It's time to go. Be careful not to
slip," Sue Ellen cautioned. "I wouldn't want you to break a leg
before paying off your IOU's."

I mustered up my courage and peeked out the door of our locker
area. The hallway was abandoned. The boy's locker area was just
down the hall from the girl's lockers. All I had to was walk
about 20 steps and I would be there. I made a quick dash and
stopped outside the door. I cracked it open a bit and listened. I
was really vulnerable standing in my now sheer underwear. If
anyone came by I had nowhere to go for immediate cover. Listening
inside the doorway I heard nothing. After looking around to be
sure no one was about, I went in. I was just going to stand there
for like maybe 2 seconds and run back, but I heard the girls
talking about me in the hallway as the door to the boy's area was
slowly closing, so I went in a little further. I figured I had at
least better make it look good or they would make me do it all

"Wow!" I thought. I was actually standing in my underwear in the
BOY'S locker room! How many girls could make that claim? The area
was empty and, for a moment I lost myself in the manly aroma of
gym shoes, and after shave lotion. I couldn't help but get a
little aroused. As I wandered past row after row of lockers, it
occurred to me that the boy's locker area was much bigger and
nicer than ours   something I thought was very unfair.

Just then I heard voices   MALE voices coming toward the door!! I
panicked. There was no other visible way out! I darted behind the
last row of lockers and crouched down at the end of the row using
the long bench for partial cover as I heard the door open and a
bunch of guys came in!

Sounds of locker doors opening and items being dropped filled the
room. I heard the coach say, "Great practice, guys. See you

Practice was over! The entire team must be returning here! I was
trapped with nowhere to run! I kept low to the ground and tried
once again to breathe quietly. At least on the last row of
lockers there was a wall to my left and one behind me so no one
could sneak up behind me, I thought. There was nothing left but
to wait it out.

It was then that I saw the first player walk past the end of the
row I was hiding in . . . and, he was completely NAKED! He was
headed for the shower area that was perpendicular to the rows of
lockers. My throat went completely dry as I heard water being
turned on.

A few seconds later another naked guy walked right past and then
another!! Mercifully, none of them had bothered to look my way
but rather they just seemed focused on getting into the showers.
When the next boy past by, I found myself looking, not at his
face, but at his penis! I temporarily forgot about my situation
and how I was dressed and became more interested in looking at
the manhood of the entire football team! What an opportunity!!

Even though I only caught a brief glimpse of each guy, I was
amazed at how different they all looked. There were small ones,
and BIG ones. Some guys were hairy and some weren't. My hand
found its way between my legs as I thought about what I was
seeing. Never before in all my life had I witnessed anything like
this!!!! If I only had my camera I thought.

Guys are really no different than girls in that they too kid
around and pick on each other in the showers. "Mark, I've seen
Vienna Sausages bigger than that!" one guy said as other laughed
uproariously. Guys sure are graphic when they talk.

My thoughts became more grounded when I heard one guy ask, "Hey
you guys get a load of that group of girls walking by during

"You mean the ones walking with that girl wearing just a bra and
panties?" asked another laughing. I HAD BEEN SPOTTED!!!!!

"I THOUGHT that was what she had on. Anyone recognize who that

I swallowed hard and hoped no one would answer.

"I don't know who the panty-girl was but I saw Marti walking with
that group, maybe we can ask her." My life was over I thought.
All this was for nothing if Marti ratted me out!

"You guys are nuts. No one was walking around in just a bra and
panties! You guys are so full of it!" joked another player as
others apparently agreed with him and joined in the heckling. All
I could do was hope that they didn't run into Marti.

I was treated to another round of penises as they slowly exited
the showers and returned to their lockers. If I ever get out of
this, I thought, I need to thank those girls. They actually did
me a favor.

When it was quiet I waited a little longer just to be sure
everyone really had left. After another 20 minutes I got up the
nerve to slowly get up and peek around the lockers! The coast
seemed clear so I ran as fast as I could toward the door. I no
sooner grabbed the handle of the door when I heard someone shout
from behind me, "Hey! You can't be in here! This is the Men's
Lockers!" I didn't wait to find out who it was. I didn't turn
around. I just bolted out the door and ran down to the ladies

Once inside, I found the girls laughing so hard that tears where
running down their cheeks. "What took you so long?" chortled Sue

"Yeah, something come up?" echoed Marti.

"OK, you've had your fun," I responded and said half under my
breath, "and so did I."

Sue Ellen gave me my clothes and after I got dressed she took me
home. I had a bit of explaining to do to my mom as to why I was
late, but she didn't make too much of a scene.

Hell, now I still have SIX MORE IOU's to fulfill.