The Punishment Jar – Part Eight (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2007 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Punishment Jar – Part Eight (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF) BY: Hooked6

The two girls plotted for several minutes, their discussion interrupted by spontaneous outbursts of laughter. "Now do you think you can handle that?" Mary Beth asked her somewhat nervous friend.

"I . . . I think so," she responded. "I'll do my part – you just make sure to do yours."

"Not a problem. I'm sure I can talk her into it and pull this off."

After a little more giggling Carrie left to make her way home arriving only minutes before her mother returned. Carrie had just made it back into her bed and feigned sleep just as her mother opened her door and looked in on her. Carrie's heart was racing both from the excitement of running around the neighborhood naked and from the realization of how close she came to being caught by her mother.

The next day Mary Beth put her part of the plan into action. "Katie, we need to talk," she said to Billy's sister.

"Okay, what about?"

"Just between us girls, what did you REALLY think about seeing your brother and Carl naked? I mean did it bother you?"

"Heck no!" Katie replied confidently. "I LOVED it! I just feel bad that you got into trouble. I NEVER thought the jar would be used on us GIRLS. I thought it was just for BOYS! Man was I surprised. Now I'm a little scared."

"Yeah, it is a little scary thinking that we are treated equally with BOYS." Mary Beth said with disgust. "We both know that girls are superior to boys in every way. We girls have to stick together. After all, it's always the boys fault for most of the trouble we get into anyway. Well, I have a plan to insure that the jar is NEVER used on us again."

"COOL! I sure hope it works! I'd hate to think that I might end up being paddled on the bare bottom in front of a crowd! I just die if a boy got to see my . . . you know."

"Oh it will work but I need your help to pull it off. It's a little sneaky but . . ."

"Hey, if it means I can get to see my dopey brother naked again I'm all for it."

"Oh he'll get naked again, take my word for it along with a bunch of other boys. How does that sound?"

"Other boys," Katie asked excitedly?

"Trust me you'll see more penises than you've ever seen in your life, IF you can keep a secret and follow my instructions to the letter."

"What do I have to do?"

"First off," Mary Beth said "Billy has no idea that we put fake slips in the jar – in fact no one does. He just thinks the punishments that have been handed out all came from your mother."

"That's true,"

"I also saw how he was looking at Carrie and me when we had to go to the party naked. I think he liked looking at us."

"Oh, did he ever, that's all he talked about with his friends since the party!"

"I thought so. I want you to . . ." Mary Beth then whispered quietly into her ear so only Katie could hear.

That afternoon Katie approached her brother and asked him to take a little walk with her. "Billy, I want to ask you a question. It's a little embarrassing but I sort of want to know . . . do boys like looking at girls?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Why do you ask?"

"Is that why you got all goofy at the party, because you liked looking at all the girls?"

"I did not get all goofy-looking." Billy protested.

"Well you sure did seem to SMILE a lot when you looked at Mary Beth and that Carrie girl when they were naked," Katie teased. "Was it because they weren't wearing clothes?"

Billy just blushed a little as though he had been caught doing something nasty. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I'm curious that's all. It would seem that boys like looking at girl's bodies. I think that's silly and I don't understand it. Is it because girls are pretty?"

"Yeah, um . . . I guess so. Look I've got other things to do. I've got to go."

"Would you like to see Carrie and Mary Beth naked again?"

Billy froze in his tracks and slowly turned back towards his sister. Katie just looked at him innocently. "Come on Billy, I really want to know. Would you like to see Mary Beth, or Carrie or even other girls naked?"

The idea was very intriguing and of course he was interested but he felt weird down inside just thinking about it. "This is silly," Billy said finally. "I can't talk about this with my SISTER!"

"Of course you can. We're family. You know I like it when I see that you are happy don't you? Well, I think that looking at girls makes you happy somehow. I have an idea of how you can see Mary Beth and other girls naked without getting in trouble."

"You do?" Billy asked cautiously, "How?"

Katie had to be careful how she explained this so she paused a minute to get her story straight. "You know that Punishment Jar?"

"Yeah, what about it," Billy asked?

"Well, after all that has happened lately, I decided to sneak a look inside to see what other punishments mom left, and you know what? All the good ones are gone. The only things left are chores and things. No more naked stuff."


"Well, I was thinking that since Mrs. Parker is now using the jar on Mary Beth maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if . . ."

"Oh I get it . . . you want me to cheat and make up my own punishments and put them in the jar is that it?" Billy asked as though a light bulb suddenly went on above his head. Billy began to think aloud: "I don't see how anything bad would come of it. Nobody knows what's inside the jar and only bad people get punished. It's not as if these punishments haven't been used on me before. What's good for me should be good for the girls too, right? I mean if they are behaving themselves they won't get punished. And if they aren't, well, they deserve it don't they?"

His logic made sense. Billy found himself enthralled with the idea and was ready to do it. Katie had one more thing to do that Mary Beth said was sure to seal the deal. "Billy, I'm not sure this is a good idea," she said acting all concerned.

"Nonsense," Billy countered. "It's perfect! I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner! What can go wrong?"

"Well, if you're sure . . ." Katie said smiling then left to tell Mary Beth.

"He bought it!" Katie said excitedly, "Hook, line and sinker. What a dope! You sure know a lot about boys, Mary Beth."

Meanwhile Billy couldn't wait to get started. The first thing he did after writing out his ideas on the punishment slips and sneaking them into the jar was to call his friend Carl and tell him about his plan.

"Hey . . . I could do that too," an enthusiastic Carl remarked. "That way we could both see the girls naked again."

"Yeah, but only if WE don't get into trouble and THEY do!" Billy said cautiously. "We'll have to be on our best behavior."

"Not a problem for this I can be a perfect angel!" Carl said laughing and hung up the phone. Unbeknownst to Carl, Carrie had been listening in on the other extension and reported what she had heard to Mary Beth. The preliminaries were now set and it was time to put the full plan in motion.

The next day Mary Beth got her mother alone and said, "Mom, I want to talk to you about something that's been bothering me."

"Okay honey," she said as she stopped folding laundry. "What's on your mind?"

"You know I really think you were way out of line the other day punishing me by making me get naked in front of all those people. I'm practically a woman you know. I shouldn't be showing my body in public like that. It isn't decent. I can understand Billy's situation. He's younger and his raising is actually his mother's doing. But YOU were the one that made me go through with this and all because I forgot to clean my room?! That was a little drastic wasn't it?"

Mrs. Parker was taken aback. It was time to put her cards on the table. She couldn't let her daughter's challenge go unanswered. She had hoped her daughter would figure out on her own what she was really being punished for. Mrs. Parker sat down and calmly looked into her daughter's eyes and began speaking softly. "You think what I did was a bit drastic? You honestly believe that?"

Without waiting even a heartbeat to reply Mary Beth quickly answered, "Absolutely!"

Mrs. Parker couldn't believe her ears. Still she remained calm. "Okay, I'll be brutally honest with you. You were punished and humiliated with nudity time in front of our guests because of what YOU did to poor, innocent Billy Anderson."

"What I did to Billy Anderson, what on earth are you talking about? I thought I was being punished for not cleaning my room."

"Don't lie to me young lady," Mrs. Parker cautioned. "I KNOW for a FACT that you replaced the punishment slips in the ceramic jar with stuff you made up! THAT'S why you were punished the way you were!"

Mary Beth gave her mother an amazingly convincing look of utter confusion. "You think that I did WHAT?!"

"Don't play dumb with me. You made up your own embarrassing punishments and put them in the jar so that you could see Billy naked."

"I did no such thing!"

"Mary Beth . . ." Mrs. Parker challenged.

"Honestly mom, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Mary Beth Parker," she challenged again. "You mean to sit there and lie to me?"

"What makes you think that I did any such thing?"

"Well Mrs. Burns and I went through your room the other day,"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Mary Beth interrupted.

"That's right, we went through your room and found these," she explained as she gave the crumbled up papers containing the rejected punishments to her daughter. Mary Beth read them as though she was seeing them for the first time.

"Where did you find these?"

"In your trash can," her mother answered seriously.

"Mom, look at me. I'm telling you straight, I didn't type these. I have no idea where these came from. Besides, if I did type these why would I leave them in such an obvious place where you could find them? If I was smart enough to plan this out wouldn't I have been smart enough to destroy any incriminating evidence?"

Now it was Mrs. Parker's turn to be confused. Her daughter had a point. Why would she leave such things lying around? She just sat there collecting her thoughts as her daughter spoke up in her defense again. "I can't believe that you would even THINK I would stoop to such a thing!"

"Well . . . I . . ." her mother stammered still trying to sort things out. "If it wasn't you, then who was it?"

"Beats me," Mary Beth said looking very innocent. "Mom, THINK about it, I'm almost a grown woman. Why would I want to see a little creepy BOY naked?"

They both sat there silently: Mary Beth hoping she had fooled her mother into buying her story and Mrs. Parker wondering if she had made a terrible mistake.

"I smell a rat," Mary Beth said finally breaking the silence. "I think I've been set up. In fact I think Carrie and I were BOTH victims here."

"Yeah, well, you just run along. I've got work to do," Mrs. Parker instructed her daughter. She was totally confused. She knew that she had found the rejected slips and at the time it all made sense but her daughter's logical argument seemed to also make sense and ring true. There were so many unanswered questions.

Later that night Mary Beth caught her mother alone again. "Mom, I've been thinking about our little talk today. I think I have an idea as to who might be behind all this."

"Oh . . ."

"Yes, I think it was Billy Anderson and his close friend Carl Burns, that's who. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Edward Franks had a hand in this as well. Didn't it strike you as odd that Edward showed up at Kevin's birthday party? He's not even related and doesn't even have a little brother Kevin's age. What an amazing coincidence that he just happened to show up on the very day Carrie and I would be NAKED! How would he know that if he wasn't involved?"

"Oh for heavens sakes . . . you don't mean to imply that Billy brought all this on himself. Why would he do such a thing?"

"So he could get naked in front of a bunch of girls and play with himself that's why!"


"That's right. Carrie told me that he actually masturbated in front of the girls at her house because of a punishment slip. Ask Mrs. Burns. I'll bet she knows that he did that."

Mrs. Parker thought that it was odd that her friend had neglected to mention such an important detail. But it seemed logical that she would know as she was the one that brought naked Billy back to the house that day. She was definitely going to have to get to the bottom of this.

"Mom, you know what I think?"

"What, dear?"

"I think if Billy has done this so far that maybe he'll do it again just to trap Carrie or me. I think you should keep an eye on that jar and make sure he doesn't have access to any of our computers the next few days, that's what I think."

"Well . . . that makes sense I suppose but I'm still not convinced that he was behind all of this."

"Maybe he isn't," Mary Beth said "But I can't think of any other explanation for all this, can you?"

Mrs. Parker pondered what her daughter had said that night and at first she was quite skeptical, but the more she thought about it the more concerns she seemed to have.

The next day she made sure Billy didn't have an opportunity to use any of the family's computers. Finally she decided to check the ceramic jar. Lo and behold to her utter astonishment inside the jar were handwritten punishment slips – each written in a boy's handwriting! She knew in an instant that her daughter must have been correct. Just to be absolutely sure she decided to check one little detail that her daughter mentioned – that of Billy masturbating in front of the girls. Surely if it were true Mrs. Burns would know about it. Somehow the slips could be faked but if that important detail was true than her daughter must surely be right. She returned the slips to the jar and called Mrs. Burns.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Mrs. Parker said, "But I just need to check something. I hope I don't think I'm crazy but there's a silly rumor going around . . . there's probably nothing to it but, do you know if Billy Anderson masturbated in front of the girls the other day when he was over at your house?"

Mrs. Burn's cleared her throat. She was a bit embarrassed at having been caught withholding such important information. "Well, as a matter of fact I caught him doing that myself." She sheepishly admitted. "He was, you know, ejaculating in front of them just as I came outside. Apparently he did it as part of some punishment . . ."

"It all makes sense now!"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I didn't want to upset you with your daughter and all. At the time I didn't really know about the Punishment Jar. I really should have told you myself. I'm sorry."

"That's quite okay, honestly. Listen I think we have a bigger problem. Can you come over later on today?" The two women arranged to meet and Mrs. Parker explained what she knew and how they made a terrible mistake by punishing the girls.

"I think Edward Franks was involved too," Mrs. Parker added explaining why she thought he was involved.

"I KNEW that my sweet innocent Carrie wasn't involved. Despite all the evidence, deep down inside I just knew she was innocent. Oh dear, what have we done? My poor Carrie! Having all those boys seeing her like that! I feel so bad for her. What are we going to do?"

"Well for one thing, those boys Billy, Carl, Chester and Edward all need a good and lasting lesson regarding their roles relative to women!"

"Not to mention a sound ass-whipping. Got any ideas?" Mrs. Burns asked.

"As a matter of fact I do." Mrs. Parker said with an evil grin!

The two women arranged a meeting with Mr. Franks and explained all that had happened and asked for his help.

"You've got my support. I really don't know if my son was involved or not but it certainly looks like he might be. Besides, he's been acting way too big for his britches lately anyway. He could stand being taken down a peg or two. I'm in. Just tell me what I have to do." Mr. Franks said.

They all decided not to say anything to their children and proceed as if everything was normal and follow Mrs. Parker's lead. Mrs. Burns reluctantly agreed as she really wanted to apologize to her daughter for the way she had treated her and let her know they were working to make things right, but the others eventually persuaded her to go along with the plan.