The Age of Discovery – Part Four (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)
By Hooked6

Copyright May 3, 2007 by Hooked6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Age of Discovery – Part Four (mmmmfffFF,Exhib,Humil)
By Hooked6

I stood there shaking like it was 10 degrees below zero! She couldn't be serious about cutting my penis off. One thing was certain though – she was FURIOUS!

"I . . . I didn't mean to," I mumbled.

My mom huffed and went on a long tirade of how she thought I was just an innocent boy and this nudity thing was just a phase all boys went through. She thought that she could TRUST me and told me how disappointed she was now that she realized she couldn't anymore. She went on to say how she regretted listening to her dad. She said deep down that she KNEW she had been right all along – that ALL boys are perverts and that a woman can't trust them even for a second or they will end up doing something nasty – even in front of their own mothers!

"What have you got to say for yourself young man?"

"Mom . . . it's not like that, honest! I wasn't being nasty. It was all your sister's fault."

"WHAT?!! You mean to tell me your Aunt is to blame? How stupid do you think I am?"

"You're not stupid mom," I explained. "She was touching me. It wasn't my fault that I got . . . you know, and then she pinched my . . . my, um, butt while you were taking the picture and I couldn't help it. It just happened. I wasn't trying to be nasty, honest."

My mom sat there silently as she pierced my soul with her icy stare. I didn't know what else to say so I too remained silent waiting for the inevitable beating to occur. I resigned myself to the fact that there seemed no way out of this for me. How could I have been so dumb to have let all this happen in the first place? It was indeed all my fault. Who was I kidding trying to convince her that it wasn't? Finally she spoke up, "You mean to tell me that the ONLY reason you were being so nasty is because my sister was playing with your ass?"

"Um . . . yes ma'am. I guess . . . that is nobody ever did that to me before."

Another blistering round of eye-piercing silence followed as I just stood there. I shouldn't have said that about her sister. I figured I had just made things worse for myself insulting her like that. When will I ever learn to just keep my big mouth shut? I was about to confess and throw myself on her mercy when she spoke up once again, "Let me get this straight, being naked is not a problem for you – you don't think anything is wrong with it but when your Aunt Carol touched you that was something you couldn't handle. Is that what you're saying?"

Finally some hope, "Yes ma'am, that's right."

"So you mean to tell me that when you were nude playing with Billy and when you were watching TV with Staci that was all innocent? You weren't up to something wicked?"

"No ma'am, I promise!"

"All right," she said as she stood up, "If there's anything I can't be accused of it's not being fair. I'll just have to see for myself if what you are saying is true."

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. What on earth was she thinking?

"From now on I and I alone will decide what you will wear or not wear."

"What do you mean? Are you saying you don't like the clothes I pick out?"

"I mean just this, that you are not to put anything ON unless I pick it out for you. You are not to take anything OFF unless I take it OFF for you. We'll just see how you act or behave then when I'm in control. I've had enough of this sneaking around. I can assure you this young man I'm going to get to the bottom of this one way or the other. You MIGHT just be telling the truth, or maybe not. I'm willing to give you a chance to prove yourself. But believe me you had better BE telling the truth for your own sake."

With that she left the room without saying another word. I sat down on the bed in shock. I was relieved that my butt hadn't been blistered (not to mention having my penis cut off!) But I was confused as to what was going to happen now. I picked up my pajama top and started to put it on then I remembered what my mom said about not putting anything on until she picked it out for me. I wondered if I was supposed to remain naked or was it okay to get dressed. Maybe she just meant . . . no, I was pretty sure she meant exactly what she had said. Darn it all. I was tired of being naked. I wanted to get dressed.

I waited for some time wondering what to do. She didn't say I HAD to stay in my room. Of course she was still pretty mad when she left and I wasn't about to risk raising her wrath after all that had just happened. So I stayed in my room totally bored out of my mind. When my bed time came rolling around I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning my mom came into my room and said cheerfully, "Rise and shine sleepyhead!"

Gee she was in a good mood this morning, I thought. I took that to be a good sign. Perhaps she was trying to put this whole affair behind us so I sat up in bed and returned her greeting just as cheerfully as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs," she said and left the room. It wasn't until I hopped out of bed that I realized I was still naked. Was I supposed to get dressed? I really wanted to. I wondered if I got dressed by myself maybe, just maybe, she would forget about this whole thing and I could get on with my life. Of course the flip-side of that argument is that she might be pissed if I disobeyed her instructions from the previous night. In the end, as much as I hated to do it, I decided to just go down like I was.

When I entered the kitchen my mom looked over at me, smiled a little and told me to have a seat. I figured I had made the wise choice by not getting myself dressed. She proceeded to serve me a fine meal of bacon and eggs. We sat there chatting away about trivial things, which was more than we usually had said to each other all day recently.

After she cleared the table she said me, "I have to run a few errands today and I want you to come with me."

I cleared my throat and carefully asked, "I'm not going like THIS am I?"

"Why not? I thought it didn't bother you to run around without clothes?" I was about to panic but she added, "No, I guess it might be best to wear something." She smiled and reached into a bag that was on the counter and pulled out something and tossed it to me. "Here, put this on."

I unfolded the garment and discovered it was a small, and I mean small,thin pair of dark blue underwear. Well it was a start, I thought, and quickly stepped into them. Man, were they ever tight! You could see the outline of, well, EVERYTHING! Besides being uncomfortable they looked like girl's panties not boy's underwear. No matter I thought, there wasn't a design on them or anything – they were just dark blue.

I was wondering what else she was going to give me to wear and where we were going that day. It was always nice to get out of the house even if it was just to do shopping or some other mundane chore. I watched my mom scurry around the kitchen attending to last minute things for a while. She eventually disappeared into the laundry room. When she finally returned she said, "Put these on" and handed me a pair of sandals.

"But, what about my pants?"

"Sorry," she said plainly. "That's all for now. If it helps you feel better about going out in just your underwear, just imagine that you are naked. I'm sure THAT it won't bother you as much that way." She had a sly grin on her face as she finished speaking and I knew there was no use in arguing further. After what had happened last night I figured she was testing me.

Good grief! I was trapped again. I resigned myself that it WAS better to be at least covered than not as I had no idea where we were going. Still it was embarrassing to say the least!

We got in the car with me sitting in the back seat and she drove me to the bank drive-thru teller. I sat there as she sent her deposit up the pneumatic tube and waited as the teller sent the deposit slip back the same way. This wasn't so bad, I thought. At least I was still in the car and the teller was yards away in the bank building. Still the smile on the young girl's face as she told us to have a nice day sent chills up my spine. Could she tell I was wearing only underwear? Nah, I thought, it was just my imagination.

Next she drove to a small shopping center and parked the car. "I have to get a few things from the grocery store," she said matter-of-factly. "Do you want to come with me or would you rather stay here?"

"Um, I'll stay here if that's okay," I said hoping against hope that she wouldn't really make a big deal out of it and insist I join her.

"That's fine. I won't be long," she said as she left the car. "Keep the windows open so you won't get too hot."

"Okay, mom," I replied as I silently let out a sigh of relief. As I watched her disappear into the store I began to relax a little. I kept telling myself that I just had to act as if everything was normal and I would be alright. I was sure that my mom would tire of this soon and my fanny would escape without being blistered.

Then it happened. "Hi Johnny!" came the sound of a cheerful voice outside the car. It was my teacher Mrs. Mullins!!! She was pushing a loaded shopping cart full of groceries as she approached my window. "Going to do some shopping?"

"Um, no, my mom is though. She's inside," I said blushing profusely.

"It's a nice day isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is . . . I guess." Good grief she's making small talk just outside my open window while I'm sitting in the car in just my underwear!!!!

"Have you started your summer reading list yet? It's never too early to get that out of the way you know."

"No . . . ah I haven't started it yet but I will. I've got all the books at home. Mom got them for me already."

"Good. You're such a good student. I wouldn't want to see you fall behind and struggle next year."

"No ma'am."

She stood outside my car window looking at me with a funny smile on her face. What was she waiting for? Why didn't she get a move on and leave me alone, I wondered? Could she tell I was wearing underwear? Was THAT the reason she was lingering so long and silently smiling at me?? Oh GAWD she must know! Why else would she be looking at me that way? How could I ever face her in class again?

Finally she fumbled with her car keys. At last she was going to leave! "Johnny," she said politely, "Would you be a dear and help me load this big bag of dog food into the trunk of my car while I get these smaller sacks of groceries loaded? It's so heavy you know. Why do those bag boys always put that heavy stuff on the very bottom of the shopping cart where it's so hard to get to?" She then smiled at me. "Could you help me out?"

I swallowed hard and quickly looked around the parking lot. Figuring there was no way of avoiding this I reluctantly replied, "Yes ma'am." I slowly opened my car door as Ms. Mullins unlocked her car. Why did she have to park next to us?!

When she turned around after placing her purse in the car she smirked a bit as if taken aback. She put her hand to her mouth and said, "Nice outfit. Are you going swimming later today?"

Clearly she was just trying to be polite. I was sure she knew I was just wearing underwear that was two sizes too small! Still I was grateful for the opportunity to explain myself. "Yes ma'am, I am," I said and quickly adding, "I think I've grown a bit since last year."

Looking me over very carefully obviously enjoying the moment she replied, "I should say so. You need to ask your mom to get you another suit. Not only is that one too small but it's so worn that in the sunlight I can almost see through it!" she chuckled a bit then began loading the smaller bags inside her car.

I wanted crawl under the nearest rock and hide! Instead I quickly grabbed the big bag of dog food and used it to cover myself until she unlocked the trunk. As I was standing there at the back of her car, who should walk up but Kim from Susan's picnic the other day? That was all I needed!

"HI Johhnney!" she sang out musically. "Hi Mrs. Mullins," she added seeing her teacher.

"Oh hi Kim, are you shopping too?"

"Just picking up a few things with my mom." She answered politely. She looked at me hiding behind the giant bag of dog food and was all smiles. The look of anticipation on her face made my penis stir against the fabric of my briefs. NOT NOW! I yelled at myself silently but that only seemed to make things worse! Still smiling Kim looked up at our teacher than back at me. "Are you running around naked again today?" She asked with an evil grin.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head! How could she SAY such a thing?!

"What?!" Mrs. Mullins asked obviously concerned.

"Oh Kim," I snapped back nervously, "You're such a kidder. NO, I'm going swimming if you must know." I then placed the bag of dog food into the trunk of our teacher's car.

Kim busted out laughing at seeing me. "Suit's a little small isn't it? It doesn't do anything to keep your thingy from poking out . . ."

"KIM!!!" Mrs. Mullins said rebuking her pupil. "That's not polite and you shouldn't be commenting on such things!"

"But it's TRUE!" Kim protested pointing right at my penis which was straining against the material sticking straight out away from me. Clearly the thin, tiny briefs did little to hide what was happening down below. I was so humiliated!

Mrs. Mullins looked down at my pelvis, cleared her throat and replied, "Yes . . . well . . . be that as it may it's still not proper!" She then quickly took hold of Kim's shoulders and turned her away from me. "You had best get back into your car Johnny Taylor." She was clearly flustered at seeing my erection and wasn't quite sure how to handle the situation with Kim there. She just stood there facing away from me with her arm restraining Kim from turning around.

"Yes ma'am," I replied meekly. I didn't waste a nanosecond before jumping back into my car and closing the door. I saw Mrs. Mullins whispering to Kim at length. I couldn't make out what they were saying but whatever it was they both seemed clearly amused which only added to my shame. While they were still facing away from me talking, I saw my mother exit the store. Holy crap she was heading right towards my teacher!

"PLEASE get out of here!" I pleaded under my breath to the two women. "HURRY! Oh please, just shut up and go already!"

My mother, unaware of what had just transpired, continued menacingly on her journey towards the car. If she should discover what had just happened I was a dead man. There was no way I could explain away popping a boner in front of my teacher while wearing shorts!!

Closer and closer she came. That blabber-mouth Kim would surely go out of her way and say something to my mom just to watch me get a whipping. I was beginning to hate her!

Not a moment to soon I heard Kim cheerfully say, "Bye Mrs. Mullins" as she turned and headed down the parking lot away from my car. That only left my teacher. "Come on, come on! Get a move on!" I commanded her in my mind. My mom was within 20 feet of her when my teacher closed her trunk and got into her car. Mercifully she never acknowledged my mom nor did my mom recognize my teacher. Mrs. Mullins started her car just as my mom rounded our vehicle and opened our driver's side door.

"MAN WAS THAT EVER CLOSE!" I thought to myself. I was sure I had it made when I looked down and to my horror I was still sporting a hard-on as I sat there! It was sticking straight up in the air bulging the material outward. It came to me that this was the reason my mom had chosen this particular pair of briefs for me to wear this day. There was no way the material alone would hide my arousal. At least with my regular trousers I could have hidden this from detection quite easily, but not now. My hands quickly darted over my lap as I greeted my mother. "Back so soon?" I asked hoping she wouldn't notice my predicament.

"I told you I wouldn't be long," she said as she put the last of the groceries into the front seat beside her. She got in and to my great relief didn't seem to notice. As we drove along she asked, "That lady parked next to us looked familiar. Do you know who that was by any chance?"

Now I was really nervous. Did she recognize my teacher after all? Was she just trying to trap me in a lie so she could punish me? My mind raced through all the possibilities but in the end I just blurted out what came to mind, "No mom, I didn't really notice who that was, sorry."

"No matter," she said seemingly unconcerned. All I could think about was my teacher seeing my boner and how awful it was going to be when I saw her after school started again. Of course at the same time, in a weird sort of way it excited me – just like the first time I walked out naked in front of my mom pretending to get clean underwear. Just thinking about it reinforced my arousal. I knew I shouldn't be thinking such things and I was taking a HUGE risk sitting in the back seat aroused like I was but I just couldn't help it.

All too soon we pulled into our driveway and my mom stopped the car. "Honey, will you bring in the groceries?" she asked as she got out of the car.

"Sure mom," I replied with my hands still over my lap. I was afraid to get out lest she spot my woody. She looked at me sitting there and finally said, "Well, get a move on. I haven't got all day."

"Oh . . . sorry," I said as I slid across the seat to the opposite side of the car to get out. Somehow, and I don't really know how, I managed to get out of the car without being spotted as being nasty. I grabbed a bunch of the plastic grocery bags and used them for cover to hide my boner as I followed my mom in the house. I began to panic when we reached the kitchen and she instructed me, "Just put them over there will you?"

If I did as she asked I would lose my cover and my secret would be exposed. I had to think fast. Suddenly fate stepped in and the phone rang distracting my mom long enough for me to put the bags down and scurry away unnoticed.

I was never so scared in my life. I KNEW my mom was testing me yet I deliberately kept thinking of my teacher all the while knowing that I was taking a big risk! Deep down I knew I did it BECAUSE it felt good. At the time I didn't care. How dumb was that?!

"Johnny," My mother called from downstairs. "Where are you?"

"I'm . . . ah . . . in the bathroom," I shouted back.

"Come down when you're through," she instructed. I immediately went to the bathroom and tried my best to make my boner go away. I wanted to play with myself but I thought better of it figuring I would just get caught. Instead I splashed cold water on my face and jogged in place which eventually helped.

"You called mom?" I said coming downstairs.

"Yes, you can go out to play now but try not to get too sweaty."

"Okay mom," I answered and headed towards the back door.

"Ahem . . ." my mom said holding out her hand. I looked at her totally confused. "Your briefs please," she demanded. "You'll need those later and I don't want them dirty."

I reluctantly slipped them off and handed them to her. She looked at my penis, I guess to see if I was behaving myself, which fortunately I was, smiled and motioned with her hand for me to leave.

I was no sooner outside when I heard someone say, "It's about time!"

"Hello Billy," I said sarcastically. "What do YOU want?"

"I just came over to play. Didn't your mom tell you?"

"No and I don't want to play with you, you rat!"

"That's no way to talk to your best friend. Besides, I have a surprise for you."

"What?" I snapped back not really caring about his silly old present.

Billy extended his arm out to his side and made a summoning motion. All of a sudden Susan appeared – the girl of my dreams! Or at least she USED to be. For the second time in as many days she was seeing me naked. What on earth did she want?

"Hi Johnny," She said sweetly.

I was about to say something stupid when I spotted my mom at the window watching me. I figured she already knew Susan was out here and was waiting to see how I would react. Damn it all.

"Hi Susan!" I exclaimed as though I was happy to see her. "It's so nice to see you again!"

"I thought we could play a game or two as it's such a nice day out." Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mom grinning through the window. She was enjoying this. That's just not right.

"SURE!" I said overly happily. "That would be great!" Inside I was like totally embarrassed. Why was Billy doing this to me? I was sure this was all "HIS" fault, just like when he hid my clothes forcing me to return home naked and get caught outside by my mom. I was going to get even with that jerk if it was the last thing I did!