My First Teaching Job Parts 7 to 12

By Hooked6

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Copyright July 1997 (revised 2013) by Hooked6 ( all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
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My First Teaching Job – Part 7 (Teen CFNM, CMNF)
By Hooked6 (
I had purposely positioned the girls so that they faced the main locker-room entrance door and the large clock that hung above it. I knew that as the students watched each second tick off coming closer and closer to the time of the end of their class that the pressure would mount.
Sooner or later I would find out what this was all about and, hopefully in the process, prevent another stunt like this from ever happening again. I just wished that someone would come forward BEFORE the boys actually arrived. I would hate to have to explain this to the Principal. Still, I thought this risk was worth taking. My creative solution with Adam Conners worked out better than I could have hoped as he had been a model student ever since our little encounter. I was pretty sure this would work out the same way – at least I prayed that it would.
As we waited in silence I spotted Rose looking at her reflection in the mirrored window. “Yes, Rose. That’s how Coach Thomas spotted you. He can see everything from in there.” I noticed the young student’s legs buckled a bit at my comment as I am sure she was wondering if he was in the office now looking at her again.
10 more minutes raced off the clock yet no one volunteered any information. I decided to ratchet up the stress a bit. “I’m sure ONE of you knows the story behind Rose’s little adventure this morning. As far as I’m concerned ALL of you do. By remaining silent you are telling me that you are ALL guilty. If I don’t find out just who was involved ALL of you will be punished. It’s a shame really. That the innocent have to suffer with the guilty, but what choice do I have? Think about it. In the meantime I want you all to put your hands on top of your heads.” There were a few sighs but no one moved to comply with my request. They were smart. Doing so would have left their bodies totally uncovered – exposed to anyone who might happen to walk through the entrance door. “MOVE!” I yelled as forcefully as I could. Soon there was a line of naked and very embarrassed students all interlocking their fingers on their heads.
“Very nice,” I said teasingly. “Any of you have any boyfriends in the next P.E. Class? If you don’t, you MIGHT, after they see you this way or if you have a boyfriend, you MIGHT NOT, after that boyfriend gets to see what you’ve been hiding.”
Okay that was mean, but time was growing short and I desperately wanted to resolve this before the boys really DID enter and catch them this way. Still, I could be a stubborn as they could and I wasn’t about to back down now.”
The silence of the locker-room was soon broken when outside the door voices could be heard. They were indistinguishable but they were voices nonetheless. I looked at the clock – five minutes until the bell rang signaling the end of the class period.
“Coach! We’ll be late for our next class! You have to let us go. I have a quiz I have to take,” Betty Timberland pleaded.
“Tough luck – that is unless one of you wants to speak up. Otherwise, that’s what Tardy Slips are for. A valid signed slip is like magic. It can excuse a whole range of absences and I have a whole drawer full of them. Now . . . if say ROSE here will tell what she knows this can all be over. Otherwise I think some boys are about to get the thrill of a lifetime. Like I said, I have all day . . .”
I went over to the girls and slowly walked down the line like a drill sergeant inspecting his troops – just like in the movies. I stopped in front of one nervous teen and looked her over carefully and then said, “Does Peter Cooper know you have a mole down there? He will in a minute, you know.”
“COACH, Please!!” she cried utterly humiliated.
As I walked back to my place in front of the girls I muttered, “Oh this is going to be rich. I can’t believe that Rose here is worth all this humiliation. Looks like you have about three minutes to make up your mind before the bell rings. I’d guess about five minutes after that the guys will get to see your student bodies. It will be out of my hands after that.”
Another minute ticked off the clock, then another but still no one stepped forward. It was clear, however that the pressure in the room had built up to explosive levels.
“Coach, you’ll lose your job over this,” Rose snapped back bitterly.
“Perhaps, but then if I don’t discipline the ones involved the School Board will probably eliminate this program anyway – too disruptive to the learning process they’ll say or the girls weren’t mature enough for this sort of activity. Rose here is a prime example of that so I’ll probably lose my job anyway. But let’s get one thing straight. I’ll not go down alone. It looks like I’ll take every one of you with me.”
Just then the bell rang making everyone jump! “STAY WHERE YOU ARE!” I shouted. “NO ONE MOVES UNTIL THIS IS SORTED OUT!”
“This is ridiculous! I’ll tell you what you want to know Coach.”
“Like hell I will. I’m not going down because of you or anyone else.” Kimberly said angrily. “It was Suzy Harper, Emily Tanner and Sherry Greenwood. They tricked Rose into staying late and stripped her and made her get Carl Edward’s Jock strap. Suzy Harper said she wanted it as a souvenir. They said if she didn’t do it they would tie her naked to the flag pole in front of the school. They also said they would do worse if she or anyone else said anything to anyone about this so we were all scared to say anything. NOW CAN WE GO COACH? PLEASE!!”
“Is this true, Rose?”
‘COACH . . . HURRY!! The boys will be here any minute!! We don’t have time for this!!” Kimberly squealed in a panic.
“You should have thought of that before waiting so long. Is it that what happened, Rose?”
“Yes ma’am. It’s just like Kimberly said. I’m sorry. Please Coach, it was bad enough having Coach Thomas see me naked. Don’t let the entire boy’s P.E. class see me that way too.”
“Suzy, Emily and Sherry stay put. The rest of you hurry and get dressed before you are late for class.” I had no sooner finished getting the words out and there was a mass of bodies scrambling for the door. If only the girls would run that fast on the basketball court we’d have a team that would be hard to beat!
Suzy tried her best to sneak off with the crowd but I spotted her and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back with the rest. “I didn’t say you could move. Put your hands on top of your head and stay that way! We still have some unfinished business to attend to.”
Suzy gave me the dirtiest look and reluctantly put her hands on top of her head. If looks could kill surely I would have been a dead woman. Just then the door slammed open and several boys came in talking loudly among themselves. “What the Hell?”

My First Teaching Job – Part 8 (Teen CFNM, CMNF)

By Hooked6 (
“Just go about your business boys,” I said. “Don’t let us interfere.”
Other boys entered in just about the same manner. The girls’ faces were bright red and Sherry looked like she was about to cry. It’s funny how things come back to haunt you. Sherry was the student that made the comment about Rose’s small boobs in the gymnasium earlier and now all the boys could plainly see that she wasn’t as well-endowed as her stuffed bra had led them to believe. What goes around, comes around, I always say.
Needless to say it wasn’t long before the locker-room was filled with boys all laughing and pointing at the three naked girls looking so ridiculous with their hands on top of their heads. Naturally they were so distracted, or possibly embarrassed that none of them got undressed to change into their gym clothes in front of these females. They were too busy making snide remarks of their own.
“Is everyone here?” I asked the class.
“Yes, I think so, ma’am. What’s going on . . . show and tell?” a lad answered giggling.
I sternly looked around the room letting the boy’s know that I meant business. ”I am conducting a serious investigation. This isn’t play time and unless you boys want to join them up here you had best pipe-down and listen up.”
The room got deathly quiet as all the boys looked at me wondering what was going on. “Is Carl Edwards, here?”
“No Coach.” A boy answered from the back. “He had P.E. earlier today. I think he’s in history class now.”
“Can I count on you to go and get him for me and bring him back here? Tell him that Coach Susan needs him for a few minutes and that I’ll give him an excusal slip to take back to class. Oh and make sure his teacher knows that it is important.”
“Yes, ma’am,” the boy said as he reluctantly left the room. I couldn’t blame him for being disappointed. After all, who would want to leave a room with three naked females in it?
“You boys can get ready for your P.E. class. I don’t want you to be late,” I said. Of course nobody made a move to strip off. I didn’t push the matter either. At least I had done my duty and instructed them not to be late.
The boys literally ogled the naked teens as if they were tall glasses of water for a bunch of parched, dying men in the desert. It was pretty comical. The girls on the other hand kept jeering at the boys as if to threaten them with their eyes. It was all I could do to keep from laughing.
All too soon I heard the sound of people running outside the door. I was worried that the principal might have heard about what was happening and was running down here to put a stop to it. That would have been a disaster for me. The door banged open and two boys ran in. “Here he is, Coach, Carl Edwards.”
The first boy then hurried overt his friends and I heard him ask, “Did I miss anything?”
“No, you didn’t miss anything,” I replied sarcastically. “You didn’t have to run all the way but thank you for not wasting time. It was considerate of you to insure that Mr. Edwards didn’t miss any more of his class than absolutely necessary.”
“What? Oh yeah . . . you’re welcome Coach.”
“Mr. Edwards, you are probably wondering why these girls are standing here like this in the middle of the boy’s locker-room. Well, sir, they are all thieves! They were involved in a conspiracy to steal from you.”
“Steal from me?”
They have something of yours and I wanted to be sure it was returned to you. Suzy, it’s on my desk. Go and get it please and you had better return here with it or it will be worse for you.”
The look I got from that girl was really something. I didn’t know the human face could screw itself up like that. I’m sure it was all she could do not to cuss me out!
“OOooohhhhh,” the boy’s mocked as she turned around and headed out the door.” Look at that butt!”
I should have put a stop to that nonsense but I didn’t. After what they had done to poor Rose I felt they deserved whatever they got.
After a long pause I saw Suzy reluctantly and very carefully re-enter the room with her hands behind her back to the chorus of several loud wolf-whistles. “Settle down, boys” I admonished the crowd. When Suzy had gotten close enough I reached out and grabbed her shoulders and made her stand front and center. I then ordered the other two coeds to join her – one on each side.
“Go on. Return what you stole.”
I could almost feel the heat from Suzy’s face as she slowly raised her clenched fist with the balled-up material inside.
“What’s this?” Carl asked clearly confused.
“Show him”
Suzy carefully opened her hand and held it out towards Carl, who picked up the wadded clump of material and started opening it up.
His face turned quite red as he realized what he was holding. “My jock strap . . . YOU STOLE MY JOCK STRAP?! WHY, for Pete’s sakes?”
His classmates all taunted him unmercifully over the fact that a girl had his unmentionables in her hand.
“Settle down or I swear you’ll all be joining these three just like they are. This is serious. This school cannot and WILL NOT tolerate stealing.” I then prodded Suzy pushing her forward a step. “Go on, tell him. Tell him why you had it stolen.”
“Please Coach . . .”
Suzy let out a huge sigh and whispered ever so softly, “I wanted a souvenir.”
“LOUDER! I’m sure he didn’t hear you. I know I didn’t.”
“I wanted a souvenir,” she repeated again flippantly, much louder than before causing all the boys to laugh when they heard her explanation.
Carl was so embarrassed that he quickly snatched up the jock strap and tried to stuff it in his pants pocket.
“Now girls, I want each of you to apologize to Carl for causing all this trouble.” Each girl in turn meekly said her piece. “Okay guys, the show is over. Hurry up and get ready for class. Coach Thomas will be here soon. Oh . . . and if any of you are caught taunting these girls because of what happened here today I can assure you that I WILL find out about it and those responsible might end up just like these three. Got it?”
“Yes Coach,” they replied almost in unison.
Turning to the coeds I instructed them to head for my office. “We still have some unfinished business to attend to.”


My First Teaching Job – Part 9 (Teen CFNM, CMNF)

By Hooked6 (
Once in my office I had the three guilty parties stand against the wall with their hands upon their heads. I launched into a lecture about how their behavior towards Rose was not only reprehensible but that it was serious enough to eventually lead to their suspension or possible expulsion. If this had happened off the school grounds they could have been charged with assault.
“EXPULSION?!” Sherry cried. “I can’t get expelled from school! My father would kill me! He pays a fortune to let me come here. Coach, I’m very sorry. I should have never let Suzy talk me into this. I just went along with her idea. She can be very persuasive.”
“We were just fooling around, Coach. We didn’t mean anything by it,” Emily quickly added.
I looked at the three girls for several moments. “So you are telling me that it was all Suzy’s doing and that she MADE you do this and you guys are innocent?”
“Um . . . not exactly, Coach,” Emily piped up meekly. “We all sorta went along with her idea. But we were just having a little fun. Didn’t you have fun when you were in high school?”
“I never assaulted anyone or stole anything, if that’s what you mean by your idea of fun,” I replied smartly. “Do you have any idea what poor Rose felt like being forcibly stripped and then later being dragged naked into the gym by Coach Thomas? You all are in big trouble, that’s all I can say. It will be up to the Dean of Students to decide your fate and he’s pretty rigid about adherence to school policy. . . .” I paused for several moments to let my last statement sink in and then added, “Unless of course you want to handle this amongst ourselves.”
The girls all looked at each other, mostly confused unsure of what to say, each looking for direction from the others. I waited for a bit to see which way they were leaning. “I didn’t think so. Anyway, I guess it’s best that I call the Dean,” I said picking up the phone as was now my polished routine and held it to my ear and began dialing.
“WAIT!” Sherry cried in a panic. “That is, I just want to say . . . um . . . Why would you do this . . . to your program I mean? If the Dean finds out wouldn’t that be bad for you, I mean us, I mean ALL us girls?”
“Yes, it would mean the girl’s athletic program would be under the spotlight and there might be consequences for what you did today that would directly affect all the other female students here, but I can’t let this slide. The right thing must be done so others won’t be tempted to pull such a stupid stunt like this by copying your behavior. I have to put a stop to this once and for all.”
“You’re planning on making an example of us aren’t you?” Suzy asked flippantly.
“I suspect the Dean will, yes, most certainly.”
Just then the door opened and Coach Thomas walked in. He looked at the girls, gave me a small grin and then asked as he shook his head, “More idiot students of yours?” His presence immediately caused the girls to quickly drop their hands to cover themselves.
I gave them a stern look and reluctantly they each returned to their proper position with their hands on top of their heads completely exposing themselves to this man. “These are the ones responsible for Rose’s behavior today. I think we are close to resolving the matter.”
Coach Thomas looked at each girl carefully with a stern face, lingering as he did so making sure each girl knew he was not happy with the situation and that he was making a note of each of them. “Well, I certainly hope so. IDIOCY, that’s what this is, IDIOCY!”
He went over to his desk and retrieved some papers and put them into a manila folder. As he turned to leave he added, “I take it you are going to call the girls’ fathers like you did last time? That paddling Adam Conners’ mother gave his naked little behind seems to have worked wonders.” He then gave me a wink and started to leave the office.
“I haven’t decided yet. I’m still working things out.”
As soon as they door closed Sherry screamed, “YOU CAN’T CALL MY DAD AND LET HIM SEE ME THIS WAY? YOU JUST CAN’T!!”
“Well, that was the punishment Coach Thomas and I worked out for Adam Conners when he got caught fighting. The Dean would have expelled him but Adam chose to have his mother do the correction instead.”
Okay, you’re right. I deliberately left a few little details out about what had really happened and the fact that the Dean didn’t really have any idea what I had done. Surely I could be forgiven those little white lies, I thought. After all, it was all in the name of achieving a lasting result that wouldn’t jeopardize my program.
“Oh that didn’t really happen,” Suzy Harper chimed in smugly. “She’s making that up just to scare us. Can’t you see that?”
“Oh no, “Emily argued, “It most certainly did!! My friend Amanda saw a naked Adam Conners being dragged out of the gym by his mother and he clearly had a bright red behind! She took him right across the parking lot in front of everybody at the change of classes. You can ask anybody!!
“It’s true, Suzy,” Sherry said. “It’s all over the school. Have you been living in a cave or something these past few weeks?”
“So I guess we’re going to get expelled then,” Suzy said matter-of-factly.
“If that’s what you want,” I said as I calmly picked up the phone again and held it to my ear.
The girls began arguing among themselves in earnest. Sherry and Emily were dead-set against calling the Dean while Suzy held her ground. It was clear that Suzy was indeed the ring-leader of this little group. I let them debate the issue for some time hoping they could reach a consensus. Finally I gave up as they were still arguing and said, “Since you can’t all agree then I’m just going to let the Dean decide and that’s all there is to it.”
The girls all got very quiet. “Okay, we did wrong,” Emily admitted, “and I know that there’s no way we are going to get out of this. I can’t get expelled, and I really, really don’t want my dad to see me this way. What did you have in mind? Maybe that will help us reach agreement.”
“You’re really in no position to negotiate and you are all really pissing me off, now.” Just then the bell rang and we could all hear the boys entering their locker-room. I knew that I had wasted enough time on this already and a good part of me wanted to just say the heck with it and call the Dean. I slammed my fist down on my desk and said in the firmest manner possible, “This is the way it’s going to be. I’m calling the Dean and then drag your naked little asses out this door and down the hallway, across the school yard in front of all your classmates to the administration building until we reach his office. He will most likely call your parents anyway and then eventually you will indeed be kicked out of the school to make an example of yourself to others . . . OR you can let me punish you my way - whatever way I choose. I’ll give you ONE MINUTE to decide or out that door we go.”
“But Coach . . .”
“Fifty-five seconds . . .”
The girls fiercely debated amongst themselves once again, still two against one.
“15 seconds . . .”
“Okay Coach, we’ll do it your way.” Sherry and Emily said in unison.
 Looking at the lone hold-out I asked, “Suzy?”
Just then Emily looked over at the window and gasped, “OH MY GOSH!”
“There clearly seen through the window were two naked boys heading towards the showers without a care in the world, letting it all hang- out. “GIRLS, EYES FRONT!” I yelled firmly snapping them back to reality.
All three girls were breathing heavily. I wasn’t sure if that was because they knew that their actual punishment was at hand or if it was because they had just seen two naked boys! “Okay,” I asserted, “this is what is going to happen . . .”


My First Teaching Job – Part 10 (Teen CFNM, CMNF)

By Hooked6 (
Since I believe that you obviously have no idea what you did to poor Rose and the humiliation she suffered at your hands, we are all going across the hall to the Gym for an object lesson and then Rose is going to paddle your naked behinds 11 times each. That seems fair to me and Rose will get the satisfaction of knowing that justice has indeed been done. After that we will consider the matter closed and I’ll say no more about it.”
“But Coach! The freshman girl’s P.E. class will be in there now! I don’t want to be seen by a bunch of little retards. We’re seniors! Can’t we do this in here?” Sherry pleaded.
“We could, but like you already pointed out the school will be making an example of you three either way to keep others from imitating your behavior. If we did this in my office no one will know about it let alone believe it actually happened. That’s my decision. You said you would abide by it so let’s get this over with.”
“Whatever,” Suzy said indifferently.
I picked up the now famous Ping-Pong paddle from the shelf next to Coach’s desk and opened the office door that led to the hallway. “Hands on head again, girls, and you better not move them until I say so.”
I led the way as the students nervously looked around the now empty corridor. I was a bit disappointed that the boys had already finished up and left for their next classes. Still, my point would be made. Having senior girls, who are always picking on freshmen, being made an example in front of underclassmen would definitely serve my point.
Hearing the voices of the next P.E. class in the gym made all the girls cringe – even Suzy. She may act all tough and brave but she wasn’t any different than Adam Conners or anyone else. Seeing her anxiety I was absolutely confident that this was going to end up being another success story.
As I entered the gym I turned around and walked backwards into the gym keeping an eye on my charges so that they wouldn’t bolt. I could hear the noise subside and everything getting amazingly quiet, which was then followed by a chuckle, and a few more giggles then outright laughter. The looks on my miscreants’ faces were priceless.
As I turned around it was my turn to stop dead in my tracks! There standing next to Coach Thomas were three men – two in business suits and one in construction attire.
“COACH, How COULD you?!!” Sherry cried almost in tears. “YOU PROMISED!” as she lowered her hands and tried to cover herself. The other girls had already beaten her to it. Not knowing what I had stumbled upon I didn’t try to stop them. At that point I think I was as embarrassed as they were. Part of me felt bad for these teenagers being exposed to three strange men.
I looked at my boss and asked, “What’s going on Coach? This is my class. Am I interrupting something?”
My boss just smiled from ear to ear and answered, “No, you’re not interrupting. I took the liberty of contacting their fathers and explained what had happened and suggested that it might be a good idea if they got down here right away to reinforce the fact that they are just as outraged by their behavior as we are.”
I heard Emily whisper angrily, “I can’t believe you did this to us! You are a LIAR! You said if we went along you wouldn’t call our dads!”
Surprised as I was I couldn’t let that comment slide. “As it happened, I didn’t promise any such thing. Besides, I didn’t call your dads, Coach Thomas did.” I then turned to my freshman students and yelled, “Huddle up, girls,” as I beckoned them to gather around. I then proceeded to explain what had happened and what was uncovered during my investigation.
As soon as the details came out about Carl Edward’s jockstrap Suzy’s father got an angry look in his eyes and shouted, “Susan Sanders . . . HOW COULD YOU? All this over a boy’s JOCK STRAP??”
Suzy lowered her head to the floor as if she wanted to melt right into the basketball court.
I looked around the gym and spotted Rose and called her over and introduced her to the fathers and my P.E. class. “This is Rose, the girl that your daughter’s stripped and forced under threat of tying her naked to the flagpole to sneak into the boy’s locker-room and steal the jockstrap. I thought it fitting that she be the one to give these girls their licks, 11 to be exact, as she was the one that was humiliated.”
“ELEVEN?” Suzy’s father exclaimed. “My daughter should get way more than that! Make it FIFTY.”
“No I think eleven is sufficient.”
“If you say so,” the father replied. “I’ll make up the difference in the parking lot after you’re through!”
“DAD, NO!”
I handed the paddle to Rose who looked as confused as anyone else in the gym. “Coach I can’t do that! I’ve never spanked anyone in my life!”
“I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it. If you don’t do a good job these girls will likely not learn anything from all this. Just pretend you are swinging at a softball or playing tennis. Surely you can do that, can’t you?”
“I . . . guess so, Coach.”
The tension in the gym was as thick as fog as everyone waited to see what was going to happen. I pulled each girl to the center of the gym and made them bend over and grab their ankles. I didn’t think much about this position until I went around behind them and saw how much was displayed to the freshmen girls and their fathers. It was a very immodest pose to be sure but I couldn’t readjust them now as it would look ridiculous.
Rose started off with Emily. Her first swing was barely a tap. Emily’s father chided, “Come on girl. Surely you can do better than that!” His comment caused several in the P.E. class to giggle. Rose took a deep breath and swung again this time the gym echoed resoundingly with a solid “SLAP” of the paddle against the skin. “That’s it! NINE MORE JUST LIKE THAT!” Emily’s father said enthusiastically.
With the parents encouraging her, rose seemed to really get into her role as disciplinarian, much to the delight of the rest of the class. In fact after a few more strokes they began excitedly counting them out loud: “FOUR . . . FIVE . . . SIX . . . “and so on applauding Rose as she reached the eleventh stroke. The humiliation factor was better than I had expected.
When Rose reached Suzy, which was the last girl to be punished, she seemed very reluctant to proceed. I could tell she was still afraid of this girl, who clearly commanded a certain position among the students. “Go on Rose,” I enjoined her. “We haven’t got all day, you know. Just imagine how you felt as Coach Thomas dragged you naked into the gym and channel that anger into Suzy’s behind.”
Rose grabbed the paddle firmly and swung hard.
“OW, Bitch!” Suzy yelped as she grabbed her backside and vigorously rubbed her butt cheeks causing several of the other girls to laugh heartily. Like before, there was a countdown to mark the number, each Swat bringing a more excited chant than before. They were really getting into this and I was loving it. Try to imagine a gym full of young teenage girls laughing and carrying on as three snotty upperclassmen got what they deserved. I looked over at my boss and he was smiling. When he noticed that I was looking his way he gave me an encouraging wink. I took that to mean that he was pleased with the way I was handling things and that made me feel really good.
When Rose had finished I made the girls apologize once again to Rose and then to their fathers for their behavior. As each girl stood naked before her dad, totally embarrassed at having to display herself in that fashion, their words of regret were barely audible and clearly humiliating for them to say. I released each girl to their parent and then began conducting my class as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. It was surprising to me how cooperative and obedient my class was after having witnessed what had just happened.
Sherry and Emily’s fathers ordered them to get dressed and get to their next class and that they would talk about things when they got home. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Suzy’s dad, however, dragging his still naked daughter out the side door of the gym that led to the parking lot swatting her ass with his free hand as they walked along. I could see several students walking about outside looking at her before the door closed. I guessed that Suzy wasn’t going back to her classes that day.

My First Teaching Job – Part 11 (Teen CFNM, CMNF)
By Hooked6 (
Several days passed and I heard nothing from the Principal or the Dean of Students regarding what had happened in the gym. Either they hadn’t heard about it or, if they were aware, they chose not to address the issue. Sherry, Emily and Suzy, like Adam Conners before them, seemed to be reformed characters. Classes went on without a hitch and things seemed better than ever between my boss and I. Perhaps all that was needed was a little show of authority and a little creative discipline to set things right.
Two weeks later, nearing the end of the semester, I had some grade reports to finish that I had procrastinated on. I decided to get to school early so that I could have some quiet time in my office to work on these without interruption. I parked my car in the usual spot in the faculty parking lot, grabbing my things, locked my car and headed out towards the gymnasium across campus.
Suddenly I heard a muffled sound coming from the early dawn shadows. I looked up and my heart almost stopped. There was Kimberly Tanner, the girl that finally squealed on her classmates during my interrogation in the boy’s locker-room, tied to the school’s flagpole, totally naked, arms tied behind her back, ankles bound together and a huge piece of duct tape was covering her mouth!! A small hand-lettered sign was taped to her belly that read: “Got what she deserved.”
“KIMBERLY!!” I shouted as I dropped my belongings. I immediately ran up to her and tried to unfasten the ropes around her waist to which the insulting small sign was taped. “What the hell happened?”
“MMMMpppphhhhhhh” She answered trying to respond to my question.
“Wait a minute. I’ll get this rope undone and then work on getting that tape off your mouth. It’s wrapped around your hair so it will take me a minute. I don’t want to hurt you.
“MMMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHH . . . MMMMPPHHHHHHH!!!!” she kept on trying to shout through the tape, growing ever more emphatic as I worked feverishly to free her from her bonds.
“Just a minute!” I sighed. “I have to work quickly on these ropes as soon the parking lot will be full of kids coming to school. I need to get you free before people see you like this.”
No sooner had I gotten my words out I felt someone grab me from behind and place a paper bag over my head. “LET ME GO!” I screamed as struggled to get free. It was no use as I suddenly felt several pairs of hands pulling on my clothes. In a flash my sweatpants were pulled to the ground and I felt the cool morning air against my now bare thighs. “STOP IT . . . I’M WARNING YOU!!”
My blouse was ripped clean off my shoulders as I twisted and turned trying to break free. I heard some giggling but I couldn’t make out to who the voices belonged to. Then I started to panic as I felt my bra being unfastened. “DON’T YOU DARE!” I cried out in a panic, my voice trembling with fear. My pleas were in vain as my bra disappeared to more choruses of giggling.
Suddenly I felt something cold against my back. It was the flagpole. They were going to tie me to the flagpole just like they had done to poor Kimberly! “NO!!~” I screamed resulting in more rounds of outright laughter now. Soon my hands were stretched around the pole and tied very, very securely behind my back. Some tape was placed at the bottom of the bag that covered my head securing it to my neck thus insuring that I couldn’t see at all.
Then the unthinkable happened. I felt fingers sliding under the elastic waistband of my panties. To hysterical laughter I felt my last vestige of dignity being slowly pulled down my thighs. I quickly tried to spread my legs apart so they wouldn’t be able to get them completely off of me but that didn’t work as someone started tickling my belly and I lost control of my muscles.
“DAMN woman!” a female voice that I didn’t recognize said. Don’t you ever trim that thing?” How humiliating!! I was mortified.
I didn’t have time to reflect on my shame as someone then grabbed my left leg and pulled it as far as it would go and tied it securely to Kimberly’s right leg. Then my right leg was equally spread apart and tied to what I can only guess was someplace around the back of the flagpole. My humiliation was complete. I could just picture myself – naked, nipples pointing outward as tight as they could possibly be in the cool morning air, my legs spread apart revealing all my most intimate secrets to anyone who happened to look. My face felt flushed with embarrassment.
I then heard footsteps, lot of them, quickly running away leaving the two of us naked females trapped with only a few minutes before the parking lot filled with students and other faculty members. One couldn’t have devised a more perfect plan for revenge – if that was what this was. Karma can be a real bitch sometimes I thought to myself.
In panic mode I struggled against my bindings, but it seemed that the more I pulled and strained the tighter they got – so tight in fact that I was held fast now totally unable to move even a tiny bit. I was as helpless as any young woman could be. I lost track of time as everything seemed to move in slow motion.
Then for the second time my heart literally stopped. I heard cars, lots of vehicles entering the parking lot and voices. From the sound of them they were students – both male and female. In my mind’s eye I could picture the setting in the school yard. Kimberly and I would be clearly visible as the flagpole was in a most prominent position adjacent to the student parking lot. The faculty lot was around the corner closer to the Administration building thus making us less visible to arriving staff members. The only reason I stumbled upon Kimberly was because I was headed towards the gym. Perhaps whoever was doing this only meant to mess with Kimberly and I was an unwitting addition to their fun. As I thought about it, maybe it wasn’t revenge after all, just another student prank.
LAUGHTER - lots of hysterical laughter as I heard the voices coming closer. Soon I could perceive that many more students had joined the initial group. Crude comments were made about our bodies and some of the male students joked about what they would like to do to each of us.
It was demeaning to be sure. But somewhere between the fear and the obvious humiliation I began to realize that I was actually becoming aroused. I was definitely becoming moist – no make that awkwardly wet. It dawned on me that with the bag on my head covering my face I was basically anonymous. I was just a naked body to be ogled and hopefully lusted over. Poor Kimberly, however, had to face her classmates squarely in the eyes – her identity revealed for all those present. No one had yet mentioned my name or gave any hint of my identity. Though they regularly taunted Kimberly by name, I was referred to repeatedly as just “her cute friend.” They would shout, “Look at Kimberly’s cute friend. Her nipples could poke your eyes out!” and things like that. Though it was degrading, it was quite arousing to think that these people were looking at my body that way. Perhaps I was just young enough to get away with being mistaken for another student.
Still more students arrived and the taunting continued. Wolf-whistles, crude obscenities, nasty sexual suggestions abounded. Each comment drew applause and cheers as the crowd acknowledged the creativity of the person calling out. I can’t explain it but the raunchier the comments became the more aroused and wetter I got. I am ashamed to admit this but I found myself wishing that this, in some strange way, would never end. It was a fantasy-of-sorts come true as I was always the good little girl and never engaged in anything wrong or ever experimented in anything rebellious. In today’s age I would be considered one of those “Girls Gone Wild” types but back then I was doing something seriously unacceptable.
“HEY LOOK!” some girl shouted. “She’s horny!” I could only assume she was talking about me. I felt my face flush warm as I had been caught out.
“Baloney,” a male student’s voice disagreed. “How do you know anyway?”
“Check it out for yourself if you don’t believe me,” the girl answered back.
I felt my legs wanting to give way as I knew what was coming. I didn’t have to wait long as I felt two fingers slide easily between my wet legs causing me to gasp quite loudly.
“Hey, she likes it!” the boy said giggling as he began moving his fingers more rapidly across my intimate space. I was about to really embarrass myself by climaxing right in front of all these students when I heard a familiar voice shout, “Okay, Break it up. What’s going on here? Let me through.”

My First Teaching Job – Part 12 END (Teen CFNM, CMNF)
By Hooked6 (
It was Coach Thomas, my boss! I suddenly felt sick. My boss was going to see me naked!! I finally fully realized what Suzy and her friends must have felt like having to be seen naked by their fathers; I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
“Break it up” I heard him say as I could detect him shuffling through the crowd coming ever closer to the flagpole. “Make way . . . move over . . . what the hell?” I then heard other teacher’s voices – all male making their way through the crowd as well.
“Who’s responsible for this?” I heard Mr. Thompkins the science teacher ask.
“We don’t know,” a girl replied. “They were like that when we got here.
I felt someone trying to untie me yanking on the ropes around my wrists and I could feel someone else next to me bumping into my shoulder as they worked on Kimberly too.
As soon as my hands were free I raised them up to keep whoever it was from removing the bag over my head as my ankles were untied.
The students all clapped when the two of us were free. Ever so carefully using my fingers I made a small tear in the bag so that I could see out and was shocked at how many people were standing there still watching!! The first thing I did was to look around to see if I could find my clothes and papers – I not only wanted something to cover myself with but also to hide any evidence like my grade book that might give me away.
My breathing became rapid as I heard my boss say, “Move your hands and let’s get this bag off of you. It must be impossible for you to breathe under there.”
“NO!” I squealed in my best attempt at disguising my voice. “I’m fine. Let’s just get out of here.”
“Nonsense, it will only take a minute. Just hold on while I pull this tape off.”
I squealed once again but it was too late. As the tape was peeled away from the skin of my neck it tore the paper bag and in no time my face was uncovered.
“IT’S COACH SUSAN!!” several students shouted in delight. “DAMN, she’s hot!!”
“That’ll be enough of that,” Coach Thomas said firmly. “Everyone get to class. The show’s over.”
After trying to chase a few people back from the flagpole, the students reluctantly started moving away - not very fast but they at least made it appear like they were trying to comply with his directive all the while continuing to stare at me.
“Are you okay, Susan?” my boss asked with concern as he looked me over from head to toe. “What happened here?”
“It’s a long story,” I replied with a sigh.
My boss took hold of my arm and asked if I knew where my clothes were. When I replied that I had no idea what had happened to them he said, “Let’s get you and Kimberly here out of the parking lot.”
We started walking towards the administration building and I was fully and painfully aware that Kimberly and I were still naked and heading towards a building that would be full of students and other faculty members getting ready for the start of the school day.
“Where are we going?” I asked my boss with my voice cracking a bit.
“To the Principal’s Office. We have to get this straightened out right away. We need to get to the bottom of this while it is still fresh in your memory. Even the tiniest detail might help us figure out who did this to you. It is imperative that we catch whoever did this.”
“Yes, I agree . . . but I can’t go in there like this! I’m naked.”
“Susan, it’s not like the entire student body hasn’t already seen you this way. Besides you can’t stay out here in the parking lot. You’ll be safer once we get you inside.”
His logic made sense but it still sucked and, after all, he was my boss and he did know my history with my students. I figured I was going to need all the support I could get in front of the Principal. So, I reluctantly went along with it and tried to act like it was no big deal, but make no mistake, it WAS a big deal to me.
Walking the halls of the Administrative building completely naked - halls that I had walked hundreds of times fully clothed, was intense to say the least. Students stared, faculty members grinned appreciatively and secretarial staff smirked. I was mortified. To think, just moments before I was ever so close to having an orgasm in front of literally hundreds of students. What a difference a few minutes can make. Now I just wanted to die.
Facing the Principal and the Dean of Students, while standing in that office completely naked as they both threw question after question at us trying to figure everything out was awful. There was a tremendous sense of urgency in their interrogation – so much in a hurry were they to get to the truth that no one bothered to offer to get us something to cover with. Instead we just stood there exposed and embarrassed in front of an ever-increasing number of faculty members. With all those people there weren’t even any chairs for us to sit on! We were surrounded exposing everything on all sides.
Bottom line, my boss and the Dean were very supportive and the details Kimberly gave about Suzy, Emily and Sherry’s treatment of Rose together with what she saw as she was being tied to the flagpole was enough to get those three girls expelled.
I ended the school year and was offered a contract to return. I’m not sure what I will do in the fall. I’m still trying to decide. If I come back I can only imagine what types of things might happen! The mind boggles at the possibilities! One thing is certain, however, I will never forget my first year teaching.

If you liked this story I would love to hear from you.




(The End)