They Do Things Differently – Part One (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)
Copyright May 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. I love to read letters from readers, it inspires me to write.
They Do Things Differently – Part One
by Hooked6
It was early June. Miss Jane Templeton had recently gone through a very messy divorce which left her emotionally drained and financially strapped. She took the advice of several dear friends and decided to move far away from the big city and the reminders of her Ex to a more rural and wholesome environment to raise her two children, Timmy age 6 and Billy almost 14.
Her confidence level and self-esteem was at an all time low. It was important to her to prove to herself and others that she could do this; that is to be a success without the help of a man. Before, Jane had depended upon her former husband for everything. Her image in the community was paramount to her and now she felt a failure. She had to start over and redefine who she was and gain acceptance into a new community by herself. She was petrified at failure and worried excessively about what others were thinking about her, but somehow deep inside she was determined to make it.
Through pure luck she found a small house in a remote farming community in the South. The owner was sympathetic to her troubles and was willing to work with her on the rent until she established herself. There weren't many immediate neighbors, but the area had a safe and wholesome feel to it.
"Mom, I think I'm going to like it here," Billy said trying to sound optimistic. "Yeah, me too!" little Timmy echoed.
"Thank you both and I'm very glad that you are exited about this place. Just remember, we aren't living in the suburbs anymore. This is a farming community and they do things differently here. We will have to be on our BEST behavior and try not to offend anyone if we see different customs than we are used to."
"What do you mean, mom?" Billy asked.
"Well, people may talk funny – you know say things differently than we do. They may have their own ways of having fun . . . stuff like that. Just because they do things differently doesn't make them wrong or ignorant. " Miss Templeton explained.
"Oh," Little Timmy replied.
"So don't make fun of them," she cautioned. "Instead just go along and try to blend in. This is a small town and we don't want to alienate anyone. We need all the friends we can get, understand?"
"Yes mom," they both replied.
After several days of playing by themselves while their mom continued unpacking the boys were getting bored. It was summer after all and they had hardly seen anything of their new area. Miss Templeton saw her boys needed a break so she made an announcement early one morning, "Boys, after lunch we'll take a walk and meet our neighbors up the road. I saw some kids playing there when I first rented this place."
"GREAT!" Billy said excitedly. "Finally I get to meet someone to play with!"
When lunch was finished Miss Templeton took pains to clean up her children in order to make a good first impression. "Timmy, put on a clean shirt, and Billy comb your hair. Don't want our neighbors to think we are a bunch of slobs do we?"
The three of them started out along the small dirt road that would eventually reach the paved road that led to the heart of the small town. Along this half mile dirt road were open fenced pastures surrounded by wooded areas scattered here and there in the distance. Their nearest neighbor's house belonged to the Miller's located about 500 yards up the dirt road in the same direction as the paved road. As they approached the home they saw some kids playing - both appeared about Billy's age. Suddenly from behind a tree a small naked boy who looked about 7 years old ran out. He was laughing and screaming as the older kids chased him and then disappeared behind the house.
The two older children stopped playing when they saw strangers approaching.
"Mom, that boy was NAKED!" Billy exclaimed.
"I saw dear," his mother answered. "Just remember what I told you and mind your manners."
"Yes ma'am," they both answered together.
As they approached the Miller's residence Mrs. Templeton introduced herself. "Hi boys, we are your new neighbors up the road. I'm Jane Templeton and these are my sons Billy, my oldest and Timmy, the youngest."
"Hi," the Miller boys replied somewhat hesitantly. "I'm Paul and this is my twin brother Sam."
Billy wasn't shy at all. He was eager to find out why that boy was running around without clothes on. "Why was that kid naked?" he asked rather curtly.
"BILLY!" his mother admonished her son. "It's not polite to pry."
"Oh that's OK," Paul said politely. "That was just Carl, a friend of ours. We were playing hide and seek."
"Yeah, but why was he NAKED?" Billy asked again unsatisfied with the answer.
Paul shrugged his shoulders as if he was puzzled by the question and said, "Because he's a kid. All little boys don't wear clothes in the summer around here. Don't they do that where you come from?" he asked. Sam gave his brother a puzzled look but kept silent.
Miss Templeton was surprised by his answer but was keen not to offend. "Well, as a matter of fact that's a new custom to me, NOT that there's anything wrong with it you understand. I've just never heard of that before."
Paul quickly responded, "Well I'll be. I thought EVERYBODY knew that! Gosh, if my mom had to do all that extra laundry on account of us playing outside all day she'd go crazy. It's just easier this way." Mrs. Templeton gave a smile of understanding. She knew all too well how filthy her own sons got just horsing around.
"And it's cooler too!" Sam added quickly picking up on his brother's thought.
Not buying any of this, Billy protested, "If that's true how come YOU guys are wearing clothes, huh? Answer me that!"
"Well, we are older. When boys get to be 15 they can wear clothes during the summer, you know because . . . well, we are older, more responsible. Any boy under 15 just goes without." Paul said trying to explain and then added, "I can't believe you've never heard of that before? You can sure tell ya'll ain't from around here, that's for sure." Paul shook his head in exaggerated disbelief.
Miss Templeton wanting desperately to fit in said, "Oh I think it's a marvelous idea. I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm sure there are lots of things that are new to us, but we catch on quickly. Anyway, I thought maybe my boys could play with you today.
Paul hesitated a bit as if he was thinking and then answered, "Gosh I don't know. I mean ya'll are strangers. We'd feel out of place sort of. Let us get used to the idea. Maybe tomorrow would be better."
Miss Templeton was taken aback a bit by the fact that they felt uncomfortable with her family, but understood their caution. She had heard stories of people in small towns taking a while to warm up to newcomers. "I understand. Tomorrow will be fine. Perhaps we'll drop by after breakfast for a short time to ease into things. I'd like to meet your mother too. Perhaps you could tell her I stopped by today. It was nice meeting you," Miss Templeton said and turned to head home with her sons.
Later after the Templeton's were well out of range Sam asked his brother, "What was THAT all about? YOU know the only reason Carl was naked is because we stripped him because we were bored and thought it would be fun. Why'd you tell that lady that story about boys around here being naked in the summer?"
Paul laughed, "Because, you dummy, I was thinking that we could have some fun with this. Did you see how their old lady bought into it? Think of the fun we could have with TWO boys that thought they HAD to be naked all the time!"
"Yeah, but you implied we were 15! You know we're only 13. And what's going to happen when that lady meets our mom and she finds out what we told her. We're going to be in trouble for sure!" Sam said.
"Relax will you?" Paul reassured his brother. "First of all we're bigger than that kid so he's bound to think we're older. Secondly, I have a plan for how to square things with mom. You just go along with what I say, OK?"
"It does sound like fun. OK I'll play along." Sam said excitedly.
When Mrs. Miller returned from her afternoon job her boys could hardly wait to tell her about their new neighbors. "MOM, guess what? We have NEW neighbors - a Lady and her two boys!" Sam blurted out.
"I had heard someone rented the old Thompson place. Are they nice?" Mrs. Miller asked.
"Well . . ." Paul said hesitantly. "They're nice I guess, but . . ."
"But what?" Mrs. Miller asked.
"They're just different." Paul answered.
"OH? Different in what way?" his mother inquired as she was getting ready to start Supper.
"The boys seem really nice but . . . she . . . that is their mom . . . she keeps them NAKED during the summer! She says it's cooler for her boys and she doesn't have time to do all that laundry and work too." Hearing Paul's explanation brought a chuckle from Mrs. Miller.
"I'll have to agree with her there," she replied. "I could do laundry as a second full time job with you two during the summer. Honestly though, that's just plain crazy. The very idea of naked boys running around . . . how old are these boys of hers anyway?" Mrs. Miller asked with concern in her voice.
Paul was beginning to worry that his plan was going to fall apart. He had to think in a hurry. "Oh they're young. I'd say 5 and maybe 10."
"Well . . . that's probably understandable at that age. For a minute I was worried that they were older." A small smile came over her face as she imagined the thought of older boys in that situation. Mrs. Miller then continued to prepare her food for a few minutes as the boys just watched silently.
"But still, keeping them NAKED! Why the very idea!" she said breaking the silence.
"Aw mom . . . they seemed real nice and Sam and I could use somebody to play with. There from out of town and they just do things differently where they come from. I just hate it when people think we are just a bunch of uneducated hicks because we aren't sophisticated like they are. I know you don't like it either when people look down their noses at us, do you mom?"
"No I guess not." Mrs. Miller said with a sigh. "I suppose we should be tolerant of different customs. Still I'd like to meet this lady though."
"You'll get the chance tomorrow," Sam chimed in.
"Oh?" Mrs. Miller asked.
Paul explained, "Yeah, the lady, I mean Miss Templeton, said she'd like to stop by for a brief visit tomorrow after breakfast if that was OK with you. I sure hope you'll like her so we can be friends with her boys."
"Well, we can always use good friends," Mrs. Miller said seizing an opportunity to reinforce a positive point. "I just hope I don't say anything to offend her. Goodness knows we don't get many 'move-ins' around here so I can't blow this opportunity. It would be nice to have someone to look out for you two while I'm at work or help in case something goes wrong."
The next morning Billy and Timmy were up early and Miss
Templeton fixed them a good breakfast. While they were at
table and there was a lull in the conversation she said,
"Boys, I've been thinking. Maybe it's not such a bad idea
going without clothes during the summer – at least during
the week while you are out playing all the time. Timmy, you
know how filthy you get. Why you could just walk outside and
in five minutes you'd have more dirt on you than a pig
wallowing in the mud."
Billy laughed out loud and chimed in, "Yeah, she's got you there. I think maybe she's on to something."
"I'm glad to hear you say that, Billy because I've decided that it's important that we blend in and not offend anyone by failing to adhere to local custom." Miss Templeton explained. "So I've decided to give this idea a try for a few weeks and see how it goes."
Billy snorted out loud and teased, "Timmy's going to be naked! Timmy's going to be naked!"
"Oh not just Timmy, this applies to you too, Billy." His mother explained.
"BUT MOM!" Billy protested. "I'm thirteen years old! I'll be fourteen in a couple of months for Pete's sakes."
"I know dear, but you heard them yesterday. Boys here usually go without clothes until they're FIFTEEN, which makes sense as most boys have completed puberty by then. So, there will be no more talk about it. I've made up my mind and after breakfast we'll give this a try." His mother said.
"What's puberty mean?" little Timmy asked innocently.
"It means when you get hair down there you dork," Billy snapped.
"It MEANS . . ." his mother said patiently, "It's when you are all grown up."
"But I AM all grown up!" Billy again argued.
"I guess we'll all soon see if that's true, won't we?" his mother replied as Billy blushed. "Now finish your breakfast. I want to get over to meet Mrs. Miller before it gets too late."
Billy began to get VERY nervous. He knew that he didn't have pubic hair. In fact he hardly had ANY hair ANYWHERE – not on his chest or even under his arms. Then a worse thought struck home. He realized that in a few minutes his mother was going to see him naked and discover for herself just how far away from "all grown up" Billy really was. He was so embarrassed. It had been several years since his mother had seen him naked and since that time there really hadn't been much change!
When breakfast was through little Timmy simply took off his clothes and handed them to his mother. Timmy didn't have a problem with this new rule. In fact, he liked it. It WAS cooler and in no time at all he was outside running around without a care in the world. He was used to grown-ups caring for him and modesty wasn't all that big a deal.
His brother however was petrified. "Mom, I'm too big to run around naked. Sure it's OK for the little twerp out there but to make me do this doesn't make sense. Please can't I keep my clothes?" Billy pleaded.
"No Billy. I've already explained to you how important it is for us to fit in here. I've made a lot of sacrifices just to get us out here and I'm not going to have you ruin everything just because you are too pig-headed to know what's good for the whole family. Now get those clothes off."
"But I haven't finished my breakfast yet," Billy said hoping to delay the inevitable and buy him some more time so he could wiggle out of participating.
"You're just dawdling. Get a move on mister," his mother said as she picked up his plate and put it in the sink.
"NO!" Billy snapped back. "I'm NOT going to do it!"
His mother quickly turned around surprised at his defiance replied angrily, "OH YES YOU ARE!" She then grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his chair and stood him upright. Pointing her finger at him menacingly she said, "Get to it young man."
"NO!" Billy persisted.
"I've had enough of this backtalk." His mother said. "You've just proved to me that you aren't as grown up as you think you are. If you want to act like a child you'll be treated as a child." She then pulled him over her lap and began spanking his butt in earnest! Billy was so taken aback by the indignity of it all he hardly noticed the painful whacks his mother was delivering until his behind began to burn!
"OW!" STOP!!!" he shouted. "PLEASE . . ." he then began to cry.
"I will not tolerate backtalk or disobedience. When I tell
you to do something I expect you to do it!" She said
emphatically between blows.
"You may think you can get away with anything since your
father left us but you've got another thing coming if that's
the case . . ." she then increased the force of her swats
until Billy was whaling away. Thoughts of her ex-husband
filled her mind causing her to channel her anger at that man
to serious energy applied to her son's butt! She finally
pulled him off her lap and stood him in the corner. She
needed to calm down and she knew it. She felt a little
guilty taking out her anger at her ex on Billy. She busied
herself cleaning the kitchen in silence.
All Billy knew was that his mother was obviously very
serious about this little experiment. And that he had better
get used to the idea.
A half-hour passed and Billy had regained his composure. His
mother finally came back into the kitchen and said in a
polite voice, "I'm sorry I had to do that, Billy, but you
gave me no choice. You may come out of that corner now."
Billy, suitably chastened, slowly turned around and without waiting for any instruction from his mother began taking his clothes off starting with his shirt. This surprised her somewhat as she had had a change of heart and decided to give Billy a reprieve from her demands. She was pleased however to see Billy accepting her authority and decided to let him continue without saying a word. Billy took off his shirt first then his shoes and socks. He then proceeded to remove his shorts and placed the discarded clothing in a neat little pile. He knew what he had to do, what was expected of him but was still very embarrassed by the thought that soon he would be completely naked before his mother. Without further delay he reached inside the waste band of his tightie-whities and pulled them down to his ankles and then completely off. He then just stood there . . . waiting.
His mother looked at him. She looked at him for quite a while taking it all in. Having grown up in a family of all girls, she hadn't been quite sure of what to expect. She really didn't know at what age boys really began to mature. After seeing his youthful and hairless form with a still small and somewhat under-developed penis compared to his father's, she decided that, despite his age, indeed he wasn't too old to join his brother after all and was glad she hadn't interfered. "Billy," She said encouragingly, "You look fine. I don't think you're too old. In fact I'm sure you'll fit right in and have a great time. Now let's get going and meet Mrs. Miller and whatever you do, you had best act like this is normal do you hear? Don't be covering yourself as if you're ashamed. We are trying to show them that we aren't all that different, that we fit in, understand?"
"Yes ma'am," Billy said obediently as he quickly pulled his hands away from his privates and let them hang by his sides.
With that they both went outside. Billy felt the air against his bare skin and a tingle shot up his spine. He was painfully aware that he was naked in a place where he normally should be wearing clothes! It was a funny feeling that he had never felt before. He became acutely aware of his body. Though he was almost 14 and in his mind almost grown up he was forced to realize that maybe he was just a little boy. What else would people think when they saw his hairless privates? Other boys at his old school already had hair down there and some bragged about shaving though he figured they were just making that part up. When they saw his body he knew that the Miller boys might make fun of him and he could handle that – they were just boys after all. But the thought of Mrs. Miller, a stranger and another WOMAN seeing him naked – with his secret exposed in plain sight for her to see gave him goose bumps! What would she be thinking?
At the Miller household Sam was the first to notice them
approaching in the distance and was surprised to see the
boys naked! "THEY'RE COMING!" he shouted as he ran into the
house. He mother looked out the kitchen window and she too
was surprised to see this woman with two naked boys in tow.
"I guess Paul was telling the truth yesterday about that
woman's strange customs. They really must do things
differently where she comes from," she said quietly to
herself. "Oh well, I guess we can tolerate a little change
now and then." She then quickly headed for the bathroom to
fix her hair before her guests arrived.
Paul joined his brother in the kitchen as he stared out the window. Sam giggled and whispered excitedly, "They're both naked! How'd you know they'd come over without clothes?"
"I didn't really," he answered, "I was just hoping they would. This is going to be such fun!!!" He said thinking of the possibilities. He had lain awake for most of the night planning what he was going to do if the DID come over in the nude. And now he was actually going to get the chance to put his plans into action! This was an opportunity of a lifetime!
"Sam, you had better not screw this up! Act like everybody does this and that it's no big deal – especially in front of their mother. Just follow my lead." Paul cautioned his brother.
"I'll be careful," Sam replied. "You do all the talking like yesterday."
Mrs. Miller rejoined her boys in the kitchen. "Now you two had better be on your best behavior. Don't you DARE laugh or say anything to make fun of them or make them feel uncomfortable – even if they ARE naked. Can you do that for me please? I don't want to offend this lady. They are our neighbors after all."
"Mom . . ." Paul said as if he was put out by her lack of confidence in them, "They're just boys! It's no big deal that they're naked. It's not like they are girls or something. We'll have fun playing together, you'll see."
"Well, I guess I'm worrying for nothing. I know you'll do fine." Mrs. Miller said. "It's me I'm worrying about. I do hope this lady isn't some kind of nutcase or something."
All too soon there was a knock on the front door. Paul ran
to open it followed quickly by his mother. "Mrs. Miller? Hi
I'm Jane Templeton your new neighbor down the street."
"It's so nice to finally meet you," Mrs. Miller said politely.
"And these are my boys, Timmy the youngest and Billy here is my oldest."
Mrs. Miller had been politely trying to avoid looking at the two nude boys but realized she now had to. Trying her best not to let on how awkward she felt she looked down first at the youngest. Timmy was already gleefully extending his hand. "Hi! I'm Timmy." He said innocently. "Gee . . . you're PRETTY!" he added sweetly, making Mrs. Miller blush a bit.
"Why thank you," she replied as she shook his hand. "My, how polite you are." Then she looked over at Billy. At first glance she thought he was about the age of her sons and was surprised that he too wasn't wearing clothes. She recalled that Paul had said he thought the oldest boy was only ten. Then she saw that he hadn't yet developed pubic hair down below and figured that maybe he was just a big ten-year old rather than a small 13 year-old. She tried hard to stifle a smirk at seeing his manhood blatantly displayed before her. Despite his youthful appearance he did have a 'good looking package' as they used to say when she was growing up.
"Hello Billy. You are such a handsome fellow. In a few years I'll bet you'll have to beat the girls off with a stick!" Mrs. Miller said trying to compliment the lad and make a good first impression. Instead her words made Billy feel all the more embarrassed.
Mrs. Miller invited her guests inside.
"We can't stay long," Miss Templeton remarked remembering how wary the Miller boys seemed at entertaining strangers the day before. "I just wanted to stop by and introduce ourselves.
The two ladies talked about a myriad of things both carefully avoiding any mention of the strange custom of keeping boys nude during the summers. Neither one wanted to place the other in an awkward position. Mrs. Miller found herself smiling as she frequently looked at Billy. For a boy supposedly so young he sure looked older . . . except for that one small detail indicating that he hadn't yet passed into adolescence. She had to suppress those erotic thoughts of how nice it would be to see more of him as he grew up.
As for Billy, the fact that Mrs. Miller was so pretty had a strange effect on the stirrings in his privates. He tried with all his might not to embarrass himself by popping a boner. That would be disastrous!
As they chatted away, Mrs. Miller was impressed at how polite and sincerely respectful the Templeton boys were and how nice their mother was. She felt they were genuinely good people and all her original misgivings, aside from that strange custom she had towards her boys, seemed to melt away. Mrs. Miller felt the Templeton boys would be a good influence on her own sons and began to feel good about her neighbors. The two women also discovered that they had something in common: they were both divorced and raising two boys on their own. That fact alone cemented the bond between them.
"Paul, why don't you show your new friends around the farm while we finish chatting," Mrs. Miller asked.
"Great idea, mom." He said. "Come guys I'll show you around." The four boys left to go outside leaving the women to continue their visit.
Paul and Sam did their very best to make the Templeton kids feel comfortable despite their nudity. Paul wanted to be sure that Billy and Timmy wanted to come back the next day – when Paul had other plans especially for the older boy, Billy. He certainly wasn't going to feel so at ease then!