The Age of Discovery – Part One (Exhib, Humil, mmfffFF)
By Hooked6

Copyright May 3, 2007 by Hooked6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Reader feedback encourages my writing!

The Age of Discovery – Part One (mmmmfffFF,Exhib,Humil)

"Johnny, what on earth...?" my mother asked quite taken aback as I stood naked before her. She wasn't mad, just confused. It was the first time she'd seen her 13 year old son in the buff in several years. For my part I was so nervous and the awkward grin on my mom's face didn't help any either.

"Oh..." I said nervously. "I was just looking for some clean underwear after my shower. There aren't any in my drawer."

After looking me over for a few seconds she went back to her cooking and simply said, "Well, there's some in the laundry basket. I just haven't had time to put them away." Trying to sound as if all this was no big deal I replied simply, "Thanks mom" and started back towards the laundry room.

"You could have put a towel on ya know," she added curtly as an afterthought.

I couldn't believe that I had actually pulled it off! The mixture of excitement and fear was so overwhelming! In fact I had been experiencing a whole range of different emotions and feelings since my thirteenth birthday. My body was changing and I was very aware of it. I started noticing girls too. They weren't the creepy useless creatures I used to loath. I wasn't sure why but they seemed to intimidate me now and I'd get all choked up if one of them tried to talk to me. They too were different. It was all so awkward. Why on earth did I want to expose myself to my mom I had no earthly idea... I just wanted to and it felt... well... exciting.

I guess I should start at the beginning. You see my mom had me when she was only 15 years old so now at 28 she was still pretty young. My real father hung around for several years but eventually split when I was 10. My grandparents come over now and then and helped in watching me whenever my mom worked, which was sporadic at best, but enough about that.

Lately I had been sleeping in the nude. Of course I have been careful not to get caught. It just felt good. In fact I felt a strange sense of enjoyment about it – a feeling that I hadn't ever experienced before and I liked it. I wanted more. I would stare at my body in the mirror after a shower mesmerized by the ever changing shapes of certain parts.

Deep down of course I knew it was somehow forbidden to think these things or even do the things I was doing under the covers at night but I wasn't about to quit. That's when I came up with the idea of taking my naked walk to look for clean underwear. Something lurking in my sub consciousness drove me to do it. Now that I had pulled it off I wanted to do it again and again. I wanted to be naked as much as I could. At least I thought that's what I wanted.

Over the course of the next several weeks I pushed the envelope and took more and more risks. In the middle of the night I would sneak out of my bedroom naked and make my way down the hall to use the bathroom. Sometimes I would even wonder about the house naked as everyone slept. My mom eventually got a few more peeks at my body. Once, I left the bathroom door open as I took my shower and she walked in and saw me before she quickly left the room. Yesterday she came in to wake me up and somehow I must have kicked the covers off me and she noticed my lack of clothing.

"Johnny, where are your pajamas?" she asked with concern. "Have you been sleeping like this all the time?!"

"Oh mom, it's no big deal," I said trying to minimize her discomfort. Using my most manly adolescent voice I added, "Boys don't get all worked up over stuff like that. It's not like we're modest or something like you girls are." Of course witnessing my mom's disapproval of my nakedness made me feel very ashamed and I wanted to cover up immediately but I fought the urge.

"What do you mean it's no big deal? It IS a big deal! I'll not have my son acting like a pervert. You get dressed this instant, understand?"

"Yes ma'am," I answered meekly. I felt like a little kid. Shame makes you feel like that. I just wanted to hide.

Later, I over heard my mom and grandpa talking as they visited in the kitchen. "Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy!" My mom said as if at her wits end. "He's acting like a complete pervert exposing himself every chance he gets. Oh I WISH his father was still here! He'd know what to do. Sometimes I just want to beat the living daylights out of him!"

"Honey," Grandpa said chuckling, "You're getting all worked up over nothing. Why when I was his age we used to skinny- dip all the time, even in front of female classmates of ours. No one thought anything about it. Boys aren't all into that modesty stuff you women are. It might surprise you to know that the YMCA even conducted organized swimming classes where ALL the boys swam nude. Half the town probably saw me naked at some point back then."

From my hiding spot I could see the disbelieving expression on my mother's face as my Grandpa continued.

"It's true, dear. Ask your mother-in-law sometime. Why when she was younger she used to watch me get my baths on Saturday night when I was Johnny's age. Of course back then we didn't have a bathroom like you do now. Baths were conducted in the kitchen in a large metal wash bucket so everyone sort of watched. It couldn't be helped. It didn't matter who was visiting either. When it was bath time we just did what we had to do."

My mom gave him an exasperated look and just sighed. "Yes, but times have changed daddy since YOU were a kid. I don't want my son growing up with all sorts of sexual hang-ups or worse end up in jail."

"Honey, my point is that if you make a big deal out of all this and suppress his natural male tendencies he will turn out to have just the sort problems you're worried about."


"Boys don't give a flip about their appearance, or modesty or even where they pee. Why the entire world is a man's toilet – SURELY you know THAT'S true."

My mom began giggling. "That's true. Why when Johnny was much younger he even peed on the dog!"

"See... that just proves my point. Just let him be himself. If he's comfortable enough to walk around in the buff every now and then what's the harm? The human body is only dirty if we make it so."

"Yes but..." my mom said looking at the table nervously.

"But what," Grandpa asked.

"It's just that he's not FIVE anymore. He's THIRTEEN! I mean it's embarrassing..." My mom's voice trailed off and her face got quite red.

"Embarrassing for YOU, you mean?"

"Yes... I mean he's almost... you know... mature. I'm not that much older than HE is you know. I can't help but look."

"Perhaps YOU have some issues to work through as well, eh?"

"Oh stop!" my mom said playfully punching Grandpa in the arm. They both had a good laugh.

Hearing that my own mom was embarrassed at seeing my "maturing body" made my penis stand at attention in my trousers. She obviously had been checking me out.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't get all uptight over the little stuff. He's still a kid you know, despite the fact that you see him as almost a young man. If it were me, I'd actively encourage him to be accepting of his body. He'll soon tire of all this, you'll see. And in the end he'll be the sort of respectable young man you want him to be."

"I don't know... I'm not sure if I can tell when his behavior is all innocent and when he's being a little pervert. I'll think about it though." my mom said hesitantly and she then promptly changed the subject.

It was almost time for Grandpa to leave and I was afraid of being caught eavesdropping so I quietly returned to my room to think about what I had just heard. It was almost as if Grandpa was saying my naughty habit of exposing myself wasn't so naughty after all, even if it felt like it was something nasty. "Wow!" I thought to myself, "Life is GOOD!"

The next morning I was awakened to find my mom sitting on my bed. I was sleeping naked and to my chagrin I must have kicked the covers off during the night thus exposing my usual morning erection.

"Morning kiddo," mom said quite jovially. "About time you woke up."

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and nervously sat up trying to discreetly hide my erection without drawing attention to it. "Hi mom," I said groggily. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 9 o'clock. It's a good thing it's summer or you would have missed the start of school."

I gave a nervous laugh and wondered why she was still sitting on my bed looking at me. Her stares made me feel very uncomfortable.

"Johnny," my mom finally said, I was just wondering..."

"Yes mom?"

"Why do you like to sleep naked?"

I had to think fast. Despite what my Grandpa had said yesterday I knew she probably still thought I was a pervert. I had to handle this answer very carefully. "Um... well it's hot out mom and this just feels better."

She gave a passing glance at my still erect penis and said, "And that's the ONLY reason?" I could see by the expression of sincere doubt on her face that she was truly skeptical about my motives. Mom's are like that. They can always seem to sense when their children are up to something. I didn't want my fun to end prematurely or worse get into BIG trouble so I needed to do my best to convince her.

"Of course that's the only reason, why else would I do it? It's no big deal." I hoped with all my might that she didn't detect the quiver in my voice as I was trying my best to sound confident.

"So it doesn't bother you that I'm sitting on your bed this close to you while you're naked?"

"Um... I don't understand. Why no it doesn't BOTHER me. You're my mom." By now my erection had subsided as my instinct for survival took over. Usually when mom questioned me at length about something I was in deep doo-doo.

"So let me get this straight, you don't care if you run around the house naked or dressed. It's all the same to you."

I gave her my best "confused" look and replied. "I don't know. SHOULD it bother me?"

She just looked deep into my eyes for what seemed like the longest time and I did my best to stare right back at her.

"You're really okay with this aren't you?"

"Aw mom," I said finally getting up. "You're making it sound like I'm being creepy or something."

I must have touched a nerve because she quickly put her arm around me and said, "No, I don't mean that at all. I just want you to know that I'm fine with it too. You just put it out of your mind. I've got your breakfast ready. Come on down after you wash up."

"Yes ma'am." I said with relief and headed for the bathroom.

Man was that ever close! I hurriedly got dressed and went to the kitchen to eat. Nothing more was said about the subject the rest of the day. I could hardly sleep that night wondering if mom was going to be sitting on my bed waking me up in the morning. I felt both aroused and ashamed at the same time at getting caught like that. It was truly embarrassing to say the least to have your own mom see your morning woody! I tossed and turned but eventually though, sleep won out.

The next day I awoke to an empty room. Strangely I was a bit disappointed. While I was taking my shower I wondered whether my mom had decided to take my Grandpa's advice and ignore my nudity or was she just testing me. I decided to throw caution to the wind and find out. You should have seen her face as she saw me coming to the kitchen table without a stitch of clothing on! It was a combination of shock and disbelief immediately followed by a strained expression of indifference. It was as though she was trying her best NOT to care.

"Morning mom," I said cheerfully as I sat down at the table.

"Sleep well?" she asked as she nonchalantly fixed my breakfast.

"Okay I guess," I said as I studied her every move. After breakfast I immediately went back to my room and got dressed. As the days passed I continued the same habit of appearing at the breakfast table naked and then remained naked a little longer each day before putting on clothes. Nothing was said and I was really taking a liking to my new lifestyle. In fact many a morning I would rush back to my room after breakfast to relieve the pressure so-to-speak.

Then it happened – a series of events came together that forever altered my life.

One morning as I came rounding the corner into the kitchen there standing next to my mom was our next door neighbor Caitlyn Harrison. She was mom's age but way prettier. The look on her face as she spotted me was priceless. That weird grin on her face will also stay etched in my mind for a LONG time! I was trapped and couldn't run and hide so I greeted her politely and sat down as if it was perfectly normal for a naked 13 year old boy to come to breakfast that way.

"My Johnny, you sure have grown haven't you?" she said playfully.

"Yes ma'am," I replied meekly realizing that my penis was halfway hard after spotting her. I was ever so grateful for the cover of the table because my penis then began stirring like crazy. In fact it jumped every time she said something. She stayed the entire time I ate my breakfast chatting both to my mom and me.

"Are you looking forward to goofing off all summer, Johnny?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Looks like you're off to a good start!" she said giggling. I wasn't sure if she was making fun of me or that she just found the whole thing amusing. I began wondering if my mom had been talking to her about me and my habit of running around nude like she had with my Grandpa. Every time I looked up from my cereal bowl I saw her smiling back at me. The very thought of her discussing my body with our neighbor gave me chills.

When I finally finished eating I stalled hoping that our guest would leave before I had to get up. Eventually I had to put my dirty bowl in the sink and I could literally FEEL theirs eyes following me every inch of the way.

"What?" I asked as I turned around after depositing my bowl and saw them both glaring at my body.

"Nothing..." my mom said almost singing out her answer as Caitlyn gave her a knowing smile.

Silently I returned to the table and waited patiently as they continued talking. Mercifully after a few minutes my mom wanted to show our neighbor something in the backyard and I used that opportunity to bolt down the hall – erection and all. I couldn't wait to play with myself. What a rush! Despite my embarrassment at being caught I still found the whole thing stimulating. That is until the next morning.

I had just gotten up and was standing there rubbing the sleep from my eyes with my usual morning woody when suddenly my bedroom door opened up and there stood my mom with Billy Barton, a classmate of mine.

"Oh good, you're up," my mom said ushering my friend into my room. "You have company." I didn't know what to do! Being naked in front of grownups was one thing but being naked in front of someone I go to school with was awkward!!

"Billy, would you like to stay for breakfast?" my mom asked politely. Billy stood there with his mouth half open for a few seconds staring at the unexpected site in front of him before answering, "Ah... no thanks. I have already eaten Mrs. Taylor."

"I'm not hungry either, mom," I quickly added hoping to avoid having to go about my usual morning ritual of going to breakfast naked.

"Okay, suit yourself," she said as she started to leave the room. "You two have fun."

The door had no sooner closed when Billy broke out in laughter. "Dude, what in the hell are you doing?!"

"What do you mean?" I asked as I made my bed ignoring the obvious.

"Dude, you're like NAKED! And your MOM just saw you like THAT!"

He continued his nervous laughter as I finished making my bed. I took just long enough to complete my chore for my erection to subside and then finally turned around and said, "Oh that... I always sleep naked, don't you?"


"What do you mean BULL? Ask my mom," I replied trying to sound indifferent.

"Hey, I know you better than that, what gives?" He had that look that told me he saw right through my façade. I knew there was no way I was going to fool him and if I didn't offer something that was totally believable I'd never hear the end of it.

"Okay I'll tell you, but you can't tell another soul, promise?"

"I promise, now what gives?"

I then reluctantly proceeded to explain what I had been up to and how I had the best feelings after playing with myself and that I had even started to squirt some after the last few days. I explained about my Grandpa's advice and how even my neighbor had seen me at the breakfast table.

"Dude, if she EVER finds out what you're really up to, you're a dead man! You know that don't you."

"She won't. I'm being really careful," I explained as I started to get dressed. I trusted Billy. I had known him most of my life. He was a nerdy, shy boy like me. He was a good playmate though and we always had a good time while we hung out. Though I was acting calm on the outside and trying hard to rationalize in my own mind why this was all okay, on the inside I was embarrassed and ashamed. I kept hearing that inner voice in my head saying, "Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" over and over again. If it would have been physically possible I would have kicked myself – once for getting caught naked by Billy and twice for telling him what I had been up to! How could I have been so DUMB? After I was dressed and we left the house to play I felt really awful. Billy had seen me naked! I guess in my own mind the fact that grownups had seen me that way was perfectly fine, but Billy... he was a classmate! Not just another boy, but a CLASSMATE!! I was doomed. I kept torturing myself wondering what he thought when he saw me with a boner. I suddenly became very self-conscious about my body. In short, I just felt horrible.

As we walked along Billy finally broke the silence. "Hey let's go down to that abandoned shed at the Miller's place."

"Okay, whatever," I replied somewhat detached. In truth it didn't matter what we did. I didn't care. I was only going along because I felt I HAD to. The Miller's had a 10 acre farm not too far from my house and way out back in the middle of the field was a small, old shed. I'm guessing it was some kind of small hay barn or store room way back when. Now it was just and old empty shed.

When we arrived I flopped down inside on the ground and started playing with a stick waiting for Billy to think of something to do. In fact I really was in no mood to do anything. It was as if being caught by Billy had totally wrecked my great new life. I guess I was grieving over the loss.

"Okay," Billy said excitedly, "Let's get those clothes off."

"What?" I remarked sternly. "Stop kidding around."

"Who's kidding? I said get those clothes off."

I gave my friend a scowl and went back to playing with my stick in the dirt.

"Johnny, I'm serious. Get a move on," he said with a smile.

"You're crazy. Stop teasing me and let's think of something to do."

Billy stood there smiling at me. For the first time I began to realize he was in fact serious.

"I'm not crazy and for the record you don't really have a choice." He said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I said, you don't have a choice. Either you get out of those duds or I'm leaving."

"Fine. Leave. I don't care."

"Let me finish, I'll leave and tell your mom what you've been up to. I'll even throw in a few things you didn't do just to make it interesting... not to mention telling everyone at school I saw you playing with yourself."

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" I protested.

"Sure I would," Billy said then he smiled and continued in a less harsh tone, "Look I KNOW you like going without clothes so why not go along with what I say?"

"Because it's stupid, that's why."

"Oh... as stupid as say flashing your boner in front of your mom on a daily basis?"

I don't know why but I found myself taking off my shirt. "This is just nuts!" I said as I tossed it on the ground. "Why do you want me to do this anyway? Are you a homo or something?"

"Just do it," he said impatiently. To this day I still don't completely understand why but in a few minutes I was standing completely naked in front of my classmate in a shed quite far from my own home.

"There, now isn't that better?" Billy asked mockingly. I shot him a dirty look. I felt degraded and ashamed.

"Now what," I asked?

"Just take a few minutes to get used to it," he explained. I nervously paced the shed. This was the farthest away from home I had ever been without clothes and I was petrified. I tried not to look at Billy as I paced so I kept my back to him most of the time. When I did finally turn around Billy was nowhere to be found. He was missing... and so where my clothes!