The Punishment Jar – Part One (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)

Copyright January 3, 2007 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Punishment Jar – Part One (mmmmfffFF,Exhib,Humil,) BY: Hooked6

"Billy..." Mrs. Anderson said melodically warning her 14 year old son as she drew his attention to a colorful ceramic jar she was placing on a table. Upon noticing the jar, Billy immediately stopped bickering with his younger sister and began watching TV quietly.

"Wow, that's amazing. What's in that jar... magic?" remarked Mrs. Parker after seeing the abrupt change in the behavior of her neighbor's son.

Mrs. Anderson laughed. "No, that's just Billy's Punishment Jar."

"What on earth... ?"

Realizing her friend's confusion she began to explain, "A while back I was at my wits end. I couldn't do ANYTHING with that son of mine. Ever since he turned a teenager his whole attitude changed. He was constantly back-talking getting into trouble and nothing I did to correct him seemed to work. Then I thought of the Punishment Jar."

"What do you do, hit him over the head with it or something?" inquired Mrs. Parker chuckling.

"No silly... not that I didn't want to do just that a few times in the past. Actually the jar is filled with little slips of paper. Each one contains a specific punishment that Billy has to do. They range from simple chores that he absolutely hates to more extreme measures that are pretty humiliating. I've found that the reason the jar works is because of the uncertainty of the punishment. Sometimes even the simplest of infractions earn some of the most drastic punishments – you know those that are much harsher than the offense really merits, all due to the luck of his draw."

"What do you mean by luck of his draw?"

"I make Billy pick a paper out of the jar himself. That way he's in charge of his own destiny. What ever happens, occurs because he picked it. His fate is in his hands. It really gets to him when the punishment is something really outlandish or particularly embarrassing and he knows HE was the one responsible for choosing it. Of course it sometimes works the other way too and he gets off with a lighter chastisement than he deserves – but not very often. The uncertainty of it all really keeps him on his toes."

"What an ingenious idea" exclaimed Mrs. Parker! "I can see for myself that it must work quite well. Just look at Billy now; he's acting like a perfect gentleman."

The two women looked out into the living room and observed Billy quietly watching TV. "And by the way I want to thank you for agreeing to watch my kids while my husband and I are away the next two weeks," Mrs. Anderson said appreciatively.

"Oh you're quite welcome."

"I'm sure Katie will give you no trouble. And, just to be sure Billy behaves himself I'll send along his Punishment Jar too. The only thing I ask is that if you have to use it for any reason that you follow through and make him suffer the consequences for whatever he did. I'd hate to ruin a good thing you know by letting him slide."

"Oh don't worry about a thing. I know how boys are and I'm actually kind of curious as to how this works" Mrs. Parker said. "You just go off and have a wonderful trip. I think I understand how to use the jar. From what I've seen even the mere presence of the jar is effective. I'm sure everything will be just fine. And as for Katie, my daughter Mary Beth will keep her too busy to get into any mischief."

The time arrived for the Anderson's to leave and they dropped their children at the Parker's with the usual cautions and encouragement.

At age 15, Mary Beth Parker was the oldest of the group her mom had to watch. Mary Beth was still trying to adapt to being a teenager. Living alone as an only child often found her bored. She had been looking forward to Katie's visit even though she was only 12. At least for the next few weeks she would have a playmate – another girl to hang out with. As for her brother, she wasn't sure what to make of him living under the same roof. Like all girls her age she was curious about boys but had no real experience with them.

"What's that jar your brother is carrying so carefully?" Mary Beth asked Katie inquisitively.

Katie blushed and meekly answered, "That's his punishment jar."

"Punishment Jar" she asked confused?

Katie explained the whole process to her friend whose eyes began to sparkle at the possibilities fate had just handed her. "You mean he has to do whatever punishment that's written on the paper he picks out of the jar?"

Katie giggled. "Oh yes and some of them are pretty embarrassing too."

"Really, like what?" Mary Beth asked excitedly.

"Well last week he had to stand in the corner in just his underwear for a whole hour!" Katie said smirking. "Usually though he gets chores and stuff to do and sometimes even a spanking."

"Hmmmm..." Mary Beth pondered aloud. "Does your brother know what's printed on the papers in that jar?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"I was just thinking we could really have some fun with him the next two weeks," Mary Beth said giggling.

"What do you mean?"

"Well for starters we could substitute our own punishments for the ones in the jar. Wouldn't that be cool?"

"I don't know..." Katie replied cautiously.

"Aw, come on don't you want to see you brother naked?"

Katie's eyes widened at the prospect. "Naked? You mean REALLY naked – in front of me?! Man, THAT'S never happened before!"

"Oh that's just for starters. I've got plenty of ideas." Mary Beth said enthusiastically.

"So how are you going to get your mom to go along? She'll never allow it!"

"Well, that's a good question. I think maybe we need a trial run to see how she reacts. I'll sneak into the jar later on tonight after everyone's in bed and substitute a simple but embarrassing punishment."

"But how are you going to insure that my dumb brother picks your slip of paper?" Katie asked.

"Simple – I'll remove all of your mom's papers and substitute several papers with my own idea. All the papers will be the same so no matter what piece he picks he'll HAVE to do my punishment. That way we can see how my mom is going to react. If she goes along with it, I'll proceed with my plan of getting him into more and more humiliating situations."

"It sounds good... but... how are you going to get Billy in trouble so that he'll get punished?" Katie asked.

"He's a boy isn't he? Trouble comes naturally for boys, you'll see. If not we'll help it along a bit."

"Oooooo I can't wait until tomorrow!" Katie exclaimed. That night Mary Beth quietly crept into the kitchen and found the ceramic jar. Carefully she took out Mrs. Anderson's papers and replaced them with her own type- written notes. She thought it a clever idea to use the word processor rather than writing them out lest her mother discover her own daughter's handwriting in the punishment jar.

Billy was on his best behavior the next morning, much to the girls' disappointment. It didn't take long for him to revert to his own selfish nature however, as that afternoon he got into a loud argument with his sister over what TV program to watch. Mrs. Parker brought out the ceramic jar and placed it on the coffee table. The effect was immediate. Billy straightened up and let his sister have her way – but only long enough for Mrs. Parker to leave the room. Before long they were at it again.

"BILLY... STOP THAT!" Katie yelled almost exasperated at her brother's behavior.

"Quiet down you two." Mrs. Parker said returning to the room. "Billy, this is your last warning. Leave your sister alone. Why don't you go outside if you don't want to watch what the girls are interested in?"

"That's Okay Mrs. Parker," Billy said respectfully. "I'll watch what they want to watch."

When their program ended Billy was sure it would be his turn to choose what to watch but Katie would have none of it as she kept her grip on the remote control.

"It's MY turn," Billy yelled as he began wrestling with his sister. "Give me that!"

Mary Beth ran out of the room realizing that this was the opportunity she had been waiting for. "Mom, you had better come quickly. Billy is fighting with his sister. He's all over her!"

When Mrs. Parker entered the room she saw the wrestling match for herself. "BILLY WAYNE ANDERSON!" she yelled seriously. Billy was startled at getting caught and jumped up as if nothing was happening.
"JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? Boys don't fight with girls! Didn't your mother ever teach you that?"

"Yes ma'am but we weren't fighting."

"Oh now you are lying to me? I saw you all over her with my own eyes. I think it's time for the Punishment Jar."

Billy's face turned white as a sheet as Mrs. Parker picked it up off the coffee table and removed the top. "Go on," she said as she held it out towards him. "You know what to do."

Billy swallowed hard. Being punished by his mom was one thing but having Mary Beth witness his ordeal was very unsettling.

"I'm waiting," Mrs. Parker barked impatiently.

Realizing that there was no escaping and hoping for the best he slowly made his way towards the jar all the while praying that all he would have to do is some menial chore or two... but with the jar he never knew! Why did his mother ever invent this stupid jar thing anyway he thought angrily.

Billy reluctantly reached in and selected a piece of paper and pulled it out and read it silently. He could hardly believe his eyes! His mouth dropped open and his legs got wobbly.

Mrs. Parker saw his reaction and figured he must have selected a doozy.
"Let me see that," she instructed as she took the paper out of his hands.

She read the paper out loud: "Ten whacks on the bare behind and 30 minutes of corner time, regardless of who is in the room."

At first Mrs. Parker smiled at the very idea. Then she realized her daughter would be seeing Billy naked. She had misgivings about her innocent child seeing a naked young male even if it WAS for punishment. Now she wasn't sure this was a good idea at all. In fact she was about to change her mind and let him off easy when she recalled her words reassuring Mrs. Anderson that she would follow through with any punishment Billy had selected. She realized that she had to honor the program. Looking at the 14 year-old standing in front of her she began to worry about other things as well. Billy was a teenager after all. Wasn't he a bit old for a spanking? Her heart began to beat faster as she realized that she too was about to see an adolescent boy naked. She tried to suppress her own excitement at the very idea of what she was about to do. Feelings of both pleasure and guilt overshadowed her as she stood there silently. She swallowed hard and did her best to sound confident.

"Okay Billy, I think you deserved what you picked. Let's get on with it." She then took a seat on a chair opposite the girls and beckoned the young boy toward her.

The two girls were giddy with excitement. Mrs. Parker had bought it and was going to punish Billy just as the paper instructed. They were finally going to see a boy naked!! They couldn't believe their luck!
Mary Beth winked at Katie and they both tried hard not to laugh lest they ruin everything.

Billy was shocked and stood there almost in a trance. Never before had he drawn such an outrageous punishment! Had he only known that this was even a possibility he certainly wouldn't have fought with his sister. He could only surmise that his mother must have increased the severity of her punishments because she wasn't around to insure his good behavior.

Mrs. Parker pulled the boy directly in front of her with his backside facing the two girls. Her fingers trembled as she reached for the snap on his trousers and began undoing it.

Billy was mortified at being stripped by a strange woman. He would have rather done it himself. This was far worse.

After undoing the snap and pulling down the zipper Mrs. Parker had to think fast. Should she just pull his pants down to his ankles or take them off completely? She decided that taking them off completely might be too erotic and send the wrong message to her daughter. Leaving them bunched around his ankles would be more embarrassing for Billy but would lesson the impact on the girls.

Mary Beth let out a barely detectable gasp as she witnessed her mom sliding Billy's pants to the ground and then reaching for the elastic waistband of his briefs. In one swift motion Mrs. Parker pulled them to his ankles causing Billy's average penis to bounce menacingly in front of her face. The sight was almost comical thought Mrs. Parker and she tried desperately not to laugh but the smirk on her face was obvious to all – especially Billy who took it as a criticism of his dick and he blushed profusely.

In one swift motion Mrs. Parker pulled Billy onto her lap, his smooth boyish ass staring ever so closely at her face. Trying not to dwell on the feeling of Billy's personal parts resting on her lap she let her hand fly bringing it squarely down upon his left cheek. The smack was quite audible and surprised even the girls as it was apparent that Mary Beth's mom wasn't fooling around. Billy gasped but didn't yell.

Nine more slaps followed the first and by the time she was through Billy had tears in his eyes. Mrs. Parker knew it was probably taking every bit of effort for Billy not to cry. When she reached ten she carefully stood him up making sure the girls only got a view of his reddened backside and not the more intimate view of his privates that they had hoped for. She then walked him to a corner at the far end of the room and told him to stand there. Though she had doubts about leaving his britches down around his ankles she made a quick decision to strictly adhere to the note. She hoped that if she would tolerate this obviously embarrassing punishment now she wouldn't have to repeat another one any time soon.

The girls stayed put and literally stared transfixed upon the naked butt of poor Billy, hoping against hope that they might – even by accident get to see what they truly desired. He knew they were staring and probably even making fun of him, but he wasn't about to cooperate.

After the half-hour was up Mrs. Parker approached Billy and pulled his pants up from behind him instructing him to finish getting dressed. "I hope you learned your lesson Billy, because you never know what might be in store for you next time."

Billy nodded his head and quietly left the room.

Later Katie and Mary Beth both agreed that their plan had worked and they judged it a success.

"Too bad we didn't get to see the good stuff," Mary Beth lamented. "No matter though, just wait until you see what I have planned for tomorrow!"

"After today there's no way my brother is going to get into trouble again. I know him and he'll do anything it takes to avoid a repeat."

"Well then we're just going to have to make sure he DOES get into trouble won't we?" Mary Beth said giggling.

"You mean we're going to cheat?"

"Sure! I know just how to pull it off too."

"That's not fair to my brother. I feel bad for him," Katie said ruefully.

"Well, I guess we can quit. Such a wasted opportunity though."

"Hey I said I feel bad for him. I NEVER said I wanted to quit!" both girls laughed hysterically. "What about your mom?"

"Trust me. If I know my mom she's looking forward to it as much as we are. Did you see her eyes light up when she was staring at your brother's tallywacker?"

"Yeah, she must have seen something she liked! But I meant won't she get suspicious?"

"Maybe you're right. Okay tomorrow I'll plant a chore for him to do and then the next day we can get him naked and not just for 30 minutes either!" Mary Beth said firmly.

Without having to work too hard at it, Billy was once again in trouble. The girls were a little surprised that Mrs. Parker didn't warn Billy with the jar like before but rather just announced he was going to be punished.

Billy pulled a paper from the jar and sighed when he read it. Giving it to Mrs. Parker she announced aloud: "Wash and dry all dirty dishes by hand and put them away."

Mrs. Parker was both relieved and a bit disappointed that the punishment wasn't more imaginative but set Billy to work on the sink full of dishes. The girls for their part both felt better about what they had planned for Billy now that his second punishment was an easy one.

The next day in mid-afternoon the girls set their plan in motion and deliberately picked a fight with him teasing him that he was a girl for doing the dishes the previous day. "That's GIRL'S work." Katie teased.

"Yeah Billy's a GIRL. Billy's a GIRL!" Mary Beth chimed in.

"I am not!" Billy snapped back growing more irritable by the minute.

"Wait until I tell everybody that my brother likes doing GIRL stuff."


"Oh yeah? Just try and stop me!" Katie taunted.

"Darn right I will," Billy said as he tackled his sister. It was a playful tackle and he was just trying to make a point. Unfortunately Mrs. Parker chose that very instant to walk into the room!


Billy was shocked and froze on the floor too afraid to get up.

"Go get the punishment jar," she instructed her daughter.

"But... but we were just playing!" Billy protested, his voice cracking with fear.

"No we weren't!" Katie said forcefully sealing Billy's fate.

Mary Beth eagerly handed the jar to her mother who held it out for Billy. He reluctantly reached inside once again and pulled out a piece of paper.

"OH NO... you can't... I won't..." he protested after reading it.

Mrs. Parker snatched the note from his hand and read it aloud: "Remain completely naked for THREE hours. You are to go about your normal activities regardless of what plans have already been made or who might be present. You are then to apologize to anyone who might see you naked."

Mrs. Parker was shocked to say the least! This was clearly more than she EVER imagined. Mrs. Anderson must really have a wicked streak deep down inside. Still, Billy WAS fighting and it was with a girl and surely that could NOT go unpunished. It wasn't her place to interfere with how others chose to punish and discipline their children, but her daughter, did she really want her to be around a naked boy for THREE HOURS?

In the end she decided to follow her friend's wishes and force the lad to comply. She had promised after all.