INDIAN'S REVENGE Part Four (Exh, Humil, mmfffFF)
Copyright January 3, 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
(Author's Note: Indian's Revenge is a sequel to the story
"Cowboys & Indians." To familiarize themselves with the
plot and principle characters, readers may wish to re-read
the previous chapters at
BY: Hooked6
(Author's Note: Indian's Revenge is a sequel to the story
"Cowboys & Indians." Readers may wish to re-read the
previous chapters at
Http:// to familiarize
themselves with the plot and principle characters.)
As darkness approached, the girls finally came downstairs into the living room ready to go. They both had changed into short skirts that Eddie noticed showed a LOT of thigh! Just seeing them like that caused a stirring between his legs. He quickly tried to concentrate on something else so that he wouldn't embarrass himself.
Aunt Polly made Eddie sit in the back seat between the two girls. As nervous as Eddie was about driving around town without any clothing, he at least was glad that it was dark. As they drove, Eddie noticed that both the girls' skirts had risen up quite high, so much so that he could almost see their panties. He was sure they had done that on purpose. Try as he might not to look, he found himself again and again sneaking glances. It was almost as if he couldn't help himself! He tried to imagine what color panties they were wearing and unconsciously found himself leaning a bit in order to improve his view. His penis began to thicken a bit with every peek!
As they turned into the Drive-In and waited in the line of cars to purchase tickets to enter, Eddie began to get really nervous. Mary, the school blabber-mouth often worked that booth. If she saw him like this his life would be over. Why people in the next state would hear about it if SHE had anything to do with it. Maybe it would be someone else tonight, he thought. After all, it WAS Saturday. Surely she would have better things to do than work.
As they crept slowly toward the ticket booth, Tina nonchalantly placed her hand on Eddie's upper thigh resting it there. The softness of her touch so close to his private spot sent chills up his spine and in horror Eddie watched as his cock rose to complete attention. Tina looked down at what had happened and smiled from ear to ear. She felt a certain secret bond forming between the two of them as a result of what had happened earlier.
Their car was now second in line. It was then that Eddie noticed Mary, of all people, was indeed working the ticket booth! There he was naked with a boner sitting between two girls only a few seconds away from total humiliation by the biggest gossip in school! He had to think fast.
As they pulled up even with the door of the booth, Eddie leaned all the way over and put his head between his knees and used his hands to hide his face. He heard Mary call out, "That's $15.00 for the car load, ma'am." Aunt Polly rummaged through her purse for the correct amount. Eddie's heart was beating fast as he tried to crumple up into a small ball trying to hide everything. Then he heard Mary's voice ask, "Hey, What's the matter with him?"
Kim laughed as her sister spoke up and said, "Oh, he's not feeling well right now."
"I see." Mary said sympathetically. "There's a stomach bug going around school. I sure hope he doesn't have that. I hear that it's awful."
Aunt Polly handed over the money and they drove on into the theatre parking area. Eddie was ever so relieved not to have been spotted naked. "That was quite clever Eddie," Aunt Polly said. "But you can't stay that way all night, you'll hurt your back. Now sit up straight and enjoy yourself. This should be a good movie!"
Eddie sat up just as Kim yelled out her window, "Hi Pam!" Eddie noticed the girl walking across the lot stop and wave at them as they drove past. Mercifully she continued her walk without bothering to come and chat.
Aunt Polly found a parking space and stopped the car just as they began showing previews of coming attractions. She tuned her car radio to the theatre channel and movie sounds filled the car. "You girls want some popcorn or something before the movie starts?" she asked.
"Yeah! That would be great," Kim exclaimed. "Eddie, why don't you go and get us some?" Kim laughed at her own humor as her mother handed her some money and said, "I think it best that you go for now."
Eddie swallowed hard. What did she mean by "for now?" he wondered sitting silently in the darkness. When Kim opened the door, the interior light came on illuminating everyone in the car. Eddie panicked and shouted, "Shut the door, Dipweed!" He immediately knew he was in the wrong as Aunt Polly turned around and looked at him with a scowl on her face. "I'm sorry Kim," Eddie quickly said. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."
"Humpph" Kim sighed in disgust and took off toward the concession stand leaving her door wide open purposefully exposing Eddie to anyone who happened to walk by. Eddie quickly put his hands in his lap trying to cover himself. Seeing this and realizing Eddie deserved to be disciplined for his outburst, Aunt Polly said, "Eddie. There'll be none of that tonight. You're still being punished. I was considering cutting you some slack, but after that shouting incident I think you are still in need of a reminder. Just sit there with your hands by your sides and behave yourself, understand? If someone happens to see you, that's just too bad."
"Yes ma'am," Eddie said dejectedly.
During the entire time Kim was gone, the door remained open and Eddie lived in fear of being discovered. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice.
The main feature finally came on and everyone settled back to watch.
After a few minutes, Eddie silently groaned. It was a love story! Only GIRLS would like a movie like that. He was bored out of his mind. Two hours of this junk, he thought! The first 45 minutes were sheer agony. His mind was going numb! He decided to quietly lean his head back against the back seat and stretch his body out to get comfortable. Soon he was fast asleep.
When the movie ended, Tina asked, "Mom, can we stay for the second feature?"
"Yeah, this is really fun! I'd hate for it to be over so soon," echoed Kim.
"I guess so," their mother replied. "But I have to use the restroom before the next movie starts. Maybe we should all get out and stretch our legs."
"Should we wake Eddie up?" Tina asked.
"No, just let him sleep. He's had a hard day," Aunt Polly instructed. The girls giggled at their mother's wit and the three of them quietly left the car as Eddie slumbered away.
Eddie's mind was all jumbled up dreaming about the day's events subconsciously creating the most horrifying nightmare. He pictured himself naked in the school corridor just as class let out. Everyone saw him and they were laughing at him. He tried to run but his legs wouldn't work! The laughing grew louder and louder. It was all so real! Still groggy he slowly came out of his sleep. It was all a dream, he reassured himself. But the laughter continued. Even in his dazed mind he was confused. Why should there be laughter? Then his eyes opened a crack and he saw them! Outside the car were 4 boys and two girls staring at him through the open window. He had no idea who they were.
"Hey, naked boy is waking up!" one boy said. The girls giggled.
"Maybe he's lost his mommy!" another boy kidded.
"Let's help him find her!" a girl shouted. Before Eddie could react the car door opened and he was dragged outside. He struggled but there were too many of them. Two boys each had a hold of Eddie's arms and the crowd moved among the cars. Eddie was so embarrassed. "HEY!" LOOK THERE!" someone shouted from inside a parked car. Eddie heard laughter coming from everywhere. A car horn honked and turned on its headlights illuminating Eddie's naked body. "OH MY GAWD!" A girl's voice yelled, "A STREAKER!"
The gang took Eddie all around the lot showing him off to as many friends as they could. They approached a van full of teens. The side door opened and Eddie saw the group all laughing at him.
"I recognize that boy," a girl said. "He's that naked Indian that was at the school dance the other day!"
"Are you sure?" asked another girl.
"Yeah, it's him. With a pecker that small there's no mistaking it." The first girl remarked. Everyone laughed.
"Let me get a picture!" a boy said from inside the van.
Eddie panicked and summoned all his strength! He finally was
able to break free and ran as fast as he could just as the
second feature movie was starting.
He wasn't sure how he had managed it, but he successfully
made it to the large movie screen and hid behind it!
He eventually caught his breath as he pondered what to do. If he ran back to his aunt's car he would surely be spotted again by everyone at the movies. If he stayed where he was he risked upsetting his aunt. She would surely be worried to death if upon returning he wasn't there. He decided just to make a dash for it. As he came out from behind his hiding place, the laughter started all over again. He tried to block it out as he ran.
He arrived at the vehicle just as the girls were opening the car door. "Where've you been?" Aunt Polly asked, surprised to see Eddie out and about.
"I . . . ah, "Eddie stammered still out of breath. "I had to use the bathroom."
"I'll bet that was a challenge," Aunt Polly said with amusement.
Eddie didn't respond but quickly jumped into the back seat followed by the two girls. The second feature was just as boring as the first but Eddie was too keyed up to fall asleep again.
Later, as they were leaving the Drive-in Eddie saw Mary, the girl at the ticket booth, looking right at him as they drove away. "I wonder if she saw that I was naked?" he asked himself. What a day this has been!
Upon returning home, Aunt Polly informed Eddie that he was to sleep on the couch as no other beds were available. He didn't mind, even if he had to sleep on the floor, he was grateful just to be inside away from prying eyes.
The next morning Aunt Polly woke Eddie up. He had slept soundly being total exhausted from his ordeal of the previous day. She instructed him to take a shower, then after breakfast, she would take him home. Still groggy, he threw off the sheet he was covered with, exposing his usual morning erection to his aunt who looked at it disapprovingly. Eddie could see she was displeased and quickly tried to cover up. It was too late, however. She gave him a wry smile and said, "Since Tina was with you in the bathroom yesterday, I guess it is Kim's turn to watch you today," she said plainly. "Kim, make sure he doesn't do anything nasty. And don't dawdle as breakfast will be ready soon."
Kim's eyes widened at the prospect of taking charge. That's just what Eddie needed. An audience while he washed himself.
Eddie knew he couldn't pee while in an aroused state so he
started by turning on the shower.
"Aren't you going to pee first?" she asked with a giggle.
Eddie realized that her sister must have told her everything that had happened the previous day. "You know I can't pee with it like that?"
"That's too bad!" she said with a chuckle. "Those things must be awfully inconvenient."
"Yeah," Eddie said sarcastically. "I'll bet you're glad you don't have one."
"Listen I understand that you know a way to make it go down and I want to see it," Kim said rather directly.
"Hell, NO!" Eddie replied. "I'm not doing that for you or anyone else."
"Why not?" Kim asked.
"Cause it's too embarrassing," Eddie replied honestly.
"Look, Indian boy, I want to see you shoot. My sister got to see it so why can't I?" Kim went on. "I'll make a deal with you. If you shoot for me I'll tell mom that you behaved. If you don't, I'll tell her you played with yourself anyway and you'll get a whipping! She'll take my word over yours."
Eddie just stood there silently. He was trapped. He knew she would do just as she said she would. He just couldn't masturbate in front of her. He just couldn't. He finally said. "I can't do it, you know, by my self. It takes too long and your mom will get suspicious. Maybe if you . . ."
"You want ME to touch that thing?!" Kim said wrinkling up her nose.
"Hell, no!" Eddie responded quickly. "I meant maybe if you just waited outside it'll go down by itself. I promise I won't do anything 'nasty'."
"No I want to see it shoot and I meant what I said. If you don't get busy I'm going to tell mom you played with yourself in front of me," Kim repeated her threat.
Eddie reluctantly grabbed a hold of himself and started stroking. It was so embarrassing. Kim watched as Eddie continued his hand motions. She was fascinated by the very idea of seeing a boy doing something so personal right in front of her very eyes. Minutes passed and then more but nothing happened. "Well?" Kim said growing impatient at the delay.
"I just can't seem to do it," Eddie replied still furiously stroking. "There's just too much stress right . . ." As he spoke pressure began to build deep within and suddenly he began to shoot right into Kim's hand as she raised it up to protect her clothes from being ruined. Kim laughed at the sight of watching Eddie ejaculate.
When he was through Eddie snapped at Kim, "There! Happy now?"
His sarcasm couldn't have been timed more poorly. Kim's feelings were hurt by Eddie's lack of sensitivity. She couldn't understand why he would want to spoil such a special moment for her and she reacted emotionally. "MOM! EDDIE PLAYED WITH HIMSELF AND SHOT HIS STUFF ALL OVER ME!"
"What are you doing?!" Eddie said fearfully. "Please don't tell! You promised! I'm sorry if I made you mad. I'll make it up to you. Just don't tell on me!" Before she could answer Kim's mom yelled up the stairs, "What did you say honey? I didn't hear you?"
Kim faced Eddie and held up her hand full of goo. She smiled menacingly and whispered, "You PROMISE you'll make it up to me?" Eddie frantically nodded his head.
"I just said Eddie is almost through and we'll be down in a minute." Kim answered her mother.
"Good because Breakfast is ready," she reiterated.
Eddie hurried with his shower as Kim washed her hands and before long the two of them were seated at the table. No matter how long Eddie had been without clothing he still couldn't get used to it.
The ride back home was difficult as Eddie had no idea what was in store for him when he faced his mother again. She was extremely angry at him when he last left her and all he could do was hope that she had calmed down a little during the night. The severe whipping he received at her hands was still fresh in his mind.