Copyright December 21, 2004 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities.  The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
By: Hooked6

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Readers may wish to refresh themselves with the
story line by rereading Chapter's 1-14 at

So there I sat as Marti and Sue Ellen approached my booth. They
both were grinning from ear to ear seemingly at their good

"So Little Miss Library Streaker, what have you've been up to
today?" asked Marti playfully. They both were standing opposite
my booth looking at me with a sly grin. I bashfully sat in
silence. Marti put her hands on her hips and said in a civil
tone, "So what was up with the library today? Did you REALLY run
around the stacks like, totally naked?"

I shook my head no but she wasn't convinced. "Oh come on now. We
find some old rags stuffed in between some books and toss them in
the trash then not 10 minutes later we see you dressed in those
same pieces of cloth. Honestly Tammy, I am really impressed. I
didn't think you had it in you."

Sue Ellen walked around the table and asked, "Mind if we sit down
and join you?"  Marti took the opposite seat and no sooner had
Sue Ellen sat down exclaimed, "Shit! SHE'S AT IT AGAIN!!" Sue
Ellen looked at my naked butt and then her eyes met mine. They
had a wicked, yet playful twinkle that seemed to say she was
delighted at her discovery. Marti jumped up and walked over to
see what her friend was so excited about.

"My, my. Naked in McDonald's!" she said sarcastically. "You're a
horny little bitch aren't you?" I must have turned crimson red at
her remarks because Sue Ellen kidded me, "Awwwwh, She's blushing!
How CUTE!"

"Listen you two, it's not like that at all! Just leave me alone,"
I said forcefully hoping that my anger would scare them off. It
was not to be.

"Flashed any boys yet?" Marti teased.

"NO! And if you don't keep your voice down I'm going to be in
real trouble here, OK?" I pleaded once again.

"So, What happened to your skirt then? A Victim of a Big Mac
Attack? Or Maybe it's hiding among the French Fries," Both of
them teased.

I was getting angry so I retaliated with the only thing I knew to
do. "Listen, I have only one thing to say to you two. . .
museum!" It worked for Sam so I thought it might help me now.

"What do you know about the museum?" Marti asked sarcastically.
"I don't think you have a clue, do you?" Sue Ellen just laughed
at my feeble attempt at self-defense. They had me trapped and
they knew it! They were right. I had no idea what "museum" meant
and I wasn't about to try and bluff my way through it and make a
further fool of myself.
Sue Ellen then began to playfully tug at my tube top. "Let's see
what's under here," she said jokingly. I pushed her hands away
but she kept it up, once even tugging at the Velcro fastener in
the back. We were like two sisters horsing around, only this time
it wasn't fun! Fortunately my top stayed in place!

"Please don't! I am begging you. Please don't take my top!" I
said softly but with all the panic I could muster.

"Why Tammy. . . Don't you WANT to be naked? I would have thought
you would really get off on streaking McDonald's," Marti asked.

"HELL NO!" I responded. "This isn't FUN for me ya know!" before I
could finish my thoughts Sue Ellen took her right hand and shoved
it down right between my legs forcing them open as she rubbed my
pussy. "Uhhhh" was all I could muster I was so taken aback by her
boldness. Another girl was touching my private, most intimate
area. My mind wasn't sure what to make of that, but my body did.

"Don't let her kid you Marti, she's as wet as can be down
there!!" Sue Ellen exclaimed excitedly. Marti's eyes sparkled at
hearing the news and there was a palpable excitement among the
three of us. I immediately pulled her hand away and flung it
towards the table. "STOP THAT you PERV!" I demanded. The girls
both laughed as Sue Ellen held up her wet fingers over the table
just to prove her point! How humiliating!!!

Sue Ellen kept her gaze below my waist and was clearly mesmerized
by the fact that I was naked down there. I, on the other was
doomed! Two classmates at my school were sitting next to me
seeing everything! Well, almost everything.

"I'll tell you what. I'll leave your top alone if you just give
me a peek at what's under there." Sue Ellen said.

"Yeah, I kind of would like to see that too," Marti joined in.
"Come on. Just a quick peek. After what you've done all day this
should be a snap!"

"You promise?" I asked seriously. I guess I felt as though I
really didn't have a choice in the matter. I mean there were two
of them and they were bigger than me so they could take me
anytime they wanted. I figured this was the lesser of all other

"We promise," they both said like a couple of first graders.

When the coast was clear I grabbed the bottom of my top. I
couldn't believe what I was about to do. I then pulled it up to
my neck and then almost immediately yanked it back down.

"Hey! That was too quick! I didn't even get a chance to look,"
protested Marti. "Do it just one more time. This time, count to 5
before you cover up, OK? That's fair isn't it?"  

Once again I grabbed my top and after checking the room pulled it
up exposing my breasts and started to count, "One, two," I felt
sooooo stupid. "Three, four. . ." Before I could get to "five"
Marti quickly pulled out her camera phone from under the table
and snapped a picture of me!!!

"HEY! You little shit. That's not fair!" I yelled as I yanked my
top down. Both girls were laughing. Marti passed the phone to Sue
Ellen so she and I could see her handiwork. "Geez, Tammy! Are you
ever small!" She mocked. "Perky little things though, aren't
they. I especially like your eraser-like nipples. They are REALLY
noticeable in that picture.  They're so cute!" Sue Ellen

I was on the verge of tears when Marti spoke up. "We're just
messing with you. I'll erase that picture. We aren't really THAT
mean." She reassured me. She then held the phone towards her and
I could see her pushing some buttons. She then turned the phone
back towards me and the screen was blank. "See, It's gone. Happy
now? You can trust us."

What a relief. All sorts of thoughts were running through my
mind, all of them horrible.

"Well, you guys ready? Marti asked.

"Ready for what," I asked nervously.

"Ready to go. We're supposed to take you home." Marti explained.

"Did Sam send you?" I asked. Sue Ellen then chimed in, "Yeah, She
said you were supposed to come with us. We've got our car parked
out front and we're to take you to her place."

So THAT'S why Sam didn't come back, I thought. She must have run
into these two and worked all this out. That would explain why,
of all the fast food joints in the city, these two just HAPPENED
to drop by THIS McDonald's.

"OK, I'm ready. I must admit I'm really glad to be getting out of
here. I was really getting worried. Let me have my skirt and I'll
slip it on and we can go." I said with a sense of relief.  

"Skirt?" replied Sue Ellen. "We don't have your skirt." I was
looking into their eyes anxiously awaiting one of them to say
something else. Anything else! Both the girls could have been
excellent poker players because I couldn't read their faces at

"Sam didn't give you my skirt?" I asked pitifully.

"Ah. . . no she didn't. She just said you were to come with us. I
guess she just figured you would, you know, do as she said,"
answered Marti.

"Yeah and come with us," echoed Sue Ellen.

"But, but, how am I going to get out of here? I CAN'T go like
this?!" I protested.

"Sure you can. Just get up and walk out like you own the place.
No one will notice, honest," said Marti. "We'll go and get the
car started so we can leave right away. With that they both
started to get up. I grabbed Sue Ellen's arm and pulled her back
onto the bench.

"Wait, wait, WAIT a minute. You must be crazy!" I said trying to
collect my thoughts. "You want me to walk out, HALF-NAKED, onto a
public sidewalk in broad daylight?!!"

"Well. . . you could always just stay here and find your own way
home," reasoned Marti. "But, we haven't got all day. We've got
better things to do than haul your ass around like a Taxi
service. We're doing you a favor, ya know. Now are you coming or

"How do I know you guys won't drive off and leave me stranded on
the sidewalk? I mean I wouldn't put it past you to just floor it
as soon as I walk out the door," I said.

Marti, looking very sincere and supportive leaned forward and
said, "Tammy, we wouldn't do such a thing. But, I can understand
your fear. I mean I would feel the same way if things were
reversed. So, I have an idea. I'll go start the car and Sue Ellen
will stay here with you. When you're ready the two of you can
come out and we'll all leave together. I mean I wouldn't leave
Sue Ellen behind, would I?"

Her idea seemed logical and I surely had no better solution.
Besides, having Sue Ellen at my side would at least screen part
of me from view as I walked out. "Ok, that's sounds fine. Just .
. . give me a minute to work up my nerve, OK?"

"No problem," Marti replied as she got up to leave. "I'll just go
and start the car. You guys come out as soon as you can. Don't
take all day though. You know how drivers are in the city. As
soon as somebody sees I'm leaving they'll be lining up for my
parking space."

"I understand," I said.

I looked into Sue Ellen's eyes hoping to find some hint that
things would work out OK but all I saw was that expressionless
poker face of hers. I saw Marti exit the door and disappear. I
figured it would take at least a minute or so to get to the car
and start it up. Time was up. It was now or never. Sue Ellen
stood up and beckoned me to follow her. I carefully slid to the
edge, pausing briefly to get up my nerve. I took a deep breath
and stood up. I had no sooner taken my first step when I heard
Sue Ellen say, "GAWD, Tammy! Look at how wet you made the booth
seat! I looked back and saw what she had been talking about. It
was like there was a coat of wet wax where I had been sitting! I
felt ashamed at being caught like that by a fellow classmate.

Standing exposed like I was didn't seem so bad. Nobody had
noticed me and there wasn't anyone in the side room but us. The
very thought of being so exposed in a public place gave me a
chill! On my second step I got a little braver. Then the
realization hit me that I had better not push my luck and I
quickened my pace   not too much so as to draw attention to
myself but quick enough to suit me. Sue Ellen was immediately
behind me.

I had just about reached the front dining area and was about to
tell Sue Ellen to get beside me so as to help hide my body
somewhat, when I heard, "RIIIPPPPPPPP"! The bitch had yanked off
my top!! She then immediately ran past me with my top waving it
in circles above her head, yelling, "Woooo Wooooo!!!" I froze as
people in the restaurant looked up at me. I was like a deer
caught in headlights   frozen stiff and completely naked!! I
didn't have time to contemplate what those people in the
restaurant were thinking   though I do remember seeing several of
them laughing. Then I realized that I had better get the hell
outside because I was certain that those two were really going to
leave me for sure! I never ran so fast in all my life! I bolted
out the front door and to my relief saw Sue Ellen standing at the
car holding the back door open for me!! At least they weren't
planning on stranding me, I thought.

Once outside though, Sue Ellen continued her yelling, "Woooooo,
Woooooo" drawing the attention of all the passersby. I was about
to jump in the car when Sue Ellen started to close the door
before I could get in! I panicked.

"What are you doing?" I yelled as I darted quickly to go around
the back of the car to enter on other side by the street and then
thought better of it. I then cut back to my right toward the now
re-opened door only to see Sue Ellen close it again! She kept
this up a few more times while cars and pedestrians continued to
pass by. I heard loud laughter but I had no idea where it was
coming from. I must have looked really stupid running one way
then switching back to the other as if we were playing a good
game of "Keep Away." I only wanted to get inside and out of
public view! Finally she let me in the back seat and closed the

She took her own sweet time getting in the front seat however,
and though I was curled up in a ball in the backseat, I can
distinctly remember seeing a couple of guys peering into the back
window trying to get a closer look!

Laughing hysterically, Marti finally pulled away at a pretty slow
speed! When we actually started to move I straightened up to look
outside and to my horror saw Sam! She was standing with her arms
outstretched holding my skirt. She had that frustrated look on
her face as if to say "What in the hell are you doing? Where are
you going?"

My fears were confirmed when I looked back and saw her
frantically waving her arms as if to say "come back here" while
running after the car!! She finally gave up running and just
stood there in the street looking dumbfounded and confused!!

"WHAT HAVE I DONE?" I thought to myself!

I immediately leaned over the front seat and sad rather angrily,
"SAM DIDN'T SEND YOU AFTER ME, DID SHE? Hell, you probably don't
even know who she is? If I had waited a few more minutes she
would have come back after me and none of this would have

Marti glanced at me through the rear view mirror and simply said,
"Well, Duh?  You are so gullible, Tammy!" Both of them were
laughing hysterically.

"STOP THIS CAR IMMEDIATELY!" I demanded. Marti started to slow
the vehicle down and responded, "Well. . . OK If that's what you
want. To be left alongside a city street naked as the day you
were born!"

"NO!" I cried. "On second thought, just get me out of here. .
Marti speeded up again much to my relief. I then glanced outside
the window and realized just how many people were milling about.
It was getting close to quitting time and crowds had formed on
most of the sidewalks scurrying here and there and traffic was
much worse than earlier in the day. I immediately sat back
against the seat and drew my legs up putting my feet on the seat.
I formed a death grip around my legs with my hands and tried to
cover as much of me as possible.

Shortly after that we slowed to a crawl as we encountered the
inevitable congestion of going home traffic. My mind pondered my
situation and curiosity was rearing its ugly head. "If Sam didn't
send you, How did you find . . . I mean, you seemed to know . . .
Where are you taking me?" I asked timidly.

Sue Ellen turned around, smiled and said, "Believe it or not, we
don't even know who Sam is! It was pure luck we ran into you
after school."

"So where are you taking me. What are you going to do with me?" I
asked meekly.

Marti's eyes widened and then said, "Gee, there are so many
possibilities. . . I know! Let's drop by the school and show off
our new friend here!"

HEY! That's a GREAT idea! The football team will still be
practicing and of course so will the cheerleaders   and you KNOW
how mean they can be!" exclaimed Sue Ellen. With that Marti put
her turn signal on and turned off Main Street and headed down a
side road. We weren't moving fast but at least we were moving  
in the wrong direction   toward my school!

"WAIT!" I protested "PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME TO SCHOOL! I would just
DIE! I CAN'T be seen like this. Have a heart! I nervously looked
at both of them but they were so into their own ideas they
weren't about to hear a word I said. I leaned forward and grabbed
a hold of Sue Ellen's arm and said, "Sue Ellen. I am BEGGING you,
please don't make me do this."

The two of them looked at each other in silence. I finally spoke
out again, my voice cracking and vibrating with such nervousness
that I could hardly speak clearly. I was almost close to tears.
"Look, I understand you guys want to have a little fun. . . I
mean you've got me right where you want me. Look, can't we do
something else? I'll work hard at, well, letting you have a good
time, but please not school!"

Marti still drove toward the school and neither of them said a

"OK, watch this. I'll show you that I'll be good." I was still
sitting in the middle of the backseat curled up, with my feet on
the seat and my bent legs hiding my body. Even though we were in
the heart of downtown and there were scads of people and cars
everywhere, I put my legs down on the floor of the car and
dropped my arms at my sides. "Look at me. I'm boldly sitting here
showing everything! Doesn't that prove anything?"

I saw Marti look up at me through the rearview mirror and Sue
Ellen turned around in her seat to look at me. Nether seemed
moved by my gesture however. I was desperate so I did the
unthinkable. "How's this?" I asked as I spread my legs wide and
put one foot on each of the car's doors. I even thrust my hips
forward accentuating my pussy up so they could get a better view.

Sue Ellen smiled. Then her smile turned into a grin. "That's
nice. You have a nice cunt, baby girl. You're still pretty wet
too I see." Her last remarks made me blush and I dropped my head.
I knew I was exposing myself not only to them but to anyone else
outside who would happen to look in. I was so embarrassed but I
wanted to do something to show them that I was agreeable to
submit to their wicked desires but also wanted to avoid being
humiliated at school.

Marti too arched herself up and adjusted her mirror to see a
better view of my body. "WOW! I like your spirit. We're still
going to school though. I mean when would we get another
opportunity like this?" I was about to grow angry when I heard
the loud blast of a trucker's horn and looked up to see a fat guy
with a shit-eating grin on his face looking right down at me! I
didn't dare move a muscle. A test, I thought. The girls would be
watching to see what I would do. The guy honked again! Of course
people on the sidewalk looked over to see what he was so incensed
about, which meant they looked right at me in the back seat. It
was so hard to sit absolutely still knowing people were looking
at your naked body! Man was my heart beating fast! Of course that
wasn't the only thing beating. I looked up at the guy again and
saw his right arm moving up and down and could only imagine what
he was doing up in his truck cab. Part of me was disgusted and
part of me, way deep inside, was kind of pleased that my body
could get someone that, ah, excited.

Traffic was moving again in our lane and we soon pulled ahead of
that trucker. Still the girls seemed unmoved. I tried begging
once more as the school was only a mile or so away. "PLEASE, if
you take me to school like this I'll be ruined for life and your
fun will be over. I mean I'll never be able to do stuff like this
again. Can't you think of something else to do?" I wanted them to
think I was on their side. I also realized that I was leaving
myself open to all sorts of unknown things but I just HAD to talk
them out of it. Tears welled up in my eyes and one ran down my

The school yard was just up ahead and I started to panic. I could
see a lot of cars in the parking lot still and students were
sitting around and a few walking here and there. The football
team was out on the practice field too!

"What are you going to do?" I asked with growing fear. As we
slowed down to stop at an intersection before entering the school
grounds, Marti turned around, looked me up and down with an evil
grin on her face and said, "Well, we could just drop you off in
the parking lot and let you fend for yourself." She paused in her
speaking just long enough for the thought to strike even more
terror in my mind and then continued, "Or maybe we could just
keep you in the car and force you to show that pretty cunt of
yours to a few select boys we know."

"Yeah, like the whole football team!" added Sue Ellen. "Or better
yet just give her to the cheerleaders! Just think of the fun THEY
would have!"

The tears started flowing faster and the car started moving
again. Whatever they were going to do I wished they would get it
over quickly.
The car was on the road toward the entrance to the school and
then, to my surprise and confusion, Marti kept on going. We were
passing the school!!! We didn't double back either. I looked out
the car window and sure enough we were headed away.

"What's going on?" I asked timidly.

"You didn't really think we were going to take you to school did
you?" asked Marti. "We were just messing with you. Come on, admit
it. The very idea of being naked on campus WAS kind of exciting
wasn't it?"

I didn't know what to say so I just played along. "Yeah, uh, it
was thrilling to say the least."

Sue Ellen turned around again and said, "See I knew you liked it!
Of course, we ARE still going to take you up on your offer. You
WERE serious about doing what we say weren't you?"

Damn! If I said "no" I just knew we would be heading back toward
the school. If I said yes I was opening Pandora's Box! Eventually
I replied, "Yes, I meant what I said   and thank you for not
taking me to school."

"Great!" said Marti, "Let's go home. Have I got an idea for

"NOW what have I done?" I asked myself.