Red Fannie Annie Part 1

By Hooked6

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Copyright 2013 by Hooked6 ( all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
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Red Fanny Annie
By: Hooked6

Copyright September 2013 by Hooked6 ( all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 (

Chapter 1
(Synopsis: 14 year old Annie’s step-mother learns that the best way to deal with teenage drama is with the good old fashioned use of the paddle and some forced nudity as punishment. Annie’s exposure takes a turn for the worse when her step-sister gets in on the act and her exposure increases exponentially.)

I had just walked in the door from early dismissal from school when my step-mother shouted at me from the living room, “Annie, you march yourself upstairs and get ready for your punishment. Three o’clock young lady, that’s when I’ve decided your punishment will be given, three o’clock.” She then pointed menacingly towards the stairs.
“BUT MOM . . . I haven’t done anything! I just got home!”
Without saying a word she held up the letter I had written to Billy Edwards, a boy in my class that I really liked agreeing to meet him at the movies for a date on Saturday. I was forbidden by my mother to date until I was at least 15 and then only with her approval and oversight. I had hidden the note in my underwear drawer in the hopes that she wouldn’t find it. In retrospect I guess that wasn’t such a great place to put it as it made me look all the more guilty.
Upon seeing her holding my letter my heart sank. “Oh . . .” I replied meekly looking at the ground. If she only knew how many times I had hung out with Billy alone at the park she’d kill me. “But mom, I was just pretending, you know, imagining what it would be like to go out on a date. Billy never really asked me out and anyway, besides I’d never do such a thing. I was fantasizing that’s all. You know I wouldn’t disobey you.”
“I know no such thing young lady and just to make sure that you know that I mean what I say you’re going to get punished. I’ll not tolerate such a flagrant disregard for my rules in this house.”
“THAT’S NOT FAIR! I didn’t DO anything!” I said screaming at the top of my lungs with all the emotional protest I could muster.
“For talking back and arguing with me you’ll get 20 extra plus another half hour of corner time added to your usual. Now get upstairs and get ready.”
There was no use in arguing as it would only make things worse for me and I’d never win anyway. I stomped my way upstairs and entered my room. I started to slam my door in anger but at the last moment I thought better of it fearing what my mother would do if I did and decided to close it gently.
I loved my dad to death but I couldn’t believe when he announced that he was going to marry again after my mother died. My step-mother almost immediately insisted that I call her “mom” from the first day that I met her, which only resulted in me hating her for it. She wasn’t bad really. In fact, in most ways was a very congenial person. She was well liked in the community and seemed to have an endless supply of friends.
Still, she had very arcane ideas about discipline – ultra-strict in fact. I had never been spanked before until Miss Alice, the name I used to call my step-mother before she insisted on “mom,” came into my life. My dad went along with her demands that I be treated no different than her natural daughter. I could see how important she was to him and I wanted to make things work – more for his sake than my own. When I was 12, the spankings started. Okay, I’ll admit I deserved most of them. My dad said that I was just pushing the boundaries to see what I could get away with and discipline wasn’t something he was good at – especially for his “little girl” so he left that in the hands of his new bride. He didn’t want me to turn out to be a spoiled brat and that a little structure would be good for me at this time in my life with all the changes going on.
Things got worse when daddy’s company put him on the road a lot. The job paid more because of the travel but that meant I lost my most valuable ally at home during desperate times. Whenever I complained on the phone about how I was being punished he always pleaded with me to just accept her decisions and try to get along – that I would be doing it for him. I loved him so much I usually would give in and accept my chastisement. That didn’t mean that I was a good teenager by any means as I was usually angry all the time complaining about how unfair life was and about how I looked. I whined about my clothes and about not being able to wear what the cool kids were wearing – stuff like that. I was at that awkward age and puberty was terribly slow in completing my metamorphosis from a child to a woman.
When I turned 14 spankings evolved into a bizarre ritual. My step-mother seemed to think that mere spankings were having little effect on my behavior. My dad told her that drama was just part of an influx of hormones at my age. I just thought she was just crazy and unfair.
Before my spankings she would send me to my room to think about what I had done. Knowing what was coming and having to wait for it was stressful. But that wasn’t bad enough. Spankings then went from old-fashioned hand spankings to ones delivered with a strap. Then the pain factor increased exponentially when she decided that they should also be given on the bare behind. Strap on skin hurt a lot more than leather on a pair of blue jeans.
Then she added a little humiliation to the mix. She came up with the idea of a punishment outfit that I had to change into before my sentence was carried out. Waiting in my room in that outfit really put me in my place. But the last straw as far as I was concerned was when she allowed my step-sister Katie to watch. On paper she was a year older than me and nature had been really kind to her in the boob department. She had perfect skin, a face that had “cute” written all over it and was probably one of the most popular girls at my high school. She had way more privileges than me – ostensibly because she was older – but only by 5 months! I hated her for it too and she knew it. She was always rubbing it in my face about how much more mature she was than me. Having her watch me get punished was so humiliating. She taunted me about it too. Oh, and lets not forget the corner time – time spent after my whipping standing in the corner with my panties down at my ankles and my red bottom on display for Katie to make fun of. It was usually only a half hour but today I just earned another 30 minutes so I’d have to stand still, bare-bottomed like for an HOUR!
They say bad news travels fast and today was no exception. Katie came bounding into my room all smiles, “Someone’s getting a whippin’ . . . someone’s getting a whippin’.”
For someone who bragged about being so mature she sure didn’t act like it.
“Shut up. Why don’t you crawl up under a rock and die.”
Katie sighed playfully. “Some people just never learn. I used to be like you but I have long since grown into a mature woman.”
“Stop making yourself out to be an adult. You’re only a few months older than me.”
“Yeah, well who’s getting a whippin’ and who gets to watch, hmmm?”
It was hopeless to debate the issue with her. The more I talked the more ammunition she had to ridicule me. Instead I just pretended that she wasn’t even there and sulked on my bed.
After listening to a few more insults and pointed jabs at my character my step-sister grew bored and left.
My punishment outfit consisted of a Navy Blue T-shirt and a pair of panties. The T-shirt stopped about one inch down below my butt. After my paddling I was made to stand in the corner facing the wall while holding my shirt above my backside exposing my shame to my family.
When three o’clock came around my step-mother called up to me with the simple phrase, “Annie, it’s time.”
I slowly made my way down the stairs into the front room where I had to stand and listen to a lecture about my misdeeds and how my mom hated to punish me but that I left her no choice; that as a responsible parent she HAD to do this, blah, blah, blah.
After she verbally berated me I was told to bend over the arm of a chair in the middle of the room. Mom then lowered my panties much to Katie’s obvious delight and began strapping my behind counting out each stroke. Normally I would receive 15 strokes for minor infractions and 20 for something really bad. I knew that I already had 20 extra strokes coming but I didn’t know if I would start with as she never said and I knew better than to ask.
Mom would start lightly at first but as she neared the end her strokes would be really very painful. Today I was lucky – 15 regular strokes followed, then by 10 medium strokes and finally by 10 incredibly hard ones. My butt felt on fire when she was through. The fact that my step-sister laughed through the whole thing made my suffering even worse.
When mom let me up I had to waddle to the corner of the room with my panties at my ankles, face the wall and then hold up my shirt – today for one hour. I was always afraid that somebody might come over but no one ever did. Still it was the fear that it might happen that scared me to death. Today, however, all that changed. After I had served about 45 minutes of my corner time there was a knock at the door.
I panicked! That had never happened before. I quickly bent down to pull up my panties and started for the hallway to get out of sight.
“Where do you think you’re going?” my mom asked sternly. ‘You’re not finished with your corner time yet. Get back where you belong!”
“BUT MOM . . . You don’t really expect me to stand there showing my butt to a stranger do you?”
“MARCH,” she commanded pointing to the corner.
“Would you rather I whipped your ass again while they watched?”
My face about hit the floor and my legs began visibly shaking! That was a mistake. I could see in my mother’s eyes that she now knew my biggest fear – that someone would see me!
I tried to take a step but I found that I couldn’t move at first. My legs were like jelly. Just then there was a second knock at the door, this one louder than the first. “You have two seconds to get back in that corner, young lady.”
No need for a second warning. I was there holding my shirt up in one second. I could tell from the tone in her voice she was serious.
My body was shaking all the more now, like it was freezing in the room. I couldn’t help it. I was about to expose my red, naked behind to some unknown person. There was no way whoever it was could miss seeing me. The corner that I was standing in would be in view as soon as the front door was opened even a crack! There was no hope that she would open it just a little to spare me my shame. Once it was open, they’d see me!
I heard my mom’s hand turn the deadbolt to unlock the door. “Mom,” I whimpered, “please . . .?”
My plea was ignored as the sound of the door opening confirmed. “Package for a Mrs. Alice Swanson,” a man’s voice said followed by an audible gasp that made me want to die. He had seen me! At least it wasn’t anyone that I knew! It was only the UPS guy – but a MAN had seen my BUTT!!! “Sorry, he said. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” His apology only made my humiliation worse – much worse. I knew that HE knew that he was looking at me and realized that he shouldn’t be.
“That’s quite alright,” my mom said with a certain amusement in her voice. “My daughter just learned one of life’s little lessons.” I heard the man make a nervous laugh confirming that he had to be still staring right at my naked backside. My mom then asked him where she needed to sign. “Um . . . right here, ma’am.” I heard some scribbling followed by the man thanking her and my mom bidding him good-bye. The whole thing lasted only a minute or two but it seemed liked a lifetime to me.
After the door closed I wanted to faint dead-away. My mom just began humming gleefully as she passed me by examining the package she had just received. She NEVER hummed or whistled a tune – not in all the time I had known her, anyway. I think her humming was what worried me more than the UPS guy. Things could only get worse.

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 (

Chapter 2
Needless to say I was on my guard the next several days and tried to stay out of trouble which wasn’t that easy for me as my temper was my biggest downfall. For the last several months even little things seemed to cause an outbreak of anger or make me say things that I’d regret. Curse words that I’d never used seemed to blurt out of my mouth at the worst possible times. Given what had happened with the UPS guy I was determined to avoid a repeat of that performance.
It worked, at first. Even my step-mother seemed to notice an improvement in all the drama around the house and made a point to say so. Alas, changing a leopard’s spots isn’t an easy thing to do and it wasn’t long before I found myself in an argument with my step-sister Katie over something stupid. I called her an “F***ing Bitch” just as my mother rounded the corner.
“ANNIE SWANSON!” she exclaimed, “What did you just call your sister?”
“Nothing, mom . . .”
I could literally see the glee in Katie’s eyes as she knew I was in big trouble this time. Always the helpful one she spoke up, “She called me a . . .”
“NEVERMIND, I heard what she said. We don’t use such language in this house! Annie, you march yourself up to your room this instant. You have one hour to think about what you’ve done. Now MOVE!”
I skulked out of the room and meekly headed up the stairs mentally kicking myself the whole time. How could I have been so stupid?
I threw myself on my bed and sulked.
Just then Katie came bounding into my room all smiles and holding a bag.
“What do YOU want?” I snapped flippantly.
“Is that any way to talk to someone who’s bringing you a gift?”
“I don’t need anything from you. Now scram.”
“Oh but you DO, little sister. Mom told me to give this to you. It’s your new punishment outfit.”
“What . . . new outfit?”
Katie snickered as she handed me the bag. “Mom said it was time for a new outfit and she let me pick it out. Make sure you wear this when you come down.” She laughed out loud and then left the room.
I opened the bag and pulled out the shirt and panties. The panties were a light green color, all cotton briefs with teddy bears plastered all over them. They looked so juvenile! It figured they’d be something embarrassing as my step-sister picked them out. I decided to just get it over with and put the new outfit on. After shutting my door I stripped off my clothes and put on the panties. They were a least a size too small and my vulva was clearly outlined in the cotton fabric as a result. They were hideous! I took the shirt from the package and slipped it over my head and almost died. The shirt was almost totally transparent! It was made out of a delicate white almost sheer-like material that fit tightly against my chest – it too seemed to be a size or two too small. My small boobs and more importantly my nipples were easily seen!! To make matters worse, the shirt only came down to just a couple of inches above my belly button leaving it exposed as well as ALL of my embarrassing panties! If I got corner time, I wouldn’t have to worry about holding anything up, that’s for sure.
I ran to my door and yelled downstairs, “MOM! I can’t wear this! “
“STOP YOUR WHINING AND DO AS YOUR TOLD, YOUNG LADY. DO YOU HEAR ME?” she shouted back up at me from somewhere below. Any hope of this being some crude joke on Katie’s part was dashed by her response. This outfit was clearly designed to serve only one purpose – to humiliate me.
Once again I threw myself on the bed and continued to sulk. I could only imagine the fun my step-sister would have tormenting me in this outfit. I couldn’t believe mom would do that to me and let that spoiled brat pick this out!
All too soon came the familiar, “Annie, it’s time.”
I reluctantly made my way down the stairs. This outfit was horrible! I was already ashamed of my small underdeveloped chest and usually did my best to hide how I looked by wearing loose tops. Now that brat Katie would be able to see it all and mock me. She and her C-cup boobs! I wasn’t even what I’d call a good A-cup yet. This was going to be horrible. I just knew it.
Then I heard voices coming from below – not my family’s voices but those of others I couldn’t quite make out. We had company! I stood frozen on the steps not sure what to do. Surly my mom wouldn’t punish me when company was over. I started to turn around and head back to my room when I heard her calling again, this time in a sickly sweet voice, “Annie, it’s time.”
Seriously? She was going to punish with people over?!
The tone in her voice left no doubt that I was trying her patience. “Yes, mom” I replied with my voice quivering. I raised my arms to hide my chest and unwillingly continued my journey. As I rounded the corner of the staircase I saw my neighbor Mrs. Hansen and her 10 year old son sitting on the couch smiling at me.
My step-mom came over and took hold of my hand and dragged me to the center of the room and made me stand with my hands by my side. I was so humiliated watching my neighbors look me over. “Annie, you know Caroline and her son from next door. Well they just happened to pop over for a quick visit before going to town. I told them that you were going to be punished and she thought it might be a good lesson for her son to see what happens to children who are disobedient. He thinks he’s too old for spankings. I said that you were older than he was and still got spanked. What do you think, dear, are you too old?”
I lowered my head in shame. How could I be too old for a spanking standing there in my teddy bear kiddie panties? “Ah, no ma’am,” I replied meekly still looking at the floor.
The rest of her lecture was a blur and basically pure babble as I wasn’t listening to a word. Oh she prattled on about my name-calling and junk and the usual how she hated to do this, blah, blah, blah again. All I could think about was that this boy was looking at my chest and how at any minute they both would see my naked butt and the shame of my paddling! I wanted to die. I looked over at Katie looking at my body with a huge evil grin on her face and then I wanted HER to die! She made a point to cup her breasts with her hands and push up on her boobs a couple of times making them jiggle just to mock me. It worked too as I felt so inadequate at that moment knowing that everyone on the room could see what I had – despite the fact that I was supposedly covered and decent by wearing this poor excuse for a top. It wasn’t lost on me, staring at my step-sister, that SHE was the one who picked this outfit out for me to wear. I loathed her.
I was snatched back to reality when my mom jerked my hand, “Annie, you heard me, turn around and face the window.”
“Huh?” Was she saying something to me? “Turn around . . . but, what about the chair?”
My mom pointed out that Katie was sitting in it so that she would just have to improvise. She then turned me around so that my rear end faced the two visitors about three feet away on the couch, bent me over at the waist and began removing my panties! She didn’t yank them down either. It was a slow, methodical stripping. She put her fingers into the elastic waistband and ran her fingers from side to side as if the material was somehow magically stuck to my skin and she had to loosen it before proceeding. Feeling her fingers above my cheeks sent a shiver up my spine. She was dragging this out on purpose. Even I could feel the tension in the room as everyone waited for what was sure to come. She then lowered my panties exposing my cleft between my cheeks and stopped about half way down my butt pausing long enough to explain that she felt spanking on the bare skin was a much more effective way to drive home the point that this was supposed to remind me of my place. The delay only made the whole experience much worse. I would have rather she’d quickly done the deed and got it over with.
I couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t have picked a worse position to punish me in. It was bad enough that they were going to see me crying and getting strapped but did they have to get an up close and personal view of my private place? The cool air of the room that hit my skin as my panties were ever so slowly lowered immediately enhanced the difference between what part of me was exposed and what part was still covered. Finally they were on the floor. I heard the little snot of a boy behind me giggle when my intimate spot was revealed only to be hushed by his mother.
15 swats was delivered fast and furious, so hard that they made such a “slapping” sound when the leather hit my skin that it almost took my breath away. Needless to say I wasn’t merely whimpering as I usually did, I was bawling my head off. But the discomfort didn’t really matter. No, what bothered me the most was that a BOY was seeing me half-naked AND watching my humiliation.
“30 minutes corner time,” my mom announced when she was through and directed me to my usual place against the wall. Shuffling over to the wall with my panties gathered up around my feet made me look ridiculous. I heard that little snot of a boy start giggling again as I stood there with my nose to the wall only this time his mother didn’t reprimand him. “Hands on your head,” my step-mom called out, which had the effect of raising my shirt even higher up my back adding to my embarrassment.
Our neighbors continued visiting for some time longer as Mrs. Hansen told her son that she was going to start doing the same thing to him if he didn’t straighten up. My mom joined in extolling the virtues of the strap and the two ladies seemed to relish the conversation all the while I was baring it all in my corner! I felt like such a dork standing there with my panties gathered up around my ankles.
Finally they left and soon afterward my time was up and I returned to my room. The look in Katie’s eyes was so gleeful that I knew I hadn’t heard the last of this. It turns out that I was right.

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 (

Chapter 3
For the next week or so I was very careful not to earn a repeat of my punishment. Katie teased me daily about how shocked she was at how much I still looked like a little kid and about how red my butt was that day as I stood in the corner. She never missed an opportunity to rub it in. Even though she did her best to goad me into a fight I resisted her temptation and just pretended that it didn’t bother me at all. It did of course, but I dared not fall into her trap.
As the days progressed that awful memory soon faded and I went back to being the old moody, self-absorbed person that I was. One day our school announced that the Letterman’s club was selling special spirit T-shirts with our team logo on Friday only. I wanted one so very badly. I had some money saved but I was still $5 short. I decided to borrow five one dollar bills from the cookie jar in the kitchen that mom kept her spare cash in. I had done that before and always replaced what I had taken. Well, almost always . . . okay, I did once but I meant to repay what I had taken the other times. I guess I looked at it as a short term loan. I had no intention of stealing the cash this time and planned on replacing it with my allowance that I got on Saturday.
The shirt was fabulous! I really loved the color and the design but the best part was that since the sale was for only one day not many kids had them so I felt “cool” and popular for a change since I had managed to get one.
I wore the shirt home and mom immediately asked me where it came from. I explained that I bought it with money that I had saved. She seemed pleased that I had used my own money for it rather than begging her to buy it for me and she said so. She looked the shirt over and commented on how nice it looked on me and remarked on how proud she was that I had gotten it on my own and that it was a sign of how mature I was becoming. It was one of those happy parent-daughter moments that she was good at. Like I said before, she was really a congenial person most of the time.
The next day, Saturday, I was sitting in my room after breakfast listening to tunes on my i-Pod when my step-mom burst into my room holding my new school T-shirt in one hand. I immediately took the ear-buds out of my ears and turned off my music.
“Tell me again, Annie, how did you get this shirt?”
Swallowing hard I replied, “I bought it with my own money that I saved.”
“Annie . . .”
“I did. I used the money I’ve been saving for the last two weeks.”
“Annie . . .” she said again as if she didn’t believe me and was waiting for me to change my story. She then pulled out the cookie jar from behind her back and waved it at me. “Are you lying to me?”
“Well, no ma’am, I used most of my money I swear. It cost $30. I had most of it but was $5 short so I borrowed $5 yesterday and was going to repay it after I got my allowance this morning.”
“So you admit you STOLE $5 from me.”
“No! I borrowed it. I was going to put it back, honest.”
“Taking something that doesn’t belong to you without permission is STEALING not BORROWING. I can’t believe you!”
“I’m sorry, mom. I should have asked first but you weren’t around and II had to get to school. They were only selling . . .”
She cut me off before I could finish explaining. “You’re right, you should have ASKED first. You should ALWAYS ASK before just taking things – something you’ll soon learn.” She tossed my new shirt at me and it landed on my head. As I pulled it off she continued, “You’ll be punished at noon today young lady – high noon.” She chuckled at her western cliché. “Wear that shirt down since you wanted it so badly that you had to STEAL to get it. And, wear your punishment panties like normal. Until then, get changed like I said and sit up here and THINK about what you just did.”
She left the room in a huff. Great – three whole hours to dwell on my punishment. I wished my dad was here.
I did feel bad that I had disappointed her after she was so proud of me yesterday. Leave it to me to screw up a good thing. I guess she was right, though. I really should have asked first. It was a good thing that she hadn’t asked me if I had ever done something like that before. I really would have lowered her opinion of me if she had.
Around 9:30, I heard a car door slam outside. I looked out my window and saw my step-sister going out to greet a girlfriend of hers and two older guys I recognized from school, 11th graders I think. The car must have belonged to one of them. They visited a while in the front yard then they all got into the vehicle and left. Oh to be able to date, I thought. Katie had said she was going downtown with friends today to see something or other. I think it was just an excuse to hang out away from the prying eyes of her mother. Katie always seemed to have more freedom than I ever did. Maybe it was because she was 15 or maybe it was because my step-mother showed her favoritism. I really didn’t know for sure. Meanwhile I was stuck in my room with nothing to do.
I kept watching the clock. It seemed like it would never move! About 11:00, I heard a car door slam. I didn’t even bother getting up from bed as I figured it was just my sister returning from her trip. Still another HOUR to go; damn this was murder. It was the longest time I ever had to wait. I didn’t feel like listening to music so there was nothing left to do but sulk and listen to the cars traveling up and down the road.
“Annie, it’s time,” my step-mom called upstairs in that disgustingly sweet voice of hers. I think she did that just because she could tell that it irritated me. She was perceptive that way – reading people. I took comfort in the fact that my new shirt was large and opaque unlike that transparent thing Katie had picked out. At least some of my dignity was still intact. Katie was going to be disappointed today and that thought bolstered my resolve not to let things get to me.
Grudgingly I left me room and slowly walked down the stairs. Just before rounding the corner of the staircase and entering the front room, I heard a girl giggling, “Is she really going to get spanked . . . right in front of us?”
HOLY CRAP! There were people here!
I heard Katie enthusiastically answer, “That’s right. She is. You’ll see.”
My step-mom spoke up, “You’re welcome to stay. Annie needs to learn a lesson.” Then her tone changed to one more serious than before, a bit menacing in fact, “And YOU ALL might learn something from this as well, which is why I don’t mind if you are here.”
“YOU ALL?!” How many people were in that room?
“Annie, I said it’s time.”
There was no putting this off. My heart was racing not knowing what to expect. As I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm my nerves, I walked around the corner wall separating the stairs from the front room.
I gasped quite loudly as sitting there were Katie, her girlfriend and the two 11th grade boys from school. They were all smiling from ear to ear looking at me!!
“Right over here, Annie,” my step-mom directed as she pointed to the center of the room. Our guests were seated all around the room and everyone was focused squarely on me!
My legs were trembling as I crept along the carpet making my way to the appointed spot. My step-mom put her arm around me and made me face the wall and the couch where the two boys were sitting. Katie and her girlfriend were in the chairs next to the window on the opposite side of the room.
“Annie here has done something really stupid that if done to someone else she’d be in jail right now – she stole money from me.”
The two boys’ playful expressions turned suddenly serious as they continued to listen to my mom. I had to admit hearing her make her case really did make me sound like some sort of delinquent.
“And just WHY did she do that, you ask? She STOLE that money to buy THIS!” My mom suddenly grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled it forcefully to the side to make her point, “A SHIRT which she just HAD to have.”
As she talked she was pulling my shirt this way and that while she emphatically used her arms to speak. I clung desperately to the bottom of the shirt in an attempt to conceal my Teddy Bear Kiddie panties from the boys.
My mom noticed what I was doing and remarked, “Just LOOK at her hanging onto this shirt as if it was her prized possession. Well, I’ve got news for you sister, that shirt is nothing but an ill-gotten good and if you think I’m going to let you keep it you’ve got another thing coming.”
To my absolute horror she produced a pair of scissors from seemingly out of nowhere and began to cut the material on the side of the shirt, starting at the bottom and heading right towards the top!! She was going to cut the shirt right off of me!!
“MOM NO!!! PLEASE god, NO!!!!!!”

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 (

Chapter 4
The room got deathly quiet. The shocked expressions on the boys told me that not even they knew that my mom was going to do such a thing! I looked over my shoulder and Katie and her girlfriend looked about the same way, though it wasn’t long before Katie broke into a HUGE smile when she saw me looking at her.
I tried to wiggle away in protest and I pleaded, “Mom no, please, I’m begging you. . .”
“This shirt will end up in the garbage. I’ll not have you keeping such a thing that you got by being a thief! You’ll not profit from your crime.”
I yanked the material right out of her hand, “I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE SHIRT! You can burn it for all I care, just let me keep it on for now!”
My comment took my mother aback for a moment. She had this puzzled look on her face as though she was just now being made aware that it wasn’t the shirt I cared about. I thought that maybe she realized what she was doing and was going to spare me that indignity.
The room remained quiet as my mother just looked at me for a moment or two. I dared not speak in case I said something to change her mind. We just looked at each other, each of us studying the face of the other. All I could hear was the sound of the large clock on the wall ticking away the seconds as she pondered the situation.
“Oh . . . I get it,” she finally said with an amused look on her face. “You don’t want these boys looking at your little boobies.”
Her comment made everyone laugh but me.
“Well that’s too bad. Perhaps that will teach you a lesson better than just a plain old-fashioned strapping. This shirt has got to go. You can choose your sin, little girl, but you can’t choose the consequences.”
“I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL!” I snapped angrily realizing that she was intent on furthering my humiliation by stripping me of my shirt. My step-mom immediately reacted to my disrespectful outburst by slapping me across the face. I was stunned. No one had ever slapped me on the face. I was so shocked that I just stood there as my step-mother continued cutting the material away from my body as the eager eyes of the boys looked on. As more and more skin came into their view, the bigger their stupid grins became. As she cut away, I pressed the material in front of me against my chest in the desperate hope that she would somehow miraculously change her mind. Finally enough of the material had been cut for her to suddenly pull the garment out from under my hands and away from my body completely. I was TOPLESS! I forced my arms tightly against my chest hiding what I didn’t want them to see.
My mom grew impatient and tried to lower my arms to my sides but I had the advantage. “Fine, be that way. Boys, come hold her arms down for me.”
The boys started to get up but the last thing I wanted was to wrestle with them and get “groped” in the process so I relented and lowered them myself. My mom then motioned for the boys to stay seated and kept me standing there for several minutes without saying a word.
Just when all my attention was focused on what the boys were looking at – my pitiful boobs, I heard Katie’s girlfriend laughing from behind me as she exclaimed, “Aw . . . Look at the cute Teddy bear panties!”
I immediately saw both sets of eyes on the boys dart down to my underwear. It was maybe a nanosecond before they too broke into giggling.
My step-mom began her usual lecture on the evils of crime and how reluctant she was to have to do this, yada, yada, yada . . .”
She then began playing with the waistband of the back my panties with her fingers running them around inside this way and that as she continued talking. Every once in a while she’d pull them pretty far away from my butt showing some skin to the girls behind me as I faced the boys. She teased me like that for a while pulling and tugging at my panties sometimes lowering them in back pretty far before letting them rise up again in her grasp, keeping me wondering just when the exact moment would come when I’d be stripped bare. Surely she was going to bend me over a chair or something before pulling them down. She had never had me just stand here like this for so long.
I was drowning in my own misery when suddenly I felt a quick tug and they were off! I immediately used my hands to cover myself but it didn’t matter. My step-mom spun me around to face the girls letting the boys see my naked behind. I almost tripped as she spun me around so fast as the panties were still around my ankles.
“She looks like a LITTLE girl to me,” Katie taunted, making everyone laugh all the more. Even mom laughed at her comment before bending me over at the waist giving the boys a free shot into no man’s land.
I was in the middle of the room facing the window about 5 feet away from the couch bent over with my hands on my knees. My mom stepped to the side and picked up a strap that belonged to my dad and began snapping it in the air. Just the sound of her doing that made me cringe.
Then the first sting landed across my bare flesh. “One,” my step mom said softly, but loud enough for the boys to hear. The next swing was incredibly hard, the force of which nearly tipped me over.
“TWO!” both boys said excitedly in unison making the girls chuckle.
After the next swing the entire room shouted out gleefully, “THREE!”
By the time “TEN” was shouted tears were rolling down my eyes. By ‘EIGHTEEN,” I was openly crying some from the pain but mostly from the humiliation of it all. Mercifully she stopped at twenty. That was all she was going to do. When she stepped away from my butt and put the belt down I could swear I heard a couple of voices say, “Awwwww,” as if they were disappointed that my punishment had come to an end.
Mom came over and straightened me up. I wanted to desperately rub the stinging from my aching flesh but I knew better than to do that as she would only start wailing away at me again.
“Thirty minutes . . .” she announced and I started for the usual corner but she grabbed hold of my arm and stopped me and held me in place. “You’ll do your time right here sister facing the window with your hands on your head. Katie, you keep track of her time. I don’t want her to move a muscle before 30 minutes are up.” She pointed towards the floor with her finger, “Step out of them.”
I slowly complied with her request as tears were still streaming down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe she was making me step out of my panties. Having them at my ankles was embarrassing, but somehow they kept me from feeling completely naked. Once I had done that, she reached down, pickled them up and put them in her pocket.
She looked at me, smiled and said, “Now boys, Annie is not permitted to move or to talk during this punishment time . . . and don’t you DARE even THINK of touching her or you’ll end up just like she is.” She then started heading towards the kitchen but as an afterthought turned back towards the room and added, “But feel free to tease her all you want.” She then left the room chuckling wildly.
There I was standing there in the middle of the room now COMPLETELY bare, hands on the top of my head facing the window. Then it dawned on me that the curtains were open and anyone passing by on the sidewalk outside could look right in and see me!!
Once my step-mother had left the room everyone gathered in front of me. One boy took my mother’s instructions to heart, “How old did you say she was, Katie? NINE?”
 Everyone laughed, “No, she’s only a couple of months younger than me!”
Katie’s girlfriend, I still don’t know her name, said, “Don’t worry, sweetie. Maybe they’ll grow in a year or two. Let’s hope so anyway because if they haven’t blossomed by then it looks like you’ll be stuck looking like that.”
There was more laughter all around with people making snide little comments but nothing they said after that was as bad as the remarks about my boobs.
Then suddenly my step-sister came up to me and said, “I heard mom telling the boys that they couldn’t touch, but she never said anything about me.” Then without warning she reached out and tweaked the nipple on my left breast, pinching it hard as she twisted her fingers around that it was all I could do to keep from shouting every obscenity in the book. Everyone thought that my facial expression was hysterical when she finally did let go.
The gang then sat down and continued chatting about dates and kissing and stuff like that – just to make me jealous I supposed. As they continued their indirect teasing of me I stood there looking out the window trying not to make eye contact with any of them. It was then I spotted several people walking by one the sidewalk. My eyes widened and I silently prayed that they would pass by without noticing me through the window.
Katie saw the look on my face and quickly jumped up from her chair. “What’s the matter, Annie? What are you looking at?” She then turned around and gazed outside and saw for herself. “Hey guys, check it out. There are people out there!”
It didn’t take long before everyone was looking outside and the teasing started again. “Maybe we should do the neighborly thing and invite them in for refreshments or something.” One boy said. The other boy quickly added, “Yeah, after all, it is hot out there.” My legs began to shake as I couldn’t tell if they were serious or not.
It didn’t matter. As they were all teasing and talking about what they would like to do there was a knock on the door!!!
Everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at me a bit perplexed. I wasn’t sure but I think they really didn’t know what to do at that point. Kidding was one thing but this was something else altogether.
The gang just looked at each other and back at me. Whoever it was at the door now rang the doorbell.
One of the boys whispered to Katie, “What do we do?” She just shrugged her shoulders.
“WOULD SOMEBODY GET THE DOOR, PLEASE,” My step-mom shouted from the kitchen.
One of the boys whispered again, “Is she serious?”
“I guess so,” Katie whispered back.
“But what about her?” he asked pointing at me.
“Well . . . her time isn’t anywhere near up yet and my mom knows that so . . . .”
“We answer the door!” Katie’s girlfriend exclaimed excitedly obviously thrilled at the prospect of exposing me to yet more people.



(The End)