The Punishment Jar – Part Seven (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2007 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Punishment Jar – Part Seven (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF) BY: Hooked6

As everyone haphazardly made their way into the back yard Mary Beth's Aunt Carol was doing her best to get the young ones' attention as she tried to assemble the group into some type of order. She wasn't having much success.

Mary Beth used the time to join Carrie and her brother, Carl. "So, what the hell happened? Why are you naked?"

Carrie gave her an angry glance and proceeded to explain, "Well thanks to your MAGNIFICENT plan and after talking to YOUR mother, my mom decided that she too liked the idea of the punishment jar and made one of her own!"

"YEAH, we had no idea she did that," added Carl, "that is until it was too late! She caught us bickering and low and behold . . . out came that damn ceramic jar." His bashfulness caused him to try and innocently hide his privates without getting caught after seeing Mary Beth standing across from his naked body. It didn't matter that she too was naked. He was only concerned with what she might be seeing!

Carrie quickly continued, "She made me pick a slip and said that whatever it was would apply to both of us – wouldn't you know it involved nudity time. THAT'S what the hell happened! You'd better stay clear of me because I'm pissed as hell at you over all this. You just wait, you'll get yours. I can't believe I have to attend this stupid party naked! It's bad enough all the little kids are gawking at me snickering all the time. You'd better pray that nobody I know sees me like this though, that's all I got to say."

"BUT . . . it's not MY fault your mom liked the idea," Mary Beth protested. "Don't take it out on me!" She could tell by the look on her friend's face she was growing ever more in disfavor with her so she decided just to keep silent. She couldn't help but look at Carl, however. Despite his age and his awkward attempts at concealment, he did have everything out in the open. His little pecker was like a magnet that drew her eyes right to it. The longer she stared the more it seemed to twitch.

As her Aunt Carol struggled to achieve some order from the younger kids, Edward Franks and two of his friends from the team came walking up to the trio. "And to think I was trying to find an excuse NOT to come to this stupid party! Man, I'm glad I came after all!"

"OH CRAP!" Carrie shrieked half under her breath after seeing the boys had spotted her. She wanted to run and hide but there was no time. They were upon her before she could react.

As the boys gawked at the naked trio, Carrie lowered her head while her brother turned away from them. Mary Beth however having already faced Edward in the nude the previous day decided to try a different approach and endeavored to put on an air of confidence, though inside she was petrified!

"Gee Carrie Burns, you're not that bad looking," one of the boys said as he made no secret of the fact he was checking her out, "unlike your flat-chested friend Mary Beth here."

"Shut up Andy!" Carrie snapped vehemently. "If you DARE say a word about this to anyone I'll personally cut your balls off myself."

"Easy there, tiger," Edward said trying to keep the peace. "WE didn't come here to cause trouble. Andy was only complimenting your body, weren't you Andy?"

"Yeah . . ." the boy chuckled. "You've got a nice little rack."

"Bet you can't guess what I'm thinking?" the third boy asked sarcastically causing Carrie to blush even more profusely than before.
Both girls knew it must be something disgusting so they ignored his remark.

"So nudie-boy," Edward said turning his attention to poor Carl. "What's it like knowing the girls can see your tiny little dick? Doesn't that BOTHER you?"

"Popped a woody in front of the babes yet?" another chided.

"He might have . . . but how would they know," Edward said giggling. The teammates all joined the laughter as Carl got angrier. He was just about to lash out violently when their hostess called out.

"Okay everyone," Aunt Carol said enthusiastically, "Now that we're all together to celebrate my little Kevin's tenth birthday, I'd like to first start by playing some party games. I hope EVERYONE will join in. And of course there will be prizes for the winners too!"

"How juvenile," Mary Beth commented critically. Her mother overheard her trying to put a damper on the festivities so she went over to her daughter and made a point.

"I EXPECT that you will participate, young lady. This is a PARTY and I'll not have you ruining it for everyone just because of your poor attitude."

"But mom . . ." Mary Beth complained. "These games are for the KIDS not us . . ."

"You heard me and that goes for the two of you as well," Mrs. Parker said looking sternly at Carrie and her brother Carl.

"Okay kids," Aunt Carol said, "does anybody here know what a wheelbarrow race is?" The group of youngsters just looked at each other dumbfounded.

"I know," Edward said raising his hand enthusiastically!

"Good! Grab a partner and come up here so you can demonstrate how it's done for those that don't know." Aunt Carol said beckoning him towards the front of the group. Edward wasted no time and grabbed Mary Beth's hand.

"Oh NO . . ." Mary Beth started to object. But when she saw her mother's soul-piercing look of disapproval she relented in order to avoid any further trouble.

Once Edward reached the front he pointed towards the ground and said to Mary Beth, "You be the wheelbarrow. I'll hold you up because I'm stronger." The logic seemed reasonable so she bent down and put her hands on the ground to steady her self. She was a little self-conscious as she noticed her breasts dangling towards the ground. Before she realized what she had really gotten herself into, Edward took hold of her ankles and lifted her legs up in the air forcing her to balance her body weight on her two hands. 'GO!" Edward shouted and started to push her from behind. Wanting to get this over with quickly, Mary Beth heeded his cue and began moving her hands forward as he held her legs at waist-level like wheelbarrow handles.

When he began cleverly moving her ankles farther apart she knew she had made a HUGE mistake – Edward had a PERFECT view up between her legs into her most private of spots!! She was certain he could see both her holes and that very thought made her feel EXTREMELY insecure and humiliated. It was almost impossible to try and close her legs and keep up the pace she felt forced to maintain so she was stuck letting him gawk! She did her best to go as fast as she could to the end of the yard and then tried to quickly turn around to go back to where they had started. Edward either didn't understand what she was trying to do or deliberately resisted her efforts. The result was that she fell on her chest thus forcing him to drop her legs. All the kids began laughing.

"Hurry up," Aunt Carol said chuckling. "This is supposed to be a race!"

Edward reached down to grab her ankles again and as he was bent over whispered playfully in her ear, "Nice pussy!"

"Fuck off," Mary Beth whispered back angrily as her face turned deep red. His comment confirmed her worst fears and she knew he was going to do it all over again on the trip back!! She then got into position and in no time they were off again. When they reached the spot where Aunt Carol was standing, Edward once again unexpectedly let go of Mary Beth's legs and she collapsed unceremoniously onto the ground. She wanted so badly to give him a piece of her mind but she held her tongue. At least she was through.

"Okay," Aunt Carol said cheerfully. "I want everyone to choose a partner and line up." The kids all eagerly chose up partners and did their best to line up. "You too, Carrie and Carl," she added motioning them to join the fun. "One more time Mary Beth," she then instructed her niece.

Carrie shook her head in disgust. She knew what Mary Beth had just been through and the view Edward had enjoyed being the driver. She turned to her brother before he had a chance to speak and said, "I'll be the driver, YOU be the wheelbarrow."

So there they were Edward and the naked Mary Beth and the equally undressed Carrie and Carl all lined up with the other kids to take part in the stupid race!

"On your mark . . . get set . . . GO!"

In a flash the kids took off – most of them collapsing on the ground shortly after starting having never really tried racing like that before. Everyone was laughing and having a good time.

Carrie on the other hand much to her surprise, found the view up her brother's butt amusing! She deliberately held him back impeding his progress thus prolonging the sight before her. She could clearly see not only his butt-hole but his ball sack and dangling penis jiggling back and forth as he tried in earnest to win the race. The sight was not only stimulating but comical too. Despite her own nudity and embarrassment, she was actually beginning to enjoy herself. Earlier when Mary Beth had suggested her punishment jar plot, she had related that she wanted to see her brother naked. Now she was getting that chance, even though it wasn't under the circumstances she has envisioned at the time.

Mary Beth tried her best to scamper across the lawn to limit her exposure time. She was getting damp down below from all the people watching her and she was deathly afraid Edward would notice. Much to her chagrin, Edward wasn't cooperating and several times he let go of one leg or the other. That not only foiled her plan to end the race quickly but it gave him a wider view up between her legs as gravity forced her legs apart!

Kevin, the birthday boy and his friend won the race and got the bag of goodies offered as a prize.

After a few more equally silly kids-games they all went inside to eat cake and ice-cream. Normally at this party the older teens would have long since left and hung out together away from the partying. But being naked, neither Carrie nor Mary Beth felt much like hanging out with their peers.

Carrie and Mary Beth cowered together trying to avoid the scrutiny of the kids. It worked too as they all seemed too preoccupied to care about the naked girls off by themselves and the other teens didn't dare try anything as the adults were much too close at hand.

After a lull, Carrie leaned over and whispered to Mary Beth, "Oh you're in for it now! If you thought having Edward see you naked was bad, just wait until you see what I have in store for you! You haven't seen anything yet!!"

Mary Beth kept her cool. After all she was a clever and conniving person and wasn't about to let anyone get the best of her. "Now hold on a minute . . . Don't you want to see Edward Parker naked?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, it's just that if you spend all your time getting back at me, you'll miss all the fun."

"What fun? What the hell are you going on about?" Carrie asked skeptically.

"Never mind, you obviously aren't interested. I'll just get someone else to help me." Mary Beth gave a calculated smile and did her best to act indifferent to Carrie's threat.

"But . . . I didn't say I wasn't going to help you," Carrie finally pleaded. "I'd LOVE to get even with that stupid Edward and his pals. Do you really have a plan?"

"Yeah as a matter of fact I do, but I don't know why I should include you in this if you're hell bent on making my life miserable."

"Oh . . . don't pay any attention to my ravings. I was just, you know, a little upset. You know how I get a little moody sometimes. I'm not really going to get back at you. Now, what's that plan you have?" The excitement in Carrie's eyes was obvious. Actually, Mary Beth didn't really have all the details worked out but she didn't want her friend to know that. She thought it best to keep her in suspense for a little while so she would forget about her plan to exact any revenge.

"It's too risky to go into any details here – too many adults around not to mention Edward and his pals. Meet me at the park near my house tomorrow at 2:00 pm and I'll explain everything," Mary Beth said secretively. "And for heaven's sakes DON'T bring your dumb brother. Leave him at home or something."

"I'll be there, just don't do anything without me!" Carrie whispered enthusiastically. Of course it didn't dawn on her until much later that night that she was still required to be naked the next day as her nudity time was for two days. Journeying to the park was going to be harder than she thought. Still, she had time to think of something. The opportunity to see more boys naked was too tempting to pass up however! She made up her mind then and there to forget about making Mary Beth pay for putting her through all this at the party. After all, girls had to stick together – especially when it came to humiliating dumb boys. Despite her own embarrassment that day, she really enjoyed watching her naked brother at the party – even if he was a hairless immature creep.

The next day Carrie found herself trying to figure out a way to get to the park to meet her friend. There was no way her mother would let her just waltz outside without clothes. Being forced to be naked at a party of relatives and family friends is one thing, but streaking the neighborhood was quite another matter. Of course the very thought of venturing outside in and of itself was intimidating, but she just HAD to do it.

She had all but decided that when the time came, she was going to tell her mother that she was going to take a nap and then sneak out of her bedroom window to meet with Mary Beth. The anticipation was sheer torture as the clock slowly clicked off the minutes. She found herself full of emotions – she cringed at the thought of making her way to the park and of who might see her. She worried over getting caught and several times almost lost it whenever she thought of the consequences. She was excited, however, over the prospect of finding out what her friend's plan was to get the other boys naked. Looking at her naked brother sitting across from her, she tried several times to imagine what Edward and his friends really looked like in the buff and each time she almost came close to orgasm without even touching herself! She also worried that all this might be just a trap by Mary Beth – a pre-emptive strike to humiliate her because of her threat of revenge. She wouldn't put it past her friend to do such a thing either. She was sure that Mary Beth had known that she had to stay naked another day. Why else would she insist on meeting her at such a public place as the park? She began to have doubts about Mary Beth. Maybe the plan was really bogus after all. It was risky to be sure. Still she didn't want to miss out on the chance of seeing the boys naked if she was really on the level. Mary Beth did come up with the punishment jar idea and without her she would have never seen Billy masturbate or even her own brother naked!

At ten minutes before two o'clock she got up from watching TV and approached her mother. "Mom, if it's okay with you, I'd like to take a nap. I'm rather tired."

"A nap?" her mother asked incredulously. "Why you haven't taken one of those since you were a kid."

"I know," Carrie said keeping up her role. "It's just that these two days have been rather trying, you know, and I'm exhausted."

"Go ahead," her mother replied. "In fact I have to take a few things back to Mrs. Parker anyway. I was planning on taking Carl with me to keep you two from getting into trouble while I was gone, so knock yourself out. Enjoy your rest. I shouldn't be too long."

"Thanks mom," Carrie said as she lazily headed toward her room. Once there she didn't dare try to leave. It would be just her luck that as soon as she managed to climb out the window, her mother would walk out the front door and catch her. All she could do was wait and listen for them to leave.

Two o'clock came and went. By two fifteen, she was beginning to panic. She was sure that by now Mary Beth would think she had chickened out and that she was planning getting her revenge after all. What was taking so long?! What was her mother waiting for, she wondered? She was ruining EVERYTHING.

Finally Mrs. Parker left with Carl reluctantly in tow. It was 2:20 – well after the time the meeting was to have taken place. She thought about abandoning her trip but decided to risk it anyway. She started for the door and then realized that with her mother gone she didn't really have to make the trip naked and she thought for a second about going back to her room to get dressed . . . then she noticed the time. Her heart began to race. There wasn't time. She HAD to meet Mary Beth before she gave up on her.

The small park was only a few houses down the block. If anyone saw her she could at least use the excuse that she was being punished and anyway her mother didn't really say she couldn't go out while she was gone. With that tiny grain of reassurance tucked neatly in the back of her mind she quickly raced out the door and carefully made her way to the park ducking behind whatever cover was available until she reached her destination. It felt absolutely horrid to be out in the neighborhood in just her birthday suit. All her fears of being discovered came surging forward and almost overwhelmed her to the point that she could barely walk. Only the promise of watching Edward and the other boys get their just desserts spurred her onward.

Upon entering the tiny park, she looked about for Mary Beth but she was nowhere to be seen. She ventured further into the park but no Mary Beth. She made one last attempt to carefully make her way to the back of the green space but still no Mary Beth. Carrie was so dejected. She had blown a perfectly golden opportunity! She decided to make her way quickly back home before she was spotted.

"Carrie?" called a voice from off in the distance.

She nervously looked around but saw no one.

"Carrie Burns . . ."

This time the voice was familiar. It was Mary Beth. She was laughing. Carrie looked around carefully and finally spotted her friend sitting at a picnic table under several trees.

"What on earth are you doing out here naked?" a fully clothed Mary Beth asked giggling as Carrie reached the spot where she was sitting.

"My punishment time isn't over. I got TWO days of nudity time as you know perfectly well." Carrie said a bit put out.

"Yes but I thought yesterday was the second day. If I had known I wouldn't have suggested you come out here." Mary Beth genuinely replied. "Still . . . I've got to admit you've got a lot of guts, a lot more than I would have had if I were in your shoes."

"Thanks. At least you understand how difficult this is for me. I hope this convinces you that I'm not out to get you." Carrie said plainly feeling the need to add that last part just in case this was indeed a trap. There was no need for concern though as Mary Beth was on the level.

"So what's this plan you've got and make it snappy as I have to get back before my mom finds out I'm gone."

"Okay," Mary Beth said leaning closer to avoid being overheard. "The way I see it, our moms figured out that the slips in the jar have been forged and they THINK that either you or I had something to do with it."

"Well duh? Ya think?" Carrie snapped sarcastically.

"Yes I do, actually. But I also think that we can use that to our advantage."


"You see our moms are in cahoots trying to punish us for what they THINK we did and they are purposely NOT telling us that they know or suspect anything is wrong. They WANT us to go on believing everything is as it should be."

"Go on . . ."

"Your mom didn't say anything about what a horrible thing it was to stuff the jar with fake punishments, did she?" Mary Beth asked.

"No . . . she didn't."

"Of course not, that would ruin their plans."

"So how does that help us in getting to see Edward and the boys naked?"

"This will take a little doing but here's how it works." Mary Beth said as she got even closer and began to whisper.