Copyright December 31, 2004 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities.  The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
By: Hooked6

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Readers may wish to refresh themselves with the
story line by rereading Chapter's 1-16 at

There I was in front of the Sears Department store at the mall,
completely naked except for my cheap-looking makeup as my own
mother looked at me in total disbelief! People were still coming
and going in and out of the mall and driving by looking for
parking spaces. But as for the two of us, we were totally
detached from all of that and totally focused on each other.

My mom looked at me up and down as if to make sure she was really
seeing what she thought she was seeing   her nude daughter. I
could see the anger rising in her eyes as her face turned crimson
red. I couldn't face her anymore and averted my eyes toward the
parking lot only to see Sam and the girls slowly driving away! I
was busted in the worst possible way!

I turned my head back to toward my mom and said defensively, "But
mom, I can explain . . ."

Then without a moment's reflection on her part, a torrent of the
most vial profanity and raw emotion came spewing forth from my
normally conservative mother's mouth at the very loudest possible
volume she could manage. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAS GOTTEN

She grabbed a hold of my left arm and started slapping my ass
with her remaining bare hand as if I was a little child. MY OWN
MOTHER WAS SPANKING ME in front of all those people!!! I tried to
get away from her but her grip was so tight on my arm that all I
could do was run around in circles as she walloped my behind.
Worse than the pain of the ever increasing swats on my butt was
her airing of my humiliating secrets to the whole world!!!!

AROUND LIKE A LITTLE SLUT!!" She screamed as she continued her
whacks and they were starting to take effect. My ass was really
burning as I struggled to get away! The pain and humiliation
overtook me and I started to cry out loud. I heard laughter
coming from those that gathered around me and I just wanted to
die. I secretly prayed for a truck to come along and run over us
both!! She continued to vent her disappointment in me.

"BUT, MOM!!!" I pleaded through my tears.

"SHUT UP!" My mom barked and slapped my face so hard it almost
knocked me over! She was so angry with me she wasn't even in her
right mind and all I could do was take it.

Finally she stopped beating me and grabbed both my arms and
turned me toward the crowd as she stood behind me. I was forced
to show my nakedness, the most private parts of my body to a
crowd who had just witnessed my spanking. My mother, still
consumed with emotion, yelled out at me, "YOU WANTED TO EXHIBIT
her comments to the crowd, "YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE, TAKE A GOOD

I could see that Marti and Sue Ellen had pushed their way to the
front of the crowd and were all smiles as they listened to my
mother's tirade. "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HER BODY, HUH?" my mom
asked the crowd rhetorically.

Marti spoke up and actually shouted back, "WHY IN THE HELL WOULD
laughed at her comments. I was so humiliated! I couldn't stand to
look at the people that had gathered around, so I just kept
staring at the pavement while my mom turned me around so all
could get a good look. I was absolutely sure that there must have
been other people out there that knew me besides Marti and Sue
Ellen and I didn't want to discover who they were. Mom finally
calmed down a bit and let go of one of my arms and started
walking toward her car with me in tow. "Just you wait until I get
you home young lady! Just you wait!"

The ride home was absolute torture. Neither of us said a word and
the silence was killing me. All my thoughts were so depressing.
Marti had emailed the picture of me flashing my tits at
McDonald's to the only boy I ever had a major crush on at school;
Sue Ellen and Marti were really pissed off at Angie and I for
ruining her fun and those two seemed such the vengeful type that
my life at school was surely over; my own mother caught me
shaming myself . . . the list went on and on. As we drove along
every now and then my mom would look over at me, sigh and shake
her head in disappointment.

When we arrived home, my mom got out of the car and pointed
toward the house, "March your ass inside young lady and wait for
me in the living room. I need to calm down before I deal with
you," she said. I got out of the car and followed her into the
house, forgetting for the moment that I was naked. That is, of
course, until I discovered my brother and 5 of his little pals
playing video games on the floor of the living room.

The look of bewilderment on their eyes said it all. I immediately
covered my self with my arms   one across my breasts and the
other covering my crotch. I looked at my mom hoping she would
drag me into the kitchen or send me to my room.

"Now's a fine time for you to discover modesty," she mocked.
"Park your butt on that sofa and I don't want to hear a peep out
of you, you understand?" I reluctantly took my place on the couch
and subtly tried to keep myself covered. My mom then looked at
the boys and said, "You just go on playing your games and leave
your sister alone. She's in BIG trouble and I need time to
think." She then left the room.

The boys kept looking at me. One of them even had his mouth open
in disbelief. "She's naked!" one boy whispered to my brother.
"Yeah, why is she like that?" another asked. My brother went on
to explain what had happened to me a while ago and how I was
punished by having to remain without clothes an entire weekend.

"Wow. . ." said one of the older boys. "Is she being punished
now?" asked a fourth boy. My brother just shrugged his shoulders
as if to say "Beats me." The comment that caused goose bumps to
appear was when the youngest said, "Gee, I sure hope I never get
into trouble and your mom punishes me that way!" I wished they
would just go back playing video games but they were all too
interested in ogling my body. There wasn't anything I could do
but sit there.

"Hey, when do you think she's going to get bigger tits?" asked a
boy I didn't recognize. "My sister is younger than her and hers
are already bigger than your sister's." That's all I needed   to
be humiliated by a bunch of know-it-all school boys.

Time passed. I was finally resigned that I would never have a
social life again. I guess I was lost in my own thoughts because
the next thing I heard was a lad whispering in a proud but
excited voice, "I SAW IT!"

"Saw what?" another asked.

"You KNOW! That spot between her legs. LOOK!" He answered
pointing towards me. I quickly looked down to discover that I
must have absentmindedly allowed my legs to part and I was
probably flashing the most perfect beaver shot I could imagine. I
slammed my legs shut and I gave them all a dirty look. I didn't
dare say anything for fear that my mom might hear and make things
worse for me.  

The youngest remarked, "Oohh that's GROSS!" as if he was really
offended by what he had seen. I guess my mean streak started to
rear its ugly head. I figured if they thought it was "gross" I
would MAKE them look at it. I deliberately opened my legs as wide
as I could. I'm sure I had a facial expression that said, "Go on.
Look at it and die you little bastards." I guess I was hoping
they would all get sick to their stomachs and puke their guts out
right on the carpet. It would serve them right for taunting me
like that.

Of course I wasn't thinking things through as usual. It wasn't
long before every boy in the room was sporting a hard on that was
quite obvious through their pants; all except that young little
brat who caused all this in the first place. He still must have
thought it was gross because he had turned his head toward the
TV. I took a little pleasure though in that I had at least
embarrassed the rest somewhat because they were all trying to
adjust their posture so as to hide their predicament from the
others. It was quite comical actually.

My mom eventually returned to the room and announced, "Tammy, I
am too overwhelmed with emotions too think clearly about this
whole situation. I've decided to wait until your father returns
next week from his business trip and then the three of us will
address this. Until then you are confined to your room. No TV, no
computers, no music, no phone calls. You are to just sit in your
room and think about what you have done!"

I quickly got up and ran to my room and shut the door. I was
never so happy to be away from prying eyes!  

The next day, Saturday, was incredibly boring. I wasn't allowed
to leave my room at all! I had to shout for permission to even go
to the bathroom. So much was her distrust of me that my mother
even escorted me to and from the toilet, waiting outside the door
as I did my business!! My meals were brought to me as though I
was in prison.

That evening after supper around 6:30pm, I heard a tapping on my
window. I jumped up to see Sam and Angie hiding in the bushes
outside my room. "Open up and let us in," whispered Angie. I
nervously looked around the room. My door was still shut and the
house was quiet. I pulled up the window and pushed out the screen
and in climbed the two girls. I must admit I was both really
surprised as well as happy to see them.

"You'll have to be VERY quiet," I whispered. "My mom has me
cloistered in here like a prisoner."

"We know," Angie said. I called earlier today and your mom told
me about your punishment.

Sam said, "I'm sorry I had to leave you last night but I thought
it best that we not get caught." I told her I understood and that
I didn't blame her at all for driving away.

"Listen," Angie said excitedly. "I thought you should know that
Marti has emailed a picture of you at McDonald's to like about
half a dozen people."

"OH NO!!" I sighed. "I can't believe she would DO such a thing!"

"Yes, but it gets worse. She apparently took a few photos of you
getting paddled by your mom at the mall and is telling everybody
that she is going to print enlarged copies and post them at

My heart raced as I was thinking of all the kids at school
talking about me. Why I'd be the laughing stock of the campus on

"What can I DO?!!" I asked in desperation.

"Well . . . Sam here has an idea if you're interested."

"HELL,YEAH! I'm interested. Anything if I can get out of this
mess." I replied.

Sam put her arm around me and explained, "Well, the idea is not
without a certain risk to it, but I think we can limit the damage
done by those two AND teach them both a lesson at the same time."

"What do I have to do?" I asked nervously.

Sam and Angie huddled around me as if we were discussing an
important Volleyball strategy. "First, you must understand that
this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You probably won't get
another chance like this for a long time." Sam said. I nodded my
understanding. She then continued, "Second, You'll have to come
with us tonight. That's the risky part. I know you're grounded
and your mom won't give you permission to leave so you'll have to
SNEAK out. You probably won't get back home until after midnight.

"O.K . . ." I replied tentatively. "Then what?"

Sam continued, "Then we all go to the museum."

There was that word again   museum. Sam had used it to silence
Marti and Sue Ellen at the library. Puzzled, I asked, "Museum?"

"I can't go into details here. It would take too much time and
we're taking a big risk just being in this room," explained Sam.
"You'll just have to trust me."

There were those words again, "TRUST ME." I recalled that every
time someone said that to me these past weeks I ended up being
screwed. "Why do you guys want to help me anyway?" I asked hoping
for a better understanding for their motives. "After all, you two
have taken advantage of me pretty good yourselves."

Angie spoke up, "Well, the simple truth of the matter is that we
like you. Sure we've had some fun with you and you've been a good
sport about it too. But we haven't been mean to you, have we?" I
shook my head. "We both think those two have gone overboard and
have gotten you into real trouble. We have principles you know.
There are rules to the games we play and they don't seem to
understand that."

"Let's get going, "Sam said and started for the window.

"NOW?!" I asked "We have to leave NOW?"

Sam responded, "Yes, we HAVE to leave now! Are you in or out?"

"I'm in" I replied. I piled my pillows under the covers and
turned off my light. I know it sounds ridiculous but I figured
maybe, just maybe it might fool my mom if she looked in on me
while I was gone. Besides, whatever trouble I would be in if my
mom found out that I sneaked out would pale in comparison to the
sheer joy of getting Marti and Sue Ellen off my back! The three
of us carefully left via the open window and ran down the street
toward Sam's car. It seemed weird to actually be wearing clothes
while in a car!

Sam didn't say much but she did offer this. "Once we arrive at
the museum you'll have to follow my directions carefully AND TO
THE LETTER. One mistake on your part and everything will be
ruined." I told her she could count on me.

"Oh, and another thing, you're going to see some things that MUST
be kept in the strictest confidence. If you DARE breathe a word
to ANYONE you'll think what happened to you at the mall was a
picnic. Got it?"

I had no idea what she meant but I was happy to keep her
confidence. "You can trust me," I reassured her. "I won't say a
word. I'm just glad you guys are helping me."

"Believe me, this is going to be very difficult for me too,"
Angie added. "I'm really the one that's going out on a limb here
for you, so you'd better appreciate it."  

We pulled up at the museum and parked in the back even though the
main parking lot was empty. This museum normally closed at 6:00pm
on weekends so the place was deserted. Once we found the back
service entrance, Sam knocked on the door and who to my surprise
answered it? It was that Librarian who had given me so much grief
just the day before!!!

"Miss Westerman, I believe you have already met Tammy, here," Sam
remarked as she pointed to me.

"Yes I have. How delightful to see you again," she said with the
smile of a Cheshire cat plastered all over her normally
intimidating face. She looked at me as though she was imagining
me without any clothes on;  like I appeared to her in the library
before. That gave me the cold chills.

"I understand that, in exchange for helping you out this evening,
I now get possession of one of your IOU's I've heard so much
about. How MARVELOUS!" Miss Westerman said with excitement.

I looked over at Sam and Angie and said, "You didn't . . ."

I was interrupted by Angie who quickly said "Surely it is worth
it to you! I mean one little IOU in exchange for silencing Marti
and Sue Ellen   seems like a fair trade to me!"

"Will SOMEBODY please tell me what's going on?" I pleaded.