The Punishment Jar – Part Six (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2007 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Punishment Jar – Part Six (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF) BY: Hooked6

"Stop wasting time young lady and get on with it," Mrs. Parker said impatiently as her daughter stood dumbfounded.

"But... MOM! This is so UNFAIR!"

"All children say that when it comes to punishment time," Mrs. Templeton interjected. "You are way too old to act like a spoiled child. I'd expect that out of a youngster but you're old enough to know better."

"But that's just IT!" Mary Beth argued. "I'm NOT a CHILD! I'm almost an adult! You can't expect me to take my clothes off in front of..." her voice trailed off as she noticed Edward Franks, the athlete from her school and total panic set in! He was staring at her with a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

"Now don't get all melodramatic," Mrs. Templeton said. "Punishment isn't supposed to be fun and a little humiliation goes a long way. It's a very effective, tried and true method of discipline, and I should know in my line of work. Why even Billy Anderson didn't carry on as much as YOU are. I'm surprised at you. Just take it like a mature individual for crying out loud! You're in high school – act like it!"

"But MOM!" she pleaded once again with her voice trembling. Mrs. Parker just stood there looking sternly at her daughter then added a little incentive that she found effective during one of Billy's punishments.

"If you don't get a move on, I'll let Billy Anderson strip you! I'll bet HE won't waste any time!"

Mary Beth's eyes bulged so wide they almost popped out of their sockets. Once again she looked quickly around the room hoping for SOME sign of sympathy among the guests, but alas found no indication of support. It was hopeless. She had become ensnared by her own trap with no way out. There was no way she was going to let Billy Anderson touch her, let alone STRIP her. She let out a deep sigh of disgust and began to unbutton her blouse. She closed her eyes and said to herself, "If I just close my eyes and pretend I'm alone and no one is around it will all be easier." When she finished unbuttoning her eyes were still closed and she took the blouse off and tossed it on the floor. Standing in her bra she kicked her shoes off and yanked off her socks and then began undoing the snap on her jeans. She slid them off without much effort. She was uncomfortable but in her mind her idea of imagining herself on some deserted island was working.

She then couldn't help but open her eyes and saw Edward looking at her like some hormone-crazed lunatic and she almost fainted. She just froze standing there in her white bra and panties.

"Hurry UP, missy," her mother prodded.

Nervously she reached around back and unhooked her bra letting it dangle in front of her trying to keep herself covered until the last possible second then she let it fall exposing her small, cone-shaped breasts. Her nipples reacted to the sensation of being freed from their protective wrappings and hardened almost to a rock. She then stepped out of her panties and stood there covering herself as best she could.

"None of that young lady, like Billy before, you don't merit any modesty for at LEAST another 24 hours," her mother chastised.

Edward sat there with a stupid grin on his face. Mary Beth just knew that on the inside he was laughing at her body and probably couldn't wait to tell everybody at school what she looked like – about all her bodily imperfections.

Billy for his part actually spontaneously ejaculated in his shorts while sitting there, so aroused was he by seeing a grown naked girl for the first time in his life! The only time he ever recalled doing that was when he had awakened from a dream and found his penis shooting all over his belly by itself, only THIS was MUCH better!! He was mesmerized by all her pubic hair! She had way more than he did. The image of her standing there naked was permanently etched into his brain.

Mrs. Parker made her stand there for several minutes with her body on display forcing her to come to terms with the shame and indignity of it all. She then spoke up and said, "Since you have brought disgrace upon yourself and offended our guests by your disobedience, I think I'll pick one of them to administer your whipping." She looked around the room as if she was trying to decide and thereby prolonging her agony. She had long ago made her decision. It was a logical choice. "Billy, I think it only fair that you do the honors."


"Yes. I believe the note said ten... no... I think it was TWENTY strokes with a belt. You can use your belt if you'd like."

Billy couldn't believe his good fortune! All the pain and suffering he had been through now seemed worth every second of it. He quickly began taking off his belt and doubled it over in his right hand. Although he really wanted to have Mary Beth lay over on his lap, he was afraid she'd discover that he had wet himself with his own orgasm. He decided instead to make her lean against the wall like he was forced to do against the basketball pole for his whipping.

Mary Beth looking a sight bent over, butt protruding toward the guests, breasts dangling freely pointing toward the floor. Billy took a step back and let the belt fly. He had never given ANYONE a spanking before let alone used a belt in the process so his first slap was pretty whimpy.

"Count the strokes, Mary Beth." Her mother instructed.

"One..." came the soft, high pitched reply.

At first Billy felt weird hitting a girl but then thoughts of his own whippings invaded his mind and about how Mary Beth yanked unmercifully on his own penis as she slapped his butt inspired him to give it his all. "SLAP!" came the belt once again across her ass this time leaving a noticeable red mark.

"TWO!" came the distressed reply.

Billy swung the belt once again perhaps even a little bit harder than before. "SLAP!"

"DAMN! THAT HURT!" Mary Beth shrieked as she jerked away from the wall and covered her tender backside with her hands.

"Do that one again because she cussed," Mrs. Parker instructed Billy. "I'll not tolerate profanity in my house."


"Three" Mary Beth whimpered now openly crying. She was so embarrassed. The full weight of what was happening to her and of all the people she knew witnessing her ordeal was almost too much to bear! Her tears were from not only the pain but from her shame as well!

By the time she counted twenty she was crying heavily and tears were flowing everywhere. Billy found he really enjoyed his little task and that it somehow made up for all his misfortunes yet it all seemed fair and appropriate. What was good for him surely was good for all kids, he reasoned. It all made sense. There was order in his world.

"I think we'll do 30 minutes of corner time as well so you can compose yourself. Then you can apologize to everyone for having to witness this." Mrs. Parker said as she led her sobbing daughter to a corner wall and placed her there. Mary Beth's butt revealed the marks of a well-applied strapping yet it still looked amazingly seductive to Billy – and to the rest of the males in the room.

The room was deathly quiet save for the sounds of the whimpering girl in the corner. Eventually normal conversation resumed and it was as though the spectacle of the punishment never happened. Mary Beth soon stopped her crying and began to wonder what the next 24 hours would bring. She was mad at being caught but not remorseful for hatching the plan. He mind flittered between thoughts of revenge on Billy and her shame.

When her 30 minutes were up her mother announced, "That'll do for the corner time. Now go and apologize to everyone here for making them witness your punishment AND your nakedness."

Mary Beth tensed up. It was going to take ALL her strength to apologize to her guests. The grown ups were easy but her friends... that was another story. She first went to Mr. Franks.

"I'm sorry that you had to see this," she said softly.

"AND..." her mother prompted.

"And for having to see my nakedness," she reluctantly added.

Mr. Franks tried not to stare at the lovely creature before her and did his best to maintain an air of propriety. "That's quite alright."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Templeton that you had to see this and for having to see my nakedness."

"Perhaps you'll learn from this, young lady." Mrs. Templeton said with a knowing smile.

Inside Mary Beth thought to herself that the only thing she learned was to make sure BILLY was the one caught next time and not her!

A cold chill ran up her spine as she moved next to stand in front of Edward Franks, her high school classmate. "I'm sorry..." she said half choking on her words. She cleared her throat to try again and as she did so she saw that he was staring right at her pelvis trying to see between her legs. She instinctively snatched them tightly together and continued rather embarrassed, "I'm sorry you had to see this and for having to see me naked."

Edward was so busy staring he neglected to acknowledge what she had said. Finally coming to his senses he looked up, smiled from ear to ear and replied, "No problem." Mary Beth was incensed! She knew she would never hear the end of this at school.

When she got to Chester she gave the same speech. As she was talking Chester silently mouthed so that only she could see, "Such small tits!"
She wanted to smack the crap out of him right then and there but she knew she couldn't. She vowed to get even though the first chance she got.

Her voice was strained as she faced young Billy but she managed to get through it without bringing more trouble upon herself. When everyone had received an apology her mother thanked her and told her to take a seat until all the guests left. That in itself after all that had happened was like rubbing salt in an open wound. She wanted to get out of the limelight and hide in her room but her mother foiled her plan. It seemed like the guests would NEVER leave but eventually one by one they did until at last the family was once again alone.

The next morning she showered and joined the family at the breakfast table. Sitting with her naked flesh on the cold wooden chair was uncomfortable and served to remind her just how naked she really was.

"Billy," Mrs. Parker said as she ate her food, "Don't forget that we are going to Abbyville this afternoon. Try not to get too dirty."

"Abbyville?!" Mary Beth remarked totally shocked.

"Yes, don't you remember it's your nephew's birthday party," her mother explained. "Surely you haven't forgotten already, and after you went and bought him that nice present last week."

"Oh... yeah..." she said regretfully. Her 10 year-old nephew's party was always a blast as the food alone was worth the trip. She always got a chance to meet many of her school friends there as they all knew the family one way or another and it was a good excuse to hang out away from home. The thought of having to appear at the party naked hit home with a vengeance. "Mom..."

"Yes dear?"

"I don't feel so good. I think I'm getting sick."

"I'm sure it's just nerves."

"No, I'm really serious. I really think I'm getting the flu. Maybe I'd better stay home."

"Nice try but you're going to the party."

"But you don't want me to give all those kids the flu do you?"

"You're going and that's final." Mrs. Parker said as she put away the breakfast dishes.

Mary Beth went off to pout in her room. Maybe a meteor will hit Planet Earth and we'll all die before we have to go to the party she thought hopefully.

When the time came everyone piled into the family car for the short drive to Abbyville – a suburb of the city they lived in. Mary Beth was made to sit in the front as the Katie and Billy took up the back seat of the rather small vehicle. Mary Beth was never so terrified in all her life and did her best to try and conceal herself without looking obvious. She thought they would NEVER reach her nephew's home.

As they pulled into the driveway Mary Beth tried once again to get a reprieve. "Mom, can I just stay here and sleep in the car. I really don't feel well."

"We're not going to go through THAT again are we? Now get out and enjoy yourself..." she said firmly "and remember you're being punished so NO covering up or hiding behind things. If I catch you you'll regret it, understand?"

"Yes ma'am" she said in a snippy voice.

"If anyone asks WHY you are NAKED, you tell them," her mother added for effect.

Her legs were weak as she stood at the door waiting for someone to answer. For her part, Mrs. Parker had already explained Mary Beth's punishment to her sister and everyone seemed to understand and expressed no reservations – though Mary Beth didn't know that.

When her aunt answered the door Mary Beth half expected her to be shocked. Instead she said, "HI! Glad you all could come," as if having a naked girl at your door was normal or something.

The room got very quiet when they spotted Mary Beth. They all stared at her with sparkling eyes as if they were, not amazed at what they were seeing, but HAPPY about it. They eventually resumed their normal conversations and went back to what they had been doing as she made her way about on her own.

It was then she spotted Carl... and he too was naked as a jaybird sheepishly looking at the floor. Mary Beth couldn't help herself from chuckling. She went up to him and while looking right at his hairless penis said, "Well, well what have we here?"

"Shut up," Carl said softly. "I'm being punished."

Before Mary Beth could respond Carrie entered the room and she too was totally naked. "I'm being punished too – THANKS to YOU and that STUPID PUNISHMENT JAR!"

Mary Beth looked at the two of them taking in every inch of their bodies. She couldn't help but make mental comparisons between Carrie and herself.

"How long?" Mary Beth asked softly.

"We have to stay this way two fricken' days!" Carrie said under her breath. "And you know what? If I live through this you're dead!"

"What the hell happened?" Mary Beth asked.

Carrie was about to explain when they were all called out into the back yard by Mrs. Parker. The three of them gave each other dirty looks and headed toward the back door, each wondering if the day could get any worse.