The Punishment Jar – Part Three (Exhib, Humil, mmmmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2007 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Punishment Jar – Part Three (mmmmfffFF,Exhib,Humil,) BY: Hooked6

When Mrs. Parker entered the house with her guest she found the girls quietly watching TV. "Where's Billy?" she asked relieved that he was not in sight.

"Oh he's in his room. We sent him there after you left. We didn't really want to look at him... you know..."

Mrs. Parker was quite pleased at the mature conduct of her daughter. She had feared the worst and half-expected to find an orgy going on in the living room upon her return. "Has he been there the entire time I was gone?"

Without even looking away from the TV program she was watching Mary Beth answered simply, "Of course. He seemed quite happy to leave us alone."

"I'm proud of you girls," Mrs. Parker said happily.

"What for mom?" Mary Beth asked as if she hadn't a clue.

"Oh nothing. I take it you had no problems then?"

"You mean with..." Mary Beth said with a knowing smile "No, it didn't seem to come up." She had to stifle a chuckle at her pun so as not to offend the guest or make her mom suspicious.

"Oh... well... good, I'm glad," Mrs. Parker said as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "I guess I worried for nothing."

"See, I told you that you had nothing to fear," the guest added confidently.

"Girls, this Ms. Templeton. She's a member of my civic club and a guidance counselor at Billy's school."

Mary Beth stood up and greeted her guest. "I'm Pleased to meet you. This is Katie, Billy's sister." Though she was polite on the outside, Mary Beth was ecstatic on the inside. She knew EXACTLY who Ms. Templeton was. She was thrilled that someone at school was now involved. Oh the possibilities, she thought.

"I discussed the Punishment Jar with her and of what happened." She told her daughter. "Mrs. Templeton is of the opinion that the jar is a brilliant idea. Though the punishment he drew today is a bit 'out there' as she put it, she thinks it is important that we follow through." Then looking carefully at her daughter she continued, "Are you SURE that this doesn't bother you, I mean that you are okay with this, dear? I wouldn't want this to cause you to be uncomfortable or to be upset with me."

"Heck no, mom, what's the big deal anyway? He's just a creepy boy." Mary Beth said with feigned disinterest. "Besides I think it bothers Billy WAY more than it does us."

"EXACTLY," Mrs. Templeton said. "That's the way it SHOULD be. For any punishment to be effective in the long run it must make a lasting impression. Time-out penalties aren't really effective as they are over and done with quickly and are easily forgotten. I'll bet Billy won't forget this punishment for some time. Just don't give in or he'll get the wrong message. And for heaven's sake, don't make it EASY on him or all this is a waste of time."

"But..." Mrs. Parker said still having doubts.

Mrs. Templeton pulled her friend aside and spoke quietly, "Look it's obvious that your fears about your daughter finding this a sexually charged situation aren't true. You saw for yourself. She couldn't care less."


"Look I've been dealing with true delinquents for a long time. Billy isn't one of them... yet. A lot can happen during these trying early adolescent years. Kids are subject to influence from all sorts of unprincipled sources. It's important that they have structure and discipline in their lives. So many parents today abdicate their responsibility in this area. His mother is obviously trying something quite innovative and she trusted you to carry on in her absence."

"You're right. I guess I'm just being foolish." Mrs. Parker said. "So I guess allowing Billy to hide in his room isn't really helping is it?"

"If you're asking me what I would do, I would most certainly see to it that he experiences all the worst possible situations that you can think of that might embarrass him or make a lasting impression."

"You're right. That makes sense." Mrs. Parker said. "I'll see what I can come up with. In the meantime I guess I should get him out here."

While her mother was supposedly talking in confidence out of earshot of the girls, Mary Beth was secretly listening in. She realized that things were looking up but that she and Katie had to be careful not to screw things up by acting too excited around their mother. She made her way back to her friend just as her mother called out.

"BILLY... COULD YOU COME HERE PLEASE," Mrs. Parker shouted.

"Katie," Mary Beth whispered to her friend. "Whatever you do when your brother comes out, don't make a fuss. Just act like you could care less that he's naked okay? And don't say a word about what happened earlier!"

"Okay," she whispered back.

Just then Billy entered the room. Upon seeing his guidance counselor Mrs. Templeton, he immediately bent over and covered himself as he turned white as a sheet.

"We'll have none of that young man. You know the rules. You aren't entitled to any modesty until tomorrow morning." Mrs. Parker said sternly. "Besides she knows all about your punishment."

Billy was mortified. How could she bring someone from school – a teacher no less home to see him like this, he thought? He reluctantly straightened up and lowered his head in shame as the two women stared at him in silence.

"That's better," Mrs. Parker said finally.

"So Billy, you were fighting with your sister again, eh?" Mrs. Templeton asked.

After a long pause Billy quietly said, "Yes ma'am."

"Well I think you're getting off easy young man. I would have been much harder on you. Why the very idea of a BOY fighting with a GIRL! What's wrong with you? I guess you're not as grown up as I thought you were."

Billy felt lower than low. Not only was he being lectured by someone who he looked up to but she was seeing him naked! What on earth was she thinking as she looked at him? The day couldn't get any worse he thought. More silence occurred as he just stood there – exposed and ashamed.

"Billy, there's a box in my car with some things I need to work on later. Go and get it for me please," Mrs. Parker asked.

"Now?! Like this?"

Mrs. Parker scowled at him letting him know his question was inappropriate.

"NO!" Billy protested. "You're Crazy. That's just not right."

"What that boy needs is a good paddling and I have half a mind to do it myself," Mrs. Templeton offered. Billy's eyes widened and he realized he bit off more than he bargained for.

"Oh... okay... I'll do it." Billy said reluctantly giving in and heading for the door. Once outside he quickly made his way towards the car in the driveway.

"Billy Anderson?" a familiar voice called out. "What on earth are you doing outside like that?" It was Chester and Carrie's brother Carl. They had been riding their bikes along the street when they spotted their friend and stopped to investigate.

"Lay off guys. I'm busy." Billy said curtly.

"Yeah – busy being a PERVERT!" Chester chortled.

Billy opened the car door and grabbed the box as the boys approached him.

"No really Billy. What gives? Why are you naked?" Chester persisted still grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm being punished, okay? And I'm not to happy about it at the moment. To top it all off Mrs. Templeton is in there with Mrs. Parker too. Just my luck," Billy lamented as he pushed the car door closed with his butt.

"Holy crap! Mrs. Templeton has seen you like that?! Oh MAN and you have to stay naked for your punishment?" Chester exclaimed. "What did you do, get caught poking Mrs. Parker's daughter?" he added laughing.

"You wish you dork. Just leave me alone. I thought you guys were my friends, anyway."

"We are," Carl piped up cheerfully. "In fact we were just going to ask you to come over and hang out at my place. We can shoot some hoops or something."

"Man, I'd give anything to get out of here. But that doesn't look like it's going to happen today. Sorry guys. I gotta go. See you around."

As Billy started to walk away carrying the box, Chester called out, "Hey... did you pop wood in front of old lady Templeton?"

"Shut up, you jerk." Billy snapped back. "And you'd better not say anything about this to anybody either!"

"Hey it's cool dude. We're your friends." Carl replied. Just as Billy was about to turn back around and start once again toward the house, Mrs. Parker opened the front door. Seeing the Billy talking to the boys and recalling Mrs. Templeton's advice, she knew she couldn't let this opportunity go by.

"Billy, what are you doing? I asked you to bring in that box. Why are you dawdling and who are these boys?"

"I coming Mrs. P," Billy said as he started up the driveway. "These are just a couple of friends of mine up the street. They just stopped by to ask if I could go to their house and play basketball. Of course I said..."

Billy was cut short as Mrs. Parker came closer to meet them. "So you're friends of Billy's. You came over to see if he could play is that right?"

"Yes ma'am," Chester said politely.

"Do you boys know Billy from school or something?"

"Yes ma'am. He's in our class." Carl volunteered. "I just live a couple of houses down." Billy was getting concerned at being made to stand naked outside in broad daylight. He thought she was prolonging his exposure and embarrassment on purpose by asking these silly questions of his friends.

"And you boys normally play together."

"Why yeah, all the time," Carl said helpfully.

"Well then...," Mrs. Parker said with a smile. "I guess there's no reason why Billy can't come over to your house and play."

"YOU MEAN IT?" Billy asked excitedly hoping he was getting a reprieve from his punishment.

"Sure. If you guys are friends and normally play together I think it will be okay." Billy smiled from ear to ear. At last, he thought. Things were looking up. "After all," she continued, "The punishment rules stated that you were to go about your normal activities and since you guys normally play together all the time I think you should go. In fact I insist."

Billy's face dropped into a forlorn expression. "Punishment rules? You mean you're going to make me go over there naked?!"

"No I'M not making you do anything. You're the one who picked the punishment remember? Rules are rules you know. How would I explain it to your mother if I let you break the rules?"

"I... I really don't want to play today Mrs. Parker." Billy said meekly.

"Nonsense, you take that box inside and put it in the kitchen and I'll be right in. As soon as I finish visiting with my guest I'll call Carl's mom and explain everything. I'll drop you off on my way to take Mrs. Templeton home. You boys run on home. We'll be by in a little while."

"Yes ma'am!" both boys said excitedly. Neither of them could believe what was about to happen. They were going to have a naked playmate!

Once inside Mrs. Parker explained the delay to her guest. Her daughter tried to act as though she wasn't listening but once again heard every word! While they were talking she went into her bedroom and immediately called Carrie and told her about what she had learned.

"But my mom's not home," Carrie said a bit disappointed. "She won't be home for hours. Mrs. Parker will never let him come over and play if my mom's not home."

"She doesn't have to know. Can't you pretend to be your mother on the phone? I mean she's never met your mom before. It should be easy."
"Well, I guess I could try," Carrie said nervously.

"Great. Just practice talking in a little lower voice until she calls." Mary Beth instructed. "I'd better get off the phone in case my mom wants to use it. See you later." After she hung up she rejoined her family and waited. She knew that she would have an opportunity to drop over Carrie's house and witness the fun later as her mom still had to take her guest home.

Of course Mrs. Templeton wholeheartedly approved of her plan and told her so. That alone, made her feel as though she had done the right thing. "I'll be glad to offer my opinion to that boy's mother if she has any reservations at all about any of this." she offered. "Sometimes the opinion of a disinterested professional helps put things in perspective."

After twenty minutes of further visiting, Mrs. Parker asked Billy for Carl's phone number and made the call. "Hello," she said after Carrie answered the phone. "You don't know me but my name is Mrs. Parker. I'm watching the Anderson boy, Billy, for a few days and I understand that he often plays with your son Carl is that right?"

"Oh yes," Carrie replied doing her best to play the part. "Yes he does. Nice kid. They usually play basketball on the court out back."

"Well your son asked if Billy could come over and play again this afternoon."

"That would be fine," Carrie answered in her most adult- sounding voice. She was as nervous as she had ever been realizing that if was caught pretending to be her mother she was done for.

"There's only one problem though," Mrs. Parker said carefully. "You see Billy is being punished for fighting with his sister and well, to make a long story short, has to stay naked as part of his punishment until tomorrow. Obviously I can't go back on my word so if he DOES come over he'll have to stay that way until I pick him up. I realize that this is a bit unorthodox..."

"Nonsense," Carrie interrupted. "I have given humiliation punishments to my son many times. It will be good for Carl to see someone else getting disciplined for a change. It will probably do them both good."

"Somehow I just KNEW you'd understand." Mrs. Parker said with great relief. "Mrs. Templeton said..."

"The school guidance counselor," Carrie asked?

"Yes, she's all in favor of this sort of thing but I wasn't really sure how you'd feel about it."

"Just send the lad on over. Everything will be fine." Carrie said plainly.

"Fine, we'll be over a little while." With that she hung up the phone and informed Billy that Carl's mother approved of his visit. Billy was shocked! He was sure that Carl's mother, as conservative as she was would have NEVER allowed him over without clothes. That was just indecent. But he also knew Mrs. Parker wouldn't lie about something like this either.

After Carrie hung up the phone, Carl and Chester rode up on their bikes and burst into the house. "Sis, guess what?" They both said excitedly.

"Billy's coming over to play and he's going to be naked," she said smugly as if her brother could ever know anything she didn't already know.

"Yeah... how'd you know that?"

Carrie proceeded to explain everything – about what had happened earlier that day and about Mary Beth and the punishment jar and phone call she had just had. "You guys have to help me because if mom finds out what we're doing she'd kill us all."

"I'm in!" Carl said and Chester echoed his opinion. "What do you want us to do?"

"First of all you'll have to answer the door when they get here. If she asks where your mother is tell her that she's in the bathroom. Don't let on about me or that I'm even here. After she leaves, we can all have some fun. Just let me take the lead if that's all right."

"Heck yeah, this ought to be awesome!" Carl said.

"Once you get Billy alone take him out back and shoot some baskets. I'll be out with a surprise after a little while. That way he'll calm down and won't suspect anything until it's too late." Carrie said with an evil grin.

Just then the doorbell rang and Carrie almost fainted. She didn't expect them over so soon! She ran into the bathroom down the hall and closed the door.

"Hello Mrs. P." Carl said as he opened the door. There standing before him along with Mrs. Parker was one scared- looking completely naked Billy and Mrs. Templeton.

"Is your mother home?" Mrs. Parker asked sweetly.

"Why yes, but she's in the bathroom doing... you know. Would you like me to tell her you're here?"

"Heaven's no. That's quite alright. I talked with her earlier and she knows all about Billy. I WAS hoping to meet her though."

Billy seemed ever so relieved that he didn't have to immediately face another adult female just yet.

"Carl when you boys finish playing either send Billy home or you can call me and I'll come and pick him up." Mrs. Parker said. "Now Billy you had best behave yourself or you'll be picking another punishment out of the jar when you get back is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Billy replied sheepishly. With that the two women left.

"Come on let's shoot some hoops," Carl suggested.


"We can't play in here you dope. Anyway, you don't really want my mom to see you, do you?"

No, I guess not," Billy said glad for any opportunity to put off the inevitable. "We can play P-I-G. I get the basketball first." The three boys headed outside and started to play.

Billy felt weird playing such a physical game with no clothes on. His penis made its presence known with every move it made by flopping this way and that. He was acutely aware of how vulnerable he was and how easy it would be to get injured in the most delicate of places. He was also aware of how stupid he must look as he ran across the court! The boys played on and the game seemed like a tonic for Billy helping him calm down.

"Hello Billy!" sang a melodic greeting from a chorus of girls.

Billy froze! There standing just outside the house were four girls, Carrie, who had already seen him naked and three more girls that he didn't even know! All of them had smiles and two even seem to be blushing!

"Don't stop playing," Carrie said teasingly. "We like to watch a while longer. You look so cute with your thingy bouncing all around." All the girls giggled.

"Shut the hell up," Billy snapped. "Why don't you take this basketball and shove it up your butt?"

"Oh you've done it now, buster," Carrie threatened as she pulled out the photos Mary Beth had taken earlier and waved them in the air. "You're toast."