Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident Parts 4 to 7

By Hooked6


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Copyright April 2013 by Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
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Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)

Chapter 4
When I awoke the next morning the sun was already up and shinning on my face through my open window. The cool, gentle breeze of the early morning and subtle scents of the rose bushes in the flower garden outside beckoned me up from my slumber. Somehow all the events of the previous day seemed but a dream – a nightmare really – a distant but unpleasant memory. Surprisingly, I felt pretty good and was only reminded of my incapacitated state when I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes and nearly knocked myself silly as the hardened cast on my wrist slammed into my face. It was almost comical, actually, if it wasn’t happening to me.
“Good morning, Sunshine! It’s about time you were awake.”
It was Donna. Damn, it wasn’t a dream after all. “Leave me alone. I don’t need anyone to look after me so you might as well just get on out of here,” I said as I quickly looked down to make sure I was covered. “I’m not helpless you know.”
“Fine, have it your way. But we promised your mother that we’d stay with you all day in case anything happens. We’re in the kitchen fixing breakfast if you decide you want anything.”
“WE? Who’s we?”
“Why Debbie, Billy, Eddie and ME, of course, who did you think?” With that she gave me a smirk and left the room.
That’s all I needed, a bunch of morons to get in my way. My mother is such a worry-wart! Still, after her not so veiled threat yesterday, I didn’t have much choice.
Those pills the Doc gave me left me a bit groggy but they also took away all my pain so other than being in a little bit of a fog I felt fine. With a little difficulty after making sure no one was around, I managed to slide out from under the bed sheet and, as I had feared, was still naked. 
I sighed long and hard. Now what was I going to do? Part of me wanted to crawl back under the covers but that wasn’t going to be as easy as getting out from under them. I darned sure wasn’t going to go out there naked either!  The aromas emanating from the kitchen, however, sure smelled good and were calling to me making my stomach do summersaults. I didn’t realize that I was so hungry!  
Perhaps I could find something to wear that I could manage to get on myself.  I looked around my room to see if I could spot anything that I could use but nothing was in plain sight. “Perhaps in my closet,” I thought to myself and tried my best to stand only to fall back clumsily into my bed. Walking was definitely going to be a challenge and not something I was going to master without a lot of practice.
As I laid there pondering my situation, Donna walked in. “Good! I see you feel like getting up and about. Here, let me help you.” Before I could say anything she had her arm around my shoulder and was doing her best to sit me up on the edge of my bed. She was the LAST person I wanted to touch me – even IF she was trying to be nice and come to my aid.
“That was easy,” she said as she patted my thigh. “Would you like me to help you to the kitchen table? Surely you must be starved as your mother said you slept right through dinner.”
“NO! I DON’T want you to help me to the table.”
“Oh, I get it. You thought I was going to walk you out there naked, didn’t you? Don’t be daft, girl. Let’s see what we can find for you.” With that Donna got up and started going through my drawers. Holding up an older pair of plain white cotton underwear she asked, “How about these panties, will they do?”
Just the thought of her touching my intimate apparel made me squirm. She just HAD to pick a well-worn, nearly threadbare pair, I thought to myself. Still, she WAS being helpful, almost kind really. “They’ll do,” I said wanting to get dressed as quickly as possible in case someone else came in while I was naked.
Donna grabbed them, came over to the bed where I was sitting and carefully guided them over my cast and then up my legs and eventually sliding them over my hips as I awkwardly tried to lift myself up off the bed an inch or two using my good leg. At last I was at least partially covered!
“That looks better, now for a shirt of some kind.” She rummaged through my closet and tried some of my blouses but my casts wouldn’t fit through the arm sleeves. “How about a T-Shirt?” she asked holding one up but I had the same problem with them.
After searching for a while she eventually found my bikini top, the infamous top that I had hung on a tree branch the day before, and put it on me. Having her adjust it so that it covered my less-than-adequate boobs was like totally weird though.  She also ultimately found a pair of my only shorts with wide leg holes that she helped me into.  Oh to be decent again, I thought to myself.  At least my biggest fear was over, or so I thought.
Donna helped me into the kitchen and I was cheerfully greeted by the others as they prepared me a plate. The first indignity of the day came rudely upon me as I realized that I couldn’t feed myself. Because my fingers were immobile, there was no way I was going to pick up a spoon or a fork. Debbie immediately took stock of the situation and taking matters into her own hand began helping me eat. For the first time in my life I was humbled at the realization that I needed other people.  I felt utterly disgraced as my classmates Billy and Eddie watched me being spoon-fed. My only compensation was that the food was fantastic.
When breakfast was through we sat talking for a while and for a bunch of otherwise selfish and conceited morons, they all seemed quite pleasant towards me. Little did I know then that it was all part of their plan.
All too soon another problem made itself known – I had to pee. I tried to get out of the chair myself but Donna stopped me, “Just where to you think you’re going?”
“I need to take care of something. I’ll be alright. You guys just clean up the kitchen.”
Donna sat there with a silly grin as Debbie got up and started clearing up the dishes. After multiple attempts of me falling back into the chair making no progress at all, Donna asked, “Would you like some help or do you plan on breaking your good leg too?’
I was beaten.  Donna helped me to the toilet. “I can manage from here I’ll call you when I’m done.” I said trying to be dismissive hoping she’d take the hint.
“Oh yeah? How are you going to get those shorts and panties off? Are you planning on pissing in your britches or something?”
“I can do it.” I said smugly and nodded in the direction of the door once again motioning her to leave.
“This I gotta see. Go on. If you can do I’ll leave you alone. Otherwise I’ll be here to help. I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself just because of your stubborn streak.
I tried and tried in vain to get them off but it was impossible with both wrists in those casts!  “FINE!” I snapped back sarcastically as I turned a deep red, “Would you please help me . . . BUT CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR FIRST, will ya?”
Donna giggled and without doing as I had asked reached out to unfasten the snap on my shorts and bent down to lower them to my ankles. She looked up at me as she was still kneeling on the floor and slowly teased me with her fingers as she reached inside the elastic of my panties to remove them, starting and stopping to re-adjust her grip all the while grinning from ear to ear as her fingers went deeper and deeper, carelessly brushing my loins sending chills up my spine.
“Hurry up!” I chided, “Unless you want me to piss all over your face you had better get on with it!” She laughed aloud and yanked my panties to the ground and helped me back onto the toilet and stood back looking at me.
“I can do this part by myself” I snapped curtly.
“No sense in leaving as you’ll be done in a minute,” she replied making it clear she had no intention of missing out of one single moment of my humiliation. I did my best to pretend that I wasn’t bothered by any of this but I knew that she wasn’t buying it.  In fact she seemed to be relishing my situation.
When I had finished she helped me stand up by having me lean on her shoulder for support. It was harder to stand than I thought with my shorts and panties around my ankles as I couldn’t spread my legs out far enough to use my good leg for balance as much as I needed to.
“EDDIE!” Donna screamed out at the top of her lungs.
“I can’t hold you. You’re slipping!”
“I am NOT!”  I shouted but my protestations were mute as Eddie came running into the bathroom as I stood there bottomless.
“Are you guys okay?” he asked half out of breath staring at my pelvis.
“Help me stand her up better,” Donna instructed as Eddie took hold of my other side and tried to steady me.
“I’m FINE!” I protested again, Stop babying me!” But those two weren’t satisfied until I had been “accidentally” groped and fondled all under the guise of keeping me from falling.
“Okay I got her now,” Donna finally said. “Thank you, Eddie, you’re a life saver.” Eddie smiled proudly, let go of me and then headed toward the door when Donna added, “Oh, while you’re here . . .”
Grab some tissue, will ya? I’ll hold her steady while you wipe, okay?”
“NO WAY!” I shouted.
“Just simmer down. Needs must, I’m afraid. This isn’t exactly fun for us, ya know. It has to be done.”
Before I could react, Eddie eagerly thrust his hand holding a wad of tissues between my legs and began softly rubbing from back to front.
All I could do was groan! It was all too embarrassing yet the sensations were incredible. A BOY was rubbing between my legs! A BOY!!! Oh my gawd, what the hell?

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)

Chapter 5
I couldn’t believe it! A Boy – a classmate nonetheless – had his hand between my legs touching my . . .  It was all so overwhelming and everything was happening so fast! I had dreamed about the day a boy would touch me there but, not like this and CERTAINLY not Eddie!!
Donna noticed the expression on my face and tried to console me. “Don’t let this bother you, Hanna. I know this must be embarrassing but we’re not trying to make you uncomfortable. Honest. We’re only trying to help, okay?”
Eddie looked up with a confused expression as he stopped wiping and said, “Umm . . . how long do I need to do this? How do I know when I’m done?”
Donna laughed, “You don’t need to make a career out of it. Just wipe until everything is dry, silly.”
Eddie pulled out the tissue and seeing that it was damp tossed it into the commode and grabbed another wad and recommenced softly wiping. It was clear he was trying to be as respectful as he was gentle. No doubt he was trying to do a good job but, like me, he was clearly uncomfortable with all this as it must have been the first time he touched a girl this way as well. His fingers were clumsily rubbing my bare skin and my most sensitive spots almost as much as the tissue he was trying to hold!
As he wiped the sensations below reached a crescendo. The feelings “down there” were so intense they were electrifying! All too soon he pulled out the tissue and looked at it again and remarked, “Still wet.” And proceeded to toss this new wad into the commode and he repeated the process grabbing another wad of paper.
Donna laughed hysterically and gave me the weirdest smirk. She KNEW what was going on and egged poor Eddie on. “That’s it, keep on until it’s dry.”
What the hell was Donna playing at? Was she trying to have him make me climax or something!
“OOOOHHHHH!” I moaned as he stimulated a very sensitive spot.
“What’s wrong?” Donna asked coyly, as if she didn’t know.
“Noth . . . ing. It’s . . . um . . . my leg . . . it hurts that all!” I said with my voice quivering and my breath panting heavily.
Eddie withdrew his hand and looked very concerned. “Maybe we had better let her sit down. She looks like she’s going to faint or something.”
“Yeah, or SOMETHING,” Donna said giggling all the more. “Help me sit her back on the toilet. Will you?”
Eddie reached out and held onto my waist as he stood in front of me and assisted Donna in lowering me backwards until I was firmly planted on the seat. I was glad to be sitting . . . until I noticed Eddie with a strange expression on his face. I suddenly realized that my legs were wide open and he had an up close and personal view of things!
I immediately squeezed my legs together and I knew I must have been blushing profusely. Eddie was blushing almost as much as I was! Clearly he didn’t quite know what to make of all this and politely looked away almost simultaneously as I shut my legs together. Seeing HIS shock and discomfort was more unsettling for me than my own as it made the whole situation seem bizarre and almost too unreal.  My head was spinning trying to cope with all this. If these things happened at a hospital with professionals I probably wouldn’t have given it any thought but these were my classmates for heaven’s sakes – people I went to school with!! I was NEVER going to live this down.
After I caught my breath I said, “I’m okay now. Could you guys help me up, please? I’m ready to get out of here.”
Donna took the lead and the two of them stood me back up. “I’ve got her now, Eddie. Go ahead and pull her clothes back up while I make sure she doesn’t fall.”
Eddie reluctantly agreed and knelt down and began pulling up my panties. Feeling his fingers once again so close to my inner thighs made me all the more aroused. I was sure with his face so close to my pelvis that he would pick up on the feminine scent of my arousal. If he did he mercifully didn’t say anything. After several awkward attempts he finally got the elastic around my waist and my panties in place. My shorts came next which were much easier although his fumbling with the zipper almost made me lose it once again! At last I was dressed again – if one could call wearing a skimpy, loosely-tied bikini top and a pair of shorts dressed. 
The two of them guided me back into the front room and placed me in an easy chair. Thank goodness THAT was over!
No sooner had I gotten comfortable in my chair there was a knock at the front door. Billy jumped up to get it and there standing outside was Mrs. Henderson and her teenaged son, Carl. Mrs. Henderson was a close friend of my mom and owned a small dress shop in the village and also did alterations.
“Hello Hanna, your mom told me about your accident and asked me to stop by and check on you to see how things are going,” she said sweetly as she let herself in. “Feeling any better today?”
I told her that I was doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances but that it was awkward trying to adjust to the casts. I tried to sound reassuring as I didn’t want her to report back to my mom that things were amiss. I didn’t want mom to worry so I made sure that she knew that I was managing just fine.
Her son Carl looked quite sad as he surveyed my situation. “Gee, you must be in a lot of pain?”
“Not really,” I replied. “Doc gave me some pills and they seem to do the trick. I’m okay really.”
“That reminds me,” Donna remarked dutifully. “It’s time for another one of your pills.” She handed me a glass of water and stood by as she made sure that I swallowed it. I hated those things as they always made me seem groggy like I was in a fog or something. I never seemed to feel like I was thinking clearly just after I took one. Still I wasn’t in any pain so I guessed they must be doing their job.
There was an awkward silence as no one quite knew what to say next. Finally Eddie spoke up and related how difficult it was for me to stand without help and how I couldn’t even go to the bathroom myself because I couldn’t take off my own clothes.
“Oh you poor dear,” Mrs. Henderson said. “I see the problem. With those casts up to your fingers I’m sure you can’t really do much on your own. It’s a good thing you have these friends to stick by you and help. I see why your mother was so relieved to have them close by.”
“We’re glad to do it. We don’t mind at all,” Eddie volunteered enthusiastically. “Hanna’s really a trooper too. She takes things all in stride even when we have to do things that are . . . you know, embarrassing and all.” His comment made Debbie and Billy giggle.
Donna came over to me and put her arm around my shoulder supportively and added, “It’s a lot of work for all of us, really. There’s so much to do. In fact, we were just about to help Hanna with her bath when you knocked on the door.”
“You were?” I asked a bit confused. I didn’t remember anyone saying that, did they? It must be the pills, I thought.
“Yes, we WERE,” Donna said authoritatively. “Just look at your hair. You haven’t had a proper wash since the accident. You certainly don’t want your mother coming home after work and seeing you all pitiful-looking, do you?”
“No, I guess not,” I replied thinking that what she had said made a lot of sense. “But I can’t take a bath! I can’t get these things wet and YOU guys CERTAINLY aren’t going to wash me. That ain’t gonna happen.”

“Now Hanna,” Mrs. Henderson said in a motherly tone. “Donna is right. You’ll feel better after a good washing up. It’s like a tonic, you’ll see. I’ve had some experience with this sort of thing. Help me stand her up, girls.”
What? No wait . . . I . . . I . . .”
Before I could react Donna and Debbie took me by the arms and had me standing in no time. Mrs. Henderson came over and began unbuttoning the snap on my shorts. She surely wasn’t going to undress me right here in the living room in front of EVERYBODY, was she?!
“No stop! This isn’t a good idea. Not here! Not in the living room! Not in front of . . .”
Just then my shorts fell to the ground exposing my panties to her son and the boys. “Don’t worry about a thing,” Mrs. Henderson said. “Needs must, I’m afraid. You certainly can’t manage this by yourself.”
That was the second time I had heard that phrase and I was beginning to despise it. Even in my fog which made things seem like they were happening in slow motion I KNEW that this was wrong. I shouldn’t be stripped naked in front of all these people. That can’t be right, could it? I almost fainted when I felt her hand reach around to untie my bikini top.
“NO DON’T!” I screamed, but it was too late as my top fell to the floor exposing my boobs to the room.

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)

Chapter 6
I almost panicked when I looked up and saw the stupid grins on the faces of the boys in the room as each and every one of them had their eyes glued to my now exposed nubbin-like breasts. I was so mortified I could hardly stand it, yet what could I do? Both of my arms were over the shoulders of Donna and Debbie who were helping me keep my balance as I tried to stand.
Mrs. Henderson had me step out of my shorts that were now around my ankles. She must have sensed my agitation as she remarked, “Hanna, it’s not like your friends don’t recognize your situation. They do. This is something that just can’t be helped. Don’t worry about it. They really DO understand. When you grow up you’ll look back on this and realize just how valuable their assistance really was in your time of need.”
WHEN I GROW UP?!! How old did she think I was, anyway?  I was in high school for Pete’s sakes. I was about to let out a tirade that would have made a sailor blush when I felt Mrs. Henderson’s fingers reach inside the elastic of my panties! “NO WAIT!” I shouted but she just smiled and I watched in frozen terror as my cotton white panties were lowered to the ground and I was made once again to step out of them.
“There, that’s better.” She replied as she picked up my clothes and took them into the kitchen leaving me with my arms still desperately clinging to the shoulders of my classmates - totally exposed to the room. I couldn’t even use Mrs. Henderson as a shield to keep the boys from seeing all of me as she had left the room! Things just couldn’t get any worse.
“Hello there, anyone home?”
My heart began skipping beats as I heard a man’s voice call from outside the screen door at the front of the house.
“We’re in here,” Donna called out to the stranger.
I looked in terror as a man who appeared to be in his mid-twenties wearing some kind of professional work clothes entered the house and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me standing there in the front room completely naked being supported by my friends.  “Oh, I’m sorry. Is this a bad time?”
“We were just helping my friend here to get ready for her bath,” Debbie answered matter-of-factly. “Can we help you with something?”
The man looked me up and down with an awkward smile. He then cleared his throat and trying to sound business-like said, “Yes, I’m from the electric company and just wanted to tell you that we are going to be working on the power lines in a little while and you might experience some random power outages for the rest of the day and possibly tomorrow.” He then stopped mid-sentence as he stared at me some more. “I’m glad I decided to stop by seeing how your friend here is injured. Is she okay? I need to know if this will be a problem - being without electricity, I mean.”
I wanted to curl up and die! This guy was a hunk and he was seeing me naked! Standing there all muscular-like with blue eyes and sandy-blonde hair he was my dream-guy come true and he was looking right at me!  I felt myself immediately gush with excitement down below. My body was screaming, “Take me now. Please have your way with me!”
Then that idiot said, “The reason I ask is that we have to take extra precautions if children might be adversely affected.”
I wanted to scream out at him. ““YOU ASSHOLE!  How dare you call me a child?”
But Donna spoke up before I had the chance, “No, I don’t think there’ll be a problem. We’ll be okay. Thanks for letting us know.”
The man looked right at my chest form a few moments, smirked and then said, “It’s too bad about your friend. I hope she’ll be all right. You know when she gets older you’re going to have to keep an eye on her. She might end up being a guy magnet.” His words made all my classmates laugh hysterically.
I was fuming! Even though my mind was moving in slow motion I knew enough to realize that I was being insulted  . . . or . . . did he really just give me a compliment? I wasn’t really sure. I did know, however, that I was really, really aroused or was that just my pills talking? Even if he was a handsome hunk, part of me wanted to give that arrogant fool a piece of my mind but he quickly turned and left house leaving me standing there red-faced and listening to these supposed friends of mine laughing at me.
Mrs. Henderson, oblivious to the fact that a utility man had just dropped by, finally returned to the room. “There now, I’ve got everything all set up. Can you girls help Hanna and follow me?”
Donna and Debbie helped me turn around and hobble my way after Mrs. Henderson giving the boys a perfect view of my exposed backside. I must have looked a sight with my butt cheeks wobbling as I limped along trying not to fall! I could almost imagine the expressions on the faces of those boys as their eyes followed my every movement.
After reaching our one and only bathroom I noticed that my neighbor had partially filled the tub with water. “This isn’t going to work,” I protested, “How am I going to get in that thing?”
“That’s what I am going to show you. I’ve done this before and trust me, this might seem awkward but I assure you that it will do the trick.” She then took up a position in front of me next to the tub. “Now girls watch me carefully. I want you to turn little Hanna so that her backside is against the tub like this. Then Hanna, I want you to raise your hands in the air like so and then as the girls support you carefully lower your hind end into the water so that you are resting against the bottom of the tub with your legs hanging out in the dry. Then you can rest your back against the wall to support yourself as you hold your arms in the air so your wrist casts don’t get wet either. Just think, Hanna, in a little while you’ll feel so much better!”
“I think I understand,” Donna said as the girls maneuvered me into position. Before I knew it I was gently forced backwards into the tub and was soon sitting in waist high water. I felt like a fool sitting there like that with my legs spread dangling over the side.
“Perfect!” Mrs. Henderson said. “Now, I’ll leave you girls to wash her up. When you are done you can get her up and dry her off. That’s all there is to it!”
“WAIT!” I howled in a panic. “Where are you going? You can’t leave me!”
Mrs. Henderson turned and gave me the most pleasant and reassuring smile. “You’re in good hands. I’m sure your friends can handle this. I have to get into town. I’m late opening my shop as it is. Time is money you know. I’ll let your mother know that I checked in on you and that everything seemed to be going well. I’m sure that she’ll be relieved – she worries so, you know, although I don’t know why as you seem like such a responsible and obedient person. I’m sure you won’t give these girls ANY trouble, right?”
“No ma’am, but . . .”
“Good! I’ll see you later, my dear. I really MUST get going.” With that she left the room and before long I heard the screen door slam shut against the house. She was gone! The only responsible person who stood between me and . . .”
“Right, let’s get down to it, shall we?” Donna said with a huge smile. “Washcloths, where are the washcloths,” she said as she looked around. “Oh never mind, I’ll make do.” She then squirted some body wash into the palm of her hand, and then began lathering me up. She was touching my bare skin with her BARE HANDS!  It was all so embarrassing. She started with the exposed skin on my arms below my casts as I held them in the air being careful not to get my casts wet. Then after rinsing my arms using a glass full of warm water from the tub she started on my shoulders and underarms.
Noticing the stubble as I hadn’t shaved my underarms in a few days, she asked Debbie to hand her the razor and before I knew it she was doing it for me! “There, that’s better,” she said with pride.
I literally gasped as I felt both girls’ hands lathering my chest rubbing their fingers teasingly over my nipples.
“Oooh, sensitive are they?” Donna asked giggling. “Maybe we should make sure we give these a little extra attention,” she instructed Debbie as she continued to glide over my breasts. “She might have scratched them or something during her TOPLESS fall the other day. I wouldn’t want her to get an infection because of poor hygiene.”
It was sheer torture! The sensations of having another person’s fingers touching me that way was overwhelming. I found myself unconsciously rocking my hips against the bathtub floor, lost in the moment as it were until Debbie apparently noticed and remarked, “I think she likes all this attention. I would too If I had been through everything she’s had to endure the last two days.”
Despite their altruistic statements, there was no doubt in my mind that they knew what they were doing to me yet, for some reason, I didn’t protest like I knew deep down that I should have done. I just sat there compliantly and let them do what they wanted. It was shameful I know but that’s what I did. 
After rinsing my chest, Donna then asked Debbie to help me stand up. “Just keep your bad leg out of the tub for a minute, Hanna.”
Once I was standing, Donna lathered up my good leg that was in the tub slowly making her fingers up toward my hips. I almost fainted when her fingers reached in between my legs touching my vulva!
“Just relax kiddo. I’ll be done in a minute.”  She continued gliding her soft and soapy fingers back and forth across my labia sending me into a dream-like state. All I could picture in my mind’s eye was that young utility man and I imagined standing naked before him once again as he drooled over my body.
All of a sudden my muscles tightened, my breathing became rapid and I began to shudder! I had the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced in my entire life!! The girls were laughing their fool heads off but I didn’t care. I wanted the spasms to last forever! My legs squeezed together so tightly that I trapped Donna’s hand and I wouldn’t let it go until the pleasure has subsided. Try as she might she couldn’t pull free.
“Let go of me, you bitch,” she screamed half serious, half in jest.
When it was over I was so drained I just stood there. I was brought back to my senses when I realized I felt something scraping my skin. I opened my tightly shut eyes and there was Donna shaving my scant pubic hair!

“What the hell are you doing?!”


Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)

Chapter 7
“STOP IT!” I exclaimed again. But it was too little too late. My precious hair was gone. What had taken me so long to grow had taken Donna all of a few seconds to remove.
“What?” she asked sarcastically, “You wanted to keep that? It was so thin I thought, just like your underarms, that you just hadn’t had time to shave it. Oops, sorry about that. My bad.”
“Oh well,” Debbie added with a giggle, “It’ll grow back . . . eventually.” Her comment only made Donna laugh all the more. 
As I looked down I realized that now more than ever I looked like I was much younger than I really was.
“Okay, let’s do your hair and we can call it a day.”
“How in the heck are you going to do that without getting water everywhere or my casts wet?” I asked.
Donna thought about it for a minute then said, “I know just the way to do it.” Donna then spread the towels that were hanging up on the towel rack onto the floor next to the tub. “Debbie, help me get her out and onto these towels.”
With much effort the girls managed to get me out of the tub and balanced on the towels on the floor. “Okay, now what, Brainiac, You can’t wash my hair out here, can you? All that work for nothing.”
“On contraire, my boobless wonder. Let’s get you turned around facing the tub then let’s see if you can get down on your knees. If you can, we’ll have you bend over and dangle your hair into the tub and we can wash and rinse it that way.”  That made sense to me as I realized that I wasn’t the only one who could hurl insulting pet names
Debbie chimed right in, “Sounds like a plan.  Let’s try it.”
Once again I was out-voted and much to my surprise I found that I could actually get on my knees and bending over the side of the tub was easy. I had to stay kneeling the whole time, however, bent way over at the waist as it were, because if I crouched into a more comfortable position my arms would get in the way.
The girls then proceeded to shampoo my hair. I really hated to admit it but I was indeed most grateful that my hair was getting washed. I hadn’t washed it in a couple of days and when I usually wait that long it gets pretty greasy so this was truly a treat. “Needs must,” I heard the little voice in my head say causing me to chuckle.
After rinsing, Debbie decided to apply some conditioner as well and began massaging it into my long locks of hair. 
“Oh darn it all,” Donna suddenly exclaimed as Debbie continued running her fingers through my hair working in the conditioner trying to remove any tangles.
“What’s wrong?”
“I used all the towels and we are almost done here.” She explained, then, without any warning at all she shouted, “BILLY, EDDIE . . . SEE IF YOU CAN FIND ME SOME TOWELS AND BE QUICK ABOUT IT.”
“What are you doing? They’re right outside in the linen closet.” I snapped.
Too late; the boys came running into the bathroom like the house was on fire or something. There I was bent over with my head in the tub and my bare behind facing the doorway!! I could only imagine what a view they both were getting!! I tried to raise my body up but Debbie pushed my head back down into the tub, ‘HOLD STILL! I’m not finished yet!”
I knew what she was doing. She was prolonging my embarrassment by keeping my vulva exposed to the boys and there was nothing I could do but endure the shame.
“WOW!” Billy remarked, “She’s wet!”
Oh that did it. There was no way I was going to take rude comments like that about my state of arousal – even if it WAS true. “Shut the hell up, Billy Templeton.”
“Now, now, there’s no need to be rude. Billy was just surprised that you were out of the tub dripping water all over the place.” Then Donna added, “what in the world did you think he meant . . . OH . . . I get it. That’s sweet.”
“What,” Billy asked innocently.
“Never you mind,” I quipped. “It’s none of your business, that’s what.”
“Geesh, why are girls always so moody? I just asked a simple question.”
Finally Debbie announced that she was through. “She’s ready to dry, I think.”
Donna took hold of one arm and Debbie the other and they helped me to my feet and turned me around. “What are those two creeps still doing here?!” I shouted seeing the boys still in the room.
“We need their help, silly,” Donna said with a sly voice.
“Doing what?”
“Just stand still. This will be over in a minute.”
With the girls on each side of me, the boys, using small hand towels that they had grabbed from the kitchen of all things, began wiping my skin dry! Towels and a stray finger or two rubbed literally ALL of my body – over my nipples, between my legs, and most shamefully between my butt-crack.  If it hadn’t felt so good I would have complained. Instead I stood there silently taking it all in like a good little girl as the boys smiled eagerly and the girls chuckled away. Through it all I kept trying to convince myself that they weren’t taking advantage of me – they were just trying to help. No matter how many times I said that in my head, no matter how many different ways I tried rationalizing it, it still seemed wrong and untrue. Somehow though, it did seem to make me feel better just telling my brain that “needs must.”
Okay Guys, thanks. I think I am dry now,” I said politely hoping to put a stop to it before I had another orgasm in front the boys this time!
“Are you sure,” asked Eddie with an evil grin on his face, “I mean you’re still pretty wet down here.” His comment made everyone but me laugh hysterically.
“I’m sure, you moron! Give it a rest will you?”
The boys reluctantly left the room as I sighed in relief, glad that this ordeal was over.
“Let’s get my clothes back on and get me back to my chair.”
“Oh dear,” Debbie remarked with obvious concern.
“Oh dear, what?”
“I think Mrs. Henderson took them with her when she left.”
“Well . . . we’ll just have to find something else for me to wear, won’t we? I quipped sarcastically. 
“Don’t you remember? Donna pointed out, “We already tried everything you owned and the only things that fit were your bikini top and the shorts you were wearing before.”
DAMM! I hated it when she was right.
End of Part Two



(The End)