The Age of Discovery – Part Three (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)
By Hooked6
Copyright May 3, 2007 by Hooked6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!
The Age of Discovery – Part Three (mmmmfffFF, Exhib, Humil)
By Hooked6
I started to panic! Before I could react the door opened again and there stood Susan with her older sister Amy. Both girls looked me over and neither of them was smiling. "See I TOLD YOU!" Susan said emphatically while pointing at my boner. I was mortified and wanted to die!
Amy's face grew angry and she grabbed my arm firmly and yanked me inside. "Just what in the hell are you doing Johnny Taylor?"
"I . . . ah . . . Please I can explain!" I cried desperately.
"Just wait until I tell your mother Johnny Taylor – you'll be a dead man for sure!" Susan taunted.
"Now hold on sis," Amy interjected. "I'm sure there must be a logical explanation. I'm positive that Johnny's not a pervert." She then looked at me expectantly waiting for me to say something.
I cleared my throat and replied quietly with my voice cracking, "I need your recipe for chicken salad." It was lame I know but it was all I could think of to say and besides it WAS the truth.
Without warning Amy slapped me across the face – not forcefully but hard enough to bring me to my senses. "Now listen to me Johnny Taylor you'd best be straight with me an explain yourself or you may never know what it's like to reach manhood. Why are you here like this?"
"I AM being straight!!!!" I cried as my penis shrunk to an incredibly small size in a hurry. Suddenly this was no longer exciting. "STACI SENT ME! She needs your recipe for chicken salad. Honest, I'm not making this up." My knees began shaking uncontrollably and to make matters worse Susan was giggling now as she stared at my tiny penis. All I could think of was what tales she would be spreading about me at school this fall.
"NO, why are you NAKED, Dumb ass?" Amy snapped back as she squeezed my arm.
My mind went into over-drive, self preservation mode. "Oh . . . um . . . I usually go around like this in summer – It's no big deal, a lot of young boys do! I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't think . . ." My voice trailed off as I suddenly became aware of how stupid I sounded. I just dropped my head and looked at the floor.
"Hmmph!" Susan disbelievingly replied in a huff.
Amy got a weird look in her eyes and cracked a grin for the first time. "So, you go around naked a lot during the summer do you?"
"Um . . . yeah, sometimes, you know when it's hot out and all."
"And it doesn't bother you at all to be seen like that?" Amy inquired skeptically. I was beginning to think I could convince her to start believing me so I decided to stick to my story.
I answered trying to sound calm and confident, "Not really, no." Inside all I could think of was what my mom would do to me if these two tattled on me.
Amy paused and looked at me then back at her younger sister. "And Staci knows you're outside like this?"
"Yeah, she's watching me tonight and wants your recipe so she can fix dinner for us. She sent me over here to get it." There was a long pause as I looked hopefully into Amy's sparkling eyes waiting to see what would happen next.
"Okay," she finally said as she let go of my arm, "I believe you." I let out a giant sigh of relief. "Since you obviously are okay with your body, I'm sure you didn't mean anything by what happened earlier. These things happen, I guess. The human body IS, after all, a beautiful thing. Say, you won't mind lending us a hand before I give you that recipe Staci wanted, will you?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"Susan needs help getting this table out to the back yard and you, being a STRONG and MUSCULAR fellow, would surely be perfect for the job."
I puffed up at hearing her describe me as "strong and muscular" in front of Susan. Finally, something to feel good about despite my humiliation at being exposed to a girl that up till now I had worshiped the ground she walked on. "Okay, sure where do you want it?" I asked proudly as I made my way towards the folded up card table. I grabbed hold of it and tried to lift it. It was heavier than I thought and quite awkward to handle by myself but I didn't want to risk failure so I struggled to make it look like it was no big deal. Once I had the table off the ground Amy instructed me to follow her sister and that she would show me where she wanted it. I put the square card table at my side with the top edge under one arm while holding onto one of the retracted table legs for leverage. Then, struggling to use my free arm to balance myself, I followed her out the back door.
Susan smiled at me as though she was proud of me and I felt warm all over. "This is definitely a MAN'S job," I bragged hoping to further inspire her admiration. "I'm glad your sister asked ME to help you."
"Me too!" she said musically.
I followed her outside and carefully worked my way around the two large bushes that lined the small sidewalk that led to the outside patio. I no sooner rounded the corner when I heard laughter- LOTS of laughter. I looked up and to my horror there were five girls all gawking at me. I recognized them all from my school.
"We're having a picnic," Susan explained coyly. "Just put the table over there, will you?" She pointed to a spot directly in front of where the girls were gathered. The girls seemed giddy with excitement. "Why its Johnny Taylor," one girl exclaimed as another added mockingly, "Yeah, he's looking rather PALE today. I wonder if he's feeling okay."
"Maybe he needs some more sun . . . like an ALL-OVER tan!" yet another chimed in.
I blushed horribly as I put the table down trying to use it to shield my bare privates as much as possible. The girls gathered around closely however thus thwarting my strategy. Mostly they just laughed . . . and laughed. Carrie then remarked, "Gee, you go to school with someone for years and you think you know them and then suddenly BAM! He shows up naked and you realize he's not the guy you thought he was!" All the girls laughed at the hidden meaning in her remark.
"Hi Johnnnnnnney," Kim then sang out musically as she ran her hand along my shoulder all the while gazing at my crotch. "Are you going to stay for our picnic, hmmm?"
It was just awful. I was about to lash out and say something stupid but just then I spotted Amy returning from the house and thought I had better stick to my story. I did my best to ignore them all and began setting up the table. I unfolded each table leg and locked it into place. "Is this okay right here?" I asked Susan.
"That's just fine," Susan said smiling. "It sure is nice to have a STRONG man around the house."
Carrie made an exaggerated attempt to look around the yard and cried out, "STRONG MAN, WHERE?"
Amy finally approached and said, "Okay, that's enough girls."
"Awwwwwwwwwwww . . ." came the collective sigh of disappointment.
"Here's the recipe you wanted," Amy said as she glanced down at my penis. Seeing it was still small added, "I see you were indeed telling the truth about being comfortable with your body. I'm glad. Otherwise I would have had to do something drastic."
"You mean like paddle his ass?" Carrie asked giggling.
Amy smirked but ignored the comment. "Tell Staci I said hello will you? You had best run along home now."
"He's not staying for the picnic?" Kim asked obviously saddened that her fun was coming to a premature end.
"Thank you very much," I replied taking the recipe from Amy's hand. I tried my best not to grimace as I bid the girls a forced "cheerful" farewell and scurried on, carefully making my way back towards my house. I was well down the tree-lined sidewalk before I could no longer hear the uproarious laughter from the girls. I could only imagine what they were saying about me. Things were getting waaaay out of hand! I had to think of a way out of this before my life was completely ruined.
Upon re-entering my house Staci called out, "Did you get the recipe I asked for?"
"Got it right here," I said as I handed it to her.
Her mouth had an upturned grin as she musically asked, "have any trouble?"
"Nope. Amy just handed it to me and I came home."
"Oh," Staci remarked somewhat surprised. I guess she had been expecting me to tell her some humiliating tale in which she could in turn relish re-telling to all her friends. I wasn't about to indulge her so I lied.
As she fixed our supper I plopped my naked self casually on the couch and watched TV. I was now more determined than ever not to let on how awful this was for me. I held Staci totally to blame for my current situation – for sending me to Amy's and for embarrassing me in front of all the girls in my class. She may not have known what was awaiting me at Amy's but it was definitely HER idea to send me there. That stuck-up snob wasn't going to get the best of me. All I had to do was get through this night and then after my mom got home I'd return to being the conservatively dressed boy I had been before all this started. This nudity thing isn't as cracked up as I thought it would be.
I was on my best behavior the remainder of the evening and when my mom got home she was a bit surprised to discover I was still up and still without clothes. Though she didn't say anything about it, judging from the expression on her face, I was sure she had figured I would have scurried upstairs to put something on the moment she had left earlier in the evening to avoid exposing myself further to Staci. It was almost as if she was testing me. I wasn't going to rock the boat by saying anything as to why I was still naked and mercifully Staci didn't either. I excused myself to go to bed somehow relieved that I had dodged a bullet.
"FINALLY", I thought to myself as I lay in bed now fully clothed in my usual pajamas, "things can get back to normal." I didn't care a flip about what Staci had demanded earlier. I was not going to be intimidated.
The next morning my mom raised an eyebrow as she saw I was wearing clothes for breakfast. I could tell she was a bit confused by the way she cocked her head to once side and stared at me. "Morning mom," I said cheerfully ignoring the obvious concern over my sudden interest in clothes and I poured some cereal from the box on the table into a bowl. Not much was said that morning and I was glad. I was afraid she might have thought the reason I was clothed might have been because of some horrid event the night before and I prayed she wasn't going to ask me about it. She didn't though. I would have hated to try to explain why I was dressed. I stayed dressed too for the rest of the day playing by myself in the yard or watching TV.
Though it was awkward I had managed to make it through the day WITHOUT being naked - like any "normal" boy. It felt good in an odd sort of way. Hopefully things were finally getting back to normal and I wouldn't have to deal with my stupid little experiment with exposing myself any more.
That night I was getting my bath, to my horror, my mom walked in with my aunt. I was still in the tub dripping wet and quite naked. "Guess who's here?" my mom said excitedly. "Your Aunt Carol came by for a short visit on her way to California."
"MOM" I protested as I covered myself with my hands! "Couldn't you have waited until I was through with my bath?" I could see by the expression on her face that that was the wrong thing to say so I hastened to add, "I mean I'm still dirty from playing outside."
"Oh fiddle," my Aunt said. "Stand up and let me get a good look at you. Why it's been five long years since I seen you!"
Nervously I stood up before them and let my Aunt check me out. "MY, have you GROWN since I was last out here." Then turning back towards my mom she added in a half-whisper, "He's turning out to be a handsome young man, isn't he?" I thought I detected a slight blush in my mom's cheeks upon hearing her comment which embarrassed ME more than it did her! Unbelievably they both stood there yakking as I sat down to finish washing myself. I kept hoping they would leave but they didn't. Every once in a while my Aunt would interrupt her conversation and ask me a question or two about school or if I had seen a certain program on TV. Finally when I could stall no longer I stood up, stepped out of the tub and reached for a towel hoping to end all this nonsense.
"Here let me do that," my Aunt said and quickly grabbed the towel out of my hand and began wiping me down. I felt like I was a little kid again. It wasn't so bad when she dried my hair or my back but the necessary touching of my privates sent chills up my spine. A girl was touching me! Even though it was my mom's older sister – a girl was touching me!! You can imagine what effect it had on me and my penis began to stiffen.
I tried my best to make it go down but the more she rubbed the worse it got. If my mom saw me in this condition I just knew I would be a dead man – just like Susan had warned. Before long I was fully erect. At least I was still covered by the towel. I was sure my Aunt could tell beneath the course fabric what my situation was and any minute she'd say something but she didn't. She then worked the towel on my upper thighs. When she finally pulled the towel down to dry my knees and calf areas my erection was completely exposed. Of course being right there my Aunt was the first to notice. As she casually looked up and spotted my aroused state she just said in a playful tone, "Oops!"
I wanted to die!!!
My mom looked at me sternly and was about to say something but her sister cut her short, "At least we know he's a normal boy, don't we? There's no doubt his plumbing works, is there?"
My mom scowled fiercely at me and then gave a cursory laugh and joined her sister in making light of the situation. Perhaps it was because she didn't know what else to do or perhaps it was because she was so ashamed of me that she didn't want to upset her sister's visit by pointing out my obscene behavior. Either way I was glad. The worst part though was when my Aunt finished and hung the towel on the rack, I was still erect!
Aunt Carol gave me a knowing smile, grabbed my hand and said enthusiastically, "Come on Johnny, I have something for you! I can't wait for you to see it."
I was so taken by surprise at being dragged forward that I actually stumbled a bit as I followed her, still naked, out the bathroom door and down the hall. "I'm sure you're just going to LOVE the present I brought you!" She said as we made our way down the stairs. I felt so stupid with my engorged penis pointing right at her back and was especially unnerved by the fact that my mom was following right behind me – my bare behind providing such a tempting target if she ever reached the end of her patience!
By the time we reached the front room the head of my penis was covered with a small bubble of clear-fluid which then began slowly dribbling down my shaft.
My Aunt let go of my hand and picked up a bag and reached inside. "Check THIS out," she said as she presented me with a Polaroid camera.
As I stood there looking it over I heard her say, "Gee sis, I think he really LIKES my present!" She then nodded towards my still erect member causing me to turn bright red with embarrassment.
My mom yanked the camera out of my hands and then did something I was totally unprepared for. She pointed it at me. "Do you know how to use one of these, son? You just push this little button . . ." then a flash went off and I heard the sound of a motor running, "and viola! A picture comes out!" she said with glee.
To my horror I saw my naked and oh so incriminating erection developing right before my eyes. Both women laughed heartily. "Why don't you keep this?" My mom suggested to my Aunt. "I'm sure Johnny's niece would get a kick out of it! She hasn't seen him a while either." It was as if she was trying to humiliate me on purpose – perhaps in retaliation for embarrassing her by sporting an erection in front of her sister.
I lowered my head towards the floor.
"Take one of Johnny and me, will you sis?" My Aunt suggested excitedly.
My aunt then came over next to me and put her arm around my waist. "SMILE" she instructed me as my mom lifted up the camera to frame the shot. As she did so I felt my Aunt's hand sliding lower on my back eventually resting on my bare backside. She then playfully squeezed my left butt cheek! At that very moment, I lost control and shot a stream of white goo in the air just as my mom snapped the picture!
"JONATHAN ANDREW TAYLOR!!" my mom yelled as she saw what had happened. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!!!" She was soooooo angry. There was a fire in her eyes that I had never seen before and I began to get scared to death.
"Oh take it easy, sis," my Aunt said trying to stifle a giggle. "It's probably all my fault. I should have let him get dressed first. I was just so anxious for him to see my present is all. After all he's just a boy! You know how boys are."
"Jonathan," she yelled biting her lip trying to keep her anger in check, "You get your ass up to your room and put your nose in the corner until I can deal with you later. And you had BETTER not move until I get there either, understand?"
My penis was now shriveled up to its normal self. My heart was racing away, in part because of what had just happened and it part because of the intense fear of what my mom was going to do. "Yes ma'am," I replied meekly and slowly made my way back upstairs.
Once in my room all I could hear were the muffled voices of the two women interrupted occasionally by intense laughter. Were they laughing at me? Were they making fun of my body? I couldn't help it. It wasn't my fault!! I didn't ask for her to barge in during my bath. I certainly didn't ask for my Aunt to pinch my butt! Still, all I could do was replay the whole sordid scene over and over in my mind. Despite the humiliation and intense fear of my certain punishment, I had to admit, in an odd sort of way, that I LIKED IT!
It was several hours before my mom came up to check on me. My legs were tired of standing in the corner for so long. My heart began to pound once again as I realized that this was it.
I heard my mom sit on my bed as I still kept my nose in the corner. She sat there silently for a long time which did nothing but totally reek havoc with my nerves.
"Johnny," she said calmly, "You can turn around now." I slowly did as she asked. Mercifully my penis was in its normal state. And it was a good thing too as that was the first place she looked after I turned around – directly at my privates.
"Johnny – what the hell do you think you were doing? That was the most DISGUSTING, PERVERTED and utterly INSULTING thing I have EVER witnessed in my whole life - my own son doing something like that in front of his Aunt and his own MOTHER!!"
"I . . . I . . ."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut that thing off right now!"
My eyes widened! She couldn't be serious!!! Man I was in deep doo-doo THIS time.