The Punishment Jar – Part Five (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2007 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Punishment Jar – Part Five (mmmmfffFF,Exhib,Humil,) BY: Hooked6

All the kids froze as Mrs. Burns, Carrie's mother, glared at them with a shocked and angry expression. Billy was utterly devastated as he stood there with his cum-covered hand holding his penis which was rapidly beginning to shrink. He wondered how long she had been standing there and how much she had seen. Unfortunately for the group she had seen it all. At first she was so taken aback by the sight before her she just stood there not trusting her eyes but when she saw Billy actually shooting his wad as the kids all cheered, her emotions took over. She thought her children were better than that!

"MOM," Carrie exclaimed nervously! She hurriedly tried to think of something to say that might explain all this, but her mind was blank.

"JUST WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" Carrie's mother asked once again emphatically. "And YOU Billy Anderson... I know your mother raised you better than that. Cover yourself this instant!" Billy was never so ashamed and confused in all his life. "I'm surprised at all of you."

Mary Beth being the oldest of the group knew she had to speak up. "Um, Mrs. Burns, Billy can't cover up."

"Just why the hell not? Why he should be whipped until he can't sit down!"

"That's just it," Mary Beth said acting as if everything was as it was supposed to be. "He IS being punished. Billy, turn around and show Mrs. Burns." Billy gladly turned around to hide his shame.

As his deeply reddened butt came into view Mrs. Burns was confused. "I don't understand. You mean to tell me his mother spanked him and told him to come over here naked and to act like a pervert in front of you?"

"Well, sort of," Mary Beth tried to explain.
"I wasn't born yesterday Mary Beth Parker! Don't try to insult my intelligence."

"I wouldn't think of it, ma'am," she said holding out the ceramic jar for her to see. "This is Billy's Punishment Jar. Billy is staying with us while his mother is out of town. The jar is HER idea. When Billy gets into trouble he has to draw a slip out of the jar and do what it says. My mom is responsible for making him naked until tomorrow morning on account of him fighting with his sister Katie. In fact my mom was the one who brought him over here this afternoon."

All this was too much for Mrs. Burns to believe. Why she had known both Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Parker for years. She couldn't believe they would do such a thing, yet there was the jar and the story was so outlandish that perhaps it might just be true. "Is that TRUE, Billy Anderson?"

"Yes ma'am, unfortunately every word. I WAS fighting with my sister and had to draw a slip from the jar. I was only supposed to be naked for a little while but I argued with Mrs. Parker and she kept making the time longer and longer and well um, when your son came over to ask me to play basketball she thought it was a good idea, so here I am."


"Yes mom. That's what happened. She even brought him over here herself with Mrs. Templeton."

"Mrs. Templeton, she asked, "the school Guidance Counselor?!"

"That's her," Carl said affirmatively.

Mrs. Burns pondered all this in her mind. Even though this was all so bizarre, perhaps if these responsible people were somehow involved then maybe this is all legitimate.

Mary Beth was thinking that the group had dodged another bullet and everything was going to be fine. That is until Mrs. Burns asked, "So explain to me how it came to be that Billy was acting like a pervert? I don't believe his mother or even Mrs. Parker would tolerate that or even THINK of making him DO such a thing."

"Um..." The little Red-headed girl spoke up meekly. "I'm afraid that was my idea."

"Oh...?" Mrs. Burns asked skeptically.

"Here's the paper Billy picked from the jar."

Mrs. Burns read it aloud: "Choose a person in the room to make up your punishment. Do whatever they tell you." She looked at the faces in the crowd to try and detect some deception but she found only scared little expressions. "So you made him do this? This nasty, perverted show was all YOUR idea?"

"Yes ma'am," the Red-headed girl said meekly.

"Who are you? I don't think I know you and your mother should certainly hear about this." Just then little girl and her two friends bolted through the back yard and left via the fence gate before giving an answer.

Mrs. Burns thought about running after them but decided to stay and deal with the people she DID know. She stood there looking at them for several minutes in silence. No one else dared to move. Billy was still facing away from them showing his reddened backside. It was just as well as Mrs. Burns really didn't want to look at a naked teenage boy just that moment anyway.

Not wanting her fun to end prematurely, Mary Beth mustered her courage
and spoke up once again. "You see the jar contains all sorts of punishments. Some are chores he hates, some are embarrassing in nature and others are more the traditional types of discipline. Billy never knows what he'll get from the jar. My mom just got angry with him today and took things to a higher level. I'm afraid I wasn't acting too responsible either. I shouldn't have let things get out of hand like they did. If anyone is to blame it's me. I'm the oldest. I guess I just got caught up in it all today. I'm sorry. But my mom DID call to check if it was okay for Billy to come over."

Carrie was pissed. What was her friend trying to do, sell her out and take the fall? She had to defend herself. "Mom, I took the call. I didn't see any harm. He's just a creepy boy that's all. I didn't want to argue with a grown up and Mrs. Parker DID seem set on him coming over."

Mrs. Burns mulled it over and then said, "So Mary Beth, if I call your mother she'll verify all this?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Billy is she telling the truth?"

"Yes, ma'am," He mumbled still facing away from them.

"Oh for heaven's sake, you can turn around now, son." Billy put his hands at his sides and turned around to face her. He wasn't aroused anymore, just terribly embarrassed. Embarrassed and confused.

"Okay, let's all go over to Mrs. Parker's and sort this out. Shall we?"
Mrs. Burns herded the group together and they all walked down the street sidewalk with naked Billy in the middle of the crowd.

Mrs. Burns didn't really didn't want to upset her long time friend but she did want to verify the truth of the matter. Being as diplomatic as she could, she did in fact much to her dismay discover that the kids were basically telling the truth. Billy was indeed sent over to play basketball as part of his punishment.

"Okay, I'm satisfied for now. You kids can go play for a while," Mrs. Burns said to the group. "Carrie and Carl, I'll come and get you when it's time to go home. I want to visit a while longer."

"Okay mom," they said and left the room.

The girls all huddled together outside in the backyard leaving poor Billy to fend for him self. "I think we are out of the woods. I do believe we've gotten away with it," Mary Beth said. "See I told you I've got it all under control."

"Yeah, that was close but I think you're right," Carrie said with a sigh of relief. "Man when I saw my mom standing there I almost pissed in my panties!"

"Me too," Little Katie admitted! "I was having so much fun and I just knew it was all over! I'm glad we'll still get to make my brother suffer some more."

"WE will, don't you worry about that," Mary Beth said eagerly. "We might want to lay low for a while and use some tamer punishments for a day or two but then it will back to business as usual."

Meanwhile the two adults discussed the merits of the jar and Mrs. Templeton's philosophy. The idea did seem to have merit though they both agreed that things gotten out of hand. For her part, Mrs. Burns didn't mention Billy masturbating for the group as she felt it best not to worry or offend her friend.

"I think I'd still like to use the jar but I must admit I too was quite embarrassed when I had to keep Billy naked for several hours. He is after all a fine looking young man," Mrs. Parker said sheepishly. "I'm not sure who this punishment embarrassed more, him or me!" They both laughed at her comment.

Staring at the jar on the table, Mrs. Burns suggested, "Perhaps it might be a good idea to check ALL the slips in the jar. Even if you don't want to interfere with Mrs. Anderson's strategy, at least you'll be prepared."

"Good idea." She then opened the lid and pulled out a paper. "Oh here's a good one: You are to receive 10 whacks on the bare behind from everyone present. That certainly would be embarrassing wouldn't it?"

"Especially of you had company over," Mrs. Burns added chuckling as she too pulled out a paper from the jar. "This must be a familiar favorite of hers. I've seen this already: Choose a person in the room to make up your punishment. Do whatever they tell you."

"That's a pretty open ended penalty, isn't it?" Mrs. Parker said as she picked another slip. "That's odd?" she said a bit puzzled. "This one is the same: You are to receive 10 whacks on the bare behind from everyone present." She then quickly picked up another and another and another. "Why they're all the same."

"That does seem strange," Mrs. Burns added checking them over for her self. "I smell a rat."

"Yeah, and I think it might be my daughter Mary Beth."


"I might be wrong but... please, follow me," she said as she led her guest into Mary Beth's room.

"What are you looking for?"

"My daughter has been doing a lot of typing lately. She even asked me for some more paper yesterday and... a HA! Look at this!" She said as she pulled several crumpled up papers out of the trash. "Here's what I was looking for."

"It looks like she was practicing making up punishments to humiliate Billy." Mrs. Burns said looking them over. "These must be the rejects. Some of these are downright weird! No wonder she rejected them! She's got quite a warped imagination."

Mrs. Parker continued her search and found a bag in her desk drawer containing the original slips in Mrs. Anderson's handwriting. "Just as I suspected, these are the slips that were SUPPOSED to be in the jar. They're not at all like the ones Billy has had to do, why, that little twerp!"

"Kids... just when you think you can trust them!" Mrs. Burns sighed. "I'm sure my two had a hand in this as well. Just wait until I get them home!"

"I think I have better idea," Mrs. Parker said with a wry smile.


"Let's put this jar to good use. We can substitute our own slips and make sure that those little hooligans ALL get to sample the jar!"

"What a GREAT idea! They were all so eager to make poor Billy go through hell. I think it's a great idea for them to find out themselves what it is like!" Mrs. Burns said eagerly.

"But we have to be sneaky about this lest we tip them off and they change their behavior. My daughter should be the first to get what's coming to her. I believe that the best way is to let them think they got away with this for a time. Let's put Mary Beth's slips back into the jar and let her continue with her disgusting plan... for now. When the time is right we'll fix them all but good."

The two women secretly plotted like two school kids until Mrs. Burns finally called everyone together. When the group reassembled in the living room including the bashful Billy, she announced, "I'm sorry I doubted you all. It's clear to me that you were telling the truth about the punishment jar. Sorry Billy. It looks like you've had a bad day but I'm sure you'll learn something from all this."

"Yes ma'am," Billy said softly. All seemed as it should be to him. After all every adult so far seemed to agree with what was happening to him.

Mary Beth and Carrie were thrilled. They had fooled both moms. They could hardly wait to have their way with the unsuspecting Billy again.

For his part Billy remained naked and even ate supper that evening at the dining room table without clothes. Fortunately it was only a family affair and he was soon off to bed. Finally the next morning he was allowed to dress once again.

Two days passed before Billy was into some mild argument with his sister once again. He now knew better than to physically scuffle with her but the words were flying hot and heavy. Mrs. Parker, judging from the pattern of easy and harsh punishments, figured that the jar now contained an easy penalty courtesy of her daughter. "I'm sick of your bickering, Billy, bring me the punishment jar." She said plainly.

Finally, thought the girls, the easy punishment would be used. Mary Beth was beginning to think Billy was going to be so good they wouldn't get to torture him again before his mother returned.

Billy reached in and pulled out a slip and handed it to Mrs. Parker. "Dust all the furniture in the house," she said aloud. Billy was relieved and was glad to comply.

The next day Mrs. Parker asked her daughter to clean her room as they were having company over for supper a little later.

"Who's coming over?" her daughter asked innocently.

"Just some friends of mine and Mrs. Templeton," she explained. "She was so nice the other day I wanted to return the favor.

Mary Beth found Katie and hurried to her room. "Now's our chance," she said excitedly. "Mrs. Templeton is coming over tonight. Let's forget another easy punishment and go for the gold! This opportunity is too good to waste." The two girls were giddy with excitement and spent several hours trying to find the right humiliating punishment for poor Billy to endure, this time in front of the school guidance counselor.

"Now don't forget," Mary Beth cautioned when she was through typing the slips. "If Billy doesn't get into trouble you'll have to pick another fight with him. Can you do that?"

"Heck yeah," she replied confidently. "He's a pushover."

Soon the doorbell rang. It was Mrs. Templeton. Mary Beth invited her inside. Shortly thereafter Mrs. Carter arrived and brought her son Chester along. Mr. Franks, the chairman of the Civic Club was also present along with his son Edward. Edward was in Mary Beth's class and played on the school football team.

Mary Beth was ecstatic! All of the guests were somehow involved at their school. She couldn't have planned it better. All that remained was for Billy to get into some kind of trouble.

Dinner was an informal affair served Buffet style. The guests filled their plates and scattered themselves wherever there was seating. Mary Beth had purposely taken a seat next to Mrs. Templeton and most of the guests in the living room insuring herself a good view of her planned events. When everyone was almost through eating, Mrs. Parker came into the room put her hands on her hips and looked at her daughter. "I thought I told you to clean your room. You knew we were having guests over this evening."

"Um... I guess I forgot." Mary Beth stammered lamely.

"You forgot? It's funny how you never forget the things that are important to YOU. Honestly, you can be so selfish sometimes. You knew how important this evening was for me yet you totally ignored my instructions. I've a good mind to use the punishment jar on YOU."

"Oh I think that's a marvelous idea," Mrs. Templeton said encouraging her host. She of course had been briefed about her daughter's plotting and was in on the whole affair. "I totally support the concept. It seemed to have worked marvelously well on the Anderson boy."

Mary Beth's eyes almost popped out of her head!

"Punishment Jar," Mr. Franks inquired?

Mrs. Templeton was only too happy to explain the functioning of randomly selected penalties, some of which were simple some rather harsh.

"Oh I'd like to see how that works," Mr. Franks announced.

Mary Beth was about to panic as she knew what was in the jar. "But mom, that's not really necessary. I'll go take care of it now. Besides that's BILLY'S jar." She got up to quickly headed towards her room before things got out of hand.

"Not so fast young lady," Mrs. Parker said holding out the ceramic jar. "Pick one."

"But mom..." pleaded Mary Beth. "You can't be serious... I mean we have guests! Besides, that's not really necessary. I'm on my way to clean it up now."

"PICK ONE!!" Mrs. Parker said angrily.

"I can see there must be something to this jar idea," Mr. Frank said. "Just look at how nervous that child is!"

Billy, seated across from her fully dressed of course, was thrilled to see someone else face the fate of the dreaded "Jar." He figured though that more than likely it would be some menial chore. Still, it might be nice to see her stand in the corner in her underwear as he had often done, he thought.

Mary Beth looked around the room. All she saw were anxious faces all staring directly at her as she was now the center of attention. She knew what fate was awaiting her as she had specifically designed it for that stupid boy, Billy. She had to think fast. Her mom shook the jar menacingly in her face – her way of prompting her to get a move on. She decided that her only way out was to fake it. "I'll just grab a slip and read it aloud changing the punishment and then crumple the paper up," she thought to herself. It seemed plausible. After all, her mother didn't really know what was in the jar so she MIGHT just fall for it, she thought.

The jar rattled once again and reluctantly Mary Beth reached into the jar and rummaged around finally drawing out a slip. She unraveled it and was about to read her new, made-up, milder punishment when her mother snatched it out of her hands. Mary Ellen let out an audile gasp! She hadn't seen that coming. There was no way to escape her fate now.

"Let's just see what this says," she said sarcastically. There was a little pause and Mrs. Parker read, "You are to receive 20 whacks with a belt on your bare backside followed by 24 hours of nudity time."

Mary Beth's legs almost gave way from under her. How could things have gone so wrong? Surely after reading that her mother wouldn't make her go through with it... not in front of all these people! She was a GIRL after all, not some dorky boy! Mary Beth looked at her mom hoping for a reprieve.

"Well..." Mrs. Parker said to her daughter. "It DOES seem a bit drastic." Mary Beth let out an undetectable sigh of relief until her mother went on, "But that's the beauty of the jar. You NEVER know what penalty you'll draw and YOU, my dear, CHOSE this punishment. Too bad, now you'll have to live with it."

There was no way she could tell her mom that ALL the slips were identical and she really HAD no choice. She'd be in even worse trouble if she knew what she had been up to. She was screwed.